Registry cleaners - use of same.



Should anyone here have ever read this thread:

they will be aware that the gurus at Aumha do *not* support the use of
Registry cleaners - period!

You can therefore imagine my surprise when I read here ......... ......

*this* instruction being given by Mr Bill Castner:-

1) Click on the following link and download the AntiVir Registry Cleaner to
your desktop
2) Create a folder on your desktop called Antivir and Unzip the file to your
3) Double-click on the file called RegCleaner.exe to run it
4) Since the program is German, you'll have to click on the button called
"keys asulesen" to search the registry for any issues. Then place checkmarks
next to the registry entries you wish to delete.
5) Finally, click on the button called "loschen" to delete the keys
6) Restart your computer.


Someone reading here may know of some reason(s) why, in this specific
instance, the use of this particular cleaner *has* been advocated.

I'd be very interested to know such reason(s) - if you'll share!


David H. Lipman

From: "~BD~"

| Should anyone here have ever read this thread:

Because you PITA SOB you have taken it out of context.
Avira RegistryCleaner
Normally the Avira RegistryCleaner removes all entries that were created by AntiVir. In
this way, it prepares your system for the installation of a new AntiVir version.

It is contraindicated to use /* generic*/ Registry Cleaners!

Multi-AV -


Because you are like a bag of rocks!

"~BD~" wrote in message
Should anyone here have ever read this thread:

I'd be very interested to know such reason(s) - if you'll share!



"BurfordTJustice" wrote in message
> Because you are like a bag of rocks!

To which question is that an answer, BTJ?




~BD~ wrote:
> "BurfordTJustice" wrote in message
>> Because you are like a bag of rocks!

> To which question is that an answer, BTJ?
> Dave

It is beyond my comprehension how anyone who is the constant recipient
of continual scorn, derision and loathing can continue to post here with
continuing drivel.

Do you have a short circuit in your gray matter or are you just a masochist?


"none" wrote in message
> It is beyond my comprehension how anyone who is the constant recipient of
> continual scorn, derision and loathing can continue to post here with
> continuing drivel.
> Do you have a short circuit in your gray matter or are you just a
> masochist?

I'll simply refer you here, Richard:




IF you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!



~BD~ wrote:

> Should anyone here have ever read this thread:
> they will be aware that the gurus at Aumha do *not* support the use
> of Registry cleaners - period! You can therefore imagine my surprise when I read here .........
> ......
> *this* instruction being given by Mr Bill Castner:-
> ***********************************************

1) Click on the following link and download the AntiVir Registry Cleaner
to your desktop
2) Create a folder on your desktop called Antivir and Unzip the file to
your desktop
3) Double-click on the file called RegCleaner.exe to run it
4) Since the program is German, you'll have to click on the button
called "keys asulesen" to search the registry for any issues. Then place
checkmarks next to the registry entries you wish to delete.
5) Finally, click on the button called "loschen" to delete the keys
6) Restart your computer.
> ***********************************************
> Someone reading here may know of some reason(s) why, in this specific
> instance, the use of this particular cleaner *has* been advocated.
> I'd be very interested to know such reason(s) - if you'll share!

NOTE: Since the parent group of was included
in the newsgroups lists, the child or subgroups or and
were omitted in my reply.

Just because a program's name is registrycleaner does not mean it is a
general-purpose registry cleanup utility. Read the following regarding
Avira's utility:

What you conveniently or perhaps accidentally omitted from your
citations of the post was that it was part of:

4. You show Avira Antivirus installed on 10-15-2008. Use Add or Remove
Programs and remove its entry.

which is then followed by the part that you choose to cite. That
entire step is about uninstalling Avira's antivirus program, and the
part that you cited was some extra cleanup of remnant registry entries
after that uninstallation.

Context is important. You left if out. Perhaps you just jumped into
that discussion by using a search and didn't read the rest of it to
understand what was the registrycleaner utility being mentioned.


