Copy of Windows 98 Second Edition



Glen is 100% correct, Dan

Here is simple explanatory site which even 'wise Guy' should be able to comprehend:-

Note number 8!



"Dan" <> wrote in message
> hmm, sure it wasn't 9 Glen, <grin>
> "glee" wrote:
>> #8.
>> --
>> Glen Ventura, MS MVP Windows, A+



From the Back Cover
"Tom Brokaw has delivered a gift to this and future generations by bringing us these inspiring
personal stories of the average Joes, the GI Joes, the young men and women who served our country
and shaped the foundation of post-war America. Although some became famous, most returned to their
hometowns dedicated to building an even better world. We meet them in this book, whose pages give
voice to the standards they set by their strength of character, informed by their experience during
World War II. Tom has held up a mirror to reflect what may be their greatest legacy and pose in all
of us the question--Is this generation--our generation--worthy as their beneficiaries?"
--Steven Spielberg

From what she has written here, I'm confident that Angel IS a worthy beneficiary! :)))



Gary S. Terhune

Again, and your response supports my contention, it was the "Greatest
Generation" that created the excesses of consumerism and capitalism, which
led to the Me Generation and its off-spring of today. Your selective memory
seems to not recall the excessive consumerism of the fifties, of that very
same "Greatest Generation" you so revere. It was certainly NOT the "hippies"
who created this society that you so roundly reject, but rather, just the
opposite. It was backlash against the consumerism of the Greatest Generation
that created the Hippies, who still live and are perhaps among the most
moral and honest, not to mention polite, Generation of this century.

FYI, the "hippies" still exist, and they're some of the most giving, most
polite and most generous of our sub-cultures. I know, I was one, still am
inside, and I've lived around them all my life. And some of the greatest
members of your own in-between generation, the Bohemians, but also the same
people who built NASA and developed computers, some of their best, were the
ones who created the Hippie movement.

No, what is caused the "breakdown" you're whining about is the natural
response against "polite" and "respectful" hypocrites who, just like Kennedy
and astronauts and their kin, were part of the "Greatest Generation". Only
what they got out of it was the meanest, crassest form of Capitalism yet,
and it is THAT mean, crass, unfettered and mostly Republican-led deregulated
capitalism that has led to today's societal despicable mores. Their
counter-parts, the "Politically Correct" pseudo-Hipppies, just as
capitalistic and just as lacking in true manners, have taken things to
extremes, also, and the backlash is just as much against them.

But there's hope. A lot of today's children and are out there on the front
lines, working to bring self-respect back to our society, and self-respect
is the only path toward respect for others.

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"Bill in Co." <> wrote in message
> No, it was the hippies. Sorry, I wasn't part and parcel of that
> "movement", and my values echo those of my parents, brought up during the
> Great Depression, not the Boomer set. I served during the Vietnam War,
> while they were getting high on acid.
> Gary S. Terhune wrote:
>> Ummm.... It was the Greatest Generation that created the society that you
>> so
>> demonize.
>> Blame Frankenstein, not the monster.
>> --
>> Gary S. Terhune
>> MS-MVP Shell/User
>> "Bill in Co." <> wrote in message
>> news:%23F9mKCvDJHA.2060@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>> Maybe you ought to read "The Greatest Generation", and get back to me on
>>> that. If you think personal values, and one's sense of personal
>>> responsibility
>>> and accountability, haven't changed much since then, then ....
>>> Angel wrote:
>>>> No, it wasn't.
>>>> "Bill in Co." <> wrote in message
>>>> news:%23QTnBerDJHA.3576@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>>>> Apparently my attempt at sarcasm was too subtle. :)
>>>>> Angel wrote:
>>>>>> Bill in Co.
>>>>>> Correction: Note below YOUR comment.
>>>>>> Angel
>>>>>> "Angel" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:uxZuhZpDJHA.232@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>> Note Below
>>>>>>> "Bill in Co." <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> news:O5ksSUhDJHA.3432@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>> Angel wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Buffalo,
>>>>>>>>> Maybe (98 Guy) knows more about computers, I am learning more
>>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>>> them every day. He seems to know NOTHING about Scruples, Morals
>>>>>>>>> and Integrity, or he just doesn't care about what the difference
>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>> between right and wrong.
>>>>>>>>> This subject has nothing to do with computer knowledge. This
>>>>>>>>> concerns
>>>>>>>>> the difference between right and wrong, scruples, morality and
>>>>>>>>> integrity,
>>>>>>>>> nothing else.
>>>>>>>>> Angel
>>>>>>>> "scruples, morality and integrity"??? Wrong era and wrong
>>>>>>>> generation for that! You old fogie, you!!!!
>>>>>>> All I have to say about your comment is: Do, Write and Say unto
>>>>>>> others
>>>>>>> AS you would want them to Do, Write and Say to you. It would be a
>>>>>>> better
>>>>>>> world if everyone believed and did this. Scruples, morality and
>>>>>>> integrity has
>>>>>>> NEVER been connected with era or generation. It has never gone out
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> style.
>>>>>>> Of course, there is nothing that would change your mind if you had
>>>>>>> your mind
>>>>>>> set on "wrong era and wrong generation" no matter what. Anyway, you
>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>> not know what generation I am from, this may give you a hint: I go
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> University
>>>>>>> classes. Right now, I am taking Philosophy classes. Maybe you should
>>>>>>> be going to those classes.
>>>>>>> Angel
>>>>>>>>> "Buffalo" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>> Bill in Co. wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Buffalo wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Angel wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Dan,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> You have just asked "98 Guy" the same question I was going to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ask.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> He checked ONLY 1/3rd of the downloaded Pirated Win98SE? he
>>>>>>>>>>>>> he is in for a great surprise!! Of course, he is a "know it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> all" and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> no matter what. In his own opinion, he is never wrong no
>>>>>>>>>>>>> matter
>>>>>>>>>>>>> what! He is just a Troll! looking for someone to pick on.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Angel
>>>>>>>>>>>> And who might you just be??
>>>>>>>>>>> She is Angel.
>>>>>>>>>> Well, Duh? :) I think he (98 Guy) knows a hell of a lot more
>>>>>>>>>> about Win98 and computers than Angel.


