For PCR, trying to get rid of DEFAULT_MONITOR



On Mar 17, 4:45 am, "Warren" <> wrote:
> Yes he did run it, but I'm not sure what it told him:
> [EDID]
> SN=xx16843009
> Manufactured=Week 20, 2006
> Type=Analog (0.7V)
> Size=380 x 310 mm (20")
> MaxHfreq=75 kHz (est.)
> MaxVfreq=at least 85 Hz
> MaxRes=2048 x 1200 (est.)
> Gamma=2.20
> GTF=n/a
> "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> news:u3wzss$hIHA.1184@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...> [Generic]
> > %Unknown.DeviceDesc%=Unknown.Install,Monitor\Default_Monitor     for
> > auto-install
> > %Unknown.DeviceDesc%=Unknown.Install     for pick list
> > %*PNP09FF.DeviceDesc%=VESADDC.Install,*PNP09FF

> > *VESADDC*?
> >

> > note the multiple default monitors

> > For the NT users, a tool to dig out information:
> >

> > | AddReg=VP930_Series.AddReg,1280,DPMS
> >
> >

> >  Did you ask him to use the DDC test tool I posted?

> >  IF its talkin, we be walkin...

> > * MEB
> >
> > --
> > _________

> > "PCR" <> wrote in message
> >news:ueXIxj9hIHA.944@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> > | MEB wrote:
> > | | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> > | |news:%23HA86uxhIHA.1944@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> > | || MEB wrote:
> > | || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> > | || |news:ORjn80jhIHA.6092@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> > | || || MEB wrote:
> > | || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> > | || || |news:%23UIOKuVhIHA.3788@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> > | ||
> > | || ...snip
> > | || || That seems like a little too much to do! I'm at the MS Library, &,
> > | || || if I can't find something simpler, I'll resort to one of your
> > | || || explications. What do you make of this...?...
> > | || ||
> > | || ||
> > | || || .....Quote.................
> > | || || Default Monitor
> > | || ||
> > | || || The Default Monitor component provides support for a generic
> > | || || monitor device. This component supplies the monitor.inf file,
> > | || || which is a system-supplied INF (information) file for a generic
> > | || || monitor. The monitor.inf file is associated with Windows 95.
> > | || ||
> > | || || Services
> > | || || There are no services associated with this component.
> > | || ||
> > | || || Associated Components
> > | || || No other components interact with this component.
> > | || ||
> > | || || Settings
> > | || || There are no configurable settings for this component.
> > | || || .....EOQ...................
> > | || ||
> > | || |
> > | || |  Okay, you found the XPSR2 file to briefly explain why a default
> > | || | was included..
> > | || |
> > | || |  As I see it:
> > | || |
> > | || |  Well, let me put that on my own website [rather than letting
> > | || | someone else re-write it and put it on their site].
> > | || |
> > |
> > | || | - Windows Default Monitor in the registry and Device Manager
> > | || |
> > | || |  The short is, its the chips baby, its all in the chips...
> > | ||
> > | || Because you've trebled the size of your explication, it will take
> > | || longer to read it thrice. I also want to scour that MS Library-- & I
> > | || haven't got the time tonight! Will get back to this tomorrow.
> > | |
> > | |  Actually, I just collected the presentations from this thread, and a
> > | | small part from what I put into another monitor/adapter discussion.
> > | |  Anyway, will see hat you come up with...
> > |
> > | OK. And I continue to promise it is coming... but again I've run out of
> > | time. (I did post to Lee in the other thread.) I'll get back tomorrow.
> > | My first few additional clicks at the MS Library came up empty-- but I
> > | remain guardedly hopeful. As I posted to Lee, here are the lines in
> > | Warren's VS080114_I19.inf that mention the VP930...
> > |
> > | [DestinationDirs]
> > | VP930_Series.CopyFiles=23
> > |
> > | [SourceDisksFiles]
> > | VP930_Series.ICM=1
> > |
> > | [ViewSonic]
> > | %VP930_Series%=VP930_Series.Install,Monitor\VSCE41B   VP930_Series
> > |
> > | [ViewSonic.NTia64]
> > | %VP930_Series%=VP930_Series.Install,Monitor\VSCE41B   VP930_Series
> > |
> > | [ViewSonic.NTamd64]
> > | %VP930_Series%=VP930_Series.Install,Monitor\VSCE41B   VP930_Series
> > |
> > | [VP930_Series.Install]            VP930_Series
> > | AddReg=VP930_Series.AddReg,1280,DPMS
> > | Copyfiles=VP930_Series.CopyFiles
> > |
> > | [VP930_Series.AddReg]         VP930_Series
> > | HKR,"MODES\1280,1024",Mode1,,"30-82,50-75,+,+"
> > | HKR,,ICMProfile,0,"VP930_Series.ICM"
> > |
> > | [VP930_Series.CopyFiles]
> > | VP930_Series.ICM
> > |
> > | [Strings]
> > | VP930_Series="ViewSonic VP930 Series"
> > |
> > | Also, that Default_Monitor is not mentioned in his .inf. It is mentioned
> > | in Monitor.inf that we all have. I show only the lines that mention
> > | it (but I must go)...
> > |
> > | [SysCfgClasses]
> > | Monitor, %Unknown.DeviceDesc%,MONITOR,4,%MonitorClassName%   Default
> > | to "Unknown Monitor"
> > |
> > | Monitors to hide from pick list
> > | -------------------------------------------------
> > | [ControlFlags]
> > | ExcludeFromSelect=Monitor\Default_Monitor
> > |
> > | [Generic]
> > | %Unknown.DeviceDesc%=Unknown.Install,Monitor\Default_Monitor     for
> > | auto-install
> > | %Unknown.DeviceDesc%=Unknown.Install     for pick list
> > | %*PNP09FF.DeviceDesc%=VESADDC.Install,*PNP09FF
> > |
> > | [Strings]
> > | MonitorClassName="Monitors"
> > | MS="Microsoft"
> > |
> > | Generic="(Standard monitor types)"
> > | Unknown.DeviceDesc="Default Monitor"
> > |
> > | *PNP09FF.DeviceDesc = "Plug and Play Monitor"
> > |
> > | ||
> > | || ||
> > | || || | MEB
> > | || || PCR
> > | || | MEB
> > | || | _________
> > | || PCR
> > | | --
> > | |
> > | | MEB
> > | |
> > | | _________
> > |
> > | --
> > | Thanks or Good Luck,
> > | There may be humor in this post, and,
> > | Naturally, you will not sue,
> > | Should things get worse after this,
> > | PCR
> > |
> > |
> > |- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

It told the ID number VSCE41B which is used by Windows to identify the
monitor such as to match it with an inf file and then from the inf
file to an ICM file to drive it with. The ID number does match the
latest VS080314_l19.inf file so there is hope it will work. When
Windows queries the monitor as to "who are you?", it answers with the
ID number which is how Windows knows which inf to install the drivers
for it with.

