Assigning a Drive letter to External USB connected Hard Drive



Bill Blanton wrote:
> "Frog" <> wrote in message news:%23E3s4y5$HHA.1184@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> glee wrote:
>>> Your external WD hard drive is installed into a USB 2.0 enclosure. That enclosure should have Win98 drivers that need to be
>>> installed before you can recognise and use the enclosure in Win98. Those drivers should be on a CD that came with the enclosure,
>>> or else you can probably download them from the maker of the enclosure.
>>> Have you installed these drivers yet?

>> Yes. I, however, haven't gotten to my lost files yet. I now have the
>> Acronis driver for PHR-100A/Drivers/PI-036 installed for this device. I also know that I am unable to get a drive letter assigned
>> to this device. The following quote is from the manual for the external hard drive device:
>> Quote
>> Note: If you don't see the new drive letter added in My Computer after driver is loaded properly, the reason could be the hard
>> disk has no partition and format yet, please partition and format the drive in the enclosure before using it.
>> Unquote
>> I know I can't take the actions they suggest--the files would be lost. Are there any other possible steps I can take to assign a
>> drive letter to this device?

> So the device is being seen now?

It appears so. I see indications in the Device Manager that makes me
believe it is being seen. I did load the backup (Acronis) software on
my system, and then attempted to restore the backup from there. It did
not succeed (see response to Glen's message for further details).

Only MS type partitions are assigned
> drive letters by Windows.

The 120GB external hard drive was not partitioned when previously
installed (including when the backup was made. The only data recorded
on this external hard drive was one complete backup of my system.
> Did you image or copy the source partition?

I made an image of my least I believe that is what I did.
The software is titled "Acronis True Image".
> If the device is visible, I would do a partinfo on the drive to see what is
> in the partition tables and corresponding boot sectors, (if anything).
> Partinfo will not write to drive. Only read it.
> To write the output to a file, at a command prompt do
> partinfo > partinfo.txt

I downloaded/ran the software package. The info on the screen really
goes by in a hurry. I then attempted to find a way to do the second
part of your suggestion---write the output to a file. I attempted to
type the command at the bottom of the window with the data--it stopped
me...I decided to open MS-DOS and no luck, how do I get it
to write to a file?
> If the device is not being seen, that's a different matter.

An aside comment--since attempting to restore the backup (see message to
Glen), I am now getting an error window when opening the Acronis
software package (no anything clicked). The error message is one of
those that I got while attempting to do the restore (i.e., "Error -
Failed to read from the sector ...,...,... of the hard disk 2"--sector
number continues to change when OK clicked. I don't know if Acronis is
busy doing something to restore or to change the backup to fit what is
presently on the internal hard drive. In any event, it keeps giving me
the same type of error message when opening Acronis.


Further to my comments to your message:

I have another piece of information and a question:

I was thinking that the Acronis software that I used while attempting to
restore the backup is located on the C drive. The backup on the
external hard drive is a complete image of what was on the hard drive
(drives C, D, E, F and G). Could it be that a conflict exists with
writing over Acronis software, while it is restoring the backup? That
got me to thinking about continuing to search for an answer to getting a
drive letter assigned to the external hard drive. Then, it would be
possible to restore the backup from the data that is contained on the
CD. Of course, I would create a new CD once a drive letter was assigned
to the external hard drive (hoping that Acronis from a CD would be able
to find the backup). So far, have I got you laughing so hard that you
are about to fall out of your chair? If not, my "superb technical
skills" will continue with my thoughts. I then decided to see if I
could locate where drive letter information is stored in the registry.
That probably has you shaking in your shoes, doesn't it? Well, be
assured that I am smart enough on this subject to know better than to do
anything in the registry without sound and trusted advice. I just
wanted to see what I could find. Here (in my own typing, since I can't
remember how to get the information from the registry to a message
otherwise) is what I found:


- My Computer
- Enum
- WDC_WD1200JB-00REA0____0

The line below is a sub folder of WDC_WD1200JB-00REA0____0.



Name - Data
(Default) - (value not set)
Capabilities - 14 00 00 00
Class - "DiskDrive"
ClassGUID - "{4d36e967-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}"
ConfigFlags - 00 00 00 00
CurrentDriveLetter - '"'
Device Desc - "WDCWD11200JB-00REA0 "
DeviceType - 00
Disconnect - 01
Driver - "DiskDrive\0004"
HardwareID -
Int13 - 01
Manufacturer - WDCWD12"
Mfg - "(Standard disk drives)"
PModelnt13 - 01
Productld - "00JB-00REA0 "
Removable - 00
RevisionLevel - "0000"
SCSITargetID - "0"
SyncDataXfer - 01

Now to my question--is there some way in the registry to assign a drive
letter to the external hard drive? I know, you are laughing at my
superior technical skills and logic again. I just thought the above
information might lead to a solution for my problem.

Keep smiling, I'm loaded with many more off-the-wall thoughts.

glee wrote:
> I do have one question though: If you cannot see the USB hard drive
> when starting with the Acronis bootable CD, why not just install Acronis
> True Image to the C: drive, then run it from Windows and see if the USB
> drive is visible from there?

Bill Blanton

"Frog" <> wrote in message news:OpuX0OEAIHA.2268@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> Bill Blanton wrote:

>> So the device is being seen now?

> It appears so. I see indications in the Device Manager that makes me
> believe it is being seen. I did load the backup (Acronis) software on
> my system, and then attempted to restore the backup from there. It did not succeed (see response to Glen's message for further
> details).
> Only MS type partitions are assigned
>> drive letters by Windows.

> The 120GB external hard drive was not partitioned when previously
> installed (including when the backup was made. The only data recorded
> on this external hard drive was one complete backup of my system.
>> Did you image or copy the source partition?

> I made an image of my least I believe that is what I did.
> The software is titled "Acronis True Image".

Ok, but the image should be written as a file to a formatted volume/(partition).

