UPPERCASE always from other units


Franc Zabkar

On Fri, 19 Oct 2007 19:39:55 +0200, a - MORE TESTS <a@libero.it> put
finger to keyboard and composed:

>Logged in XP, I created "hallo.txt" in:
>- Floppy
>- Same HD where XP lies
>- Same HD wher XP lies, but different partition
>- HD where W98 lies
>- HD wher W98 lies, but different partition
>- Pen Drive
>All the 6 cases had the problem.
>The problem occurs if the filename is 8 or less longer
>The problem does NOT occur if the filename is 9 or more longer.
>Tried to read the "hallo,txt" and "halloverylongfortesting.txt"
>file from DOS (the W98 DOS)
>I tried
>dir c:\ /b /s /p
>and I had displayed on the black screen
>"HALLO.TXT" and "halloverylongfortesting.txt"

I believe your test proves that it is your XP application that is
creating uppercase 8.3 file names. It doesn't appear to be a case
translation issue on your Win98 box. You can save us all a lot of time
and verify this beyond doubt by using Debug to look at the directory
structure on your floppy diskette.

To force XP to display the file name in its original case, follow this

Force Explorer to Display Correct Filename Capitalization:

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.


On Fri, 19 Oct 2007 10:54:16 -0700, "BD" <JustMe@nothome.net> wrote:

>"a - MORE TESTS" <a@libero.it> wrote in message
>> To everyone.
>> I did more tests.
>> As told I have several HD and several Operative System
>> Tried XP and XP (another) : no problem
>> Tried WMe and W98 : no problem
>> Tried W2000 and W98 : problem (the same as XP and W98)
>> So the problem is (XP and W2000) + W98
>> Continued test with XP (forgot W2000).
>> Logged in XP, I created "hallo.txt" in:
>> - Floppy
>> - Same HD where XP lies
>> - Same HD wher XP lies, but different partition
>> - HD where W98 lies
>> - HD wher W98 lies, but different partition
>> - Pen Drive
>> All the 6 cases had the problem.
>> The problem occurs if the filename is 8 or less longer
>> The problem does NOT occur if the filename is 9 or more longer.
>> Tried to read the "hallo,txt" and "halloverylongfortesting.txt"
>> file from DOS (the W98 DOS)
>> I tried
>> dir c:\ /b /s /p
>> and I had displayed on the black screen
>> "HALLO.TXT" and "halloverylongfortesting.txt"
>> I have XP sp2 witn no NTFS
>> I have W98SE with FAT 32
>> Logged on XP there is no problem (never).
>> Logged on W98 there is the problem (ever).
>> If I log in W98 and manually un-capitalize "Hallo.txt" in "hallo.txt"
>> the problem is always solved,
>> but want the two OSes work proprerly they own.

>Just out of curiosity. Is it the server that won't accept uppercase? That
>is really strange if that's the case. What are you using to FTP your files
>to the server?

My hosting company is Libero-Infostrada
The hosting service is free
The rules I accepted say no uppercase are allowed.
I ftp with 'CuteFTP'
If I ftp Hallo.htm the file is uploaded, but if i call it from the
browser, the browser say File Not Found


Franc Zabkar wrote:
| On Fri, 19 Oct 2007 19:39:55 +0200, a - MORE TESTS <a@libero.it> put
| finger to keyboard and composed:
|>Logged in XP, I created "hallo.txt" in:
|>- Floppy
|>- Same HD where XP lies
|>- Same HD wher XP lies, but different partition
|>- HD where W98 lies
|>- HD wher W98 lies, but different partition
|>- Pen Drive
|>All the 6 cases had the problem.
|>The problem occurs if the filename is 8 or less longer
|>The problem does NOT occur if the filename is 9 or more longer.
|>Tried to read the "hallo,txt" and "halloverylongfortesting.txt"
|>file from DOS (the W98 DOS)
|>I tried
|>dir c:\ /b /s /p
|>and I had displayed on the black screen
|>"HALLO.TXT" and "halloverylongfortesting.txt"
| I believe your test proves that it is your XP application that is
| creating uppercase 8.3 file names.

