repost - sptbot question - please help



Let us just break this down for your clarification and mine. (I will
apologize ahead of time for using these confusing capital letters at the
beginning of a sentence and dividing my statements up with little marks,
like a period.)

"how cruel" (by-the-way, the " is a quotation mark, this means that I am
'quoting' something you said)
I will take this as two seperate words, since there is nothing
to indicate otherwise. 'how'.....this could be indian talk for 'hi.' Or,
it could be a question, in and of itself......'how?' Or, it could be the
manner, way, state, extent, amount, degree, reason, purpose, meaning, name,
measure, what, or, as an intensive!! Hey! An 'intensive'...could that
possibly be it? Nah, since you used 'cruel' as the second word, we will go
with manner. So, now we have: In what manner? Cruel.
However, we still have no idea what or who is functioning in a cruel
manner....let's investigate further!

"why do you make fun of people different from you" (really not sure if this
should be taken line by line, just a stab in the dark). First word:
"why." This could be in reference to the reason, cause or purpose, but,
just as easily, it could mean with mild surprise, indignation or impatience.
I have no idea, so, let's just go with the first one....reason. So, now we
have: For what reason (why) do (very good!) you (that would be ME) make fun
of people different from you(?) The simple answer to that one would be, "I
do not" or "I did not." No where in my response did I 'make fun' of anyone!
Show me where you think I did and I will prove you wrong. I digress, let's
move along.

"do you make fun of the diabled [sic] too" (the "[sic]" part means that you
probably mispelled something, but, maybe not) Making some BIG assumptions
here, I will guess that you believe I might 'make fun' of people with dual
abilities, also. Heck no! I am impressed with folks that can do two
things, especially at once! Oh, wait a minute, I bet you really meant
'diSabled', right? Then the answer to that would be, "Heck yes!" Being
handicapped myself, I think it's a riot! Dang waterheads and wheelmasters,
who do they think they are, anyway?? I'm tired of them getting all the good
parking spots! (oops, scratch that.....I would have to give up my blue
placard and park far away!)

"wow" World of Warcraft. I don't know crap about that.

"how sad" Here we go again.....In what manner? Sad. Not me, Honey.
I'm happier than a single fly on a fresh cow plop.

"my problem is with the spybot program" Well, even without capitals and
punctuation, this one is pretty have a problem with the Spybot
application. Let's go further and try to determine what that problem might

"i have no text next to the icons" OK. What icons? Spybot has many
icons, some have text and some do not. It would be real helpful if we knew
just exactly which icons are lacking the text. Have you been messing with
the skins or the color settings???? Is it possible you may have set the
background color the same as the text color? (If they are both the same
color you won't be able to see them when they occupy the same area!) Let's
go on........

"simple" Are you calling me a name? Is the problem simple? Did you
mispell 'pimple?' , etc. Once again, on an assumption, let's figure the
problem is 'simple.' Then I have a question: If the problem is simple, why
do you not have an answer yourself?

"nellie" Lacking a salutation, this may or may not be a name.....probably
not a name....names are CAPITALIZED. Do you know the definition of
'nellie?' Check this out, you may find it amusing (then again, you may
nelly or nellie n. Offensive Slang. , pl. -lies . Used as a disparaging term
for an effeminate homosexual man.
You should probably start using the shift key with the beginning of your
name to avoid any confusion.

I certainly hope this clarifies things. It is truly amazing what a little
punctuation, grammar and structure can do to a sentence and/or paragraph.
Making fun, no, Nellie, not making fun. I laugh WITH you, not AT you. You
must maintain a sense of humor to get by in this world, otherwise, it will
seem 'cruel' to you.

As stated previously, I will be more than happy to help any way I
long as I know the issue.
Heirloom, old and you probably got all of
the last line.

"nellie" <> wrote in message
> how cruel
> why do you make fun of people different from you
> do you make fun of the diabled too
> wow
> how sad
> my problem is with the spybot program
> i have no text next to the icons
> simple
> nellie


"Heirloom" <nobodyhome@noplacelike.hom> wrote in message

snip his bs


u r a cyber bully

thx 4 the help

so not

O.J. Newman


I am not sure what may be causing the problem - and I'm no SpyBot expert,
but I do have one idea that you can try.

1. Start Spybot.
2. On the top menu is a "Mode" button. Click this and then click "Advanced
3. This will cause a series of menu selections to appear in the left hand
4. In the left hand column, click on the "Settings" menu button.
5. Underneath the "Settings" main button, click on the "Settings" sub-menu
button. (Yes, you are going to click on 2 different "Settings" buttons in a
6. At the top left hand corner of the "Settings" windows will be a
"Defaults" menu button. Click this to return all of the settings to their
factory defaults.
7. See if resetting to factory defaults clears up your problem.
8. Now to simplify things, click the "Mode" button on the top menu again.
Then click "Default mode" to get you back to the standard menu options.
(This hides the advanced menu options.)