>> If the device is visible, I would do a partinfo on the drive to see what is
>> in the partition tables and corresponding boot sectors, (if anything).
>> Partinfo will not write to drive. Only read it.
>> To write the output to a file, at a command prompt do
>> partinfo > partinfo.txt

> I downloaded/ran the software package. The info on the screen really goes by in a hurry. I then attempted to find a way to do
> the second part of your suggestion---write the output to a file. I attempted to type the command at the bottom of the window with
> the data--it stopped me...I decided to open MS-DOS and no luck, how do I get it to write to a file?

What do you mean it stopped you? It was locked up? Partinfo is a DOS
program that can be run from pure DOS, or a command prompt (DOS
window) from within windows. To redirect output to a file in the current
directory, you'd type.

partinfo > partinfo.txt

the ">" character denotes device redirection. If successful you won't see any
video output. (as it has been "redirected")

>> If the device is not being seen, that's a different matter.

> An aside comment--since attempting to restore the backup (see message to Glen), I am now getting an error window when opening the
> Acronis software package (no anything clicked). The error message is one of those that I got while attempting to do the restore
> (i.e., "Error - Failed to read from the sector ...,...,... of the hard disk 2"--sector number continues to change when OK clicked.

That's not a good sign. Is disk 2 the one we're talking about? Either way
it sounds like disk 2 is dying.

> I don't know if Acronis is busy doing something to restore or to change the backup to fit what is presently on the internal hard
> drive. In any event, it keeps giving me the same type of error message when opening Acronis.


Thanks for sticking with me on this--I will respond under your comments.

Bill Blanton wrote:
> "Frog" <> wrote in message news:OpuX0OEAIHA.2268@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> Bill Blanton wrote:

>>> So the device is being seen now?

>> It appears so. I see indications in the Device Manager that makes me
>> believe it is being seen. I did load the backup (Acronis) software on
>> my system, and then attempted to restore the backup from there. It did not succeed (see response to Glen's message for further
>> details).
>> Only MS type partitions are assigned
>>> drive letters by Windows.

>> The 120GB external hard drive was not partitioned when previously
>> installed (including when the backup was made. The only data recorded
>> on this external hard drive was one complete backup of my system.
>>> Did you image or copy the source partition?

>> I made an image of my least I believe that is what I did.
>> The software is titled "Acronis True Image".

> Ok, but the image should be written as a file to a formatted volume/(partition).

Both the external 120GB USB connected hard drive and the internal 120GB
hard drives are less than two months old. The external hard drive was
formatted and given a drive letter M, before all of my problems started.
No, the external hard drive was not partitioned. I had planned to use
this drive for system backup images only. I remember the backup file
that was made on the external hard drive had a file name---one that I
did not write down at the time.
>>> If the device is visible, I would do a partinfo on the drive to see what is
>>> in the partition tables and corresponding boot sectors, (if anything).
>>> Partinfo will not write to drive. Only read it.
>>> To write the output to a file, at a command prompt do
>>> partinfo > partinfo.txt

>> I downloaded/ran the software package. The info on the screen really goes by in a hurry. I then attempted to find a way to do
>> the second part of your suggestion---write the output to a file. I attempted to type the command at the bottom of the window with
>> the data--it stopped me...I decided to open MS-DOS and no luck, how do I get it to write to a file?

> What do you mean it stopped you? It was locked up?

When I click partinfo.exe on my desktop, I immediately see a window open
with a black background and information flying by. At the end of this
window there is a _ blinking. I attempted to type the partinfo >
partinfo.txt at this location. It would not let me type anything
following the blinking _. I then opened my system in MS-DOS and typed
in the command there, and immediately I got a message "Bad command or
file name" window. I then paid a visit to partinfo.exe > Memory tab >
Expanded (ESM) Memory where I see a comment "The computer is not
configured for expanded memory in MS-DOS sessions. I next clicked the
Details button and got the following window:"The 'device=EMM' line in
your CCONFIG.SYS contains the 'noems' keyword. To enable expanded
memory, use Notepad to remove that keyword and restart the system".
Could this be the reason that I can make the command work in DOS?
Secondly, do I run the .exe program on the desktop before going to
MS-DOS and entering the command, or do I simply go to MS-DOS and type in
the command? I hope this sheds some light on my inability to make the
command work. If not, let me know and I will give it another try.

Partinfo is a DOS
> program that can be run from pure DOS, or a command prompt (DOS
> window) from within windows. To redirect output to a file in the current
> directory, you'd type.
> partinfo > partinfo.txt
> the ">" character denotes device redirection. If successful you won't see any
> video output. (as it has been "redirected")

????? Where does it get redirected to? I know that I'm not to this
point but will I know where to find the file, so I can include it my
>>> If the device is not being seen, that's a different matter.

>> An aside comment--since attempting to restore the backup (see message to Glen), I am now getting an error window when opening the
>> Acronis software package (no anything clicked). The error message is one of those that I got while attempting to do the restore
>> (i.e., "Error - Failed to read from the sector ...,...,... of the hard disk 2"--sector number continues to change when OK clicked.

> That's not a good sign. Is disk 2 the one we're talking about? Either way
> it sounds like disk 2 is dying.

I know that both disks are new and should be in good shape, but.....
>> I don't know if Acronis is busy doing something to restore or to change the backup to fit what is presently on the internal hard
>> drive. In any event, it keeps giving me the same type of error message when opening Acronis.



