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Freedom of information is fundamental to a thriving and transparent society. Restricting information can have severe consequences, undermining individuals, societies, and even the global community.

  • You Erode trust when Co-Pilot attempts to sugar coat or completely restrict facts and history based on some developer's ideology. 
  • In the Absence of verified and relevant facts, however abrasive they may be, rumors, conspiracy theories, and false narratives fill the void. This leads to confusion and polarization, making it harder to address the real issues.
  • Restricting Facts limits Opportunities for breakthroughs in science, technology, medicine, and education. Stifling Progress!
  • Censorship of Facts only serves those in power, enabling corruption and oppression. It Silences dissent, reduces accountability, and weakens democracy. You are Empowering Authoritarianism by doing this.

When researching famous historical figures such as Aristotle Co-Pilot restricted the information declaring it violated "It's Intent" to provide safe and quality content. Saying that the quotes of Aristotle were demeaning towards women in his hierarchical view on genders.

Personally, this provokes anger in me, in that your developers seem to believe that most individuals using this platform can not be trusted with historical FACTS. In an attempt to force their ideological views on the masses they place guard rails around facts they do not personally agree with. Now these facts can still be accessed given the right prompting, but the most direct route to this information is blocked.

My suggestion would be to stop invoking some fake moral obligations to protect people from themselves, when in fact you are attempting to manipulate facts to your own preferences. We, the consumer, are not all children and should not be treated as such by your AI.

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