So as soon as PCR mentioned the inf file was a large one, I flinched
because 9x inf files can not be 60k or larger or they fail to work
properly and that would explain why the unknown monitor gets installed
as the Default Monitor all day long. The inf file can not be used to
ID the monitor properly because it is too big. I see even in the
latest driver package ViewSonic has a 63k inf for 9x systems which is
a big fat no-no all the way around (nobody told them?). Thankfully it
doesn't have your monitor info in it so maybe it doesn't matter.

So I set about to download my own copy of this dadgummed driver
critter, lift the hood and take a peek at it myself. What I find is
that as of 3 days ago ViewSonic posted a new driver for your monitor -
how is that for a co-inkeedink? 3/14/2008, so go get the new one and
see if they cleaned it up just for you. This thread and the other one
is replicating itself beyond belief, but amidst all the echos I did
find these that seem to be of some interest.

I thought boy howdy, I'm going to get Warren the low down skinny on
just what is going on, look at all these vp930 Google hits with
"Default Monitor" in them only to find out that the author is Warren
himself. Hopefully the new release will fix it up right - let us know
as per usual.


Both Warren and Lee are responded to here.

"Lee" <> wrote in message
On Mar 17, 4:45 am, "Warren" <> wrote:
> Yes he did run it, but I'm not sure what it told him:
> [EDID]
> SN=xx16843009
> Manufactured=Week 20, 2006
> Type=Analog (0.7V)
> Size=380 x 310 mm (20")
> MaxHfreq=75 kHz (est.)
> MaxVfreq=at least 85 Hz
> MaxRes=2048 x 1200 (est.)
> Gamma=2.20
> GTF=n/a

Sorry Warren, thought you had dropped back to the older discussion.
Oft'times, when discussions revolve between two people, such as myself and
PCR, others tend to stop monitoring the discussion, or at least it seems
that way.

For a display to be able to use DDC, DPMS, GTF, and other the adaptor/chip
MUST also supply that ability or pass it through.

> "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> news:u3wzss$hIHA.1184@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...> [Generic]
> > %Unknown.DeviceDesc%=Unknown.Install,Monitor\Default_Monitor for
> > auto-install
> > %Unknown.DeviceDesc%=Unknown.Install for pick list
> > %*PNP09FF.DeviceDesc%=VESADDC.Install,*PNP09FF

> > *VESADDC*?
> >

> > note the multiple default monitors

> > For the NT users, a tool to dig out information:
> >

> > | AddReg=VP930_Series.AddReg,1280,DPMS
> >
> >

> > Did you ask him to use the DDC test tool I posted?

> > IF its talkin, we be walkin...

> > * MEB
> >
> > --
> > _________

> > "PCR" <> wrote in message
> >news:ueXIxj9hIHA.944@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> > | MEB wrote:
> > | | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> > | |news:%23HA86uxhIHA.1944@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> > | || MEB wrote:
> > | || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> > | || |news:ORjn80jhIHA.6092@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> > | || || MEB wrote:
> > | || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> > | || || |news:%23UIOKuVhIHA.3788@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> > | ||
> > | || ...snip
> > | || || That seems like a little too much to do! I'm at the MS Library,

> > | || || if I can't find something simpler, I'll resort to one of your
> > | || || explications. What do you make of this...?...
> > | || ||
> > | || ||
> > | || || .....Quote.................
> > | || || Default Monitor
> > | || ||
> > | || || The Default Monitor component provides support for a generic
> > | || || monitor device. This component supplies the monitor.inf file,
> > | || || which is a system-supplied INF (information) file for a generic
> > | || || monitor. The monitor.inf file is associated with Windows 95.
> > | || ||
> > | || || Services
> > | || || There are no services associated with this component.
> > | || ||
> > | || || Associated Components
> > | || || No other components interact with this component.
> > | || ||
> > | || || Settings
> > | || || There are no configurable settings for this component.
> > | || || .....EOQ...................
> > | || ||
> > | || |
> > | || | Okay, you found the XPSR2 file to briefly explain why a default
> > | || | was included..
> > | || |
> > | || | As I see it:
> > | || |
> > | || | Well, let me put that on my own website [rather than letting
> > | || | someone else re-write it and put it on their site].
> > | || |
> > |
> > | || | - Windows Default Monitor in the registry and Device Manager
> > | || |
> > | || | The short is, its the chips baby, its all in the chips...
> > | ||
> > | || Because you've trebled the size of your explication, it will take
> > | || longer to read it thrice. I also want to scour that MS Library-- &

> > | || haven't got the time tonight! Will get back to this tomorrow.
> > | |
> > | | Actually, I just collected the presentations from this thread, and a
> > | | small part from what I put into another monitor/adapter discussion.
> > | | Anyway, will see hat you come up with...
> > |
> > | OK. And I continue to promise it is coming... but again I've run out

> > | time. (I did post to Lee in the other thread.) I'll get back tomorrow.
> > | My first few additional clicks at the MS Library came up empty-- but I
> > | remain guardedly hopeful. As I posted to Lee, here are the lines in
> > | Warren's VS080114_I19.inf that mention the VP930...
> > |
> > | [DestinationDirs]
> > | VP930_Series.CopyFiles=23
> > |
> > | [SourceDisksFiles]
> > | VP930_Series.ICM=1
> > |
> > | [ViewSonic]
> > | %VP930_Series%=VP930_Series.Install,Monitor\VSCE41B VP930_Series
> > |
> > | [ViewSonic.NTia64]
> > | %VP930_Series%=VP930_Series.Install,Monitor\VSCE41B VP930_Series
> > |
> > | [ViewSonic.NTamd64]
> > | %VP930_Series%=VP930_Series.Install,Monitor\VSCE41B VP930_Series
> > |
> > | [VP930_Series.Install] VP930_Series
> > | AddReg=VP930_Series.AddReg,1280,DPMS
> > | Copyfiles=VP930_Series.CopyFiles
> > |
> > | [VP930_Series.AddReg] VP930_Series
> > | HKR,"MODES\1280,1024",Mode1,,"30-82,50-75,+,+"
> > | HKR,,ICMProfile,0,"VP930_Series.ICM"
> > |
> > | [VP930_Series.CopyFiles]
> > | VP930_Series.ICM
> > |
> > | [Strings]
> > | VP930_Series="ViewSonic VP930 Series"
> > |
> > | Also, that Default_Monitor is not mentioned in his .inf. It is