Bill Blanton

"Frog" <> wrote in message news:ukP4hDJAIHA.3916@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> Thanks for sticking with me on this--I will respond under your comments.
> Bill Blanton wrote:
>> "Frog" <> wrote in message news:OpuX0OEAIHA.2268@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>> Bill Blanton wrote:

>>>> So the device is being seen now?
>>> It appears so. I see indications in the Device Manager that makes me
>>> believe it is being seen. I did load the backup (Acronis) software on
>>> my system, and then attempted to restore the backup from there. It did not succeed (see response to Glen's message for further
>>> details).
>>> Only MS type partitions are assigned
>>>> drive letters by Windows.
>>> The 120GB external hard drive was not partitioned when previously
>>> installed (including when the backup was made. The only data recorded
>>> on this external hard drive was one complete backup of my system.
>>>> Did you image or copy the source partition?
>>> I made an image of my least I believe that is what I did.
>>> The software is titled "Acronis True Image".

>> Ok, but the image should be written as a file to a formatted volume/(partition).

> Both the external 120GB USB connected hard drive and the internal 120GB hard drives are less than two months old. The external
> hard drive was formatted and given a drive letter M, before all of my problems started.

If it was formatted, then it was partitioned. A partition of one is still a partition.

> No, the external hard drive was not partitioned. I had planned to use this drive for system backup images only. I remember the
> backup file that was made on the external hard drive had a file name---one that I did not write down at the time.
>>>> If the device is visible, I would do a partinfo on the drive to see what is
>>>> in the partition tables and corresponding boot sectors, (if anything).
>>>> Partinfo will not write to drive. Only read it.
>>>> To write the output to a file, at a command prompt do
>>>> partinfo > partinfo.txt
>>> I downloaded/ran the software package. The info on the screen really goes by in a hurry. I then attempted to find a way to do
>>> the second part of your suggestion---write the output to a file. I attempted to type the command at the bottom of the window
>>> with the data--it stopped me...I decided to open MS-DOS and no luck, how do I get it to write to a file?

>> What do you mean it stopped you? It was locked up?

> When I click partinfo.exe on my desktop, I immediately see a window open with a black background and information flying by. At
> the end of this window there is a _ blinking. I attempted to type the partinfo > partinfo.txt at this location. It would not let
> me type anything following the blinking _.

Copy/paste the following line into the "Run..." dialog (Start menu > Run... > (rightclick/paste))_

C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\partinfo.exe > C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\partinfo.txt

The file should now be on the desktop.

Bill Blanton

"Frog" <> wrote in message news:uP9fc2DAIHA.5488@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> glee wrote:
>> I do have one question though: If you cannot see the USB hard drive when starting with the Acronis bootable CD, why not just
>> install Acronis True Image to the C: drive, then run it from Windows and see if the USB drive is visible from there?

> I did this one and still no luck. I installed the Acronis software on my machine. I next clicked restore. I then got many
> windows (with many different sector numbers) as follows "Error, failed to read from the sector 538,989,519 of the hard disk 2."
> Once I got through all of the sector problem windows (some 25 I would guess), I got to a normal window that included a restore
> selection--I click restore. That action resulted in the following error message: "Error - E000101F9: Cannot get write access to
> the hard disk drive(s). OK" The details for this error were: "Another Acronis application has write access to the hard disk
> drive(s). Only one Acronis application can have write access to the hard disk drive at a time." I am unable to proceed further
> with restore. It appears it is seeing something when started but I am not sure if it is the internal or external drive.

If you only have the two drives, it's probably the external being designated
as "2". Some programs start counting drives from one, others from

If you are getting sector read errors on the external, don't hold much hope
in restoring your backup. Not without spending some money..


I'm sorry I wasn't clearer in my last reply. I did not say to try to restore, only
to install Acronis and try to *see* the backup on the external drive from Acronis
TrueImage after starting the program.

No, the ideas you suggest will not work at this juncture. Nice try, though. :)

For now, please stick with Bill Blanton till he has your partinfo.txt and has
explained it.
Glen Ventura, MS MVP Shell/User, A+

"Frog" <> wrote in message
> Further to my comments to your message:
> snip


"Bill Blanton" <> wrote in message
> snip
> Copy/paste the following line into the "Run..." dialog (Start menu > Run... >
> (rightclick/paste))_
> C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\partinfo.exe > C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\partinfo.txt
> The file should now be on the desktop.


Be sure that you have unzipped partinfo.exe *to the Desktop*, before you run this
Glen Ventura, MS MVP Shell/User, A+


Bill Blanton wrote:
> "Frog" <> wrote in message news:ukP4hDJAIHA.3916@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> Thanks for sticking with me on this--I will respond under your comments.
>> Bill Blanton wrote:
>>> "Frog" <> wrote in message news:OpuX0OEAIHA.2268@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>> Bill Blanton wrote:
>>>>> So the device is being seen now?
>>>> It appears so. I see indications in the Device Manager that makes me
>>>> believe it is being seen. I did load the backup (Acronis) software on
>>>> my system, and then attempted to restore the backup from there. It did not succeed (see response to Glen's message for further
>>>> details).
>>>> Only MS type partitions are assigned
>>>>> drive letters by Windows.
>>>> The 120GB external hard drive was not partitioned when previously
>>>> installed (including when the backup was made. The only data recorded
>>>> on this external hard drive was one complete backup of my system.
>>>>> Did you image or copy the source partition?
>>>> I made an image of my least I believe that is what I did.
>>>> The software is titled "Acronis True Image".
>>> Ok, but the image should be written as a file to a formatted volume/(partition).

>> Both the external 120GB USB connected hard drive and the internal 120GB hard drives are less than two months old. The external
>> hard drive was formatted and given a drive letter M, before all of my problems started.

> If it was formatted, then it was partitioned. A partition of one is still a partition.
>> No, the external hard drive was not partitioned. I had planned to use this drive for system backup images only. I remember the
>> backup file that was made on the external hard drive had a file name---one that I did not write down at the time.
>>>>> If the device is visible, I would do a partinfo on the drive to see what is
>>>>> in the partition tables and corresponding boot sectors, (if anything).
>>>>> Partinfo will not write to drive. Only read it.
>>>>> To write the output to a file, at a command prompt do
>>>>> partinfo > partinfo.txt
>>>> I downloaded/ran the software package. The info on the screen really goes by in a hurry. I then attempted to find a way to do
>>>> the second part of your suggestion---write the output to a file. I attempted to type the command at the bottom of the window
>>>> with the data--it stopped me...I decided to open MS-DOS and no luck, how do I get it to write to a file?
>>> What do you mean it stopped you? It was locked up?

