Assigning a Drive letter to External USB connected Hard Drive



"Frog" <> wrote in message
> Bill Blanton wrote:
>> If you have the means, it might be worthwhile to remove the drive from
>> the
>> enclosure and connect it to an internal ATA port. Get USB out of the
>> way. At least for now.

> I think I can do this but need advice first. I currently have the
> internal 120GB hard drive on the Primary Master, a ZIP-100 drive on the
> Primary Slave, a Plextor CD drive on the Secondary Master and nothing is
> connected to the Secondary Slave. Would it be ok if I installed the
> external hard drive (once it is out of the USB container) to the Secondary
> Slave connector? If yes, it is okay to connect to the Secondary Slave
> connector, do I have to do anything special on startup or will it simply
> be given a drive letter? Changing over may take a little time, but I
> think I can get there. Oh by the way, I will make sure that the Western
> Digital (now external) hard drive has its jumpers set up for slave.
> Thanks Bill for your continued help.

An experience I had was that Win98 insisted on allocating drive letter "D"
to the second hard drive.
If your current internal hard drive is C - D - E - F - G then it may become
C - E - F - G - H ?
(Even another WinXP - WinME box I have with two hard drives are
Drive one = C - E
Drive two = D - F
My feeble attempts to re-name drives in order failed :)


A second partinfo.txt reading, subsequent to internal installation of
the previously external USB connected hard drive, is below.


Bill Blanton wrote:
> "Frog" <> wrote in message news:uNGo8QUAIHA.5160@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> The purpose was to see how the drive was set up, but
> it seems Partinfo is not seeing the external 120GB drive.
> Just to verify, it's the internal 120GB drive that contains the "Charlie"
> boot volume? Correct?
>> Partition Information Program
>> Sep 16 2002 - DOS32 Version
>> Copyright (c) 1994-2002, PowerQuest Corporation
>> Permission is granted for this utility to be freely copied so long
>> as it is not modified in any way. All other rights are reserved.
>> PowerQuest, makers of PartitionMagic(r), Drive Image(tm) and DriveCopy(tm), can be reached at
>> Voice: 801-226-6834 Web site:
>> Fax: 801-226-8941 Email:
>> BiosExtensions: 0x100 Subsets (0x00000003): Access Lock/Eject
>> EGeo 0x0000 16383 16 63 234441648 0 512
>> ============================================================================
>> Disk 0: 14593 Cylinders, 255 Heads, 63 Sectors/Track.
>> BiosExtensions: 0x100 Subsets (0x00000003): Access Lock/Eject
>> The BIOS supports INT 13h extensions for this drive.
>> ==================================================================================
>> Disk 0: 114471.0 Megabytes
>> ============================= Partition Information ==============================
>> Volume Partition Partition Start Total
>> Letter:Label Type Status Size MB Sector # Sector Sectors
>> ------------- --------------- -------- -------- ---------- - ----------
>> ----------
>> C:CHARLIE FAT32X Pri,Boot 9538.6 0 0 63 19534977


Partition Information Program
Sep 16 2002 - DOS32 Version
Copyright (c) 1994-2002, PowerQuest Corporation
Permission is granted for this utility to be freely copied so long
as it is not modified in any way. All other rights are reserved.

PowerQuest, makers of PartitionMagic(r), Drive Image(tm) and
DriveCopy(tm), can be reached at
Voice: 801-226-6834 Web site:
Fax: 801-226-8941 Email:
BiosExtensions: 0x100 Subsets (0x00000003): Access Lock/Eject
EGeo 0x0000 16383 16 63 234441648 0 512


Disk 0: 14593 Cylinders, 255 Heads, 63 Sectors/Track.

BiosExtensions: 0x100 Subsets (0x00000003): Access Lock/Eject
The BIOS supports INT 13h extensions for this drive.

============================ Partition Tables ==============================

Partition -----Begin---- ------End----- Start Num

Sector # Boot Cyl Head Sect FS Cyl Head Sect Sect Sects

---------- - ---- ---- ---- ---- -- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ----------

0 0 80 [ 0 1 1] 0C [1023 254 63] 63
19534977 [Large Drive Placeholders]

0 1 1 1215 254 63
Actual Values

0 1 00 [1023 0 1] 0F [1023 254 63] 45062325
189374220 [Large Drive Placeholders]

2805 0 1 14592 254 63
Actual Values

45062325 0 00 [ 757 1 1] 0B [ 489 254 63] 45062388
45062262 [Large Drive Placeholders]

2805 1 1 5609 254 63
Actual Values

45062325 1 00 [ 490 0 1] 05 [ 222 254 63] 90124650
45062325 [Large Drive Placeholders]

5610 0 1 8414 254 63
Actual Values

90124650 0 00 [1023 1 1] 0B [1023 254 63] 90124713
45062262 [Large Drive Placeholders]

5610 1 1 8414 254 63
Actual Values

90124650 1 00 [1023 0 1] 05 [1023 254 63] 135186975
45062325 [Large Drive Placeholders]

8415 0 1 11219 254 63
Actual Values

135186975 0 00 [1023 1 1] 0B [1023 254 63] 135187038
45062262 [Large Drive Placeholders]

8415 1 1 11219 254 63
Actual Values

135186975 1 00 [1023 0 1] 05 [1023 254 63] 180249300
54187245 [Large Drive Placeholders]

11220 0 1 14592 254 63
Actual Values

180249300 0 00 [1023 1 1] 0B [1023 254 63] 180249363
54187182 [Large Drive Placeholders]

11220 1 1 14592 254 63
Actual Values

BiosExtensions: 0x100 Subsets (0x00000003): Access Lock/Eject
EGeo 0x000B 16383 16 63 0 0 512


Disk 1: 1023 Cylinders, 16 Heads, 63 Sectors/Track.

BiosExtensions: 0x100 Subsets (0x00000003): Access Lock/Eject
The BIOS supports INT 13h extensions for this drive.

============================ Partition Tables ==============================

Partition -----Begin---- ------End----- Start Num

Sector # Boot Cyl Head Sect FS Cyl Head Sect Sect Sects

---------- - ---- ---- ---- ---- -- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ----------

Warning: The OS reported too few cylinders. 1023 cylinders are present.

0 0 20 [ 356 97 46] 20 [ 357 116 40] 1919950958
544437093 [Large Drive Placeholders]

4169 4 3 19997 6 41
Actual ValuesWarning: Partition boot flag expected to be 0x00 or

not 0x20. This should not be a problem.

Info: Partition didn't begin on head boundary.

ucBeginHead expected to be 0 or 1, not 4.

Info: Partition didn't begin on head boundary.

ucBeginSector expected to be 1, not 3.

Info: Partition didn't end on cylinder boundary.

ucEndHead expected to be 15, not 6.

Info: Partition didn't end on cylinder boundary.

ucEndSector expected to be 63, not 41.

Error #116: Starting sector of partition is inconsistent.

ulStartSect = 1919950958

Begin C,H,S = 4202606

Error #110: Number of sectors in partition is inconsistent.

ucSectors = 544437093
end - begin = 15954789
Warning: The OS reported too few cylinders. 19998 cylinders are present.

0 1 61 [ 288 110 57] 6B [ 269 101 57] 1330184202
538976288 [Large Drive Placeholders]

8907 2 61 19317 14 8
Actual ValuesWarning: Partition boot flag expected to be 0x00 or

not 0x61. This should not be a problem.

Info: Partition didn't begin on head boundary.

ucBeginHead expected to be 0 or 1, not 2.

Info: Partition didn't begin on head boundary.

ucBeginSector expected to be 1, not 61.

Info: Partition didn't end on cylinder boundary.

ucEndHead expected to be 15, not 14.

Info: Partition didn't end on cylinder boundary.

ucEndSector expected to be 63, not 8.

Error #116: Starting sector of partition is inconsistent.

ulStartSect = 1330184202

Begin C,H,S = 8978442

Error #110: Number of sectors in partition is inconsistent.

ucSectors = 538976288
end - begin = 10493984
Warning: The OS reported too few cylinders. 19318 cylinders are present.

0 2 20 [ 345 32 19] 53 [ 324 77 19] 538989391
1398362912 [Large Drive Placeholders]

10423 11 11 21432 7 54
Actual ValuesWarning: Partition boot flag expected to be 0x00 or

not 0x20. This should not be a problem.

Info: Partition didn't begin on head boundary.

ucBeginHead expected to be 0 or 1, not 11.

Info: Partition didn't begin on head boundary.

ucBeginSector expected to be 1, not 11.