I've ruled that out as a possibility, because I believe he said the name
will continue to be lower-case when viewed in XP-- even after it has
begun to be capitalized in Win98...
| Note:
| Logged again in XP , in Explorer , it is regularly
| shown as hallo.txt

I'm thinking... Explorer in Win98 won't show true capitalization of a
file name, if all it has is a SFN (Short File Name). It presumes the SFN
is all capitals, because a Real DOS name always would be. XP is putting
the right case in there-- but not creating a LFN for it! I guess it just
doesn't consider a lower-case letter to be reason enough for it! (But
Win98 does consider it reason enough.)

| It doesn't appear to be a case
| translation issue on your Win98 box. You can save us all a lot of time
| and verify this beyond doubt by using Debug to look at the directory
| structure on your floppy diskette.

I think he WILL find the case to be correct in the SFN field-- & the LFN
field will be empty!

| To force XP to display the file name in its original case, follow this
| procedure:
| Force Explorer to Display Correct Filename Capitalization:
| http://www.annoyances.org/exec/show/article02-101

It is important to do as that article says! But I think it won't get
Explorer to show the true capitalization of a name-- UNLESS it is in the
LFN area.

If only Blanton could remember what he came up with the last time this
issue arose!

| - Franc Zabkar
| --
| Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


a <a@libero.it> wrote in

> On Fri, 19 Oct 2007 10:54:16 -0700, "BD"
> <JustMe@nothome.net> wrote:
>>"a - MORE TESTS" <a@libero.it> wrote in message
>>> To everyone.
>>> I did more tests.
>>> As told I have several HD and several Operative System
>>> Tried XP and XP (another) : no problem
>>> Tried WMe and W98 : no problem
>>> Tried W2000 and W98 : problem (the same as XP and W98)
>>> So the problem is (XP and W2000) + W98
>>> Continued test with XP (forgot W2000).
>>> Logged in XP, I created "hallo.txt" in:
>>> - Floppy
>>> - Same HD where XP lies
>>> - Same HD wher XP lies, but different partition
>>> - HD where W98 lies
>>> - HD wher W98 lies, but different partition
>>> - Pen Drive
>>> All the 6 cases had the problem.
>>> The problem occurs if the filename is 8 or less longer
>>> The problem does NOT occur if the filename is 9 or more
>>> longer.
>>> Tried to read the "hallo,txt" and
>>> "halloverylongfortesting.txt" file from DOS (the W98
>>> DOS) I tried
>>> dir c:\ /b /s /p
>>> and I had displayed on the black screen
>>> "HALLO.TXT" and "halloverylongfortesting.txt"
>>> I have XP sp2 witn no NTFS
>>> I have W98SE with FAT 32
>>> Logged on XP there is no problem (never).
>>> Logged on W98 there is the problem (ever).
>>> If I log in W98 and manually un-capitalize "Hallo.txt"
>>> in "hallo.txt" the problem is always solved,
>>> but want the two OSes work proprerly they own.

>>Just out of curiosity. Is it the server that won't accept
>>uppercase? That is really strange if that's the case.
>>What are you using to FTP your files to the server?

> My hosting company is Libero-Infostrada
> The hosting service is free
> The rules I accepted say no uppercase are allowed.
> I ftp with 'CuteFTP'
> If I ftp Hallo.htm the file is uploaded, but if i call
> it from the browser, the browser say File Not Found

You get what you pay for. Sometimes. In this case, it appears
the saying applies.

Waiting for the day when it is illegal to use anything but Vista
on any computer in the world.


thanatoid wrote:
| "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in
| news:uhdOy#fEIHA.4880@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl:

....snip (I know it by heart)...
| Heaven help us all.

Treble the thickness of your tinfoil hat in XP/Vista threads!

| --
| Waiting for the day when it is illegal to use anything but Vista
| on any computer in the world.