>> When I click partinfo.exe on my desktop, I immediately see a window open with a black background and information flying by. At
>> the end of this window there is a _ blinking. I attempted to type the partinfo > partinfo.txt at this location. It would not let
>> me type anything following the blinking _.

> Copy/paste the following line into the "Run..." dialog (Start menu > Run... > (rightclick/paste))_
> C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\partinfo.exe > C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\partinfo.txt
> The file should now be on the desktop.


I did as you suggested. I did not, however, find the results on my
desktop. I could see the same black screen with white letters/numbers
flying by as the executable was running. After not finding the
partinfo.txt file on my desktop---I did a find for partinfo.txt and
nothing was found. Help!



glee wrote:
> "Bill Blanton" <> wrote in message
> news:uLaiSaJAIHA.4828@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> snip
>> Copy/paste the following line into the "Run..." dialog (Start menu >
>> Run... > (rightclick/paste))_
>> C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\partinfo.exe > C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\partinfo.txt
>> The file should now be on the desktop.

> Frog,
> Be sure that you have unzipped partinfo.exe *to the Desktop*, before you
> run this command.

I did this immediately after downloading the .zip file and the
partinfo.exe file is on the desktop.



"Frog" <> wrote in message
> Bill Blanton wrote:
>> snip
>> Copy/paste the following line into the "Run..." dialog (Start menu > Run... >
>> (rightclick/paste))_
>> C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\partinfo.exe > C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\partinfo.txt
>> The file should now be on the desktop.

> I did as you suggested. I did not, however, find the results on my desktop. I
> could see the same black screen with white letters/numbers flying by as the
> executable was running. After not finding the partinfo.txt file on my desktop---I
> did a find for partinfo.txt and nothing was found. Help!

Don't paste it into the Start>Run box, it doesn't work from there.

Open a DOS box and paste it thus:

Copy the line:
C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\partinfo.exe > C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\partinfo.txt

Click Start> Programs> MS-DOS Prompt

Click the Paste button in the toolbar at the top of the DOS box to paste the text.

Press the ENTER key.

Close the DOS box and go to the partinfo.txt file on the Desktop, open it with
Notepad and copy/paste the contents into a reply to Bill.
Glen Ventura, MS MVP Shell/User, A+


Bill Blanton wrote:
> "Frog" <> wrote in message news:ukP4hDJAIHA.3916@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> Thanks for sticking with me on this--I will respond under your comments.
>> Bill Blanton wrote:
>>> "Frog" <> wrote in message news:OpuX0OEAIHA.2268@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>> Bill Blanton wrote:
>>>>> So the device is being seen now?
>>>> It appears so. I see indications in the Device Manager that makes me
>>>> believe it is being seen. I did load the backup (Acronis) software on
>>>> my system, and then attempted to restore the backup from there. It did not succeed (see response to Glen's message for further
>>>> details).
>>>> Only MS type partitions are assigned
>>>>> drive letters by Windows.
>>>> The 120GB external hard drive was not partitioned when previously
>>>> installed (including when the backup was made. The only data recorded
>>>> on this external hard drive was one complete backup of my system.
>>>>> Did you image or copy the source partition?
>>>> I made an image of my least I believe that is what I did.
>>>> The software is titled "Acronis True Image".
>>> Ok, but the image should be written as a file to a formatted volume/(partition).

>> Both the external 120GB USB connected hard drive and the internal 120GB hard drives are less than two months old. The external
>> hard drive was formatted and given a drive letter M, before all of my problems started.

> If it was formatted, then it was partitioned. A partition of one is still a partition.
>> No, the external hard drive was not partitioned. I had planned to use this drive for system backup images only. I remember the
>> backup file that was made on the external hard drive had a file name---one that I did not write down at the time.
>>>>> If the device is visible, I would do a partinfo on the drive to see what is
>>>>> in the partition tables and corresponding boot sectors, (if anything).
>>>>> Partinfo will not write to drive. Only read it.
>>>>> To write the output to a file, at a command prompt do
>>>>> partinfo > partinfo.txt
>>>> I downloaded/ran the software package. The info on the screen really goes by in a hurry. I then attempted to find a way to do
>>>> the second part of your suggestion---write the output to a file. I attempted to type the command at the bottom of the window
>>>> with the data--it stopped me...I decided to open MS-DOS and no luck, how do I get it to write to a file?
>>> What do you mean it stopped you? It was locked up?

>> When I click partinfo.exe on my desktop, I immediately see a window open with a black background and information flying by. At
>> the end of this window there is a _ blinking. I attempted to type the partinfo > partinfo.txt at this location. It would not let
>> me type anything following the blinking _.

> Copy/paste the following line into the "Run..." dialog (Start menu > Run... > (rightclick/paste))_
> C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\partinfo.exe > C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\partinfo.txt
> The file should now be on the desktop.

Here is the out put I think you were looking for (thanks Glen for your

Partition Information Program
Sep 16 2002 - DOS32 Version
Copyright (c) 1994-2002, PowerQuest Corporation
Permission is granted for this utility to be freely copied so long
as it is not modified in any way. All other rights are reserved.

PowerQuest, makers of PartitionMagic(r), Drive Image(tm) and
DriveCopy(tm), can be reached at
Voice: 801-226-6834 Web site:
Fax: 801-226-8941 Email:
BiosExtensions: 0x100 Subsets (0x00000003): Access Lock/Eject
EGeo 0x0000 16383 16 63 234441648 0 512


Disk 0: 14593 Cylinders, 255 Heads, 63 Sectors/Track.