> > | in Monitor.inf that we all have. I show only the lines that mention
> > | it (but I must go)...
> > |
> > | [SysCfgClasses]
> > | Monitor, %Unknown.DeviceDesc%,MONITOR,4,%MonitorClassName% Default
> > | to "Unknown Monitor"
> > |
> > | Monitors to hide from pick list
> > | -------------------------------------------------
> > | [ControlFlags]
> > | ExcludeFromSelect=Monitor\Default_Monitor
> > |
> > | [Generic]
> > | %Unknown.DeviceDesc%=Unknown.Install,Monitor\Default_Monitor for
> > | auto-install
> > | %Unknown.DeviceDesc%=Unknown.Install for pick list
> > | %*PNP09FF.DeviceDesc%=VESADDC.Install,*PNP09FF
> > |
> > | [Strings]
> > | MonitorClassName="Monitors"
> > | MS="Microsoft"
> > |
> > | Generic="(Standard monitor types)"
> > | Unknown.DeviceDesc="Default Monitor"
> > |
> > | *PNP09FF.DeviceDesc = "Plug and Play Monitor"
> > |
> > | ||
> > | || ||
> > | || || | MEB
> > | || || PCR
> > | || | MEB
> > | || | _________
> > | || PCR
> > | | --
> > | |
> > | | MEB
> > | |
> > | | _________
> > |
> > | --
> > | PCR
> > |

| It told the ID number VSCE41B which is used by Windows to identify the
| monitor such as to match it with an inf file and then from the inf
| file to an ICM file to drive it with. The ID number does match the
| latest VS080314_l19.inf file so there is hope it will work. When
| Windows queries the monitor as to "who are you?", it answers with the
| ID number which is how Windows knows which inf to install the drivers
| for it with.
| So as soon as PCR mentioned the inf file was a large one, I flinched
| because 9x inf files can not be 60k or larger or they fail to work
| properly and that would explain why the unknown monitor gets installed
| as the Default Monitor all day long. The inf file can not be used to
| ID the monitor properly because it is too big. I see even in the
| latest driver package ViewSonic has a 63k inf for 9x systems which is
| a big fat no-no all the way around (nobody told them?). Thankfully it
| doesn't have your monitor info in it so maybe it doesn't matter.

I didn't download the driver, glad you did. Had PCR or Warren mentioned the
actual size, this discussion might have been much shorter.
That's also, in part, what I was attempting to indicate previously [in the
| MEB wrote:
| IF you intend to try to over-ride this in 9X then you MUST disable
| PnP/auto detection in the system AND if possible, the video adaptor,
| AND ensure the INF does not contain any references to a default, OR
| that it REPLACES the default [original video driver], OR that it
| isn't added BY the driver itself once it is installed and first
| rebooted. NOTE though, that the video device **must have the ALL the
| OLD 9X installation and system/registry settings in its installation
| routine**, as if it was NOT PnP [9X term - XP/Vista uses different
| routines in its HAL and other]..

Interestingly, you say it doesn't contain information for Warren's monitor.
IF so, Win9X is going to use the standards [PnP INFs] it has for the
DDC, DPMS, and VESA. Part of that information comes from monitor.inf, hence
the default.
It shouldn't be difficult to create an actual INF for the display. Its
settings for XP/NT would be basicly the same in 9X without all the
redundency necessary in those NT environments. Anything beyond the limit, or
which can not be handled otherwise, CAN be addressed via *.bin or *.pnf. 9X
IS, after all, a conglomeration of DOS-9X-NT code. Since its no longer
necessary to ensure the code produces no errors [after Microsoft breaking
its own requirements with IE6 files], staying within those limits
[non-fatal] seems to be the applicable standard.

This brings to light, in my mind, a question to these device manufacturers:
Why would you [the manufacturers] cowtow to Microsoft's demand [recently
confirmed in Tech News, coming from "leaked" Microsoft internal and other
memos] you remove support for unsupported systems, merely to obtain WHQL
certification for VISTA?
To limit yourself [and your investors] to Microsoft demands, seems to be
counter-productive and economically unsound. Most of your devices WILL work
in 9X. Will users use non-certified drivers from you, well DUH, !YEAH!, they
will as long as they work.

| So I set about to download my own copy of this dadgummed driver
| critter, lift the hood and take a peek at it myself. What I find is
| that as of 3 days ago ViewSonic posted a new driver for your monitor -
| how is that for a co-inkeedink? 3/14/2008, so go get the new one and
| see if they cleaned it up just for you. This thread and the other one
| is replicating itself beyond belief, but amidst all the echos I did
| find these that seem to be of some interest.
| I thought boy howdy, I'm going to get Warren the low down skinny on
| just what is going on, look at all these vp930 Google hits with
| "Default Monitor" in them only to find out that the author is Warren
| himself. Hopefully the new release will fix it up right - let us know
| as per usual.


This is a pretty good indication of the power of the NET... if we can some
how manage to get the world's people to look at REAL discussions and
information rather than watching videos and getting caught up in "glitz and
glamour" {ah, okay, I do realize this is NOT going to happen}...



We are close to firing on all cylinders soon? What I should have done
was list all the files in the driver package but I might rival PCR's
master post in doing so. There are at least 11 inf files ranging from
31k thru 63k with the one inf file dealing with the VP930 monitor
(VS080314_l19.inf) being 48k in length. There is a large number of
ICM files added to the System\Color folder as well. The count went up
from a one page display in Windows Explorer to now 873 files. So it's
a pretty heathy driver package.

VS080314_l19.inf file does have a 3/14/2008 date on it now so it was
modifed a few days ago which is the only hope I have for a real
solution here. I of course can't know what size the previous inf file
was since it is no longer available from ViewSonic, and it seems all
driver sites link back to ViewSonic as well so there is no archived
version readily available? I kinda doubt it was too big to work, but
I do suspect strongly that it was still written wrong which may or may
not be fixed now - it's obvious the inf writers at ViewSonic need a
lesson or two in proper inf file construction, not that I could teach
the course mind you.

I'm thinking it's pure circumstance that a new driver would be
available as of a few days ago. ViewSonic has remained totally
oblivious to it's Device Mangler's double doppleganger for five or
more years now, I'm sure they are happy doing so too. So odds are
that it's not fixed even yet...

