For PCR, trying to get rid of DEFAULT_MONITOR



Yes the whole key
is gone and stays away until I remove

or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Enum\MONITOR\VSCE41B the registry in
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Monitor starts to
bloat with extra monitors. They are easy to clean out, however, and stay
away once cleaned out.

"PCR" <> wrote in message
> Warren wrote:
> | Okay I managed to clean up a few occurrences of DEFAULT_MONITOR. I
> | still have the following:
> Well, looks like you got rid of the Default_Monitor entries that were in
> the mirror key, HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\Enum. (Under that one, all I've got
> is a puny ACPI sub-key.) And you got rid of the one under...?...
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Monitor\0001
> Is that whole key gone? But Default Monitor still shows in Devive
> manager?
> But-- too bad your other Default_Monitors in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE wouldn't
> also go.
> (a) Consider my other post about that "CompatibleIDs" line.
> (b) Go into Device Manager & enable the Default Monitor.
> (I don't know-- it may need to be for delete to work.)
> (c) Try these deletes a second time
> they may go now that the others are gone...
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Monitor\0001
> |
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\cfgmgr32\Ph
> anto
> | m\3A\HardWareKey :
> |
> 800_
> | 1
> |
> |
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ASD\Prob\{CF2524C0-2
> 9AE-
> |
> | _280117EE&REV_01_000800_1 : N/A
> |
> |
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ASD\Prob\{9B4E7760-3
> 196-
> |
> | _280117EE&REV_01_000800_1 : N/A
> |
> |
> | _280117EE&REV_01_000800_1\{KEY} : {KEY}
> |
> | _280117EE&REV_01_000800_1\HardwareID : MONITOR\DEFAULT_MONITOR
> |
> | Getting pretty close to yours, the real culprit seemingly being
> | it will go away. I din't choose to edit
> |
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\cfgmgr32\Ph
> anto
> | m\C because it is referencing has an old but still very usable hard
> | drive.
> Post that key. Here is mine...
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\cfgmgr32\P
> hantom\C]
> "HardWareKey"="MONITOR\\DEFAULT_MONITOR\\0001"
> "DevNode"=dword:0000000c
> | Also I don't know what I'm doing.
> I have an occasional doubt, myself!
> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> | news:eLhiGz%23gIHA.4196@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> |> I've been studying this at least an hour now. Here are preliminary
> |> thoughts.
> |>
> |> Warren wrote:
> |> |
> |> |
> |> |
> |>
> |> 0117
> |> | EE&REV_01_000800]
> |> | "Capabilities"=hex:14,00,00,00
> |> | "InitMonitorPowerState"="0f"
> |> ...snip of EDID, but it looked fine...
> |> | "HardwareID"="MONITOR\\VSCE41B"
> |> | "CompatibleIDs"="*PNP09FF"
> |> | "Class"="Monitor"
> |> | "SerialNum"="Q8H062001250"
> |> | "DeviceDesc"="ViewSonic VP930 Series"
> |> | "FriendlyName"="VP930 Series"
> |> | "MaxResolution"="1280,1024"
> |> | "MonitorRanges"="30-82,50-75,+,+"
> |> | "DPMS"="1"
> |> | "ClassGUID"="{4D36E96E-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}"
> |> | "Driver"="Monitor\\0000"
> |> | "Mfg"="ViewSonic"
> |> | "ConfigFlags"=hex:00,00,00,00
> |>
> |> The above continues to look fine to me. It very closely matches my
> |> own, though I have a different LCD monitor than yours. The only
> |> value up there I don't have is...
> |>
> |> "CompatibleIDs"="*PNP09FF"
> |>
> |> ..., but I have no reason to suspect that relates to the Default
> |> Monitor problem. Does "PNP09FF" appear anywhere else in your
> |> Registry? It is nowhere in mine.
> |>
> |> |
> |> |
> |>
> |> UBSY
> |> | S_280117EE&REV_01_000800_1]
> |> | "Capabilities"=hex:14,00,00,00
> |> | "InitMonitorPowerState"="0f"
> |> | "ClassGUID"="{4D36E96E-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}"
> |> | "Class"="Monitor"
> |> | "Driver"="Monitor\\0001"
> |> | "Mfg"="(Standard monitor types)"
> |> | "DeviceDesc"="Default Monitor"
> |> | "ConfigFlags"=hex:00,00,00,00
> |>
> |> The above continues to look fine to me-- except I don't have one &
> |> you don't want yours! I'm not ready to give up yet!
> |>
> |> | **************************************************************
> |> |
> |> |
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Monitor]
> |> | "Link"="{4D36E96E-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}"
> |> |
> |> |
> |>
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Monitor\0000
> |> ]
> |> |
> "ICMProfile"=hex:56,50,39,33,30,5f,53,65,72,69,65,73,2e,49,43,4d,00,00
> |> | "MaxResolution"="1280,1024"
> |> | "DPMS"="1"
> |> | "InfPath"="VIEWSO~1.INF"
> |> | "InfSection"="VP930_Series.Install"
> |> | "ProviderName"="ViewSonic"
> |> | "DriverDate"=" 2-16-2008"
> |> | "DriverDesc"="ViewSonic VP930 Series"
> |> | "MatchingDeviceId"="Monitor\\VSCE41B"
> |> |
> |> |
> |>
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Monitor\0000
> |> \MOD
> |> | ES]
> |> |
> |> |
> |>
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Monitor\0000
> |> \MOD
> |> | ES\1280,1024]
> |> | "Mode1"="30-82,50-75,+,+"
> |>
> |> The above looks fine & matches mine very well.
> |>
> |>
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Monitor\0001
> |> ]
> |> | "InfPath"="MONITOR.INF"
> |> | "InfSection"="Unknown.Install"
> |> | "ProviderName"="Microsoft"
> |> | "DriverDate"=" 4-23-1999"
> |> | "DriverDesc"="Default Monitor"
> |> | "MatchingDeviceId"="Monitor\\Default_Monitor"
> |> |
> |> |
> |>
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Monitor\0001
> |> \MOD
> |> | ES]
> |> |
> |> |
> |>
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Monitor\0001
> |> \MOD
> |> | ES\640,480]
> |> | @=""
> |>
> |> The above looks fine-- except you don't want it & I have none!
> |>
> |> ********************************************************************
> |> |
> |> |
> |> | RADEON 9200 SERIES
> |> | Display
> |> | Registry Key:
> |> |
> |>
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\enum\PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5961&SUBSYS_280117EE&REV_01\000
> |> 800
> |>
> |> ...snip of the Video Adapter info, but it looked a lot like mine...
> |> | ViewSonic VP930 Series
> |> | Monitor
> |> | Registry Key:
> |> |
> |>
> |> 117E
> |> | E&REV_01_000800
> |> | Alloc resources: None
> |> | Forced resources: None
> |> | Boot resources: None
> |> | Filtered resources: None
> |> | Basic resources: None
> |> | Driver: Monitor\0000
> |> | Driver Date: 2-16-2008
> |> | Driver: VP930_Series.ICM
> |> | File Size: Driver Not
> |> | Installed File Date: Driver
> |> | Not Installed
> |>
> |> The above continues to look just fine-- just like mine!
> |>
> |> | Default Monitor
> |> | Monitor
> |> | This device is disabled.
> |>
> |> You have disabled it again? Remember to enable it again, if we
> |> decide to try another remove of the default monitor in Device
> |> Manager. And that might be worth one last try-- now that your
> |> monster Registry key...
> |> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Monitor
> |> ...has only two entries.
> |>
> |> | Registry Key:
> |> |
> |>
> |> BSYS
> |> | _280117EE&REV_01_000800_1
> |> | Alloc resources: None
> |> | Forced resources: None
> |> | Boot resources: None
> |> | Filtered resources: None
> |> | Basic resources: None
> |> | Driver: Monitor\0001
> |> | Driver Date: 4-23-1999
> |>
> |> The above looks fine-- except it is unwanted!
> |>
> |>
> **********************************************************************
> |> |
> |> | Modified Dates for DRVDATA.bin & DRVIDX.bin : February 25, 2008
> |>
> |> Those dates look good. They prove the monitor is not regenerating on
> |> its own at every boot.
> |>
> |>
> **********************************************************************
> |> |
> |> | Post your Autoexec.bat file
> |> |
> |> | Post your Config.sys
> |> | (Empty)
> |>
> |> Fine. There is nothing in them possibly causing the generation of a
> |> monitor before Windows is fully booted. Check your Win.ini &
> |> System.ini, as I described in a response to MEB below.
> |>
> |>
> ***********************************************************************
> |> |
> |> | How many Registry keys contain the word "Default_Monitor"?
> |> |
> |> |
> |>
> |> UBSY
> |> | S_280117EE&REV_01_000800_1\{KEY} : {KEY}
> |>
> |> HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG is a mirror key of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, meaning
> |> they are one & the same. But...
> |>
> |> (a) My own HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\Enum has no MONITOR
> |> (or much of anything) under it.
> |> (b) I have read here that some keys won't go, unless they
> |> are deleted from the mirror.
> |>
> |> Therefore, open RegEdit to each in turn...
> |>
> |>
> |> ..., & delete just the Default_Monitor under each of them in the left
> |> pane. Close RegEdit & reboot. Is it gone?
> |>
> |> Note: After deleting one of them, you may discover the other is gone
> |> too. But may as try anyhow.
> |>
> |> |
> |>
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\cfgmgr32\Ph
> |> anto
> |> | m\3A\HardWareKey :
> |> |
> |>
> |> 800_
> |> | 1
> |>
> |> Maybe try the above suggestion first, & consider the following, but
> |> don't necessarily try it at the same time...
> |>
> |> Well... my cfgmgr32 looks different from yours. Are you experienced
> |> enough to get to that key & make it look like mine, after exporting
> |> what you've got...?...
> |>
> |> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\cfgmgr32
> |> \Phantom\C
> |> HardWareKey "MONITOR\DEFAULT_MONITOR\0001" <<String value
> |>
> |>
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Monitor\0001\
> |> Matc
> |> | hingDeviceId : Monitor\Default_Monitor
> |>
> |> That one we hope will go away on its own-- OR, maybe delete it with
> |> the two ENUM Default_Monitors above.
> |>
> |>
> |>
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ASD\Prob\{CF2524C0-2
> |> 9AE-
> |> |
> |>
> |> BSYS
> |> | _280117EE&REV_01_000800_1 : N/A
> |>
> |> Again, that is different...
> |>
> |>
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ASD\Prob\{CF2524C0
> |> -29AE-11CF-97EA-00AA0034319D}
> |> MONITOR\DEFAULT_MONITOR\0001 00 <<Binary Value
> |>
> |>
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ASD\Prob\{9B4E7760-3
> |> 196-
> |> |
> |>
> |> BSYS
> |> | _280117EE&REV_01_000800_1 : N/A
> |>
> |> That too...
> |>
> |>
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ASD\Prob\{9B4E7760
> |> -3196-11CF-97EA-00AA0034319D}
> |> MONITOR\DEFAULT_MONITOR\0001 00 <<Binary Value
> |>
> |> |
> |>
> |> BSYS
> |> | _280117EE&REV_01_000800_1\{KEY} : {KEY}
> |> |
> |>
> |> BSYS
> |> | _280117EE&REV_01_000800_1\HardwareID : MONITOR\DEFAULT_MONITOR
> |>
> |> Those two are covered above.
> |>
> |> | {KEY}
> |> |
> |>
> |> &DEV
> |> | _5961&SUBSYS_280117EE&REV_01_000800_1\{KEY} : {KEY}
> |>
> |> Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Config\0001\Enum, all I have is ACPI. So,
> |> delete this one as I suggested above.
> Actually, it is under the mirror key, HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\Enum, that all
> I have is a puny ACPI sub-key.
> |> REMEMBER... If things go horribly wrong, you can do that "ScanReg
> |> /Restore" in DOS to get back your current Registry. Choose the one of
> |> date you make the changes, because the Registry backups are done at
> |> boot-- the 1st boot to Normal Mode of each day.
> |>
> |>
> |> --
> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
> |> Should things get worse after this,
> |> PCR
> |>
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,