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


On Sat, 20 Oct 2007 07:03:53 +1000, Franc Zabkar
<fzabkar@iinternode.on.net> wrote:

>On Fri, 19 Oct 2007 19:39:55 +0200, a - MORE TESTS <a@libero.it> put
>finger to keyboard and composed:
>>Logged in XP, I created "hallo.txt" in:
>>- Floppy
>>- Same HD where XP lies
>>- Same HD wher XP lies, but different partition
>>- HD where W98 lies
>>- HD wher W98 lies, but different partition
>>- Pen Drive
>>All the 6 cases had the problem.
>>The problem occurs if the filename is 8 or less longer
>>The problem does NOT occur if the filename is 9 or more longer.
>>Tried to read the "hallo,txt" and "halloverylongfortesting.txt"
>>file from DOS (the W98 DOS)
>>I tried
>>dir c:\ /b /s /p
>>and I had displayed on the black screen
>>"HALLO.TXT" and "halloverylongfortesting.txt"

>I believe your test proves that it is your XP application that is
>creating uppercase 8.3 file names. It doesn't appear to be a case
>translation issue on your Win98 box. You can save us all a lot of time
>and verify this beyond doubt by using Debug to look at the directory
>structure on your floppy diskette.
>To force XP to display the file name in its original case, follow this
>Force Explorer to Display Correct Filename Capitalization:
> http://www.annoyances.org/exec/show/article02-101
>- Franc Zabkar

i tried the
-L 100 0 13 1
-D 100

with notepad
I created the short "hallo.txt"
and then the long "abccccccdef.txt"

I dumped with Dos from the XP box the two cases
ang got these screenshots:
26 kb

I dumped with pure Dos on W98 the first case
and obtained the same result of the first previous one

I also created a short file "buon.zip" with WinZip
then dumped and got B. T7...... UON ZIP
I also created a short "ciao.htm" file with Firefox
then dumped and got T7.... IAO HTM


Roxana wrote:
| I will attend to this one tomorrow evening PCR. I promise. I have a
| very long day tomorrow which starts very -OMG, it's late !!! -
| early. Thanks.

You are welcome. Mainly, I want to know for sure whether it happens to
LFNs as well as SFNs. (I think it does not.) A SFN is one in the 8.3
format, like FILENAME.TXT-- with no lower-case letters or spaces or
certain other special characters.

In Win98, I'm thinking, putting lower-case letters into it --
FileName.txt-- will trigger a LFN to be created. And I think that is not
triggered when the SFN is created in WinXP. XP will just put the
lower-case letters inside the SFN itself. Win98 won't see them there, I

| Roxana (making this PCR one as *unread*)
| "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
| news:uhdOy%23fEIHA.4880@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
| <snipped>

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


in the case someone forgot the problem,
I repeat the problem


I boot on XP
I create "hallo.txt" with Notepad (or onther type of file
with Winzip, Firefox...) on the XP drive

then I boot on W98
and that file in Explorer
is shown as "Hallo.txt"

boot back in Xp it is ok (always)
boot again in W98 it is wrong (always)

I don't want the first letter capitalized

If , booted in W98, I manually rename the
first letter, uncapitalizing it, the problem is solved.

if the name is longer then 8 (eg: halllotoeveryone.txt)
the problem doesn't occur


PA Bear

BD wrote:
>> You can run (away to sea), but you can't hide from us, Dundat! Howzaguy,
>> anyway? (glee squealed on you)
>> --

> ...Standby for incoming but it
> will probably be tomorrow. If you try to send me mail use the bindar
> account. If it goes to geog it will probably end up being destroyed. I'm
> just starting to build a white list for that account that will solve the
> problem.

Same addy as in the past. My Gmail addy is intentionally munged in ReplyTo
when posting to NGs...but I'm sure you can figure out how to unmunge it, if
need be.

Franc Zabkar

On Sat, 20 Oct 2007 00:40:58 +0200, a <a@libero.it> put finger to
keyboard and composed:

>On Sat, 20 Oct 2007 07:03:53 +1000, Franc Zabkar
><fzabkar@iinternode.on.net> wrote:
>>On Fri, 19 Oct 2007 19:39:55 +0200, a - MORE TESTS <a@libero.it> put
>>finger to keyboard and composed:
>>>Logged in XP, I created "hallo.txt" in:
>>>- Floppy
>>>- Same HD where XP lies
>>>- Same HD wher XP lies, but different partition
>>>- HD where W98 lies
>>>- HD wher W98 lies, but different partition
>>>- Pen Drive
>>>All the 6 cases had the problem.
>>>The problem occurs if the filename is 8 or less longer
>>>The problem does NOT occur if the filename is 9 or more longer.
>>>Tried to read the "hallo,txt" and "halloverylongfortesting.txt"
>>>file from DOS (the W98 DOS)
>>>I tried
>>>dir c:\ /b /s /p
>>>and I had displayed on the black screen
>>>"HALLO.TXT" and "halloverylongfortesting.txt"

