A new 'Beta' test from Panda


David H. Lipman

From: "BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid>

| No worries on timing Peter.
| You will no doubt read the comment between Phil and me here. PLEASE will you
| give a brief explanation of why I or, indeed, anyone else should trust YOU
| (especially as you are now giving advice at - annexcafe.general.user2user -
| using the mame of Derek Feldman) I do not understand why you would wish to
| change your posing 'nick'. :)
| David

I tell you why you should "trust" Peter.

Because Peter Foldes *IS* trustworthy and I back what he has written in this thread.


David H. Lipman

From: "BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid>

| No worries on timing Peter.
| You will no doubt read the comment between Phil and me here. PLEASE will you
| give a brief explanation of why I or, indeed, anyone else should trust YOU
| (especially as you are now giving advice at - annexcafe.general.user2user -
| using the mame of Derek Feldman) I do not understand why you would wish to
| change your posing 'nick'. :)
| David

BTW: I also back Phil Weldon's statements as well.


Kerry Brown

"David H. Lipman" <DLipman~nospam~@Verizon.Net> wrote in message
> I tell you why you should "trust" Peter.
> Because Peter Foldes *IS* trustworthy and I back what he has written in
> this thread.
> --
> Dave
> http://www.claymania.com/removal-trojan-adware.html
> http://www.ik-cs.com/got-a-virus.htm

As do I, but David doesn't trust me either. He has in the past accused me of
being a terrorist. His posts are best ignored. If he gets you in his sites
he will follow you around Usenet and web forums casting aspersions on your
character. In my case he was suspicious because I use the nickname TechB in
some online web forums and my real name on Usenet. In his twisted, paranoid
logic somehow this equated to me being linked to terrorism.

Kerry Brown
Microsoft MVP - Shell/User


That's quite a distortion of the facts, KB/TechB.

As you are aware, 'jen' on Annexcafe User2User has also spotted that Peter
Foldes has the same IP number as Derek Feldman. Peter Foldes used to post
there - now he doesn't. Interesting, that!

It may or may not be coincidental that you (and your partner K.Dee) reside
in Canada, just as Peter Foldes does. IS there any connection between you
all? Rhetorical question really ......... I would not expect you to tell the
truth here.

Regardless of the need to raise funds for terrorism purposes, the
exponential rise in Cybercrime cannot be denied. You are quite correct when
you say that I'll try to do my bit to help reduce same ............ and will
do so tenatiously.


"Kerry Brown" <kerry@kdbNOSPAMsys-tems.c*a*m> wrote in message
> "David H. Lipman" <DLipman~nospam~@Verizon.Net> wrote in message
> news:u4zdkZS0HHA.5160@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> I tell you why you should "trust" Peter.
>> Because Peter Foldes *IS* trustworthy and I back what he has written in
>> this thread.
>> --
>> Dave
>> http://www.claymania.com/removal-trojan-adware.html
>> http://www.ik-cs.com/got-a-virus.htm

> As do I, but David doesn't trust me either. He has in the past accused me
> of being a terrorist. His posts are best ignored. If he gets you in his
> sites he will follow you around Usenet and web forums casting aspersions
> on your character. In my case he was suspicious because I use the nickname
> TechB in some online web forums and my real name on Usenet. In his
> twisted, paranoid logic somehow this equated to me being linked to
> terrorism.
> --
> Kerry Brown
> Microsoft MVP - Shell/User
> http://www.vistahelp.ca

Phil Weldon

'BoaterDave' wrote:
| It's been refreshing to 'talk' to you here, Phil. Out of general interest
| only are you from/in Mableton, GA?
| A quote from you : " ... I hadn't picked up on your spelling B^)" -
| B^? I suspect you meant BD
| It's just tiny things like this which can catch my eye nowadays. You might
| possibly be interested to read this thread I started elsewhere.
| http://aumha.net/viewtopic.php?t=28210
| You also said " the less I know about a subject, the more skeptical I am
| advice (no matter what the medium)" - I agree 100% with you! <g>

No, not Mableton, GA USA, but Mableton is in the same metropolitan area of ~
6,000,000. You can't always trust the accuracy of an 'IP Address Locator'.
Such a tool may be close in one case, and quite a miss in another. At least
one locates your post header IP address in Edison, NJ.

B^) is my smiley-face. The spelling reference is to your UK usage. What
would BD stand in for?

Phil Weldon

"BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
| It's been refreshing to 'talk' to you here, Phil. Out of general interest
| only are you from/in Mableton, GA?
| A quote from you : " ... I hadn't picked up on your spelling B^)" -
| B^? I suspect you meant BD
| It's just tiny things like this which can catch my eye nowadays. You might
| possibly be interested to read this thread I started elsewhere.
| http://aumha.net/viewtopic.php?t=28210
| You also said " the less I know about a subject, the more skeptical I am
| advice (no matter what the medium)" - I agree 100% with you! <g>
| David
| "Phil Weldon" <not.disclosed@example.com> wrote in message
| news:NGvqi.11547$rR.11154@newsread2.news.pas.earthlink.net...
| > 'BoaterDave' wrote, in part:
| > | That since having had my identity stolen some two years ago (on-line
| > | Paypay/ebay) I have switched ISP, installed a router and connect
| > wirelessly.
| > | I use a Security Suite and the other software I mentioned and am now
| > also
| > | reasonably adept with HiJackThis. I never stray to 'bad' sites either
| > when
| > | on the web.
| > _____
| >
| > 'Trust' on line, hmm. For newsgroups, technical newsgroups that have a
| > connection to computer security and vulnerability, well, I judge on
| >
| > does a mature individual seem to be behind the posts?
| >
| > is advice given in post agree with facts I know to be true?
| >
| > history in newsgroups (a Usenet newsgroup archive will contain almost
| > every Usenet newsgroup message posted in the last 25 years, searchable
| > author)
| >
| > 'peer group' effect - bad advice is usually pointed out very quickly
| >
| > the less I know about a subject, the more skeptical I am of advice
| > matter what the medium)
| >
| > does the poster take responsibility for postings?
| >
| > You seem to properly take Internet security seriously. As for 'Papal, I
| > get
| > enough 'pishing' Papal emails that I just ignore them all same goes for
| > any
| > email that purports to be from my bank. If any institution REALLY needs
| > important information from me they will just have to use a different
| > medium.
| >
| > I've never suffered from 'identity theft', though my brother had his
| > credit
| > card information during hotel registration that information was used
| > open an ISP account, and then to open an Internet gambling account. The
| > credit card issuer had software that tracked usage patterns, flagged the
| > Internet gambling account and immediately contacted him. That proactive
| > security is becoming more common and more sophisticated for example, it
| > is
| > impossible here to purchase gasoline more that three times in a few
| > using the same credit card.
| >
| > Finally, sorry for the all the USA specific remarks - I hadn't picked up
| > on
| > your spelling B^)
| >
| > Phil Weldon
| >
| > "BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
| > news:%23Vg5NDK0HHA.1188@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
| > | Phil - I take in what you say, but would add ...............
| > |
| > | That since having had my identity stolen some two years ago (on-line
| > | Paypay/ebay) I have switched ISP, installed a router and connect
| > wirelessly.
| > | I use a Security Suite and the other software I mentioned and am now
| > also
| > | reasonably adept with HiJackThis. I never stray to 'bad' sites either
| > when
| > | on the web.
| > |
| > | About an hour ago, my doorbell rang. Outside was a policeman. He was
| > invited
| > | indoors.
| > | He questioned my wife and me about our next door neighbour - a young
| > | aged about 30 or so. He had evidently been taken into hospital (for
| > reasons
| > | not disclosed to us) and had later dischared himself - he had
| > subsequently
| > | disappeared without trace.
| > |
| > | All we really knew about him was that his name was Dan, that he'd
| > | recently dropped out of horticultural college and didn't see
| > with
| > | his parents who live somewhere in Wales. He was a rather disturbed
| > guy
| > | who kept himself very much to himself and didn't really want to
| > communicate.
| > | He's lived alongside us for the best part of 12 months and that's
| > all
| > | we knew about him. We felt rather embarrased.
| > |
| > | How much do you know about your neighbour(s) ............. and those
| > | 'trust' on-line?
| > |
| > | FWIW
| > |
| > | David
| > |
| > |
| >
| > | "Phil Weldon" <not.disclosed@example.com> wrote in message
| > | news:xduqi.12613$zA4.4994@newsread3.news.pas.earthlink.net...
| > | > 'BoaterDave' wrote:
| > | > | I'm actually using the McAfee Internet Security Suite supplied (at
| > extra
| > | > | cost!) with my AOL (UK) subscription
| > | > | + Windows Defender, AVG Anti-Spyware 7.5 and Ad-Aware 2007 - all
| > to
| > | > date
| > | > | on Windows XP Home, SP2 and all updates.
| > | > |
| > | > | I was referring in my comment to those on another newsgroup who
| > | > adamant
| > | > | that they can identify me regardless of my selected 'nick' for
| > posting
| > | > | purposes. If my IP doesn't give me away, I was wondering what
| > | > 'spy'
| > | > | might be being used to identify me.
| > | > _____
| > | >
| > | > And I gave you methods!
| > | > I guess another method would be
| > | > get the IP address from a recently posted newsgroup message
| > | > launch an attack on that IP address through the Internet
| > | > exploit a vulnerability to take control of your system
| > | > rifle through your files
| > | > export information over the Internet to the hacker.
| > | >
| > | > But simple precautions can block this chain at several points.
| > | > router with NAT
| > | > hardware firewall
| > | > software firewall
| > | > antivirus and antimalware programs installed, up-to-date, and
| > always
| > | > active
| > | > secure physical location
| > | > up-to-date security patches installed on operating system and
| > | > applications
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > Or someone could just enter the physical location of your system and
| > make
| > | > changes.
| > | >
| > | > There is a difference between what CAN be done and what is worth
| > something
| > | > to someone to actually DO. At the moment, in the USA, a 'national
| > | > security
| > | > letter' can get the US government most any information requested.
| > are
| > | > you worth the trouble B^)
| > | >
| > | > Phil Weldon
| > | >
| > | > "BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
| > | > news:%23RSl$MJ0HHA.3400@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
| > | > | Hello again Phil - slight misunderstanding I fear!
| > | > |
| > | > | I'm actually using the McAfee Internet Security Suite supplied (at
| > extra
| > | > | cost!) with my AOL (UK) subscription
| > | > | + Windows Defender, AVG Anti-Spyware 7.5 and Ad-Aware 2007 - all
| > to
| > | > date
| > | > | on Windows XP Home, SP2 and all updates.
| > | > |
| > | > | I was referring in my comment to those on another newsgroup who
| > | > adamant
| > | > | that they can identify me regardless of my selected 'nick' for
| > posting
| > | > | purposes. If my IP doesn't give me away, I was wondering what
| > | > 'spy'
| > | > | might be being used to identify me.
| > | > |
| > | > | David
| > | > |
| > | > |
| > | >
| >
| > | > | "Phil Weldon" <not.disclosed@example.com> wrote in message
| > | > | news:uRsqi.11417$rR.9799@newsread2.news.pas.earthlink.net...
| > | > | > 'BoaterDave' wrote:
| > | > | > | So it seems that they are lying - or I have malware (again!)
| > my
| > | > PC!
| > | > | > | Now I've got to determine which it is!
| > | > | > _____
| > | > | >
| > | > | > No, not lying - 'Beta' is a warning label that the software may
| > not
| > | > work
| > | > | > as
| > | > | > intended. You should not depend on 'Beta' software for critical
| > | > | > operations
| > | > | > (and keeping your system free of malware is a critical
| > | > And
| > | > | > even
| > | > | > antimalware in production can give false alerts. If you are
| > to
| > | > use
| > | > | > an
| > | > | > on-line scan, pick one that is NOT 'beta' and that is more
| > thorough
| > | > than
| > | > | > 'Nanoscan'. Symantec and other antimalware publishers have more
| > | > thorough
| > | > | > on-line scans
| > | > | >
| > | > | > As a comparison, the Symantec on-line virus scanner will scan
| > every
| > | > file
| > | > | > on
| > | > | > a system and take 20 minutes or more (fast system with > 100,000
| > | > files)
| > | > | > while 'Nanoscan' checks, on the same system in 20 seconds, well,
| > who
| > | > | > knows?
| > | > | > ( I would imagine 'Nanoscan' checks memory, the registry, and
| > whatever
| > | > | > else
| > | > | > it can in 20 seconds. Something like 'Nanoscan' might
| > be
| > | > an
| > | > | > quick supplement to other malware detectors, but only a minor
| > | > supplement.
| > | > | >
| > | > | > What antimalware protection do you use, and is it up-to-date (an
| > in
| > | > either
| > | > | > the very latest definitions or definitions updated within the
| > two
| > | > | > days)?
| > | > | >
| > | > | > Phil Weldon
| > | > | >
| > | > | >
| > | > | > Phil Weldon
| > | > | >
| > | > | > "BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
| > | > | > news:eXSXPTI0HHA.3940@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| > | > | > | So it seems that they are lying - or I have malware (again!)
| > my
| > | > PC!
| > | > | > | Now I've got to determine which it is!
| > | > | > |
| > | > | > | Thanks for your coments, Phil.
| > | > | > |
| > | > | > | BD
| <snip>