Sorry PCR, missed them.

Applied the name change from
to "0001'' to match your registry entries but no effect on Default_Monitor.
Still reappears after deleting

"PCR" <> wrote in message
> Warren wrote:
> | I think I also figured out what you meant about modifying
> |
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\cfgmgr32\Ph
> anto
> | m\3A\HardWareKey :
> |
> 800_
> | 1
> |
> | It is now the same as yours,
> |
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\cfgmgr32\Ph
> anto
> | m\3A\, HardWareKey, MONITOR\DEFAULT_MONITOR\0001
> |
> | Unfortunately the change had no effect
> OK, but there were two others...
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ASD\Prob\{CF2524C0
> -29AE-11CF-97EA-00AA0034319D}
> MONITOR\DEFAULT_MONITOR\0001 00 <<Binary Value
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ASD\Prob\{9B4E7760
> -3196-11CF-97EA-00AA0034319D}
> MONITOR\DEFAULT_MONITOR\0001 00 <<Binary Value
> I must go now. Back tomorrow.
> | "Warren" <> wrote in message
> | news:eIU4HeIhIHA.5752@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> |> Okay I managed to clean up a few occurrences of DEFAULT_MONITOR. I
> |> still have the following:
> |>
> |>
> |
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\cfgmgr32\Ph
> anto
> |> m\3A\HardWareKey :
> |>
> |
> 800_
> |> 1
> |>
> |>
> |
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ASD\Prob\{CF2524C0-2
> 9AE-
> |>
> |
> |> _280117EE&REV_01_000800_1 : N/A
> |>
> |>
> |
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ASD\Prob\{9B4E7760-3
> 196-
> |>
> |
> |> _280117EE&REV_01_000800_1 : N/A
> |>
> |>
> |
> |> _280117EE&REV_01_000800_1\{KEY} : {KEY}
> |>
> |
> |> _280117EE&REV_01_000800_1\HardwareID : MONITOR\DEFAULT_MONITOR
> |>
> |> Getting pretty close to yours, the real culprit seemingly being
> |> it will go away. I din't choose to edit
> |>
> |
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\cfgmgr32\Ph
> anto
> |> m\C because it is referencing has an old but still very usable hard
> |> drive. Also I don't know what I'm doing.
> |>
> |>
> |> "PCR" <> wrote in message
> |> news:eLhiGz%23gIHA.4196@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> |> > I've been studying this at least an hour now. Here are preliminary
> |> > thoughts.
> |> >
> |> > Warren wrote:
> |> > |
> |> > |
> |> > |
> |> >
> |> > 0117
> |> > | EE&REV_01_000800]
> |> > | "Capabilities"=hex:14,00,00,00
> |> > | "InitMonitorPowerState"="0f"
> |> > ...snip of EDID, but it looked fine...
> |> > | "HardwareID"="MONITOR\\VSCE41B"
> |> > | "CompatibleIDs"="*PNP09FF"
> |> > | "Class"="Monitor"
> |> > | "SerialNum"="Q8H062001250"
> |> > | "DeviceDesc"="ViewSonic VP930 Series"
> |> > | "FriendlyName"="VP930 Series"
> |> > | "MaxResolution"="1280,1024"
> |> > | "MonitorRanges"="30-82,50-75,+,+"
> |> > | "DPMS"="1"
> |> > | "ClassGUID"="{4D36E96E-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}"
> |> > | "Driver"="Monitor\\0000"
> |> > | "Mfg"="ViewSonic"
> |> > | "ConfigFlags"=hex:00,00,00,00
> |> >
> |> > The above continues to look fine to me. It very closely matches my
> |> > own, though I have a different LCD monitor than yours. The only
> |> > value up there I don't have is...
> |> >
> |> > "CompatibleIDs"="*PNP09FF"
> |> >
> |> > ..., but I have no reason to suspect that relates to the Default
> |> > Monitor problem. Does "PNP09FF" appear anywhere else in your
> |> > Registry? It is nowhere in mine.
> |> >
> |> > |
> |> > |
> |> >
> |> > UBSY
> |> > | S_280117EE&REV_01_000800_1]
> |> > | "Capabilities"=hex:14,00,00,00
> |> > | "InitMonitorPowerState"="0f"
> |> > | "HardwareID"="MONITOR\\DEFAULT_MONITOR"
> |> > | "ClassGUID"="{4D36E96E-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}"
> |> > | "Class"="Monitor"
> |> > | "Driver"="Monitor\\0001"
> |> > | "Mfg"="(Standard monitor types)"
> |> > | "DeviceDesc"="Default Monitor"
> |> > | "ConfigFlags"=hex:00,00,00,00
> |> >
> |> > The above continues to look fine to me-- except I don't have one &
> |> > you don't want yours! I'm not ready to give up yet!
> |> >
> |> > | **************************************************************
> |> > |
> |> > |
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Monitor]
> |> > | "Link"="{4D36E96E-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}"
> |> > |
> |> > |
> |> >
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Monitor\0000
> |> > ]
> |> > |
> "ICMProfile"=hex:56,50,39,33,30,5f,53,65,72,69,65,73,2e,49,43,4d,00,00
> |> > | "MaxResolution"="1280,1024"
> |> > | "DPMS"="1"
> |> > | "InfPath"="VIEWSO~1.INF"
> |> > | "InfSection"="VP930_Series.Install"
> |> > | "ProviderName"="ViewSonic"
> |> > | "DriverDate"=" 2-16-2008"
> |> > | "DriverDesc"="ViewSonic VP930 Series"
> |> > | "MatchingDeviceId"="Monitor\\VSCE41B"
> |> > |
> |> > |
> |> >
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Monitor\0000
> |> > \MOD
> |> > | ES]
> |> > |
> |> > |
> |> >
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Monitor\0000
> |> > \MOD
> |> > | ES\1280,1024]
> |> > | "Mode1"="30-82,50-75,+,+"
> |> >
> |> > The above looks fine & matches mine very well.
> |> >
> |> >
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Monitor\0001
> |> > ]
> |> > | "InfPath"="MONITOR.INF"
> |> > | "InfSection"="Unknown.Install"
> |> > | "ProviderName"="Microsoft"
> |> > | "DriverDate"=" 4-23-1999"
> |> > | "DriverDesc"="Default Monitor"
> |> > | "MatchingDeviceId"="Monitor\\Default_Monitor"
> |> > |
> |> > |
> |> >
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Monitor\0001
> |> > \MOD
> |> > | ES]
> |> > |
> |> > |
> |> >
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Monitor\0001
> |> > \MOD
> |> > | ES\640,480]
> |> > | @=""
> |> >
> |> > The above looks fine-- except you don't want it & I have none!
> |> >
> |> >
> ********************************************************************
> |> > |
> |> > |
> |> > | RADEON 9200 SERIES
> |> > | Display
> |> > | Registry Key:
> |> > |
> |> >
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\enum\PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5961&SUBSYS_280117EE&REV_01\000
> |> > 800
> |> >
> |> > ...snip of the Video Adapter info, but it looked a lot like mine...
> |> > | ViewSonic VP930 Series
> |> > | Monitor
> |> > | Registry Key:
> |> > |
> |> >
> |> > 117E
> |> > | E&REV_01_000800
> |> > | Alloc resources: None
> |> > | Forced resources: None
> |> > | Boot resources: None
> |> > | Filtered resources: None
> |> > | Basic resources: None
> |> > | Driver: Monitor\0000
> |> > | Driver Date: 2-16-2008
> |> > | Driver: VP930_Series.ICM
> |> > | File Size: Driver Not
> |> > | Installed File Date: Driver
> |> > | Not Installed
> |> >
> |> > The above continues to look just fine-- just like mine!
> |> >
> |> > | Default Monitor
> |> > | Monitor
> |> > | This device is disabled.
> |> >
> |> > You have disabled it again? Remember to enable it again, if we
> |> > decide to try another remove of the default monitor in Device
