Microsoft Sets Up Digital Manners Police


Bill in Co.

I already provided some. (Well, a bit more than that, but, whatever).

PA Bear [MS MVP] wrote:
> [This NG and you needed a little levity.]
> Gary S. Terhune wrote:
>> LOL!
>> "PA Bear [MS MVP]" <> wrote in message
>> news:OF82bYT2IHA.1772@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>> Your torrid off-screen affair with Shelley Winters was the talk of the
>>> town! Hal Holbrook and Ed Begley (Sr.) were green with envy...
>>> Gary S. Terhune wrote:
>>>> Ahhh... So that's why I can't remember it.
>>>> "PA Bear [MS MVP]" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:OpAQfsN2IHA.5564@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>>>> [GAry was in that movie! <eg>]
>>>>> Jim wrote:
>>>>>> Sort of like the movie "Wild in the Streets". Everybody over age
>>>>>> thirty is
>>>>>> sent to the old age camps where they make A-bombs on LSD served in
>>>>>> Dixie cups. The movie ends with long haired youths standing on the
>>>>>> bluffs
>>>>>> of Katowice or Nowa Huta.
>>>>>> "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:uNwiOoL2IHA.552@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>> Whine, whine, whine...
>>>>>>> Most of what you whine about is a direct result of the actions of
>>>>>>> ourselves, our parents, and their parents, etc. Much of what you
>>>>>>> whine about is a direct result of Reaganomics, frankly.
>>>>>>> No, the problem is that people live too long these days. Oughta get
>>>>>>> up and out of the way of history, whatever its course.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Gary S. Terhune
>>>>>>> MS-MVP Shell/User
>>>>>>> "Bill in Co." <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> news:ed1f88J2IHA.5564@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>> These damn youngins don't understand nothin!!
>>>>>>>> Of course, Gary, you are right in your "extensive" observations
>>>>>>>> over
>>>>>>>> all time (as limited as that time frame is). And, indeed, there
>>>>>>>> has been
>>>>>>>> NO change whatsover in personal responsibility and personal
>>>>>>>> accountability,
>>>>>>>> in blaming others for everything under the sun (and the plethora of
>>>>>>>> lawsuits today), the loss of the two parent homes, the loss of
>>>>>>>> neighborhoods, etc, etc. (I probably was just on acid when I
>>>>>>>> wrote that).
>>>>>>>> ROFL.
>>>>>>>> Gary S. Terhune wrote:
>>>>>>>>> What a bunch of whiny old farts (I' first wrote women, but then
>>>>>>>>> realized
>>>>>>>>> what an insult that was to the fairer sex.) Your elders probably
>>>>>>>>> thought the
>>>>>>>>> same of you when you were 20. Or, if you happen to have been a
>>>>>>>>> little angel,
>>>>>>>>> they were at least saying the same things about young people in
>>>>>>>>> general.
>>>>>>>>> What was that, around the time of rock & roll, shaking hips, short
>>>>>>>>> skirts
>>>>>>>>> and sweaters? Or are you older than that? Isn't that when the
>>>>>>>>> "responsible"
>>>>>>>>> people were calling everyone and their cat communists and
>>>>>>>>> blacklisting was
>>>>>>>>> so popular? Real responsible adults we had back then, eh?
>>>>>>>>> I think there are too many old farts in the world, the world is
>>>>>>>>> overpopulated... I say mandatory death for everyone at age 65.
>>>>>>>>> This
>>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>> also solve the Social Security "problem", though the criminals who
>>>>>>>>> have been stealing the SS fund should go first, regardless of
>>>>>>>>> their age.
>>>>>>>>> (That means policy maker in the Federal government.)
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Gary S. Terhune
>>>>>>>>> MS-MVP Shell/User
>>>>>>>>> "Bill in Co." <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> news:eQzM6y81IHA.4912@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>> dadiOH wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> MEB wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hmm, seems Microsoft may not be content with the present DRM
>>>>>>>>>>>> technology, seems intent on extending device control.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Whatcha tink???
>>>>>>>>>>> I think that there is too much official/third party/governmental
>>>>>>>>>>> effort to
>>>>>>>>>>> control the ill manners of some people. Waaaay too much "in
>>>>>>>>>>> loco
>>>>>>>>>>> parentis"...too much blathering about rights, too little
>>>>>>>>>>> acceptance
>>>>>>>>>>> of responsibility. Responsibility such as teaching manners to
>>>>>>>>>>> one's
>>>>>>>>>>> whelps.
>>>>>>>>>>> Much of the problem arises because there are just too many
>>>>>>>>>>> people.
>>>>>>>>>> Personal responsibility went out (in large part) several decades
>>>>>>>>>> ago, unfortunately.


