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Microsoft Windows Bulletin Board


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Everything posted by AWS

  1. If you want to post a video you simply copy the URL to the video from the site the video is on and paste it into the thread or post. Our media parser will automatically extract the video and play it inline. The parser supports over 250 media sites. If you find a site that has videos and it's not on our list let me know and I'll add it.
  2. Signatures: We invite all of our members to personalize their signatures but we ask that you keep the size reasonable. Anything over sized will have to be edited or removed. We have specific rules regarding signatures so you will want to read our rules and guidelines. Commercial Links in signatures are expressly forbidden without specific approval and will be removed. Links to recognized charities and personal websites are permitted provided that these sites do not contain anything that we would not allow here. Signatures will not be automatically added to previous posts if you did not have a signature at the time of posting no signature will appear even after being added to your profile. Changes made to a signature WILL alter your previous posts as long as a signature was included at the time the post was made. Avatars: We believe that the use of avatars personalizes our community and makes it feel more like home. After you register we encourage you to edit your profile and upload an avatar to personalize your experience at Microsoft Windows Bulletin Board.
  3. Been thinking about adding a Twitter account for this forum. I have them for all the others I own. What you think?
  4. General Rules All posts must be written in English. Use the search function to see if a solution to your problem has already been posted. Don't spam/abuse any member via e-mail or Private Messages. Post threads only in the correct Section. Use normal fonts and font sizes. Keep the message on topic. When quoting from a book or site, please provide info on the source and a link if it is a website. Enter at least your real continent as location in your profile. Posting in the forum using more than one account is not tolerated. Using anonymous proxies to access the forum is not tolerated. Insults and threats against other members will result in a warning or a ban, depending on the frequency and seriousness of the offense. Insults and threats against the forum moderators and administrators for performing their duties will be looked upon very seriously, and will usually lead to immediate banning without previous warnings. If a member has an objection to the actions of a specific moderator, he or she must always consult the administrator, rather than sending insults or threats to the moderator in question. Posting Rules You may not post the following: Links to adult content or gambling sites. No inappropriate language or images. Links to illegal torrent files. Links to warez. Links to illegal content. Spam of any kind, including referral links. Posting cracks or serials. Racist statements Flaming. Illegal content of any kind. Signature Rules You can add a signature from the User Control Panel. Should be compatible with other guidelines. Only one link is allowed. No spamming allowed. No HTML allowed. Use normal fonts & Font sizes. Limit to 200 characters. Moderators have the right to edit your signature without any prior notice. Admin and Moderator rights If a staff member lock's a topic, it is for a good reason. Don't start posting the topic again. If you don't agree with it, PM the staff member who has locked the topic. Staff members have the right to change members posts. This can happen for various reasons, like posting spam or flaming. If a staff member does this, usually he/she will post the reason why he/she changed the post. Staff members have the right to ban you from the forum for breaching our forum rules. Staff member have the right to delete a topic without further notice. This can be done for 2 reasons. 1. The topic was full of spam 2. The topic had a great amount of posts that where against the rules. Have respect for the decision of staff. If you feel a staff member is treating you unfairly, PM the Admin of the site to discus the problem. User Group Permissions We have 2 user groups for regular members. One is the default Registered Users group. This group has limited privileges to help prevent spam and abuse of posting privileges. This group can: Post threads and reply to other threads. View all threads and posts in all forums with the exception of the private staff forums. Upload and use an avatar and profile picture. This group has all privileges that Registered Members have with the exception of the following. Can not use the private message system to communicate with other members. Can not have a signature and can not post links in any non-forum specific area. This helps to prevent our users from being subjected to unsolicited private message spam. Once you have 2 posts on Microsoft Windows Bulletin Board you will automatically be promoted to the Registered Members groups. The additional privileges for this group include: Access to the PM system where you can communicate with other members in private. Links in signatures are allowed, but, are still governed by the limits listed in the signature guidelines above. These rules will be reviewed periodically and you will be notified of any changes and/or additions to these guidelines. Updated: May 19TH, 2015 at 11:53 AM CST
  5. I'll be first to introduce myself to anyone that happens along. My name is Bob Schwarz and I am the owner of this community as well as a few other which are all a part of Schwarz Network. I am an avid Microsoft supporter and also a beta tester of Microsoft software. I like to be on the bleeding edge so I will run the betas as my main software. In doing so I learn a lot. I will use Microsoft Help Forums to share that knowledge and help people.
  6. Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you also. Welcome to the community also.
  7. I didn't think you could use a photo for a screen saver.
  8. Welcome to the new Microsoft Operating Systems Forum.
  9. Hello back at you and welcome to the community.
  10. Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy the community.
  11. By posting in the virus forum. They will help you.
  12. Welcome to the site.
  13. Welcome. We're always gentle.
  14. Welcome Richard and glad to have you here to help.
  15. (thumbslinger1058587) Yep, it was far cheaper to get an HP laptop with the Adobe CS4 suite via an educational package than to get a new Mac laptop so I did. 18 year Mac veteran (I'm an art director) but now also using Vista. So far, I love it. Best advice I've had... disable auto-updates from Microsoft.. Vista for Dummies is awesome (as is AskWoody.com, the author) I've had zero problems. Best thing about Vista (working in Windows) for me so far? The free apps like FileZilla that work 100% perfectly and provide what I need instead of having to buy numerous small apps. Hello everyone If you like Vista you'll love Windows 7. Windows has it's advantages in the area of free software. Welcome to the Windows World.
  16. Are you getting any kind of error messages? When you say it doesn't work what do you mean? A little more detail will help to solve the problem
  17. Welcome to the community.
  18. Go with Vista x64. That is what I use and love it.
  19. Welcome to the community.
  20. howdy and welcome.
  21. Welcome to the community Asoons.
  22. The spam filters got a little overzealous. I have approved your posts and you sould have no problems posting again. Sorry about the inconvenience. Welcome to the site
  23. Hello and welcome.
  24. Hello and welcome.
  25. Welcome to MS OS.
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