On Mar 17, 2:38 pm, "MEB" <meb@not> wrote:
>  Both Warren and Lee are responded to here.
> "Lee" <> wrote in message
> On Mar 17, 4:45 am, "Warren" <> wrote:
> > Yes he did run it, but I'm not sure what it told him:

> > [EDID]
> > ID=VSCE41B
> > SN=xx16843009
> > Manufactured=Week 20, 2006
> > Type=Analog (0.7V)
> > Size=380 x 310 mm (20")
> > MaxHfreq=75 kHz (est.)
> > MaxVfreq=at least 85 Hz
> > MaxRes=2048 x 1200 (est.)
> > Gamma=2.20
> > GTF=n/a
> > DPMS=No

>  Sorry Warren, thought you had dropped back to the older discussion.
> Oft'times, when discussions revolve between two people, such as myself and
> PCR, others tend to stop monitoring the discussion, or at least it seems
> that way.
>  For a display to be able to use DDC, DPMS, GTF, and other the adaptor/chip
> MUST also supply that ability or pass it through.
> > "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message

> >news:u3wzss$hIHA.1184@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...> [Generic]
> > > %Unknown.DeviceDesc%=Unknown.Install,Monitor\Default_Monitor for
> > > auto-install
> > > %Unknown.DeviceDesc%=Unknown.Install for pick list
> > > %*PNP09FF.DeviceDesc%=VESADDC.Install,*PNP09FF

> > > *VESADDC*?
> > >

> >
> > > note the multiple default monitors

> > > For the NT users, a tool to dig out information:
> > >

> > > | AddReg=VP930_Series.AddReg,1280,DPMS
> > >
> > >

> > > Did you ask him to use the DDC test tool I posted?

> > > IF its talkin, we be walkin...

> > > * MEB
> > >
> > > --
> > > _________

> > > "PCR" <> wrote in message
> > >news:ueXIxj9hIHA.944@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> > > | MEB wrote:
> > > | | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> > > | |news:%23HA86uxhIHA.1944@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> > > | || MEB wrote:
> > > | || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> > > | || |news:ORjn80jhIHA.6092@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> > > | || || MEB wrote:
> > > | || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> > > | || || |news:%23UIOKuVhIHA.3788@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> > > | ||
> > > | || ...snip
> > > | || || That seems like a little too much to do! I'm at the MS Library,

> &,
> > > | || || if I can't find something simpler, I'll resort to one of your
> > > | || || explications. What do you make of this...?...
> > > | || ||
> > > | || ||
> > > | || || .....Quote.................
> > > | || || Default Monitor
> > > | || ||
> > > | || || The Default Monitor component provides support for a generic
> > > | || || monitor device. This component supplies the monitor.inf file,
> > > | || || which is a system-supplied INF (information) file for a generic
> > > | || || monitor. The monitor.inf file is associated with Windows 95.
> > > | || ||
> > > | || || Services
> > > | || || There are no services associated with this component.
> > > | || ||
> > > | || || Associated Components
> > > | || || No other components interact with this component.
> > > | || ||
> > > | || || Settings
> > > | || || There are no configurable settings for this component.
> > > | || || .....EOQ...................
> > > | || ||
> > > | || |
> > > | || | Okay, you found the XPSR2 file to briefly explain why a default
> > > | || | was included..
> > > | || |
> > > | || | As I see it:
> > > | || |
> > > | || | Well, let me put that on my own website [rather than letting
> > > | || | someone else re-write it and put it on their site].
> > > | || |
> > > |
> > > | || | - Windows Default Monitor in the registry and Device Manager
> > > | || |
> > > | || | The short is, its the chips baby, its all in the chips...
> > > | ||
> > > | || Because you've trebled the size of your explication, it will take
> > > | || longer to read it thrice. I also want to scour that MS Library-- &

> I
> > > | || haven't got the time tonight! Will get back to this tomorrow.
> > > | |
> > > | | Actually, I just collected the presentations from this thread, and a
> > > | | small part from what I put into another monitor/adapter discussion..
> > > | | Anyway, will see hat you come up with...
> > > |
> > > | OK. And I continue to promise it is coming... but again I've run out

> of
> > > | time. (I did post to Lee in the other thread.) I'll get back tomorrow.
> > > | My first few additional clicks at the MS Library came up empty-- but I
> > > | remain guardedly hopeful. As I posted to Lee, here are the lines in
> > > | Warren's VS080114_I19.inf that mention the VP930...
> > > |
> > > | [DestinationDirs]
> > > | VP930_Series.CopyFiles=23
> > > |
> > > | [SourceDisksFiles]
> > > | VP930_Series.ICM=1
> > > |
> > > | [ViewSonic]
> > > | %VP930_Series%=VP930_Series.Install,Monitor\VSCE41B VP930_Series
> > > |
> > > | [ViewSonic.NTia64]
> > > | %VP930_Series%=VP930_Series.Install,Monitor\VSCE41B VP930_Series
> > > |
> > > | [ViewSonic.NTamd64]
> > > | %VP930_Series%=VP930_Series.Install,Monitor\VSCE41B VP930_Series
> > > |
> > > | [VP930_Series.Install] VP930_Series
> > > | DelReg=DEL_CURRENT_REG
> > > | AddReg=VP930_Series.AddReg,1280,DPMS
> > > | Copyfiles=VP930_Series.CopyFiles
> > > |
> > > | [VP930_Series.AddReg] VP930_Series
> > > | HKR,"MODES\1280,1024",Mode1,,"30-82,50-75,+,+"
> > > | HKR,,ICMProfile,0,"VP930_Series.ICM"
> > > |
> > > | [VP930_Series.CopyFiles]
> > > | VP930_Series.ICM
> > > |
> > > | [Strings]
> > > | VP930_Series="ViewSonic VP930 Series"
> > > |
> > > | Also, that Default_Monitor is not mentioned in his .inf. It is

> mentioned
> > > | in Monitor.inf that we all have. I show only the lines that mention
> > > | it (but I must go)...
> > > |
> > > | [SysCfgClasses]
> > > | Monitor, %Unknown.DeviceDesc%,MONITOR,4,%MonitorClassName% Default
> > > | to "Unknown Monitor"
> > > |
> > > | Monitors to hide from pick list
> > > | -------------------------------------------------
> > > | [ControlFlags]
> > > | ExcludeFromSelect=Monitor\Default_Monitor
> > > |
> > > | [Generic]
> > > | %Unknown.DeviceDesc%=Unknown.Install,Monitor\Default_Monitor for
> > > | auto-install
> > > | %Unknown.DeviceDesc%=Unknown.Install for pick list
> > > | %*PNP09FF.DeviceDesc%=VESADDC.Install,*PNP09FF
> > > |
> > > | [Strings]
> > > | MonitorClassName="Monitors"
> > > | MS="Microsoft"
> > > |
> > > | Generic="(Standard monitor types)"
> > > | Unknown.DeviceDesc="Default Monitor"
> > > |
> > > | *PNP09FF.DeviceDesc = "Plug and Play Monitor"
> > > |
> > > | ||
> > > | || ||
> > > | || || | MEB
> > > | || || PCR
> > > | || | MEB
> > > | || | _________
> > > | || PCR
> > > | | --
> > > | |
> > > | | MEB
> > > | |
> > > | | _________
> > > |
> > > | --
> > > | PCR
> > > |

