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Currently, Microsoft Purview doesn't display the carbon emissions associated with storing individual datasets. However, by integrating Purview with Microsoft's sustainability tools, such as the Emissions Impact Dashboard, we can estimate these emissions. Implementing resource tagging enables more detailed tracking of resource usage and associated emissions. While this integration provides valuable insights, the carbon emission data would be accessible through external reporting tools rather than being directly displayed within Purview. It would be beneficial to suggest to Microsoft the development of a feature that integrates carbon emission metrics directly into Purview's data catalogue, promoting greater awareness and accountability regarding the environmental impact of data storage. Please support and comment View the full article
Dear Experts, I have a Data like below:- The Column"D" can have the values from 1..5 but in Sequence only, I need to filter only the ones where this txNumber is starting from 1 but ending >1 So, all the entries where we have the seq- 1..2, 1..3,1..4,1...5, but not 1...1 , that means no Retransmission txNumber=1 is always a New-Tx, now I did it manually one by one.. but eats a lot of time How to do such grouping by a Formula. Thanks in Advance, Br, Anupam View the full article
I have a larger spreadsheet with email addresses in one column and a lot of other demographic data in the other columns. I have a second, smaller, spreadsheet also with email addresses in one column. I would like to match the two spreadsheets and create a third spreadsheet with all the demographic information from the first spreadsheet associated with the email addresses of the second spreadsheet. Help! View the full article
Hello, Not sure if anyone has encountered the same dilemma as I have, but I can't seem to locate this Teams Room reservation setting anywhere. I've check on both the Teams admin portal setting & the device setting. I have basic & pro license and still do not see this feature anywhere. Device: MaxHub XCoreKit Teams app: TMicrosoft managed rooms 5.24.14101.0 This is for Panel setting but we only have a touchscreen console in the room. Settings > Device settings > Teams admin settings > Meetings and then turn off Allow room reservations. Can't find the below option (stock img). Let me know if you need anything else. Thank you! View the full article
Dear Experts, I have a Data like below:- From this I have a to create an Output file with the below logic, (sample of an entry in Output file is below):- HARQ ID, can range from 0 ~15, and Each HARQ can be re-transmitted(RV) in the Sequence 0->2->3->1->0->2->3->1...(create data with all the Harq IDs having the RVs in a full cycle and extended(0-2-3-1-0) System frame number have to be consecutive and after 1023 SystemFrameNumber(Column C) repeats it self. Thanks in Advance, Br, Anupam View the full article
This blog is written in collaboration with andrewmathu. The REST API is essential for managing resources in Azure, providing a structured way to perform create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations. By using HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE, the REST API makes it straightforward for administrators to interact with Azure resources. It supports various data formats, including JSON and XML, ensuring flexibility in data exchange. This capability is particularly useful for automating workflows, streamlining deployments, and integrating with continuous deployment and integration processes. Azure Firewall is a cloud-native, intelligent network firewall security service that provides top tier threat protection for your cloud workloads running in Azure. It is a fully stateful firewall-as-a-service with built-in high availability and unrestricted cloud scalability. The Azure Firewall REST API allows users to automate firewall configurations, retrieve policy details, and manage rules programmatically. This blog provides step-by-step guidance on interacting with the Azure Firewall REST API and serves as Part I of our series. In this part, we will focus on the prerequisites, initial setup, and specific tasks such as creating an Azure Firewall instance, creating a firewall policy, associating policies, updating threat intelligence settings, and defining network and application rules. Getting Started In this blog, we will use Bruno, a lightweight, offline and user-friendly API testing tool, to send REST API requests to Azure Resource Manager for managing Azure Firewall configurations. While other API testing tools such as Postman, PowerShell, Azure CLI, and Swagger can also be used to interact with Azure REST APIs, the fundamental principles remain the same, with only the interface differing. Before diving into the API requests, we will first cover the prerequisites and initial setup. Then, we will demonstrate how to use Bruno to perform essential Azure Firewall operations such as creating a firewall instance, configuring policies, associating policies, updating threat intelligence settings, and defining firewall rules Prerequisites: Link to download Bruno: Bruno API Client | Downloads. Bruno