Info: Partition didn't end on cylinder boundary.

ucEndHead expected to be 15, not 7.

Info: Partition didn't end on cylinder boundary.

ucEndSector expected to be 63, not 54.

Error #116: Starting sector of partition is inconsistent.

ulStartSect = 538989391

Begin C,H,S = 10507087

Error #110: Number of sectors in partition is inconsistent.

ucSectors = 1398362912
end - begin = 11096864
Warning: The OS reported too few cylinders. 21433 cylinders are present.

0 3 80 [ 87 1 0] 49 [ 335 78 2] 1394627663
21337 [Large Drive Placeholders]

7303 3 3 7324 5 45
Actual Values

Info: Partition didn't begin on head boundary.

ucBeginHead expected to be 0 or 1, not 3.

Info: Partition didn't begin on head boundary.

ucBeginSector expected to be 1, not 3.

Info: Partition didn't end on cylinder boundary.

ucEndHead expected to be 15, not 5.

Info: Partition didn't end on cylinder boundary.

ucEndSector expected to be 63, not 45.

Error #116: Starting sector of partition is inconsistent.

ulStartSect = 1394627663

Begin C,H,S = 7361615

Disk[1], Part[1330184202]: Error #113: Primary partition starting at
1330184202 overlaps previous partition.

Disk[1], Part[1394627663]: Error #113: Primary partition starting at
1394627663 overlaps previous partition.

Disk[1], Part[1919950958]: Info: MBR Partition Table not in sequential


Disk 0: 114471.0 Megabytes

============================= Partition Information

Volume Partition Partition Start

Letter:Label Type Status Size MB Sector # Sector

------------- --------------- -------- -------- ---------- - ----------

C:CHARLIE FAT32X Pri,Boot 9538.6 0 0 63

Unallocated Pri 12464.5 None - 19535040

ExtendedX Pri 92467.9 0 1 45062325

EPBR Log 22003.1 None - 45062325

D:NO NAME FAT32 Log 22003.1 45062325 0 45062388

EPBR Log 22003.1 45062325 1 90124650

E:NO NAME FAT32 Log 22003.1 90124650 0 90124713

EPBR Log 22003.1 90124650 1 135186975

F:NO NAME FAT32 Log 22003.1 135186975 0 135187038

EPBR Log 26458.6 135186975 1 180249300

G:NO NAME FAT32 Log 26458.6 180249300 0 180249363


Disk 1: 3605.3 Megabytes

============================= Partition Information

Volume Partition Partition Start

Letter:Label Type Status Size MB Sector # Sector

------------- --------------- -------- -------- ---------- - ----------

Unallocated Pri 3605.2 None - 63

Unallocated Pri 259573.1 None - 7383600

Type 53 Pri,Boot 682794.4 0 2 538989391

Type 6B Pri,Boot 263172.0 0 1 1330184202

Type 49 Pri,Boot 10.4 0 3 1394627663

Unallocated Pri 256494.7 None - 1394649648

Type 20 Pri,Boot 265838.4 0 0 1919950958


Boot Sector for drive C: Drive 1, Starting Sector: 63, Type: FAT32


1. Jump: EB 58 90

2. OEM Name: MSWIN4.1

3. Bytes Per Sector: 512

4. Sectors Per Cluster: 8

5. Reserved Sectors: 32

6. Number of FAT's: 2

7. Reserved: 0x0000

8. Reserved: 0x0000

9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8

10. Sectors Per FAT: 0

11. Sectors Per Track: 63 (0x3F)

12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)

13. Hidden Sectors: 63 (0x3F)

14. Big Total Sectors: 19534977 (0x12A1481)

15. Big Sectors Per FAT: 19040

16. Extended Flags: 0x0000

17. FS Version: 0

18. First Cluster of Root: 2 (0x2)

19. FS Info Sector: 1

20. Backup Boot Sector: 6

21. Reserved: 0x00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

22. Drive ID: 0x80

23. Reserved for NT: 0x00

24. Extended Boot Sig: 0x29

25. Serial Number: 0x406609E3

26. Volume Name: CHARLIE

27. File System Type: FAT32

28. Boot Signature: 0xAA55


Boot Sector for drive D: Drive 1, Starting Sector: 45062388, Type: FAT32


1. Jump: EB 58 90

2. OEM Name: MSWIN4.1

3. Bytes Per Sector: 512

4. Sectors Per Cluster: 32

5. Reserved Sectors: 38

6. Number of FAT's: 2

7. Reserved: 0x0000

8. Reserved: 0x0000

9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8

10. Sectors Per FAT: 0

11. Sectors Per Track: 63 (0x3F)

12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)

13. Hidden Sectors: 45062388 (0x2AF98F4)

14. Big Total Sectors: 45062256 (0x2AF9870)

15. Big Sectors Per FAT: 10997

16. Extended Flags: 0x0000

17. FS Version: 0

18. First Cluster of Root: 2 (0x2)

19. FS Info Sector: 1

20. Backup Boot Sector: 6

21. Reserved: 0x00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

22. Drive ID: 0x80

23. Reserved for NT: 0x00

24. Extended Boot Sig: 0x29

25. Serial Number: 0x1D250EEC

26. Volume Name: NO NAME

27. File System Type: FAT32

28. Boot Signature: 0xAA55


Boot Sector for drive E: Drive 1, Starting Sector: 90124713, Type: FAT32


1. Jump: EB 58 90

2. OEM Name: MSWIN4.1

3. Bytes Per Sector: 512

4. Sectors Per Cluster: 32

5. Reserved Sectors: 38

6. Number of FAT's: 2

7. Reserved: 0x0000

8. Reserved: 0x0000

9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8

10. Sectors Per FAT: 0

11. Sectors Per Track: 63 (0x3F)

12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)

13. Hidden Sectors: 90124713 (0x55F31A9)

14. Big Total Sectors: 45062256 (0x2AF9870)

15. Big Sectors Per FAT: 10997

16. Extended Flags: 0x0000

17. FS Version: 0

18. First Cluster of Root: 2 (0x2)

19. FS Info Sector: 1

20. Backup Boot Sector: 6

21. Reserved: 0x00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

22. Drive ID: 0x80

23. Reserved for NT: 0x00

24. Extended Boot Sig: 0x29

25. Serial Number: 0x36330EF2

26. Volume Name: NO NAME

27. File System Type: FAT32

28. Boot Signature: 0xAA55


Boot Sector for drive F: Drive 1, Starting Sector: 135187038, Type: FAT32


1. Jump: EB 58 90

2. OEM Name: MSWIN4.1

3. Bytes Per Sector: 512

4. Sectors Per Cluster: 32

5. Reserved Sectors: 36

6. Number of FAT's: 2

7. Reserved: 0x0000

8. Reserved: 0x0000

9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8

10. Sectors Per FAT: 0

11. Sectors Per Track: 63 (0x3F)

12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)

13. Hidden Sectors: 135187038 (0x80ECA5E)

14. Big Total Sectors: 45062262 (0x2AF9876)

15. Big Sectors Per FAT: 10998

16. Extended Flags: 0x0000

17. FS Version: 0

18. First Cluster of Root: 2 (0x2)

19. FS Info Sector: 1

20. Backup Boot Sector: 6

21. Reserved: 0x00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

22. Drive ID: 0x80

23. Reserved for NT: 0x00

24. Extended Boot Sig: 0x29

25. Serial Number: 0x17580EF9

26. Volume Name: NO NAME

27. File System Type: FAT32

28. Boot Signature: 0xAA55


Boot Sector for drive G: Drive 1, Starting Sector: 180249363, Type: FAT32


1. Jump: EB 58 90

2. OEM Name: MSWIN4.1

3. Bytes Per Sector: 512

4. Sectors Per Cluster: 32

5. Reserved Sectors: 32

6. Number of FAT's: 2

7. Reserved: 0x0000

8. Reserved: 0x0000

9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8

10. Sectors Per FAT: 0

11. Sectors Per Track: 63 (0x3F)

12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)

13. Hidden Sectors: 180249363 (0xABE6313)

14. Big Total Sectors: 54187182 (0x33AD4AE)

15. Big Sectors Per FAT: 13224

16. Extended Flags: 0x0000

17. FS Version: 0

18. First Cluster of Root: 2 (0x2)

19. FS Info Sector: 1

20. Backup Boot Sector: 6

21. Reserved: 0x00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

22. Drive ID: 0x80

23. Reserved for NT: 0x00

24. Extended Boot Sig: 0x29

25. Serial Number: 0x3D600F00

26. Volume Name: NO NAME

27. File System Type: FAT32

28. Boot Signature: 0xAA55


Sorry, I already had the case off of the hard drive when I found your
message. I just sent another partiinfo.txt message to Bill.


glee wrote:
> If you haven't started installing the drive in the computer yet, you
> might want to try this first, although I absolutely agree with Bill that
> it is best to get USB out of the equation:
> Go here:
> Click to expand the heading titled "Download and run PARTINFO"
> Click to expand the sub-heading titled "I use Windows 98/Me"
> Click the Download button to download ""
> Unzip it to your desktop or wherever you can find it.
> Double-click the extracted file PartIn9x.exe
> In the dropdown box near the top, for Physical drives, see if it lists
> more than one disk (be sure your external drive is connected and appears
> in Device Manager).
> If the second drive appears in the dropdown list, select it in
> PartIn9x.exe, then click the Copy to Clipboard button, and paste the
> info into a reply to Bill.
> Note: Even if you have already installed the drive internally in the
> computer, you may still want to use this utility for its ease of use GUI.