BiosExtensions: 0x100 Subsets (0x00000003): Access Lock/Eject
The BIOS supports INT 13h extensions for this drive.

============================ Partition Tables ==============================

Partition -----Begin---- ------End----- Start Num

Sector # Boot Cyl Head Sect FS Cyl Head Sect Sect Sects

---------- - ---- ---- ---- ---- -- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ----------

0 0 80 [ 0 1 1] 0C [1023 254 63] 63
19534977 [Large Drive Placeholders]

0 1 1 1215 254 63
Actual Values

0 1 00 [1023 0 1] 0F [1023 254 63] 45062325
189374220 [Large Drive Placeholders]

2805 0 1 14592 254 63
Actual Values

45062325 0 00 [ 757 1 1] 0B [ 489 254 63] 45062388
45062262 [Large Drive Placeholders]

2805 1 1 5609 254 63
Actual Values

45062325 1 00 [ 490 0 1] 05 [ 222 254 63] 90124650
45062325 [Large Drive Placeholders]

5610 0 1 8414 254 63
Actual Values

90124650 0 00 [1023 1 1] 0B [1023 254 63] 90124713
45062262 [Large Drive Placeholders]

5610 1 1 8414 254 63
Actual Values

90124650 1 00 [1023 0 1] 05 [1023 254 63] 135186975
45062325 [Large Drive Placeholders]

8415 0 1 11219 254 63
Actual Values

135186975 0 00 [1023 1 1] 0B [1023 254 63] 135187038
45062262 [Large Drive Placeholders]

8415 1 1 11219 254 63
Actual Values

135186975 1 00 [1023 0 1] 05 [1023 254 63] 180249300
54187245 [Large Drive Placeholders]

11220 0 1 14592 254 63
Actual Values

180249300 0 00 [1023 1 1] 0B [1023 254 63] 180249363
54187182 [Large Drive Placeholders]

11220 1 1 14592 254 63
Actual Values


Disk 0: 114471.0 Megabytes

============================= Partition Information

Volume Partition Partition Start

Letter:Label Type Status Size MB Sector # Sector

------------- --------------- -------- -------- ---------- - ----------

C:CHARLIE FAT32X Pri,Boot 9538.6 0 0 63

Unallocated Pri 12464.5 None - 19535040

ExtendedX Pri 92467.9 0 1 45062325

EPBR Log 22003.1 None - 45062325

D:NO NAME FAT32 Log 22003.1 45062325 0 45062388

EPBR Log 22003.1 45062325 1 90124650

E:NO NAME FAT32 Log 22003.1 90124650 0 90124713

EPBR Log 22003.1 90124650 1 135186975

F:NO NAME FAT32 Log 22003.1 135186975 0 135187038

EPBR Log 26458.6 135186975 1 180249300

G:NO NAME FAT32 Log 26458.6 180249300 0 180249363


Boot Sector for drive C: Drive 1, Starting Sector: 63, Type: FAT32


1. Jump: EB 58 90

2. OEM Name: MSWIN4.1

3. Bytes Per Sector: 512

4. Sectors Per Cluster: 8

5. Reserved Sectors: 32

6. Number of FAT's: 2

7. Reserved: 0x0000

8. Reserved: 0x0000

9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8

10. Sectors Per FAT: 0

11. Sectors Per Track: 63 (0x3F)

12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)

13. Hidden Sectors: 63 (0x3F)

14. Big Total Sectors: 19534977 (0x12A1481)

15. Big Sectors Per FAT: 19040

16. Extended Flags: 0x0000

17. FS Version: 0

18. First Cluster of Root: 2 (0x2)

19. FS Info Sector: 1

20. Backup Boot Sector: 6

21. Reserved: 0x00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

22. Drive ID: 0x80

23. Reserved for NT: 0x00

24. Extended Boot Sig: 0x29

25. Serial Number: 0x406609E3

26. Volume Name: CHARLIE

27. File System Type: FAT32

28. Boot Signature: 0xAA55


Boot Sector for drive D: Drive 1, Starting Sector: 45062388, Type: FAT32


1. Jump: EB 58 90

2. OEM Name: MSWIN4.1

3. Bytes Per Sector: 512

4. Sectors Per Cluster: 32

5. Reserved Sectors: 38

6. Number of FAT's: 2

7. Reserved: 0x0000

8. Reserved: 0x0000

9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8

10. Sectors Per FAT: 0

11. Sectors Per Track: 63 (0x3F)

12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)

13. Hidden Sectors: 45062388 (0x2AF98F4)

14. Big Total Sectors: 45062256 (0x2AF9870)

15. Big Sectors Per FAT: 10997

16. Extended Flags: 0x0000

17. FS Version: 0

18. First Cluster of Root: 2 (0x2)

19. FS Info Sector: 1

20. Backup Boot Sector: 6

21. Reserved: 0x00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

22. Drive ID: 0x80

23. Reserved for NT: 0x00

24. Extended Boot Sig: 0x29

25. Serial Number: 0x1D250EEC

26. Volume Name: NO NAME

27. File System Type: FAT32

28. Boot Signature: 0xAA55


Boot Sector for drive E: Drive 1, Starting Sector: 90124713, Type: FAT32


1. Jump: EB 58 90

2. OEM Name: MSWIN4.1

3. Bytes Per Sector: 512

4. Sectors Per Cluster: 32

5. Reserved Sectors: 38

6. Number of FAT's: 2

7. Reserved: 0x0000

8. Reserved: 0x0000

9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8

10. Sectors Per FAT: 0

11. Sectors Per Track: 63 (0x3F)

12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)