Gary S. Terhune

Wanna bet?

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"~BD~" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> Here is simple explanatory site which even 'wise Guy' should be able to
> comprehend:-



Gary S. Terhune wrote:
> Again, and your response supports my contention, it was the "Greatest
> Generation" that created the excesses of consumerism and capitalism,
> which led to the Me Generation and its off-spring of today. Your
> selective memory seems to not recall the excessive consumerism of the
> fifties, of that very same "Greatest Generation" you so revere. It
> was certainly NOT the "hippies" who created this society that you so
> roundly reject, but rather, just the opposite. It was backlash
> against the consumerism of the Greatest Generation that created the
> Hippies, who still live and are perhaps among the most moral and
> honest, not to mention polite, Generation of this century.
> FYI, the "hippies" still exist, and they're some of the most giving,
> most polite and most generous of our sub-cultures. I know, I was one,
> still am inside, and I've lived around them all my life. And some of
> the greatest members of your own in-between generation, the
> Bohemians, but also the same people who built NASA and developed
> computers, some of their best, were the ones who created the Hippie
> movement.
> No, what is caused the "breakdown" you're whining about is the natural
> response against "polite" and "respectful" hypocrites who, just like
> Kennedy and astronauts and their kin, were part of the "Greatest
> Generation". Only what they got out of it was the meanest, crassest
> form of Capitalism yet, and it is THAT mean, crass, unfettered and
> mostly Republican-led deregulated capitalism that has led to today's
> societal despicable mores. Their counter-parts, the "Politically
> Correct" pseudo-Hipppies, just as capitalistic and just as lacking in
> true manners, have taken things to extremes, also, and the backlash
> is just as much against them.
> But there's hope. A lot of today's children and are out there on the
> front lines, working to bring self-respect back to our society, and
> self-respect is the only path toward respect for others.

Wow, a Hippie!! The above is very well written and an interesting
perspective about the country.
Well done.


:))) No Sir!

........ although you may have noted that he did not embark (no pun intended!) on an argument to
change the rules within the International Maritime Organization (IMO) which was raised earlier in
this group!


"Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message news:Ow7f%2321DJHA.4816@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> Wanna bet?
> --
> Gary S. Terhune
> MS-MVP Shell/User
> "~BD~" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message news:eI1SdByDJHA.4800@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> <SNIP>
>> Here is simple explanatory site which even 'wise Guy' should be able to comprehend:-

> <SNIP>

Bill in Co.

Gary S. Terhune wrote:
> Again, and your response supports my contention, it was the "Greatest
> Generation" that created the excesses of consumerism and capitalism, which
> led to the Me Generation and its off-spring of today. Your selective
> memory
> seems to not recall the excessive consumerism of the fifties, of that very
> same "Greatest Generation" you so revere. It was certainly NOT the
> "hippies"
> who created this society that you so roundly reject, but rather, just the
> opposite. It was backlash against the consumerism of the Greatest
> Generation
> that created the Hippies, who still live and are perhaps among the most
> moral and honest, not to mention polite, Generation of this century.
> FYI, the "hippies" still exist, and they're some of the most giving, most
> polite and most generous of our sub-cultures. I know, I was one, still am
> inside, and I've lived around them all my life. And some of the greatest
> members of your own in-between generation, the Bohemians, but also the
> same
> people who built NASA and developed computers, some of their best, were
> the
> ones who created the Hippie movement.
> No, what is caused the "breakdown" you're whining about is the natural
> response against "polite" and "respectful" hypocrites who, just like
> Kennedy
> and astronauts and their kin, were part of the "Greatest Generation". Only
> what they got out of it was the meanest, crassest form of Capitalism yet,
> and it is THAT mean, crass, unfettered and mostly Republican-led
> deregulated
> capitalism that has led to today's societal despicable mores. Their
> counter-parts, the "Politically Correct" pseudo-Hipppies, just as
> capitalistic and just as lacking in true manners, have taken things to
> extremes, also, and the backlash is just as much against them.
> But there's hope. A lot of today's children and are out there on the front
> lines, working to bring self-respect back to our society, and self-respect
> is the only path toward respect for others.

There MAY be hope, if Obama gets elected. But even so, I wouldn't bank on
The societal problem is just too systemic today, with so many just blaming
each other for their own lack of personal responsibility and accountability
(and using lawyers to "solve" every instance of any problem).

Gotta keep our "priorities" straight, don't ya know? (snort). How many TWO
parent homes do we have today? What about the loss of neighborhoods ("it
takes a village")? Why are prisons being built faster than schools,
today? And what about the days when a handshake was all that was needed,
and, one's word was one bond? Alas, they are pretty much Gone With The
Wind..... Distant memories off the horizon.