"VanguardLH" wrote in message
> ~BD~ wrote:
>> Should anyone here have ever read this thread:
>> they will be aware that the gurus at Aumha do *not* support the use
>> of Registry cleaners - period! You can therefore imagine my surprise when
>> I read here .........
>> ......
>> *this* instruction being given by Mr Bill Castner:-
>> ***********************************************

> Quote:
> 1) Click on the following link and download the AntiVir Registry Cleaner
> to your desktop
> 2) Create a folder on your desktop called Antivir and Unzip the file to
> your desktop
> 3) Double-click on the file called RegCleaner.exe to run it
> 4) Since the program is German, you'll have to click on the button
> called "keys asulesen" to search the registry for any issues. Then place
> checkmarks next to the registry entries you wish to delete.
> 5) Finally, click on the button called "loschen" to delete the keys
> 6) Restart your computer.
>> ***********************************************
>> Someone reading here may know of some reason(s) why, in this specific
>> instance, the use of this particular cleaner *has* been advocated.
>> I'd be very interested to know such reason(s) - if you'll share!

> NOTE: Since the parent group of was included
> in the newsgroups lists, the child or subgroups or
> and
> were omitted in my reply.
> Just because a program's name is registrycleaner does not mean it is a
> general-purpose registry cleanup utility. Read the following regarding
> Avira's utility:
> What you conveniently or perhaps accidentally omitted from your
> citations of the post was that it was part of:
> 4. You show Avira Antivirus installed on 10-15-2008. Use Add or Remove
> Programs and remove its entry.
> which is then followed by the part that you choose to cite. That
> entire step is about uninstalling Avira's antivirus program, and the
> part that you cited was some extra cleanup of remnant registry entries
> after that uninstallation.
> Context is important. You left if out. Perhaps you just jumped into
> that discussion by using a search and didn't read the rest of it to
> understand what was the registrycleaner utility being mentioned.


Hello Vanguard - thank you for your reply.

I actually ran the Avira programme. Although I have NEVER had Avira on this
machine, a number of registry entries were identified - NONE of them
relating to Avira! Significant? Probably not - but interesting!

I then went on to load as recommended by Mr

I ran the scan and it found two instances of Trojan-Spy.Win32.Keylogger.bhg
(located in the files just downloaded as above!)

This is where I get lost!




"VanguardLH" wrote in message

"NOTE: Since the parent group of was included
in the newsgroups lists, the child or subgroups or and
were omitted in my reply."


Please could you/would you explain exactly what you mean, Vanguard?



Shenan Stanley

VanguardLH wrote:
> "NOTE: Since the parent group of was
> included in the newsgroups lists, the child or subgroups or
> and
> were omitted in my reply."

~BD~ wrote:
> Please could you/would you explain exactly what you mean, Vanguard?

Not sure it can be made more clear - but I will try:

It seems VanguardLH's intention was to not crosspost to the following two
given that it was also posted to:

You should notice that "" is seen in all those
newsgroups. The 'parent' ( and the children
(, -->
called children because they contain the same 'first part' as the parents.

In any case - it looks like VanguardLH actually ended up neglecting to
remove the other groups in their reply. -)

Shenan Stanley
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way


"Shenan Stanley" wrote in message
> VanguardLH wrote:
>> "NOTE: Since the parent group of was
>> included in the newsgroups lists, the child or subgroups or
>> and
>> were omitted in my reply."

> ~BD~ wrote:
>> Please could you/would you explain exactly what you mean, Vanguard?

> Not sure it can be made more clear - but I will try:
> It seems VanguardLH's intention was to not crosspost to the following two
> newsgroups:
> -
> -
> given that it was also posted to:
> -
> You should notice that "" is seen in all those
> newsgroups. The 'parent' ( and the children
> (, -->
> called children because they contain the same 'first part' as the parents.
> In any case - it looks like VanguardLH actually ended up neglecting to
> remove the other groups in their reply. -)
> --
> Shenan Stanley
> --

Once again I must thank you for taking the time and trouble to help me,
Shenan. So ....... Thanks!

What you seem to intimate is that if a post is made in the
"" group it will also show up in the sub groups
(children) - but this does NOT happen here on my PC (XPHome SP3 using OE6 at
present to read newsgroups). Each group seems to be totally independent of
the other ....... here!

