Support for AVG Free after August 2008

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Do you think a Harry Pottery special wand would help with XP radiation and
the deadly Gamma radiation from Vista?



Different Strokes for Different Folks. LOL!! They both must be okay and I
don't think this discussion can be resolved until waiting till around middle
of next year and see what happens. It is almost a year away and I think what
the AVG web site is saying is August 2008 will be the earliest that they will
stop support for Windows 98 so there is no need to rush to change from AVG to
AVAST or vice versa.


MEB wrote:
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:ucHdVO4BIHA.3564@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
|| MEB wrote:
|| | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| | news:ePEl2ltBIHA.536@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
|| || MEB wrote:
|| || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || | news:eo6bBdfBIHA.5980@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
|| || || MEB wrote:
|| || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || || | news:OoVKwFVBIHA.5752@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|| || || || MEB wrote:
|| || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || || || | news:eGP39qGBIHA.1168@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|| ...snip
|| || || OK, I'm glad to see AVG also
|| || || will go into self-extractables. Too bad it is becoming obsolete
|| || || for Win98, if I understand this thread that much.
|| || ||
|| || || But, does AVG go into "AR40ENG.EXE", if you've got one to see?
|| || |
|| || | Well, I checked for that file when you and others were
|| || | discussing it previously, and just checked again with the
|| || | couple dozen storage CDs I presently have out, but to no avail.
|| || | Of course it could be on one of the several dozen game CDs also
|| || | out, but ...
|| ||
|| || Mine is in "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Works\1033\Manual", & I
|| || believe it has to do with Acrobat Reader. WinZip shows it to have
|| || 83 files inside.
|| |
|| | Okay, what version of Works? I have several.
|| According to its About box, it is MS Works 2000, v.5.0. But I am
|| satisfied AVG likely out-performs avast! with self-executables, as
|| far as scanning them before they are opened or installed.
| Hmm, might be in a sub-compressed file, but I don't see it in my
| Works and Money 2000 CD.

The folder appears to contain the MS Works 2000 Manual among other

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Works\1033\Manual>dir /a
Directory of C:\Program Files\Microsoft Works\1033\Manual
BOOKIMG JPG 21,698 09-04-99 10:23p bookimg.jpg
DWNAROW GIF 54 09-04-99 10:23p dwnarow.gif
GETACRO GIF 712 09-04-99 10:23p getacro.gif
PDFICON GIF 228 09-04-99 10:23p pdficon.gif
PGBCK GIF 855 09-04-99 10:23p Pgbck.gif
PGFWD GIF 854 09-04-99 10:23p pgFwd.gif
PRTBTN GIF 901 09-04-99 10:23p PrtBtn.gif
AR40ENG EXE 5,455,526 09-04-99 10:23p ar40eng.exe
WKGETSRT HTM 21,492 09-04-99 10:23p wkgetsrt.htm
WKMANUAL PDF 689,458 09-04-99 10:23p wkmanual.pdf
10 file(s) 6,191,778 bytes

All of the dates are the same, meaning it is as Compaq originally
provided back in '01 when I bought this thing. Examining "AR40ENG.EXE"
with WinZip, it appears to be Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0, going by its

Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 for Windows ReadMe March 8, 1999

Adobe Acrobat Reader is the free viewing companion to Adobe Acrobat 4.0.
Acrobat Reader lets you view, navigate and print Portable Document
Format (PDF) files. Adobe Acrobat 4.0 is a complete solution for
creating, enhancing, reviewing, editing, and sharing information in PDF.
To learn more about Adobe Acrobat 4.0, visit
This ReadMe contains information about installing Acrobat Reader 4.0 for
Windows and Troubleshooting Issues.

|| ...snip
|| || | How about Avast's 05/30/07 offering [4,0,0,0 exe]
|| || | setupeng.exe
|| || | scanned 66 [hmm, that's the default system files though I see
|| || | that the setup file contains the xml manifest/setup so its
|| || | designed more for XP and above]
|| ||
|| || Mysteriously, avast! counts that one as two virus-free files.
|| || WinZip will not open it for me to count how many are actually
|| || inside. However, InCtrl5 reported the following after its
|| || install...
|| ||
|| || Folders added: 19
|| || Files added: 199
|| |
|| | Well then it can scan XP manifest files, or at least its own. I
|| | have seen files that AVG could scan with the same coding [or
|| | similar] so not sure why it couldn't do Avast's.
|| Well, there's a chink in AVG's armor too, then, is all.
| Yeah, apparently, though can anyone claim any AV program is 100%
| failure proof, likely not.