> |> > Manager. And that might be worth one last try-- now that your
> |> > monster Registry key...
> |> > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Monitor
> |> > ...has only two entries.
> |> >
> |> > | Registry Key:
> |> > |
> |> >
> |> > BSYS
> |> > | _280117EE&REV_01_000800_1
> |> > | Alloc resources: None
> |> > | Forced resources: None
> |> > | Boot resources: None
> |> > | Filtered resources: None
> |> > | Basic resources: None
> |> > | Driver: Monitor\0001
> |> > | Driver Date: 4-23-1999
> |> >
> |> > The above looks fine-- except it is unwanted!
> |> >
> |> >
> **********************************************************************
> |> > |
> |> > | Modified Dates for DRVDATA.bin & DRVIDX.bin : February 25, 2008
> |> >
> |> > Those dates look good. They prove the monitor is not regenerating
> |> > on its own at every boot.
> |> >
> |> >
> **********************************************************************
> |> > |
> |> > | Post your Autoexec.bat file
> |> > |
> |> > | Post your Config.sys
> |> > | (Empty)
> |> >
> |> > Fine. There is nothing in them possibly causing the generation of a
> |> > monitor before Windows is fully booted. Check your Win.ini &
> |> > System.ini, as I described in a response to MEB below.
> |> >
> |> >
> ***********************************************************************
> |> > |
> |> > | How many Registry keys contain the word "Default_Monitor"?
> |> > |
> |> > |
> |> >
> |> > UBSY
> |> > | S_280117EE&REV_01_000800_1\{KEY} : {KEY}
> |> >
> |> > HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG is a mirror key of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, meaning
> |> > they are one & the same. But...
> |> >
> |> > (a) My own HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\Enum has no MONITOR
> |> > (or much of anything) under it.
> |> > (b) I have read here that some keys won't go, unless they
> |> > are deleted from the mirror.
> |> >
> |> > Therefore, open RegEdit to each in turn...
> |> >
> |> >
> |> > ..., & delete just the Default_Monitor under each of them in the
> |> > left pane. Close RegEdit & reboot. Is it gone?
> |> >
> |> > Note: After deleting one of them, you may discover the other is
> |> > gone too. But may as try anyhow.
> |> >
> |> > |
> |> >
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\cfgmgr32\Ph
> |> > anto
> |> > | m\3A\HardWareKey :
> |> > |
> |> >
> |> > 800_
> |> > | 1
> |> >
> |> > Maybe try the above suggestion first, & consider the following, but
> |> > don't necessarily try it at the same time...
> |> >
> |> > Well... my cfgmgr32 looks different from yours. Are you experienced
> |> > enough to get to that key & make it look like mine, after
> |> > exporting what you've got...?...
> |> >
> |> >
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\cfgmgr32
> |> > \Phantom\C
> |> > HardWareKey "MONITOR\DEFAULT_MONITOR\0001" <<String value
> |> >
> |> >
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Monitor\0001\
> |> > Matc
> |> > | hingDeviceId : Monitor\Default_Monitor
> |> >
> |> > That one we hope will go away on its own-- OR, maybe delete it
> |> > with the two ENUM Default_Monitors above.
> |> >
> |> >
> |> >
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ASD\Prob\{CF2524C0-2
> |> > 9AE-
> |> > |
> |> >
> |> > BSYS
> |> > | _280117EE&REV_01_000800_1 : N/A
> |> >
> |> > Again, that is different...
> |> >
> |> >
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ASD\Prob\{CF2524C0
> |> > -29AE-11CF-97EA-00AA0034319D}
> |> > MONITOR\DEFAULT_MONITOR\0001 00 <<Binary Value
> |> >
> |> >
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ASD\Prob\{9B4E7760-3
> |> > 196-
> |> > |
> |> >
> |> > BSYS
> |> > | _280117EE&REV_01_000800_1 : N/A
> |> >
> |> > That too...
> |> >
> |> >
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ASD\Prob\{9B4E7760
> |> > -3196-11CF-97EA-00AA0034319D}
> |> > MONITOR\DEFAULT_MONITOR\0001 00 <<Binary Value
> |> >
> |> > |
> |> >
> |> > BSYS
> |> > | _280117EE&REV_01_000800_1\{KEY} : {KEY}
> |> > |
> |> >
> |> > BSYS
> |> > | _280117EE&REV_01_000800_1\HardwareID : MONITOR\DEFAULT_MONITOR
> |> >
> |> > Those two are covered above.
> |> >
> |> > | : {KEY}
> |> > |
> |> >
> |> > &DEV
> |> > | _5961&SUBSYS_280117EE&REV_01_000800_1\{KEY} : {KEY}
> |> >
> |> > Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Config\0001\Enum, all I have is ACPI. So,
> |> > delete this one as I suggested above.
> |> >
> |> > REMEMBER... If things go horribly wrong, you can do that "ScanReg
> |> > /Restore" in DOS to get back your current Registry. Choose the one
> |> > of date you make the changes, because the Registry backups are
> |> > done at boot-- the 1st boot to Normal Mode of each day.
> |> >
> |> >
> |> > --
> |> > Thanks or Good Luck,
> |> > There may be humor in this post, and,
> |> > Naturally, you will not sue,
> |> > Should things get worse after this,
> |> > PCR
> |> >
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,


Warren wrote:
| Sorry PCR, missed them.
| Applied the name change from
| "PCI_VEN_1002&DEV_5961&SUBSYS_280117EE&REV_01_000800_1"
| to "0001'' to match your registry entries but no effect on
| Default_Monitor. Still reappears after deleting

OK. Provided you did all three at once to look like mine & rebooted,...

HardWareKey "MONITOR\DEFAULT_MONITOR\0001" <<String value

MONITOR\DEFAULT_MONITOR\0001 00 <<Binary Value

MONITOR\DEFAULT_MONITOR\0001 00 <<Binary Value

....that pretty well proves those keys were not responsible.

I wonder, though-- did they change back to the original data on their
own after you rebooted? If not, let them alone for now -- until we give
up hope entirely -- because they may be a contributing factor. But, if
they've gone back to your original data-- fine, let that alone too.
These keys probably are a dead end.

| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:eNZMaGLhIHA.1208@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|> Warren wrote:
|> | I think I also figured out what you meant about modifying
|> |
|> anto
|> | m\3A\HardWareKey :
|> |
|> 800_
|> | 1
|> |
|> | It is now the same as yours,
|> |
|> anto
|> | m\3A\, HardWareKey, MONITOR\DEFAULT_MONITOR\0001
|> |
|> | Unfortunately the change had no effect
|> OK, but there were two others...
|> -29AE-11CF-97EA-00AA0034319D}
|> MONITOR\DEFAULT_MONITOR\0001 00 <<Binary Value
|> -3196-11CF-97EA-00AA0034319D}
|> MONITOR\DEFAULT_MONITOR\0001 00 <<Binary Value
|> I must go now. Back tomorrow.

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


Warren wrote:
| Well the CompableIDs line in
|> 0117EE&REV_01_000800 stays away when you delete it & reboot but the
| Default_Monitor still comes back after it is removed and the computer
| rebooted.

Interesting. I was really leaning to that as the cause. Hmm. Suddenly I
begin to get a feeling of frustration & ultimate failure. I wonder--

(1) Is "CompableIDs" mentioned in any .inf...?...