"Mart" <mart(NoSpam)@nospam.nospam> wrote in message
> I'm only guessing here but do you mean the "Text Labels" beneath each of
> the icons on the Toolbar naming each of the icons. (e.g. Send, Cut, Copy,
> Paste, etc., in Outlook Express)
> If so, right-click on a clear area of the Toolbar and select 'Customise'
> and set "Text Options" to 'Show text labels'.
> And if that isn't your problem, please describe it more detail because,
> like Heirloom, I don't fully understand your question.
> Mart
> "nellie" <> wrote in message
> news:eWIM%23S1cIHA.1208@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> has anyone seen this post
>> will u please help me
>> -------------------------------
>> got another question if u ppl don't mind me asking
>> where the heck did my text go next to icons in this program on top bar &
>> sidebar only
>> all other text showing
>> they went into hiding
>> everything else working fine
>> i betcha with all these replies from my last headache someone out there
>> knows
>> what 2 do
>> thx 2 all
>> nellie


Joan Archer

Why ? I think he gave a very full and informative answer which went a long
way to working out the meaning of your original post.

There is certainly no way that Heirloom can be classed a bully in any shape
or form, oh and by the way did you hurt yourself, you said ouch.

"nellie" <> wrote in message
> "Heirloom" <nobodyhome@noplacelike.hom> wrote in message
> news:OAKrQ5CdIHA.4488@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> snip his bs
> ouch
> u r a cyber bully
> thx 4 the help
> so not

Mike M

Which part of your needing to post to a SpyBot forum for help with SpyBot
do you not understand? This newsgroup is for those having problems with
their Win Me operating system not SpyBot. From what little I understand
of your cryptic shorthand Win Me is not your problem although undoubtedly
you have several.

> u r a cyber bully

Grow up! The man's trying to help you which is more than you ever did.
You could help yourself by listening to others and learning how to use
punctuation and put words together to form legible and understandable
sentences. If that's too difficult for you, ask your parents or teacher
for help. Out of curiosity what is the school leaving age in the Las
Vegas area?
Mike Maltby

nellie <> wrote:

> snip his bs
> ouch
> u r a cyber bully
> thx 4 the help
> so not



Your comments disqualify you from participating in this group, IMHO.
Instead of accepting the help offered, you are attacking the helpers.
That's a "No-No".
Please, leave!


"nellie" <> wrote in message
> "Heirloom" <nobodyhome@noplacelike.hom> wrote in message
> news:OAKrQ5CdIHA.4488@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> snip his bs
> ouch
> u r a cyber bully
> thx 4 the help
> so not


dear oj

you are so kind to try to help me

the problem is in the left hand column and on top

there are no words next to the icons in advanced mode where all the options

system restore
uninstall reinstall
these did not fix it

tried your idea of changing modes to default and back again

somehow i believe my system to be amiss

thank you

"O.J. Newman" <> wrote in message
> Hello:
> I am not sure what may be causing the problem - and I'm no SpyBot expert,
> but I do have one idea that you can try.
> 1. Start Spybot.
> 2. On the top menu is a "Mode" button. Click this and then click "Advanced
> mode."
> 3. This will cause a series of menu selections to appear in the left hand
> column.
> 4. In the left hand column, click on the "Settings" menu button.
> 5. Underneath the "Settings" main button, click on the "Settings" sub-menu
> button. (Yes, you are going to click on 2 different "Settings" buttons in

> row.)
> 6. At the top left hand corner of the "Settings" windows will be a
> "Defaults" menu button. Click this to return all of the settings to their
> factory defaults.
> 7. See if resetting to factory defaults clears up your problem.
> 8. Now to simplify things, click the "Mode" button on the top menu again.
> Then click "Default mode" to get you back to the standard menu options.
> (This hides the advanced menu options.)
> HTH,
> O.J.


"nellie" <> wrote in message
> dear oj
> you are so kind to try to help me

What about all the others who were trying to do just the same, yet you
attacked them and therefore owe them an apology, before anything...

