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Hi all,

I've never actually posted on a forum before, yet here I find myself. My laptop died Christmas day, and I said goodbye to the world to laptops.. I longed for the days when I had XP on an old desktop and my life with productively using computers

was simple, figuring a tower set up to display thru my nice shiny 47&quot would be more suitable to my life but put too much stress on a laptop running it as dual display.

That's what I wanted.... being a broke ass student who cant afford a Mac and windows vista, and even 7 machines no longer being sold, what I got was Windows 8 :(


Been giving it a chance for a few weeks but it's simply not there yet.... I am terribly depressed that the technology I so desperately need to use efficiently and with ease has let me down to this point. As a university student and paid researcher

I need my desktop to function and multi-task seamlessly between multiple open

windows, not apps! of each: pdf's, Excel and Word... yet that's not the case here. On paper I have the biggest and baddest computer I've ever owned...yet in reality I have a operating system

on steroids that models its self after a game....just great! (so not!)

And I'm not saying I hate what they've &quotdeveloped&quot I just wish Microsoft as a Brand had of created something original instead of layering the pre-existing x-box operations and app-centric-ness overtop of a cut to shreds version

of windows 7. Its a great concept, but it's just that: a concept! I get that its to integrate touch technology and be more fluid in transition from tablet to pc to phone but none of the attributes (need for quick changes between apps and dinky icons

required by the limited screen space available to those mediums) a tablet or phone or an x-box has so its really pointless. pretty sure everyone out there doesn't just dream of owning a touchscreen pc- I've distinctly made the choice not to many a times

over the past few years for this very reason of touch integrated tech not being compatible with the basic function and ease of use for academic or business applications.

This system does not function, there is NO ease of use for the more professional or business minded user. Microsoft you have successfully eliminated your core users in effort to appeal to children, the elderly and the social media obsessed...Id give

you credit for appealing to the art crowd with your new approach to photos but lets face we all know Mac has long held that market...so really u had the business and education sector to appeal to with your networking computer concept and you blew it. thanks

for nothing, Im now taking my brand new computer to see if a person who likely is your past employer can erase all traces of this near viral operating system and go back to one of your older operating systems. I wish I had of bought a Mac, and can now safely

say I will never purchase a Microsoft product again.


And worse I'm computer il-literate when it comes to code so the dream I have for windows 8 is unattainable- messing with registry is not a option for me- registry errors are usually the source of my issues not the solution. I've learned to avoid anything

to do with it like the plague.


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