documentation: What is Bruno? – Bruno Docs Link to blog that covers how to prepare your identities: Azure REST APIs with Postman (2021) | Jon Gallant. Note: While this blog focuses on using Postman to send REST API commands, the steps can be adapted for other API testing tools, such as Bruno, which we are using in this blog. Using the steps outlined in the blog, we can configure a collection for Bruno with the variables defined as below: Bruno supports pre-request scripts for modifying requests, but unlike Postman, it lacks built-in request chaining for authentication. While it's possible to use fetch() to obtain an access token, Bruno does not ensure the request waits for the token before execution. Other tools such as PowerShell or Insomnia can automate token retrieval, but in our case, we manually fetch the token via a POST request and use it in the Authorization header for subsequent API calls. Since tokens expire after about 60 minutes, this process will need to be repeated periodically. The access token that we obtain from our POST request is used in the collection to authenticate API requests to Azure Resource Manager. It is included in the Authorization header of each request to ensure that the API calls have the necessary permissions to interact with Azure Firewall. Azure Firewall Configurations via REST API With our prerequisites complete, we now proceed with some Azure Firewall configurations through REST API: Creating a new Azure Firewall instance. Creating a new Azure Firewall policy. Associating an Azure Firewall policy to an Azure Firewall instance. Updating Azure Firewall Threat Intelligence mode. Creating Rule Collections for Network and Application Rules. Listing our created resources. Azure Firewall REST API offers a wide range of configuration and management capabilities beyond these tasks. The steps covered in this section represent just a subset of the available operations that can be performed programmatically, enabling automation and streamlined management of firewall resources. To get us started, we need to have a resource group, a virtual network and a public IP address for the firewall to be created. The resource group has been created with the help of API, as shown below: To create the Virtual Network and the Firewall public IP address, we have utilized the portal as shown below: Creating a new Azure Firewall instance: The following are the parameters required for Azure Firewall instance via REST API: By using the PUT command and request body, we can create a firewall instance as shown below: Method URL PUT https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls/{azureFirewallName}?api-version=2024-05-01 As we can confirm on the portal, that the firewall has now been created Creating a new Azure Firewall policy: The following are the parameters required for Azure Firewall Policy creation via REST API By using the PUT command and request body, we can create a firewall policy as shown below: HTTP Method URL PUT https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/{firewallPolicyName}?api-version=2024-05-01 Associating an Azure Firewall policy to an Azure Firewall instance: To associate a Firewall Policy with an Azure Firewall instance, use the following parameters. HTTP Method URL PUT https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls/{{azureFirewallName}}?api-version=2024-05-01 As we can see below, the firewall policy has now been associated with the firewall AZFW-RestAPI Updating Azure Firewall Threat Intelligence Mode: Updating the threat intelligence mode for your Azure Firewall instance can be done similarly by using the parameters below Method URL PUT https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/RestAPI-FirewallPolicy-Standard?api-version=2024-05-01 Creating Rule Collections for Network and Application Rules: To create rule collection groups for network and application rules, use the following parameters. By using the below Put Command we will be able to create Network and Application rule collection groups as shown below: Method URL PUT https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/{firewallPolicyName}/ruleCollectionGroups/{ruleCollectionGroupName}? api-version=2024-05-01 Listing Created Resources: To list the resources you've created, you can use the following GET command. When sending a GET request, we no longer require the request body, only the URI parameters to pull the information for the resource we want. HTTP Method URL GET https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/{firewallPolicyName}/ruleCollectionGroups?api-version=2024-05-01 As we can see from the above screenshot, we are able to list the rule collections that we created using the GET command. Similarly, we can use the GET command to list or get details of any created resources using the respective URL. Conclusion: By utilizing the Azure REST API, you can efficiently create, update, and configure Azure Firewall and Firewall Policies, streamlining deployment and management processes. This guide has shown how to set up and manage firewall instances, create policies, rule collection groups, and view resources, ultimately automating and securing your cloud environment with Azure Firewall. References: Azure Firewalls - Create Or Update - REST API (Azure Firewall) | Microsoft Learn Firewall Policies - REST API (Azure Virtual Networks) | Microsoft Learn Getting Started with Azure WAF REST API for Application Gateway: A Step-by-Step Guide | Microsoft Community Hub Getting Started with Azure WAF REST API for Azure Front Door: A Step-by-Step Guide | Microsoft Community Hub Getting Started with Azure DDoS Protection REST API: A Step-by-Step Guide | Microsoft Community Hub View the full article
