The Color 'Red' is missing


Joan Archer

Yes they are used in my cross stitch, not all of them but I do have quite
a few different colour ones but haven't got around to using them much so
far <g>

Heather wrote:
> What are you doing with seed beads and bugles?? Embroidering with
> them? Or making jewellery. (Americans spell it 'jewelry'.....another
> bastardized word!!
> Figgs


"Heather" <figgyd@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> Keerist, you are such an ignorant dolt!! I said....."the word holiday is
> from old english for 'holy days'.....and for your information, my holiday
> in Portugal consisted of visiting a lot of "holy places". They are called
> "churches and cathedrals and basilicas".
> We refer to our vacation time as our Holidays....period!! You got a
> problem with that?? You seem to have a problem with anything any of us
> say on this group, so why not do us all a favour and take a hike!! We
> could quite happily do without your stupid, arrogant comments and
> arguments.
> PS....Crumpet is spelled with a "C".....and it is not to be compared to
> your Krispy Kreme donuts which are quite ghastly, to say the least.

Krumpet, crumpet, you know what I meant. I didn't want to bother to look it
up. We don't eat them here. Don't tell me you're miss perfect and never
misspelled a word.

As I said, if you're doing something holy it can be a holiday, otherwise
it's just a vacation. Certainly you're free to call it what you want.
Everyone is free to be wrong. If you have a problem with me, don't bother
responding. Do the world a favor and take a long walk off a short pier.

Joan Archer

You're priceless Heirloom <g>

Heirloom wrote:
> That's why God made peppers........
> Heirloom, old and I've got something that would
> spice the paint off your walls.
> Question of the day: How can you tell if Figgy is wearing panty
> hose?? Answer: Feed her a bowl of my chili......if, after an hour,
> her ankles are swollen....she's wearing panty hose.
> Warning: Don't be in a closed room with her if she loosens the
>, call Hazmat and the EPA.

Joan Archer

But do you have the normal one or the Bisto Best <g>

Heirloom wrote:
>I see that Bisto is sometimes used in the preparation of Bangers and
> mash.........all should know that I have a supply of Bisto in my
> pantry and use it when cooking a pot roast and a variety of other
> meat items. Good stuff.
> Heirloom, old and hmmmm, Bisto chili,
> hmmmmm


"Heather" <figgyd@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> "Eric" <> wrote in message
> news:ebS1pk60HHA.3768@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> >
> > "Heather" <figgyd@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> > news:%23XIHDJ50HHA.3768@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> >> No way!! Holidays derives from "holy days"......your word just
> >> derives from "leaving your house/work/wife/etc". (as in vacate).
> >>
> >> We of the nobility take holy days.......commoners vacate.
> >>
> >> Mary, Queen of Canada.
> >>
> >>>> What's so holy about a vacation? You take a vacation from work and
> >>>> vacate the office, or go on vacation from home and vacate your
> >>>> home. If a holiday is really a holy day, then going on vacation
> >>>> and saying you're going "on holiday" doesn't make sense unless your
> >>>> vacation is a visit to a holy place or for a religious purpose,
> >>>> eh?<<<

> Keerist, you are such an ignorant dolt!! I said....."the word holiday
> is from old english for 'holy days'.....and for your information, my
> holiday in Portugal consisted of visiting a lot of "holy places". They
> are called "churches and cathedrals and basilicas".
> We refer to our vacation time as our Holidays....period!! You got a
> problem with that?? You seem to have a problem with anything any of us
> say on this group, so why not do us all a favour and take a hike!! We
> could quite happily do without your stupid, arrogant comments and
> arguments.
> PS....Crumpet is spelled with a "C".....and it is not to be compared to
> your Krispy Kreme donuts which are quite ghastly, to say the least.

No more "Krispy Kreme" (or any such with or without a "C") in my
neighborhood anymore for quite some time now, already, allright! Dunkin'
Donuts are still the favored in most places of the US of A.

> >
> >> "Heirloom" <> wrote in message
> >> news:%23TurOy40HHA.4184@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> >>> "While" works just, if we can just get you 'nucks to go
> >>> on 'vacation' instead of 'holiday', we'll be doing well.
> >>> Heirloom, old and all us Texicans
> >>> talk good
> >>>
> >>> "Heather" <figgyd@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> >>> news:%236dcpk40HHA.484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> >>>> Hokay, apologies for not knowing you spoke *proper*
> >>>> English, grin. Btw, Canadians do NOT use whilst. "While" is our
> >>>> word.
> >>>>
> >>>> Cheers......Figglet


Joan Archer

The word is crumpet spelt with a c not a k <g>

Eric wrote:
> I thought you could spot a Brit by the krumpets they eat.