> the problem is in the left hand column and on top
> there are no words next to the icons in advanced mode where all the

> are
> did
> system restore
> uninstall reinstall
> ccleaner
> these did not fix it
> tried your idea of changing modes to default and back again
> somehow i believe my system to be amiss
> thank you
> nellie
> "O.J. Newman" <> wrote in message
> news:OVefcdGdIHA.5164@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> > Hello:
> >
> > I am not sure what may be causing the problem - and I'm no SpyBot

> > but I do have one idea that you can try.
> >
> > 1. Start Spybot.
> > 2. On the top menu is a "Mode" button. Click this and then click

> > mode."
> > 3. This will cause a series of menu selections to appear in the left

> > column.
> > 4. In the left hand column, click on the "Settings" menu button.
> > 5. Underneath the "Settings" main button, click on the "Settings"

> > button. (Yes, you are going to click on 2 different "Settings" buttons

> a
> > row.)
> > 6. At the top left hand corner of the "Settings" windows will be a
> > "Defaults" menu button. Click this to return all of the settings to

> > factory defaults.
> > 7. See if resetting to factory defaults clears up your problem.
> > 8. Now to simplify things, click the "Mode" button on the top menu

> > Then click "Default mode" to get you back to the standard menu options.
> > (This hides the advanced menu options.)
> >
> > HTH,
> > O.J.



"nellie" <> wrote in message
> "Heirloom" <nobodyhome@noplacelike.hom> wrote in message
> news:OAKrQ5CdIHA.4488@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> snip his bs fn w me
> ouch u dzurvit
> u r a cyber bully u r a imichur brat
> thx 4 the help i tryd u wudnt lisn
> so not snot 2 u 2

From my original post, I was trying very hard to determine your issue and to
assist with a resolution. In no way was I cruel, bullish or demeaning. I
asked for a clarification and you responded with more of your childish
jibberish. I am sure a lot of our inability to communicate is a result of a
massive age difference, however, if you wish to advance in this world, you
will need to acquire a vast amount of maturity and acceptable communications
skills. The world of success does NOT revolve around the ability to post
cryptic messages on a cell phone at lightning speed. Find one book, just
one, written in the manner you posted on this forum and I will stand
corrected and sincerely apologize for MY lack of knowledge and ability to
communicate. If you are unable to produce such a book, I will gracefully
accept your apology and admission of unfair accusations.
P.S. I still think your text is present....just the same color as your
background, rendering it invisible. This is based on the fact that I am
unaware of any way to remove the text.
Heirloom, old and still willing to help

O.J. Newman


Since resetting Spybot to factory default settings and then uninstalling and
reinstalling it has not helped, we should look at Heirloom's suggestion of
the text and background colors being the same. As Heirloom said, this would
make the text appear invisible.

The easiest way to reset the color scheme of Windows is as follows:
(I can only give a general outline of what I suggest be done, because my
Windows ME PC is out of commission at the moment, and I am currently using
Windows XP. Maybe someone who is still running Windows ME can give a more
detailed step-by-step set of instructions.)

1. Open the Windows ME "Control Panel" by clicking on the "Control Panel"
menu selection.
2. In the Control Panel, click on the "Display" selection.
3. When the "Display" dialog box appears, you should be on the first tab,
which reads "Themes."
4. Under the "Theme" drop-down list, select "Windows ME" or "Windows
Standard." (I forget what this reads on Windows ME.)
5. Now click on the "Apply" button, then the "OK" button. This should reset
your Windows ME display theme, including text and background color
selections, back to the factory defaults.
6. Now see if the text in Spybot appears.

The above is just a guess, but it might solve the problem that Heirloom


----- Original Message -----
From: "Heirloom" <nobodyhome@noplacelike.hom>
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.windowsme.general
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 3:22 PM
Subject: Re: repost - sptbot question - please help

> P.S. I still think your text is present....just the same color as your
> background, rendering it invisible. This is based on the fact that I am
> unaware of any way to remove the text.
> Heirloom, old and still willing to help


that didnt work oj

i did another clean uninstall reinstall

still think its a registry problem
cant find setting problem



"O.J. Newman" <> wrote in message
> Hello:


> HTH,
> O.J.


If you suspect it to be a (WinMe) registry issue AND (as you seem to imply)
the missing text problem has happened only fairly recently, you could try a
System Restore (assuming your SR points go back far enough) and see if that
corrects the problem.

NB. depending on how far back you need to go could affect any modifications
(hardware/software) you've made to your system since - you may have to
're-do' them.

FWIW - Looking back over previous WinMe NG posts, very few font related
issues seem to have been fixed by any suggestions offered except a fresh,
clean WinMe re-installation.


"nellie" <> wrote in message
> that didnt work oj
> i did another clean uninstall reinstall
> still think its a registry problem
> cant find setting problem
> thanks
> nellie
> "O.J. Newman" <> wrote in message
> news:uHyOJKNdIHA.3736@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> Hello:

> snip
>> HTH,
>> O.J.