Sunny wrote:
> "Frog" <> wrote in message
> news:O31WdSWAIHA.3548@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>> Bill Blanton wrote:
>>> If you have the means, it might be worthwhile to remove the drive from
>>> the
>>> enclosure and connect it to an internal ATA port. Get USB out of the
>>> way. At least for now.

>> I think I can do this but need advice first. I currently have the
>> internal 120GB hard drive on the Primary Master, a ZIP-100 drive on the
>> Primary Slave, a Plextor CD drive on the Secondary Master and nothing is
>> connected to the Secondary Slave. Would it be ok if I installed the
>> external hard drive (once it is out of the USB container) to the Secondary
>> Slave connector? If yes, it is okay to connect to the Secondary Slave
>> connector, do I have to do anything special on startup or will it simply
>> be given a drive letter? Changing over may take a little time, but I
>> think I can get there. Oh by the way, I will make sure that the Western
>> Digital (now external) hard drive has its jumpers set up for slave.
>> Thanks Bill for your continued help.

> <snip>
> An experience I had was that Win98 insisted on allocating drive letter "D"
> to the second hard drive.
> If your current internal hard drive is C - D - E - F - G then it may become
> C - E - F - G - H ?
> (Even another WinXP - WinME box I have with two hard drives are
> Drive one = C - E
> Drive two = D - F
> My feeble attempts to re-name drives in order failed :)

Well, I moved the external USB connected drive to a Secondary Slave
internal position--no drive letter was assigned to this device. Seems
that more work will be required before I get to the letter problems.
Thanks for the information.



glee wrote:
> If you haven't started installing the drive in the computer yet, you
> might want to try this first, although I absolutely agree with Bill that
> it is best to get USB out of the equation:
> Go here:
> Click to expand the heading titled "Download and run PARTINFO"
> Click to expand the sub-heading titled "I use Windows 98/Me"
> Click the Download button to download ""
> Unzip it to your desktop or wherever you can find it.
> Double-click the extracted file PartIn9x.exe
> In the dropdown box near the top, for Physical drives, see if it lists
> more than one disk (be sure your external drive is connected and appears
> in Device Manager).

I see the following:

Physical Drive: (followed by a blue rectangle window). There are no
options when I click the option button at the end of this rectangle.
Right under the words "Physical Drive" I see "2437.3 MB Total Size".
PLEASE NOTE: The external hard drive is installed internally as a
Secondary-Slave at this time.)

> If the second drive appears in the dropdown list, select it in
> PartIn9x.exe, then click the Copy to Clipboard button, and paste the
> info into a reply to Bill.
> Note: Even if you have already installed the drive internally in the
> computer, you may still want to use this utility for its ease of use GUI.

In view of the above, and the .txt message I just sent Bill, should I
run the new software and send him the results?


Further to the message I just sent on this subject. I can't run the
software because it wants me to make a selection in the Physical Device
(where there are no items to select from).

glee wrote:
> If you haven't started installing the drive in the computer yet, you
> might want to try this first, although I absolutely agree with Bill that
> it is best to get USB out of the equation:
> Go here:
> Click to expand the heading titled "Download and run PARTINFO"
> Click to expand the sub-heading titled "I use Windows 98/Me"
> Click the Download button to download ""
> Unzip it to your desktop or wherever you can find it.
> Double-click the extracted file PartIn9x.exe
> In the dropdown box near the top, for Physical drives, see if it lists
> more than one disk (be sure your external drive is connected and appears
> in Device Manager).
> If the second drive appears in the dropdown list, select it in
> PartIn9x.exe, then click the Copy to Clipboard button, and paste the
> info into a reply to Bill.
> Note: Even if you have already installed the drive internally in the
> computer, you may still want to use this utility for its ease of use GUI.


Frog wrote:
> A second partinfo.txt reading, subsequent to internal installation of
> the previously external USB connected hard drive, is below.

Some other information FYI:

-----Device Manager

1. (Normal and Safe Mode)

- Acronis Devices
Acronis TrueImage Backup Archive Explorer

The General tab under properties for this entry is as follows:

Acronis TrueImage Backup Archive Explorer
Device type: Acronis Devices
Manufacturer: Acronis
Hardware version: Not Available
Device Status: This device is working properly (Normal Mode). Status is
not available when Windows is running in Safe Mode (Safe Mode).
Device Usage:
(Not Checked) Disable in the hardware profile.
(Not Checked) Remove from this hardware profile.

The Driver tab under properties for this entry is as follows:

Acronis TrueImage Backup Archive Explorer
Provider: Acronis
Date: 9-21-2007
To view details about the driver files loaded for this device, click
Driver File Details. To update the driver files for this device, click
Update Driver.

The Driver File Details are as follows:

Acronis TrueImage Backup Archive Explorer
Driver files:
Provider: Acronis
File version: 1.1 build 111
Copyright: Copyright (c) Acronis 2000-2002

2. (Normal Mode)

- Disk drives
GENERIC IDE DISK TYPE 80 (This entry is new since external HD
installed internally.)
WDCWD12 00JB-00REAO (This entry is now gone since external HD
installed internally.)

The General tab under properties for GENERIC IDE DISK TYPE80 is as follows:

Device type: Disk drives
Manufacturer: (Standard disk drives)
Hardware version: Not available
Device status: This device is working properly.

The Settings tab under properties for this entry is as follows:

Target ID: (Grayed out--was 0 when installed externally.)
Frameware revision: (Grayed out--was 0000 when installed externally.)
Logical unit number: (Grayed out--was 0 when installed externally.)
Disconnect (Grayed out--was checked when installed externally.)
Removable (Not checked.)
Sync data transfer (Grayed out--was checked when installed externally.)
Int 13 unit (Checked)
Auto insert notification (Grayed out.)
DMA (Not checked.)
Current drive letter assignment (Grayed out.)
Reserved drive letters: (Grayed out.)
Start drive letter (Grayed out.)
End drive letter (Grayed out.)

The Driver tab under properties for this entry is as follows:

Provider: (Standard disk drives)
Date: 4-23-1999
No driver files are required or have been loaded for this device. To
update the driver files for this device, click Update Driver.

3. (Safe Mode)

Generic IDE Disk Type 47
Generic IDE Disk Type 80
Generic NEC Floppy Disk
Iomega ZIP 100
Olympus C750UZ

The General tab under properties for WDC WD12 00JB-00REAO is as follows:

Device type: Disk drives
Manufacturer: (Standard disk drives)
Hardware version: Not available
Device status: Status not available when Windows is running in Safe Mode.

The Settings tab under properties for this entry is as follows:

Target ID: 0
Frameware revision: 0000
Logical unit number: 0
(Checked) Disconnect
(Not checked) Removable
(Checked) Sync data transfer
(Checked) Int 13 unit
(Grayed out) Auto insert notification

(Grayed out) Current drive letter assignment

Reserved drive letters:
(Grayed out) Start drive letter
(Grayed out) End drive letter

The Driver tab under properties for this entry is as follows:

Provider: (Standard disk drives)
Date: 4-23-1999
No driver files are required or have been loaded for this device. To
update the driver files for this device, click Update Driver.

4. (Safe Mode)

- Human Interface Device
USB Human Interface Device

The General tab under properties for this entry is as follows:

USB Human Interface Device
Device type: Human Interface Device
Manufacturer: (Standard device)
Hardware version: Not Available
Device status: Status is not available when Windows is running in Safe Mode.
Device usage:
(Not checked) Disable in this hardware profile.
(Checked) Exists in all hardware profiles.