>>I believe your test proves that it is your XP application that is
>>creating uppercase 8.3 file names. It doesn't appear to be a case
>>translation issue on your Win98 box. You can save us all a lot of time
>>and verify this beyond doubt by using Debug to look at the directory
>>structure on your floppy diskette.
>>To force XP to display the file name in its original case, follow this
>>Force Explorer to Display Correct Filename Capitalization:
>> http://www.annoyances.org/exec/show/article02-101
>>- Franc Zabkar

>i tried the
> debug
> -L 100 0 13 1
> -D 100
> -Q
>with notepad
>I created the short "hallo.txt"
>and then the long "abccccccdef.txt"
>I dumped with Dos from the XP box the two cases
>ang got these screenshots:
>26 kb

The screenshots prove what I've been saying, ie that whenever the
names are in 8.3 format, they are written to the disc in uppercase.
The first screenshot shows two entries for HALLO.TXT. Apparently you
created a HALLO.TXT file and then deleted it. Then you created a
second HALLO.TXT. In each case only the 8.3 filename is/was written to
the disc, not its LFN. When you delete a file, its directory entry
isn't removed, only the leading character of the filename is changed
to 0xE5.

In the second screenshot you can see the LFN for abccccccdef.txt and
also its 8.3 name. In this instance the file has also been deleted.

>I dumped with pure Dos on W98 the first case
>and obtained the same result of the first previous one
>I also created a short file "buon.zip" with WinZip
>then dumped and got B. T7...... UON ZIP
>I also created a short "ciao.htm" file with Firefox
>then dumped and got T7.... IAO HTM

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.


Did you get the file to compile properly for the 9X OS?


"BD" <JustMe@nothome.net> wrote in message
| "MEB" <meb@not here@hotmail.com> wrote in message
| news:OyFva4oEIHA.1056@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
| >
| >
| > "BD" <JustMe@nothome.net> wrote in message
| > news:uNczeSoEIHA.5856@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
| > | "MEB" <meb@not here@hotmail.com> wrote in message
| > | news:uMb9v%23lEIHA.4400@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| > | > No I didn't. I knew you would do so before posting it. I thought I
| > would
| > | > be
| > | > the 9X test bed for it.
| > | > BTW: When we've covered this, I have some questions related to
| > | >
| > | > --
| > | > MEB
| > | > ________
| > | I recompiled using a different version of the compiler. Hope it's
| > now.
| > | The bug has been fixed in the next compiler release but it's not
| > available
| > | yet. Also I asked on the developer forum and we are starting to think
| > that
| > | 98 may not support all lower case. Several people are playing with it
| > right
| > | now to find out.
| > | http://dundats.mvps.org/Beta/File_LowerCaseA.zip
| >
| > Well, my web site, retained locally, has upper and lower case files [and
| > mixed], so 98 does support lower case.
| > Moreover, I have hundreds of lower or mixed case files elsewhere. For
| > instance, the files I have been dowloading from you have a capital,
| > whereas
| > most of my files and directories are lower case.
| >
| > IMO, Since the NT file structure in XP is not held the same as in
| > DOS/9X/Fat, and handled via the ntfs driver upon creation, the *hook* to
| > Fat32 apparently retains the [original] MSDOS naming structure. IIRC,
| > Seems
| > we did several lengthy discussions in here related to comparing those
| > structures, and posted [by various parties] several dozen KBs and other
| > materials during those discussions.
| >
| > Regretfully, that newer file version also creates the same error.
| >
| > |
| > | For safety make sure that you just run this against test files.
| > | Example
| > | Create a folder on your desktop named Test
| > | Create a few files named Test.txt, Test2.txt, Test3.txt etc.
| > | Run the app against that folder.
| > |
| > | BD
| > |
| > |
| >
| > I'll have to go back to the site for your email addy, though I think I
| > tried that before and received no answer.
| >
| > --
| > MEB
| > http://peoplescounsel.orgfree.com
| > ________
| >
| >
| >


