UPPERCASE always from other units



"BD" <JustMe@nothome.net> wrote in

> "thanatoid" <waiting@the.exit.invalid> wrote in message
> news:Xns99CD810CED3C0thanexit@
>> "BD" <JustMe@nothome.net> wrote in
>> news:OrXbQMVEIHA.3716@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl:
>> <SNIP>
>>> A solution to this could be scripted very quickly with
>>> about 10 lines of code.

>> God forbid a self-respecting geek would actually PROVIDE
>> that code for a user who has no clue about programming.
>> It's just about "I know and you don't", isn't it?

> I wrote that code in 13 lines after I read the thread and
> would have posted it EXCEPT that it's not written in a
> language that most people would be able to use as a script.

You already stated that we are ignorant, no need to repeat

> That is it's not vbs or js. The only way for me to make it
> usable is to compile it to an executable and for that they
> will have to ask for it. Then and only then will I upload
> the file and provide a link to it.

Yes, lord of all things scripted.

Will it be obligatory or just optional to come over and kiss
your ass repeatedly on-camera before you post it?

(BTW I am not interested, I just like being annoying.)

Waiting for the day when it is illegal to use anything but Vista
on any computer in the world.


"PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in

> Roxana wrote:
>| Try to answer here as best as, and as much as, I can at
>| this time (I'm still in 98se and try to avoid use of XP as
>| much as possible).
> OK. But it's OK for you to drop this, if it's a lot of
> trouble going back/forth. It seems you are happy enough
> just to rename them in Win98-- which I think is the only
> cure, anyhow. More below.
>| <inline>
>| "PCR" wrote in message
>| news:ORK1bMSEIHA.1208@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>|> Roxana wrote:
> ...snip
>|> | Yes, it appears it does that.... But for now,
>|> | let me be specific (as I was less than exact) in what
>|> | I'm referring to. For example, I have files created in
>|> | - and initially displayed in - W98se as:
>|> | Blabla.txt
>|> | Whatever pic.jpg
>|> | File1009.jpg
>|> What is the setting for "Allow all uppercase names" when
>|> they show up like that? That's exactly what they would
>|> look like in Explorer, if the box is unchecked.
>| W98se: Files and Folders: Allow all uppercase names.
>| *checked*
> OK-- keep that checkmark in that box, at least for the rest
> of these experiments!
> If you created the files spelt with lower-case letters in
> Win98, you are getting BOTH a SFN (short) & a LFN (long)
> created for them. I would think -- because they have the
> LFN -- XP would let them be, then.
>|> | Then, after some back and forth between
>|> | XP-radiation's-ville and W98se fallout shelter, I will
>|> | then see in W98se (in Explorer/ some folder/ whatever):
>|> | FILE1009.JPG
>|> Hmm. It could only show up this way in Explorer, if they
>|> really were spelt like that AND the "Allow all..." option
>|> is checked.
>| Which it is (in w98se). Again, it is *checked* (allowed)
> Yea, good-- keep that checkmark in there, or you will see
> just one capital letter!
> It goes against my theory (that I posted to a) that XP
> could cause the long one (WHATEVER PIC.JPG) to show up as
> all capitals when viewed on the Win98 machine-- or even the
> other two! But especially the long one!
> So, maybe verify it...?...
> (A) Boot the Win98 machine, & create two files, spelt just
> like this...
> Filename.txt
> LongFileName.txt
> (B) Copy them both to the XP drive.
> Do the originals & the copies still look good?
> (C) Boot the XP-machine.
> Do all the names still look good?
> (D) Rename just the originals that are on the Win98 drive.
> You may rename to exactly the same names.
> (E) Just open & close both the files on the XP-partition.
> (F) Boot the Win98 machine.
> How do all of the names look now?
> ...snip
>|> If you absolutely must use XP, best check for some weird
>|> setting in it that could be respelling your file names.
>|> Does it have a "Folder Options, View tab"?
>| It has some sort of something like that (accessed via a
>| different menu option than in 98se)
>| What are the options in there, then?
>| I cannot tell right now... I'm in w98se. I'll see later,
>| OK ?
> OK, I see you posted that elsewhere. There was nothing
> useful.
>|> Can it be XP
>|> has one that really does respell a file name, instead of