I hear you, David.

Perhaps you have met him face-to-face and/or have some other way of being
/certain/ that THIS Peter Foldes is a completely separate persona to the
'individual' who was providing help and advice on
annexcafe.general.user2user and annexcafe.uk.general.user2user - until
'Registration' was required there a few months ago.

My own experience tells me, simply by his style of writing and attitude,
that it is one and the same person. I cannot ask further questions at
Annexcafe as I have been asked to leave what I'm told is a private server
(they tell me that it's a much safer environment there!). The style and
attitude of Derek Feldman is remarkably similar!

There really is no way of knowing who one can really trust on-line, is there


"David H. Lipman" <DLipman~nospam~@Verizon.Net> wrote in message

> From: "BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid>
> | No worries on timing Peter.
> |
> | You will no doubt read the comment between Phil and me here. PLEASE will
> you
> | give a brief explanation of why I or, indeed, anyone else should trust
> | (especially as you are now giving advice at -
> annexcafe.general.user2user -
> | using the mame of Derek Feldman) I do not understand why you would wish
> to
> | change your posing 'nick'. :)
> |
> | David
> |
> I tell you why you should "trust" Peter.
> Because Peter Foldes *IS* trustworthy and I back what he has written in
> this thread.
> --
> Dave
> http://www.claymania.com/removal-trojan-adware.html
> http://www.ik-cs.com/got-a-virus.htm


Hi Phil, thanks for responding again.

When you said " ... I hadn't picked up on your spelling B^)" I had
suspected that you had meant "I hadn't picked up on your spelling Boater
Now that really /was/ just a simple misinterpretation on my part -
understandable, I trust! :)
I''ve never seen anyone use a 'smiley' face like yours - quite original <g>
Did you know that it takes over a hundred muscles to frown, yet only 4 to

If you haven't yet taken a peek at the link I posted earlier, please do so
before you make judgements on the other posts appearing here. Thanks.