The Driver tab under properties for this entry is as follows:

Provider: Microsoft
Date: 4-23-1999
To view details about the driver files loaded for this device, click
Driver File Details. To update the driver files for this device, click
Update Driver.

Driver-File details:
Unknown Device
Driver files:
--C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\VMM32.VXD (ntkern.vxd)
Provider: Microsoft Corporation
File version: 4.10.222
Copyright: Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp. 1981-1999

5. Registry (No change from external USB to internal installation.) (Be
assured that I am not making any changes to the registry--just looking
and recording what I see).


- My Computer
- Enum
- IOMEGA_ZIP_100______2
- OLYMPUS_C750UZ_______1
- WDC_WD1200JB-00REA0____0

The line below is a sub folder of WDC_WD1200JB-00REA0____0.



Name - Data
(Default) - (value not set)
Capabilities - 14 00 00 00
Class - "DiskDrive"
ClassGUID - "{4d36e967-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}"
ConfigFlags - 00 00 00 00
CurrentDriveLetter - '"'
Device Desc - "WDCWD11200JB-00REA0 "
DeviceType - 00
Disconnect - 01
Driver - "DiskDrive\0004"
HardwareID -
Int13 - 01
Manufacturer - WDCWD12"
Mfg - "(Standard disk drives)"
PModelnt13 - 01
Productld - "00JB-00REA0 "
Removable - 00
RevisionLevel - "0000"
SCSITargetID - "0"
SyncDataXfer - 01

This is no change from what I saw when the hard drive was connected via
USB cable.

Bill Blanton

The 120GB disk is not being read correctly and is showing as 3.5GB.

Is it jumpered correctly? Do you know how to get into the BIOS setup?
There may be a message when you first start the machine, such as "Press
[this key] to enter BIOS....If so, check what the BIOS reports for the size of
the drive and whatever "modes" are listed.

The first sector which contains the partition information is usually readable (AFAIK)
regardless of any [incorrrect] geometry. Yours appears to be corrupt. I don't know
if this has to do with the USB interface writing to the drive in a proprietary format,
if it's not being recognised correctly, orif the drive is possibly faulty..
How was the drive connected when you made the origianl backup?

I loaded Acronis TI just to see how it works and it does write a "file" to a formatted
volume. The backup image (*.tib) should be on a (visible to Windows explorer) FATx

"Frog" <> wrote in message news:eMBJMXdAIHA.1204@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>A second partinfo.txt reading, subsequent to internal installation of the previously external USB connected hard drive, is below.
> Frog
> Bill Blanton wrote:
>> "Frog" <> wrote in message news:uNGo8QUAIHA.5160@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> The purpose was to see how the drive was set up, but
>> it seems Partinfo is not seeing the external 120GB drive.

> ================================================
> Disk 1: 1023 Cylinders, 16 Heads, 63 Sectors/Track.

> Warning: The OS reported too few cylinders. 1023 cylinders are present.

> Disk 1: 3605.3 Megabytes


Bill Blanton wrote:
> The 120GB disk is not being read correctly and is showing as 3.5GB.
> Is it jumpered correctly? Do you know how to get into the BIOS setup?
> There may be a message when you first start the machine, such as "Press
> [this key] to enter BIOS....If so, check what the BIOS reports for the size of
> the drive and whatever "modes" are listed.

OOOPS, I forgot that this Secondary Slave connector was once used for
CD-ROM device---and the BIOS-Main tab was set up accordingly. I changed
Type [CD-ROM] to Type [Auto]. It now looks like this:

>Secondary Slave [WDC WD1200JB-00REA0]

Type [Auto]
Cylinders [1024]
Head [255]
Sector [63]
CHS Capacity 8422MB
Maximum LBA Capacity 120034MB

Multi-Sector Transfer [Maximum]
SMART Monitoring [Disabled]
PIO Mode [4]
ULTRA DAM Mode [2]

> The first sector which contains the partition information is usually readable (AFAIK)
> regardless of any [incorrrect] geometry. Yours appears to be corrupt. I don't know
> if this has to do with the USB interface writing to the drive in a proprietary format,
> if it's not being recognised correctly, orif the drive is possibly faulty..
> How was the drive connected when you made the origianl backup?

It was connected via USB cable. The hard drive was housed externally at
the time.
> I loaded Acronis TI just to see how it works and it does write a "file" to a formatted
> volume. The backup image (*.tib) should be on a (visible to Windows explorer) FATx
> volume.

I am almost certain it was a *.tib file that was created when I made the
> "Frog" <> wrote in message news:eMBJMXdAIHA.1204@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>> A second partinfo.txt reading, subsequent to internal installation of the previously external USB connected hard drive, is below.
>> Frog
>> Bill Blanton wrote:
>>> "Frog" <> wrote in message news:uNGo8QUAIHA.5160@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>> The purpose was to see how the drive was set up, but
>>> it seems Partinfo is not seeing the external 120GB drive.

>> ================================================
>> Disk 1: 1023 Cylinders, 16 Heads, 63 Sectors/Track.

>> Warning: The OS reported too few cylinders. 1023 cylinders are present.

>> Disk 1: 3605.3 Megabytes


Here is a new partinfo.txt file made after the settings were changed.

Partition Information Program
Sep 16 2002 - DOS32 Version
Copyright (c) 1994-2002, PowerQuest Corporation
Permission is granted for this utility to be freely copied so long
as it is not modified in any way. All other rights are reserved.

PowerQuest, makers of PartitionMagic(r), Drive Image(tm) and
DriveCopy(tm), can be reached at
Voice: 801-226-6834 Web site:
Fax: 801-226-8941 Email:
BiosExtensions: 0x100 Subsets (0x00000003): Access Lock/Eject
EGeo 0x0000 16383 16 63 234441648 0 512


Disk 0: 14593 Cylinders, 255 Heads, 63 Sectors/Track.

BiosExtensions: 0x100 Subsets (0x00000003): Access Lock/Eject
The BIOS supports INT 13h extensions for this drive.

============================ Partition Tables ==============================

Partition -----Begin---- ------End----- Start Num

Sector # Boot Cyl Head Sect FS Cyl Head Sect Sect Sects

---------- - ---- ---- ---- ---- -- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ----------

0 0 80 [ 0 1 1] 0C [1023 254 63] 63
19534977 [Large Drive Placeholders]

0 1 1 1215 254 63
Actual Values

0 1 00 [1023 0 1] 0F [1023 254 63] 45062325
189374220 [Large Drive Placeholders]

2805 0 1 14592 254 63
Actual Values

45062325 0 00 [ 757 1 1] 0B [ 489 254 63] 45062388
45062262 [Large Drive Placeholders]

2805 1 1 5609 254 63
Actual Values

45062325 1 00 [ 490 0 1] 05 [ 222 254 63] 90124650
45062325 [Large Drive Placeholders]

5610 0 1 8414 254 63
Actual Values

90124650 0 00 [1023 1 1] 0B [1023 254 63] 90124713
45062262 [Large Drive Placeholders]

5610 1 1 8414 254 63
Actual Values

90124650 1 00 [1023 0 1] 05 [1023 254 63] 135186975
45062325 [Large Drive Placeholders]

8415 0 1 11219 254 63
Actual Values

135186975 0 00 [1023 1 1] 0B [1023 254 63] 135187038
45062262 [Large Drive Placeholders]

8415 1 1 11219 254 63
Actual Values

135186975 1 00 [1023 0 1] 05 [1023 254 63] 180249300
54187245 [Large Drive Placeholders]

11220 0 1 14592 254 63
Actual Values

180249300 0 00 [1023 1 1] 0B [1023 254 63] 180249363
54187182 [Large Drive Placeholders]

11220 1 1 14592 254 63
Actual Values

BiosExtensions: 0x100 Subsets (0x00000003): Access Lock/Eject
EGeo 0x0000 16383 16 63 234441648 0 512


Disk 1: 14593 Cylinders, 255 Heads, 63 Sectors/Track.

BiosExtensions: 0x100 Subsets (0x00000003): Access Lock/Eject
The BIOS supports INT 13h extensions for this drive.

============================ Partition Tables ==============================

Partition -----Begin---- ------End----- Start Num

Sector # Boot Cyl Head Sect FS Cyl Head Sect Sect Sects

---------- - ---- ---- ---- ---- -- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ----------

0 0 20 [ 356 97 46] 20 [ 357 116 40] 1919950958
544437093 [Large Drive Placeholders]

53975 107 3 22329 15 41
Actual ValuesWarning: Partition boot flag expected to be 0x00 or

not 0x20. This should not be a problem.