>|> just changing the way it displays in Explorer?
>| Hard to know. I seldom use it (I swear). hehe
> Good. Save it for the day Win98 crumbles to dust!
>| And remember to put on your tinfoil hat
>|> when sitting at an XP-machine! All of here do!
> ..........................................................
> ^ us
>| You bet !
> Very good!
> ...snip
>|> I haven't sat at an XP-machine long enough to know or for
>|> my earlobes to turn purple & fall onto my toes! Are you
>|> sure you just look at them in XP? Does it happen every
>|> time?
>| Maybe some are moved back and forth from time to time
>| (Never any System type stuff, mind you.). For instance,
>| lets say I'm doing some photo editing or some music /
>| video editing. It sometimes seems better for me to copy or
>| move a given file from 98se over to XP for that purpose.
> Once you copy it to XP, XP has to create its file name. But
> why won't it just copy what already is there?
>|> Another possible way file names could become all
>|> upper-case is to copy them in True DOS. Do you ever
>|> Reboot in MS-DOS Mode & do things to the files there?
>| I've re-booted in MS-DOS on occasion, but have ultra
>| rarely done any file type stuff in that mode. Usually, I'd
>| only boot into MS-DOS to do something like a Deltree of
>| TIF's.
> OK. That's not it, then.
>|> |> | Maybe it's a vexing -never to go away problem -,
>|> |> | only resolved by constant application of a bulk
>|> |> | renaming utility. lol
>|> |> | :-/
>|> |>
>|> |> Yea. If you want the original Windows folders & files
>|> |> to actually be spelled differently, you must do it
>|> |> yourself or find something like that.
>|> |
>|> | Which is what I've had to do on more than one occasion.
>|> | :-/
>|> That sounds like a big pain!
>| It's a smallish PITA. There are worse problems with PC's
>| than that, of course. It's probably the fact that one can
>| use a bulk renaming utility in ... well, bulk, which makes
>| it less annoying than it sounds. <g> But still, it is
>| annoying, and one must do something about it/them, or else
>| live with them as they become uppercase..
> It is good you are content with that. I doubt anyone will
> find another solution! This is from your other post...
>| Does XP actually manage filename protocol differently than
>| 9x who knows ?
> Yep. I think that's it. But when? And will it do it to all
> names-- long ones & short ones? Does it matter on which
> machine they are first created?
>| Is this issue solely limited to the way W98se *displays*
>| these file names which only *appear* to be uppercase when
>| in 98se (after something, somewhere, somehow has changed
>| them so 98se sees them as such) ?
> No. Because it shows up messed up when "Allow all..." is
> checked, something actually has happened to the name
> itself-- I think! Apparently, the actual case of the
> letters do not change, because XP still sees them as
> lower-case. BUT something about the name has changed that
> prevents Win98 from seeing the case of the letters.
>| Whatever the case/cause may be (not filename "case"), 98se
>| still *defacto* displays some filenames which have
>| mysteriously become changed to a FULLY UPPERCASE name, and
>| that's bad enough. These changed filenames can also be
>| manually re-named back to Lowercase in W98se. So,
>| ultimately, the "appearance" of the filename is changed -
>| somehow, somewhere.
> Renaming them in Win98 makes the case understandable to
> Win98 again.
>| I know this much: Regardless of whatever OS I use -
>| whether 98se or XP - I never name files in FULL UPPERCASE,
>| excepting for the first letter of a file (or the first
>| letter of each individual word of a given multiword file).
> Yea. Me too.
>| I may occasionally have reason to name a folder in FULL
>| UPPERCASE in either OS, but that's my limit of uppercase
>| naming convention.
>| It's baffling, as well as being confusing to properly
>| describe in words.
> Uhuh.
>| As I'd earlier hinted at, there are other areas where XP
>| pro and 98se 'collide in strange fashion'. The Recycle
>| Bin(s) are one area which readily come to mind, but I just
>| don't want to "go there' right now.
> I know about that one too, but no solution.
>| I should have added - though I'm not sure if this makes
>| any difference - that XP is on a second hard drive.
> I see. But it probably makes no difference. When XP boots,
> both drives belong to XP. When 98 boots, both drives belong
> to it.


