Email Address setting one up....


Joan Archer

Hi Mike, I do use OEQuoteFix and looking back at the post I used those
smileys but as the text at the side of the particular line, like I
normally do.
I'm wondering if it had anything to do with the sending, I did 3 posts
that was the first and the others did show so I went into the sent folder
copied the post and sent it again and it showed up that time but with the
smileys showing as attachments.

I don't need anymore problems I've just had to sort out my Tesco shopping
site giving me grieve <g>

Mike M wrote:
> Do you use OEQuoteFix? I know it changes text smileys to graphics if
> viewing in html so there may be some combination of settings that
> sends graphic smileys as well but since you were sending in text mode
> I suspect it would be a bug.
>> Don't ask me what happened in that post, I didn't put any attachments
>> in. Joan

Mike M


The headers for that post look no different from others you have posted
and I think the problem might just have been OEQuoteFix having an off day.
Perhaps because it was wondering why its author (not you) hasn't updated
it recently! <vbg>

Tesco's? I hope you remember to send Shane some sugared doughnuts or
whatever it was he used to get himself.

Joan Archer <> wrote:

> Hi Mike, I do use OEQuoteFix and looking back at the post I used those
> smileys but as the text at the side of the particular line, like I
> normally do.
> I'm wondering if it had anything to do with the sending, I did 3 posts
> that was the first and the others did show so I went into the sent
> folder copied the post and sent it again and it showed up that time
> but with the smileys showing as attachments.
> I don't need anymore problems I've just had to sort out my Tesco
> shopping site giving me grieve <g>

Joan Archer

<lol> I know it's been a long time since anything different was done to
the program perhaps he's not going to bother with it anymore.

As for sending Shane any doughnuts, that was one of the problems with
Tesco I couldn't add to my list, each time I tried it told me I hadn't
altered the order and the original order would be delivered <g> I gave up
that one but then it wouldn't take my order this week everytime I clicked
on checkout it went to a page saying I didn't need to do that and on going
back my basket was empty.

I don't know whether the August updates had anything to do with the
problems as it was after patch Tuesday that I started having trouble, I've
sorted it and it's working now but not sure what caused it in the first
place, another of those gremlins <g>

Mike M wrote:
> Joan,
> The headers for that post look no different from others you have
> posted and I think the problem might just have been OEQuoteFix having
> an off day. Perhaps because it was wondering why its author (not you)
> hasn't updated it recently! <vbg>
> Tesco's? I hope you remember to send Shane some sugared doughnuts or
> whatever it was he used to get himself.


It happened because you called me a *bitch*!!! The MS server knows I am
NOT a bitch......LOL!!

And I was out gadding about today in 100 degree muggy weather and am
ready to scream!! We drove for 2 hours to Port Dover for a pickerel
lunch in the Jag which does NOT have air conditioning and I was not a
happy camper.

Mind you, the fish was good, but Mr. *Won't Ask for Directions* got lost
and it probably took us 3 hot, sweaty hours to drive home. What is it
with men that they refuse to ask where the hell they are (or aren't)????

XX Figgs

"Joan Archer" <> wrote in message
> Don't ask me what happened in that post, I didn't put any attachments
> in.
> Joan
> Joan Archer wrote:
>> You can be such a bitch
>> And what's this about being retired, according to you you're always
>> gadding about so you can't make out you never get the chance to show
>> off your skills
>> Come on girl get those fingers clicking and send us the photo's or
>> the
>> links
>> Joan
>> Heather wrote:
>>> SMACK!! I hope you felt that. !!
>>> I do have about 6 beginner ones on here (beginner *photos*, I
>>> mean)....they aren't the best. I have to get it set up properly.
>>> Those were taken on the pillow and arm of my new sofa.....grin.
>>> Tacky, tacky, tacky.
>>> I had one piece on today when I went out and 3 offers to buy it.
>>> Moss jasper with antique gold beads. Makes my eyes look like two
>>> olives. (same colour, I mean.....I can just hear the Loon now with a
>>> comment).
>>> My problem is with being retired......who sees the stuff?? If I
>>> worked in an office, I could sell it easily. But I will get those
>>> photos done and send you guys some. Or give you a link to Yahoo
>>> Photos.
>>> Elayne just sent me a picture of a chunky turquoise necklace that
>>> she
>>> is drooling over.....guess I know what she wants for Xmas. (G)
>>> The Jewellery Queen.