Error #107: Partition begins after end of disk.

ucBeginCylinder (53975) must be less than 14593.

Info: Partition didn't begin on head boundary.

ucBeginHead expected to be 0 or 1, not 107.

Info: Partition didn't begin on head boundary.

ucBeginSector expected to be 1, not 3.

Error #109: Partition ends after end of disk.

ucEndCylinder (22329) must be less than 14593.

Info: Partition didn't end on cylinder boundary.

ucEndHead expected to be 254, not 15.

Info: Partition didn't end on cylinder boundary.

ucEndSector expected to be 63, not 41.

Error #116: Starting sector of partition is inconsistent.

ulStartSect = 1919950958

Begin C,H,S = 867115118

Error #110: Number of sectors in partition is inconsistent.

ucSectors = 544437093
end - begin = 3786568549
0 1 61 [ 288 110 57] 6B [ 269 101 57] 1330184202
538976288 [Large Drive Placeholders]

17264 34 61 50813 219 8
Actual ValuesWarning: Partition boot flag expected to be 0x00 or

not 0x61. This should not be a problem.

Error #107: Partition begins after end of disk.

ucBeginCylinder (17264) must be less than 14593.

Info: Partition didn't begin on head boundary.

ucBeginHead expected to be 0 or 1, not 34.

Info: Partition didn't begin on head boundary.

ucBeginSector expected to be 1, not 61.

Error #109: Partition ends after end of disk.

ucEndCylinder (50813) must be less than 14593.

Info: Partition didn't end on cylinder boundary.

ucEndHead expected to be 254, not 219.

Info: Partition didn't end on cylinder boundary.

ucEndSector expected to be 63, not 8.

Error #116: Starting sector of partition is inconsistent.

ulStartSect = 1330184202

Begin C,H,S = 277348362

0 2 20 [ 345 32 19] 53 [ 324 77 19] 538989391
1398362912 [Large Drive Placeholders]

33550 137 11 55058 153 54
Actual ValuesWarning: Partition boot flag expected to be 0x00 or

not 0x20. This should not be a problem.

Error #107: Partition begins after end of disk.

ucBeginCylinder (33550) must be less than 14593.

Info: Partition didn't begin on head boundary.

ucBeginHead expected to be 0 or 1, not 137.

Info: Partition didn't begin on head boundary.

ucBeginSector expected to be 1, not 11.

Error #109: Partition ends after end of disk.

ucEndCylinder (55058) must be less than 14593.

Info: Partition didn't end on cylinder boundary.

ucEndHead expected to be 254, not 153.

Info: Partition didn't end on cylinder boundary.

ucEndSector expected to be 63, not 54.

Error #110: Number of sectors in partition is inconsistent.

ucSectors = 1398362912
end - begin = 345527072
0 3 80 [ 87 1 0] 49 [ 335 78 2] 1394627663
21337 [Large Drive Placeholders]

21275 142 3 21276 225 45
Actual Values

Error #107: Partition begins after end of disk.

ucBeginCylinder (21275) must be less than 14593.

Info: Partition didn't begin on head boundary.

ucBeginHead expected to be 0 or 1, not 142.

Info: Partition didn't begin on head boundary.

ucBeginSector expected to be 1, not 3.

Error #109: Partition ends after end of disk.

ucEndCylinder (21276) must be less than 14593.

Info: Partition didn't end on cylinder boundary.

ucEndHead expected to be 254, not 225.

Info: Partition didn't end on cylinder boundary.

ucEndSector expected to be 63, not 45.

Error #116: Starting sector of partition is inconsistent.

ulStartSect = 1394627663

Begin C,H,S = 341791823

Disk[1], Part[1330184202]: Error #113: Primary partition starting at
1330184202 overlaps previous partition.

Disk[1], Part[1394627663]: Error #113: Primary partition starting at
1394627663 overlaps previous partition.

Disk[1], Part[1919950958]: Info: MBR Partition Table not in sequential


Disk 0: 114471.0 Megabytes

============================= Partition Information

Volume Partition Partition Start

Letter:Label Type Status Size MB Sector # Sector

------------- --------------- -------- -------- ---------- - ----------

C:CHARLIE FAT32X Pri,Boot 9538.6 0 0 63

Unallocated Pri 12464.5 None - 19535040

ExtendedX Pri 92467.9 0 1 45062325

EPBR Log 22003.1 None - 45062325

D:NO NAME FAT32 Log 22003.1 45062325 0 45062388

EPBR Log 22003.1 45062325 1 90124650

E:NO NAME FAT32 Log 22003.1 90124650 0 90124713

EPBR Log 22003.1 90124650 1 135186975

F:NO NAME FAT32 Log 22003.1 135186975 0 135187038

EPBR Log 26458.6 135186975 1 180249300

G:NO NAME FAT32 Log 26458.6 180249300 0 180249363


Disk 1: 114471.0 Megabytes

============================= Partition Information

Volume Partition Partition Start

Letter:Label Type Status Size MB Sector # Sector

------------- --------------- -------- -------- ---------- - ----------

Unallocated Pri 114470.9 None - 63

Unallocated Pri 148707.4 None - 234436545

Type 53 Pri,Boot 682794.4 0 2 538989391

Type 6B Pri,Boot 263172.0 0 1 1330184202

Type 49 Pri,Boot 10.4 0 3 1394627663

Unallocated Pri 256490.9 None - 1394650845

Type 20 Pri,Boot 265838.4 0 0 1919950958


Boot Sector for drive C: Drive 1, Starting Sector: 63, Type: FAT32


1. Jump: EB 58 90

2. OEM Name: MSWIN4.1

3. Bytes Per Sector: 512

4. Sectors Per Cluster: 8

5. Reserved Sectors: 32

6. Number of FAT's: 2

7. Reserved: 0x0000

8. Reserved: 0x0000

9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8

10. Sectors Per FAT: 0

11. Sectors Per Track: 63 (0x3F)

12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)

13. Hidden Sectors: 63 (0x3F)

14. Big Total Sectors: 19534977 (0x12A1481)

15. Big Sectors Per FAT: 19040

16. Extended Flags: 0x0000

17. FS Version: 0

18. First Cluster of Root: 2 (0x2)

19. FS Info Sector: 1

20. Backup Boot Sector: 6

21. Reserved: 0x00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

22. Drive ID: 0x80

23. Reserved for NT: 0x00

24. Extended Boot Sig: 0x29

25. Serial Number: 0x406609E3

26. Volume Name: CHARLIE

27. File System Type: FAT32

28. Boot Signature: 0xAA55


Boot Sector for drive D: Drive 1, Starting Sector: 45062388, Type: FAT32


1. Jump: EB 58 90

2. OEM Name: MSWIN4.1

3. Bytes Per Sector: 512

4. Sectors Per Cluster: 32

5. Reserved Sectors: 38

6. Number of FAT's: 2

7. Reserved: 0x0000

8. Reserved: 0x0000

9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8

10. Sectors Per FAT: 0

11. Sectors Per Track: 63 (0x3F)

12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)

13. Hidden Sectors: 45062388 (0x2AF98F4)

14. Big Total Sectors: 45062256 (0x2AF9870)

15. Big Sectors Per FAT: 10997

16. Extended Flags: 0x0000

17. FS Version: 0

18. First Cluster of Root: 2 (0x2)

19. FS Info Sector: 1

20. Backup Boot Sector: 6

21. Reserved: 0x00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

22. Drive ID: 0x80

23. Reserved for NT: 0x00

24. Extended Boot Sig: 0x29

25. Serial Number: 0x1D250EEC

26. Volume Name: NO NAME

27. File System Type: FAT32

28. Boot Signature: 0xAA55


Boot Sector for drive E: Drive 1, Starting Sector: 90124713, Type: FAT32


1. Jump: EB 58 90

2. OEM Name: MSWIN4.1

3. Bytes Per Sector: 512

4. Sectors Per Cluster: 32

5. Reserved Sectors: 38

6. Number of FAT's: 2

7. Reserved: 0x0000

8. Reserved: 0x0000

9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8

10. Sectors Per FAT: 0

11. Sectors Per Track: 63 (0x3F)

12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)