That is why I am, quite deliberately, crossposting to other sub-groups. Are
you seeing multiple responses at your end because of my action?



Shenan Stanley

~BD~ wrote:
> What you seem to intimate is that if a post is made in the
> "" group it will also show up in the sub
> groups (children) - but this does NOT happen here on my PC (XPHome
> SP3 using OE6 at present to read newsgroups). Each group seems to
> be totally independent of the other ....... here!

They are independent of one another, as far as I know.

I said they were children of the parent group - not that everything posted
in one will be reproduced in the other. That would be 'cloning' in the
human way of thinking of parent/child. This is not the way I mean it.

Let's describe it this way (Windows XP default clean installation)...



"Shenan Stanley" wrote in message
> ~BD~ wrote:
>> What you seem to intimate is that if a post is made in the
>> "" group it will also show up in the sub
>> groups (children) - but this does NOT happen here on my PC (XPHome
>> SP3 using OE6 at present to read newsgroups). Each group seems to
>> be totally independent of the other ....... here!

> They are independent of one another, as far as I know.
> I said they were children of the parent group - not that everything posted
> in one will be reproduced in the other. That would be 'cloning' in the
> human way of thinking of parent/child. This is not the way I mean it.
> Let's describe it this way (Windows XP default clean installation)...
> C:
> C:Windows
> C:Documents and Settings
> I can create a file and put it in any one or all of those folders - but I
> do not have to put it in more than one and it would likely be a waste of
> space and effort. Putting the file in one directory on the same system is
> more than sufficient and is much more efficient.
> That's a bit simplistic - because in reality cross-posting only puts the
> data out there once and all the groups point to/read/display that posting
> (single copy able to be referred to/examined from multiple location) --
> while what I describe with the drives example would be more akin to
> multi-posting (multiple copies in multiple locations of the same data.)
>> That is why I am, quite deliberately, crossposting to other
>> sub-groups. Are you seeing multiple responses at your end because
>> of my action?

> In a way - yes. I choose to 'reply-to-all' when I reply (the majority of
> the time.) That means whatever groups the person I am responding to has
> posted their comments to - I will normally end up replying to them in all
> those groups as well.
> --
> Shenan Stanley
> --
> How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

Thanks once again, Shenan.

It seems that my understanding is just as you describe.



Shenan Stanley wrote:

> VanguardLH wrote:
>> "NOTE: Since the parent group of was
>> included in the newsgroups lists, the child or subgroups or
>> and
>> were omitted in my reply."

> ~BD~ wrote:
>> Please could you/would you explain exactly what you mean, Vanguard?

> Not sure it can be made more clear - but I will try:
> It seems VanguardLH's intention was to not crosspost to the following two
> newsgroups:
> -
> -
> given that it was also posted to:
> -
> You should notice that "" is seen in all those
> newsgroups. The 'parent' ( and the children
> (, -->
> called children because they contain the same 'first part' as the parents.
> In any case - it looks like VanguardLH actually ended up neglecting to
> remove the other groups in their reply. -)
> --
> Shenan Stanley

My intention was to not post to the child groups (i.e., subgroups). I
had not yet edited the Newsgroups header to post my reply only to I walked away to blow my nose (I have a
severe cold) and someone who shares the laptop but doesn't understand
RDP (remote desktop protocol) didn't realize that I was windowed into my
home host and thought they were using the laptop. In the 5 seconds that
I was looking away from the laptop, they sat down and closed all open
apps. That resulted in them saying yes to sending pending posts. So
what I had intended to do didn't happen (i.e., posting only to the
parent group).

The groups are in a hierarchy. Besides the Big-8 groups, you can have
subgroups (child groups).

is the parent of any subgroup in which it is the branch for those
subgroups, like:

Some posters shotgun their posts all over the place without regard to
hierarchy. If some of the groups are children of a common parent group,
just post to the parent group. If you want to crosspost to all the
child groups then don't post to the parent group. Hitting both the
parent and child groups makes it evident you are just shotgunning


Both VanguardLH and I have made further posts in this thread, but they
do not show up here in OE6 on my PC (XP Home SP3)

My last post post was made from Google Groups 02 January 2009 15:23 GMT

When I said .......