(a) "START button, Find, F/F"
(b) Leave "Named" empty.
(c) In "Containing text", enter... "CompableIDs".
(d) In "Look in", browse to........ "C:\WINDOWS\INF".

Open the .inf file (if any shows up) in Notepad, & post it. None of mine
have that term. Probably, none of yours have it, either, though, or the
term would have come back on its own.

(2) Does "CompatibleIDs" or "*PNP09FF" show up in EDID...?...

(a) Open RegEdit, get to & click...


(c) R-Clk "EDID" in the R-Pane, & select Modify.
Do not click Delete-- click Modify.

(d) Examine the requestor that opens. Do you see
"CompatibleIDs" or "*PNP09FF" anywhere in there?

(c) CANCEL the requestor, & close RegEdit.

I'm trying to discover where that line is coming from, though it seems
it doesn't matter. Still, if you haven't done so already, do not put the
"CompableIDs" line back into your Registry-- at least not until we give
up all hope, as it may be a contributing factor. If you've already put
it back, let it be.

I'm still thinking, (but losing hope. Those excuses of MEB & Zabcar &
glee & Terhune for why this is doomed to failure begins to make sense).

| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:uzaNPgKhIHA.4152@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|> Warren wrote:
|> | I forgot to mention that PNP09FF shows up nowhere else in my
|> | Registry
|> Hmm, (just like mine). NOW, I'm looking inside Monitor.inf mentioned
|> in your...
|> ]
|> "InfPath"="MONITOR.INF"
|> "InfSection"="Unknown.Install"
|> "ProviderName"="Microsoft"
|> "DriverDate"=" 4-23-1999"
|> "DriverDesc"="Default Monitor"
|> "MatchingDeviceId"="Monitor\\Default_Monitor"
|> ..., & I detect a connection to *PNP09FF...
|> .....Quote Monitor.inf............
|> [Generic]
|> %Unknown.DeviceDesc%=Unknown.Install,Monitor\Default_Monitor for
|> auto-install
|> %Unknown.DeviceDesc%=Unknown.Install for pick list
|> %*PNP09FF.DeviceDesc%=VESADDC.Install,*PNP09FF
|> .....EOQ Monitor.inf..............
|> It looks like they are strongly connected! Therefore, it could
|> indeed be that line...
|> "CompatibleIDs"="*PNP09FF"
|> ...of your...
|> 0117EE&REV_01_000800]
|> "Capabilities"=hex:14,00,00,00
|> "InitMonitorPowerState"="0f"
|> ...snip of EDID, but it looked fine...
|> "HardwareID"="MONITOR\\VSCE41B"
|> "CompatibleIDs"="*PNP09FF"
|> "Class"="Monitor"
|> "SerialNum"="Q8H062001250"
|> "DeviceDesc"="ViewSonic VP930 Series"
|> "FriendlyName"="VP930 Series"
|> "MaxResolution"="1280,1024"
|> "MonitorRanges"="30-82,50-75,+,+"
|> "DPMS"="1"
|> "ClassGUID"="{4D36E96E-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}"
|> "Driver"="Monitor\\0000"
|> "Mfg"="ViewSonic"
|> "ConfigFlags"=hex:00,00,00,00
|> ...that may be causing the Default Monitor to generate. If so, it
|> may be best to let it be-- there may be a reason for it! (Can it be
|> your is right & mine is wrong? But yours was such a mess!) Note that
|> Zabcar has definitively proven that certain new Intel chips may
|> cause a monitor to enumerate twice...
|> Mine is an AMD chip.
|> I'm not sure where that "CompatibleIDs" line is coming from in your
|> ENUM key. If you delete it & reboot, it may well come back on its
|> own. No part of the line is mentioned in your VS080114_I19.inf.
|> (a) Decide whether you want to pursue this.
|> (I really se no big problem with Default_Monitor
|> although I don't have one, it is mentioned in 3
|> of my Registry keys & in my Monitor.inf.)
|> (b) If so, open RegEdit, get to & click...
|> 0117EE&REV_01_000800
|> (c) R-Clk "CompatibleIDs" in the R-Pane, & select delete.
|> (Maybe use the Edit menu to export that key first.)
|> Close up, & reboot-- did it go away?
|> I see your other response & will get to it shortly.
|> | "Warren" <> wrote in message
|> | news:O4qJ1R$gIHA.748@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
|> |> This is probably a replay of the last removal exercise. You've
|> |> got all the right moves, but it matters more in what order they
|> |> are performed. Will printout your sugestions and think about
|> |> various ways of performing the same operations until I come up
|> |> with a winner, or not.
|> |>
|> |> "PCR" <> wrote in message
|> |> news:eLhiGz%23gIHA.4196@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
|> |> > I've been studying this at least an hour now. Here are
|> |> > preliminary thoughts...

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


Warren wrote:
| Yes the whole key
| is gone and stays away until I remove
| In fact every time I remove
| HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Monitor
| starts to bloat with extra monitors. They are easy to clean out,
| however, and stay away once cleaned out.

Hmm. This was my 2nd-best hope to be rid of your Default Monitor! At
least the junk that accumulates in that last key can now be eliminated.
And you really did have a pile of junk in there to start! Mine has only
the stuff of my EN5400e-- though this is my 3rd monitor & I've never
deleted stuff in that key! And I've never seen a Default Monitor in

I'm still thinking, but losing hope.

| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:uMn9jCLhIHA.3400@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
|> Warren wrote:
|> | Okay I managed to clean up a few occurrences of DEFAULT_MONITOR. I
|> | still have the following:
|> Well, looks like you got rid of the Default_Monitor entries that
|> were in the mirror key, HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\Enum. (Under that one,
|> all I've got is a puny ACPI sub-key.) And you got rid of the one
|> under...?...
|> Is that whole key gone? But Default Monitor still shows in Devive
|> manager?
|> But-- too bad your other Default_Monitors in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
|> wouldn't also go.
|> (a) Consider my other post about that "CompatibleIDs" line.
|> (b) Go into Device Manager & enable the Default Monitor.
|> (I don't know-- it may need to be for delete to work.)
|> (c) Try these deletes a second time
|> they may go now that the others are gone...

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


PCR wrote:
| Warren wrote:
|| Yes the whole key
|| is gone and stays away until I remove
|| In fact every time I remove
|| HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Enum\MONITOR\VSCE41B the registry in
|| HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Monitor
|| starts to bloat with extra monitors. They are easy to clean out,
|| however, and stay away once cleaned out.
| Hmm. This was my 2nd-best hope to be rid of your Default Monitor! At
| least the junk that accumulates in that last key can now be
| eliminated. And you really did have a pile of junk in there to start!
| Mine has only the stuff of my EN5400e-- though this is my 3rd monitor
| & I've never deleted stuff in that key! And I've never seen a Default
| Monitor in there!
| I'm still thinking, but losing hope.

I have begun an intensive study at...

Here is the first article I've found...

But I must go now. Back tomorrow.

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


The only thing that isn't like yours is that my machine provides the
DEFAULT_MONITOR information in key Phantom\3A, while your's is in
Phantom\key C. As I said before, my key C is occupied by information about
an old and still working hard drive that is not currently installed. I
don't know if there's any difference between using key C or key 3C for
storing this information, as long as it is stored ?

"PCR" <> wrote in message
> Warren wrote:
> | Sorry PCR, missed them.
> |
> | Applied the name change from
> | "PCI_VEN_1002&DEV_5961&SUBSYS_280117EE&REV_01_000800_1"
> | to "0001'' to match your registry entries but no effect on
> | Default_Monitor. Still reappears after deleting
> OK. Provided you did all three at once to look like mine & rebooted,...
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\cfgmgr32
> \Phantom\C
> HardWareKey "MONITOR\DEFAULT_MONITOR\0001" <<String value
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ASD\Prob\{CF2524C0
> -29AE-11CF-97EA-00AA0034319D}
> MONITOR\DEFAULT_MONITOR\0001 00 <<Binary Value
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ASD\Prob\{9B4E7760
> -3196-11CF-97EA-00AA0034319D}
> MONITOR\DEFAULT_MONITOR\0001 00 <<Binary Value
> ...that pretty well proves those keys were not responsible.
> I wonder, though-- did they change back to the original data on their
> own after you rebooted? If not, let them alone for now -- until we give
> up hope entirely -- because they may be a contributing factor. But, if
> they've gone back to your original data-- fine, let that alone too.
> These keys probably are a dead end.
> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> | news:eNZMaGLhIHA.1208@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> |> Warren wrote:
> |> | I think I also figured out what you meant about modifying
> |> |
> |>
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\cfgmgr32\Ph
> |> anto
> |> | m\3A\HardWareKey :
> |> |
> |>
> |> 800_
> |> | 1
> |> |
> |> | It is now the same as yours,
> |> |
> |>
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\cfgmgr32\Ph
> |> anto
> |> | m\3A\, HardWareKey, MONITOR\DEFAULT_MONITOR\0001
> |> |
> |> | Unfortunately the change had no effect
> |>
> |> OK, but there were two others...
> |>
> |>
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ASD\Prob\{CF2524C0
> |> -29AE-11CF-97EA-00AA0034319D}
> |> MONITOR\DEFAULT_MONITOR\0001 00 <<Binary Value
> |>
> |>
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ASD\Prob\{9B4E7760
> |> -3196-11CF-97EA-00AA0034319D}
> |> MONITOR\DEFAULT_MONITOR\0001 00 <<Binary Value
> |>
> |> I must go now. Back tomorrow.
> |>
> ...snip
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,


See comments below:

"PCR" <> wrote in message
> Warren wrote:
> | Well the CompableIDs line in
> |
> |> 0117EE&REV_01_000800 stays away when you delete it & reboot but the
> | Default_Monitor still comes back after it is removed and the computer
> | rebooted.
> Interesting. I was really leaning to that as the cause. Hmm. Suddenly I
> begin to get a feeling of frustration & ultimate failure. I wonder--
> (1) Is "CompableIDs" mentioned in any .inf...?...
> (a) "START button, Find, F/F"
> (b) Leave "Named" empty.
> (c) In "Containing text", enter... "CompableIDs".
> (d) In "Look in", browse to........ "C:\WINDOWS\INF".