> --
> Gary S. Terhune
> MS-MVP Shell/User
> "Bill in Co." <> wrote in message
> news:uaRSGwwDJHA.2476@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>> No, it was the hippies. Sorry, I wasn't part and parcel of that
>> "movement", and my values echo those of my parents, brought up during the
>> Great Depression, not the Boomer set. I served during the Vietnam War,
>> while they were getting high on acid.
>> Gary S. Terhune wrote:
>>> Ummm.... It was the Greatest Generation that created the society that
>>> you
>>> so
>>> demonize.
>>> Blame Frankenstein, not the monster.
>>> --
>>> Gary S. Terhune
>>> MS-MVP Shell/User
>>> "Bill in Co." <> wrote in message
>>> news:%23F9mKCvDJHA.2060@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>>> Maybe you ought to read "The Greatest Generation", and get back to me
>>>> on
>>>> that. If you think personal values, and one's sense of personal
>>>> responsibility
>>>> and accountability, haven't changed much since then, then ....
>>>> Angel wrote:
>>>>> No, it wasn't.
>>>>> "Bill in Co." <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:%23QTnBerDJHA.3576@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>>>>> Apparently my attempt at sarcasm was too subtle. :)
>>>>>> Angel wrote:
>>>>>>> Bill in Co.
>>>>>>> Correction: Note below YOUR comment.
>>>>>>> Angel
>>>>>>> "Angel" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> news:uxZuhZpDJHA.232@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>> Note Below
>>>>>>>> "Bill in Co." <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>> news:O5ksSUhDJHA.3432@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>> Angel wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Buffalo,
>>>>>>>>>> Maybe (98 Guy) knows more about computers, I am learning more
>>>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>>>> them every day. He seems to know NOTHING about Scruples, Morals
>>>>>>>>>> and Integrity, or he just doesn't care about what the difference
>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>> between right and wrong.
>>>>>>>>>> This subject has nothing to do with computer knowledge. This
>>>>>>>>>> concerns
>>>>>>>>>> the difference between right and wrong, scruples, morality and
>>>>>>>>>> integrity,
>>>>>>>>>> nothing else.
>>>>>>>>>> Angel
>>>>>>>>> "scruples, morality and integrity"??? Wrong era and wrong
>>>>>>>>> generation for that! You old fogie, you!!!!
>>>>>>>> All I have to say about your comment is: Do, Write and Say unto
>>>>>>>> others
>>>>>>>> AS you would want them to Do, Write and Say to you. It would be a
>>>>>>>> better
>>>>>>>> world if everyone believed and did this. Scruples, morality and
>>>>>>>> integrity has
>>>>>>>> NEVER been connected with era or generation. It has never gone out
>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>> style.
>>>>>>>> Of course, there is nothing that would change your mind if you had
>>>>>>>> your mind
>>>>>>>> set on "wrong era and wrong generation" no matter what. Anyway, you
>>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>>> not know what generation I am from, this may give you a hint: I go
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> University
>>>>>>>> classes. Right now, I am taking Philosophy classes. Maybe you
>>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>>> be going to those classes.
>>>>>>>> Angel
>>>>>>>>>> "Buffalo" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>> Bill in Co. wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Buffalo wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Angel wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Dan,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You have just asked "98 Guy" the same question I was going to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ask.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He checked ONLY 1/3rd of the downloaded Pirated Win98SE? he
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> he is in for a great surprise!! Of course, he is a "know it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all" and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no matter what. In his own opinion, he is never wrong no
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> matter
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what! He is just a Troll! looking for someone to pick on.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Angel
>>>>>>>>>>>>> And who might you just be??
>>>>>>>>>>>> She is Angel.
>>>>>>>>>>> Well, Duh? :) I think he (98 Guy) knows a hell of a lot more
>>>>>>>>>>> about Win98 and computers than Angel.


Bill in Co. wrote:
> There MAY be hope, if Obama gets elected. But even so, I wouldn't
> bank on it.
> The societal problem is just too systemic today, with so many just
> blaming each other for their own lack of personal responsibility and
> accountability (and using lawyers to "solve" every instance of any
> problem).

If some city in the USA got nuked, the phone lines would be totally tied up.
Why? Because of all the people calling their lawyers. :)
If the Republicans and Democrats spent even 1/2 as much time doing something
to improve the USA as they do fighting each other, we would be much better

> Gotta keep our "priorities" straight, don't ya know? (snort). How
> many TWO parent homes do we have today? What about the loss of
> neighborhoods ("it takes a village")? Why are prisons being built
> faster than schools, today? And what about the days when a
> handshake was all that was needed, and, one's word was one bond?
> Alas, they are pretty much Gone With The Wind..... Distant
> memories off the horizon.

It's called ignorance, capitalism, greed and most importantly, I am the most
important thing in this world. :(

Bill in Co.

Buffalo wrote:
> Bill in Co. wrote:
>> There MAY be hope, if Obama gets elected. But even so, I wouldn't
>> bank on it.
>> The societal problem is just too systemic today, with so many just
>> blaming each other for their own lack of personal responsibility and
>> accountability (and using lawyers to "solve" every instance of any
>> problem).

> If some city in the USA got nuked, the phone lines would be totally tied
> up.
> Why? Because of all the people calling their lawyers. :)
> If the Republicans and Democrats spent even 1/2 as much time doing
> something
> to improve the USA as they do fighting each other, we would be much better
> off.
>> Gotta keep our "priorities" straight, don't ya know? (snort). How
>> many TWO parent homes do we have today? What about the loss of
>> neighborhoods ("it takes a village")? Why are prisons being built
>> faster than schools, today? And what about the days when a
>> handshake was all that was needed, and, one's word was one's bond?
>> Alas, they are pretty much ... Gone With The Wind.... Distant
>> memories, now gone off the horizon.

> It's called ignorance, capitalism, greed and most importantly, I am the
> most
> important thing in this world. :(

Yup. That's just about where we are are now, and, like a few in "Tuck
Everlasting", I'm kinda glad my lifetime here is limited.


Thanks Dave for the correction.

"~BD~" wrote:

> Glen is 100% correct, Dan
> Here is simple explanatory site which even 'wise Guy' should be able to comprehend:-
> Note number 8!
> Dave
> --
> "Dan" <> wrote in message
> > hmm, sure it wasn't 9 Glen, <grin>
> >
> > "glee" wrote:
> >
> >> #8.
> >> --
> >> Glen Ventura, MS MVP Windows, A+
> >>

> <snip>


A Puzzle!

"Dan" <> wrote in message
> Thanks Dave for the correction.

:) This was meant to be light-hearted, albeit with serious undertones (for 98 Guy anyway!)