"I owe you an apology for failing to respond to your message,

So - I'm sorry! I do appreciate the time and trouble you have taken to
advise me. Thank you.

I have only just noticed same as it did NOT appear (here on my PC) in
Outlook Express 6 - rarely do I go to Google Groups using my
googlemail address (from which I am now posting) and I'll be
interested to see if *this* post turns up in OE6. I'll have to
investigate further if it doesn't!"

I'd be grateful if someone will advise if they *can* see the posts on
their machine.




In news:OHZH8OSbJHA.6036@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl,
~BD~ typed on Fri, 2 Jan 2009 21:47:43 -0000:
> I'd be grateful if someone will advise if they *can* see the posts on
> their machine.

Hi Dave! See it.

2 Gateway MX6124 - Windows XP SP2
3 Asus EEE PC 701G4 ~ 2GB RAM ~ 16GB-SDHC
2 Asus EEE PC 702G8 ~ 1GB RAM ~ 16GB-SDHC
Windows XP SP2 ~ Xandros Linux

Bob Lucas

"~BD~" wrote in message
> Both VanguardLH and I have made further posts in this thread, but they
> do not show up here in OE6 on my PC (XP Home SP3)
> My last post post was made from Google Groups 02 January 2009 15:23
> When I said .......
> "I owe you an apology for failing to respond to your message,
> VanguardLH.
> So - I'm sorry! I do appreciate the time and trouble you have taken to
> advise me. Thank you.
> I have only just noticed same as it did NOT appear (here on my PC) in
> Outlook Express 6 - rarely do I go to Google Groups using my
> googlemail address (from which I am now posting) and I'll be
> interested to see if *this* post turns up in OE6. I'll have to
> investigate further if it doesn't!"
> I'd be grateful if someone will advise if they *can* see the posts on
> their machine.
> Dave


Using Win XP Pro SP3 and OE6, I can see your post on the
microsoft.public.outlookexpress.general newsgroup.


Thanks Bill.


"BillW50" wrote in message
> In news:OHZH8OSbJHA.6036@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl,
> ~BD~ typed on Fri, 2 Jan 2009 21:47:43 -0000:
> [...]
>> I'd be grateful if someone will advise if they *can* see the posts on
>> their machine.

> Hi Dave! See it.
> --
> Bill
> 2 Gateway MX6124 - Windows XP SP2
> 3 Asus EEE PC 701G4 ~ 2GB RAM ~ 16GB-SDHC
> 2 Asus EEE PC 702G8 ~ 1GB RAM ~ 16GB-SDHC
> Windows XP SP2 ~ Xandros Linux


"Bob Lucas" wrote in message
> "~BD~" wrote in message
> news:OHZH8OSbJHA.6036@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> Both VanguardLH and I have made further posts in this thread, but
>> they do not show up here in OE6 on my PC (XP Home SP3)
>> My last post post was made from Google Groups 02 January 2009 15:23
>> GMT
>> When I said .......
>> "I owe you an apology for failing to respond to your message,
>> VanguardLH.
>> So - I'm sorry! I do appreciate the time and trouble you have taken
>> to
>> advise me. Thank you.
>> I have only just noticed same as it did NOT appear (here on my PC) in
>> Outlook Express 6 - rarely do I go to Google Groups using my
>> googlemail address (from which I am now posting) and I'll be
>> interested to see if *this* post turns up in OE6. I'll have to
>> investigate further if it doesn't!"
>> I'd be grateful if someone will advise if they *can* see the posts on
>> their machine.
>> TIA
>> Dave

> Yes
> Using Win XP Pro SP3 and OE6, I can see your post on the
> microsoft.public.outlookexpress.general newsgroup.

Thank you for letting me know, Bob.



"BillW50" wrote in message
> In news:OHZH8OSbJHA.6036@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl,
> ~BD~ typed on Fri, 2 Jan 2009 21:47:43 -0000:
> [...]
>> I'd be grateful if someone will advise if they *can* see the posts on
>> their machine.

> Hi Dave! See it.

....and now we *all* have to see it

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