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How do I backup an SD card in Windows 8?

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I have a 128 GB Microsoft Surface Pro (win 8 pro) with a 64 GB microSXDC card inserted. The card was formatted using NTFS with the Surface Pro and mounted as an NTFS folder I'm able to read/write to the card without issue, but the volume (or the

mounted folder) does not appear inside Windows Backup for me to back the data up. I've also tried with the card mounted as a lettered drive (D:) with the same outcome.

My WHS v1 server DOES seem to back the data up when it's mounted as an NTFS folder, but when I try to view the contents of that folder in the backup I'm informed I do not have the necessary rights. Despite the WHS Connector running successfully and

many attempts to tweak the folder privileges, I've been unsuccessful at accessing the contents of the folder in the backup to verify WHS is in fact capturing the content.

Has anyone discovered a way to accomplish the backup of your SD card in Windows 8 short of XCOPY or similar?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.



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