Nothing shows up

> Open the .inf file (if any shows up) in Notepad, & post it. None of mine
> have that term. Probably, none of yours have it, either, though, or the
> term would have come back on its own.
> (2) Does "CompatibleIDs" or "*PNP09FF" show up in EDID...?...
> (a) Open RegEdit, get to & click...
> 0117EE&REV_01_000800
> (c) R-Clk "EDID" in the R-Pane, & select Modify.
> Do not click Delete-- click Modify.
> (d) Examine the requestor that opens. Do you see
> "CompatibleIDs" or "*PNP09FF" anywhere in there?
> (c) CANCEL the requestor, & close RegEdit.

No it is not present

> I'm trying to discover where that line is coming from, though it seems
> it doesn't matter. Still, if you haven't done so already, do not put the
> "CompableIDs" line back into your Registry-- at least not until we give
> up all hope, as it may be a contributing factor. If you've already put
> it back, let it be.
> I'm still thinking, (but losing hope. Those excuses of MEB & Zabcar &
> glee & Terhune for why this is doomed to failure begins to make sense).

You certainly do a lot of thinking and I appreciate your efforts. It sure
seems that the Default_Monitor has to be there but why is still a question

> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> | news:uzaNPgKhIHA.4152@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> |> Warren wrote:
> |> | I forgot to mention that PNP09FF shows up nowhere else in my
> |> | Registry
> |>
> |> Hmm, (just like mine). NOW, I'm looking inside Monitor.inf mentioned
> |> in your...
> |>
> |>
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Monitor\0001
> |> ]
> |> "InfPath"="MONITOR.INF"
> |> "InfSection"="Unknown.Install"
> |> "ProviderName"="Microsoft"
> |> "DriverDate"=" 4-23-1999"
> |> "DriverDesc"="Default Monitor"
> |> "MatchingDeviceId"="Monitor\\Default_Monitor"
> |>
> |> ..., & I detect a connection to *PNP09FF...
> |>
> |> .....Quote Monitor.inf............
> |> [Generic]
> |> %Unknown.DeviceDesc%=Unknown.Install,Monitor\Default_Monitor for
> |> auto-install
> |> %Unknown.DeviceDesc%=Unknown.Install for pick list
> |> %*PNP09FF.DeviceDesc%=VESADDC.Install,*PNP09FF
> |> .....EOQ Monitor.inf..............
> |>
> |> It looks like they are strongly connected! Therefore, it could
> |> indeed be that line...
> |>
> |> "CompatibleIDs"="*PNP09FF"
> |>
> |> ...of your...
> |>
> |>
> |> 0117EE&REV_01_000800]
> |> "Capabilities"=hex:14,00,00,00
> |> "InitMonitorPowerState"="0f"
> |> ...snip of EDID, but it looked fine...
> |> "HardwareID"="MONITOR\\VSCE41B"
> |> "CompatibleIDs"="*PNP09FF"
> |> "Class"="Monitor"
> |> "SerialNum"="Q8H062001250"
> |> "DeviceDesc"="ViewSonic VP930 Series"
> |> "FriendlyName"="VP930 Series"
> |> "MaxResolution"="1280,1024"
> |> "MonitorRanges"="30-82,50-75,+,+"
> |> "DPMS"="1"
> |> "ClassGUID"="{4D36E96E-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}"
> |> "Driver"="Monitor\\0000"
> |> "Mfg"="ViewSonic"
> |> "ConfigFlags"=hex:00,00,00,00
> |>
> |> ...that may be causing the Default Monitor to generate. If so, it
> |> may be best to let it be-- there may be a reason for it! (Can it be
> |> your is right & mine is wrong? But yours was such a mess!) Note that
> |> Zabcar has definitively proven that certain new Intel chips may
> |> cause a monitor to enumerate twice...
> |>
> |> Mine is an AMD chip.
> |>
> |> I'm not sure where that "CompatibleIDs" line is coming from in your
> |> ENUM key. If you delete it & reboot, it may well come back on its
> |> own. No part of the line is mentioned in your VS080114_I19.inf.
> |>
> |> (a) Decide whether you want to pursue this.
> |> (I really se no big problem with Default_Monitor
> |> although I don't have one, it is mentioned in 3
> |> of my Registry keys & in my Monitor.inf.)
> |>
> |> (b) If so, open RegEdit, get to & click...
> |>
> |>
> |> 0117EE&REV_01_000800
> |>
> |> (c) R-Clk "CompatibleIDs" in the R-Pane, & select delete.
> |> (Maybe use the Edit menu to export that key first.)
> |>
> |> Close up, & reboot-- did it go away?
> |> I see your other response & will get to it shortly.
> |>
> |> | "Warren" <> wrote in message
> |> | news:O4qJ1R$gIHA.748@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> |> |> This is probably a replay of the last removal exercise. You've
> |> |> got all the right moves, but it matters more in what order they
> |> |> are performed. Will printout your sugestions and think about
> |> |> various ways of performing the same operations until I come up
> |> |> with a winner, or not.
> |> |>
> |> |> "PCR" <> wrote in message
> |> |> news:eLhiGz%23gIHA.4196@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> |> |> > I've been studying this at least an hour now. Here are
> |> |> > preliminary thoughts...
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,


"PCR" <> wrote in message
| Warren wrote:
| | Well the CompableIDs line in
| |
| |> 0117EE&REV_01_000800 stays away when you delete it & reboot but the
| | Default_Monitor still comes back after it is removed and the computer
| | rebooted.
| Interesting. I was really leaning to that as the cause. Hmm. Suddenly I
| begin to get a feeling of frustration & ultimate failure. I wonder--
| (1) Is "CompableIDs" mentioned in any .inf...?...
| (a) "START button, Find, F/F"
| (b) Leave "Named" empty.
| (c) In "Containing text", enter... "CompableIDs".
| (d) In "Look in", browse to........ "C:\WINDOWS\INF".
| Open the .inf file (if any shows up) in Notepad, & post it. None of mine
| have that term. Probably, none of yours have it, either, though, or the
| term would have come back on its own.
| (2) Does "CompatibleIDs" or "*PNP09FF" show up in EDID...?...
| (a) Open RegEdit, get to & click...
| 0117EE&REV_01_000800
| (c) R-Clk "EDID" in the R-Pane, & select Modify.
| Do not click Delete-- click Modify.
| (d) Examine the requestor that opens. Do you see
| "CompatibleIDs" or "*PNP09FF" anywhere in there?
| (c) CANCEL the requestor, & close RegEdit.
| I'm trying to discover where that line is coming from, though it seems
| it doesn't matter. Still, if you haven't done so already, do not put the
| "CompableIDs" line back into your Registry-- at least not until we give
| up all hope, as it may be a contributing factor. If you've already put
| it back, let it be.
| I'm still thinking, (but losing hope. Those excuses of MEB & Zabcar &
| glee & Terhune for why this is doomed to failure begins to make sense).

Those weren't excuses, but attempts to explain the physical/chip related
aspects. For XP and VISTA these are crutial to the original setup in those

IF you intend to try to over-ride this in 9X then you MUST disable PnP/auto
detection in the system AND if possible, the video adaptor, AND ensure the
INF does not contain any references to a default, OR that it REPLACES the
default [original video driver], OR that it isn't added BY the driver itself
once it is installed and first rebooted.
NOTE though, that the video device must have the ALL the OLD 9X
installation and system/registry settings in its installation routine, as if
it was NOT PnP [9X term - XP/Vista uses different routines in its HAL and



Warren wrote:
| See comments below:
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:%23UIOKuVhIHA.3788@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
|> Warren wrote:
|> | Well the CompableIDs line in
|> |
|> |> 0117EE&REV_01_000800 stays away when you delete it & reboot but
|> |> the
|> | Default_Monitor still comes back after it is removed and the
|> | computer rebooted.
|> Interesting. I was really leaning to that as the cause. Hmm.
|> Suddenly I begin to get a feeling of frustration & ultimate failure.
|> I wonder--
|> (1) Is "CompableIDs" mentioned in any .inf...?...

| Nothing shows up

Alright. I thought it might not.

|> (2) Does "CompatibleIDs" or "*PNP09FF" show up in EDID...?...

| No it is not present

Alright. Maybe there'll be something about it at the MS Library.

|> I'm still thinking, (but losing hope. Those excuses of MEB & Zabcar &
|> glee & Terhune for why this is doomed to failure begins to make
|> sense).
| You certainly do a lot of thinking and I appreciate your efforts. It
| sure seems that the Default_Monitor has to be there but why is still
| a question

The first & only article I've read so far at the MS Library mentions
Default Monitor

The Default Monitor component provides support for a generic monitor
device. This component supplies the monitor.inf file, which is a
system-supplied INF (information) file for a generic monitor. The
monitor.inf file is associated with Windows 95.