We have a Server 2019 Hyper-V host that hosts a Server 2008 file server (yeah, I know, too old) and other virtual machines we use as work stations that access various EXE files on the file server. Recently, (not sure when it's started) launching EXE files stored on the 2008 server from one of the workstations (all on the same host) is getting delayed, sometimes as long as 20-30 seconds. An odd thing is that when you first log on to the work station and run the EXE it starts in what I think is a reasonable time, until now a second launch would be a little faster, I'm assuming due to caching. But not, launching it a second time gets the delay. Other file types seem to be OK. Opening large PDFs, for instance, does not have the problem. Working on a virtual machine hosted on our OTHER, older 2012 R2 Hyper-V host (yeah, again, I know) and going across the network, host to host, to access those same EXE files never has the delay problem. Because of virtual machines the 2012 host not having the problem, I'm thinking there's something on the 2019 host that's been updated. Update history shows KB5052000 installed in February and KB5050182 in January. I see that the January update mentions "Remote Code Execution" but the info seems to be specific to Visual Studio so I'm not sure that would apply. Has anyone seen this behavior or can maybe give me a clue as to where to start even looking? Thanks, Ken View the full article
This question is a bit more academic than practical, but I'm just trying to enhance my knowledge of how Azure authentication works under the hood. The default way to authenticate managed Logic Apps connections is through an OAuth popup asking you to grant permissions. Based on my reading of the Azure docs, this means that you're granting access to the delegated permissions of a service principal. For connectors that access the Graph API, such a service principal in your tenant with the correct delegated permissions: However, I'm struggling to find an equivalent service principal for connectors that use the Azure Resource Management API to interact with services like Log Analytics, sentinel, Logic Apps, etc. I do see a service principal called Azure Logic Apps, but it doesn't have any permissions associated with it. My understanding is that it would need to have the delegated permission user_impersonation to access Azure resources: So my questions here are What Service Principal is used for the OAuth connection to the Azure Resource Management API?If the Azure Logic Apps service principal is used, how is it able to connect to the ARM API without any permissions? Is there some Azure magic happening under the hood here?View the full article
Hi - I'm new...ish to Access. I've used it to cleanup raw data before importing into main SQL db, but have not really 'developed' in it. My SQL is rusty and I've only dabbled with VBA. I'm building a db that has a separate table for 'phonenumber', I'm using a Y/N checkbox with the intent that if the checkbox is checked, then that is the primary phonenumber to use (this is on a continuous form). Since a record can have more than one phonenumber, how do I code it so when someone goes to check an additional checkbox, that it 1)warns them that another phonenumber has already been marked as the primary number (if another one has indeed been checked...if not, then allow the checkbox to be checked), and then 2)if the user wants to change which is the primary phonenumber, then have the update clear the other checkbox and check the current checkbox. Just so you understand, I'm not talking about making the phonenumber the primarykey - I have the primarykey as PhoneID. Thanks in advance for your help! I thought I posted this yesterday but now I can't find it at all so forgive me if this ends up being a duplicate post. View the full article
Global AI Bootcamp is a worldwide series of community-driven events for the community. Events are scheduled to take place throughout March and April 2025, offering a unique learning opportunity where Microsoft MVPs, Regional Directors, Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors, and community leaders share their AI knowledge and experiences. Our Microsoft MVP Communities Blog will feature information about upcoming events every Friday until the end of March. We encourage you to participate in any events that interest you! Local Global AI Bootcamp Events scheduled from March 8 to 14 (as of March 6, 2025) *Visit Global AI Bootcamp 2025 - Global AI Community to see the most up-to-date and complete event schedule for March and April 2025. Date (Local Time) Event Format Saturday, March 8, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp 2025 | Global AI Shanghai Hybrid