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Windows 11

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  1. Eu estava usando o Powershell para executar o comando winget upgrade até que um erro apareceu dizendo que o Powershell não conseguia localizar ou executar o arquivo winget.exe corretamente, então aparentemente ele foi corrompido pois eu fiz uma troca de propietarios da pasta WindowsApps para que eu conseguisse acessa-lá e depois de eu ter trocado novamente ao propietário TrustedInstaller (Pelo CMD) vários progamas ficaram corrompidos no processo como o App Xbox e alguns outros que eu ja consegui solucionar, mas aparentemente o path desse comando foi corrompido ou deletado de alguma forma fazenView the full article
  2. Hello All,I had initially given up on fixing the BSOD issues, I've tried everything. Re-installed windows, updated BIOS Firmware and everything above in this thread. I'm again asking for assistance. I've tried memtest86, also confirmed memory not to be the issue by putting in 100% known good memory. The issue is still happening. I'm currently running on a mostly fresh install. I've installed applications like Steam and Battle.net. I held off on installing any applications initially and the blue screens kept coming.I'm leaning towards the CPU being the issue with the lockups. If someone could pView the full article
  3. Ik kan mijn NAS toestellen niet zien in Windows 11 Pro verkenner,, kan iemand mij helpen?SMB1 is ingeschakeld, ik kan geen folders van mijn NAS toestellen mappen, ik zie ze niet in verkennerView the full article
  4. So my laptop just updated to 24H2 last night now and now I'm having this issue where my brightness is auto dimming after like 5 seconds of inactivity. I looked through the changelog in the update, and the new energy saver options appear to be the culprit.The problem is I have all of the energy saver option disabled. There is no other setting I can find on my machine for any type of auto brightness, auto dimming, "dimming" or anything of the like. I've looked through the Legion Vantage app, Nvidia Control Panel, Power Options, all of Windows settings, and searched around on the internet and canView the full article
  5. I bought a new computer around a month ago due to my past one dying, Safe to say. I loathe windows eleven i'm so much more used to using a windows seven and its quite irritating especially when my muscle memory acts upon itself during my work.I'm aware windows seven has a large virus problem and so on from what i've heard at least.But frankly i don't think using writing documents would give me a virus.So simply, How do i revert or "Downgrade" back to Windows seven? I'm not quite good with computer mumbo, so i'll like you to keep it simpler for me.View the full article
  6. i bought a new laptop recently and i have updated all the drivers from windows update and nvidia graphics updat from the apps itself yet whenever i do any heavy work like play games or use advance software it crashes sometimes with BSOD sometimes directly shut downs and restartshere i am attaching the link to dump files can some one analyse them and let me know what could be the problemdump files 12022025.zipView the full article
  7. It doesn't happen during anything else, only watching something. It believed it was only happening on Crunchyroll, but then i noticed it was happening while watching Prime Video. i believe it only happens during Fullscreen because i haven't seen it happen in the smaller video window.These Screenshot show what it looks likeView the full article
  8. A scammer loaded Ultraviewer on my laptop yesterday. Actually saw my bank accounts. I saw them viewing my various other screens. Including an Investment account. Do they download my whole computer? Even my tax files and TurboTax? My bank is aware so luckily there wasn’t any money taken but how do I know how much information did they get? I deleted the software/apps they uploaded to my computer. View the full article
  9. hi,what's this right access : special autorization ?View the full article
  10. Hello all!In light of the upcoming deprecation of WSUS, I have been looking into Windows Update for Business. We are a small shop (fewer than 20 computers) so I think moving to InTune would be overkill for our needs. Many of the articles I've read suggest using WUfB as a good alternative. Further, administering WUfB via GPO would be best. The instructions for group policy say to open the GP Console > Computer Config > Admin Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update and select WUfB. When I do this on my recently updated computer, there is no folder named Windows Update for BusView the full article
  11. The phrase "似的" is correctly pronounced as "shìde" (with a retroflex "sh" sound) in Mandarin. However, Microsoft Pinyin IME currently requires typing "side" (using an alveolar "s" instead of "sh") to generate "似的," which is an obvious pinyin input error. This inconsistency should be corrected to align with standard pronunciation rules.View the full article