Maybe you can help me. I posted a message in the Microsoft security group earlier this morning in
'your' Source Code thread. When I checked just now (using Outlook Express) the message header had a
line scored through it and in the message box it said the message is no longer available on the

Have you ever seen this happen before? Any idea why it might happen?

It is, however, still showing on Google Groups. I repeat it here:-

(It was in response to FromTheRafters who said ....... )

"The transmission is textual - the protocol has no issues I am
aware of. Any security risk would probably be in the extensions
that allow this textual data to 'contain' malware - similar to the
e-mail protocols".



Hmmm! <stroking chin!>

What about when 'pictures' or photographs are included (including screenshots) - there's a term for
that which escapes me right now! In other words, not in 'plain text'.

I once received a 'screenshot' as an email attachment (I'd asked for it to be sent to me). I opened
the 'picture' (jpeg I think) and all seemed fine.

I then opened the file with Notepad (I do crazy things like that!). Wow! Inside that file, above
all the 'gobbledegook' one might expect, were *live* links to all manner of web pages ,,,,,,,, of
course I went and looked! <grin>

During my experimentation over the years, I've seen lots of SPAM (advertising the likes of Viagra
and Jewelry) - every one of those links shown in Notepad was, I'm certain, taking me to a SPAM site!

I''ve been told that is impossible ........... yet I saw it with my own eyes! So there!

Any thoughts?



Gary S. Terhune

Re: A Puzzle!

All kinds of stuff gets immediately rejected or filtered out soon after it
gets posts to the MS server. There is generally no rhyme no reason for it.
Fact is, nobody is in charge of the MS news servers. What there *is* is an
ad hoc group of people with differing and sometimes ridiculous ideas about
how to block SPAM and "objectionable" material, whatever they decide that
Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"~BD~" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> "Dan" <> wrote in message
>> Thanks Dave for the correction.

> :) This was meant to be light-hearted, albeit with serious undertones
> (for 98 Guy anyway!)
> Maybe you can help me. I posted a message in the Microsoft security group
> earlier this morning in 'your' Source Code thread. When I checked just now
> (using Outlook Express) the message header had a line scored through it
> and in the message box it said the message is no longer available on the
> server.
> Have you ever seen this happen before? Any idea why it might happen?
> It is, however, still showing on Google Groups. I repeat it here:-
> (It was in response to FromTheRafters who said ....... )
> "The transmission is textual - the protocol has no issues I am
> aware of. Any security risk would probably be in the extensions
> that allow this textual data to 'contain' malware - similar to the
> e-mail protocols".
> *
> *
> Hmmm! <stroking chin!>
> What about when 'pictures' or photographs are included (including
> screenshots) - there's a term for
> that which escapes me right now! In other words, not in 'plain text'.
> I once received a 'screenshot' as an email attachment (I'd asked for it to
> be sent to me). I opened
> the 'picture' (jpeg I think) and all seemed fine.
> I then opened the file with Notepad (I do crazy things like that!). Wow!
> Inside that file, above
> all the 'gobbledegook' one might expect, were *live* links to all manner
> of web pages ,,,,,,,, of
> course I went and looked! <grin>
> During my experimentation over the years, I've seen lots of SPAM
> (advertising the likes of Viagra
> and Jewelry) - every one of those links shown in Notepad was, I'm certain,
> taking me to a SPAM site!
> I''ve been told that is impossible ........... yet I saw it with my own
> eyes! So there!
> Any thoughts?
> Dave
> --


Re: A Puzzle!

> "~BD~" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> news:uXgWA0ZEJHA.3476@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> "Dan" <> wrote in message
>>> Thanks Dave for the correction.

>> :) This was meant to be light-hearted, albeit with serious undertones (for 98 Guy anyway!)
>> Maybe you can help me. I posted a message in the Microsoft security group earlier this morning in
>> 'your' Source Code thread. When I checked just now (using Outlook Express) the message header had
>> a line scored through it and in the message box it said the message is no longer available on the
>> server.
>> Have you ever seen this happen before? Any idea why it might happen?
>> It is, however, still showing on Google Groups. I repeat it here:-
>> (It was in response to FromTheRafters who said ....... )
>> "The transmission is textual - the protocol has no issues I am
>> aware of. Any security risk would probably be in the extensions
>> that allow this textual data to 'contain' malware - similar to the
>> e-mail protocols".
>> *
>> *
>> Hmmm! <stroking chin!>
>> What about when 'pictures' or photographs are included (including screenshots) - there's a term
>> for
>> that which escapes me right now! In other words, not in 'plain text'.
>> I once received a 'screenshot' as an email attachment (I'd asked for it to be sent to me). I
>> opened
>> the 'picture' (jpeg I think) and all seemed fine.
>> I then opened the file with Notepad (I do crazy things like that!). Wow! Inside that file, above
>> all the 'gobbledegook' one might expect, were *live* links to all manner of web pages ,,,,,,,, of
>> course I went and looked! <grin>
>> During my experimentation over the years, I've seen lots of SPAM (advertising the likes of Viagra
>> and Jewelry) - every one of those links shown in Notepad was, I'm certain, taking me to a SPAM
>> site!
>> I''ve been told that is impossible ........... yet I saw it with my own eyes! So there!
>> Any thoughts?
>> Dave
>> --

"Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message news:%23IGr4ocEJHA.1272@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> All kinds of stuff gets immediately rejected or filtered out soon after it gets posts to the MS
> server. There is generally no rhyme no reason for it. Fact is, nobody is in charge of the MS news
> servers. What there *is* is an ad hoc group of people with differing and sometimes ridiculous
> ideas about how to block SPAM and "objectionable" material, whatever they decide that is.
> --
> Gary S. Terhune
> MS-MVP Shell/User

Gary - thanks for taking the time and trouble to respond. I've come to respect your expertise and
attitude. Thanks.