Saturday, March 8, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - Spain - Valencia In-Person Saturday, March 8, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - New Zealand - Christchurch In-Person Saturday, March 8, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - India - TamilNadu Online Saturday, March 8, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - India - Pune In-Person Saturday, March 8, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - India - Coimbatore In-Person Saturday, March 8, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - Ghana - Accra Online Saturday, March 8, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - Nigeria - Lagos Online Saturday, March 8, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - Singapore - Singapore Online Saturday, March 8, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - India - Amravati In-Person Saturday, March 8, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - Indonesia - Purwokerto In-Person Saturday, March 8, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - China - Ningbo Hybrid Sunday, March 9, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - China - Sanya Hybrid Monday, March 10, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp Athens - AI Connect 2025 | Global AI Athens Online Monday, March 10, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp 2025 - Berlin | Global AI Berlin Online Monday, March 10, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp 2025 | Global AI Bochum Online Monday, March 10, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp Karlsruhe | Global AI Karlsruhe Online Monday, March 10, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - Munich | Global AI Munich Online Monday, March 10, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - Zurich - Digital | Global AI Zurich Online Monday, March 10, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - India - NAGAPATTINAM In-Person Tuesday, March 11, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp Zürich | Global AI Zurich In-Person Tuesday, March 11, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - India - Bengaluru Online Tuesday, March 11, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - Brazil - Goiânia In-Person Wednesday, March 12, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - Auckland | Global AI Auckland In-Person Wednesday, March 12, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp 2025 - Milan | Global AI Milan Hybrid Wednesday, March 12, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - Ponferrada | Global AI Ponferrada Hybrid Wednesday, March 12, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - Netherlands - Utrecht In-Person Wednesday, March 12, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - Colombia - Medellin Online Wednesday, March 12, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - United States of America - Nashua In-Person Thursday, March 13, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - Mexico City | Global AI Mexico City In-Person Thursday, March 13, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - Milwaukee | Global AI Milwaukee In-Person Thursday, March 13, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - Germany - Königswinter In-Person Thursday, March 13, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - Serbia - Novi Sad Hybrid Thursday, March 13, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - United States of America - Seattle In-Person Thursday, March 13, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - Ukraine - Odesa Online Friday, March 14, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - Abu Dhabi | Global AI Abu Dhabi Online Friday, March 14, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp 2025 - Cologne | Global AI Cologne Online Friday, March 14, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - Brazil - São Paulo In-Person Friday, March 14, 2025 Global AI Bootcamp - Korea, Republic of - Busan In-Person *Information in this blog is subject to change without notice. View the full article
At HIMSS 2025 Microsoft introduced several new breakthrough developments in multimodal healthcare AI to ensure that healthcare developers and researchers have the tools and expertise necessary to innovate the use of AI in building the healthcare AI applications of the future. Fine-tuning capability for MedImageInsight To further help health AI model developers fine-tune and customize our most popular state of the art multimodal foundation model, we’ve introduced a fine-tuning training capability for MedImageInsight in Azure Machine Learning. This enhancement lowers barriers to building and testing robust imaging classifiers and embedding models tailored to specific settings. This will enable building on the performance for 14 medical imaging modalities. Even with smaller, highly specialized datasets, developers can now adapt our pre-existing models to explore the capability to detect nuanced patterns in clinical imaging—such as subtle tumor markers or rare pathologies. By streamlining the process from model selection to testing and validation, Azure AI Foundry equips innovators with a nimble framework that accelerates discovery