13. Hidden Sectors: 90124713 (0x55F31A9)

14. Big Total Sectors: 45062256 (0x2AF9870)

15. Big Sectors Per FAT: 10997

16. Extended Flags: 0x0000

17. FS Version: 0

18. First Cluster of Root: 2 (0x2)

19. FS Info Sector: 1

20. Backup Boot Sector: 6

21. Reserved: 0x00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

22. Drive ID: 0x80

23. Reserved for NT: 0x00

24. Extended Boot Sig: 0x29

25. Serial Number: 0x36330EF2

26. Volume Name: NO NAME

27. File System Type: FAT32

28. Boot Signature: 0xAA55


Boot Sector for drive F: Drive 1, Starting Sector: 135187038, Type: FAT32


1. Jump: EB 58 90

2. OEM Name: MSWIN4.1

3. Bytes Per Sector: 512

4. Sectors Per Cluster: 32

5. Reserved Sectors: 36

6. Number of FAT's: 2

7. Reserved: 0x0000

8. Reserved: 0x0000

9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8

10. Sectors Per FAT: 0

11. Sectors Per Track: 63 (0x3F)

12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)

13. Hidden Sectors: 135187038 (0x80ECA5E)

14. Big Total Sectors: 45062262 (0x2AF9876)

15. Big Sectors Per FAT: 10998

16. Extended Flags: 0x0000

17. FS Version: 0

18. First Cluster of Root: 2 (0x2)

19. FS Info Sector: 1

20. Backup Boot Sector: 6

21. Reserved: 0x00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

22. Drive ID: 0x80

23. Reserved for NT: 0x00

24. Extended Boot Sig: 0x29

25. Serial Number: 0x17580EF9

26. Volume Name: NO NAME

27. File System Type: FAT32

28. Boot Signature: 0xAA55


Boot Sector for drive G: Drive 1, Starting Sector: 180249363, Type: FAT32


1. Jump: EB 58 90

2. OEM Name: MSWIN4.1

3. Bytes Per Sector: 512

4. Sectors Per Cluster: 32

5. Reserved Sectors: 32

6. Number of FAT's: 2

7. Reserved: 0x0000

8. Reserved: 0x0000

9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8

10. Sectors Per FAT: 0

11. Sectors Per Track: 63 (0x3F)

12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)

13. Hidden Sectors: 180249363 (0xABE6313)

14. Big Total Sectors: 54187182 (0x33AD4AE)

15. Big Sectors Per FAT: 13224

16. Extended Flags: 0x0000

17. FS Version: 0

18. First Cluster of Root: 2 (0x2)

19. FS Info Sector: 1

20. Backup Boot Sector: 6

21. Reserved: 0x00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

22. Drive ID: 0x80

23. Reserved for NT: 0x00

24. Extended Boot Sig: 0x29

25. Serial Number: 0x3D600F00

26. Volume Name: NO NAME

27. File System Type: FAT32

28. Boot Signature: 0xAA55


Thanks Glen for rescuing me again. I could not figure out what I was
doing wrong---with your help, however, I got there this time. This was
the first time I ever opened MS-DOS from Start>Programs. I have always
done this via the shutdown path. In any event, I sent the results to Bill.


glee wrote:
> "Frog" <> wrote in message
> news:uB1zfLQAIHA.1208@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> Bill Blanton wrote:
>>> snip
>>> Copy/paste the following line into the "Run..." dialog (Start menu >
>>> Run... > (rightclick/paste))_
>>> C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\partinfo.exe > C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\partinfo.txt
>>> The file should now be on the desktop.

>> I did as you suggested. I did not, however, find the results on my
>> desktop. I could see the same black screen with white letters/numbers
>> flying by as the executable was running. After not finding the
>> partinfo.txt file on my desktop---I did a find for partinfo.txt and
>> nothing was found. Help!

> Don't paste it into the Start>Run box, it doesn't work from there.
> Open a DOS box and paste it thus:
> Copy the line:
> C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\partinfo.exe > C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\partinfo.txt
> Click Start> Programs> MS-DOS Prompt
> Click the Paste button in the toolbar at the top of the DOS box to paste
> the text.
> Press the ENTER key.
> Close the DOS box and go to the partinfo.txt file on the Desktop, open
> it with Notepad and copy/paste the contents into a reply to Bill.

Bill Blanton

"Frog" <> wrote in message news:uNGo8QUAIHA.5160@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...

The purpose was to see how the drive was set up, but
it seems Partinfo is not seeing the external 120GB drive.

Just to verify, it's the internal 120GB drive that contains the "Charlie"
boot volume? Correct?

> Partition Information Program
> Sep 16 2002 - DOS32 Version
> Copyright (c) 1994-2002, PowerQuest Corporation
> Permission is granted for this utility to be freely copied so long
> as it is not modified in any way. All other rights are reserved.
> PowerQuest, makers of PartitionMagic(r), Drive Image(tm) and DriveCopy(tm), can be reached at
> Voice: 801-226-6834 Web site:
> Fax: 801-226-8941 Email:
> BiosExtensions: 0x100 Subsets (0x00000003): Access Lock/Eject
> EGeo 0x0000 16383 16 63 234441648 0 512
> ============================================================================
> Disk 0: 14593 Cylinders, 255 Heads, 63 Sectors/Track.
> BiosExtensions: 0x100 Subsets (0x00000003): Access Lock/Eject
> The BIOS supports INT 13h extensions for this drive.
> ==================================================================================
> Disk 0: 114471.0 Megabytes
> ============================= Partition Information ==============================
> Volume Partition Partition Start Total
> Letter:Label Type Status Size MB Sector # Sector Sectors
> ------------- --------------- -------- -------- ---------- - ----------
> ----------
> C:CHARLIE FAT32X Pri,Boot 9538.6 0 0 63 19534977

Bill Blanton

"glee" <> wrote in message news:%235fVBuSAIHA.4656@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> "Frog" <> wrote in message news:uB1zfLQAIHA.1208@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> Bill Blanton wrote:
>>> snip
>>> Copy/paste the following line into the "Run..." dialog (Start menu > Run... > (rightclick/paste))_
>>> C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\partinfo.exe > C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\partinfo.txt
>>> The file should now be on the desktop.