Not yet. We are looking to see how far back that bug goes. Probably back to
when Unicode was first introduced into it which was about 8 months ago.
That's several releases now. I have a hunch that the new release of the
compiler will be pushed ahead because there were quite a few fixes this
"MEB" <meb@not here@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Did you get the file to compile properly for the 9X OS?
> --
> http://peoplescounsel.orgfree.com
> ________
> "BD" <JustMe@nothome.net> wrote in message
> news:eqr$yHpEIHA.4196@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> |
> | "MEB" <meb@not here@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> | news:OyFva4oEIHA.1056@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> | >
> | >
> | > "BD" <JustMe@nothome.net> wrote in message
> | > news:uNczeSoEIHA.5856@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> | > | "MEB" <meb@not here@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> | > | news:uMb9v%23lEIHA.4400@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> | > | > No I didn't. I knew you would do so before posting it. I thought I
> | > would
> | > | > be
> | > | > the 9X test bed for it.
> | > | > BTW: When we've covered this, I have some questions related to
> | > GEODISK.
> | > | >
> | > | > --
> | > | > MEB
> | > | > ________
> | > | I recompiled using a different version of the compiler. Hope it's
> right
> | > now.
> | > | The bug has been fixed in the next compiler release but it's not
> | > available
> | > | yet. Also I asked on the developer forum and we are starting to
> think
> | > that
> | > | 98 may not support all lower case. Several people are playing with
> it
> | > right
> | > | now to find out.
> | > | http://dundats.mvps.org/Beta/File_LowerCaseA.zip
> | >
> | > Well, my web site, retained locally, has upper and lower case files
> [and
> | > mixed], so 98 does support lower case.
> | > Moreover, I have hundreds of lower or mixed case files elsewhere. For
> | > instance, the files I have been dowloading from you have a capital,
> | > whereas
> | > most of my files and directories are lower case.
> | >
> | > IMO, Since the NT file structure in XP is not held the same as in
> | > DOS/9X/Fat, and handled via the ntfs driver upon creation, the *hook*
> to
> | > Fat32 apparently retains the [original] MSDOS naming structure. IIRC,
> | > Seems
> | > we did several lengthy discussions in here related to comparing those
> | > structures, and posted [by various parties] several dozen KBs and
> other
> | > materials during those discussions.
> | >
> | > Regretfully, that newer file version also creates the same error.
> | >
> | > |
> | > | For safety make sure that you just run this against test files.
> | > | Example
> | > | Create a folder on your desktop named Test
> | > | Create a few files named Test.txt, Test2.txt, Test3.txt etc.
> | > | Run the app against that folder.
> | > |
> | > | BD
> | > |
> | > |
> | >
> | > I'll have to go back to the site for your email addy, though I think I
> | > tried that before and received no answer.
> | >
> | > --
> | > MEB
> | > http://peoplescounsel.orgfree.com
> | > ________
> | >
> | >
> | >
> |
> |


You should have incoming.
"PA Bear" <PABearMVP@gmail.com> wrote in message
> BD wrote:
>>> You can run (away to sea), but you can't hide from us, Dundat!
>>> Howzaguy,
>>> anyway? (glee squealed on you)
>>> --

>> ...Standby for incoming but it
>> will probably be tomorrow. If you try to send me mail use the bindar
>> account. If it goes to geog it will probably end up being destroyed.
>> I'm
>> just starting to build a white list for that account that will solve the
>> problem.

> Same addy as in the past. My Gmail addy is intentionally munged in
> ReplyTo when posting to NGs...but I'm sure you can figure out how to
> unmunge it, if need be.
> --
> ~Robear


Perhaps a review of this Resource Kit document [and other] might help.