"Phil Weldon" <not.disclosed@example.com> wrote in message
> 'BoaterDave' wrote:
> | It's been refreshing to 'talk' to you here, Phil. Out of general
> interest
> | only are you from/in Mableton, GA?
> |
> | A quote from you : " ... I hadn't picked up on your spelling B^)" -
> why
> | B^? I suspect you meant BD
> |
> | It's just tiny things like this which can catch my eye nowadays. You
> might
> | possibly be interested to read this thread I started elsewhere.
> | http://aumha.net/viewtopic.php?t=28210
> |
> | You also said " the less I know about a subject, the more skeptical I am
> of
> | advice (no matter what the medium)" - I agree 100% with you! <g>
> _____
> No, not Mableton, GA USA, but Mableton is in the same metropolitan area of
> ~
> 6,000,000. You can't always trust the accuracy of an 'IP Address
> Locator'.
> Such a tool may be close in one case, and quite a miss in another. At
> least
> one locates your post header IP address in Edison, NJ.
> B^) is my smiley-face. The spelling reference is to your UK usage. What
> would BD stand in for?
> Phil Weldon
> "BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> news:uI6%23qdO0HHA.4928@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> | It's been refreshing to 'talk' to you here, Phil. Out of general
> interest
> | only are you from/in Mableton, GA?
> |
> | A quote from you : " ... I hadn't picked up on your spelling B^)" -
> why
> | B^? I suspect you meant BD
> |
> | It's just tiny things like this which can catch my eye nowadays. You
> might
> | possibly be interested to read this thread I started elsewhere.
> | http://aumha.net/viewtopic.php?t=28210
> |
> | You also said " the less I know about a subject, the more skeptical I am
> of
> | advice (no matter what the medium)" - I agree 100% with you! <g>
> |
> | David
> |
> |
> | "Phil Weldon" <not.disclosed@example.com> wrote in message
> | news:NGvqi.11547$rR.11154@newsread2.news.pas.earthlink.net...
> | > 'BoaterDave' wrote, in part:
> | > | That since having had my identity stolen some two years ago (on-line
> | > | Paypay/ebay) I have switched ISP, installed a router and connect
> | > wirelessly.
> | > | I use a Security Suite and the other software I mentioned and am now
> | > also
> | > | reasonably adept with HiJackThis. I never stray to 'bad' sites
> either
> | > when
> | > | on the web.
> | > _____
> | >
> | > 'Trust' on line, hmm. For newsgroups, technical newsgroups that have
> a
> | > connection to computer security and vulnerability, well, I judge on
> | >
> | > does a mature individual seem to be behind the posts?
> | >
> | > is advice given in post agree with facts I know to be true?
> | >
> | > history in newsgroups (a Usenet newsgroup archive will contain
> almost
> | > every Usenet newsgroup message posted in the last 25 years, searchable
> by
> | > author)
> | >
> | > 'peer group' effect - bad advice is usually pointed out very
> quickly
> | >
> | > the less I know about a subject, the more skeptical I am of advice
> (no
> | > matter what the medium)
> | >
> | > does the poster take responsibility for postings?
> | >
> | > You seem to properly take Internet security seriously. As for 'Papal,
> I
> | > get
> | > enough 'pishing' Papal emails that I just ignore them all same goes
> for
> | > any
> | > email that purports to be from my bank. If any institution REALLY
> needs
> | > important information from me they will just have to use a different
> | > medium.
> | >
> | > I've never suffered from 'identity theft', though my brother had his
> | > credit
> | > card information during hotel registration that information was used
> to
> | > open an ISP account, and then to open an Internet gambling account.
> The
> | > credit card issuer had software that tracked usage patterns, flagged
> the
> | > Internet gambling account and immediately contacted him. That
> proactive
> | > security is becoming more common and more sophisticated for example,
> it
> | > is
> | > impossible here to purchase gasoline more that three times in a few
> hours
> | > using the same credit card.
> | >
> | > Finally, sorry for the all the USA specific remarks - I hadn't picked
> up
> | > on
> | > your spelling B^)
> | >
> | > Phil Weldon
> | >
> | > "BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> | > news:%23Vg5NDK0HHA.1188@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> | > | Phil - I take in what you say, but would add ...............
> | > |
> | > | That since having had my identity stolen some two years ago (on-line
> | > | Paypay/ebay) I have switched ISP, installed a router and connect
> | > wirelessly.
> | > | I use a Security Suite and the other software I mentioned and am now
> | > also
> | > | reasonably adept with HiJackThis. I never stray to 'bad' sites
> either
> | > when
> | > | on the web.
> | > |
> | > | About an hour ago, my doorbell rang. Outside was a policeman. He was
> | > invited
> | > | indoors.
> | > | He questioned my wife and me about our next door neighbour - a young
> man
> | > | aged about 30 or so. He had evidently been taken into hospital (for
> | > reasons
> | > | not disclosed to us) and had later dischared himself - he had
> | > subsequently
> | > | disappeared without trace.
> | > |
> | > | All we really knew about him was that his name was Dan, that he'd
> fairly
> | > | recently dropped out of horticultural college and didn't see
> eye-to-eye
> | > with
> | > | his parents who live somewhere in Wales. He was a rather disturbed
> young
> | > guy
> | > | who kept himself very much to himself and didn't really want to
> | > communicate.
> | > | He's lived alongside us for the best part of 12 months and that's
> really
> | > all
> | > | we knew about him. We felt rather embarrased.
> | > |
> | > | How much do you know about your neighbour(s) ............. and those
> you
> | > | 'trust' on-line?
> | > |
> | > | FWIW
> | > |
> | > | David
> | > |
> | > |
> | >
> *************************************************************************************
> | > | "Phil Weldon" <not.disclosed@example.com> wrote in message
> | > | news:xduqi.12613$zA4.4994@newsread3.news.pas.earthlink.net...
> | > | > 'BoaterDave' wrote:
> | > | > | I'm actually using the McAfee Internet Security Suite supplied
> (at
> | > extra
> | > | > | cost!) with my AOL (UK) subscription
> | > | > | + Windows Defender, AVG Anti-Spyware 7.5 and Ad-Aware 2007 - all
> up
> | > to
> | > | > date
> | > | > | on Windows XP Home, SP2 and all updates.
> | > | > |
> | > | > | I was referring in my comment to those on another newsgroup who
> seem
> | > | > adamant
> | > | > | that they can identify me regardless of my selected 'nick' for
> | > posting
> | > | > | purposes. If my IP doesn't give me away, I was wondering what
> other
> | > | > 'spy'
> | > | > | might be being used to identify me.
> | > | > _____
> | > | >
> | > | > And I gave you methods!
> | > | > I guess another method would be
> | > | > get the IP address from a recently posted newsgroup message
> | > | > launch an attack on that IP address through the Internet
> | > | > exploit a vulnerability to take control of your system
> | > | > rifle through your files
> | > | > export information over the Internet to the hacker.
> | > | >
> | > | > But simple precautions can block this chain at several points.
> | > | > router with NAT
> | > | > hardware firewall
> | > | > software firewall
> | > | > antivirus and antimalware programs installed, up-to-date, and
> | > always
> | > | > active
> | > | > secure physical location
> | > | > up-to-date security patches installed on operating system and
> | > | > applications
> | > | >
> | > | >
> | > | > Or someone could just enter the physical location of your system
> and
> | > make
> | > | > changes.
> | > | >
> | > | > There is a difference between what CAN be done and what is worth
> | > something
> | > | > to someone to actually DO. At the moment, in the USA, a 'national
> | > | > security
> | > | > letter' can get the US government most any information requested.
> But
> | > are
> | > | > you worth the trouble B^)
> | > | >
> | > | > Phil Weldon
> | > | >
> | > | > "BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> | > | > news:%23RSl$MJ0HHA.3400@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> | > | > | Hello again Phil - slight misunderstanding I fear!
> | > | > |
> | > | > | I'm actually using the McAfee Internet Security Suite supplied
> (at
> | > extra
> | > | > | cost!) with my AOL (UK) subscription
> | > | > | + Windows Defender, AVG Anti-Spyware 7.5 and Ad-Aware 2007 - all
> up
> | > to
> | > | > date
> | > | > | on Windows XP Home, SP2 and all updates.
> | > | > |
> | > | > | I was referring in my comment to those on another newsgroup who
> seem
> | > | > adamant
> | > | > | that they can identify me regardless of my selected 'nick' for
> | > posting
> | > | > | purposes. If my IP doesn't give me away, I was wondering what
> other
> | > | > 'spy'
> | > | > | might be being used to identify me.
> | > | > |
> | > | > | David
> | > | > |
> | > | > |
> | > | >
> | >
> *************************************************************************************************
> | > | > | "Phil Weldon" <not.disclosed@example.com> wrote in message
> | > | > | news:uRsqi.11417$rR.9799@newsread2.news.pas.earthlink.net...
> | > | > | > 'BoaterDave' wrote:
> | > | > | > | So it seems that they are lying - or I have malware (again!)
> on
> | > my
> | > | > PC!
> | > | > | > | Now I've got to determine which it is!
> | > | > | > _____
> | > | > | >
> | > | > | > No, not lying - 'Beta' is a warning label that the software
> may
> | > not
> | > | > work
> | > | > | > as
> | > | > | > intended. You should not depend on 'Beta' software for
> critical
> | > | > | > operations
> | > | > | > (and keeping your system free of malware is a critical
> operation.)
> | > | > And
> | > | > | > even
> | > | > | > antimalware in production can give false alerts. If you are
> going
> | > to
> | > | > use
> | > | > | > an
> | > | > | > on-line scan, pick one that is NOT 'beta' and that is more
> | > thorough
> | > | > than
> | > | > | > 'Nanoscan'. Symantec and other antimalware publishers have
> more
> | > | > thorough
> | > | > | > on-line scans
> | > | > | >
> | > | > | > As a comparison, the Symantec on-line virus scanner will scan
> | > every
> | > | > file
> | > | > | > on
> | > | > | > a system and take 20 minutes or more (fast system with >
> 100,000
> | > | > files)
> | > | > | > while 'Nanoscan' checks, on the same system in 20 seconds,
> well,
> | > who
> | > | > | > knows?
> | > | > | > ( I would imagine 'Nanoscan' checks memory, the registry, and
> | > whatever
> | > | > | > else
> | > | > | > it can in 20 seconds. Something like 'Nanoscan' might
> eventually
> | > be
> | > | > an
> | > | > | > quick supplement to other malware detectors, but only a minor
> | > | > supplement.
> | > | > | >
> | > | > | > What antimalware protection do you use, and is it up-to-date
> (an
> | > in
> | > | > either
> | > | > | > the very latest definitions or definitions updated within the
> last
> | > two
> | > | > | > days)?
> | > | > | >
> | > | > | > Phil Weldon
> | > | > | >
> | > | > | >
> | > | > | > Phil Weldon
> | > | > | >
> | > | > | > "BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> | > | > | > news:eXSXPTI0HHA.3940@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> | > | > | > | So it seems that they are lying - or I have malware (again!)
> on
> | > my
> | > | > PC!
> | > | > | > | Now I've got to determine which it is!
> | > | > | > |
> | > | > | > | Thanks for your coments, Phil.
> | > | > | > |
> | > | > | > | BD
> |
> | <snip>
> |
> |


That's good to know, David. Phil appears genuine and I have no reason to
think otherwise.

OTOH - Peter Foldes has been tracked by me for well over 18 months.



"David H. Lipman" <DLipman~nospam~@Verizon.Net> wrote in message
> From: "BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid>
> | No worries on timing Peter.
> |
> | You will no doubt read the comment between Phil and me here. PLEASE will
> you
> | give a brief explanation of why I or, indeed, anyone else should trust
> | (especially as you are now giving advice at -
> annexcafe.general.user2user -
> | using the mame of Derek Feldman) I do not understand why you would wish
> to
> | change your posing 'nick'. :)
> |
> | David
> BTW: I also back Phil Weldon's statements as well.
> --
> Dave
> http://www.claymania.com/removal-trojan-adware.html
> http://www.ik-cs.com/got-a-virus.htm


As I've said many times Peter, "The Truth Will Out". I concede that I 'may'
be mistaken about you - but /my/ conscience is absolutely clear is yours?

My computer problem? That certainly had you perplexed last year, didn't it?
I trashed it - and now have another. Do you remember telling me (and others,
that FDISK would destroy /all/ data on a hard disk - do you still stand by


"Peter Foldes" <okf22@hotmail.com> wrote in message
Hello David

This will be the last time I will involve myself with this delusional query
of yours. I was born as Peter Foldes and I stay as such and post as such
across the newsgroups. If you have any doubts about this person on another
newsgroup server who is named Derek Feldman then may I suggest that you go
and ask this person there why his name is Derek and why is he\she\is posting
using his\her name as Derek Feldman.

I have nothing to do with this person and I do not wish to either. Also I do
not know who she\he is.
As far as not trusting me for the answers that I post to you on your issues
, then that is your prerogative and either you take it or you do not.

This is the last time I will involve myself with you on this name changing
subject which you keep on bringing up and waiting bandwidth here for no

Now, may I ask you , did you solve your issues as far as what you have
posted concerning your computer.

Thanks David and have a nice day and weekend

Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.

"BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> No worries on timing Peter.
> You will no doubt read the comment between Phil and me here. PLEASE will
> you
> give a brief explanation of why I or, indeed, anyone else should trust YOU
> (especially as you are now giving advice at -
> annexcafe.general.user2user -
> using the mame of Derek Feldman) I do not understand why you would wish to
> change your posing 'nick'. :)
> David
> "Peter Foldes" <okf22@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:%237ttoaJ0HHA.3400@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> Sorry I could not get back to you sooner Dave but I see that Phil has
> explained to you correctly and in detail.
> --
> Peter
> Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
> Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.
> "BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> news:e8TIJCI0HHA.1188@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> Phew! Thanks for all that, Phil! I really appreciate the time and
>> trouble
>> you have taken to respond so comprehensively.
>> Dare I ask you for further comment? <g> I will anyway!
>> When posting to a newsgroup on a private server, it seems that
>> anyone/everyone can identify me, regardless of user name employed. Whilst
>> I
>> fully appreciate that an individual has a certain style (which can be
>> 'fudged' - obfuscated, if you will) if the IP address changes as you say
>> (and I believe you!) can you suggest an alternate way they can identify
>> someone without having installed some form of 'reporting' malware on
>> one's
>> PC?
>> I'd value your advice. TIA.
>> David
>> ******************************************************************************************************
>> "Phil Weldon" <not.disclosed@example.com> wrote in message
>> news:Wwqqi.12398$Od7.11531@newsread1.news.pas.earthlink.net...
>>> 'BoaterDave' wrote, in part:
>>> | **Indeed - your memory serves you well (this time!) However, that does
>>> *not*
>>> | explain why posts from you here invariably have different IP addresses
>>> when
>>> | the day changes. You cannot, surely, be suggesting that when folk
>>> visit
>>> | /this/ group and see the name of Peter Foldes that it isn't really
>>> you?
>>> | People tend to see a name they trust and follow the advice given - how
>>> easy
>>> | it would be to mislead vulnerable folk in such a scenario. So I ask
>>> you
>>> once
>>> | again, politely., the reason for the constant change in your IP
>>> address.
>>> _____
>>> In the main, for DSL, an IP address is assigned dynamically to a
>>> customer.
>>> Each time a system (or for some setups the modem) connects to the ISP,
>>> the
>>> ISP assigns a new IP address from the block allocated to the ISP. A
>>> static
>>> IP address costs extra. If, for example, you were to examine the
>>> headers
>>> for my posts to this newsgroup, you would usually see a different IP
>>> address
>>> on posts from different days. Each IP address would be picked more or
>>> less
>>> at random from the block assigned to the ISP. With a large IP like
>>> mine,
>>> that would be from a address space of millions. If you look at my posts
>>> with time stamps more than a few days apart the IP address is different.
>>> The IP address associated with your post is from the block assigned to
>>> AOL
>>> ( -, an IP address space of just over
>>> 1,500,000.
>>> My current IP address is as I make this post is If I
>>> disconnect my DSL modem, and post again, the IP address in that second
>>> post
>>> will be different. So newsgroup identities are exactly as you thought.
>>> There is no way to identify a newsgroup poster from the IP address in
>>> the
>>> post headers, even if the headers are completely legitimate without the
>>> cooperation of the ISP because you need the records the ISP keeps to
>>> match
>>> an IP address with the customer AT THE TIME THE POST WAS MADE. Even if
>>> the
>>> customers IP address is static, though you might assume the identity of
>>> the
>>> poster, you'd still need the account records. This should take a court
>>> order or a 'national security letter' these days.
>>> Some naive trolls who use different sock puppet posting names are
>>> exposed
>>> when [they post from a small ISP (because the pool of ISP addresses is
>>> small) or when they post from a static IP address] AND the style is
>>> suspiciously similar. But that is just exposure of sock puppets, NOT
>>> actually matching a real identity to a post.
>>> As for your original question, which I think is about Panda nanoscan
>>> (ALL
>>> the information for a newsgroup post should be in the BODY of the
>>> message -
>>> the 'Subject' line should be a short phrase to indicate the content of
>>> the
>>> message). My thoughts on Panda nanoscan: there is no compelling reason
>>> to
>>> try it. On the down side it is 'Beta' (may have bugs, is not ready for
>>> release, is at present for Panda's benefit, not the user's benefit), it
>>> can't be very thorough in 20 seconds, requires installing active-x
>>> controls,
>>> really gives no assurance that the scanned system is clean, and requires
>>> an
>>> active connection to the internet. On the up side, it is very quick.
>>> Phil Weldon
>>> "BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
>>> news:uj8F0CF0HHA.5644@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>> | In-line responses
>>> |
>>> | "Peter Foldes" <okf22@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>>> | news:OCx$NTE0HHA.1184@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>> | Sorry Dave . But I cannot comment on your request since I am not
>>> familiar
>>> at
>>> | all with the Panda software. Maybe someone will come along soon that
>>> can
>>> | comment on your question.
>>> |
>>> | **Thanks for your straight-forward reply, Peter. I'll wait patiently!
>>> :)
>>> |
>>> | As far as IP addresses go you do know that they can be spoofed and
>>> some
>>> | people do it .
>>> | You have been in a similar situation yourself when you had your ID
>>> stolen
>>> in
>>> | the past so you know what kind of situation it can create
>>> |
>>> | **Indeed - your memory serves you well (this time!) However, that does
>>> *not*
>>> | explain why posts from you here invariably have different IP addresses
>>> when
>>> | the day changes. You cannot, surely, be suggesting that when folk
>>> visit
>>> | /this/ group and see the name of Peter Foldes that it isn't really
>>> you?
>>> | People tend to see a name they trust and follow the advice given - how
>>> easy
>>> | it would be to mislead vulnerable folk in such a scenario. So I ask
>>> you
>>> once
>>> | again, politely., the reason for the constant change in your IP
>>> address.
>>> |
>>> | BD
>>> |
>>> |
>>> ______________________________________________________________________________________
>>> |
>>> | "BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
>>> | news:%23%23FF5pA0HHA.484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>> | > Hello Peter! Thank you for the reminder.
>>> | >
>>> | > It would, though, have been even more helpful had you also given
>>> your
>>> view
>>> | > on the new facility from Panda as I'd requested.
>>> | >
>>> | > Whilst I'm here I noted that your IP address is currently
>>> | > Having checked your other posts on this group since 31 May, each IP
>>> | > address
>>> | > is different (save for on 5 July when 3 replies were made on the
>>> same
>>> | > day).
>>> | > The previous training given by you - to me - suggested that an IP
>>> address
>>> | > may be used to identify a particular poster. Others posting here
>>> *do*
>>> | > maintain the same IP address. Will you, please, explain why yours
>>> changes?
>>> | >
>>> | > An additional query. On a separate newsgroup, on a private server,
>>> the
>>> IP
>>> | > address of a poster is shown as, viz:-
>>> | >
>>> | > X-Trace: dogagent.com 1185373384 26976 (25 Jul 2007
>>> 14:23:04
>>> | > GMT)
>>> | >
>>> | > I'd be grateful if you, or anyone else knowledgeable on such
>>> matters,
>>> | > would
>>> | > comment on this. Thank you.
>>> | >
>>> | > David
>>> | >
>>> | > ***************************************
>>> | >
>>> | >
>>> | > "Peter Foldes" <okf22@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>>> | > news:%23e7LSG$zHHA.5152@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>> | > multiposted not crossposted. Even worse
>>> | >
>>> | >
>>> | > http://www.blakjak.demon.co.uk/mul_crss.htm
>>> | > --
>>> | > Peter
>>> | >
>>> | > Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
>>> | > Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be
>>> acknowledged.
>>> | >
>>> | > "BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
>>> | > news:uRDXih8zHHA.4004@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>> | >> Forgive the cross-post but, on reflection, I felt this might be a
>>> more
>>> | >> appropriate place to ask this question!
>>> | >>
>>> | >> Hi - just wondering is any of the gurus here have tried it and
>>> might
>>> wish
>>> | >> to
>>> | >> comment: See: http://www.nanoscan.com/
>>> | >>
>>> | >> David
>>> | >>
>>> | >>
>>> | >
>>> | >
>>> |
>>> |



David H. Lipman

From: "Kerry Brown" <kerry@kdbNOSPAMsys-tems.c*a*m>

| As do I, but David doesn't trust me either. He has in the past accused me of
| being a terrorist. His posts are best ignored. If he gets you in his sites
| he will follow you around Usenet and web forums casting aspersions on your
| character. In my case he was suspicious because I use the nickname TechB in
| some online web forums and my real name on Usenet. In his twisted, paranoid
| logic somehow this equated to me being linked to terrorism.

That is truly unfortunate. :-(


David H. Lipman

From: "BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid>

| I hear you, David.
| Perhaps you have met him face-to-face and/or have some other way of being
| /certain/ that THIS Peter Foldes is a completely separate persona to the
| 'individual' who was providing help and advice on
| annexcafe.general.user2user and annexcafe.uk.general.user2user - until
| 'Registration' was required there a few months ago.
| My own experience tells me, simply by his style of writing and attitude,
| that it is one and the same person. I cannot ask further questions at
| Annexcafe as I have been asked to leave what I'm told is a private server
| (they tell me that it's a much safer environment there!). The style and
| attitude of Derek Feldman is remarkably similar!
| There really is no way of knowing who one can really trust on-line, is there
| David?
| David.

There are many levels of trust and they relate to context.
Compartmentize your trust based upon context.