Heaven help us all.

Waiting for the day when it is illegal to use anything but Vista
on any computer in the world.


"Roxana" <somewherefaraway@3rdStone.net> wrote in

> <top post>

Wow, you even felt the need to proudly announce it! Impressive!

> You're timbre is too abrasive for me to care to deal with
> your 'reply'. Roxana

"Your", not "you're", dear. And I must admit it's the first time
my attitude was called a timbre. Learning some new words these
days, are we?

> --------------------------EOP--------------------------

Then what are the 112 lines below? <not SNIPPED so you can see
what i'm talking about>

> "thanatoid" <waiting@the.exit.invalid> wrote in message
> news:Xns99CD82F0FA411thanexit@
>> "Roxana" wrote in
>> news:esL2FQUEIHA.2268@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl:
>> >
>> > "thanatoid" wrote in message
>> > news:Xns99CCEED10481Ethanexit@
>> >> a <a@libero.it> wrote in
>> >> news:2em9h35hjknpueoeb291275hi1b6psqbbi@4ax.com:
>> >>
>> >> > hallo
>> >>
>> >> <SNIP>
>> >>
>> >> > in Explorer are always shown in uppercase
>> >> > if their name is up to 8 char long
>> >> > note:
>> >> > if the name is longer, eg: 12 char , it is shown in
>> >> > lower case
>> >> > note
>> >> > the files on the w98 same harddisk are always shown
>> >> > correctly
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > How can I get the original lowercase filename
>> >> > from onther harddisk (or pen drive)
>> >> > correctly displayed in W98?
>> >>
>> > <snip>
>> >>
>> >> Get a REAL file manager from www.ghisler.com
>> >> It will work forever in demo mode but I paid for it
>> >> because I could not live without it. Support
>> >> independent authors who write software that is your
>> >> friend instead of your enemy.
>> >>
>> >> I am PRETTY SURE your problem will disappear. Names
>> >> appear like you type them, and you have about 500 other
>> >> features WE can only dream of.
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Waiting for the day when it is illegal to use anything
>> >> but Vista on any computer in the world.
>> >
>> > First, before attending to actual reply. Your closing
>> > "tag", is that a fear, or a wish ? :-D

>> It's called a "signature"
>> Neither. I am just waiting and observing a pleasant future
>> unfold daily. I use 95B and 98SE Lite.
>> > Now:
>> > I had that program - Total Commander - long ago (before
>> > dual boot with XP), but had reason to un-install it

>> Didn't like the total control over your computer? Just
>> like to suffer? Insanity run in your family?
>> > , so
>> > therefore I cannot make any evaluation as to whether
>> > that would "fix" the problem that has been described.

>> It's a 1MB (or something) DL.
>> < However,
>> > at the present, I have looked at this uppercase naming
>> > problem via XYplorer, xplorer2, EFCommander, and other
>> > similar 3rd-party Windows Explorer replacements and they
>> > all (eventually) manifest the same problem as described.

>> That's because they are all modified Explorers, just like
>> there are 30 "browsers" which are just front ends with a
>> few extra features and eye candy (what's important *is*
>> important) for that OTHER torture device and spyware
>> machine, IE/OE.
>> > Retuning once again to your suggestion: Am I mistaken in
>> > doubting that Total Commander would be any more
>> > successful at curing this issue than any of the other
>> > aforementioned file managers ?

>> Since I see no reason on earth why ANYONE except an expert
>> technician - who probably would not have started this
>> thread - would have two OS's installed on a computer
>> (therefore, you may correctly deduce that I have not done
>> it) I can't answer that question. You are going to have to
>> do something yourself. I gave you a good suggestion. Do
>> what you want.
>> > I think there must be something that occurs when having
>> > two operating systems (on separate drives ?) and
>> > possibly because they are not hidden from each other (?)
>> > that's at the root of this. Obviously, I don't know the
>> > exact reason or the answer.

>> Who knows, who cares? If you want to avoid stuff like
>> this, use a Mac or Linux. They have their own problems, of
>> course. I learned computers on Windows 3.1 etc. so that's
>> why I am still using Windows but I would not install Xtra
>> Problems or Disasta if you held a gun to my head. I have
>> *NO* MS "software" on either system except the OS's and
>> those are VERY heavily tweaked with software by people who
>> know how to program.
>> --
>> Waiting for the day when it is illegal to use anything but
>> Vista on any computer in the world.