Read to understand XP's filing systems, down to the lower segments

Or use this link [though you'll miss the necessary leadup related to 8.3
names, long file names, and blocked file entry aspects]. SEE:
File Naming in Windows XP Professional
File Names on FAT Volumes
Generating Short File Names

Then over to [if Home Edition]:



"Franc Zabkar" <fzabkar@iinternode.on.net> wrote in message
| On Sat, 20 Oct 2007 00:40:58 +0200, a <a@libero.it> put finger to
| keyboard and composed:
| >On Sat, 20 Oct 2007 07:03:53 +1000, Franc Zabkar
| ><fzabkar@iinternode.on.net> wrote:
| >
| >>On Fri, 19 Oct 2007 19:39:55 +0200, a - MORE TESTS <a@libero.it> put
| >>finger to keyboard and composed:
| >>
| >>>Logged in XP, I created "hallo.txt" in:
| >>>- Floppy
| >>>- Same HD where XP lies
| >>>- Same HD wher XP lies, but different partition
| >>>- HD where W98 lies
| >>>- HD wher W98 lies, but different partition
| >>>- Pen Drive
| >>>
| >>>All the 6 cases had the problem.
| >>>
| >>>The problem occurs if the filename is 8 or less longer
| >>>The problem does NOT occur if the filename is 9 or more longer.
| >>>
| >>>
| >>>Tried to read the "hallo,txt" and "halloverylongfortesting.txt"
| >>>file from DOS (the W98 DOS)
| >>>I tried
| >>>dir c:\ /b /s /p
| >>>and I had displayed on the black screen
| >>>"HALLO.TXT" and "halloverylongfortesting.txt"
| >>
| >>I believe your test proves that it is your XP application that is
| >>creating uppercase 8.3 file names. It doesn't appear to be a case
| >>translation issue on your Win98 box. You can save us all a lot of time
| >>and verify this beyond doubt by using Debug to look at the directory
| >>structure on your floppy diskette.
| >>
| >>To force XP to display the file name in its original case, follow this
| >>procedure:
| >>
| >>Force Explorer to Display Correct Filename Capitalization:
| >> http://www.annoyances.org/exec/show/article02-101
| >>
| >>- Franc Zabkar
| >
| >
| >i tried the
| > debug
| > -L 100 0 13 1
| > -D 100
| > -Q
| >
| >with notepad
| >I created the short "hallo.txt"
| >and then the long "abccccccdef.txt"
| >
| >I dumped with Dos from the XP box the two cases
| >ang got these screenshots:
| >http://www.zshare.net/image/43255032d60f26/
| >26 kb
| The screenshots prove what I've been saying, ie that whenever the
| names are in 8.3 format, they are written to the disc in uppercase.
| The first screenshot shows two entries for HALLO.TXT. Apparently you
| created a HALLO.TXT file and then deleted it. Then you created a
| second HALLO.TXT. In each case only the 8.3 filename is/was written to
| the disc, not its LFN. When you delete a file, its directory entry
| isn't removed, only the leading character of the filename is changed
| to 0xE5.
| In the second screenshot you can see the LFN for abccccccdef.txt and
| also its 8.3 name. In this instance the file has also been deleted.
| >note
| >I dumped with pure Dos on W98 the first case
| >and obtained the same result of the first previous one
| >
| >note
| >I also created a short file "buon.zip" with WinZip
| >then dumped and got B. T7...... UON ZIP
| >I also created a short "ciao.htm" file with Firefox
| >then dumped and got T7.... IAO HTM
| - Franc Zabkar
| --
| Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.


That was my thought as well, Unicode aspects and all these recent updates
to XP [at least we're not discussing VISTA,, ooooowwww], ALL would be
necessarily included in the compiler updates for XP.

Let us know if you guys figure it out.