At one point she said to have done an SR, I believe, which means the only
thing left would be a fresh, clean re-install. That seems to be quite
radical to me, since only Spybot is affected, don't you think, Mart, and
what's your take on that?


"Mart" <mart(NoSpam)@nospam.nospam> wrote in message
> If you suspect it to be a (WinMe) registry issue AND (as you seem to

> the missing text problem has happened only fairly recently, you could try

> System Restore (assuming your SR points go back far enough) and see if

> corrects the problem.
> NB. depending on how far back you need to go could affect any

> (hardware/software) you've made to your system since - you may have to
> 're-do' them.
> FWIW - Looking back over previous WinMe NG posts, very few font related
> issues seem to have been fixed by any suggestions offered except a fresh,
> clean WinMe re-installation.
> Mart
> "nellie" <> wrote in message
> news:%23KaPusRdIHA.3400@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> > that didnt work oj
> >
> > i did another clean uninstall reinstall
> >
> > still think its a registry problem
> > cant find setting problem
> >
> > thanks
> >
> > nellie
> >
> > "O.J. Newman" <> wrote in message
> > news:uHyOJKNdIHA.3736@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> >> Hello:

> >
> > snip
> >
> >> HTH,
> >> O.J.

> >
> >



Harry wrote :-

> At one point she said to have done an SR

Back to a time when nellie was *absolutely certain* that Spybot's text was
working correctly?

> ... since only Spybot is affected,


> .... and
> what's your take on that?

see my previous FWIW comment.

However, to prolong the agony, I suppose another possibility is to confirm
that ALL remnants of Spybot (folders etc.) are deleted after uninstalling
it. And, search the registry and delete all references to Spybot - but
poking about in the registry goes with the usual health warning. But no
guarantees at the end of it.

Hence my previous observation - and its probably quicker than faffing about
trying to fix it - unless nellie can just live with it.

The topic has now been unresolved for almost a week - a clean install of
WinMe only takes a day - and that includes backing up important data and
re-installing all non-WinMe applications! And the bonus of a clean, lean
machine again too.

If I was paying, I know which option I would choose <g>


"webster72n" <> wrote in message
> At one point she said to have done an SR, I believe, which means the only
> thing left would be a fresh, clean re-install. That seems to be quite
> radical to me, since only Spybot is affected, don't you think, Mart, and
> what's your take on that?
> Harry.
> "Mart" <mart(NoSpam)@nospam.nospam> wrote in message
> news:eMdtanSdIHA.1204@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>> If you suspect it to be a (WinMe) registry issue AND (as you seem to

> imply)
>> the missing text problem has happened only fairly recently, you could try

> a
>> System Restore (assuming your SR points go back far enough) and see if

> that
>> corrects the problem.
>> NB. depending on how far back you need to go could affect any

> modifications
>> (hardware/software) you've made to your system since - you may have to
>> 're-do' them.
>> FWIW - Looking back over previous WinMe NG posts, very few font related
>> issues seem to have been fixed by any suggestions offered except a fresh,
>> clean WinMe re-installation.
>> Mart
>> "nellie" <> wrote in message
>> news:%23KaPusRdIHA.3400@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>> > that didnt work oj
>> >
>> > i did another clean uninstall reinstall
>> >
>> > still think its a registry problem
>> > cant find setting problem
>> >
>> > thanks
>> >
>> > nellie
>> >
>> > "O.J. Newman" <> wrote in message
>> > news:uHyOJKNdIHA.3736@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> >> Hello:
>> >
>> > snip
>> >
>> >> HTH,
>> >> O.J.
>> >
>> >





I do declare my submission and shall refrain from any further involvement.
Along the way I had my share of problems with 'Spybot', but none of them so
serious as this. They could all be fixed with the methods already mentioned
On hand of the given info here, nellie should be able to make up her mind.
I admire your patience.


"Mart" <mart(NoSpam)@nospam.nospam> wrote in message
> Harry wrote :-
> > At one point she said to have done an SR

> Back to a time when nellie was *absolutely certain* that Spybot's text was
> working correctly?
> > ... since only Spybot is affected,

> AFAWK !!
> > .... and
> > what's your take on that?