Waiting for the day when it is illegal to use anything but Vista
on any computer in the world.


"PA Bear" <PABearMVP@gmail.com> wrote in message
> BD wrote:
>> Tim Slattery wrote:
>>> a <a@libero.it> wrote:
>>>> How can I get the original lowercase filename
>>>> from onther harddisk (or pen drive)
>>>> correctly displayed in W98?
>>> I don't a Win98 machine in front of me to check this out, but I'd
>>> start by checking View|Folder Options, View tab in Windows Explorer.
>>> See if any of the options listed there might help out.

>> Hi Tim
>> IIRC in Folder Options there is a setting to allow/disallow folder names
>> in upper case.

> You can run (away to sea), but you can't hide from us, Dundat! Howzaguy,
> anyway? (glee squealed on you)
> --
> ~Robear

Sure. Leave it to Glee.
Zaguys hangin in there. Good to see you're still around. One of these days
I have to get my old address books (several, remember?) pulled into the new
systems and then just do a mass mailing bringing everyone up to date. There
goes the old bandwidth. <g>

Not really hanging around the groups yet but I thought I'd dip in the big
toe anyway. I was just doing my "Bear in the bush" imitation but there are
some things a guy just can't resist. Actually I just checked and it looks
(from memory anyway) that you have a new addy. Standby for incoming but it
will probably be tomorrow. If you try to send me mail use the bindar
account. If it goes to geog it will probably end up being destroyed. I'm
just starting to build a white list for that account that will solve the



"thanatoid" <waiting@the.exit.invalid> wrote in message
> (BTW I am not interested, I just like being annoying.)
> --
> Waiting for the day when it is illegal to use anything but Vista
> on any computer in the world.

You must be fairly new around here hemmeroid (or using a new handle) or you
would already know that you and a thousand yappy puppies like you couldn't
upset me.

Been around too long for that.


hmm, still get the same error .. version 4.10.2222 kernel32.dll.


"BD" <JustMe@nothome.net> wrote in message
| "MEB" <meb@not here@hotmail.com> wrote in message
| news:eq4LygfEIHA.5160@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| >
| >
| > "BD" <JustMe@nothome.net> wrote in message
| > news:us65aIfEIHA.280@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
| > |
| > | "MEB" <meb@not here@hotmail.com> wrote in message
| > | news:eS2zmkeEIHA.3980@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
| > | > Before this degrades into a um, whatever, how about *I* ask for
| > | >
| > | > --
| > | > MEB
| > | > http://peoplescounsel.orgfree.com
| > | > ________
| > | No problem
| > | http://dundats.mvps.org/Beta/File_LowerCas.zip
| > |
| > |
| >
| > Thank you, that's much appreciated.
| >
| > Interesting code, was it compiled on/for XP? I get a "linked to missing
| > export KERNEL32.DLL, GetProcessIoCounters" in WinSE.. noted the
| > to
| > uxtheme [among others] in the file.
| >
| > --
| > MEB
| > http://peoplescounsel.orgfree.com
| > ________
| >
| >
| >
| >
| Here is the link for the ANSI version
| http://dundats.mvps.org/Beta/File_LowerCaseA.zip
| BD


Interesting. I'll put it on a 98 system tomorrow and see why. The ANSI
version should have fixed it. Have you tried it on an XP box? I had no
trouble and I tested it at least a dozen times.