It took me a fair while to appreciate that the MS news servers were divorced from Microsoft itself
and that there is no moderation here, in general terms anyway. I'm quite certain that a very high
percentage of folk visiting the groups do so out of desperation - I know I did! I must have been
using Outlook Express for about 8 years before I became aware that it could be used for
participating in newsgroups in addition to use for email! Doh!

I have, though, always assumed that Microsoft funds the cost of running the servers. Can you confirm
that that is so? I did once question why there are two active servers - AND A historical 'quirk' I believe I was told.

I'm uncertain if you read right through my post. Have you any understanding of *how* live links to
web sites could be 'hidden' within a jpeg file? I'm happy for you to email me if you would prefer so
to do. Just let me know here and I'll give you my address. TIA

In the meantime, I'll try posting my message to FTR again and see what happens this time!





Re: A Puzzle!

I would imagine their are two newsgroup servers so if one goes down for
maintenance or becomes disrupted for any reason then posters can still post
at Microsoft newsgroups because there is another server but this is just a
guess on my part.

"~BD~" wrote:

> > "~BD~" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> > news:uXgWA0ZEJHA.3476@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> >>
> >> "Dan" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >>> Thanks Dave for the correction.
> >>
> >> :) This was meant to be light-hearted, albeit with serious undertones (for 98 Guy anyway!)
> >>
> >> Maybe you can help me. I posted a message in the Microsoft security group earlier this morning in
> >> 'your' Source Code thread. When I checked just now (using Outlook Express) the message header had
> >> a line scored through it and in the message box it said the message is no longer available on the
> >> server.
> >>
> >> Have you ever seen this happen before? Any idea why it might happen?
> >>
> >> It is, however, still showing on Google Groups. I repeat it here:-
> >>
> >> (It was in response to FromTheRafters who said ....... )
> >>
> >> "The transmission is textual - the protocol has no issues I am
> >> aware of. Any security risk would probably be in the extensions
> >> that allow this textual data to 'contain' malware - similar to the
> >> e-mail protocols".
> >>
> >> *
> >>
> >> *
> >>
> >>
> >> Hmmm! <stroking chin!>
> >>
> >> What about when 'pictures' or photographs are included (including screenshots) - there's a term
> >> for
> >> that which escapes me right now! In other words, not in 'plain text'.
> >>
> >>
> >> I once received a 'screenshot' as an email attachment (I'd asked for it to be sent to me). I
> >> opened
> >> the 'picture' (jpeg I think) and all seemed fine.
> >>
> >>
> >> I then opened the file with Notepad (I do crazy things like that!). Wow! Inside that file, above
> >> all the 'gobbledegook' one might expect, were *live* links to all manner of web pages ,,,,,,,, of
> >> course I went and looked! <grin>
> >>
> >>
> >> During my experimentation over the years, I've seen lots of SPAM (advertising the likes of Viagra
> >> and Jewelry) - every one of those links shown in Notepad was, I'm certain, taking me to a SPAM
> >> site!
> >>
> >>
> >> I''ve been told that is impossible ........... yet I saw it with my own eyes! So there!
> >>
> >>
> >> Any thoughts?
> >>
> >>
> >> Dave
> >>
> >>
> >> --

> "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message news:%23IGr4ocEJHA.1272@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> > All kinds of stuff gets immediately rejected or filtered out soon after it gets posts to the MS
> > server. There is generally no rhyme no reason for it. Fact is, nobody is in charge of the MS news
> > servers. What there *is* is an ad hoc group of people with differing and sometimes ridiculous
> > ideas about how to block SPAM and "objectionable" material, whatever they decide that is.
> > --
> > Gary S. Terhune
> > MS-MVP Shell/User
> >

> Gary - thanks for taking the time and trouble to respond. I've come to respect your expertise and
> attitude. Thanks.
> It took me a fair while to appreciate that the MS news servers were divorced from Microsoft itself
> and that there is no moderation here, in general terms anyway. I'm quite certain that a very high
> percentage of folk visiting the groups do so out of desperation - I know I did! I must have been
> using Outlook Express for about 8 years before I became aware that it could be used for
> participating in newsgroups in addition to use for email! Doh!
> I have, though, always assumed that Microsoft funds the cost of running the servers. Can you confirm
> that that is so? I did once question why there are two active servers - AND
> A historical 'quirk' I believe I was told.
> I'm uncertain if you read right through my post. Have you any understanding of *how* live links to
> web sites could be 'hidden' within a jpeg file? I'm happy for you to email me if you would prefer so
> to do. Just let me know here and I'll give you my address. TIA
> In the meantime, I'll try posting my message to FTR again and see what happens this time!
> Dave
> Dave
> --


Re: A Puzzle!