Are you telling me that the Peter who posted on Annexcafe is *not* the same

If you are, I'd be very interested to learn exactly *how* you know this,


"David H. Lipman" <DLipman~nospam~@Verizon.Net> wrote in message
> From: "BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid>
> | That's good to know, David. Phil appears genuine and I have no reason to
> | think otherwise.
> |
> | OTOH - Peter Foldes has been tracked by me for well over 18 months.
> |
> | David
> |
> There is absolutely ZERO reason to track (stalk ?) Peter.
> --
> Dave
> http://www.claymania.com/removal-trojan-adware.html
> http://www.ik-cs.com/got-a-virus.htm


Really...WHO CARES? This is a newsgroup about .security.virus, not who you
can trust on usenet. Simple, short answer, don't trust anyone. If you've
been "tracking" someone for 18 months then you are fixated on them. Life's
too short for that crap and this thread is too long for this crap. Case

"BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> Are you telling me that the Peter who posted on Annexcafe is *not* the
> same person?
> If you are, I'd be very interested to learn exactly *how* you know this,
> David.
> David
> *****************************************************************
> "David H. Lipman" <DLipman~nospam~@Verizon.Net> wrote in message
> news:%23fgKr2T0HHA.1208@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>> From: "BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid>
>> | That's good to know, David. Phil appears genuine and I have no reason
>> to
>> | think otherwise.
>> |
>> | OTOH - Peter Foldes has been tracked by me for well over 18 months.
>> |
>> | David
>> |
>> There is absolutely ZERO reason to track (stalk ?) Peter.
>> --
>> Dave
>> http://www.claymania.com/removal-trojan-adware.html
>> http://www.ik-cs.com/got-a-virus.htm



Hello Peter.

I have posted below a relatively recent post you made (or should I stress
'apparently' by you?) in which you state that you have a T3 connection
(perhaps for valid reasons - but I don't know what they may be). I should
like to know if you confirm or deny that *you* posted this message - others
may possibly be interested too. The posting style seems /remarkably/ similar
to your posts on the MS newsgroups.

'Peter Foldes' was a regular 'adviser' on both Annexcafe U2U groups - but
isn't posting there nowadays - instead it is a persona called Derek Feldman
(who's IP address is, coincidently (?) exactly the same as yours!). My take
is that someone here is telling Porkie Pies.


Here's a comparison table http://www.dslreports.com/archive

Your T3 figures appeared absolutely outstanding, Peter.
I had no idea what T3 was so went to Google. This is what I found


In essence it said:-
T-3 lines are used mainly by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) connecting to
the Internet backbone and for the backbone itself.


"Peter Foldes" <okf22@hotmail.com> wrote in message
Receive speed 8230 on Sympatico and 93937kbps on T3. Upload speed on
Sympatico is 6839 and on T3 75497


This posting is provided "as is" with no warranties and confers no rights

Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.

"Peter Foldes" <okf22@hotmail.com> wrote in message
Hello David

This will be the last time I will involve myself with this delusional query
of yours. I was born as Peter Foldes and I stay as such and post as such
across the newsgroups. If you have any doubts about this person on another
newsgroup server who is named Derek Feldman then may I suggest that you go
and ask this person there why his name is Derek and why is he\she\is posting
using his\her name as Derek Feldman.

I have nothing to do with this person and I do not wish to either. Also I do
not know who she\he is.
As far as not trusting me for the answers that I post to you on your issues
, then that is your prerogative and either you take it or you do not.

This is the last time I will involve myself with you on this name changing
subject which you keep on bringing up and waiting bandwidth here for no

Now, may I ask you , did you solve your issues as far as what you have
posted concerning your computer.

Thanks David and have a nice day and weekend

Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.

"BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> No worries on timing Peter.
> You will no doubt read the comment between Phil and me here. PLEASE will
> you
> give a brief explanation of why I or, indeed, anyone else should trust YOU
> (especially as you are now giving advice at -
> annexcafe.general.user2user -
> using the mame of Derek Feldman) I do not understand why you would wish to
> change your posing 'nick'. :)
> David
> "Peter Foldes" <okf22@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:%237ttoaJ0HHA.3400@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> Sorry I could not get back to you sooner Dave but I see that Phil has
> explained to you correctly and in detail.
> --
> Peter
> Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
> Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.
> "BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> news:e8TIJCI0HHA.1188@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> Phew! Thanks for all that, Phil! I really appreciate the time and
>> trouble
>> you have taken to respond so comprehensively.
>> Dare I ask you for further comment? <g> I will anyway!
>> When posting to a newsgroup on a private server, it seems that
>> anyone/everyone can identify me, regardless of user name employed. Whilst
>> I
>> fully appreciate that an individual has a certain style (which can be
>> 'fudged' - obfuscated, if you will) if the IP address changes as you say
>> (and I believe you!) can you suggest an alternate way they can identify
>> someone without having installed some form of 'reporting' malware on
>> one's
>> PC?
>> I'd value your advice. TIA.
>> David
>> ******************************************************************************************************
>> "Phil Weldon" <not.disclosed@example.com> wrote in message
>> news:Wwqqi.12398$Od7.11531@newsread1.news.pas.earthlink.net...
>>> 'BoaterDave' wrote, in part:
>>> | **Indeed - your memory serves you well (this time!) However, that does
>>> *not*
>>> | explain why posts from you here invariably have different IP addresses
>>> when
>>> | the day changes. You cannot, surely, be suggesting that when folk
>>> visit
>>> | /this/ group and see the name of Peter Foldes that it isn't really
>>> you?
>>> | People tend to see a name they trust and follow the advice given - how
>>> easy
>>> | it would be to mislead vulnerable folk in such a scenario. So I ask
>>> you
>>> once
>>> | again, politely., the reason for the constant change in your IP
>>> address.
>>> _____
>>> In the main, for DSL, an IP address is assigned dynamically to a
>>> customer.
>>> Each time a system (or for some setups the modem) connects to the ISP,
>>> the
>>> ISP assigns a new IP address from the block allocated to the ISP. A
>>> static
>>> IP address costs extra. If, for example, you were to examine the
>>> headers
>>> for my posts to this newsgroup, you would usually see a different IP
>>> address
>>> on posts from different days. Each IP address would be picked more or
>>> less
>>> at random from the block assigned to the ISP. With a large IP like
>>> mine,
>>> that would be from a address space of millions. If you look at my posts
>>> with time stamps more than a few days apart the IP address is different.
>>> The IP address associated with your post is from the block assigned to
>>> AOL
>>> ( -, an IP address space of just over
>>> 1,500,000.
>>> My current IP address is as I make this post is If I
>>> disconnect my DSL modem, and post again, the IP address in that second
>>> post
>>> will be different. So newsgroup identities are exactly as you thought.
>>> There is no way to identify a newsgroup poster from the IP address in
>>> the
>>> post headers, even if the headers are completely legitimate without the
>>> cooperation of the ISP because you need the records the ISP keeps to
>>> match
>>> an IP address with the customer AT THE TIME THE POST WAS MADE. Even if
>>> the
>>> customers IP address is static, though you might assume the identity of
>>> the
>>> poster, you'd still need the account records. This should take a court
>>> order or a 'national security letter' these days.
>>> Some naive trolls who use different sock puppet posting names are
>>> exposed
>>> when [they post from a small ISP (because the pool of ISP addresses is
>>> small) or when they post from a static IP address] AND the style is
>>> suspiciously similar. But that is just exposure of sock puppets, NOT
>>> actually matching a real identity to a post.
>>> As for your original question, which I think is about Panda nanoscan
>>> (ALL
>>> the information for a newsgroup post should be in the BODY of the
>>> message -
>>> the 'Subject' line should be a short phrase to indicate the content of
>>> the
>>> message). My thoughts on Panda nanoscan: there is no compelling reason
>>> to
>>> try it. On the down side it is 'Beta' (may have bugs, is not ready for
>>> release, is at present for Panda's benefit, not the user's benefit), it
>>> can't be very thorough in 20 seconds, requires installing active-x
>>> controls,
>>> really gives no assurance that the scanned system is clean, and requires
>>> an
>>> active connection to the internet. On the up side, it is very quick.
>>> Phil Weldon
>>> "BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
>>> news:uj8F0CF0HHA.5644@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>> | In-line responses
>>> |
>>> | "Peter Foldes" <okf22@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>>> | news:OCx$NTE0HHA.1184@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>> | Sorry Dave . But I cannot comment on your request since I am not
>>> familiar
>>> at
>>> | all with the Panda software. Maybe someone will come along soon that
>>> can
>>> | comment on your question.
>>> |
>>> | **Thanks for your straight-forward reply, Peter. I'll wait patiently!
>>> :)
>>> |
>>> | As far as IP addresses go you do know that they can be spoofed and
>>> some
>>> | people do it .
>>> | You have been in a similar situation yourself when you had your ID
>>> stolen
>>> in
>>> | the past so you know what kind of situation it can create
>>> |
>>> | **Indeed - your memory serves you well (this time!) However, that does
>>> *not*
>>> | explain why posts from you here invariably have different IP addresses
>>> when
>>> | the day changes. You cannot, surely, be suggesting that when folk
>>> visit
>>> | /this/ group and see the name of Peter Foldes that it isn't really
>>> you?
>>> | People tend to see a name they trust and follow the advice given - how
>>> easy
>>> | it would be to mislead vulnerable folk in such a scenario. So I ask
>>> you
>>> once
>>> | again, politely., the reason for the constant change in your IP
>>> address.
>>> |
>>> | BD
>>> |
>>> |
>>> ______________________________________________________________________________________
>>> |
>>> | "BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
>>> | news:%23%23FF5pA0HHA.484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>> | > Hello Peter! Thank you for the reminder.
>>> | >
>>> | > It would, though, have been even more helpful had you also given
>>> your
>>> view
>>> | > on the new facility from Panda as I'd requested.
>>> | >
>>> | > Whilst I'm here I noted that your IP address is currently
>>> | > Having checked your other posts on this group since 31 May, each IP
>>> | > address
>>> | > is different (save for on 5 July when 3 replies were made on the
>>> same
>>> | > day).
>>> | > The previous training given by you - to me - suggested that an IP
>>> address
>>> | > may be used to identify a particular poster. Others posting here
>>> *do*
>>> | > maintain the same IP address. Will you, please, explain why yours
>>> changes?
>>> | >
>>> | > An additional query. On a separate newsgroup, on a private server,
>>> the
>>> IP
>>> | > address of a poster is shown as, viz:-
>>> | >
>>> | > X-Trace: dogagent.com 1185373384 26976 (25 Jul 2007
>>> 14:23:04
>>> | > GMT)
>>> | >
>>> | > I'd be grateful if you, or anyone else knowledgeable on such
>>> matters,
>>> | > would
>>> | > comment on this. Thank you.
>>> | >
>>> | > David
>>> | >
>>> | > ***************************************
>>> | >
>>> | >
>>> | > "Peter Foldes" <okf22@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>>> | > news:%23e7LSG$zHHA.5152@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>> | > multiposted not crossposted. Even worse
>>> | >
>>> | >
>>> | > http://www.blakjak.demon.co.uk/mul_crss.htm
>>> | > --
>>> | > Peter
>>> | >
>>> | > Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
>>> | > Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be
>>> acknowledged.
>>> | >
>>> | > "BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
>>> | > news:uRDXih8zHHA.4004@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>> | >> Forgive the cross-post but, on reflection, I felt this might be a
>>> more
>>> | >> appropriate place to ask this question!
>>> | >>
>>> | >> Hi - just wondering is any of the gurus here have tried it and
>>> might
>>> wish
>>> | >> to
>>> | >> comment: See: http://www.nanoscan.com/
>>> | >>
>>> | >> David
>>> | >>
>>> | >>
>>> | >
>>> | >
>>> |
>>> |