"MEB" <meb@not here@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> hmm, still get the same error .. version 4.10.2222 kernel32.dll.
> --
> http://peoplescounsel.orgfree.com
> ________
> "BD" <JustMe@nothome.net> wrote in message
> news:%233PSRBgEIHA.5980@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> | "MEB" <meb@not here@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> | news:eq4LygfEIHA.5160@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> | >
> | >
> | > "BD" <JustMe@nothome.net> wrote in message
> | > news:us65aIfEIHA.280@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> | > |
> | > | "MEB" <meb@not here@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> | > | news:eS2zmkeEIHA.3980@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> | > | > Before this degrades into a um, whatever, how about *I* ask for
> it....
> | > | >
> | > | > --
> | > | > MEB
> | > | > http://peoplescounsel.orgfree.com
> | > | > ________
> | > | No problem
> | > | http://dundats.mvps.org/Beta/File_LowerCas.zip
> | > |
> | > |
> | >
> | > Thank you, that's much appreciated.
> | >
> | > Interesting code, was it compiled on/for XP? I get a "linked to
> missing
> | > export KERNEL32.DLL, GetProcessIoCounters" in WinSE.. noted the
> reference
> | > to
> | > uxtheme [among others] in the file.
> | >
> | > --
> | > MEB
> | > http://peoplescounsel.orgfree.com
> | > ________
> | >
> | >
> | >
> | >
> | Here is the link for the ANSI version
> | http://dundats.mvps.org/Beta/File_LowerCaseA.zip
> |
> | BD
> |
> |


I will attend to this one tomorrow evening PCR. I promise. I have a very
long day tomorrow which starts very -OMG, it's late !!! - early. Thanks.

Roxana (making this PCR one as *unread*)
"PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message

Franc Zabkar

On Thu, 18 Oct 2007 15:02:52 +0200, a <a@libero.it> put finger to
keyboard and composed:

>>You SHOULD put the check into that box! Then, Explorer will show the
>>actual name, unchanged-- capitals & lower case, whatever is really

>no, no, my situation is different
>That checkbox changes hallo.txt in HALLO.TXT
>and I don't need it

This behaviour suggests to me that the original XP file name is
written to the XP hard disc as all caps, not lowercase.

>My situation is about only the first capitalized letter:
>I logged in XP, I created on XP drive the hallo.txt file
>I logged in W98 , in Explorer, it is shown as Hallo.txt
>I want it shown as hallo.txt (that is its original name)

If you try the floppy diskette test that I described elsewhere, then
you will see the file name exactly as it is written to disc. I'm
betting you will see an all caps directory entry with no LFN

>Logged again in XP , in Explorer , it is regularly
>shown as hallo.txt

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.

Franc Zabkar

On Thu, 18 Oct 2007 21:42:49 -0600, "Roxana"
<somewherefaraway@3rdStone.net> put finger to keyboard and composed:

>"Franc Zabkar" <fzabkar@iinternode.on.net> wrote in message
>> On Tue, 16 Oct 2007 16:51:08 -0600, "Roxana"
>> <somewherefaraway@3rdStone.net> put finger to keyboard and composed:
>> >I've seen similar activity from my near identical setup such as yours is.
>> >It's very annoying, as what are all lowercase in W98se, somehow later get

>> >be entirely uppercase - including the file extension - when examined in
>> >W98se at some later time.... doubtless, after I've opened the folder or
>> >files in XPsp2.

>> The DOS 8.3 file name would be all caps and the long file name would
>> be mixed case. Maybe this is where multiple operating systems are
>> becoming confused ??? Does this phenomenon still occur for file names
>> that are longer than 8 characters? Is it possible that XP saves a
>> short file name in traditional DOS 8.3 uppercase format without
>> including a mixed case directory entry for its long equivalent?
>> - Franc Zabkar
>> --
>> Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.

>Generally, I seem to recollect W98se displaying these "altered to FULL
>UPPERCASE" filenames as rather short ones, leaning towards the 8-character
>end. FILE1046.JPG would be one example. SAFARI22.JPG is another instance.
>I cannot mentally see or recollect any instances where a name was actually
>longer, now that you've mentioned it.
>As for your questions, I'm sorry, but I haven't any idea. *ggg*

The following commands were executed in a Win98SE DOS box. I formatted
a floppy diskette and created one file named testfile.txt. The debug
output shows the 8.3 file name and LFN equivalent for this file. If I
do the same thing in real DOS mode, then only an 8.3 entry is created.

I suggest that you use whichever application that you normally use on
your XP machine to write a file to a clean floppy diskette. Then use
Debug to view the directory entry as I have done. I'm betting that the
LFN section (At.e.s.t.f...xi.l.e...t.x...t..) will not be there.

C:\WIN98SE>format a: /u
Insert new diskette for drive A:
and press ENTER when ready...