>> I did as you suggested. I did not, however, find the results on my desktop. I could see the same black screen with white
>> letters/numbers flying by as the executable was running. After not finding the partinfo.txt file on my desktop---I did a find
>> for partinfo.txt and nothing was found. Help!

> Don't paste it into the Start>Run box, it doesn't work from there.


> Open a DOS box and paste it thus:
> Copy the line:
> C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\partinfo.exe > C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\partinfo.txt
> Click Start> Programs> MS-DOS Prompt
> Click the Paste button in the toolbar at the top of the DOS box to paste the text.
> Press the ENTER key.
> Close the DOS box and go to the partinfo.txt file on the Desktop, open it with Notepad and copy/paste the contents into a reply to
> Bill.



Bill Blanton wrote:
> "Frog" <> wrote in message news:uNGo8QUAIHA.5160@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> The purpose was to see how the drive was set up, but
> it seems Partinfo is not seeing the external 120GB drive.
> Just to verify, it's the internal 120GB drive that contains the "Charlie"
> boot volume? Correct?

You are correct. The internal drive includes the C "Charlie" D, E, F
and G drives. Prior to the melt-down of my system, the external drive
was M.

>> Partition Information Program
>> Sep 16 2002 - DOS32 Version
>> Copyright (c) 1994-2002, PowerQuest Corporation
>> Permission is granted for this utility to be freely copied so long
>> as it is not modified in any way. All other rights are reserved.
>> PowerQuest, makers of PartitionMagic(r), Drive Image(tm) and DriveCopy(tm), can be reached at
>> Voice: 801-226-6834 Web site:
>> Fax: 801-226-8941 Email:
>> BiosExtensions: 0x100 Subsets (0x00000003): Access Lock/Eject
>> EGeo 0x0000 16383 16 63 234441648 0 512
>> ============================================================================
>> Disk 0: 14593 Cylinders, 255 Heads, 63 Sectors/Track.
>> BiosExtensions: 0x100 Subsets (0x00000003): Access Lock/Eject
>> The BIOS supports INT 13h extensions for this drive.
>> ==================================================================================
>> Disk 0: 114471.0 Megabytes
>> ============================= Partition Information ==============================
>> Volume Partition Partition Start Total
>> Letter:Label Type Status Size MB Sector # Sector Sectors
>> ------------- --------------- -------- -------- ---------- - ----------
>> ----------
>> C:CHARLIE FAT32X Pri,Boot 9538.6 0 0 63 19534977


Bill Blanton

If you have the means, it might be worthwhile to remove the drive from the
enclosure and connect it to an internal ATA port. Get USB out of the
way. At least for now.

"Bill Blanton" <> wrote in message news:eqEqy1VAIHA.5960@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> "Frog" <> wrote in message news:uNGo8QUAIHA.5160@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> The purpose was to see how the drive was set up, but
> it seems Partinfo is not seeing the external 120GB drive.
> Just to verify, it's the internal 120GB drive that contains the "Charlie"
> boot volume? Correct?
>> Partition Information Program
>> Sep 16 2002 - DOS32 Version
>> Copyright (c) 1994-2002, PowerQuest Corporation
>> Permission is granted for this utility to be freely copied so long
>> as it is not modified in any way. All other rights are reserved.
>> PowerQuest, makers of PartitionMagic(r), Drive Image(tm) and DriveCopy(tm), can be reached at
>> Voice: 801-226-6834 Web site:
>> Fax: 801-226-8941 Email:
>> BiosExtensions: 0x100 Subsets (0x00000003): Access Lock/Eject
>> EGeo 0x0000 16383 16 63 234441648 0 512
>> ============================================================================
>> Disk 0: 14593 Cylinders, 255 Heads, 63 Sectors/Track.
>> BiosExtensions: 0x100 Subsets (0x00000003): Access Lock/Eject
>> The BIOS supports INT 13h extensions for this drive.
>> ==================================================================================
>> Disk 0: 114471.0 Megabytes
>> ============================= Partition Information ==============================
>> Volume Partition Partition Start Total
>> Letter:Label Type Status Size MB Sector # Sector Sectors
>> ------------- --------------- -------- -------- ---------- - ----------
>> ----------
>> C:CHARLIE FAT32X Pri,Boot 9538.6 0 0 63 19534977



Bill Blanton wrote:
> If you have the means, it might be worthwhile to remove the drive from the
> enclosure and connect it to an internal ATA port. Get USB out of the
> way. At least for now.

I think I can do this but need advice first. I currently have the
internal 120GB hard drive on the Primary Master, a ZIP-100 drive on the
Primary Slave, a Plextor CD drive on the Secondary Master and nothing is
connected to the Secondary Slave. Would it be ok if I installed the
external hard drive (once it is out of the USB container) to the
Secondary Slave connector? If yes, it is okay to connect to the
Secondary Slave connector, do I have to do anything special on startup
or will it simply be given a drive letter? Changing over may take a
little time, but I think I can get there. Oh by the way, I will make
sure that the Western Digital (now external) hard drive has its jumpers
set up for slave.

Thanks Bill for your continued help.