13. Hidden Sectors: 90124713 (0x55F31A9)

14. Big Total Sectors: 45062256 (0x2AF9870)

15. Big Sectors Per FAT: 10997

16. Extended Flags: 0x0000

17. FS Version: 0

18. First Cluster of Root: 2 (0x2)

19. FS Info Sector: 1

20. Backup Boot Sector: 6

21. Reserved: 0x00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

22. Drive ID: 0x80

23. Reserved for NT: 0x00

24. Extended Boot Sig: 0x29

25. Serial Number: 0x36330EF2

26. Volume Name: NO NAME

27. File System Type: FAT32

28. Boot Signature: 0xAA55


Boot Sector for drive F: Drive 1, Starting Sector: 135187038, Type: FAT32


1. Jump: EB 58 90

2. OEM Name: MSWIN4.1

3. Bytes Per Sector: 512

4. Sectors Per Cluster: 32

5. Reserved Sectors: 36

6. Number of FAT's: 2

7. Reserved: 0x0000

8. Reserved: 0x0000

9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8

10. Sectors Per FAT: 0

11. Sectors Per Track: 63 (0x3F)

12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)

13. Hidden Sectors: 135187038 (0x80ECA5E)

14. Big Total Sectors: 45062262 (0x2AF9876)

15. Big Sectors Per FAT: 10998

16. Extended Flags: 0x0000

17. FS Version: 0

18. First Cluster of Root: 2 (0x2)

19. FS Info Sector: 1

20. Backup Boot Sector: 6

21. Reserved: 0x00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

22. Drive ID: 0x80

23. Reserved for NT: 0x00

24. Extended Boot Sig: 0x29

25. Serial Number: 0x17580EF9

26. Volume Name: NO NAME

27. File System Type: FAT32

28. Boot Signature: 0xAA55


Boot Sector for drive G: Drive 1, Starting Sector: 180249363, Type: FAT32


1. Jump: EB 58 90

2. OEM Name: MSWIN4.1

3. Bytes Per Sector: 512

4. Sectors Per Cluster: 32

5. Reserved Sectors: 32

6. Number of FAT's: 2

7. Reserved: 0x0000

8. Reserved: 0x0000

9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8

10. Sectors Per FAT: 0

11. Sectors Per Track: 63 (0x3F)

12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)

13. Hidden Sectors: 180249363 (0xABE6313)

14. Big Total Sectors: 54187182 (0x33AD4AE)

15. Big Sectors Per FAT: 13224

16. Extended Flags: 0x0000

17. FS Version: 0

18. First Cluster of Root: 2 (0x2)

19. FS Info Sector: 1

20. Backup Boot Sector: 6

21. Reserved: 0x00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

22. Drive ID: 0x80

23. Reserved for NT: 0x00

24. Extended Boot Sig: 0x29

25. Serial Number: 0x3D600F00

26. Volume Name: NO NAME

27. File System Type: FAT32

28. Boot Signature: 0xAA55

Bill Blanton

"Frog" <> wrote in message news:eWghdAgAIHA.1168@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> Bill Blanton wrote:
>> The 120GB disk is not being read correctly and is showing as 3.5GB.
>> Is it jumpered correctly? Do you know how to get into the BIOS setup?
>> There may be a message when you first start the machine, such as "Press
>> [this key] to enter BIOS....If so, check what the BIOS reports for the size of
>> the drive and whatever "modes" are listed.

> OOOPS, I forgot that this Secondary Slave connector was once used for CD-ROM device---and the BIOS-Main tab was set up
> accordingly. I changed Type [CD-ROM] to Type [Auto]. It now looks like this:
> >Secondary Slave [WDC WD1200JB-00REA0]

> Type [Auto]
> Cylinders [1024]
> Head [255]
> Sector [63]
> CHS Capacity 8422MB
> Maximum LBA Capacity 120034MB
> Multi-Sector Transfer [Maximum]
> SMART Monitoring [Disabled]
> PIO Mode [4]
> ULTRA DAM Mode [2]

That corrected that variable, which resulted in too few cylinders. Unfortunately
the partition tables as reported by the new partinfo are still the same goo.

>> The first sector which contains the partition information is usually readable (AFAIK)
>> regardless of any [incorrrect] geometry. Yours appears to be corrupt. I don't know
>> if this has to do with the USB interface writing to the drive in a proprietary format,
>> if it's not being recognised correctly, orif the drive is possibly faulty..
>> How was the drive connected when you made the origianl backup?

> It was connected via USB cable. The hard drive was housed externally at the time.

I can't imagine the external's USB => ATA controller doing disk I/O any differently
than the mainboard ATA controller, but I'm not 100% sure. Given the sector
read errors you previously reported, I suggest you check the disk with WD's
diags (Lifeguard) while it is still connected to the mainboard. You may have
them on disk (CD/floppy), or you can download them from Western Digital's

>> I loaded Acronis TI just to see how it works and it does write a "file" to a formatted
>> volume. The backup image (*.tib) should be on a (visible to Windows explorer) FATx
>> volume.

> I am almost certain it was a *.tib file that was created when I made the backup.

Meaning there should be a partition structure with a formatted volume somewhere
on the disk.


Bill Blanton wrote:
> "Frog" <> wrote in message news:eWghdAgAIHA.1168@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> Bill Blanton wrote:
>>> The 120GB disk is not being read correctly and is showing as 3.5GB.
>>> Is it jumpered correctly? Do you know how to get into the BIOS setup?
>>> There may be a message when you first start the machine, such as "Press
>>> [this key] to enter BIOS....If so, check what the BIOS reports for the size of
>>> the drive and whatever "modes" are listed.

>> OOOPS, I forgot that this Secondary Slave connector was once used for CD-ROM device---and the BIOS-Main tab was set up
>> accordingly. I changed Type [CD-ROM] to Type [Auto]. It now looks like this:
>>> Secondary Slave [WDC WD1200JB-00REA0]

>> Type [Auto]
>> Cylinders [1024]
>> Head [255]
>> Sector [63]
>> CHS Capacity 8422MB
>> Maximum LBA Capacity 120034MB
>> Multi-Sector Transfer [Maximum]
>> SMART Monitoring [Disabled]
>> PIO Mode [4]
>> ULTRA DAM Mode [2]

> That corrected that variable, which resulted in too few cylinders. Unfortunately
> the partition tables as reported by the new partinfo are still the same goo.
>>> The first sector which contains the partition information is usually readable (AFAIK)
>>> regardless of any [incorrrect] geometry. Yours appears to be corrupt. I don't know
>>> if this has to do with the USB interface writing to the drive in a proprietary format,
>>> if it's not being recognised correctly, orif the drive is possibly faulty..
>>> How was the drive connected when you made the origianl backup?

>> It was connected via USB cable. The hard drive was housed externally at the time.

> I can't imagine the external's USB => ATA controller doing disk I/O any differently
> than the mainboard ATA controller, but I'm not 100% sure. Given the sector
> read errors you previously reported, I suggest you check the disk with WD's
> diags (Lifeguard) while it is still connected to the mainboard. You may have
> them on disk (CD/floppy), or you can download them from Western Digital's
> site.
>>> I loaded Acronis TI just to see how it works and it does write a "file" to a formatted
>>> volume. The backup image (*.tib) should be on a (visible to Windows explorer) FATx
>>> volume.

>> I am almost certain it was a *.tib file that was created when I made the backup.

> Meaning there should be a partition structure with a formatted volume somewhere
> on the disk.

I have a problem with the Western Digital Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for
Windows (file name I un-zipped the file and then installed
it on my system. Next, I tried to run the software. It worked up to
the point where it identified the hard drives on my system. It only
hard drive found was the original internal hard drive...not the internal
(previously external) hard drive that I want to check. How do I get it
to find the problem hard drive?


Bill Blanton

"Frog" <> wrote in message news:OfxNEvqAIHA.5160@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> Bill Blanton wrote:
>> "Frog" <> wrote in message news:eWghdAgAIHA.1168@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>> Bill Blanton wrote:
>>>> The 120GB disk is not being read correctly and is showing as 3.5GB.
>>>> Is it jumpered correctly? Do you know how to get into the BIOS setup?
>>>> There may be a message when you first start the machine, such as "Press
>>>> [this key] to enter BIOS....If so, check what the BIOS reports for the size of
>>>> the drive and whatever "modes" are listed.
>>> OOOPS, I forgot that this Secondary Slave connector was once used for CD-ROM device---and the BIOS-Main tab was set up
>>> accordingly. I changed Type [CD-ROM] to Type [Auto]. It now looks like this:
>>>> Secondary Slave [WDC WD1200JB-00REA0]
>>> Type [Auto]
>>> Cylinders [1024]
>>> Head [255]
>>> Sector [63]
>>> CHS Capacity 8422MB
>>> Maximum LBA Capacity 120034MB
>>> Multi-Sector Transfer [Maximum]
>>> SMART Monitoring [Disabled]
>>> PIO Mode [4]
>>> ULTRA DAM Mode [2]

>> That corrected that variable, which resulted in too few cylinders. Unfortunately
>> the partition tables as reported by the new partinfo are still the same goo.
>>>> The first sector which contains the partition information is usually readable (AFAIK)
>>>> regardless of any [incorrrect] geometry. Yours appears to be corrupt. I don't know
>>>> if this has to do with the USB interface writing to the drive in a proprietary format,
>>>> if it's not being recognised correctly, orif the drive is possibly faulty..
>>>> How was the drive connected when you made the origianl backup?
>>> It was connected via USB cable. The hard drive was housed externally at the time.