"Eric" <> wrote in message
> "Heather" <figgyd@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> news:uXlkxL70HHA.4652@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> Keerist, you are such an ignorant dolt!! I said....."the word
>> holiday is from old english for 'holy days'.....and for your
>> information, my holiday in Portugal consisted of visiting a lot of
>> "holy places". They are called "churches and cathedrals and
>> basilicas".
>> We refer to our vacation time as our Holidays....period!! You got a
>> problem with that?? You seem to have a problem with anything any of
>> us say on this group, so why not do us all a favour and take a hike!!
>> We could quite happily do without your stupid, arrogant comments and
>> arguments.
>> PS....Crumpet is spelled with a "C".....and it is not to be compared
>> to your Krispy Kreme donuts which are quite ghastly, to say the
>> least.
>>> Krumpet, crumpet, you know what I meant. I didn't want to bother to
>>> look it up. We don't eat them here. Don't tell me you're miss
>>> perfect and never misspelled a word.<<

Yep.....I am "Miss Perfect" and don't misspell words. But I am not so
lazy that I wouldn't look one up that I didn't know.

>> If you have a problem with me, don't bother responding. Do the world
>> a favor and take a long walk off a short pier. <<<

I got a better idea, you annoying little creep....Killfile!!


Mike M

Heather <figgyd@nospam.invalid> wrote:

> I got a better idea, you annoying little creep....Killfile!!

Join the club and keep this newsgroup idiot/troll free. :)
Mike M


"Mike M" <No_Spam@Corned_Beef.Only> wrote in message
> Heather <figgyd@nospam.invalid> wrote:
>> I got a better idea, you annoying little creep....Killfile!!
>> PLONK!!

> Join the club and keep this newsgroup idiot/troll free. :)

Ahhhh, that feels good. I guess from here on in, he will be talking to


Mike M

Heather <figgyd@nospam.invalid> wrote:

> Ahhhh, that feels good. I guess from here on in, he will be talking
> to himself.

Indeed. I don't recall ever having felt the need to plonk anyone in this
NG before. I could be mistaken, I often am, but if so it would have been
some years ago.


Some do, some don't George - seems to depend on their make and more so,
their age.


"George Gee" <> wrote in message
> Heirloom
> If Harry's screen is a CRT, it will not show any information
> i.e. no screensaver or "Have no signal".
> George Gee
> "Heirloom" <> wrote in message
> news:O9P1GB40HHA.1188@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>I explained that in my earlier post, <H>. Simply turn on your monitor,
>>without turning on the can leave everything connected. Your
>>monitor should have some sort of screen saver built in that will inform
>>you that you "have no signal" and "the monitor is working
>>properly"....usually, a small window of varying colors that moves around
>>on the screen. Additionally, you should have access to the menu of
>>settings which includes the color adjustments, skew, brightness, contrast,
>>etc. If these menu items and the screen saver message are of proper
>>color, then the problem is with something other than your monitor, i.e.
>>the video cable, the connections or the video card and/or the integrity of
>>its' seating. If the color is okay in the monitor only test, try first
>>reconnecting the video cable at both ends. If this does not help, then
>>try 'reseating' the video card (taking proper precautions of disconnecting
>>power and grounding yourself to the case or suitable ground so as not to
>>destroy any static sensitive devices).
>> If the color is out of whack in the monitor only test, you have a bad
>> monitor and, as stated by someone earlier, don't waste your money getting
>> a CRT fixed. Bite the bullet and get an LCD....they are getting pretty
>> cheap now. If the video cable is at fault, you can 'usually' reproduce
>> the symptoms by moving or wiggling the cable and connections. If this
>> fails to help, you are left with swapping the video card.....they, too,
>> are getting pretty could probably find someone that will
>> give you one of their old 32 or 64Meg cards that is still working well.
>> Suggest you go back through the pertinent portions of this thread, all
>> the suggestions seem to have been valid.
>> Heirloom, old and must find some
>> sustinence
>> "webster72n" <> wrote in message
>> news:%233WoT$u0HHA.4652@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>> With just the monitor on, H?
>>> How does that play out?
>>> (Don't mind my ignorance!) <H>.


N. Miller

On Tue, 31 Jul 2007 15:28:56 -0400, Heather wrote:

> (Americans spell it 'jewelry'.....another
> bastardized word!!

Hey! At least we use Roman letters. You should see the way they spell
'jewelry' in China!

~Shine, bright morning light,
~now in the air the spring is coming.
~Sweet, blowing wind,
~singing down the hills and valleys.