Formatting 1.44M
Format complete.

Volume label (11 characters, ENTER for none)? TEST

1,457,664 bytes total disk space
9,216 bytes in bad sectors
1,448,448 bytes available on disk

512 bytes in each allocation unit.
2,829 allocation units available on disk.

Volume Serial Number is 2D1A-18F5

Format another (Y/N)?n

C:\WIN98SE>rem > a:\testfile.txt <--- this creates a 0-byte file

C:\WIN98SE>dir a:

Volume in drive A is TEST
Volume Serial Number is 2D1A-18F5
Directory of A:\

TESTFILE TXT 0 10-19-07 5:31p testfile.txt
1 file(s) 0 bytes
0 dir(s) 1,448,448 bytes free

-L 100 0 13 1
-D 100
100 54 45 53 54 20 20 20 20-20 20 20 28 00 00 00 00 TEST (....
110 00 00 00 00 00 00 D7 8B-53 37 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........S7......
120 41 74 00 65 00 73 00 74-00 66 00 0F 00 78 69 00 At.e.s.t.f...xi.
130 6C 00 65 00 2E 00 74 00-78 00 00 00 74 00 00 00 l.e...t.x...t...
140 54 45 53 54 46 49 4C 45-54 58 54 20 00 C6 E2 8B TESTFILETXT ....
150 53 37 53 37 00 00 E3 8B-53 37 00 00 00 00 00 00 S7S7....S7......
160 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
170 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.

Franc Zabkar

On Fri, 19 Oct 2007 17:14:17 +1000, Franc Zabkar
<fzabkar@iinternode.on.net> put finger to keyboard and composed:

>On Thu, 18 Oct 2007 15:02:52 +0200, a <a@libero.it> put finger to
>keyboard and composed:
>>>You SHOULD put the check into that box! Then, Explorer will show the
>>>actual name, unchanged-- capitals & lower case, whatever is really

>>no, no, my situation is different
>>That checkbox changes hallo.txt in HALLO.TXT
>>and I don't need it

>This behaviour suggests to me that the original XP file name is
>written to the XP hard disc as all caps, not lowercase.

Another way to verify the actual case of the file names is to type the
following in a Windows DOS box:

dir d:\ /b /s /p

where d: is the drive letter of your HD or pen drive.

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.


thanatoid wrote:

> (BTW I am not interested, I just like being annoying.)

I would rather be annoyed, than-a-toid smelly,decaying, and disgusting? :)
See any humor in that.


No I didn't. I knew you would do so before posting it. I thought I would be
the 9X test bed for it.
BTW: When we've covered this, I have some questions related to GEODISK.


"BD" <JustMe@nothome.net> wrote in message
| Interesting. I'll put it on a 98 system tomorrow and see why. The ANSI
| version should have fixed it. Have you tried it on an XP box? I had no
| trouble and I tested it at least a dozen times.
| "MEB" <meb@not here@hotmail.com> wrote in message
| news:O6qWKzgEIHA.3916@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
| > hmm, still get the same error .. version 4.10.2222 kernel32.dll.
| >
| > --
| > MEB
| > http://peoplescounsel.orgfree.com
| > ________
| >
| >
| > "BD" <JustMe@nothome.net> wrote in message
| > news:%233PSRBgEIHA.5980@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
| > | "MEB" <meb@not here@hotmail.com> wrote in message
| > | news:eq4LygfEIHA.5160@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > "BD" <JustMe@nothome.net> wrote in message
| > | > news:us65aIfEIHA.280@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
| > | > |
| > | > | "MEB" <meb@not here@hotmail.com> wrote in message
| > | > | news:eS2zmkeEIHA.3980@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
| > | > | > Before this degrades into a um, whatever, how about *I* ask for
| > it....
| > | > | >
| > | > | > --
| > | > | > MEB
| > | > | > http://peoplescounsel.orgfree.com
| > | > | > ________
| > | > | No problem
| > | > | http://dundats.mvps.org/Beta/File_LowerCas.zip
| > | > |
| > | > |
| > | >
| > | > Thank you, that's much appreciated.
| > | >
| > | > Interesting code, was it compiled on/for XP? I get a "linked to
| > missing
| > | > export KERNEL32.DLL, GetProcessIoCounters" in WinSE.. noted the
| > reference
| > | > to
| > | > uxtheme [among others] in the file.
| > | >
| > | > --
| > | > MEB
| > | > http://peoplescounsel.orgfree.com
| > | > ________
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| > | Here is the link for the ANSI version
| > | http://dundats.mvps.org/Beta/File_LowerCaseA.zip
| > |
| > | BD
| > |
| > |
| >
| >