and shortens development cycles. Use Case: MedImageInsight in Action MedImageInsight is already showing the potential for impact in healthcare research. As Alan McMillan, Professor of Radiology at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, shared: “We optimized the sensitivity and specificity of Microsoft’s MedImageInsight foundation model to accurately identify a significant portion of normal chest X-rays. This could allow radiologists to focus more on analyzing suspicious cases. In our evaluation, we found that at a threshold achieving 99% sensitivity for detecting abnormal chest X-rays, the model could reduce radiologists’ workload on normal cases by 42%.” This kind of workflow optimization would be a crucial step toward reducing radiologist burnout and ensuring that specialists can dedicate more time to the most clinically significant cases. Expanding the Health and Life Science AI Model Catalog Within our model catalog in Azure AI Foundry, we’re introducing several new and updated multimodal medical foundation models to our industry-leading ecosystem: Rad-Dino – A radiology-focused Chest X-Ray foundation model with over 1M downloads on Hugging Face and published in Nature Machine Intelligence. TamGen – A protein design model that employs a chemical language model to generate target-specific molecules, accelerating drug discovery and published in Nature. BioEmu-1 – A protein design model that generates diverse structural conformations of proteins, enhancing understanding of protein dynamics and function. Hist-ai – Cutting-edge pathology models ECG-FM – A foundation model for electrocardiogram (ECG) analysis. MedImageParse 3D – An adaptation of Microsoft’s MedImageParse model (now called MedImageParse 2D) for 3D medical imaging. Continuing our commitment to open-source AI, many of these models will also be available on Hugging Face, broadening accessibility and fostering a global community of researchers and innovators. The Microsoft healthcare AI models are intended for research and model development exploration. The models are not designed or intended to be deployed in clinical settings as-is nor for use in the diagnosis or treatment of any health or medical condition, and the individual models’ performances for such purposes have not been established. You bear sole responsibility and liability for any use of the healthcare AI models, including verification of outputs and incorporation into any product or service intended for a medical purpose or to inform clinical decision-making, compliance with applicable healthcare laws and regulations, and obtaining any necessary clearances or approvals. Partnering with Stanford: The First Public Healthcare AI Model Leaderboard Alongside these core technology offerings, we are partnering with Stanford University to support their launch of the first public Healthcare AI Model Leaderboard building upon real-world clinical data and use cases. This initiative shines a spotlight on these innovative models, comparing performance across a diverse range of benchmarks that go beyond multiple-choice clinical testing data and bring much-needed transparency to the healthcare AI space, allowing researchers to rapidly identify which models align best with their particular use cases. It also fosters a spirit of open, data-driven competition that we believe will push the industry toward increasingly accurate and reliable solutions. HIMMS 2025 We're thrilled by the enthusiastic response we received when showcasing these groundbreaking advancements at HIMSS 2025. It was inspiring to share detailed insights and see firsthand the excitement around innovations like the fine-tuning capabilities for MedImageInsight, the expanded catalog featuring new models such as Rad-Dino, TamGen, BioEmu-1, Hist-ai, ECG-FM, and MedImageParse 3D, as well as our pioneering partnership with Stanford University on the first public Healthcare AI Model Leaderboard. Our unified, secure, and high-performing platform, designed to power the next generation of healthcare, generated significant excitement and valuable conversations, reinforcing our commitment to accelerating innovation, improving patient outcomes, and driving healthcare forward. None of this would be possible without our incredible network of collaborators—research institutions, clinical partners, technology innovators, and dedicated healthcare practitioners. Your ongoing partnership continually fuels and challenges our progress. Thank you to everyone who joined us at HIMSS 2025—here's to a future shaped together, powered by AI-driven solutions that meaningfully reduce administrative burdens, enhance diagnostic precision, and ultimately save more lives. View the full article
We are building a library with documents sets. We are creating different templates (based on Excel/Word/PowerPoint) that the users can add to their document sets from the "New-button". Now we came up with the idea to use MS Whiteboard (from a template). I can move/upload an existing .whiteboard file into the document set an make it work. But If I try to create a content type using a .whiteboard (or .wbtx) file in as template, it shows in New-button but it will not add it to the document set (it trying to download a copy to 'my downloads')!? Can this be done? If so, how? If not, best work around? View the full article