Mike M

Heather <figgyd@nospam.invalid> wrote:

> It happened because you called me a *bitch*!!! The MS server knows I
> am NOT a bitch......LOL!!
> And I was out gadding about today in 100 degree muggy weather and am
> ready to scream!! We drove for 2 hours to Port Dover for a pickerel
> lunch in the Jag which does NOT have air conditioning and I was not a
> happy camper.
> Mind you, the fish was good, but Mr. *Won't Ask for Directions* got
> lost and it probably took us 3 hot, sweaty hours to drive home. What is
> it with men that they refuse to ask where the hell they are
> (or aren't)????

Perhaps because experience tells them not to trust a woman to give a
meaningful or useful answer? <g>


"Mike M" <No_Spam@Corned_Beef.Only> wrote in message
> Heather <figgyd@nospam.invalid> wrote:
>> Mind you, the fish was good, but Mr. *Won't Ask for Directions* got
>> lost and it probably took us 3 hot, sweaty hours to drive home. What
>> is it with men that they refuse to ask where the hell they are
>> (or aren't)????

> Perhaps because experience tells them not to trust a woman to give a
> meaningful or useful answer? <g>

Oh boy, you are cruisin' I happen to be an excellent
navigator and he gets some *issed when I try to sort him out re

Mind you, I will never, EVER, drive in England again with those bloody
roundabouts!!!!!! Grounds for divorce, they are. He managed to almost
get us killed on 50% of them.


Mike M

Heather <figgyd@nospam.invalid> wrote:

> Oh boy, you are cruisin' I happen to be an excellent
> navigator and he gets some *issed when I try to sort him out re
> directions.
> Mind you, I will never, EVER, drive in England again with those bloody
> roundabouts!!!!!! Grounds for divorce, they are. He managed to
> almost get us killed on 50% of them.

Roundabouts, they're easy
(, alternatively just go
straight over the top when no-one is looking.

If you really want to get confused you could always try the magic
roundabout near Swindon
( This is a big
roundabout with five small roundabouts one in the mouth of each of the
feeder roads that meet at the roundabout. Traffic goes in all directions
at once including traffic in the centre going anti-clockwise with an outer
ring going in the more normal, for the UK, clockwise direction. Confusing
however isn't really the word I would use to describe it!


LOL!! So why didn't you send me that before we went to the UK??? Hit
my first roundabout at the Glasgow airport and it was downhill from

Ron never, ever got the hang of them. Coming up from Brighton to
Gatwick (to hand in the car), he missed the turnoff into the airport and
we were damn near back to Brighton before we could find a spot to turn
around again. He almost missed it the second time and I had the divorce
papers ready for filing........ROFL!!

What are you still doing up?? Cpap not working??

Must write you and Joanie a long email.......with links to pics of
jewellery, so will get them done tomorrow.

Heather (couldn't get the Swindon one up.....seems there is no writeup.
Want to do one??)
"Mike M" <No_Spam@Corned_Beef.Only> wrote in message
> Heather <figgyd@nospam.invalid> wrote:
>> Oh boy, you are cruisin' I happen to be an excellent
>> navigator and he gets some *issed when I try to sort him out re
>> directions.
>> Mind you, I will never, EVER, drive in England again with those
>> bloody
>> roundabouts!!!!!! Grounds for divorce, they are. He managed to
>> almost get us killed on 50% of them.

> Roundabouts, they're easy
> (, alternatively just
> go straight over the top when no-one is looking.
> If you really want to get confused you could always try the magic
> roundabout near Swindon
> ( This is a
> big roundabout with five small roundabouts one in the mouth of each of
> the feeder roads that meet at the roundabout. Traffic goes in all
> directions at once including traffic in the centre going
> anti-clockwise with an outer ring going in the more normal, for the
> UK, clockwise direction. Confusing however isn't really the word I
> would use to describe it!
> --
> Mike


"N. Miller" <> wrote in message
> On Wed, 5 Sep 2007 13:12:45 -0400, Heather wrote:
> The Yahoo! Photos changes were much discussed in the AT&T support
> groups
> and my understanding, from the complaints, was that use of Flickr
> would incur a $29 annual fee. When one can run with either Google
> Picasa, or HPSnapfish, without the fees, there is no need for a
> fee-based service.<<<<<

As I said yesterday, it doesn't cost me one red cent to put them on
Flickr via my ISP. Only in the US does Yahoo charge......LOL!!