"MEB" <meb@not here@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> No I didn't. I knew you would do so before posting it. I thought I would
> be
> the 9X test bed for it.
> BTW: When we've covered this, I have some questions related to GEODISK.
> --
> http://peoplescounsel.orgfree.com
> ________

You can Email those GEODisk questions to me.

It looks like the current problem is compiler related nothing to do with my
code. I have a Beta version of it loaded so I'll back up a couple of
versions and see what happens. I'll let you know when.


"Buffalo" <Eric@nada.com.invalid> wrote in

> thanatoid wrote:
> [snip]
>> (BTW I am not interested, I just like being annoying.)

> I would rather be annoyed, than-a-toid smelly,decaying,
> and disgusting? :) See any humor in that.

I never said a thanatoid is a thing to love and admire, let
alone smell at close distance.

Waiting for the day when it is illegal to use anything but Vista
on any computer in the world.


To everyone.

I did more tests.

As told I have several HD and several Operative System

Tried XP and XP (another) : no problem
Tried WMe and W98 : no problem
Tried W2000 and W98 : problem (the same as XP and W98)

So the problem is (XP and W2000) + W98

Continued test with XP (forgot W2000).

Logged in XP, I created "hallo.txt" in:
- Floppy
- Same HD where XP lies
- Same HD wher XP lies, but different partition
- HD where W98 lies
- HD wher W98 lies, but different partition
- Pen Drive

All the 6 cases had the problem.

The problem occurs if the filename is 8 or less longer
The problem does NOT occur if the filename is 9 or more longer.

Tried to read the "hallo,txt" and "halloverylongfortesting.txt"
file from DOS (the W98 DOS)
I tried
dir c:\ /b /s /p
and I had displayed on the black screen
"HALLO.TXT" and "halloverylongfortesting.txt"

I have XP sp2 witn no NTFS
I have W98SE with FAT 32

Logged on XP there is no problem (never).
Logged on W98 there is the problem (ever).

If I log in W98 and manually un-capitalize "Hallo.txt" in "hallo.txt"
the problem is always solved,
but want the two OSes work proprerly they own.


"a - MORE TESTS" <a@libero.it> wrote in message
> To everyone.
> I did more tests.
> As told I have several HD and several Operative System
> Tried XP and XP (another) : no problem
> Tried WMe and W98 : no problem
> Tried W2000 and W98 : problem (the same as XP and W98)
> So the problem is (XP and W2000) + W98
> Continued test with XP (forgot W2000).
> Logged in XP, I created "hallo.txt" in:
> - Floppy
> - Same HD where XP lies
> - Same HD wher XP lies, but different partition
> - HD where W98 lies
> - HD wher W98 lies, but different partition
> - Pen Drive
> All the 6 cases had the problem.
> The problem occurs if the filename is 8 or less longer
> The problem does NOT occur if the filename is 9 or more longer.
> Tried to read the "hallo,txt" and "halloverylongfortesting.txt"
> file from DOS (the W98 DOS)
> I tried
> dir c:\ /b /s /p
> and I had displayed on the black screen
> "HALLO.TXT" and "halloverylongfortesting.txt"
> I have XP sp2 witn no NTFS
> I have W98SE with FAT 32
> Logged on XP there is no problem (never).
> Logged on W98 there is the problem (ever).
> If I log in W98 and manually un-capitalize "Hallo.txt" in "hallo.txt"
> the problem is always solved,
> but want the two OSes work proprerly they own.

Just out of curiosity. Is it the server that won't accept uppercase? That
is really strange if that's the case. What are you using to FTP your files
to the server?