N. Miller

On Tue, 31 Jul 2007 16:41:42 -0400, Heather wrote:

> PS....Crumpet is spelled with a "C".....and it is not to be compared to
> your Krispy Kreme donuts which are quite ghastly, to say the least.

Hey! We agree on something! Krispy Kreme must have been invented by "Krusty,
the Klown"!

~Shine, bright morning light,
~now in the air the spring is coming.
~Sweet, blowing wind,
~singing down the hills and valleys.


"Mike M" <No_Spam@Corned_Beef.Only> wrote in message
> Heather <figgyd@nospam.invalid> wrote:
>> Ahhhh, that feels good. I guess from here on in, he will be talking
>> to himself.

> Indeed. I don't recall ever having felt the need to plonk anyone in
> this NG before. I could be mistaken, I often am, but if so it would
> have been > some years ago.

Well, old sock.....I can think of one you might have plonked....I did.
But sometimes it is better to keep an eye on them to see what terrible
advice they give, for instance.



"N. Miller" <> wrote in message
> On Tue, 31 Jul 2007 16:41:42 -0400, Heather wrote:
>> PS....Crumpet is spelled with a "C".....and it is not to be compared
>> to
>> your Krispy Kreme donuts which are quite ghastly, to say the least.

> Hey! We agree on something! Krispy Kreme must have been invented by
> "Krusty, the Klown"!

ACK!! Scary!! KK Donuts opened with a big media campaign near me and I
couldn't believe how awful they were.......pure greasy sugar!! (G) You
will have to taste our Tim Hortons ones. I was checking Timmies out on
Google and you do have several in the US.

Trivia.....Horton was an NHL hockey player who unfortunately was
drinking and driving his Pantera at 100 miles an hour when he hit a
concrete bridge abutment. Died instantly. He never lived to see the
success of his franchise.

> --
> Norman
> ~Shine, bright morning light,
> ~now in the air the spring is coming.
> ~Sweet, blowing wind,
> ~singing down the hills and valleys.

Joan Archer

Has someone been watching the Simpsons, which by the way is my maiden
name, without the final s <g>

Just stopping by before being taken for lunch as it's my birthday today
and I've also been bought an external enclosure hard drive so got
something else to play with when I get 5 minutes spare <g>

Be back later <g>

Heather wrote:
> ACK!! Scary!! KK Donuts opened with a big media campaign near me
> and I couldn't believe how awful they were.......pure greasy sugar!! (G)
> You will have to taste our Tim Hortons ones. I was checking
> Timmies out on Google and you do have several in the US.
> Trivia.....Horton was an NHL hockey player who unfortunately was
> drinking and driving his Pantera at 100 miles an hour when he hit a
> concrete bridge abutment. Died instantly. He never lived to see the
> success of his franchise.
> Heather

cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user)

On Fri, 27 Jul 2007 21:54:17 -0400, "webster72n"

>In Properties/Settings under 'Colors' the color red is now completely
>missing, while at first it sporadically changed back to 'normal' with all
>colors present.
>This makes the display appear greenish and the former blue purplish.
>Otherwise no changes.

Klap (hit lightly) the monitor it may be a dry joint is cutting out
the red color gun. Also, check the pins in the plug that plugs the
monitor's signal lead into the PC it may be that pin(s) corresponding
to the red signal are bent out of their correct path.

>Does this indicate the monitor going bad'?

As above. If CMOS Setup also looks blue-purplish, then it's most
likely the monitor or its cabling.

>--------------- ----- ---- --- -- - - -

To one who only has a hammer,
everything looks like a nail
>--------------- ----- ---- --- -- - - -


Mine did...........all three of them. Odd. Even at that, would the menu
button not respond?? I would think it should.
Heirloom, old and worked for me