Dave H

I see what you are driving at, David.
Maybe they are educated, and making educated guesses?
Or maybe you should look into reasons why they stretch to doing this.
Are you being a nuisance, making ridiculous claims, defaming or following
people onto other groups or servers? Those sort of things would do it.

BTW, when you enter a server like this, or another private nntp server, you
are dipping into their computer, they are allowing you to that.
Now I know what you are thinking, can the give you a virus or infection via
a download or link. No doubt it is possible, but then again many people
would also have done the same thing as you, and would be howling for blood.
Maybe if you don't understand the nature of things like this, you should
leave well alone?

Now I run a private nntp server myself, done for just for the pleasure of
sharing, and knowing I can run a safe (as any can be) place, and would find
it insulting that you would consider myself, or any visitors, were tricking
you to install something. I would have to ban you for such thoughts, or make
it so you can't post such disruptive/paranoid things to upset a community. I
would also ban anyone that harmed another's computer, or at least prevent
them from posting.

Dave H

"BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> Phew! Thanks for all that, Phil! I really appreciate the time and trouble
> you have taken to respond so comprehensively.
> Dare I ask you for further comment? <g> I will anyway!
> When posting to a newsgroup on a private server, it seems that
> anyone/everyone can identify me, regardless of user name employed. Whilst
> I fully appreciate that an individual has a certain style (which can be
> 'fudged' - obfuscated, if you will) if the IP address changes as you say
> (and I believe you!) can you suggest an alternate way they can identify
> someone without having installed some form of 'reporting' malware on one's
> PC?
> I'd value your advice. TIA.
> David
> ******************************************************************************************************
> "Phil Weldon" <not.disclosed@example.com> wrote in message
> news:Wwqqi.12398$Od7.11531@newsread1.news.pas.earthlink.net...
>> 'BoaterDave' wrote, in part:
>> | **Indeed - your memory serves you well (this time!) However, that does
>> *not*
>> | explain why posts from you here invariably have different IP addresses
>> when
>> | the day changes. You cannot, surely, be suggesting that when folk visit
>> | /this/ group and see the name of Peter Foldes that it isn't really you?
>> | People tend to see a name they trust and follow the advice given - how
>> easy
>> | it would be to mislead vulnerable folk in such a scenario. So I ask you
>> once
>> | again, politely., the reason for the constant change in your IP
>> address.
>> _____
>> In the main, for DSL, an IP address is assigned dynamically to a
>> customer.
>> Each time a system (or for some setups the modem) connects to the ISP,
>> the
>> ISP assigns a new IP address from the block allocated to the ISP. A
>> static
>> IP address costs extra. If, for example, you were to examine the headers
>> for my posts to this newsgroup, you would usually see a different IP
>> address
>> on posts from different days. Each IP address would be picked more or
>> less
>> at random from the block assigned to the ISP. With a large IP like mine,
>> that would be from a address space of millions. If you look at my posts
>> with time stamps more than a few days apart the IP address is different.
>> The IP address associated with your post is from the block assigned to
>> AOL
>> ( -, an IP address space of just over
>> 1,500,000.
>> My current IP address is as I make this post is If I
>> disconnect my DSL modem, and post again, the IP address in that second
>> post
>> will be different. So newsgroup identities are exactly as you thought.
>> There is no way to identify a newsgroup poster from the IP address in the
>> post headers, even if the headers are completely legitimate without the
>> cooperation of the ISP because you need the records the ISP keeps to
>> match
>> an IP address with the customer AT THE TIME THE POST WAS MADE. Even if
>> the
>> customers IP address is static, though you might assume the identity of
>> the
>> poster, you'd still need the account records. This should take a court
>> order or a 'national security letter' these days.
>> Some naive trolls who use different sock puppet posting names are exposed
>> when [they post from a small ISP (because the pool of ISP addresses is
>> small) or when they post from a static IP address] AND the style is
>> suspiciously similar. But that is just exposure of sock puppets, NOT
>> actually matching a real identity to a post.
>> As for your original question, which I think is about Panda nanoscan (ALL
>> the information for a newsgroup post should be in the BODY of the
>> message -
>> the 'Subject' line should be a short phrase to indicate the content of
>> the
>> message). My thoughts on Panda nanoscan: there is no compelling reason
>> to
>> try it. On the down side it is 'Beta' (may have bugs, is not ready for
>> release, is at present for Panda's benefit, not the user's benefit), it
>> can't be very thorough in 20 seconds, requires installing active-x
>> controls,
>> really gives no assurance that the scanned system is clean, and requires
>> an
>> active connection to the internet. On the up side, it is very quick.
>> Phil Weldon
>> "BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
>> news:uj8F0CF0HHA.5644@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> | In-line responses
>> |
>> | "Peter Foldes" <okf22@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>> | news:OCx$NTE0HHA.1184@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> | Sorry Dave . But I cannot comment on your request since I am not
>> familiar
>> at
>> | all with the Panda software. Maybe someone will come along soon that
>> can
>> | comment on your question.
>> |
>> | **Thanks for your straight-forward reply, Peter. I'll wait patiently!
>> :)
>> |
>> | As far as IP addresses go you do know that they can be spoofed and some
>> | people do it .
>> | You have been in a similar situation yourself when you had your ID
>> stolen
>> in
>> | the past so you know what kind of situation it can create
>> |
>> | **Indeed - your memory serves you well (this time!) However, that does
>> *not*
>> | explain why posts from you here invariably have different IP addresses
>> when
>> | the day changes. You cannot, surely, be suggesting that when folk visit
>> | /this/ group and see the name of Peter Foldes that it isn't really you?
>> | People tend to see a name they trust and follow the advice given - how
>> easy
>> | it would be to mislead vulnerable folk in such a scenario. So I ask you
>> once
>> | again, politely., the reason for the constant change in your IP
>> address.
>> |
>> | BD
>> |
>> |
>> ______________________________________________________________________________________
>> |
>> | "BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
>> | news:%23%23FF5pA0HHA.484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>> | > Hello Peter! Thank you for the reminder.
>> | >
>> | > It would, though, have been even more helpful had you also given your
>> view
>> | > on the new facility from Panda as I'd requested.
>> | >
>> | > Whilst I'm here I noted that your IP address is currently
>> | > Having checked your other posts on this group since 31 May, each IP
>> | > address
>> | > is different (save for on 5 July when 3 replies were made on the same
>> | > day).
>> | > The previous training given by you - to me - suggested that an IP
>> address
>> | > may be used to identify a particular poster. Others posting here *do*
>> | > maintain the same IP address. Will you, please, explain why yours
>> changes?
>> | >
>> | > An additional query. On a separate newsgroup, on a private server,
>> the
>> IP
>> | > address of a poster is shown as, viz:-
>> | >
>> | > X-Trace: dogagent.com 1185373384 26976 (25 Jul 2007
>> 14:23:04
>> | > GMT)
>> | >
>> | > I'd be grateful if you, or anyone else knowledgeable on such matters,
>> | > would
>> | > comment on this. Thank you.
>> | >
>> | > David
>> | >
>> | > ***************************************
>> | >
>> | >
>> | > "Peter Foldes" <okf22@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>> | > news:%23e7LSG$zHHA.5152@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> | > multiposted not crossposted. Even worse
>> | >
>> | >
>> | > http://www.blakjak.demon.co.uk/mul_crss.htm
>> | > --
>> | > Peter
>> | >
>> | > Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
>> | > Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be
>> acknowledged.
>> | >
>> | > "BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
>> | > news:uRDXih8zHHA.4004@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> | >> Forgive the cross-post but, on reflection, I felt this might be a
>> more
>> | >> appropriate place to ask this question!
>> | >>
>> | >> Hi - just wondering is any of the gurus here have tried it and might
>> wish
>> | >> to
>> | >> comment: See: http://www.nanoscan.com/
>> | >>
>> | >> David
>> | >>
>> | >>
>> | >
>> | >
>> |
>> |


Dave H

Occasionally I have to look for people who might cause me bother.
The tool I use for identifying such persons is freeware, called My Nose.
I would steer away from that newsgroup, they obviously have found something
about you that has rubbed them up the wrong way.