> | It told the ID number VSCE41B which is used by Windows to identify the
> | monitor such as to match it with an inf file and then from the inf
> | file to an ICM file to drive it with.  The ID number does match the
> | latest VS080314_l19.inf file so there is hope it will work.  When
> | Windows queries the monitor as to "who are you?", it answers with the
> | ID number which is how Windows knows which inf to install the drivers
> | for it with.
> |
> | So as soon as PCR mentioned the inf file was a large one, I flinched
> | because 9x inf files can not be 60k or larger or they fail to work
> | properly and that would explain why the unknown monitor gets installed
> | as the Default Monitor all day long.  The inf file can not be used to
> | ID the monitor properly because it is too big.  I see even in the
> | latest driver package ViewSonic has a 63k inf for 9x systems which is
> | a big fat no-no all the way around (nobody told them?).  Thankfully it
> | doesn't have your monitor info in it so maybe it doesn't matter.
>  I didn't download the driver, glad you did. Had PCR or Warren mentioned the
> actual size, this discussion might have been much shorter.
>  That's also, in part, what I was attempting to indicate previously [in the
> work-around]:| MEB wrote:
> |  IF you intend to try to over-ride this in 9X then you MUST disable
> | PnP/auto detection in the system AND if possible, the video adaptor,
> | AND ensure the INF does not contain any references to a default, OR
> | that it REPLACES the default [original video driver], OR that it
> | isn't added BY the driver itself once it is installed and first
> |  rebooted. NOTE though, that the video device **must have the ALL the
> | OLD 9X installation and system/registry settings in its installation
> | routine**, as if it was NOT PnP [9X term - XP/Vista uses different
> | routines in its HAL and other]..
>  Interestingly, you say it doesn't contain information for Warren's monitor.
> IF so, Win9X is going to use the standards [PnP INFs] it has for the
> monitor.
> DDC, DPMS, and VESA. Part of that information comes from monitor.inf, hence
> the default.
>  It shouldn't be difficult to create an actual INF for the display. Its
> settings for XP/NT would be basicly the same in 9X without all the
> redundency necessary in those NT environments. Anything beyond the limit, or
> which can not be handled otherwise, CAN be addressed via *.bin or *.pnf. 9X
> IS, after all, a conglomeration of DOS-9X-NT code. Since its no longer
> necessary to ensure the code produces no errors [after Microsoft breaking
> its own requirements with IE6 files], staying within those limits
> [non-fatal] seems to be the applicable standard.
>  This brings to light, in my mind, a question to these device manufacturers:
> Why would you [the manufacturers] cowtow to Microsoft's demand [recently
> confirmed in Tech News, coming from "leaked" Microsoft internal and other
> memos] you remove support for unsupported systems, merely to obtain WHQL
> certification for VISTA?
>  To limit yourself [and your investors] to Microsoft demands, seems to be
> counter-productive and economically unsound. Most of your devices WILL work
> in 9X. Will users use non-certified drivers from you, well DUH, !YEAH!, they
> will as long as they work.
> | So I set about to download my own copy of this dadgummed driver
> | critter, lift the hood and take a peek at it myself.  What I find is
> | that as of 3 days ago ViewSonic posted a new driver for your monitor -
> | how is that for a co-inkeedink?  3/14/2008, so go get the new one and
> | see if they cleaned it up just for you.  This thread and the other one
> | is replicating itself beyond belief, but amidst all the echos I did
> | find these that seem to be of some interest.
> |
> |
> |
> |
> | I thought boy howdy, I'm going to get Warren the low down skinny on
> | just what is going on, look at all these vp930 Google hits with
> | "Default Monitor" in them only to find out that the author is Warren
> | himself.  Hopefully the new release will fix it up right - let us know
> | as per usual.
>  Right.
>  This is a pretty good indication of the power of the NET... if we can some
> how manage to get the world's people to look at REAL discussions and
> information rather than watching videos and getting caught up in "glitz and
> glamour" {ah, okay, I do realize this is NOT going to happen}...
> * MEB
> --
> _________


Well, I downloaded & installed the latest driver package from Viewsonic
(thanks for the tip), deleted all occurences of Default_Monitor & VSCE41B in
the Registry and rebooted. Windows picked up the new driver dated March 14,
2008 for my VP930b. But unfortunately the Default_Monitor also reappeared.

"Lee" <> wrote in message
We are close to firing on all cylinders soon? What I should have done
was list all the files in the driver package but I might rival PCR's
master post in doing so. There are at least 11 inf files ranging from
31k thru 63k with the one inf file dealing with the VP930 monitor
(VS080314_l19.inf) being 48k in length. There is a large number of
ICM files added to the System\Color folder as well. The count went up
from a one page display in Windows Explorer to now 873 files. So it's
a pretty heathy driver package.

VS080314_l19.inf file does have a 3/14/2008 date on it now so it was
modifed a few days ago which is the only hope I have for a real
solution here. I of course can't know what size the previous inf file
was since it is no longer available from ViewSonic, and it seems all
driver sites link back to ViewSonic as well so there is no archived
version readily available? I kinda doubt it was too big to work, but
I do suspect strongly that it was still written wrong which may or may
not be fixed now - it's obvious the inf writers at ViewSonic need a
lesson or two in proper inf file construction, not that I could teach
the course mind you.

I'm thinking it's pure circumstance that a new driver would be
available as of a few days ago. ViewSonic has remained totally
oblivious to it's Device Mangler's double doppleganger for five or
more years now, I'm sure they are happy doing so too. So odds are
that it's not fixed even yet...


Warren wrote:
| Yes he did run it, but I'm not sure what it told him:

It wasn't me. Now, I've downloaded it from the URL MEB posted...

| [EDID]
| SN=xx16843009
| Manufactured=Week 20, 2006
| Type=Analog (0.7V)
| Size=380 x 310 mm (20")
| MaxHfreq=75 kHz (est.)
| MaxVfreq=at least 85 Hz
| MaxRes=2048 x 1200 (est.)
| Gamma=2.20
| GTF=n/a

Here is mine...

Manufactured=Week 6, 2005
Type=Analog (1.0V)
Size=300 x 230 mm (17")
MaxHfreq=56 kHz (est.)
MaxVfreq=at least 85 Hz
MaxRes=1592 x 896 (est.)

My understanding of EDID is that it is what the monitor chip informs
Windows to be its identity. I don't see a significant difference between
yours & mine, unless it be in the ID. Let me another look at those
VSCE41B keys you've been posting...

MatchingDeviceId, Monitor\VSCE41B

That one corresponds to the one in your ENUM below-- it is what you want
& does not seem to be responsible for your Default Monitor which is



I have corresponding keys to the above two that mention my EPIE564.
Seems to be just what you want.


00800\, {KEY}, {KEY}

00800\, HardwareID, MONITOR\VSCE41B

Those 3 in ENUM are pretty much what I get for my EPIE564. They are what
you want & are not the Default Monitor.

I meant to immerse myself in that MS Library, but I have run out of
time-- tomorrow!

