CA Anti-Virus Question



Like you, I switched from CA to Avast, but about 2 or 3 weeks ago. It
updates just fine and I have removed some of the redundant virus
checking (email in and email out).....but I rather like it. I still
have it checking the news groups cuz you just never know with those
antivirus ones, grin.

Cheers from a wonderfully warm Brampton, Ontario......and going up to 29
later this week.......Figgs

"Mike M" <No_Spam@Corned_Beef.Only> wrote in message
>I gave up paying CA when they introduced the one year free trial some
>time ago. Since then Ozzie Laden (from Afghanistan), Harvey Pingu
>(from the south pole) and John Doe Jr (from the USA) amongst many
>others have enjoyed free use of CA AV software on my PCs. CA dropped
>back to a three month trial earlier this year but again that isn't a
>problem either as I'm now using Avast on most of my PCs. Note that I
>run more than one OS on most PCs so need multiple copies of for example
>AV software.
> --
> Mike Maltby
> SGB <> wrote:
>> I only wanted you folks to read what they sent me just so you could
>> see for yourself how the good people (LOL) at CA replied to my
>> problem.
>> I'm going to use another AV software anyway like Heirloom first
>> suggested.
>> Mike, I believed you when you posted it worked on your 'puters. I
>> didn't doubt you at all. If CA doesn't want my money to renew my
>> license, #%&* 'em!



That's good to know, Mike! Me mum got two extra serial numbers with her CA
AV subscription. I thought about using it on mine, but, have been perfectly
happy with the free Avast!....the thought was fleeting.
Heirloom, old and nap time is over, time
for bed

"Mike M" <No_Spam@Corned_Beef.Only> wrote in message
> Computer Associates AV build works perfectly well when installed
> on Win Me so it would appear that CA are telling porkies, something that
> is not unusual nowadays when asking software houses about support for
> older operating systems such as Win Me. It is easier for them to say that
> they don't support the use of their product on Win Me regardless of
> whether it works or not rather than to spend time on providing support. CA
> today is focussing its product support on Vista and they are unlikely to
> express interest in any products older than XP SP2.
> --
> Mike Maltby
> SGB <> wrote:
>> Hi folks!
>> Just wanted to share this email I got from CA this afternoon.
>> Hello,
>> Thank you for contacting CA Consumer Support.
>> My name is Sandy and I will be assisting you on issue #XXXXXXXX..
>> As in response to your email,unfortunatly our antivirus updated
>> software is not compatible on windows ME.Sorry for the inconvenience.
>> I hope this resolves your issue.
>> I would like to let you know your issue will remain active in our
>> support tra
>> cking database for the next 90 days. During this timeframe, we will
>> be more t
>> han happy to assist you in resolving any further concerns in relation
>> to this
>> specific issue. Therefore, if the solution I provided does not
>> resolve your issue please let me know and I will assist you further.
>> You can mail me at pc
>> mentioning the issue number in the subject line.



ME is officially obsolete.
MS cut off all support, now all software makers are cutting off support.
You can't write .NET apps on WinME.
AOL released a new McAfee that does not support WinME.
Soon you won't be able to use it at all, you might as well be running
Windows 3.1.
There needs to be a government grant to help those of us still stuck on ME
get the upgrade. I don't have WinXP and can't spare $100USD right now.

"SGB" <> wrote in message
> Hi folks!
> Just wanted to share this email I got from CA this afternoon.
> Hello,
> Thank you for contacting CA Consumer Support.
> My name is Sandy and I will be assisting you on issue #XXXXXXXX..
> As in response to your email,unfortunatly our antivirus updated software
> is
> not compatible on windows ME.Sorry for the inconvenience.


"Eric" <> wrote in message
> ME is officially obsolete.
> MS cut off all support, now all software makers are cutting off support.
> You can't write .NET apps on WinME.
> AOL released a new McAfee that does not support WinME.
> Soon you won't be able to use it at all, you might as well be running
> Windows 3.1.

Why does it still work soooo good for me? <H>.

> There needs to be a government grant to help those of us still stuck on ME
> get the upgrade. I don't have WinXP and can't spare $100USD right now.
> "SGB" <> wrote in message
> news:uGdLgwi%23HHA.1204@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> > Hi folks!
> >
> > Just wanted to share this email I got from CA this afternoon.
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > Thank you for contacting CA Consumer Support.
> > My name is Sandy and I will be assisting you on issue #XXXXXXXX..
> >
> > As in response to your email,unfortunatly our antivirus updated software
> > is
> > not compatible on windows ME.Sorry for the inconvenience.
> >


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