And Rogers also gives me free long distance to anywhere in North America
providing the recipient uses their Home Phone......which my daughter in
BC does. So that is a HUGE bonus!! I also use Skype on the computer to
talk to her and a few others around the world.

You should move up here to God's Country, lol.


Mike M

Heather <figgyd@nospam.invalid> wrote:

> LOL!! So why didn't you send me that before we went to the UK??? Hit
> my first roundabout at the Glasgow airport and it was downhill from
> there.

As I said, they're easy peasy. Not so sure though that's so true for the
various magic roundabouts but the regular users swear they're fine and
also very quick.

> Ron never, ever got the hang of them. Coming up from Brighton to
> Gatwick (to hand in the car), he missed the turnoff into the airport
> and we were damn near back to Brighton before we could find a spot to
> turn around again. He almost missed it the second time and I had the
> divorce papers ready for filing........ROFL!!

If you're not sure of the turn off you need from a roundabout just go
round again rather than dive down the wrong road - three times round
however and others will start to get worried. <g>

> What are you still doing up?? Cpap not working??

To be honest I didn't realise the time possibly because it was quite hot
and humid not that it was any better when I got to bed.

> Must write you and Joanie a long email.......with links to pics of
> jewellery, so will get them done tomorrow.

Don't worry. Knowing me it will take me weeks to reply and then it will
only be two or three lines.

N. Miller

On Thu, 6 Sep 2007 23:32:54 -0400, Heather wrote:

> You should move up here to God's Country, lol.

God intended for us to be able to keep pistols in our houses, and to be able
to speak our minds without fear of government sanctions. How anybody can
consider a nation which prohibits its citizens from owning pistols, and
which sanctions it citizens for politically incorrect speaking, "God's
Country" puzzles me.

~Shine, bright morning light,
~now in the air the spring is coming.
~Sweet, blowing wind,
~singing down the hills and valleys.


I guess that would depend on which God you believe in. Muslim countries
would consider themselves "God's Country" and they have far more
restrictions than that.

Perspectives, beliefs, and personal freedoms also change over time. In the
old days "God's Country" aka Israel used to do a lot of things we might find
ridiculous today. Some parts of the world still practice such things as
slavery, polygamy, animal sacrifice... and yes there are a number of
countries where the people are not free to speak their minds.

"N. Miller" <> wrote in message
> On Thu, 6 Sep 2007 23:32:54 -0400, Heather wrote:
>> You should move up here to God's Country, lol.

> God intended for us to be able to keep pistols in our houses, and to be
> able
> to speak our minds without fear of government sanctions. How anybody can
> consider a nation which prohibits its citizens from owning pistols, and
> which sanctions it citizens for politically incorrect speaking, "God's
> Country" puzzles me.
> --
> Norman
> ~Shine, bright morning light,
> ~now in the air the spring is coming.
> ~Sweet, blowing wind,
> ~singing down the hills and valleys.


Any chance your man got lost on purpose because he wanted to see you hot and

"Heather" <figgyd@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> It happened because you called me a *bitch*!!! The MS server knows I am
> NOT a bitch......LOL!!
> And I was out gadding about today in 100 degree muggy weather and am ready
> to scream!! We drove for 2 hours to Port Dover for a pickerel lunch in
> the Jag which does NOT have air conditioning and I was not a happy camper.
> Mind you, the fish was good, but Mr. *Won't Ask for Directions* got lost
> and it probably took us 3 hot, sweaty hours to drive home. What is it
> with men that they refuse to ask where the hell they are (or aren't)????
> XX Figgs


OMG!! Ron and I were looking at that horrible roundabout and had we hit
it, we still would be going around in the middle. Tks to the 2 M's for
the pictures.

Bear in mind, we have no roundabouts here, but make do with perfectly
sensible stop signs and stop lights. You can keep those frightening
things. Have to admit that they built a small one about an hour from
here. Still scares the blank out of me.

All in what you grew up with, I suppose. Didn't drive in Portugal this
time.....even the tourist guide books warned us not to do so,
particularly in Lisbon and Porto.


"Mike M" <No_Spam@Corned_Beef.Only> wrote in message
> Heather <figgyd@nospam.invalid> wrote:
>> LOL!! So why didn't you send me that before we went to the UK???
>> Hit
>> my first roundabout at the Glasgow airport and it was downhill from
>> there.