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


MEB wrote:
| [Generic]
| %Unknown.DeviceDesc%=Unknown.Install,Monitor\Default_Monitor for
| auto-install
| %Unknown.DeviceDesc%=Unknown.Install for pick list
| %*PNP09FF.DeviceDesc%=VESADDC.Install,*PNP09FF

That's what it says, but I'm just quoting Monitor.inf, which we all
have. It seems to be responsible for installing his Default Monitor, but
it doesn't give one to me-- not that I want one! I see it in his
Monitor\0001 key...

"DriverDate"=" 4-23-1999"
"DriverDesc"="Default Monitor"



YET, he's got a good one too...!...

"DriverDate"=" 2-16-2008"
"DriverDesc"="ViewSonic VP930 Series"



I'm still considering what Lee wrote, but because of the good one
showing up here & in the ENUM key-- I tend to think Warren's monster
VS080114_I19.inf of 42,219 bytes did execute. (Now I see he's taken an
update just as big, but the problem persists.)

However, I do know that Warren could not initially get any ViewSonic
..inf to execute-- & that was when the Default Monitor showed up. When
finally he did get the ViewSonic driver installed-- the Default Monitor
would not go!

WARREN-- there was a point when you had no Default Monitor, right? Do
you remember it that way before you replaced the original monitor with
your VP930 Series?

| - note the multiple default monitors

That's really tought to look at, & it's a different machine. But I see
what you say, there is a Default Monitor there.

| For the NT users, a tool to dig out information:
|| AddReg=VP930_Series.AddReg,1280,DPMS
| Did you ask him to use the DDC test tool I posted?

Someone did, & he has freshly posted his results. Now, I've downloaded
it from...

My own result is...

Here is mine...

Manufactured=Week 6, 2005
Type=Analog (1.0V)
Size=300 x 230 mm (17")
MaxHfreq=56 kHz (est.)
MaxVfreq=at least 85 Hz
MaxRes=1592 x 896 (est.)

But I see nothing remarkably different between mine & his!

| IF its talkin, we be walkin...
| * MEB
| --
| _________
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:ueXIxj9hIHA.944@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|| MEB wrote:
|| | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| | news:%23HA86uxhIHA.1944@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|| || MEB wrote:
|| || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || | news:ORjn80jhIHA.6092@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
|| || || MEB wrote:
|| || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || || | news:%23UIOKuVhIHA.3788@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
|| ||
|| || ...snip
|| || || That seems like a little too much to do! I'm at the MS
|| || || Library, &, if I can't find something simpler, I'll resort to
|| || || one of your explications. What do you make of this...?...
|| || ||
|| || ||
|| || || .....Quote.................
|| || || Default Monitor
|| || ||
|| || || The Default Monitor component provides support for a generic
|| || || monitor device. This component supplies the monitor.inf file,
|| || || which is a system-supplied INF (information) file for a generic
|| || || monitor. The monitor.inf file is associated with Windows 95.
|| || ||
|| || || Services
|| || || There are no services associated with this component.
|| || ||
|| || || Associated Components
|| || || No other components interact with this component.
|| || ||
|| || || Settings
|| || || There are no configurable settings for this component.
|| || || .....EOQ...................
|| || ||
|| || |
|| || | Okay, you found the XPSR2 file to briefly explain why a default
|| || | was included..
|| || |
|| || | As I see it:
|| || |
|| || | Well, let me put that on my own website [rather than letting
|| || | someone else re-write it and put it on their site].
|| || |
|| || | - Windows Default Monitor in the registry and Device Manager
|| || |
|| || | The short is, its the chips baby, its all in the chips...
|| ||
|| || Because you've trebled the size of your explication, it will take
|| || longer to read it thrice. I also want to scour that MS Library--
|| || & I haven't got the time tonight! Will get back to this tomorrow.
|| |
|| | Actually, I just collected the presentations from this thread,
|| | and a small part from what I put into another monitor/adapter
|| | discussion. Anyway, will see hat you come up with...
|| OK. And I continue to promise it is coming... but again I've run out
|| of time. (I did post to Lee in the other thread.) I'll get back
|| tomorrow. My first few additional clicks at the MS Library came up
|| empty-- but I remain guardedly hopeful. As I posted to Lee, here are
|| the lines in Warren's VS080114_I19.inf that mention the VP930...
|| [DestinationDirs]
|| VP930_Series.CopyFiles=23
|| [SourceDisksFiles]
|| VP930_Series.ICM=1
|| [ViewSonic]
|| %VP930_Series%=VP930_Series.Install,Monitor\VSCE41B VP930_Series
|| [ViewSonic.NTia64]
|| %VP930_Series%=VP930_Series.Install,Monitor\VSCE41B VP930_Series
|| [ViewSonic.NTamd64]
|| %VP930_Series%=VP930_Series.Install,Monitor\VSCE41B VP930_Series
|| [VP930_Series.Install] VP930_Series
|| AddReg=VP930_Series.AddReg,1280,DPMS
|| Copyfiles=VP930_Series.CopyFiles
|| [VP930_Series.AddReg] VP930_Series
|| HKR,"MODES\1280,1024",Mode1,,"30-82,50-75,+,+"
|| HKR,,ICMProfile,0,"VP930_Series.ICM"
|| [VP930_Series.CopyFiles]
|| VP930_Series.ICM
|| [Strings]
|| VP930_Series="ViewSonic VP930 Series"
|| Also, that Default_Monitor is not mentioned in his .inf. It is
|| mentioned in Monitor.inf that we all have. I show only the lines
|| that mention
|| it (but I must go)...
|| [SysCfgClasses]
|| Monitor, %Unknown.DeviceDesc%,MONITOR,4,%MonitorClassName%
|| Default to "Unknown Monitor"
|| Monitors to hide from pick list
|| -------------------------------------------------
|| [ControlFlags]
|| ExcludeFromSelect=Monitor\Default_Monitor
|| [Generic]
|| %Unknown.DeviceDesc%=Unknown.Install,Monitor\Default_Monitor for
|| auto-install
|| %Unknown.DeviceDesc%=Unknown.Install for pick list
|| %*PNP09FF.DeviceDesc%=VESADDC.Install,*PNP09FF
|| [Strings]
|| MonitorClassName="Monitors"
|| MS="Microsoft"
|| Generic="(Standard monitor types)"
|| Unknown.DeviceDesc="Default Monitor"
|| *PNP09FF.DeviceDesc = "Plug and Play Monitor"
|| ||
|| || ||
|| || || | MEB
|| || || PCR
|| || | MEB
|| || | _________
|| || PCR
|| | --
|| |
|| | MEB
|| |
|| | _________
|| --
|| Thanks or Good Luck,
|| There may be humor in this post, and,
|| Naturally, you will not sue,
|| Should things get worse after this,
|| PCR

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


Lee wrote:
| We are close to firing on all cylinders soon? What I should have done
| was list all the files in the driver package but I might rival PCR's
| master post in doing so.

