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Windows 11

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Everything posted by Windows 11

  1. I keep getting a crash that seems random and only with certain games. When I view the Event Viewer I get the following error in the WHEA-Logger:Log Name: SystemSource: Microsoft-Windows-WHEA-LoggerDate: 1/29/2025 8:39:43 PMEvent ID: 18Task Category: NoneLevel: ErrorKeywords: User: LOCAL SERVICEComputer: DESKTOP-UQ53ALBDescription:A fatal hardware error has occurred.Reported by component: Processor CoreError Source: Machine Check ExceptionError Type: Cache Hierarchy ErrorProcessor APIC ID: 10The details view of this entry contains further infView the full article
  2. My pc says it's connected to wifi, but doesn't work at all. My other devices are perfectly fine.View the full article
  3. I want to withdraw consent to make the account an adult account but all it says is "In the United States, South Korea, Brazil, and the EU, legislation requires that children have adult consent before creating an online account." when I try to remove consent. View the full article
  4. hello i am having a hard time updating and installing this specific update for my windows and i really don't know what to do, whenever i am trying to install it it will fail to do soView the full article
  5. I recently downloaded a bunch of pixel-art assets from various sites like itch.io and craftpix.net. Each file is downloaded as a zip file containing various PNGs. The image quality shown on the website is crystal clear, however when I open the downloaded version on my computer, the images are low quality (blurry/fuzzy). Unzipping the files does not do anything. I have tried looking into various different packages, but all of them downloaded with the same blurry quality. Why is this happening?View the full article
  6. All of a sudden logging into my laptop with my profile, my password wasn't working. Said I can't log in to this account try a different one. When I tried to use my Microsoft account that my laptop is registered with, it says I can't use my personal email that I need a work email or school email which I don't have connected to a Microsoft account. I haven't been logged in to a Microsoft account for a while didn't think I needed one. Need bitlocker key to reset my computer but when looking into my account I don't have access to it. Very frustrated, no phone call support anymore and no easy to saView the full article
  7. Does upgrading from Windows 11 Home to Windows 11 Pro on the same PC reset any settings? Like does it reset settings in the settings app, control panel, policy editor, registry editor, power plans, appearance of Windows, fonts, etc?View the full article
  8. I've done a full restore of my computer recently, and after it had finished my computer had been running slow. I downloaded all of my necessary drivers, like the chipset and graphics drivers, and that did not fix it. Now my computer has blue screened while I was in the middle of playing Call of Duty.I have the dump file here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BXbTTxnRtrP24OaKVfieFfpYJiY1ag-O/view?usp=drive_linkView the full article
  9. My computer crashes i dont know the cause but the pc is saying that is kernel power relatedView the full article
  10. Running Dragon 15 on Win 11. The microphone is recognized by the computer and works with testing. Dragon says "microphone is turned off". The microphone icon is greyed out and pings when I click on it.PeterView the full article
  11. Hi,I have just recently subscribed to Office 360. I am have a few issues, questions. I have voiced one already.This one is about the app throwing up about 10000 files for deletion? And the app doesn't give me a location so I can look at the files it is asking me if I want to delete them. Without seeing them where they are being stored I do not want to delete them. So, how do I find these files it keeps asking if I want deleted? I don't want to delete anything important. And I won't know if I can't see them in the proper context (what folder they are in, etc.).Plus, I would like to know so I caView the full article
  12. Hace unos meses compré un SSD Sandisk externo.En mi Laptop HP cifré con Bitlocker el contenido de mi SSD, tengo la clave asociada a mi cuenta de Microsoft (cuenta única).He vendido mi Laptop HP (PC 1), y ahora con mi Laptop Lenovo (PC 2) que he usado desde hace varios años, estoy intentando descifrar el contenido del disco.El SSD tiene una carpeta con información importante, que fue cifrada en el disco externo, pero en Laptop Lenovo (PC 2) el SSD fue descifrado correctamente, excepto la carpeta con información importante.Cuando hago clic para descifrar los datos desde propiedades, no me aparecView the full article
  13. I keep opening with MS Word, but keep getting the following;Suggestions?View the full article
  14. I should start with the fact this issue is occuring on a new PC.When trying to access certain websites (can't seem to find a common link between them) in Firefox I get the error message "pr_end_of_file_error". When I try to reach the same website using Microsoft Edge, it tells me that I need a Parent's Permission to access the website. I'm a grown **** man. I have NEVER set up any kind of family settings in my Microsoft Account, and I've disabled any parental settings on my PC. Still nothing. Before anybody comes with the defaul answers, I've tried basically everything on the first 5 pages of View the full article
  15. Windows 11 - my keyboard is not working on internet browser, but only on certain websites eg banking, it works on all other programs and it works on most other websites. I can log in to the websites because my login is saved but then can't type in anything once there, my mouse will work. I have uninstalled and reinstalled keyboard driver. I'm using a Lenovo Yoga PC. I have tried different browsers, same problem.I can use the banking website if I use a different computer, I have no idea what setting I need to change on my PC. View the full article
  16. I’m trying to get my computer out of S mode. View the full article
  17. The first 3 or 4 lines of every app and document takes up almost half of my screen. This is the area above the actual document or content. This is not a font size issue. This is the app title, tabs and search lines. How can I modify the size of the actual lines? Thank youView the full article
  18. Is there a way to change the height, maybe with the registry?View the full article
  19. Hola hace poco me arme mi primera computadora,con una placa madre msi b550m pro vdh wifi que en teoria tiene wifi y bluetooth ,con el wifi no tuve ningun problema pero con el bluetooth si ya que no me aparece directamente la opcion de encenderlo.en el device manager tampoco me aparece unicamente me aparece con la configuracion de Controladores por tipo ya intente de todo y ya instale los drivers de msi y ni asi apreciaria que me ayuden.View the full article
  20. While checking for attempts to breach my account, I was alarmed to find what appears to be a successful sign-in followed by an unsuccessful attempt to change my password. However, after clicking the link, a notification appears stating that the sign-in attempt was unsuccessful. Which is it?!View the full article
  21. how do I disable copilot? I cannot even type an email without a banner crossing the page.View the full article
  22. I have experienced login issues over the years and am fed up with it.1. After updating....... the login told me I had tried too many times with the incorrect login, which is nonsense and then forced me to reset the PIN.I wound paying a tech support company to help me with the PIN reset. I AM NOT HAPPY ABOUT YOUR FAILURE COSTING ME MONEY!I had to reset the PIN, which I did.Then I removed the update on my own, which apparently has a bug.2. To reiterate, I want neither the PIN or the password to use my laptop.Anyone know the answer to both?Yes, I am the only user so I have administrative rights.View the full article
  23. Hi, I'm trying to turn on the memory Integrity but am not able to as there are 2 incompatible drivers. i have removed the drivers but have been unsuccessful.View the full article
  24. How do I speed up the number change process . I have just purchased a $500 computer now I am unable to use it due to a microsoft number change View the full article
  25. Hi,I recently resubscribed to Microsoft Office 360. It has been syncing my OneDrive folder to the cloud for a few days. However, it is quickly filling up my 1TB cloud storage. To keep it under the 1TB limite I have stopped syncing my "Pictures" folder. The location of the "Pictures" folder has been automatically changed to the User "Picture" folder outside the OneDrive folder. It did this without moving my pictures to the new location. However, the "Pictures" folder with all my pictures is still on the Microsoft Office Cloud OneDrive folder.My question is, can I delete the "Pictures" folder frView the full article
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