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I have just performed a clean install of Win 8 Pro Upgrade. When this had finished and I had got my Win Live Mail working, I started to create a storage pool. I have 3 hard drives of varying sizes, C:, D:, and E: and a USB connected Iomega drive as F:. C

had the new installation of Win 8. D: and E: were empty but formatted and showing OK in Disk Manager and E contained 25 years of data. When it asked me to select the disks to be in the Storage Pool, I selected D: and E:. When it had completed, I was aghast

to find that it had lost the original E: drive and had used the F: drive, now labelled E: drive, as the second drive in the storage pool, wiping 25 years of data. Disk Manager can no longer see the original E: drive. But it is listed in the Disk Drives section

in Device Manager. If you try to populate the Volumes information, I get the following error message: &quotVolume information for this disk cannot be found&quot.

1: Is there any way I can recover the data on the Iomega disk?

2: How can I tell is the storage pool has been created and which disks are used?

3: How do I get the old E: drive back on line?


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