"George Gee" <> wrote in message
> Heirloom
> If Harry's screen is a CRT, it will not show any information
> i.e. no screensaver or "Have no signal".
> George Gee
> "Heirloom" <> wrote in message
> news:O9P1GB40HHA.1188@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>I explained that in my earlier post, <H>. Simply turn on your monitor,
>>without turning on the can leave everything connected. Your
>>monitor should have some sort of screen saver built in that will inform
>>you that you "have no signal" and "the monitor is working
>>properly"....usually, a small window of varying colors that moves around
>>on the screen. Additionally, you should have access to the menu of
>>settings which includes the color adjustments, skew, brightness, contrast,
>>etc. If these menu items and the screen saver message are of proper
>>color, then the problem is with something other than your monitor, i.e.
>>the video cable, the connections or the video card and/or the integrity of
>>its' seating. If the color is okay in the monitor only test, try first
>>reconnecting the video cable at both ends. If this does not help, then
>>try 'reseating' the video card (taking proper precautions of disconnecting
>>power and grounding yourself to the case or suitable ground so as not to
>>destroy any static sensitive devices).
>> If the color is out of whack in the monitor only test, you have a bad
>> monitor and, as stated by someone earlier, don't waste your money getting
>> a CRT fixed. Bite the bullet and get an LCD....they are getting pretty
>> cheap now. If the video cable is at fault, you can 'usually' reproduce
>> the symptoms by moving or wiggling the cable and connections. If this
>> fails to help, you are left with swapping the video card.....they, too,
>> are getting pretty could probably find someone that will
>> give you one of their old 32 or 64Meg cards that is still working well.
>> Suggest you go back through the pertinent portions of this thread, all
>> the suggestions seem to have been valid.
>> Heirloom, old and must find some
>> sustinence
>> "webster72n" <> wrote in message
>> news:%233WoT$u0HHA.4652@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>> With just the monitor on, H?
>>> How does that play out?
>>> (Don't mind my ignorance!) <H>.



There is no menu button on my monitor, H.
Instead I have a "Pin Cushion" button and a "Degauss Switch", besides the
vertical and horizontal adjustments.
With a bit of luck, that degauss switch may just be my answer, we'll see.


"Heirloom" <> wrote in message
> Mine did...........all three of them. Odd. Even at that, would the menu
> button not respond?? I would think it should.
> Heirloom, old and worked for me
> "George Gee" <> wrote in message
> news:e%23XLcL70HHA.1204@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> > Heirloom
> >
> > If Harry's screen is a CRT, it will not show any information
> > i.e. no screensaver or "Have no signal".
> >
> > George Gee
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > "Heirloom" <> wrote in message
> > news:O9P1GB40HHA.1188@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> >>I explained that in my earlier post, <H>. Simply turn on your

> >>without turning on the can leave everything connected. Your
> >>monitor should have some sort of screen saver built in that will inform
> >>you that you "have no signal" and "the monitor is working
> >>properly"....usually, a small window of varying colors that moves around
> >>on the screen. Additionally, you should have access to the menu of
> >>settings which includes the color adjustments, skew, brightness,

> >>etc. If these menu items and the screen saver message are of proper
> >>color, then the problem is with something other than your monitor, i.e.
> >>the video cable, the connections or the video card and/or the integrity

> >>its' seating. If the color is okay in the monitor only test, try first
> >>reconnecting the video cable at both ends. If this does not help, then
> >>try 'reseating' the video card (taking proper precautions of

> >>power and grounding yourself to the case or suitable ground so as not to
> >>destroy any static sensitive devices).
> >>
> >> If the color is out of whack in the monitor only test, you have a bad
> >> monitor and, as stated by someone earlier, don't waste your money

> >> a CRT fixed. Bite the bullet and get an LCD....they are getting pretty
> >> cheap now. If the video cable is at fault, you can 'usually' reproduce
> >> the symptoms by moving or wiggling the cable and connections. If this
> >> fails to help, you are left with swapping the video card.....they, too,
> >> are getting pretty could probably find someone that

> >> give you one of their old 32 or 64Meg cards that is still working well.
> >>
> >> Suggest you go back through the pertinent portions of this thread, all
> >> the suggestions seem to have been valid.
> >> Heirloom, old and must find some
> >> sustinence
> >>
> >> "webster72n" <> wrote in message
> >> news:%233WoT$u0HHA.4652@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> >>>
> >>> With just the monitor on, H?
> >>> How does that play out?
> >>> (Don't mind my ignorance!) <H>.

> >
> >



"cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user)" <> wrote in
> On Fri, 27 Jul 2007 21:54:17 -0400, "webster72n"
> >In Properties/Settings under 'Colors' the color red is now completely
> >missing, while at first it sporadically changed back to 'normal' with all
> >colors present.
> >This makes the display appear greenish and the former blue purplish.
> >Otherwise no changes.

> Klap (hit lightly) the monitor it may be a dry joint is cutting out
> the red color gun. Also, check the pins in the plug that plugs the
> monitor's signal lead into the PC it may be that pin(s) corresponding
> to the red signal are bent out of their correct path.
> >Does this indicate the monitor going bad'?

> As above. If CMOS Setup also looks blue-purplish, then it's most
> likely the monitor or its cabling.

Tried the cable already, but what about the "Degauss Switch"?
No "Menu" button on this baby.
Seems to be working fairly "steady" right now. <H>.

> >--------------- ----- ---- --- -- - - -

> To one who only has a hammer,
> everything looks like a nail
> >--------------- ----- ---- --- -- - - -
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