>> I can't imagine the external's USB => ATA controller doing disk I/O any differently
>> than the mainboard ATA controller, but I'm not 100% sure. Given the sector
>> read errors you previously reported, I suggest you check the disk with WD's
>> diags (Lifeguard) while it is still connected to the mainboard. You may have
>> them on disk (CD/floppy), or you can download them from Western Digital's
>> site.
>>>> I loaded Acronis TI just to see how it works and it does write a "file" to a formatted
>>>> volume. The backup image (*.tib) should be on a (visible to Windows explorer) FATx
>>>> volume.
>>> I am almost certain it was a *.tib file that was created when I made the backup.

>> Meaning there should be a partition structure with a formatted volume somewhere
>> on the disk.

> I have a problem with the Western Digital Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for Windows (file name I un-zipped the file and
> then installed it on my system. Next, I tried to run the software. It worked up to the point where it identified the hard drives
> on my system. It only hard drive found was the original internal hard drive...not the internal (previously external) hard drive
> that I want to check. How do I get it to find the problem hard drive?

Not seeing the drive..That's not good...

Go here and select the "Data Lifeguard Diagnostics for DOS (Floppy)". (in the righthand box)

You'll see detailed instructions after you make the selection.

**Note the difference between the "Quick" and the "Extended" test, regarding your
data. Start with just the "Quick test".

Sorry, I should have been more clear that you want the "Diagnostics", not the "Tools".

Bill Blanton

"Bill Blanton" <> wrote in message news:umSG9QrAIHA.3848@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> "Frog" <> wrote in message news:OfxNEvqAIHA.5160@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...

>> I have a problem with the Western Digital Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for Windows (file name I un-zipped the file and
>> then installed it on my system. Next, I tried to run the software. It worked up to the point where it identified the hard
>> drives
>> on my system. It only hard drive found was the original internal hard drive...not the internal (previously external) hard drive
>> that I want to check. How do I get it to find the problem hard drive?

> Not seeing the drive..That's not good...
> Go here and select the "Data Lifeguard Diagnostics for DOS (Floppy)". (in the righthand box)
> You'll see detailed instructions after you make the selection.
> **Note the difference between the "Quick" and the "Extended" test, regarding your
> data. Start with just the "Quick test".
> Sorry, I should have been more clear that you want the "Diagnostics", not the "Tools".

Ok, I see you did have the "Diags". I'd still use one of the bootable DOS versions
(floppy or CD). Running such diags from within Windows is not the prefered method.

Brian A.

"Bill Blanton" <> wrote in message
> The 120GB disk is not being read correctly and is showing as 3.5GB.

Wouldn't that indicate the first FDISK may have been used and not an updated one?


Brian A. Sesko { MS MVP_Shell/User }
Conflicts start where information lacks.

Suggested posting do's/don'ts:
How to ask a question:



Bill Blanton wrote:
> "Bill Blanton" <> wrote in message news:umSG9QrAIHA.3848@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> "Frog" <> wrote in message news:OfxNEvqAIHA.5160@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...

>>> I have a problem with the Western Digital Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for Windows (file name I un-zipped the file and
>>> then installed it on my system. Next, I tried to run the software. It worked up to the point where it identified the hard
>>> drives
>>> on my system. It only hard drive found was the original internal hard drive...not the internal (previously external) hard drive
>>> that I want to check. How do I get it to find the problem hard drive?

>> Not seeing the drive..That's not good...
>> Go here and select the "Data Lifeguard Diagnostics for DOS (Floppy)". (in the righthand box)
>> You'll see detailed instructions after you make the selection.
>> **Note the difference between the "Quick" and the "Extended" test, regarding your
>> data. Start with just the "Quick test".
>> Sorry, I should have been more clear that you want the "Diagnostics", not the "Tools".

> Ok, I see you did have the "Diags". I'd still use one of the bootable DOS versions
> (floppy or CD). Running such diags from within Windows is not the prefered method.

I downloaded "Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for DOS (Floppy)" - file
DigDiagv504f.exe, made a floppy from this .exe file, shut down my
computer, put the floppy in the A Drive, and restarted my computer. The
very first window only showed the good (always internal) 120GB hard
drive. The problem hard drive, however, was not found. I ran the Quick
Test against the good drive and it gave me the following message: Test
Completed Without Errors - Error/Status Code: 0000. Now how do I make
it find the hard drive that needs to be tested? I was thinking about
removing the one I just tested, and moving the problem hard drive to the
Primary Master position (changing the jumper in the process). Is that a
good idea or not? Anyhow, the floppy did not find the problem disk.

Bill Blanton

"Frog" <> wrote in message news:uqNGU0xAIHA.1168@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> Bill Blanton wrote:
>> "Bill Blanton" <> wrote in message news:umSG9QrAIHA.3848@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>> "Frog" <> wrote in message news:OfxNEvqAIHA.5160@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...

>>>> I have a problem with the Western Digital Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for Windows (file name I un-zipped the file
>>>> and
>>>> then installed it on my system. Next, I tried to run the software. It worked up to the point where it identified the hard
>>>> drives
>>>> on my system. It only hard drive found was the original internal hard drive...not the internal (previously external) hard
>>>> drive
>>>> that I want to check. How do I get it to find the problem hard drive?
>>> Not seeing the drive..That's not good...
>>> Go here and select the "Data Lifeguard Diagnostics for DOS (Floppy)". (in the righthand box)
>>> You'll see detailed instructions after you make the selection.
>>> **Note the difference between the "Quick" and the "Extended" test, regarding your
>>> data. Start with just the "Quick test".
>>> Sorry, I should have been more clear that you want the "Diagnostics", not the "Tools".

>> Ok, I see you did have the "Diags". I'd still use one of the bootable DOS versions
>> (floppy or CD). Running such diags from within Windows is not the prefered method.

> Bill,
> I downloaded "Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for DOS (Floppy)" - file DigDiagv504f.exe, made a floppy from this .exe file, shut
> down my computer, put the floppy in the A Drive, and restarted my computer. The very first window only showed the good (always
> internal) 120GB hard drive. The problem hard drive, however, was not found. I ran the Quick Test against the good drive and it
> gave me the following message: Test Completed Without Errors - Error/Status Code: 0000. Now how do I make it find the hard drive
> that needs to be tested? I was thinking about removing the one I just tested, and moving the problem hard drive to the Primary
> Master position (changing the jumper in the process). Is that a good idea or not? Anyhow, the floppy did not find the problem
> disk.

It wouldn't hurt to try it. Does the BIOS still see the drive? If you swap it
out make sure the BIOS sees it before you run the test.

Bill Blanton

Frog set the BIOS to "Auto", and the disk is correctly reporting 120GB.

>Disk 1: 14593 Cylinders, 255 Heads, 63 Sectors/Track.

"Brian A." <gonefish'n@afarawaylake> wrote in message news:eK2iiTwAIHA.1208@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> Or Large Drive Support wasn't selected?
> --
> Brian A. Sesko { MS MVP_Shell/User }
> Conflicts start where information lacks.
> Suggested posting do's/don'ts:
> How to ask a question:
> <snipped>


Bill Blanton wrote:
> "Frog" <> wrote in message news:uqNGU0xAIHA.1168@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> Bill Blanton wrote:
>>> "Bill Blanton" <> wrote in message news:umSG9QrAIHA.3848@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>>> "Frog" <> wrote in message news:OfxNEvqAIHA.5160@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>>>> I have a problem with the Western Digital Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for Windows (file name I un-zipped the file
>>>>> and
>>>>> then installed it on my system. Next, I tried to run the software. It worked up to the point where it identified the hard
>>>>> drives
>>>>> on my system. It only hard drive found was the original internal hard drive...not the internal (previously external) hard
>>>>> drive
>>>>> that I want to check. How do I get it to find the problem hard drive?
>>>> Not seeing the drive..That's not good...
>>>> Go here and select the "Data Lifeguard Diagnostics for DOS (Floppy)". (in the righthand box)
>>>> You'll see detailed instructions after you make the selection.
>>>> **Note the difference between the "Quick" and the "Extended" test, regarding your
>>>> data. Start with just the "Quick test".
>>>> Sorry, I should have been more clear that you want the "Diagnostics", not the "Tools".
>>> Ok, I see you did have the "Diags". I'd still use one of the bootable DOS versions
>>> (floppy or CD). Running such diags from within Windows is not the prefered method.