"~BD~" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
| > "~BD~" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
| > news:uXgWA0ZEJHA.3476@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
| >>
| >> "Dan" <> wrote in message
| >>
| >>> Thanks Dave for the correction.
| >>
| >> :) This was meant to be light-hearted, albeit with serious undertones
(for 98 Guy anyway!)
| >>
| >> Maybe you can help me. I posted a message in the Microsoft security
group earlier this morning in
| >> 'your' Source Code thread. When I checked just now (using Outlook
Express) the message header had
| >> a line scored through it and in the message box it said the message is
no longer available on the
| >> server.
| >>
| >> Have you ever seen this happen before? Any idea why it might happen?
| >>
| >> It is, however, still showing on Google Groups. I repeat it here:-
| >>
| >> (It was in response to FromTheRafters who said ....... )
| >>
| >> "The transmission is textual - the protocol has no issues I am
| >> aware of. Any security risk would probably be in the extensions
| >> that allow this textual data to 'contain' malware - similar to the
| >> e-mail protocols".
| >>
| >> *
| >>
| >> *
| >>
| >>
| >> Hmmm! <stroking chin!>
| >>
| >> What about when 'pictures' or photographs are included (including
screenshots) - there's a term
| >> for
| >> that which escapes me right now! In other words, not in 'plain text'.
| >>
| >>
| >> I once received a 'screenshot' as an email attachment (I'd asked for it
to be sent to me). I
| >> opened
| >> the 'picture' (jpeg I think) and all seemed fine.
| >>
| >>
| >> I then opened the file with Notepad (I do crazy things like that!).
Wow! Inside that file, above
| >> all the 'gobbledegook' one might expect, were *live* links to all
manner of web pages ,,,,,,,, of
| >> course I went and looked! <grin>
| >>
| >>
| >> During my experimentation over the years, I've seen lots of SPAM
(advertising the likes of Viagra
| >> and Jewelry) - every one of those links shown in Notepad was, I'm
certain, taking me to a SPAM
| >> site!
| >>
| >>
| >> I''ve been told that is impossible ........... yet I saw it with my own
eyes! So there!
| >>
| >>
| >> Any thoughts?
| >>
| >>
| >> Dave
| >>
| >>
| >> --
| "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
| > All kinds of stuff gets immediately rejected or filtered out soon after
it gets posts to the MS
| > server. There is generally no rhyme no reason for it. Fact is, nobody is
in charge of the MS news
| > servers. What there *is* is an ad hoc group of people with differing and
sometimes ridiculous
| > ideas about how to block SPAM and "objectionable" material, whatever
they decide that is.
| > --
| > Gary S. Terhune
| > MS-MVP Shell/User
| >
| Gary - thanks for taking the time and trouble to respond. I've come to
respect your expertise and
| attitude. Thanks.
| It took me a fair while to appreciate that the MS news servers were
divorced from Microsoft itself
| and that there is no moderation here, in general terms anyway. I'm quite
certain that a very high
| percentage of folk visiting the groups do so out of desperation - I know I
did! I must have been
| using Outlook Express for about 8 years before I became aware that it
could be used for
| participating in newsgroups in addition to use for email! Doh!
| I have, though, always assumed that Microsoft funds the cost of running
the servers. Can you confirm
| that that is so? I did once question why there are two active servers - AND
| A historical 'quirk' I believe I was told.
| I'm uncertain if you read right through my post. Have you any
understanding of *how* live links to
| web sites could be 'hidden' within a jpeg file? I'm happy for you to email
me if you would prefer so
| to do. Just let me know here and I'll give you my address. TIA
| In the meantime, I'll try posting my message to FTR again and see what
happens this time!
| Dave
| Dave
| --

The JPEG/JGP issue was a matter of concern [and still is] several years ago
with numerous sites related and discussions in the forums. One could
reasonably state that the/those format(s) has(have) been used successfully
to do exactly as you indicate.

a Peoples' counsel


Re: A Puzzle!

"MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message news:eY%239CheEJHA.2292@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> "~BD~" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> news:OIAUF$cEJHA.5732@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> |
> | > "~BD~" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> | > news:uXgWA0ZEJHA.3476@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> | >>
> | >> "Dan" <> wrote in message
> | >>
> | >>> Thanks Dave for the correction.
> | >>
> | >> :) This was meant to be light-hearted, albeit with serious undertones
> (for 98 Guy anyway!)
> | >>
> | >> Maybe you can help me. I posted a message in the Microsoft security
> group earlier this morning in
> | >> 'your' Source Code thread. When I checked just now (using Outlook
> Express) the message header had
> | >> a line scored through it and in the message box it said the message is
> no longer available on the
> | >> server.
> | >>
> | >> Have you ever seen this happen before? Any idea why it might happen?
> | >>
> | >> It is, however, still showing on Google Groups. I repeat it here:-
> | >>
> | >> (It was in response to FromTheRafters who said ....... )
> | >>
> | >> "The transmission is textual - the protocol has no issues I am
> | >> aware of. Any security risk would probably be in the extensions
> | >> that allow this textual data to 'contain' malware - similar to the
> | >> e-mail protocols".
> | >>
> | >> *
> | >>
> | >> *
> | >>
> | >>
> | >> Hmmm! <stroking chin!>
> | >>
> | >> What about when 'pictures' or photographs are included (including
> screenshots) - there's a term
> | >> for
> | >> that which escapes me right now! In other words, not in 'plain text'.
> | >>
> | >>
> | >> I once received a 'screenshot' as an email attachment (I'd asked for it
> to be sent to me). I
> | >> opened
> | >> the 'picture' (jpeg I think) and all seemed fine.
> | >>
> | >>
> | >> I then opened the file with Notepad (I do crazy things like that!).
> Wow! Inside that file, above
> | >> all the 'gobbledegook' one might expect, were *live* links to all
> manner of web pages ,,,,,,,, of
> | >> course I went and looked! <grin>
> | >>
> | >>
> | >> During my experimentation over the years, I've seen lots of SPAM
> (advertising the likes of Viagra
> | >> and Jewelry) - every one of those links shown in Notepad was, I'm
> certain, taking me to a SPAM
> | >> site!
> | >>
> | >>
> | >> I''ve been told that is impossible ........... yet I saw it with my own
> eyes! So there!
> | >>
> | >>
> | >> Any thoughts?
> | >>
> | >>
> | >> Dave
> | >>
> | >>
> | >> --
> |
> |
> | "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> news:%23IGr4ocEJHA.1272@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> | > All kinds of stuff gets immediately rejected or filtered out soon after
> it gets posts to the MS
> | > server. There is generally no rhyme no reason for it. Fact is, nobody is
> in charge of the MS news
> | > servers. What there *is* is an ad hoc group of people with differing and
> sometimes ridiculous
> | > ideas about how to block SPAM and "objectionable" material, whatever
> they decide that is.
> | > --
> | > Gary S. Terhune
> | > MS-MVP Shell/User
> | >
> |
> |
> | Gary - thanks for taking the time and trouble to respond. I've come to
> respect your expertise and
> | attitude. Thanks.
> |
> | It took me a fair while to appreciate that the MS news servers were
> divorced from Microsoft itself
> | and that there is no moderation here, in general terms anyway. I'm quite
> certain that a very high
> | percentage of folk visiting the groups do so out of desperation - I know I
> did! I must have been
> | using Outlook Express for about 8 years before I became aware that it
> could be used for
> | participating in newsgroups in addition to use for email! Doh!
> |
> | I have, though, always assumed that Microsoft funds the cost of running
> the servers. Can you confirm
> | that that is so? I did once question why there are two active servers -
> | A historical 'quirk' I believe I was told.
> |
> | I'm uncertain if you read right through my post. Have you any
> understanding of *how* live links to
> | web sites could be 'hidden' within a jpeg file? I'm happy for you to email
> me if you would prefer so
> | to do. Just let me know here and I'll give you my address. TIA
> |
> | In the meantime, I'll try posting my message to FTR again and see what
> happens this time!
> |
> | Dave
> |
> | Dave
> |
> | --
> The JPEG/JGP issue was a matter of concern [and still is] several years ago
> with numerous sites related and discussions in the forums. One could
> reasonably state that the/those format(s) has(have) been used successfully
> to do exactly as you indicate.
> --
> a Peoples' counsel
> --
> _________