  12. Has the Sysinternals dll issue been fixed?View the full article
  13. I need help with sound and microphone and camera drivers. After a windows update I no longer have sound or camera drivers or microphone drivers.View the full article
  14. can't turn on locationView the full article
  15. This is on W11, fully patched. It started a couple of weeks ago and I'm starting to get really fed up with it. Clicking the 'X' at the top right of the window and remaining hovering over the Red area the window doesn't close. It always used to do this.If I move the mouse away from the red area (within the window or outside it) the window then closes. I find this very disconcerting. How to revert this back to 'normal' behaviour?I've looked at Focus, Explorer options and suggestions online but cannot find this described elsewhere.I have also found that the same thing happens with the MinimView the full article
  16. Hello my pc bluescreen or restart itself when playing Valorant or Overwatch, can someone help me please here's the minidump files: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/6b4kbg2u9rhyd/MinidumView the full article
  17. Microsoft has been pressuring me to upgrade to Windows 11 for a long time now. I do not need all the stuff Window 11 offers. It looks like I have no choice anyway. I NEED TO KNOW IF THE PHOTO EDITING SOFTWARE I HAVE IN MY COMPUTER WILL STILL WORK? I do not want to have to purchase new software as it is not cheep! I also do not know what a passkey is. will I have to dream up all new passwords? Do you know how much trouble that would be??? Then, Windows 11 does not come with instructions, right? It sounds too complicated and I'm not sure I could figure it out. I'm mainly concerned about the arView the full article
  18. This is my work computer, Windows 11 software all up to date. My screen used to never sleep, then within the last two weeks the settings have changed to sleep after 20 minutes. Every time I go in and change it back to "Never" it will automatically change back to 20 mins and my computer will go into sleep mode. This is extremely frustrating as I work a remote job and I don't want my computer turning off when I leave my desk. I've tried the advice on the other query on this topic but nothing is working the settings keep changing on their own. I've attached a picture of what my settings look likeView the full article
  19. When using the Preview Image Creator in Paint, when I put simple text such as: A medal that has the word HONOR engraved on it. It returns the Medal but the word HONOR is not spelled correctly. is there a reason it won't use the word correctly?View the full article
  20. Mám excel při tisku nastavený na šířku, tiskárnu mám taky nastavenou na šířku. Přesto se dokument vytiskne na výšku. Z jiného počítače na stejné tiskárně je bez jakékoliv změny vytištěný správně na šířku. Kde mám prosím problém v nastavení ?Děkuji vámView the full article
  21. I tried unlocking my laptop from sleep and it was stuck on the back drop. It was not frozen as I could still move my cursor around the screen, but the PIN input or any other features never appeared. I then hard restarted the laptop and was met with the recovery key screen. I put in my key and it spits me back to the recovery key screen. I have tried disabling bitlocker via the command prompt, but error 0x800703f1 appears and says “the configuration registry database is corrupt.” I have tried resetting the laptop but it says “there was a problem resetting your PC.”Any help is greatly appreciateView the full article
  22. I had a BSOD (REFERENCE_BY_POINTER ntoskrnl.exe+4b85d0) upon startup today, the first in 10 days. The minidump is here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AlqaIEc6xXbXjDEkBx2fgIbhicfT?e=ujsni4 Windows loaded fine after the restart. I then carried out a Windows Update and it restarted fine afterwards. Since the BSOD, I have two identical errors in Event Viewer: Event 2, Kernel-EventTracingSession "" failed to start with the following error: 0xC000000D I have this "warning" in Event Viewer from just before the BSOD: Event 219, Kernel-PnP The driver \Driver\amduw23g failed to load. Device: PCI\VEN_1002&DView the full article
  23. Hello. The email I use is connected to a school that I am no longer a part of. It is set as my home organisation and won't let me leave. This is very short sided of me to use my school email on my PC, because now I can't sign out the email, leaving me not able to use almost anything (My school was very strict). Does anyone have a way for me to remove my school from my PC? Or am I stuck?View the full article
  24. Hello,I am using a Japanese Fujitsu laptop, Lifebook WS1/D2 model FMVWD2S17. It was originally operating on Windows 10 and I updated a few months (years?) ago to Windows 11.A few weeks ago, the keyboard and touchpad built-in into the laptop started not to work properly anymore, being unresponsive when I started the PC.I used to reboot, and the problem&nView the full article
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