LOL! I think you & MEB know sometimes it takes a master post!

| There are at least 11 inf files ranging from
| 31k thru 63k with the one inf file dealing with the VP930 monitor
| (VS080314_l19.inf) being 48k in length.

I copied his VS080114_I19.inf out of a post, & it is 42,219 bytes. There
are a trillion monitors & .icm files mentioned in it in addition to the
ViewSonic VP930 Series monitor. But I believe I had him check, & he did
not get all trillion of them installed. I tend to think the .inf
ultimately ran well despite its size-- because the VP930 is showing up
everywhere it should in his Registry & in MSInfo32. It's just that he is
getting a Default Monitor in addition.

I do recall he said there was trouble at first getting the VP930 to
install-- & that is when the Default Monitor first showed up-- right,
Warren? Subsequently, the VP930 did get installed-- but it appears to be
impossible to get rid of that Default!

| There is a large number of
| ICM files added to the System\Color folder as well. The count went up
| from a one page display in Windows Explorer to now 873 files. So it's
| a pretty heathy driver package.

I think he may have an extra one or two-- but he did not get all one
trillion! It could be playing in the Update Driver requestor in that
other thread resulted in the few extras.

| VS080314_l19.inf file does have a 3/14/2008 date on it now so it was
| modifed a few days ago which is the only hope I have for a real
| solution here. I of course can't know what size the previous inf file
| was since it is no longer available from ViewSonic, and it seems all
| driver sites link back to ViewSonic as well so there is no archived
| version readily available? I kinda doubt it was too big to work, but
| I do suspect strongly that it was still written wrong which may or may
| not be fixed now - it's obvious the inf writers at ViewSonic need a
| lesson or two in proper inf file construction, not that I could teach
| the course mind you.
| I'm thinking it's pure circumstance that a new driver would be
| available as of a few days ago. ViewSonic has remained totally
| oblivious to it's Device Mangler's double doppleganger for five or
| more years now, I'm sure they are happy doing so too. So odds are
| that it's not fixed even yet...

Alas, you were right-- the new one didn't solve it. Warren, maybe post
another DDC test result to be certain the driver came in.

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


I think there was one prior to installing the new Viewsonic monitor. I
wasn't sure when we first started this exercise but I found a little program
that reads backup registry files. There was still a copy that predated the
new Viewsonic monitor installation at the time, so I looked inside and sure
enough there was a Default_Monitor present when I was operating with a
Samsung CRT monitor.

So to my surprise I believe there was a Default_Monitor present, I just
wasn't aware of it until I installed the Viewsonic.

"PCR" <> wrote in message
> WARREN-- there was a point when you had no Default Monitor, right? Do
> you remember it that way before you replaced the original monitor with
> your VP930 Series?


"Lee" <> wrote in message

We are close to firing on all cylinders soon?
MEB: Who, me, I created a web page to explain it... posted links to support
it.. provided a link to a test app to to show it.. what more should I do?
How about a page or two that EXPLAINS how Plug and Play works: - Universal Plug and Play

And for the NT users:

What I should have done
was list all the files in the driver package but I might rival PCR's
master post in doing so. There are at least 11 inf files ranging from
31k thru 63k with the one inf file dealing with the VP930 monitor
(VS080314_l19.inf) being 48k in length. There is a large number of
ICM files added to the System\Color folder as well. The count went up
from a one page display in Windows Explorer to now 873 files. So it's
a pretty heathy driver package.
MEB: Let's not and say we did... sufficient to say, they went a little

VS080314_l19.inf file does have a 3/14/2008 date on it now so it was
modifed a few days ago which is the only hope I have for a real
solution here. I of course can't know what size the previous inf file
was since it is no longer available from ViewSonic, and it seems all
driver sites link back to ViewSonic as well so there is no archived
version readily available?
MEB: Apparently you're correct. Unless there really is something special
about this display, that's WAY overboard. Then again, if its multi-platform

I kinda doubt it was too big to work, but
I do suspect strongly that it was still written wrong which may or may
not be fixed now - it's obvious the inf writers at ViewSonic need a
lesson or two in proper inf file construction, not that I could teach
the course mind you.
MEB: If it wasn't to big, then why present that in the first place..
And yeah, it seems most driver writers could use some help now days..
I'm thinking it's pure circumstance that a new driver would be
available as of a few days ago. ViewSonic has remained totally
oblivious to it's Device Mangler's double doppleganger for five or
more years now, I'm sure they are happy doing so too. So odds are
that it's not fixed even yet...
MEB: Likely true,,, in the old days it just took an INF file using the
in-built Windows files if necessary [hence the term PlugnPlay], now with XP
and VISTA everything seems to be multi-megs of files, the more the merrier

Anyway, thought I'd try to help here, I can see this is ill-relevant, its a
default display entry, no real issues or errors so this is jousting with
Windmills.. Good luck people.



Warren wrote:
| I think there was one prior to installing the new Viewsonic monitor.
| I wasn't sure when we first started this exercise but I found a
| little program that reads backup registry files. There was still a
| copy that predated the new Viewsonic monitor installation at the
| time, so I looked inside and sure enough there was a Default_Monitor
| present when I was operating with a Samsung CRT monitor.
| So to my surprise I believe there was a Default_Monitor present, I
| just wasn't aware of it until I installed the Viewsonic.

OK. Then... it could be as MEB & Zabcar have suggested, that it has to
do with certain newer Intel chips (& maybe others) demanding a Default
Monitor-- but I have not yet had the time to spend at the MS Library...
.... for me to totally give up hope. Only should I discover there are no
more articles about it there will I begin to give up!

I still tend to think that... Monitor.inf gave you that Default Monitor
when it could find no other possibility. That's how it started, but even
before you got the VP930 Series. Once installed, it appears to be
impossible to be rid of it. I also think it is not installing each &
every boot, because the dates on your .bin files do not change & also
you are not noticing a "driver database" getting built on each boot.

Tomorrow I'll get back into that library!

| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:%23H4MwyKiIHA.748@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
|> WARREN-- there was a point when you had no Default Monitor, right? Do
|> you remember it that way before you replaced the original monitor
|> with your VP930 Series?