"BD" <JustMe@nothome.net> wrote in message
| Not yet. We are looking to see how far back that bug goes. Probably back
| when Unicode was first introduced into it which was about 8 months ago.
| That's several releases now. I have a hunch that the new release of the
| compiler will be pushed ahead because there were quite a few fixes this
| time.
| "MEB" <meb@not here@hotmail.com> wrote in message
| news:e5EPswsEIHA.5208@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
| > Did you get the file to compile properly for the 9X OS?
| >
| > --
| > MEB
| > http://peoplescounsel.orgfree.com
| > ________
| >
| >
| > "BD" <JustMe@nothome.net> wrote in message
| > news:eqr$yHpEIHA.4196@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
| > |
| > | "MEB" <meb@not here@hotmail.com> wrote in message
| > | news:OyFva4oEIHA.1056@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > "BD" <JustMe@nothome.net> wrote in message
| > | > news:uNczeSoEIHA.5856@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
| > | > | "MEB" <meb@not here@hotmail.com> wrote in message
| > | > | news:uMb9v%23lEIHA.4400@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| > | > | > No I didn't. I knew you would do so before posting it. I thought
| > | > would
| > | > | > be
| > | > | > the 9X test bed for it.
| > | > | > BTW: When we've covered this, I have some questions related to
| > | > GEODISK.
| > | > | >
| > | > | > --
| > | > | > MEB
| > | > | > ________
| > | > | I recompiled using a different version of the compiler. Hope it's
| > right
| > | > now.
| > | > | The bug has been fixed in the next compiler release but it's not
| > | > available
| > | > | yet. Also I asked on the developer forum and we are starting to
| > think
| > | > that
| > | > | 98 may not support all lower case. Several people are playing
| > it
| > | > right
| > | > | now to find out.
| > | > | http://dundats.mvps.org/Beta/File_LowerCaseA.zip
| > | >
| > | > Well, my web site, retained locally, has upper and lower case files
| > [and
| > | > mixed], so 98 does support lower case.
| > | > Moreover, I have hundreds of lower or mixed case files elsewhere.
| > | > instance, the files I have been dowloading from you have a capital,
| > | > whereas
| > | > most of my files and directories are lower case.
| > | >
| > | > IMO, Since the NT file structure in XP is not held the same as in
| > | > DOS/9X/Fat, and handled via the ntfs driver upon creation, the
| > to
| > | > Fat32 apparently retains the [original] MSDOS naming structure.
| > | > Seems
| > | > we did several lengthy discussions in here related to comparing
| > | > structures, and posted [by various parties] several dozen KBs and
| > other
| > | > materials during those discussions.
| > | >
| > | > Regretfully, that newer file version also creates the same error.
| > | >
| > | > |
| > | > | For safety make sure that you just run this against test files.
| > | > | Example
| > | > | Create a folder on your desktop named Test
| > | > | Create a few files named Test.txt, Test2.txt, Test3.txt etc.
| > | > | Run the app against that folder.
| > | > |
| > | > | BD
| > | > |
| > | > |
| > | >
| > | > I'll have to go back to the site for your email addy, though I think
| > | > tried that before and received no answer.
| > | >
| > | > --
| > | > MEB
| > | > http://peoplescounsel.orgfree.com
| > | > ________
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| > |
| > |
| >
| >

Franc Zabkar

On Fri, 19 Oct 2007 18:22:50 -0400, "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> put
finger to keyboard and composed:

>Franc Zabkar wrote:

>| It doesn't appear to be a case
>| translation issue on your Win98 box. You can save us all a lot of time
>| and verify this beyond doubt by using Debug to look at the directory
>| structure on your floppy diskette.
>I think he WILL find the case to be correct in the SFN field-- & the LFN
>field will be empty!

I used Debug to change the SFN directory entry for a file named
TAILOR.MAK to tailor.mak. Below are the results (output edited for
clarity). Note that the original directory entries were all in
uppercase DOS 8.3 format with no LFNs.

WARNING: The "W(rite) command in DEBUG can do serious damage to your
file system if you get it wrong.

-L 100 0 13 1
-D 100 10f
100 54 41 49 4C 4F 52 20 20-4D 41 4B 20 00 00 00 00 TAILOR MAK ....
-E 100 "tailor mak"
-D 100
100 74 61 69 6C 6F 72 20 20-6D 61 6B 20 00 00 00 00 tailor mak ....
110 00 00 00 00 00 00 97 A8-98 22 1B 00 91 00 00 00 ........."......
120 53 50 4F 55 53 45 20 20-45 58 45 20 00 00 00 00 SPOUSE EXE ....
130 00 00 F4 36 00 00 19 B0-98 22 49 00 21 1F 00 00 ...6....."I.!...
140 43 55 52 52 45 4E 43 59-46 52 4D 20 00 00 00 00 CURRENCYFRM ....
150 00 00 00 00 00 00 51 A3-98 22 06 00 5D 05 00 00 ......Q.."..]...
-W 100 0 13 1

C:\WIN98SE>dir a:\

Volume in drive A has no label
Directory of A:\

tailor mak 145 04-24-97 9:04p tailor.mak
SPOUSE EXE 7,969 04-24-97 10:00p SPOUSE.EXE
CURRENCY FRM 1,373 04-24-97 8:26p CURRENCY.FRM
CLA5-2 MAK 145 06-12-97 9:29p CLA5-2.MAK
42 file(s) 123,934 bytes
2 dir(s) 1,271,808 bytes free

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.