Thank you so much for your reply MEB.

I'll spend some time reviewing those Google leads you have so kindly provided.


PS My post to FTR has 'stuck' this time!


Tim Slattery

Re: A Puzzle!

"~BD~" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote:

>I have, though, always assumed that Microsoft funds the cost of running the servers. Can you confirm
>that that is so? I did once question why there are two active servers - AND
> A historical 'quirk' I believe I was told.

The servers belong to Microsoft, they contract out the actual running
of them. There's only one server address, both domain names resolve to
the same IP address.

Tim Slattery
MS MVP(Shell/User)


Re: A Puzzle! JPEG-JPG inclussions, vulnerabilities

Posted this in the wrong discussion, my bad..

I should have added: The formats defined as JPEG/JPG [among a few other
formats] also allow the creator/author and other {identifying} information
to be included within the formats.
Web based images generally contain these types of information as well what I
previously indicated could POSSIBLY be included.
*Image search/indexing spiders* will/could access this information
increasing presence and other for the originators, and for tracking of their

a Peoples' counsel


"MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
| "~BD~" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
| news:OIAUF$cEJHA.5732@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
| |
| | > "~BD~" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
| | > news:uXgWA0ZEJHA.3476@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
| | >>
| | >> "Dan" <> wrote in message
| | >>
| | >>> Thanks Dave for the correction.
| | >>
| | >> :) This was meant to be light-hearted, albeit with serious
| (for 98 Guy anyway!)
| | >>
| | >> Maybe you can help me. I posted a message in the Microsoft security
| group earlier this morning in
| | >> 'your' Source Code thread. When I checked just now (using Outlook
| Express) the message header had
| | >> a line scored through it and in the message box it said the message
| no longer available on the
| | >> server.
| | >>
| | >> Have you ever seen this happen before? Any idea why it might happen?
| | >>
| | >> It is, however, still showing on Google Groups. I repeat it here:-
| | >>
| | >> (It was in response to FromTheRafters who said ....... )
| | >>
| | >> "The transmission is textual - the protocol has no issues I am
| | >> aware of. Any security risk would probably be in the extensions
| | >> that allow this textual data to 'contain' malware - similar to the
| | >> e-mail protocols".
| | >>
| | >> *
| | >>
| | >> *
| | >>
| | >>
| | >> Hmmm! <stroking chin!>
| | >>
| | >> What about when 'pictures' or photographs are included (including
| screenshots) - there's a term
| | >> for
| | >> that which escapes me right now! In other words, not in 'plain text'.
| | >>
| | >>
| | >> I once received a 'screenshot' as an email attachment (I'd asked for
| to be sent to me). I
| | >> opened
| | >> the 'picture' (jpeg I think) and all seemed fine.
| | >>
| | >>
| | >> I then opened the file with Notepad (I do crazy things like that!).
| Wow! Inside that file, above
| | >> all the 'gobbledegook' one might expect, were *live* links to all
| manner of web pages ,,,,,,,, of
| | >> course I went and looked! <grin>
| | >>
| | >>
| | >> During my experimentation over the years, I've seen lots of SPAM
| (advertising the likes of Viagra
| | >> and Jewelry) - every one of those links shown in Notepad was, I'm
| certain, taking me to a SPAM
| | >> site!
| | >>
| | >>
| | >> I''ve been told that is impossible ........... yet I saw it with my
| eyes! So there!
| | >>
| | >>
| | >> Any thoughts?
| | >>
| | >>
| | >> Dave
| | >>
| | >>
| | >> --
| |
| |
| | "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
| news:%23IGr4ocEJHA.1272@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| | > All kinds of stuff gets immediately rejected or filtered out soon
| it gets posts to the MS
| | > server. There is generally no rhyme no reason for it. Fact is, nobody
| in charge of the MS news
| | > servers. What there *is* is an ad hoc group of people with differing
| sometimes ridiculous
| | > ideas about how to block SPAM and "objectionable" material, whatever
| they decide that is.
| | > --
| | > Gary S. Terhune
| | > MS-MVP Shell/User
| | >
| |
| |
| | Gary - thanks for taking the time and trouble to respond. I've come to
| respect your expertise and
| | attitude. Thanks.
| |
| | It took me a fair while to appreciate that the MS news servers were
| divorced from Microsoft itself
| | and that there is no moderation here, in general terms anyway. I'm quite
| certain that a very high
| | percentage of folk visiting the groups do so out of desperation - I know
| did! I must have been
| | using Outlook Express for about 8 years before I became aware that it
| could be used for
| | participating in newsgroups in addition to use for email! Doh!
| |
| | I have, though, always assumed that Microsoft funds the cost of running
| the servers. Can you confirm
| | that that is so? I did once question why there are two active servers -
| | A historical 'quirk' I believe I was told.
| |
| | I'm uncertain if you read right through my post. Have you any
| understanding of *how* live links to
| | web sites could be 'hidden' within a jpeg file? I'm happy for you to
| me if you would prefer so
| | to do. Just let me know here and I'll give you my address. TIA
| |
| | In the meantime, I'll try posting my message to FTR again and see what
| happens this time!
| |
| | Dave
| |
| | Dave
| |
| | --
| The JPEG/JGP issue was a matter of concern [and still is] several years
| with numerous sites related and discussions in the forums. One could
| reasonably state that the/those format(s) has(have) been used successfully
| to do exactly as you indicate.
| --
| a Peoples' counsel
| --
| _________


Re: A Puzzle!