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


PCR wrote:
| Warren wrote:
|| I think there was one prior to installing the new Viewsonic monitor.
|| I wasn't sure when we first started this exercise but I found a
|| little program that reads backup registry files. There was still a
|| copy that predated the new Viewsonic monitor installation at the
|| time, so I looked inside and sure enough there was a Default_Monitor
|| present when I was operating with a Samsung CRT monitor.
|| So to my surprise I believe there was a Default_Monitor present, I
|| just wasn't aware of it until I installed the Viewsonic.
| OK. Then... it could be as MEB & Zabcar have suggested, that it has to
| do with certain newer Intel chips (& maybe others) demanding a Default
| Monitor-- but I have not yet had the time to spend at the MS
| Library...
| ... for me to totally give up hope. Only should I discover there are
| no more articles about it there will I begin to give up!
| I still tend to think that... Monitor.inf gave you that Default
| Monitor when it could find no other possibility. That's how it
| started, but even before you got the VP930 Series. Once installed, it
| appears to be impossible to be rid of it. I also think it is not
| installing each & every boot, because the dates on your .bin files do
| not change & also you are not noticing a "driver database" getting
| built on each boot.
| Tomorrow I'll get back into that library!

I've spent time at that highly XP/Vista infected library...

I am unable to discover how to get rid of that Default Monitor. I found
nothing new to try, & I've run out of my own thoughts &/or they've been
irradiated out of my head. I think you are OK with it as is. Who knows--
you may even be better off with it than I am without! We did get a few
things cleaned up in your Registry relating to it. And you've always had
the Viewsonic VP930 Serious monitor also installed & working, anyhow.
You should be fine.

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


Thanks very much for your time & effort PCR. I learned a lot about the
Registry and how it works. I appreciate your patience and incredible
attention to detail and the great care you took in helping me work safely
with the Registry. It was a great pleasure doing business with you.

Again, best regards wnd thank you very much for your time and attention.

"PCR" <> wrote in message
> PCR wrote:
> | Warren wrote:
> || I think there was one prior to installing the new Viewsonic monitor.
> || I wasn't sure when we first started this exercise but I found a
> || little program that reads backup registry files. There was still a
> || copy that predated the new Viewsonic monitor installation at the
> || time, so I looked inside and sure enough there was a Default_Monitor
> || present when I was operating with a Samsung CRT monitor.
> ||
> || So to my surprise I believe there was a Default_Monitor present, I
> || just wasn't aware of it until I installed the Viewsonic.
> |
> | OK. Then... it could be as MEB & Zabcar have suggested, that it has to
> | do with certain newer Intel chips (& maybe others) demanding a Default
> | Monitor-- but I have not yet had the time to spend at the MS
> | Library...
> | ... for me to totally give up hope. Only should I discover there are
> | no more articles about it there will I begin to give up!
> |
> | I still tend to think that... Monitor.inf gave you that Default
> | Monitor when it could find no other possibility. That's how it
> | started, but even before you got the VP930 Series. Once installed, it
> | appears to be impossible to be rid of it. I also think it is not
> | installing each & every boot, because the dates on your .bin files do
> | not change & also you are not noticing a "driver database" getting
> | built on each boot.
> |
> | Tomorrow I'll get back into that library!
> |
> I've spent time at that highly XP/Vista infected library...
> I am unable to discover how to get rid of that Default Monitor. I found
> nothing new to try, & I've run out of my own thoughts &/or they've been
> irradiated out of my head. I think you are OK with it as is. Who knows--
> you may even be better off with it than I am without! We did get a few
> things cleaned up in your Registry relating to it. And you've always had
> the Viewsonic VP930 Serious monitor also installed & working, anyhow.
> You should be fine.
> ...snip
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,


Warren wrote:
| Thanks very much for your time & effort PCR. I learned a lot about
| the Registry and how it works. I appreciate your patience and
| incredible attention to detail and the great care you took in helping
| me work safely with the Registry. It was a great pleasure doing
| business with you.
| Again, best regards wnd thank you very much for your time and
| attention.

You are welcome. We tried all the normal things & even some that were
abnormal. It was so much, I wouldn't know where to begin a synopsis of
it. We went into Safe Mode & removed both the good Viewsonic VP930
Series monitor & the Default Monitor using Device Manager-- but they
both came back! We went & deleted them both from the Registry ENUM key &
from that other Registry Monitor key I found-- to no avail! We made a
certain 3 Registry keys of yours that mentioned Default_Monitor to look
a lot like mine, & we even deleted that "CompatibleIDs=*PNP09FF" from
your ENUM key-- again the Default Monitor would not go! And I had big,
big hopes for that last one!

On the plus side, we cleaned up that gobledygook in the Update Driver
requestor for both of us, & we did manage to clean up a ton of junk in
that other Monitor key. Also, you've become familiar with the use of
RegEdit-- but be careful with that!

I studied your .inf & mine & even Monitor.inf, & I took a ton of
XP/Vista-irradiation at the MSDN2 Library in an attempt to find a cure,
but there is none I can find or divine-- and a monitor has begun to grow
on my pinky toe! Anyhow, I'm sure you will live at least 6 years just
the way you are. Keep us informed if anything further develops.

I think Monitor.inf gave you that Default Monitor when no driver could
initially be found for the VP930 Series. Subsequently, you got the right
driver in-- but the Default Monitor won't go. It is fine to leave it as
suggested by Jeff Richards long, long ago-- disabled in the hardware
profile using Device Manager.

| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:eos$BYYiIHA.4868@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
|> PCR wrote:
|> | Warren wrote:
|> || I think there was one prior to installing the new Viewsonic
|> || monitor. I wasn't sure when we first started this exercise but I
|> || found a little program that reads backup registry files. There
|> || was still a copy that predated the new Viewsonic monitor
|> || installation at the time, so I looked inside and sure enough
|> || there was a Default_Monitor present when I was operating with a
|> || Samsung CRT monitor.
|> ||
|> || So to my surprise I believe there was a Default_Monitor present, I
|> || just wasn't aware of it until I installed the Viewsonic.
|> |
|> | OK. Then... it could be as MEB & Zabcar have suggested, that it
|> | has to do with certain newer Intel chips (& maybe others)
|> | demanding a Default Monitor-- but I have not yet had the time to
|> | spend at the MS Library...
|> | ... for me to totally
|> | give up hope. Only should I discover there are no more articles
|> | about it there will I begin to give up!
|> |
|> | I still tend to think that... Monitor.inf gave you that Default
|> | Monitor when it could find no other possibility. That's how it
|> | started, but even before you got the VP930 Series. Once installed,
|> | it appears to be impossible to be rid of it. I also think it is not
|> | installing each & every boot, because the dates on your .bin files
|> | do not change & also you are not noticing a "driver database"
|> | getting built on each boot.
|> |
|> | Tomorrow I'll get back into that library!
|> |
|> I've spent time at that highly XP/Vista infected library...
|> I am unable to discover how to get rid of that Default Monitor. I
|> found nothing new to try, & I've run out of my own thoughts &/or
|> they've been irradiated out of my head. I think you are OK with it
|> as is. Who knows-- you may even be better off with it than I am
|> without! We did get a few things cleaned up in your Registry
|> relating to it. And you've always had the Viewsonic VP930 Serious
|> monitor also installed & working, anyhow. You should be fine.

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,

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