"MEB" <meb@not here@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> No I didn't. I knew you would do so before posting it. I thought I would
> be
> the 9X test bed for it.
> BTW: When we've covered this, I have some questions related to GEODISK.
> --
> http://peoplescounsel.orgfree.com
> ________

I recompiled using a different version of the compiler. Hope it's right now.
The bug has been fixed in the next compiler release but it's not available
yet. Also I asked on the developer forum and we are starting to think that
98 may not support all lower case. Several people are playing with it right
now to find out.

For safety make sure that you just run this against test files.
Create a folder on your desktop named Test
Create a few files named Test.txt, Test2.txt, Test3.txt etc.
Run the app against that folder.



"BD" <JustMe@nothome.net> wrote in message
| "MEB" <meb@not here@hotmail.com> wrote in message
| news:uMb9v%23lEIHA.4400@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| > No I didn't. I knew you would do so before posting it. I thought I would
| > be
| > the 9X test bed for it.
| > BTW: When we've covered this, I have some questions related to GEODISK.
| >
| > --
| > MEB
| > ________
| I recompiled using a different version of the compiler. Hope it's right
| The bug has been fixed in the next compiler release but it's not available
| yet. Also I asked on the developer forum and we are starting to think that
| 98 may not support all lower case. Several people are playing with it
| now to find out.
| http://dundats.mvps.org/Beta/File_LowerCaseA.zip

Well, my web site, retained locally, has upper and lower case files [and
mixed], so 98 does support lower case.
Moreover, I have hundreds of lower or mixed case files elsewhere. For
instance, the files I have been dowloading from you have a capital, whereas
most of my files and directories are lower case.

IMO, Since the NT file structure in XP is not held the same as in
DOS/9X/Fat, and handled via the ntfs driver upon creation, the *hook* to
Fat32 apparently retains the [original] MSDOS naming structure. IIRC, Seems
we did several lengthy discussions in here related to comparing those
structures, and posted [by various parties] several dozen KBs and other
materials during those discussions.

Regretfully, that newer file version also creates the same error.

| For safety make sure that you just run this against test files.
| Example
| Create a folder on your desktop named Test
| Create a few files named Test.txt, Test2.txt, Test3.txt etc.
| Run the app against that folder.
| BD

I'll have to go back to the site for your email addy, though I think I
tried that before and received no answer.



geog AT mvps DOT org

I'll watch for it and then send you a safer address. Otherwise I just
remove all incoming mail from that account.

"MEB" <meb@not here@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> "BD" <JustMe@nothome.net> wrote in message
> news:uNczeSoEIHA.5856@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> | "MEB" <meb@not here@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> | news:uMb9v%23lEIHA.4400@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> | > No I didn't. I knew you would do so before posting it. I thought I
> would
> | > be
> | > the 9X test bed for it.
> | > BTW: When we've covered this, I have some questions related to
> | >
> | > --
> | > MEB
> | > ________
> | I recompiled using a different version of the compiler. Hope it's right
> now.
> | The bug has been fixed in the next compiler release but it's not
> available
> | yet. Also I asked on the developer forum and we are starting to think
> that
> | 98 may not support all lower case. Several people are playing with it
> right
> | now to find out.
> | http://dundats.mvps.org/Beta/File_LowerCaseA.zip
> Well, my web site, retained locally, has upper and lower case files [and
> mixed], so 98 does support lower case.
> Moreover, I have hundreds of lower or mixed case files elsewhere. For
> instance, the files I have been dowloading from you have a capital,
> whereas
> most of my files and directories are lower case.
> IMO, Since the NT file structure in XP is not held the same as in
> DOS/9X/Fat, and handled via the ntfs driver upon creation, the *hook* to
> Fat32 apparently retains the [original] MSDOS naming structure. IIRC,
> Seems
> we did several lengthy discussions in here related to comparing those
> structures, and posted [by various parties] several dozen KBs and other
> materials during those discussions.
> Regretfully, that newer file version also creates the same error.
> |
> | For safety make sure that you just run this against test files.
> | Example
> | Create a folder on your desktop named Test
> | Create a few files named Test.txt, Test2.txt, Test3.txt etc.
> | Run the app against that folder.
> |
> | BD
> |
> |
> I'll have to go back to the site for your email addy, though I think I
> tried that before and received no answer.
> --
> http://peoplescounsel.orgfree.com
> ________

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