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Everything posted by Windows 11
win11 24h2 26100.3194计算机已经从检测错误后重新启动。检测错误: 0x00000113 (0x0000000000000019, 0x0000000000000002, 0x00000000000010de, 0x00000000000028e0)。已将转储的数据保存在: C:\WINDOWS\MinidumpView the full article
i built my pc very recently a little after christmas for the first month or 2 it was fine then i started having really bad lag i tried everything to fix it i eventually just factory data reset it that had fixed it for about a day but then it started lagging again the next day ive tried factory data resetting it again since then but nothing helps Specs-amd radeon rx6600ryzen 5 5600x asus prime b550m-a wifi IIView the full article
Hello,I am setting up a new Windows 11 laptop and used my personal MS account to do the initial set up, then I added my work account with the goal of having two user profiles to choose from when logging in to the laptop. But it didn't create a second profile instead it added my work account to the personal account. And now I cannot create a second profile because both accounts have been already added to the computer. How do I remove or move one of the accounts to a new user profile?Thank you,RTView the full article
오늘 헤드폰 관련 소프트웨어를 깔고 재부팅을 했습니다.노트북이 켜지면서 비밀번호를 입력하는데 갑자기 비밀번호가 틀렸다는겁니다.저는 비밀번호를 변경한 적도, 건드린 적도 없고, 오타를 치지도 않았습니다.수없이 비밀번호를 쳐봤지만 계속 비밀번호가 틀리다는 화면만 나왔습니다.비밀번호를 찾으려면 마이크로소프트에 등록한 이메일로 코드번호를 받아야 하는데문제는 이 이메일이 제가 오래전에 회원탈퇴를 해서 지금은 존재하지 않는 이메일 주소라는 것입니다.그래서 복구하려는 이메일 계정, 그리고 연락가능한 이메일 계정, 눌러봤던 비밀번호 전부, 가입자 이름, 지역까지 모두 입력했고 계정 복구를 신청했습니다.그런데 최근에 Microsoft 계정 dl******@daum.net을(를) 복구해 달라는 요청을 받았습니다. 안타깝게도 제공하신 정보가 계정 소유권을 확인하기에 충분하지 않다고 판단되었습니다. Microsoft는 고객의 보안과 개인 정보를 매우 중요하게 생각하며 귀하의 개인 정보를 보호하기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다.이렇게 답신이 왔습니다. 그래서 카드번호 뒷자리와 유효기간까지 입력하고 계정 복구룰 다시 신청했지만똑같이 계정 복구 요청이 거절됐다는 메일이 왔습니다. 하루에View the full article
Been waiting for 7 hours to install an update and now it gave me an error.View the full article
how to redownload my win 11 pro again?View the full article
I just bought this laptop and I'm starting to regret, the Windows update is not moving.View the full article
When I update my laptop then restart it the BIOS Recovery key pop up in my laptop then when I put it then continue. Then when I want to start it the PIN is not available and when I type my Password but the system said that my password is incorrect. SO I DON'T KNOW WHY MY PASSWORD IS INCORRECT THAT SOME HOW IT IS MY PASSWORD.View the full article
My computer automatically began installling when I left my computer on overnight and it has been in "system updates underway" for 3 days. Can I stop this, and if so, how?View the full article
I am getting Multiple blue screens with restarts daily and I have done everything I know to do and checked on this forum, Windows Support, and I am at the end of my rope.The event viewer shows The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x0000000a (0x0000000000000023, 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000, 0xfffff80488024fc9). A dump was saved in: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\021925-15890-01.dmp. Report Id: 3cd76051-7bb6-40bd-91ff-a460b786f49e.I have had three of thView the full article
Saya melakukan update Windows 11 tetapi terjadi error seperti foto yang saya lampirkan. Apa yang perlu saya lakukan?Apakah error tersebut karena lisensi office 365 saye telah kadaluarsa? Karena ketika update Windows , Office 365 saya lisensinya tidak berlaku.Apakah yang perlu saya lakukan?View the full article
Hi all, I have tried many methods to convert my Compact Flash Card from RAW to FAT16. I've tried everything stated on this website.https://www.icare-recovery.com/howto/convert-raw-to-fat32.htmlWhich includes methods like using diskpart on CMD with admin rights, where I used the “clean all” function then “create partition primary" where it results in "No usable free extent could be found. It may be that there is insufficientfree space to create a partition at the specified size and offset. Specifydifferent size and offset values or don't specify either to create themaximum sized partition. It mView the full article