There are no services associated with this component.

Associated Components
No other components interact with this component.

There are no configurable settings for this component.

Is your machine an upgrade from Win95?

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


Warren wrote:
| The only thing that isn't like yours is that my machine provides the
| DEFAULT_MONITOR information in key Phantom\3A, while your's is in
| Phantom\key C. As I said before, my key C is occupied by information
| about an old and still working hard drive that is not currently
| installed. I don't know if there's any difference between using key
| C or key 3C for storing this information, as long as it is stored ?

Alright. That sounds like an irrelevant configuration difference. It was
good that you spotted the key difference (I never did) & altered the
right one.

Sounds like this was a dead end, & you may as well change all 3 keys
back, if you haven't already done so. And also (I guess) return that
CompatibleIDs line to your Registry...

CompatibleIDs *PNP09FF <<String value

That one was so promising, though!

I'm going to read MEBs post thrice & spend time at the MS Library...
...., before giving up the ghost, though.

| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:O5mvBdVhIHA.4740@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


MEB wrote:
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:%23UIOKuVhIHA.3788@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
|| Warren wrote:
|| | Well the CompableIDs line in
|| |
|| |> 0117EE&REV_01_000800 stays away when you delete it & reboot but
|| |> the
|| | Default_Monitor still comes back after it is removed and the
|| | computer rebooted.
|| Interesting. I was really leaning to that as the cause. Hmm.
|| Suddenly I begin to get a feeling of frustration & ultimate failure.

|| I'm still thinking, (but losing hope. Those excuses of MEB & Zabcar &
|| glee & Terhune for why this is doomed to failure begins to make
|| sense).
| Those weren't excuses, but attempts to explain the physical/chip
| related aspects. For XP and VISTA these are crutial to the original
| setup in those environments.

I couldn't spell explication-- that's why I said excuses! No reason to
throw XP/Vista irradiation at me-- & just when my tinfoil hat fell off!

| IF you intend to try to over-ride this in 9X then you MUST disable
| PnP/auto detection in the system AND if possible, the video adaptor,
| AND ensure the INF does not contain any references to a default, OR
| that it REPLACES the default [original video driver], OR that it
| isn't added BY the driver itself once it is installed and first
| rebooted. NOTE though, that the video device must have the ALL the
| OLD 9X installation and system/registry settings in its installation
| routine, as if it was NOT PnP [9X term - XP/Vista uses different
| routines in its HAL and other]..

That seems like a little too much to do! I'm at the MS Library, &, if I
can't find something simpler, I'll resort to one of your explications.
What do you make of this...?...
Default Monitor

The Default Monitor component provides support for a generic monitor
device. This component supplies the monitor.inf file, which is a
system-supplied INF (information) file for a generic monitor. The
monitor.inf file is associated with Windows 95.

There are no services associated with this component.

Associated Components
No other components interact with this component.

There are no configurable settings for this component.

| --
| _________

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


No it was a fresh install of Winows 98SE

"PCR" <> wrote in message
> Warren wrote:
> | See comments below:
> |
> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> | news:%23UIOKuVhIHA.3788@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> |> Warren wrote:
> |> | Well the CompableIDs line in
> |> |
> |>
> |> |> 0117EE&REV_01_000800 stays away when you delete it & reboot but
> |> |> the
> |> | Default_Monitor still comes back after it is removed and the
> |> | computer rebooted.
> |>
> |> Interesting. I was really leaning to that as the cause. Hmm.
> |> Suddenly I begin to get a feeling of frustration & ultimate failure.
> |> I wonder--
> |>
> |> (1) Is "CompableIDs" mentioned in any .inf...?...
> |>
> ...snip
> | Nothing shows up
> Alright. I thought it might not.
> ...snip
> |> (2) Does "CompatibleIDs" or "*PNP09FF" show up in EDID...?...
> ...snip
> | No it is not present
> Alright. Maybe there'll be something about it at the MS Library.
> ...snip
> |> I'm still thinking, (but losing hope. Those excuses of MEB & Zabcar &
> |> glee & Terhune for why this is doomed to failure begins to make
> |> sense).
> |
> | You certainly do a lot of thinking and I appreciate your efforts. It
> | sure seems that the Default_Monitor has to be there but why is still
> | a question
> The first & only article I've read so far at the MS Library mentions
> Win95...
> .....Quote.................
> Default Monitor
> The Default Monitor component provides support for a generic monitor
> device. This component supplies the monitor.inf file, which is a
> system-supplied INF (information) file for a generic monitor. The
> monitor.inf file is associated with Windows 95.
> Services
> There are no services associated with this component.
> Associated Components
> No other components interact with this component.
> Settings
> There are no configurable settings for this component.
> .....EOQ...................
> Is your machine an upgrade from Win95?
> ...snip
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,


"PCR" <> wrote in message
| MEB wrote:
| | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| | news:%23UIOKuVhIHA.3788@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
| || Warren wrote:
| || | Well the CompableIDs line in
| || |
| ||
| || |> 0117EE&REV_01_000800 stays away when you delete it & reboot but
| || |> the
| || | Default_Monitor still comes back after it is removed and the
| || | computer rebooted.
| ||
| || Interesting. I was really leaning to that as the cause. Hmm.
| || Suddenly I begin to get a feeling of frustration & ultimate failure.
| ...snip
| ||
| || I'm still thinking, (but losing hope. Those excuses of MEB & Zabcar &
| || glee & Terhune for why this is doomed to failure begins to make
| || sense).
| |
| | Those weren't excuses, but attempts to explain the physical/chip
| | related aspects. For XP and VISTA these are crutial to the original
| | setup in those environments.
| I couldn't spell explication-- that's why I said excuses! No reason to
| throw XP/Vista irradiation at me-- & just when my tinfoil hat fell off!
| | IF you intend to try to over-ride this in 9X then you MUST disable
| | PnP/auto detection in the system AND if possible, the video adaptor,
| | AND ensure the INF does not contain any references to a default, OR
| | that it REPLACES the default [original video driver], OR that it
| | isn't added BY the driver itself once it is installed and first
| | rebooted. NOTE though, that the video device must have the ALL the
| | OLD 9X installation and system/registry settings in its installation
| | routine, as if it was NOT PnP [9X term - XP/Vista uses different
| | routines in its HAL and other]..
| That seems like a little too much to do! I'm at the MS Library, &, if I
| can't find something simpler, I'll resort to one of your explications.
| What do you make of this...?...
| .....Quote.................
| Default Monitor
| The Default Monitor component provides support for a generic monitor
| device. This component supplies the monitor.inf file, which is a
| system-supplied INF (information) file for a generic monitor. The
| monitor.inf file is associated with Windows 95.
| Services
| There are no services associated with this component.
| Associated Components
| No other components interact with this component.
| Settings
| There are no configurable settings for this component.
| .....EOQ...................

Okay, you found the XPSR2 file to briefly explain why a default was

As I see it:

Well, let me put that on my own website [rather than letting someone else
re-write it and put it on their site].
- Windows Default Monitor in the registry and Device Manager

The short is, its the chips baby, its all in the chips...

| | MEB
| | _________



Warren wrote:
| No it was a fresh install of Winows 98SE

Alright. Then, it isn't that I thought maybe Win95 was responsible.

I'm beginning to think... maybe... depending on what monitor is attached
when Windows first boots with a new monitor... Windows will install the
Default Monitor, if it doesn't find another possibility in Monitor.inf.
(I might have always been lucky that my three were in there. Anyhow, I
can't recall I ever had a Default Monitor showing. I DID do a Registry
delete last time -- probably from the ENUM key -- but I THINK it might
have the prior monitor that I deleted.) After you did install the right
one to go with your ViewSonic VP930 Series monitor, for some reason it
is impossible to be rid of the Default Monitor-- even with a Registry

HOWEVER... I haven't done scouring that MS Library. But I must go-- no
time today. I've still only read that one article.