>> Bill,
>> I downloaded "Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for DOS (Floppy)" - file DigDiagv504f.exe, made a floppy from this .exe file, shut
>> down my computer, put the floppy in the A Drive, and restarted my computer. The very first window only showed the good (always
>> internal) 120GB hard drive. The problem hard drive, however, was not found. I ran the Quick Test against the good drive and it
>> gave me the following message: Test Completed Without Errors - Error/Status Code: 0000. Now how do I make it find the hard drive
>> that needs to be tested? I was thinking about removing the one I just tested, and moving the problem hard drive to the Primary
>> Master position (changing the jumper in the process). Is that a good idea or not? Anyhow, the floppy did not find the problem
>> disk.

> It wouldn't hurt to try it. Does the BIOS still see the drive? If you swap it
> out make sure the BIOS sees it before you run the test.

Moving the hard drive from the Secondary Slave position to the
Primary Master position worked. First, here is what I observed on my
first attempt last night against the "good" hard drive:

Selected Drive (only drive observed)
Model: WDC WD1200BB-23RDA0
S/N: WD-WCANN1268205
Firmware: 20.00K20
C H S: 232581 16 63
Capacity: 120 G
Drive: 0 Port: 0X1F0

Quick "Test Completed Without Errors
Error/Status Code: 0000

Now here is what I observed this morning after placing the "bad" hard
drive in the Primary Master position:

Selected Drive (only drive observed)
Model: WDC WD1200JB-00RDA0
S/N: WD-WMANN1467578
Firmware: 20.00K20
C H S: 232581 16 63
Capacity: 120 G
Drive: 0 Port: 0X1F0

Quick "Test Completed Without Errors
Error/Status Code: 0000

Extended "Test Completed Without Errors
Error/Status Code: 0000

I think it is clear that I did test both hard drives based on the
two different S/Ns.

I'm not sure what comes next, but I do have a pocket full of
thoughts and questions. For example:

The Secondary Slave position was where a CD device once lived. After
considerable help from this group--this device was thought to be faulty.
Thus, it was removed from the system. Now, I attempted to access the
"bad" 120GB hard drive from this same Secondary Slave position and this
also had problems. Could the problem be other than the device plugged
into the Secondary Slave connector--i.e., cable, motherboard
problem/setting, BIOS, etc.? I know that it was originally connected to
the system via USB port--and that originally worked before the meltdown
occurred--not after the meltdown occurred. I now have my mouse plugged
into a USB port and it appears to be working just fine.

NOTE: The Secondary Master is connected to a Plextor CD player and it
works normally. Also, the hard drive, while connected to the Secondary
Slave connector, was recognized in some ways--appeared in the BIOS,
Device Manager, and the Registry. It, for unknown reasons to me, was
not assigned a Drive letter when it was installed on the system.

Well, enough of the beginner philosophy, what comes next.


Bill Blanton

"Frog" <> wrote in message news:OUOgYu2AIHA.1208@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> Bill Blanton wrote:
>> "Frog" <> wrote in message news:uqNGU0xAIHA.1168@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>> Bill Blanton wrote:
>>>> "Bill Blanton" <> wrote in message news:umSG9QrAIHA.3848@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>>>> "Frog" <> wrote in message news:OfxNEvqAIHA.5160@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>>>>> I have a problem with the Western Digital Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for Windows (file name I un-zipped the file
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> then installed it on my system. Next, I tried to run the software. It worked up to the point where it identified the hard
>>>>>> drives
>>>>>> on my system. It only hard drive found was the original internal hard drive...not the internal (previously external) hard
>>>>>> drive
>>>>>> that I want to check. How do I get it to find the problem hard drive?
>>>>> Not seeing the drive..That's not good...
>>>>> Go here and select the "Data Lifeguard Diagnostics for DOS (Floppy)". (in the righthand box)
>>>>> You'll see detailed instructions after you make the selection.
>>>>> **Note the difference between the "Quick" and the "Extended" test, regarding your
>>>>> data. Start with just the "Quick test".
>>>>> Sorry, I should have been more clear that you want the "Diagnostics", not the "Tools".
>>>> Ok, I see you did have the "Diags". I'd still use one of the bootable DOS versions
>>>> (floppy or CD). Running such diags from within Windows is not the prefered method.
>>> Bill,
>>> I downloaded "Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for DOS (Floppy)" - file DigDiagv504f.exe, made a floppy from this .exe file, shut
>>> down my computer, put the floppy in the A Drive, and restarted my computer. The very first window only showed the good (always
>>> internal) 120GB hard drive. The problem hard drive, however, was not found. I ran the Quick Test against the good drive and it
>>> gave me the following message: Test Completed Without Errors - Error/Status Code: 0000. Now how do I make it find the hard
>>> drive that needs to be tested? I was thinking about removing the one I just tested, and moving the problem hard drive to the
>>> Primary Master position (changing the jumper in the process). Is that a good idea or not? Anyhow, the floppy did not find the
>>> problem disk.

>> It wouldn't hurt to try it. Does the BIOS still see the drive? If you swap it
>> out make sure the BIOS sees it before you run the test.

> Bill,
> Moving the hard drive from the Secondary Slave position to the Primary Master position worked. First, here is what I
> observed on my first attempt last night against the "good" hard drive:
> Selected Drive (only drive observed)
> Model: WDC WD1200BB-23RDA0
> S/N: WD-WCANN1268205
> Firmware: 20.00K20
> C H S: 232581 16 63
> Capacity: 120 G
> Drive: 0 Port: 0X1F0
> Quick "Test Completed Without Errors
> Error/Status Code: 0000
> Now here is what I observed this morning after placing the "bad" hard drive in the Primary Master position:
> Selected Drive (only drive observed)
> Model: WDC WD1200JB-00RDA0
> S/N: WD-WMANN1467578
> Firmware: 20.00K20
> C H S: 232581 16 63
> Capacity: 120 G
> Drive: 0 Port: 0X1F0
> Quick "Test Completed Without Errors
> Error/Status Code: 0000
> Extended "Test Completed Without Errors
> Error/Status Code: 0000
> I think it is clear that I did test both hard drives based on the two different S/Ns.
> I'm not sure what comes next, but I do have a pocket full of thoughts and questions. For example:
> The Secondary Slave position was where a CD device once lived. After considerable help from this group--this device was thought
> to be faulty. Thus, it was removed from the system. Now, I attempted to access the "bad" 120GB hard drive from this same
> Secondary Slave position and this also had problems. Could the problem be other than the device plugged into the Secondary Slave
> connector--i.e., cable, motherboard problem/setting, BIOS, etc.?

It's impossible for us mere mortals to test the motherboard short of swapping
it out, but you could try another cable easily enough. Is the secondary cable
80-wire/40-pin as opposed to 40-wire/40-pin?

> I know that it was originally connected to the system via USB port--and that originally worked before the meltdown occurred--not
> after the meltdown occurred. I now have my mouse plugged into a USB port and it appears to be working just fine.

What exactly was the "meltdown"?

> NOTE: The Secondary Master is connected to a Plextor CD player and it works normally. Also, the hard drive, while connected to
> the Secondary Slave connector, was recognized in some ways--appeared in the BIOS, Device Manager, and the Registry. It, for
> unknown reasons to me, was not assigned a Drive letter when it was installed on the system.

Drive letters are OS logical constructs. A completely blank HDD, or a HDD
with "unknown" partitions will not be given letter(s). According to partinfo
yours falls into the "unknown" partition type category. (it's hard to believe
that partinfo could find the drive,(as previously configured) while WD's
own diagnostics could not)

> Well, enough of the beginner philosophy, what comes next.

Let's try something else..

Get MBRWork,
unzip it and put it on a 98-startup floppy.
With the drive connected as primary master
Reboot to the startup floppy and at the A:\> prompt type-

Choose the option to "Backup the first track."

That will put the contents of the first track in a file on the floppy with the
filename back0.bin. Zip that up and email it to me.

If you don't have a 98 boot disk you can get one here-
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