> see my previous FWIW comment.
> However, to prolong the agony, I suppose another possibility is to confirm
> that ALL remnants of Spybot (folders etc.) are deleted after uninstalling
> it. And, search the registry and delete all references to Spybot - but
> poking about in the registry goes with the usual health warning. But no
> guarantees at the end of it.
> Hence my previous observation - and its probably quicker than faffing

> trying to fix it - unless nellie can just live with it.
> The topic has now been unresolved for almost a week - a clean install of
> WinMe only takes a day - and that includes backing up important data and
> re-installing all non-WinMe applications! And the bonus of a clean, lean
> machine again too.
> If I was paying, I know which option I would choose <g>
> Mart
> "webster72n" <> wrote in message
> news:OCo3rDZdIHA.4144@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> > At one point she said to have done an SR, I believe, which means the

> > thing left would be a fresh, clean re-install. That seems to be quite
> > radical to me, since only Spybot is affected, don't you think, Mart, and
> > what's your take on that?
> >
> > Harry.
> >
> >
> > "Mart" <mart(NoSpam)@nospam.nospam> wrote in message
> > news:eMdtanSdIHA.1204@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> >> If you suspect it to be a (WinMe) registry issue AND (as you seem to

> > imply)
> >> the missing text problem has happened only fairly recently, you could

> > a
> >> System Restore (assuming your SR points go back far enough) and see if

> > that
> >> corrects the problem.
> >>
> >> NB. depending on how far back you need to go could affect any

> > modifications
> >> (hardware/software) you've made to your system since - you may have to
> >> 're-do' them.
> >>
> >> FWIW - Looking back over previous WinMe NG posts, very few font related
> >> issues seem to have been fixed by any suggestions offered except a

> >> clean WinMe re-installation.
> >>
> >> Mart
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> "nellie" <> wrote in message
> >> news:%23KaPusRdIHA.3400@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> >> > that didnt work oj
> >> >
> >> > i did another clean uninstall reinstall
> >> >
> >> > still think its a registry problem
> >> > cant find setting problem
> >> >
> >> > thanks
> >> >
> >> > nellie
> >> >
> >> > "O.J. Newman" <> wrote in message
> >> > news:uHyOJKNdIHA.3736@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> >> >> Hello:
> >> >
> >> > snip
> >> >
> >> >> HTH,
> >> >> O.J.
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >>

> >
> >



Harry wrote :-

> I admire your patience.

Harry, if anyone has tested my patience ... <g>




ROFL!! Want me to finish that??

XX Figgs
PS.....why doesn't Nellie just forget about the minuscule problem with
Spybot and get on with life.

"Mart" <mart(NoSpam)@nospam.nospam> wrote in message
> Harry wrote :-
>> I admire your patience.

> Harry, if anyone has tested my patience ... <g>
> Mart
> <snip>


"Mart" <mart(NoSpam)@nospam.nospam> wrote in message
> Harry wrote :-
> > I admire your patience.

> Harry, if anyone has tested my patience ... <g>

I was hoping you wouldn't...
remember you said something about 'it may come back to haunt us'?
If it weren't for my patience, I might not be here today.
But by grace we all are and that's good, isn't it? <H>.

> Mart
> <snip>


Plenty of patience mixed with a good helping of humour are essential
ingredients in the WinMe news groups, Harry. And talking of haunting, did
you ever dump that old 'reference' hard disk?


"webster72n" <> wrote in message
> "Mart" <mart(NoSpam)@nospam.nospam> wrote in message
> news:OTpf0LadIHA.4696@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> Harry wrote :-
>> > I admire your patience.

>> Harry, if anyone has tested my patience ... <g>

> I was hoping you wouldn't...
> remember you said something about 'it may come back to haunt us'?
> If it weren't for my patience, I might not be here today.
> But by grace we all are and that's good, isn't it? <H>.
>> Mart
>> <snip>



"Mart" <mart(NoSpam)@nospam.nospam> wrote in message
> Plenty of patience mixed with a good helping of humour are essential
> ingredients in the WinMe news groups, Harry. And talking of haunting, did
> you ever dump that old 'reference' hard disk?

and 'destroy the evidence', are you kidding me? <ggg>.

> Mart
> "webster72n" <> wrote in message
> news:OrhyiNbdIHA.5160@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> >
> > "Mart" <mart(NoSpam)@nospam.nospam> wrote in message
> > news:OTpf0LadIHA.4696@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> >> Harry wrote :-
> >>
> >> > I admire your patience.
> >>
> >> Harry, if anyone has tested my patience ... <g>

> >
> > I was hoping you wouldn't...
> > remember you said something about 'it may come back to haunt us'?
> > If it weren't for my patience, I might not be here today.
> > But by grace we all are and that's good, isn't it? <H>.
> >
> >>
> >> Mart
> >>
> >> <snip>
> >>
> >>

> >
> >


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