Dave H

"BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> Hello again Phil - slight misunderstanding I fear!
> I'm actually using the McAfee Internet Security Suite supplied (at extra
> cost!) with my AOL (UK) subscription
> + Windows Defender, AVG Anti-Spyware 7.5 and Ad-Aware 2007 - all up to
> date
> on Windows XP Home, SP2 and all updates.
> I was referring in my comment to those on another newsgroup who seem
> adamant
> that they can identify me regardless of my selected 'nick' for posting
> purposes. If my IP doesn't give me away, I was wondering what other 'spy'
> might be being used to identify me.
> David
> *************************************************************************************************
> "Phil Weldon" <not.disclosed@example.com> wrote in message
> news:uRsqi.11417$rR.9799@newsread2.news.pas.earthlink.net...
>> 'BoaterDave' wrote:
>> | So it seems that they are lying - or I have malware (again!) on my PC!
>> | Now I've got to determine which it is!
>> _____
>> No, not lying - 'Beta' is a warning label that the software may not work
>> as
>> intended. You should not depend on 'Beta' software for critical
>> operations
>> (and keeping your system free of malware is a critical operation.) And
>> even
>> antimalware in production can give false alerts. If you are going to use
>> an
>> on-line scan, pick one that is NOT 'beta' and that is more thorough than
>> 'Nanoscan'. Symantec and other antimalware publishers have more thorough
>> on-line scans
>> As a comparison, the Symantec on-line virus scanner will scan every file
>> on
>> a system and take 20 minutes or more (fast system with > 100,000 files)
>> while 'Nanoscan' checks, on the same system in 20 seconds, well, who
>> knows?
>> ( I would imagine 'Nanoscan' checks memory, the registry, and whatever
>> else
>> it can in 20 seconds. Something like 'Nanoscan' might eventually be an
>> quick supplement to other malware detectors, but only a minor supplement.
>> What antimalware protection do you use, and is it up-to-date (an in
>> either
>> the very latest definitions or definitions updated within the last two
>> days)?
>> Phil Weldon
>> Phil Weldon
>> "BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
>> news:eXSXPTI0HHA.3940@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> | So it seems that they are lying - or I have malware (again!) on my PC!
>> | Now I've got to determine which it is!
>> |
>> | Thanks for your coments, Phil.
>> |
>> | BD
>> | ******************************************************
>> | "Phil Weldon" <not.disclosed@example.com> wrote in message
>> | news:EBrqi.11448$tj6.10470@newsread4.news.pas.earthlink.net...
>> | > 'BoaterDave' wrote, in part:
>> | > | When posting to a newsgroup on a private server, it seems that
>> | > | anyone/everyone can identify me, regardless of user name employed.
>> | > Whilst
>> | > I
>> | > | fully appreciate that an individual has a certain style (which can
>> be
>> | > | 'fudged' - obfuscated, if you will) if the IP address changes as
>> you
>> say
>> | > | (and I believe you!) can you suggest an alternate way they can
>> identify
>> | > | someone without having installed some form of 'reporting' malware
>> on
>> | > one's
>> | > | PC?
>> | > _____
>> | >
>> | > In the USA be George W. Bush, Alberto Gonzales, or Dick Cheney, bribe
>> the
>> | > ISP, or actually get a court order B^)
>> | >
>> | > Phil Weldon
>> | >
>> | > "BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
>> | > news:e8TIJCI0HHA.1188@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> | > | Phew! Thanks for all that, Phil! I really appreciate the time and
>> | > trouble
>> | > | you have taken to respond so comprehensively.
>> | > |
>> | > | Dare I ask you for further comment? <g> I will anyway!
>> | > |
>> | > | When posting to a newsgroup on a private server, it seems that
>> | > | anyone/everyone can identify me, regardless of user name employed.
>> | > Whilst
>> | > I
>> | > | fully appreciate that an individual has a certain style (which can
>> be
>> | > | 'fudged' - obfuscated, if you will) if the IP address changes as
>> you
>> say
>> | > | (and I believe you!) can you suggest an alternate way they can
>> identify
>> | > | someone without having installed some form of 'reporting' malware
>> on
>> | > one's
>> | > | PC?
>> | > |
>> | > | I'd value your advice. TIA.
>> | > |
>> | > | David
>> | > |
>> | > |
>> | >
>> ******************************************************************************************************
>> | > | "Phil Weldon" <not.disclosed@example.com> wrote in message
>> | > | news:Wwqqi.12398$Od7.11531@newsread1.news.pas.earthlink.net...
>> | > | > 'BoaterDave' wrote, in part:
>> | > | > | **Indeed - your memory serves you well (this time!) However,
>> that
>> | > does
>> | > | > *not*
>> | > | > | explain why posts from you here invariably have different IP
>> | > addresses
>> | > | > when
>> | > | > | the day changes. You cannot, surely, be suggesting that when
>> folk
>> | > visit
>> | > | > | /this/ group and see the name of Peter Foldes that it isn't
>> really
>> | > you?
>> | > | > | People tend to see a name they trust and follow the advice
>> given -
>> | > how
>> | > | > easy
>> | > | > | it would be to mislead vulnerable folk in such a scenario. So I
>> ask
>> | > you
>> | > | > once
>> | > | > | again, politely., the reason for the constant change in your IP
>> | > address.
>> | > | > _____
>> | > | >
>> | > | > In the main, for DSL, an IP address is assigned dynamically to a
>> | > customer.
>> | > | > Each time a system (or for some setups the modem) connects to the
>> ISP,
>> | > the
>> | > | > ISP assigns a new IP address from the block allocated to the ISP.
>> A
>> | > | > static
>> | > | > IP address costs extra. If, for example, you were to examine the
>> | > headers
>> | > | > for my posts to this newsgroup, you would usually see a different
>> IP
>> | > | > address
>> | > | > on posts from different days. Each IP address would be picked
>> more
>> or
>> | > | > less
>> | > | > at random from the block assigned to the ISP. With a large IP
>> like
>> | > mine,
>> | > | > that would be from a address space of millions. If you look at
>> my
>> | > posts
>> | > | > with time stamps more than a few days apart the IP address is
>> | > different.
>> | > | > The IP address associated with your post is from the block
>> assigned
>> to
>> | > AOL
>> | > | > ( -, an IP address space of just over
>> | > | > 1,500,000.
>> | > | > My current IP address is as I make this post is
>> If
>> I
>> | > | > disconnect my DSL modem, and post again, the IP address in that
>> second
>> | > | > post
>> | > | > will be different. So newsgroup identities are exactly as you
>> | > thought.
>> | > | >
>> | > | > There is no way to identify a newsgroup poster from the IP
>> address
>> in
>> | > the
>> | > | > post headers, even if the headers are completely legitimate
>> without
>> | > the
>> | > | > cooperation of the ISP because you need the records the ISP keeps
>> to
>> | > match
>> | > | > an IP address with the customer AT THE TIME THE POST WAS MADE.
>> Even
>> | > if
>> | > | > the
>> | > | > customers IP address is static, though you might assume the
>> identity
>> | > of
>> | > | > the
>> | > | > poster, you'd still need the account records. This should take a
>> | > court
>> | > | > order or a 'national security letter' these days.
>> | > | >
>> | > | > Some naive trolls who use different sock puppet posting names are
>> | > exposed
>> | > | > when [they post from a small ISP (because the pool of ISP
>> addresses
>> is
>> | > | > small) or when they post from a static IP address] AND the style
>> is
>> | > | > suspiciously similar. But that is just exposure of sock puppets,
>> NOT
>> | > | > actually matching a real identity to a post.
>> | > | >
>> | > | > As for your original question, which I think is about Panda
>> nanoscan
>> | > (ALL
>> | > | > the information for a newsgroup post should be in the BODY of the
>> | > | > message -
>> | > | > the 'Subject' line should be a short phrase to indicate the
>> content
>> of
>> | > the
>> | > | > message). My thoughts on Panda nanoscan: there is no compelling
>> | > reason
>> | > | > to
>> | > | > try it. On the down side it is 'Beta' (may have bugs, is not
>> ready
>> | > for
>> | > | > release, is at present for Panda's benefit, not the user's
>> benefit),
>> | > it
>> | > | > can't be very thorough in 20 seconds, requires installing
>> active-x
>> | > | > controls,
>> | > | > really gives no assurance that the scanned system is clean, and
>> | > requires
>> | > | > an
>> | > | > active connection to the internet. On the up side, it is very
>> quick.
>> | > | >
>> | > | > Phil Weldon
>> | > | >
>> | > | >
>> | > | >
>> | > | > "BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
>> | > | > news:uj8F0CF0HHA.5644@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> | > | > | In-line responses
>> | > | > |
>> | > | > | "Peter Foldes" <okf22@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>> | > | > | news:OCx$NTE0HHA.1184@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> | > | > | Sorry Dave . But I cannot comment on your request since I am
>> not
>> | > | > familiar
>> | > | > at
>> | > | > | all with the Panda software. Maybe someone will come along soon
>> that
>> | > can
>> | > | > | comment on your question.
>> | > | > |
>> | > | > | **Thanks for your straight-forward reply, Peter. I'll wait
>> | > patiently!
>> | > :)
>> | > | > |
>> | > | > | As far as IP addresses go you do know that they can be spoofed
>> and
>>| > some
>> | > | > | people do it .
>> | > | > | You have been in a similar situation yourself when you had your
>> ID
>> | > | > stolen
>> | > | > in
>> | > | > | the past so you know what kind of situation it can create
>> | > | > |
>> | > | > | **Indeed - your memory serves you well (this time!) However,
>> that
>> | > does
>> | > | > *not*
>> | > | > | explain why posts from you here invariably have different IP
>> | > addresses
>> | > | > when
>> | > | > | the day changes. You cannot, surely, be suggesting that when
>> folk
>> | > visit
>> | > | > | /this/ group and see the name of Peter Foldes that it isn't
>> really
>> | > you?
>> | > | > | People tend to see a name they trust and follow the advice
>> given -
>> | > how
>> | > | > easy
>> | > | > | it would be to mislead vulnerable folk in such a scenario. So I
>> ask
>> | > you
>> | > | > once
>> | > | > | again, politely., the reason for the constant change in your IP
>> | > address.
>> | > | > |
>> | > | > | BD
>> | > | > |
>> | > | > |
>> | > | >
>> | >
>> ______________________________________________________________________________________
>> | > | > |
>> | > | > | "BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
>> | > | > | news:%23%23FF5pA0HHA.484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>> | > | > | > Hello Peter! Thank you for the reminder.
>> | > | > | >
>> | > | > | > It would, though, have been even more helpful had you also
>> given
>> | > your
>> | > | > view
>> | > | > | > on the new facility from Panda as I'd requested.
>> | > | > | >
>> | > | > | > Whilst I'm here I noted that your IP address is currently
>> | > | >
>> | > | > | > Having checked your other posts on this group since 31 May,
>> each
>> | > IP
>> | > | > | > address
>> | > | > | > is different (save for on 5 July when 3 replies were made on
>> the
>> | > same
>> | > | > | > day).
>> | > | > | > The previous training given by you - to me - suggested that
>> an
>> IP
>> | > | > address
>> | > | > | > may be used to identify a particular poster. Others posting
>> here
>> | > *do*
>> | > | > | > maintain the same IP address. Will you, please, explain why
>> yours
>> | > | > changes?
>> | > | > | >
>> | > | > | > An additional query. On a separate newsgroup, on a private
>> server,
>> | > the
>> | > | > IP
>> | > | > | > address of a poster is shown as, viz:-
>> | > | > | >
>> | > | > | > X-Trace: dogagent.com 1185373384 26976 (25 Jul 2007
>> | > 14:23:04
>> | > | > | > GMT)
>> | > | > | >
>> | > | > | > I'd be grateful if you, or anyone else knowledgeable on such
>> | > matters,
>> | > | > | > would
>> | > | > | > comment on this. Thank you.
>> | > | > | >
>> | > | > | > David
>> | > | > | >
>> | > | > | > ***************************************
>> | > | > | >
>> | > | > | >
>> | > | > | > "Peter Foldes" <okf22@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>> | > | > | > news:%23e7LSG$zHHA.5152@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> | > | > | > multiposted not crossposted. Even worse
>> | > | > | >
>> | > | > | >
>> | > | > | > http://www.blakjak.demon.co.uk/mul_crss.htm
>> | > | > | > --
>> | > | > | > Peter
>> | > | > | >
>> | > | > | > Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
>> | > | > | > Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be
>> | > acknowledged.
>> | > | > | >
>> | > | > | > "BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
>> | > | > | > news:uRDXih8zHHA.4004@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> | > | > | >> Forgive the cross-post but, on reflection, I felt this might
>> be
>> a
>> | > | > more
>> | > | > | >> appropriate place to ask this question!
>> | > | > | >>
>> | > | > | >> Hi - just wondering is any of the gurus here have tried it
>> and
>> | > might
>> | > | > wish
>> | > | > | >> to
>> | > | > | >> comment: See: http://www.nanoscan.com/
>> | > | > | >>
>> | > | > | >> David
>> | > | > | >>
>> | > | > | >>
>> | > | > | >
>> | > | > | >
>> | > | > |
>> | > | > |
>> | > | >
>> | > | >
>> | > |
>> | > |
>> | >
>> | >
>> |
>> |