Did you get your Registry back to what it was?

| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:uAYn$mjhIHA.4740@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|> Warren wrote:
|> | See comments below:
|> |
|> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|> | news:%23UIOKuVhIHA.3788@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
|> |> Warren wrote:
|> |> | Well the CompableIDs line in
|> |> |
|> |>
|> |> |> 0117EE&REV_01_000800 stays away when you delete it & reboot but
|> |> |> the
|> |> | Default_Monitor still comes back after it is removed and the
|> |> | computer rebooted.
|> |>
|> |> Interesting. I was really leaning to that as the cause. Hmm.
|> |> Suddenly I begin to get a feeling of frustration & ultimate
|> |> failure. I wonder--
|> |>
|> |> (1) Is "CompableIDs" mentioned in any .inf...?...
|> |>
|> ...snip
|> | Nothing shows up
|> Alright. I thought it might not.
|> ...snip
|> |> (2) Does "CompatibleIDs" or "*PNP09FF" show up in EDID...?...
|> ...snip
|> | No it is not present
|> Alright. Maybe there'll be something about it at the MS Library.
|> ...snip
|> |> I'm still thinking, (but losing hope. Those excuses of MEB &
|> |> Zabcar & glee & Terhune for why this is doomed to failure begins
|> |> to make sense).
|> |
|> | You certainly do a lot of thinking and I appreciate your efforts.
|> | It sure seems that the Default_Monitor has to be there but why is
|> | still a question
|> The first & only article I've read so far at the MS Library mentions
|> Win95...
|> .....Quote.................
|> Default Monitor
|> The Default Monitor component provides support for a generic monitor
|> device. This component supplies the monitor.inf file, which is a
|> system-supplied INF (information) file for a generic monitor. The
|> monitor.inf file is associated with Windows 95.
|> Services
|> There are no services associated with this component.
|> Associated Components
|> No other components interact with this component.
|> Settings
|> There are no configurable settings for this component.
|> .....EOQ...................
|> Is your machine an upgrade from Win95?
|> ...snip
|> --
|> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> Should things get worse after this,
|> PCR

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


MEB wrote:
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:ORjn80jhIHA.6092@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
|| MEB wrote:
|| | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| | news:%23UIOKuVhIHA.3788@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...

|| That seems like a little too much to do! I'm at the MS Library, &,
|| if I can't find something simpler, I'll resort to one of your
|| explications. What do you make of this...?...
|| .....Quote.................
|| Default Monitor
|| The Default Monitor component provides support for a generic monitor
|| device. This component supplies the monitor.inf file, which is a
|| system-supplied INF (information) file for a generic monitor. The
|| monitor.inf file is associated with Windows 95.
|| Services
|| There are no services associated with this component.
|| Associated Components
|| No other components interact with this component.
|| Settings
|| There are no configurable settings for this component.
|| .....EOQ...................
| Okay, you found the XPSR2 file to briefly explain why a default was
| included..
| As I see it:
| Well, let me put that on my own website [rather than letting someone
| else re-write it and put it on their site].
| - Windows Default Monitor in the registry and Device Manager
| The short is, its the chips baby, its all in the chips...

Because you've trebled the size of your explication, it will take longer
to read it thrice. I also want to scour that MS Library-- & I haven't
got the time tonight! Will get back to this tomorrow.

|| | MEB
|| | _________
|| PCR
| --
| _________

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


"PCR" <> wrote in message
| MEB wrote:
| | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| | news:ORjn80jhIHA.6092@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
| || MEB wrote:
| || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| || | news:%23UIOKuVhIHA.3788@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
| ...snip
| || That seems like a little too much to do! I'm at the MS Library, &,
| || if I can't find something simpler, I'll resort to one of your
| || explications. What do you make of this...?...
| ||
| ||
| || .....Quote.................
| || Default Monitor
| ||
| || The Default Monitor component provides support for a generic monitor
| || device. This component supplies the monitor.inf file, which is a
| || system-supplied INF (information) file for a generic monitor. The
| || monitor.inf file is associated with Windows 95.
| ||
| || Services
| || There are no services associated with this component.
| ||
| || Associated Components
| || No other components interact with this component.
| ||
| || Settings
| || There are no configurable settings for this component.
| || .....EOQ...................
| ||
| |
| | Okay, you found the XPSR2 file to briefly explain why a default was
| | included..
| |
| | As I see it:
| |
| | Well, let me put that on my own website [rather than letting someone
| | else re-write it and put it on their site].
| |
| | - Windows Default Monitor in the registry and Device Manager
| |
| | The short is, its the chips baby, its all in the chips...
| Because you've trebled the size of your explication, it will take longer
| to read it thrice. I also want to scour that MS Library-- & I haven't
| got the time tonight! Will get back to this tomorrow.

Actually, I just collected the presentations from this thread, and a small
part from what I put into another monitor/adapter discussion.
Anyway, will see hat you come up with...

| ||
| || | MEB
| || PCR
| | MEB
| | _________



MEB wrote:
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:%23HA86uxhIHA.1944@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|| MEB wrote:
|| | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| | news:ORjn80jhIHA.6092@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
|| || MEB wrote:
|| || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || | news:%23UIOKuVhIHA.3788@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
|| ...snip
|| || That seems like a little too much to do! I'm at the MS Library, &,
|| || if I can't find something simpler, I'll resort to one of your
|| || explications. What do you make of this...?...
|| ||
|| ||
|| || .....Quote.................
|| || Default Monitor
|| ||
|| || The Default Monitor component provides support for a generic
|| || monitor device. This component supplies the monitor.inf file,
|| || which is a system-supplied INF (information) file for a generic
|| || monitor. The monitor.inf file is associated with Windows 95.
|| ||
|| || Services
|| || There are no services associated with this component.
|| ||
|| || Associated Components
|| || No other components interact with this component.
|| ||
|| || Settings
|| || There are no configurable settings for this component.
|| || .....EOQ...................
|| ||
|| |
|| | Okay, you found the XPSR2 file to briefly explain why a default
|| | was included..
|| |
|| | As I see it:
|| |
|| | Well, let me put that on my own website [rather than letting
|| | someone else re-write it and put it on their site].
|| |
|| | - Windows Default Monitor in the registry and Device Manager
|| |
|| | The short is, its the chips baby, its all in the chips...
|| Because you've trebled the size of your explication, it will take
|| longer to read it thrice. I also want to scour that MS Library-- & I
|| haven't got the time tonight! Will get back to this tomorrow.
| Actually, I just collected the presentations from this thread, and a
| small part from what I put into another monitor/adapter discussion.
| Anyway, will see hat you come up with...

OK. And I continue to promise it is coming... but again I've run out of
time. (I did post to Lee in the other thread.) I'll get back tomorrow.
My first few additional clicks at the MS Library came up empty-- but I
remain guardedly hopeful. As I posted to Lee, here are the lines in
Warren's VS080114_I19.inf that mention the VP930...



%VP930_Series%=VP930_Series.Install,Monitor\VSCE41B VP930_Series

%VP930_Series%=VP930_Series.Install,Monitor\VSCE41B VP930_Series

%VP930_Series%=VP930_Series.Install,Monitor\VSCE41B VP930_Series

[VP930_Series.Install] VP930_Series

[VP930_Series.AddReg] VP930_Series


VP930_Series="ViewSonic VP930 Series"

Also, that Default_Monitor is not mentioned in his .inf. It is mentioned
in Monitor.inf that we all have. I show only the lines that mention
it (but I must go)...

Monitor, %Unknown.DeviceDesc%,MONITOR,4,%MonitorClassName% Default
to "Unknown Monitor"

Monitors to hide from pick list

%Unknown.DeviceDesc%=Unknown.Install,Monitor\Default_Monitor for
%Unknown.DeviceDesc%=Unknown.Install for pick list


Generic="(Standard monitor types)"
Unknown.DeviceDesc="Default Monitor"

*PNP09FF.DeviceDesc = "Plug and Play Monitor"

|| ||
|| || | MEB
|| || PCR
|| | MEB
|| | _________
|| PCR
| --
| _________

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


%Unknown.DeviceDesc%=Unknown.Install,Monitor\Default_Monitor for
%Unknown.DeviceDesc%=Unknown.Install for pick list

note the multiple default monitors

For the NT users, a tool to dig out information:

| AddReg=VP930_Series.AddReg,1280,DPMS

Did you ask him to use the DDC test tool I posted?

IF its talkin, we be walkin...