Agreed. And it would be nice for an easy way to scan the files inside
every self-extractable for a virus before clicking it to install. BUT,
the last laugh hopefully goes to our virus checker on the day we do
click them to install. Then, the On-Access scanner gets a chance. Mine
is set to scan on open & on create!

|| || | And a rar file I created of Microsoft's Desktop Deployment
|| || | package scanned 101
|| ||
|| || Very good. Too bad AVG is going obsolete for Win98 like McAfee
|| || did, if I understand that correctly. I have only one .rar...
|| ||
|| || Uniextract15_noinst.rar
|| || Avast! reports it has 210 virus-free files inside of 21.0 MB.
|| || WinZip won't open it for me to verify that number.
|| ||
|| || Avast! works fine with all .zip & .cab files I've tried too.
|| |
|| | Well then some differing supported, and some missed in each.
|| It is only self-executable .exe's that avast! seems occasionally to
|| have trouble with. But, as I said, I fully expect its On-Access
|| scanning will catch anything inside during the install.
|| Avast! is great with Internet Mail, Newsgroups & WEB sites! It marks
|| each incoming & outgoing post as scanned (Properties, Details tab)...
| AVG had [has] that, though still included as an option which I have
| configured, using text for reading and posting seems to not include
| that, and only does so for messages with attachments ...

Avast! seems to scan them all & attachments too. It is the Internet Mail
"provider" doing it, which is optional, as are the other four-- Instant
Messaging, P2P Shield, Standard Shield & WEB Shield. I've installed them
all, although I doubt I am using the IM or P2P.

|| X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS 000778-3, 10/04/2007), Outbound message
|| X-Antivirus-Status: Clean
|| And I can see it scanning individual TIFs (Temporary Internet Files)
|| as they are being put into the folder! There's a setting to have
|| them pop up in information windows!
| Well that could be useful I suppose... another way to monitor what's
| going on. AVG has the normal logs which can be reviewed.

It's fun to watch! They pop up on the bottom of the screen & are usually
too quick to read, though, when a site goes nuts loading TIFs. Yea,
there are .log's too.

|| || | Apparently it does most files IF it is a normal/standard file,
|| || | others are scanned on opening/access [and it has caught a few
|| || | for me] or creation
|| ||
|| || Absolutely. One hopes On-Access will catch any virus inside these
|| || self-extractables during the install process. Mine is set to scan
|| || on both open & create.
|| ||
|| || Otherwise, AVG seems to do a better job than avast! will with
|| || certain of them. Of course, I haven't counted the number of
|| || self-extractables that avast! does scan well. I do have one that
|| || WinZip shows to contain 15 files-- but avast! will count only 13
|| || during its scan! If I extract all 15 with WinZip, avast! will then
|| || scan & count them all!
|| ||
|| || STILL, overall, I am very pleased with avast!, which now is
|| || updated to avast! 4.7 Home Edition, Build 4.7.1043.
|| |
|| | Well, I think I'll just wait for awhile before I move over to
|| | Avast, alot can happen in a year..
|| I waited until McAfee was totally dead before switching. To my
|| surprise, McAfee uninstalled like a lamb-- although it had wolf's
|| teeth sunk into stuff all over the place!
| Yeah, I was surprised when you previously indicated that...

Yep. I think there 2 Registry keys left behind & one big folder. The
folder might have been a previous version of McAfee.