Dave H

Kerry, without knowing you, I trust you also. I see on Communities MS has
bestowed you with an MVP icon, that's good enough for me.
Also Peter Foldes and Derek Feldman I would consider trustworthy.
Incidentally, someone, also called Boater Dave, is spouting paranoid things
on my own private server.

Dave H

"Kerry Brown" <kerry@kdbNOSPAMsys-tems.c*a*m> wrote in message
> "David H. Lipman" <DLipman~nospam~@Verizon.Net> wrote in message
> news:u4zdkZS0HHA.5160@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> I tell you why you should "trust" Peter.
>> Because Peter Foldes *IS* trustworthy and I back what he has written in
>> this thread.
>> --
>> Dave
>> http://www.claymania.com/removal-trojan-adware.html
>> http://www.ik-cs.com/got-a-virus.htm

> As do I, but David doesn't trust me either. He has in the past accused me
> of being a terrorist. His posts are best ignored. If he gets you in his
> sites he will follow you around Usenet and web forums casting aspersions
> on your character. In my case he was suspicious because I use the nickname
> TechB in some online web forums and my real name on Usenet. In his
> twisted, paranoid logic somehow this equated to me being linked to
> terrorism.
> --
> Kerry Brown
> Microsoft MVP - Shell/User
> http://www.vistahelp.ca


this is the same BD that has thrown his accusations into my own very small
group on DogAgent?
the same who was reduced to only posting to a Moderated group?
the same who has now been effectively beamed away from DogAgent entirely?
/me chuckles.
thanks for all you do, Dave!

"Dave H" <spambox7@pepedog.com> wrote in message
Kerry, without knowing you, I trust you also. I see on Communities MS has
bestowed you with an MVP icon, that's good enough for me.
Also Peter Foldes and Derek Feldman I would consider trustworthy.
Incidentally, someone, also called Boater Dave, is spouting paranoid things
on my own private server.

Dave H

"Kerry Brown" <kerry@kdbNOSPAMsys-tems.c*a*m> wrote in message
> "David H. Lipman" <DLipman~nospam~@Verizon.Net> wrote in message
> news:u4zdkZS0HHA.5160@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> I tell you why you should "trust" Peter.
>> Because Peter Foldes *IS* trustworthy and I back what he has written in
>> this thread.
>> --
>> Dave
>> http://www.claymania.com/removal-trojan-adware.html
>> http://www.ik-cs.com/got-a-virus.htm

> As do I, but David doesn't trust me either. He has in the past accused me
> of being a terrorist. His posts are best ignored. If he gets you in his
> sites he will follow you around Usenet and web forums casting aspersions
> on your character. In my case he was suspicious because I use the nickname
> TechB in some online web forums and my real name on Usenet. In his
> twisted, paranoid logic somehow this equated to me being linked to
> terrorism.
> --
> Kerry Brown
> Microsoft MVP - Shell/User
> http://www.vistahelp.ca

Dave H

That is the very same guy, not quite banned but has a small posting window.
(for the moment)
To do this, I can search massive log files in seconds, then My Nose comes
into play.

Dave H

"Troll_Lady" <TL@DogAgent.com> wrote in message
> this is the same BD that has thrown his accusations into my own very small
> group on DogAgent?
> the same who was reduced to only posting to a Moderated group?
> the same who has now been effectively beamed away from DogAgent entirely?
> /me chuckles.
> thanks for all you do, Dave!
> TL
> "Dave H" <spambox7@pepedog.com> wrote in message
> news:%23CTOsNe0HHA.3536@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> Kerry, without knowing you, I trust you also. I see on Communities MS has
> bestowed you with an MVP icon, that's good enough for me.
> Also Peter Foldes and Derek Feldman I would consider trustworthy.
> Incidentally, someone, also called Boater Dave, is spouting paranoid
> things
> on my own private server.
> Dave H
> "Kerry Brown" <kerry@kdbNOSPAMsys-tems.c*a*m> wrote in message
> news:E1736F4A-914C-4C90-84B6-D083A5C00AE6@microsoft.com...
>> "David H. Lipman" <DLipman~nospam~@Verizon.Net> wrote in message
>> news:u4zdkZS0HHA.5160@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>> I tell you why you should "trust" Peter.
>>> Because Peter Foldes *IS* trustworthy and I back what he has written in
>>> this thread.
>>> --
>>> Dave
>>> http://www.claymania.com/removal-trojan-adware.html
>>> http://www.ik-cs.com/got-a-virus.htm

>> As do I, but David doesn't trust me either. He has in the past accused me
>> of being a terrorist. His posts are best ignored. If he gets you in his
>> sites he will follow you around Usenet and web forums casting aspersions
>> on your character. In my case he was suspicious because I use the
>> nickname
>> TechB in some online web forums and my real name on Usenet. In his
>> twisted, paranoid logic somehow this equated to me being linked to
>> terrorism.
>> --
>> Kerry Brown
>> Microsoft MVP - Shell/User
>> http://www.vistahelp.ca


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