"Tim Slattery" <> wrote in message
> "~BD~" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote:
>>I have, though, always assumed that Microsoft funds the cost of running the servers. Can you
>>that that is so? I did once question why there are two active servers - AND
>> A historical 'quirk' I believe I was told.

> The servers belong to Microsoft, they contract out the actual running
> of them. There's only one server address, both domain names resolve to
> the same IP address.
> --
> Tim Slattery
> MS MVP(Shell/User)

Thank you, Tim.

I guess it follows that Microsoft picks up the tab! )




Re: A Puzzle!

"MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> "~BD~" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> news:OIAUF$cEJHA.5732@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> |
> | > "~BD~" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> | > news:uXgWA0ZEJHA.3476@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> | >>
> | >> "Dan" <> wrote in message
> | >>
> | >>> Thanks Dave for the correction.
> | >>
> | >> :) This was meant to be light-hearted, albeit with serious
> undertones
> (for 98 Guy anyway!)
> | >>
> | >> Maybe you can help me. I posted a message in the Microsoft security
> group earlier this morning in
> | >> 'your' Source Code thread. When I checked just now (using Outlook
> Express) the message header had
> | >> a line scored through it and in the message box it said the message
> is
> no longer available on the
> | >> server.
> | >>
> | >> Have you ever seen this happen before? Any idea why it might happen?
> | >>
> | >> It is, however, still showing on Google Groups. I repeat it here:-
> | >>
> | >> (It was in response to FromTheRafters who said ....... )
> | >>
> | >> "The transmission is textual - the protocol has no issues I am
> | >> aware of. Any security risk would probably be in the extensions
> | >> that allow this textual data to 'contain' malware - similar to the
> | >> e-mail protocols".
> | >>
> | >> *
> | >>
> | >> *
> | >>
> | >>
> | >> Hmmm! <stroking chin!>
> | >>
> | >> What about when 'pictures' or photographs are included (including
> screenshots) - there's a term
> | >> for
> | >> that which escapes me right now! In other words, not in 'plain text'.
> | >>
> | >>
> | >> I once received a 'screenshot' as an email attachment (I'd asked for
> it
> to be sent to me). I
> | >> opened
> | >> the 'picture' (jpeg I think) and all seemed fine.
> | >>
> | >>
> | >> I then opened the file with Notepad (I do crazy things like that!).
> Wow! Inside that file, above
> | >> all the 'gobbledegook' one might expect, were *live* links to all
> manner of web pages ,,,,,,,, of
> | >> course I went and looked! <grin>
> | >>
> | >>
> | >> During my experimentation over the years, I've seen lots of SPAM
> (advertising the likes of Viagra
> | >> and Jewelry) - every one of those links shown in Notepad was, I'm
> certain, taking me to a SPAM
> | >> site!
> | >>
> | >>
> | >> I''ve been told that is impossible ........... yet I saw it with my
> own
> eyes! So there!
> | >>
> | >>
> | >> Any thoughts?
> | >>
> | >>
> | >> Dave
> | >>
> | >>
> | >> --
> |
> |
> | "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> news:%23IGr4ocEJHA.1272@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> | > All kinds of stuff gets immediately rejected or filtered out soon
> after
> it gets posts to the MS
> | > server. There is generally no rhyme no reason for it. Fact is, nobody
> is
> in charge of the MS news
> | > servers. What there *is* is an ad hoc group of people with differing
> and
> sometimes ridiculous
> | > ideas about how to block SPAM and "objectionable" material, whatever
> they decide that is.
> | > --
> | > Gary S. Terhune
> | > MS-MVP Shell/User
> | >
> |
> |
> | Gary - thanks for taking the time and trouble to respond. I've come to
> respect your expertise and
> | attitude. Thanks.
> |
> | It took me a fair while to appreciate that the MS news servers were
> divorced from Microsoft itself
> | and that there is no moderation here, in general terms anyway. I'm quite
> certain that a very high
> | percentage of folk visiting the groups do so out of desperation - I know
> I
> did! I must have been
> | using Outlook Express for about 8 years before I became aware that it
> could be used for
> | participating in newsgroups in addition to use for email! Doh!
> |
> | I have, though, always assumed that Microsoft funds the cost of running
> the servers. Can you confirm
> | that that is so? I did once question why there are two active servers -
> | A historical 'quirk' I believe I was told.
> |
> | I'm uncertain if you read right through my post. Have you any
> understanding of *how* live links to
> | web sites could be 'hidden' within a jpeg file? I'm happy for you to
> email
> me if you would prefer so
> | to do. Just let me know here and I'll give you my address. TIA
> |
> | In the meantime, I'll try posting my message to FTR again and see what
> happens this time!
> |
> | Dave
> |
> | Dave
> |
> | --
> The JPEG/JGP issue was a matter of concern [and still is] several years
> ago
> with numerous sites related and discussions in the forums. One could
> reasonably state that the/those format(s) has(have) been used successfully
> to do exactly as you indicate.
> --
> a Peoples' counsel
> --
> _________

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