I had occasion to uninstall avast! too. It was even cleaner, leaving
behind I think one empty Registry key & maybe one empty folder.

|| ||
|| || | ... though as usual with any AV, it does sometimes have
|| || | false positives or miss something new [though it generally is
|| || | picked up in a day or so] but since I have used AV progs such as
|| || | Thunderbyte, VirusScan, F-PROT, Transcan, Ontrack ViruScan,
|| || | McAfee, and a number of others though the *days* that's really
|| || | not unexpected..
|| ||
|| || I never had a false positive (or any positive) with McAfee. Avast!
|| || did come up with one false positive (of a file inside a
|| || self-extractable)-- but I've put it into avast!'s exclude list
|| || now. It did show that avast! worked fairly nicely putting the
|| || thing in/out of quarantine. HOWEVER, when taken out, the file
|| || date did change from its original. (Damn!)
|| |
|| | Back in ''''AH"" the DOS days, McAfee was purported as a good
|| | prog, yet running the BBSs I did run into dozens of false
|| | positives, had to use three [or more] different AVs just to ensure
|| | nothing got through or nothing was deleted by mistake someone
|| | uploaded. Now, I download, let it set for a few days so it can be
|| | scanned several times before testing it
|| It doesn't hurt to be overly cautious. I'm not a big NET traveler,
|| though, myself.
| Well I still am running the various tests, hence questionable files,
| so at least for awhile I have to be cautious ...

Very good.

|| || | Perhaps the AVG programmers think that to fully support XP and
|| || | VISTA they need to completely use the new installer environment
|| || | rather than the cross platform used in AVAST's installer.
|| ||
|| || That would be a kind of XP/Vista irradiation, then!
|| |
|| | Ah yeah, but its already in Avast...
|| I'm sure that would explain the few peccadilloes I have detected
|| such as spotty self-executable scanning! NOW, I've now DOUBLED the
|| thickness of my tinfoil hat-- and, oh, God, yes-- I DO see "XP"
|| written into certain avast! requestor & help screens! Oh, my God--
|| you are right!
|| ...snip
| You're DOOOOOOOOMEDDDDD, might want to get that full suit protection
| though ...

Nothing has begun to glow!

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


Dan wrote:
| Do you think a Harry Pottery special wand would help with XP
| radiation and the deadly Gamma radiation from Vista?

I haven't come across a wand made into a pot to know, but I guess I'd
try it-- yea!

| LOL!!

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,

PCR wrote:
| On Oct 5, 3:18 pm, "PCR" <> wrote:

|> |> AVG seems to be a viable alternative to avast! (& may even
|> |> out-perform it with self-extractable .exe's)-- but isn't it about
|> |> to become obsolete or XP/Vista-irradiated?
|> |>

| As the guy who began this topic, I will repeat my original
| information.
| "While checking out the Grisoft site for some AVG Free information (I
| have been using AVG Free for a couple of years), I came across the
| following information:
| Important notice
| "Some older operating systems such as Microsoft Windows ME,
| Microsoft Windows NT and Microsoft Windows 98 will only be supported
| until August 2008 as a minimum".
| So I asked about this on the AVG Free forum, got the following
| response:
| "I can say that currently Win95 isn't officially supported but AVG
| Free still works on it... but I can't say that will also be true for
| Win98-WinME at the point that Grisoft does drop support for them. I
| can say that most ( not all ) of the other antivirus companies have
| already dropped support for Win9x-WinME and you can only expect most
| all to do the same very soon".
| Just thought I might bring this information to the attention of this
| group, check it out for yourself. I have just got a copy of Avast Home
| Edition which is also free, seems to get much better reviews, performs
| more functions than AVG. I also wrote to the Avast forum to ascertain
| their intentions about continuing support for Win98SE, got the
| following response:
| "The avast policy is to keep all features that were compatible with
| Windows 95, 98 and Me available. Only new features are being just
| developed for newer Windows versions.
| And ok, it will be free.
| Welcome to avast. I'm an ex AVG user too".
| Avast Home Edition Free requires its own registration process which
| you can check out on their website, where you can also get a number of
| skins to change the Avast look. Hope this helps"
| Since this original contribution, I have been using Avast with no
| problems, in my view it offers more complete protection, just taking
| what the AVG folks say as the truth. I will continue to use Avast.

OK. That's clear enough. It seems to be a features issue, but I am
basically happy with the features I've got now. Now that you've got
avast! installed...

(a) D-Clk its icon in the Tray.
(b) Highlight "WEB Shield" in the installed providers box.

Does "scanned count" show a number or zero, after you've been to a WEB
site? There may be a tweak for you to do, if zero is showing.

Also, how do things look at...
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