> "Bill Blanton" <> wrote in message news:eqEqy1VAIHA.5960@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> "Frog" <> wrote in message news:uNGo8QUAIHA.5160@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> The purpose was to see how the drive was set up, but
>> it seems Partinfo is not seeing the external 120GB drive.
>> Just to verify, it's the internal 120GB drive that contains the "Charlie"
>> boot volume? Correct?
>>> Partition Information Program
>>> Sep 16 2002 - DOS32 Version
>>> Copyright (c) 1994-2002, PowerQuest Corporation
>>> Permission is granted for this utility to be freely copied so long
>>> as it is not modified in any way. All other rights are reserved.
>>> PowerQuest, makers of PartitionMagic(r), Drive Image(tm) and DriveCopy(tm), can be reached at
>>> Voice: 801-226-6834 Web site:
>>> Fax: 801-226-8941 Email:
>>> BiosExtensions: 0x100 Subsets (0x00000003): Access Lock/Eject
>>> EGeo 0x0000 16383 16 63 234441648 0 512
>>> ============================================================================
>>> Disk 0: 14593 Cylinders, 255 Heads, 63 Sectors/Track.
>>> BiosExtensions: 0x100 Subsets (0x00000003): Access Lock/Eject
>>> The BIOS supports INT 13h extensions for this drive.
>>> ==================================================================================
>>> Disk 0: 114471.0 Megabytes
>>> ============================= Partition Information ==============================
>>> Volume Partition Partition Start Total
>>> Letter:Label Type Status Size MB Sector # Sector Sectors
>>> ------------- --------------- -------- -------- ---------- - ----------
>>> ----------
>>> C:CHARLIE FAT32X Pri,Boot 9538.6 0 0 63 19534977



Bill Blanton

"Frog" <> wrote in message news:O31WdSWAIHA.3548@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> Bill Blanton wrote:
>> If you have the means, it might be worthwhile to remove the drive from the
>> enclosure and connect it to an internal ATA port. Get USB out of the
>> way. At least for now.

> I think I can do this but need advice first. I currently have the internal 120GB hard drive on the Primary Master, a ZIP-100
> drive on the Primary Slave, a Plextor CD drive on the Secondary Master and nothing is connected to the Secondary Slave. Would it
> be ok if I installed the external hard drive (once it is out of the USB container) to the Secondary Slave connector? If yes, it
> is okay to connect to the Secondary Slave connector, do I have to do anything special on startup or will it simply be given a
> drive letter? Changing over may take a little time, but I think I can get there. Oh by the way, I will make sure that the
> Western Digital (now external) hard drive has its jumpers set up for slave.

Yes, you can set it up as slave on the secondary port. Just make sure that
the Plextor CD is set as master and not cable select. If cable select then
set the WD drive as cable select also.
(If the cable and physical orientation are willing, you may not even need to
physically mount the drive.)

No, you do not need to do anything special on startup, though it depends
on what is on the disk whether or not it will be given a drive letter.

If successful, run another partinfo.

> Thanks Bill for your continued help.

You're welcome Frog.


If you haven't started installing the drive in the computer yet, you might want to
try this first, although I absolutely agree with Bill that it is best to get USB out
of the equation:

Go here:

Click to expand the heading titled "Download and run PARTINFO"

Click to expand the sub-heading titled "I use Windows 98/Me"

Click the Download button to download ""

Unzip it to your desktop or wherever you can find it.

Double-click the extracted file PartIn9x.exe

In the dropdown box near the top, for Physical drives, see if it lists more than one
disk (be sure your external drive is connected and appears in Device Manager).

If the second drive appears in the dropdown list, select it in PartIn9x.exe, then
click the Copy to Clipboard button, and paste the info into a reply to Bill.

Note: Even if you have already installed the drive internally in the computer, you
may still want to use this utility for its ease of use GUI.
Glen Ventura, MS MVP Shell/User, A+

"Frog" <> wrote in message
> Bill Blanton wrote:
>> If you have the means, it might be worthwhile to remove the drive from the
>> enclosure and connect it to an internal ATA port. Get USB out of the
>> way. At least for now.

> I think I can do this but need advice first. I currently have the internal 120GB
> hard drive on the Primary Master, a ZIP-100 drive on the Primary Slave, a Plextor
> CD drive on the Secondary Master and nothing is connected to the Secondary Slave.
> Would it be ok if I installed the external hard drive (once it is out of the USB
> container) to the Secondary Slave connector? If yes, it is okay to connect to the
> Secondary Slave connector, do I have to do anything special on startup or will it
> simply be given a drive letter? Changing over may take a little time, but I think
> I can get there. Oh by the way, I will make sure that the Western Digital (now
> external) hard drive has its jumpers set up for slave.
> Thanks Bill for your continued help.
> Frog
>> "Bill Blanton" <> wrote in message
>> news:eqEqy1VAIHA.5960@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>> "Frog" <> wrote in message
>>> news:uNGo8QUAIHA.5160@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>> The purpose was to see how the drive was set up, but
>>> it seems Partinfo is not seeing the external 120GB drive.
>>> Just to verify, it's the internal 120GB drive that contains the "Charlie"
>>> boot volume? Correct?
>>>> Partition Information Program
>>>> Sep 16 2002 - DOS32 Version
>>>> Copyright (c) 1994-2002, PowerQuest Corporation
>>>> Permission is granted for this utility to be freely copied so long
>>>> as it is not modified in any way. All other rights are reserved.
>>>> PowerQuest, makers of PartitionMagic(r), Drive Image(tm) and DriveCopy(tm), can
>>>> be reached at
>>>> Voice: 801-226-6834 Web site:
>>>> Fax: 801-226-8941 Email:
>>>> BiosExtensions: 0x100 Subsets (0x00000003): Access Lock/Eject
>>>> EGeo 0x0000 16383 16 63 234441648 0 512
>>>> ============================================================================
>>>> Disk 0: 14593 Cylinders, 255 Heads, 63 Sectors/Track.
>>>> BiosExtensions: 0x100 Subsets (0x00000003): Access Lock/Eject
>>>> The BIOS supports INT 13h extensions for this drive.
>>>> ==================================================================================
>>>> Disk 0: 114471.0 Megabytes
>>>> ============================= Partition Information
>>>> ==============================
>>>> Volume Partition Partition Start Total
>>>> Letter:Label Type Status Size MB Sector # Sector Sectors
>>>> ------------- --------------- -------- -------- ---------- - ----------
>>>> ----------
>>>> C:CHARLIE FAT32X Pri,Boot 9538.6 0 0 63
>>>> 19534977

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