> As I said, they're easy peasy. Not so sure though that's so true for
> the various magic roundabouts but the regular users swear they're fine
> and also very quick.
>> Ron never, ever got the hang of them. Coming up from Brighton to
>> Gatwick (to hand in the car), he missed the turnoff into the airport
>> and we were damn near back to Brighton before we could find a spot to
>> turn around again. He almost missed it the second time and I had the
>> divorce papers ready for filing........ROFL!!

> If you're not sure of the turn off you need from a roundabout just go
> round again rather than dive down the wrong road - three times round
> however and others will start to get worried. <g>
>> What are you still doing up?? Cpap not working??

> To be honest I didn't realise the time possibly because it was quite
> hot and humid not that it was any better when I got to bed.
>> Must write you and Joanie a long email.......with links to pics of
>> jewellery, so will get them done tomorrow.

> Don't worry. Knowing me it will take me weeks to reply and then it
> will only be two or three lines.
> --
> Mike

Mike M

Look at the satellite image and aerial photo of the magic roundabout using
the urls in my reply to Mart of a few minutes ago. Give you the shakes
yes? I understand that the British Government are going to put such
roundabouts at the entrances to all UK international airports as a defence
against terrorists. :)

BTW roundabouts cause far less delays than stop signs and lights, I
understand that the magic roundabout when introduced significantly reduced
traffic delays in the area!
Mike Maltby

Heather <figgyd@nospam.invalid> wrote:

> OMG!! Ron and I were looking at that horrible roundabout and had we
> hit it, we still would be going around in the middle. Tks to the 2
> M's for the pictures.
> Bear in mind, we have no roundabouts here, but make do with perfectly
> sensible stop signs and stop lights. You can keep those frightening
> things. Have to admit that they built a small one about an hour from
> here. Still scares the blank out of me.
> All in what you grew up with, I suppose. Didn't drive in Portugal
> this time.....even the tourist guide books warned us not to do so,
> particularly in Lisbon and Porto.


Jeepers Mike! - I thought the schematic looked bad enough. But the Sat.
Views? - I think I'll just stay up-north <g>


"Mike M" <No_Spam@Corned_Beef.Only> wrote in message
> Mart <mart(NoSpam)@nospam.nospam> wrote:
>> Try :-
>> OMG!

> Mart/Heather,
> Have a look at (Long URL alert):
> and
> --
> Mike


"Eric" <> wrote in message
> I guess that would depend on which God you believe in. Muslim countries
> would consider themselves "God's Country" and they have far more
> restrictions than that.
> Perspectives, beliefs, and personal freedoms also change over time. In

> old days "God's Country" aka Israel used to do a lot of things we might

> ridiculous today. Some parts of the world still practice such things as
> slavery, polygamy, animal sacrifice... and yes there are a number of
> countries where the people are not free to speak their minds.

Does that include 'us', or what? <H>.

> "N. Miller" <> wrote in message
> news:jo1yruqejb02$
> > On Thu, 6 Sep 2007 23:32:54 -0400, Heather wrote:
> >
> >> You should move up here to God's Country, lol.

> >
> > God intended for us to be able to keep pistols in our houses, and to be
> > able
> > to speak our minds without fear of government sanctions. How anybody can
> > consider a nation which prohibits its citizens from owning pistols, and
> > which sanctions it citizens for politically incorrect speaking, "God's
> > Country" puzzles me.
> >
> > --
> > Norman
> > ~Shine, bright morning light,
> > ~now in the air the spring is coming.
> > ~Sweet, blowing wind,
> > ~singing down the hills and valleys.



"Mart" <mart(NoSpam)@nospam.nospam> wrote in message
> Jeepers Mike! - I thought the schematic looked bad enough. But the
> Sat. Views? - I think I'll just stay up-north <g>

Good.....then I will come and visit you and leave the rest of England
alone. But they also had them in Portugal. So it must be a European

> Mart
> "Mike M" <No_Spam@Corned_Beef.Only> wrote in message
> news:%23q9vBNW8HHA.4880@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>> Mart <mart(NoSpam)@nospam.nospam> wrote:
>>> Try :-
>>> OMG!

>> Mart/Heather,
>> Have a look at (Long URL alert):
>> and
>> --
>> Mike

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