so im tring to figure out how to properly format this as stated here: Shutdown Command | Microsoftcurrently trying to create a shutdown and reboot task so that my pc can be refreshed every sunday (clear ram, refresh the system so its runs faster as i know you should reboot a pc that's been on for a while at least once a week, like you would a smart phone. (i migrated the os from the default nvme 512 gb drive to an 8 tb seagate barracuda gaming hdd as i use this pc for gaming as well as day to day tasks.currently have this argument stated as such:need to know if the argument context is right orView the full article
For years, I've used both my accounts at the same time without issues (at least 6 years now).I upgraded to Windows 11 towards the end of last year, from my windows 10 installation which I had not reinstalled in at least 3-4 years (very impressive). System was solid, I really did not have any problems whatsoever. The upgrade functioned perfectly fine for a few months, WoW was running perfectly fine with both accounts no problems whatsoever.At some point I started getting blue screens and it directed me to driver problems, eventually my installation just completely went kaput and I was forced toView the full article
When I try to reset the PIN, I'm taken to my online Microsoft account, which wants to send an access code to My Outlook, but the email never arrives. . The Outlook account is working (I can send mail to and from this account) but still, no Access Code arrives. Fingerprint and Face ID no longer work, either. I am entirely locked out but I can get into BIOS,Lenovo Thinkpad Carbon gen 5This erroView the full article
Playing game, BSOD happens, loops & won’t open automatic repair tool because BSOD just cancels it and shows up again.1. Installed New Ram - Didn’t work.2. Installed New MOBO - Didn’t work.3. Installed New PSU - Didn’t work.4. CPU & GPU were replaced recently.Error Code: IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUALI’ve tried booting from a USB, still getting BSOD. Only thing I haven’t tried is installing a new SSD, but I don’t have access to a new one at the moment.View the full article
Asus laptop is stuck in BIOS Utility. I've searched up the problem and tried everything but nothing worked. I've disabled both fast boot and secure boot but that didn't fix the problem. It took me to a screen that said "the boot configuration data for your PC is missing or contains errors". I then downloaded bootable USB of windows 11 but that also didn't work. The "repair your computer" button didn't do anything. I tried installing it but wasn't able to. Please help with what I should do to fix this problemEdit: I've also tried entering safe mode but it only brings me back to the bios utilityView the full article
In "search everything" i typed in "D5".As you see in this screen shot, there are many files with D5 in them. But, the search returns "This folder is empty". In fact, no matter what i type in "search everything", every result is "this folder is empty".How do you actually search for a file in One Drive? Is it broken? Does it work at all?View the full article
Hi!As you can see, my driver C is almost full and my driver E and F are literally empty, so how could I move space of Driver E and F in driver C? Is there a way that is less complicated than moving every file of driver D into F first then split E into Driver C and F and correcting every saving path of the device to driver F?View the full article
My laptop suddenly showed blue screen then it restarts and sayed auto repair and then it restarts to black screen but windows is working. When i tried to boot in safe mood , it opened correctly but when i restart, it restarts to black screenView the full article
Hi Microsoft Support,I am experiencing a persistent issue with Windows Installer Service on my Windows machine. I cannot install any .msi files (e.g., PowerShell 7, AWS CLI, Visual Studio) because the installer either gets stuck or shows errors.Error Messages:"Another installation is in progress. You must complete that installation before continuing this one.""The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assistance."Troubleshooting Steps Taken (All Unsuccessful):Restarted Windows InstView the full article