So there is way to have the filename correctly displayed in W98
other than renaming them (manually or by an utility)?

Franc Zabkar

On Sat, 20 Oct 2007 01:17:52 -0400, "MEB" <meb@not here@hotmail.com>
put finger to keyboard and composed:

> Perhaps a review of this Resource Kit document [and other] might help.
> Read to understand XP's filing systems, down to the lower segments

I found the same document while researching for this thread but I
couldn't see anything that was helpful to the OP.

>Or use this link [though you'll miss the necessary leadup related to 8.3
>names, long file names, and blocked file entry aspects]. SEE:
>File Naming in Windows XP Professional
>File Names on FAT Volumes
>Generating Short File Names
> Then over to [if Home Edition]:

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.

Franc Zabkar

On Sat, 20 Oct 2007 14:00:43 +0200, a <a@libero.it> put finger to
keyboard and composed:

>So there is way to have the filename correctly displayed in W98
>other than renaming them (manually or by an utility)?

The filename *is* correctly displayed in W98, it's just that XP
*saves* it as uppercase (but confuses you by *displaying* it as
lowercase) whenever it is in 8.3 format.

I suggest that you first add the "DontPrettyPath=1" setting to your
Win XP registry as described elsewhere. This will force Explorer to
display filenames with their actual capitalisation. Then here's one
possible way to tackle your problem from the XP end.

Let's say your files are .htm files. On the XP system try saving them
as .html files. This should force XP to create corresponding lowercase
LFNs for each of your 8.3 SFNs.

Now on your Win98SE system rename them like this ...

ren *.html *.htm

This should retain the LFNs and preserve their (lower)case.

If this workaround is unacceptable, let us know and I'll post a
question to the gurus at alt.msdos.batch.

Another possible solution involves 4DOS.com and this single command

FOR %fn IN (*.txt) REN "%fn" %@REPLACE[ ,_,%@LOWER[" ",%fn]]

Let me know if you want to try this.

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.


a wrote:
| in the case someone forgot the problem,
| I repeat the problem
| ----------------
| I boot on XP
| I create "hallo.txt" with Notepad (or onther type of file
| with Winzip, Firefox...) on the XP drive

My theory is... WinXP puts that name into the SFN (Short File Name)
field with the lower-case letters. It does not put anything into the LFN

| then I boot on W98
| and that file in Explorer
| is shown as "Hallo.txt"

You are UNchecked for "Allow all uppercase names" at "Folder Options,
View tab". You must CHECK it-- or Win98 will always show just the 1st
letter to be capitalized! However, it begins to look to me that only
applies to SFNs. Once a LFN is created-- looks like it doesn't matter
whether that box is checked or not.

| boot back in Xp it is ok (always)

That proves the letters really are lower-case in the SFN field, I think.

| boot again in W98 it is wrong (always)

My theory is... Win98 will only get it right when there is a name in the
LFN field. It doesn't care what the case of the letters are in the SFN
field. It always shows the SFN to be capitalized!

| I don't want the first letter capitalized
| If , booted in W98, I manually rename the
| first letter, uncapitalizing it, the problem is solved.

When you create a name of any length in Win98 with lower-case letters--
a LFN will be created. Once that is done, the name will look good in
Win98 & in WinXP.

| note:
| if the name is longer then 8 (eg: halllotoeveryone.txt)
| the problem doesn't occur

WinXP is creating the LFN for that so, all is well. Too bad it doesn't
do it when the only reason to do so is the case of the letters!

I think the only cure for SFNs with lower-case letters is to do as you
have been doing-- rename them in Win98. OR, just create them in Win98 in
the first place. Can't you do that?

| -------------------------

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,

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