> Hmm, seems Microsoft may not be content with the present DRM technology,
> seems intent on extending device control.
> Whatcha tink???

meb,, i always warmed myself to your thoughts and how you showed certain blogs in order to make ppl
wake up and take a look around....... now, due to my respect for you, i have to ask if you have
read the book full of information beyond comparison to what mere humans can come up with?
have you? the secrets within are of far more importance than any military ones,, far
more important than those of politics in general, in fact, the secret of life is held tween the
shouldnt we first seek these out, before fussing about the mere stupidity of what man does with his
knowledge..... god forbid we think like gst.
faith is a word that repels most, yet if you understand its value, it out-weighs fort-knox a
quadtrillion zillion billion times,, but the price to pay for having it, is understanding it.

just my thought.


In news:uzBOkQe2IHA.5832@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl at ,
nick contemplated and posted:
|> Hmm, seems Microsoft may not be content with the present DRM
|> technology, seems intent on extending device control.
|> Whatcha tink???
|> MEB
| meb,, i always warmed myself to your thoughts and how you showed
| certain blogs in order to make ppl wake up and take a look
| around....... now, due to my respect for you, i have to ask if you
| have read the book full of information beyond comparison to what mere
| humans can come up with?
| have you? the secrets within are of far more importance
| than any military ones,, far more important than those of politics
| in general, in fact, the secret of life is held tween the lines.
| shouldnt we first seek these out, before fussing about the mere
| stupidity of what man does with his knowledge..... god forbid we
| think like gst.
| faith is a word that repels most, yet if you understand its value, it
| out-weighs fort-knox a quadtrillion zillion billion times,, but
| the price to pay for having it, is understanding it.
| just my thought.

And which book "full of information beyond comparison" would you be
referring to,,, let me guess,, you think its the Christian Bible, so which
version is the correct one or is it the Jewish "Bible"...
Have you bothered to read the more ancient religious tomes of other
religions, or any other religious directive "manuals" {Bibles}. If not, then
you know less about man than you think, and certainly less about *man's
created* Gods... I have, here's the secrets, they are BOOKS and writings by
men attempting to explain the unknowns of the era and man's relationships.
Their value lay in the general direction towards man's need to be "nice" to
himself and his world, and the attempts to understand HOW to balance these.
The writings of *future views* related to man and this world {premonitions
if you must} hold more value. Many contain predictive writings, which were
written as religious based documents mearly to protect the author from
being subjected to the wrath of religious leaders and controls. THESE are of
more intrisic value to man one, for study of these *abilities* in man two,
for their content. One must always remember that religions WERE the LAW of
man during those religious periods, generally outweighing any other of man's
laws, and speaking and/or writing AGAINST the religion was death, stoning,
exclusion, or other, for.those those OUTSIDE the religion.
Unless YOU spend some time studying man's creations [all these historical
*religious* writings], weighing them against each other for "sense", value,
and against what man HAS discovered, you know nothing more than people did
three thousand, ten thousand, twenty thousand years ago. Instead you have
something less, preconcieved notions based upon lack of knowledge and
ignorance. To say one religion IS THE ANSWER over others is ludicrous, that
isn't faith, that's reliance upon invisible "friends" and prejudice.

AFTER *YOU* study these tomes and writings, come back and seek me out..
perhaps we can have an intelligent discussion. Until then, keep your
religious meanderings in the forums devoted to them.



It was one of those blacklisted revolutionary films of the 1970's. cica 74
or 75. Another neat scene was when the president of this mess was 29 going
on 30 and he steps on the pet crawdad of some 13 year the kid
looks up and sneers in pure hatred of the older generation knowing he is
gonna get his real soon.

"Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> Gonna have to look that one up.


MEB wrote:

> To say one
> religion IS THE ANSWER over others is ludicrous,

Especially since all are very similar.

> that isn't faith,
> that's reliance upon invisible "friends" and prejudice.

And believing without question that which (supposedly) more knowledgeable
people like parents and teachers/preachers tell you. Same for Santa Claus.



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Gary S. Terhune

Nothing like plain stupid ignorance to lighten up the day.

ALL organized religion is pure evil. Just like all organized sports.

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"nick" <of@time.tic> wrote in message
>> Hmm, seems Microsoft may not be content with the present DRM technology,
>> seems intent on extending device control.
>> Whatcha tink???
>> MEB

> meb,, i always warmed myself to your thoughts and how you showed certain
> blogs in order to make ppl
> wake up and take a look around....... now, due to my respect for you, i
> have to ask if you have
> read the book full of information beyond comparison to what mere humans
> can come up with?
> have you? the secrets within are of far more importance than
> any military ones,, far
> more important than those of politics in general, in fact, the secret of
> life is held tween the
> lines.
> shouldnt we first seek these out, before fussing about the mere stupidity
> of what man does with his
> knowledge..... god forbid we think like gst.
> faith is a word that repels most, yet if you understand its value, it
> out-weighs fort-knox a
> quadtrillion zillion billion times,, but the price to pay for having
> it, is understanding it.
> just my thought.


Now, I see and understand why it is so important to stay on topic. Anyway,
any thoughts about computing in general, Gary, since we are off topic anyway
especially in regards to Windows 7 and Microsoft's future.

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