"PCR" <> wrote in message
| MEB wrote:
| | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| | news:%23HA86uxhIHA.1944@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
| || MEB wrote:
| || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| || | news:ORjn80jhIHA.6092@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
| || || MEB wrote:
| || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| || || | news:%23UIOKuVhIHA.3788@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
| ||
| || ...snip
| || || That seems like a little too much to do! I'm at the MS Library, &,
| || || if I can't find something simpler, I'll resort to one of your
| || || explications. What do you make of this...?...
| || ||
| || ||
| || || .....Quote.................
| || || Default Monitor
| || ||
| || || The Default Monitor component provides support for a generic
| || || monitor device. This component supplies the monitor.inf file,
| || || which is a system-supplied INF (information) file for a generic
| || || monitor. The monitor.inf file is associated with Windows 95.
| || ||
| || || Services
| || || There are no services associated with this component.
| || ||
| || || Associated Components
| || || No other components interact with this component.
| || ||
| || || Settings
| || || There are no configurable settings for this component.
| || || .....EOQ...................
| || ||
| || |
| || | Okay, you found the XPSR2 file to briefly explain why a default
| || | was included..
| || |
| || | As I see it:
| || |
| || | Well, let me put that on my own website [rather than letting
| || | someone else re-write it and put it on their site].
| || |
| || | - Windows Default Monitor in the registry and Device Manager
| || |
| || | The short is, its the chips baby, its all in the chips...
| ||
| || Because you've trebled the size of your explication, it will take
| || longer to read it thrice. I also want to scour that MS Library-- & I
| || haven't got the time tonight! Will get back to this tomorrow.
| |
| | Actually, I just collected the presentations from this thread, and a
| | small part from what I put into another monitor/adapter discussion.
| | Anyway, will see hat you come up with...
| OK. And I continue to promise it is coming... but again I've run out of
| time. (I did post to Lee in the other thread.) I'll get back tomorrow.
| My first few additional clicks at the MS Library came up empty-- but I
| remain guardedly hopeful. As I posted to Lee, here are the lines in
| Warren's VS080114_I19.inf that mention the VP930...
| [DestinationDirs]
| VP930_Series.CopyFiles=23
| [SourceDisksFiles]
| VP930_Series.ICM=1
| [ViewSonic]
| %VP930_Series%=VP930_Series.Install,Monitor\VSCE41B VP930_Series
| [ViewSonic.NTia64]
| %VP930_Series%=VP930_Series.Install,Monitor\VSCE41B VP930_Series
| [ViewSonic.NTamd64]
| %VP930_Series%=VP930_Series.Install,Monitor\VSCE41B VP930_Series
| [VP930_Series.Install] VP930_Series
| AddReg=VP930_Series.AddReg,1280,DPMS
| Copyfiles=VP930_Series.CopyFiles
| [VP930_Series.AddReg] VP930_Series
| HKR,"MODES\1280,1024",Mode1,,"30-82,50-75,+,+"
| HKR,,ICMProfile,0,"VP930_Series.ICM"
| [VP930_Series.CopyFiles]
| VP930_Series.ICM
| [Strings]
| VP930_Series="ViewSonic VP930 Series"
| Also, that Default_Monitor is not mentioned in his .inf. It is mentioned
| in Monitor.inf that we all have. I show only the lines that mention
| it (but I must go)...
| [SysCfgClasses]
| Monitor, %Unknown.DeviceDesc%,MONITOR,4,%MonitorClassName% Default
| to "Unknown Monitor"
| Monitors to hide from pick list
| -------------------------------------------------
| [ControlFlags]
| ExcludeFromSelect=Monitor\Default_Monitor
| [Generic]
| %Unknown.DeviceDesc%=Unknown.Install,Monitor\Default_Monitor for
| auto-install
| %Unknown.DeviceDesc%=Unknown.Install for pick list
| %*PNP09FF.DeviceDesc%=VESADDC.Install,*PNP09FF
| [Strings]
| MonitorClassName="Monitors"
| MS="Microsoft"
| Generic="(Standard monitor types)"
| Unknown.DeviceDesc="Default Monitor"
| *PNP09FF.DeviceDesc = "Plug and Play Monitor"
| ||
| || ||
| || || | MEB
| || || PCR
| || | MEB
| || | _________
| || PCR
| | --
| |
| | MEB
| |
| | _________
| --
| Thanks or Good Luck,
| There may be humor in this post, and,
| Naturally, you will not sue,
| Should things get worse after this,


Yes he did run it, but I'm not sure what it told him:

Manufactured=Week 20, 2006
Type=Analog (0.7V)
Size=380 x 310 mm (20")
MaxHfreq=75 kHz (est.)
MaxVfreq=at least 85 Hz
MaxRes=2048 x 1200 (est.)

"MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> [Generic]
> %Unknown.DeviceDesc%=Unknown.Install,Monitor\Default_Monitor for
> auto-install
> %Unknown.DeviceDesc%=Unknown.Install for pick list
> %*PNP09FF.DeviceDesc%=VESADDC.Install,*PNP09FF
> -
> note the multiple default monitors
> For the NT users, a tool to dig out information:
> | AddReg=VP930_Series.AddReg,1280,DPMS
> Did you ask him to use the DDC test tool I posted?
> IF its talkin, we be walkin...
> * MEB
> --
> _________
> "PCR" <> wrote in message
> news:ueXIxj9hIHA.944@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> | MEB wrote:
> | | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> | | news:%23HA86uxhIHA.1944@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> | || MEB wrote:
> | || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> | || | news:ORjn80jhIHA.6092@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> | || || MEB wrote:
> | || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> | || || | news:%23UIOKuVhIHA.3788@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> | ||
> | || ...snip
> | || || That seems like a little too much to do! I'm at the MS Library, &,
> | || || if I can't find something simpler, I'll resort to one of your
> | || || explications. What do you make of this...?...
> | || ||
> | || ||
> | || || .....Quote.................
> | || || Default Monitor
> | || ||
> | || || The Default Monitor component provides support for a generic
> | || || monitor device. This component supplies the monitor.inf file,
> | || || which is a system-supplied INF (information) file for a generic
> | || || monitor. The monitor.inf file is associated with Windows 95.
> | || ||
> | || || Services
> | || || There are no services associated with this component.
> | || ||
> | || || Associated Components
> | || || No other components interact with this component.
> | || ||
> | || || Settings
> | || || There are no configurable settings for this component.
> | || || .....EOQ...................
> | || ||
> | || |
> | || | Okay, you found the XPSR2 file to briefly explain why a default
> | || | was included..
> | || |
> | || | As I see it:
> | || |
> | || | Well, let me put that on my own website [rather than letting
> | || | someone else re-write it and put it on their site].
> | || |
> |
> | || | - Windows Default Monitor in the registry and Device Manager
> | || |
> | || | The short is, its the chips baby, its all in the chips...
> | ||
> | || Because you've trebled the size of your explication, it will take
> | || longer to read it thrice. I also want to scour that MS Library-- & I
> | || haven't got the time tonight! Will get back to this tomorrow.
> | |
> | | Actually, I just collected the presentations from this thread, and a
> | | small part from what I put into another monitor/adapter discussion.
> | | Anyway, will see hat you come up with...
> |
> | OK. And I continue to promise it is coming... but again I've run out of
> | time. (I did post to Lee in the other thread.) I'll get back tomorrow.
> | My first few additional clicks at the MS Library came up empty-- but I
> | remain guardedly hopeful. As I posted to Lee, here are the lines in
> | Warren's VS080114_I19.inf that mention the VP930...
> |
> | [DestinationDirs]
> | VP930_Series.CopyFiles=23
> |
> | [SourceDisksFiles]
> | VP930_Series.ICM=1
> |
> | [ViewSonic]
> | %VP930_Series%=VP930_Series.Install,Monitor\VSCE41B VP930_Series
> |
> | [ViewSonic.NTia64]
> | %VP930_Series%=VP930_Series.Install,Monitor\VSCE41B VP930_Series
> |
> | [ViewSonic.NTamd64]
> | %VP930_Series%=VP930_Series.Install,Monitor\VSCE41B VP930_Series
> |
> | [VP930_Series.Install] VP930_Series
> | AddReg=VP930_Series.AddReg,1280,DPMS
> | Copyfiles=VP930_Series.CopyFiles
> |
> | [VP930_Series.AddReg] VP930_Series
> | HKR,"MODES\1280,1024",Mode1,,"30-82,50-75,+,+"
> | HKR,,ICMProfile,0,"VP930_Series.ICM"
> |
> | [VP930_Series.CopyFiles]
> | VP930_Series.ICM
> |
> | [Strings]
> | VP930_Series="ViewSonic VP930 Series"
> |
> | Also, that Default_Monitor is not mentioned in his .inf. It is mentioned
> | in Monitor.inf that we all have. I show only the lines that mention
> | it (but I must go)...
> |
> | [SysCfgClasses]
> | Monitor, %Unknown.DeviceDesc%,MONITOR,4,%MonitorClassName% Default
> | to "Unknown Monitor"
> |
> | Monitors to hide from pick list
> | -------------------------------------------------
> | [ControlFlags]
> | ExcludeFromSelect=Monitor\Default_Monitor
> |
> | [Generic]
> | %Unknown.DeviceDesc%=Unknown.Install,Monitor\Default_Monitor for
> | auto-install
> | %Unknown.DeviceDesc%=Unknown.Install for pick list
> | %*PNP09FF.DeviceDesc%=VESADDC.Install,*PNP09FF
> |
> | [Strings]
> | MonitorClassName="Monitors"
> | MS="Microsoft"
> |
> | Generic="(Standard monitor types)"
> | Unknown.DeviceDesc="Default Monitor"
> |
> | *PNP09FF.DeviceDesc = "Plug and Play Monitor"
> |
> | ||
> | || ||
> | || || | MEB
> | || || PCR
> | || | MEB
> | || | _________
> | || PCR
> | | --
> | |
> | | MEB
> | |
> | | _________
> |
> | --
> | Thanks or Good Luck,
> | There may be humor in this post, and,
> | Naturally, you will not sue,
> | Should things get worse after this,
> | PCR
> |
> |
> |

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