Hi, I've been looking for information about whether timesheet or time tracking capabilities will be made available in a not so distant future in PFTW of Planner Premium. I work at a company where we already have an instance of Project Online running in which timesheets are managed. We would like to have some sort of time tracking in PFTW/Planner premium as well since we're launching a project on that platform soon. Does anyone have a view on what's coming or any experience on how to do time tracking in PFTW/Planner Premium? Thanks! N. View the full article
Dear community, We would like your prompt and precious support on helping us understand how the Maximum earning opportunity (MEO) works. Fyi, we are an Indirect Provider in SP program. We have one of our biggest bids, that includes a pleathora of Microsoft 365 E3. M365 E3 is coming with 2 types of incentives, "Core" & "Global SPA T1". Following the latest file "CSP Indirect Provider Incentives Guide (1January2025)", M365 E3 has a MEO threshold of $118,750 for the "Core " type of incentive, while it also has MEO threshold of $125,000 for the second one, the "Global spa – Tier 1" incentive for Innovate markets. The questions: could you please help us understand how the MEO is being calculated and used? Does these MEOs are being summed up as part of our project (per customer tenant and/or per partner) offering a total of $243.750 ($118,750+$125,000) or are they being calculated separately per incentive type, setting the limit to the aforementioned thresholds? Kindly asking for a prompt response on this in order to make our decision on the proposal. Thank you so much in advance! Warm regards, Nick View the full article
The world of competitive spreadsheets is about to take center stage at this year's South by Southwest (SXSW) with the world premiere of Spreadsheet Champions. Produced by GoodThing Productions, this documentary delves into the fascinating world of the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) World Championship, shining a spotlight on the Excel category and the incredible talent it attracts. Organized by Certiport, a Pearson VUE business, the MOS World Championship is a testament to the importance of Excel skills in today's digital age. The MOS World Championship: A Global Stage for Excel-lence Hosted for over 20 years, the MOS World Championship is an annual competition that brings together the best and brightest from around the globe to showcase their proficiency in Microsoft Office applications. Among the various categories, the Excel competition stands out as a true test of analytical and problem-solving skills. Participants are tasked with complex challenges that require not only technical know-how but also creativity and precision. Certiport, the organization behind this prestigious event, has long been recognized for its commitment to advancing education and industry-recognized certification. By providing a platform for candidates to demonstrate their expertise, they play a crucial role in fostering a culture of continuous learning and excellence. Certiport's longstanding partnership with Microsoft has been instrumental in driving the success of the MOS certification program along with other key Microsoft certification programs. Through our collaborative efforts, we have empowered millions of individuals to excel in their careers, fostering a community of highly skilled professionals. Why Excel Matters Excel is more than just a spreadsheet program; it is a powerful tool that drives decision-making and efficiency across industries. From finance and marketing to engineering and education, Excel's versatility makes it indispensable. In the classroom, Excel equips students with essential skills that are highly valued in the job market. It enables them to analyze data, create models, and present information in a clear and compelling manner. The importance of Excel is further underscored by its continued evolution. Recent updates have introduced features like Copilot, which leverages AI to assist users in real-time, and the integration of Python, which opens new possibilities for data analysis and automation. These advancements ensure that Excel remains at the forefront of technological innovation, empowering users to achieve more. A Documentary Worth Watching Spreadsheet Champions captures the excitement and intensity of the MOS World Championship, offering viewers a glimpse into the lives of the competitors and the challenges they face. The documentary not only celebrates their achievements but also highlights the broader significance of Excel skills in today's world. Following the world premiere at SXSW, we encourage everyone to watch this inspiring film. Whether you're an Excel enthusiast, a student, or a professional, Spreadsheet Champions is a must-see. It serves as a reminder of the incredible potential that lies within each of us and the importance of mastering tools like Excel. What's Next Stay up to date with the film’s release here: SpreadsheetChampions.com. To learn more about the MOS World Championship and how you can get involved, visit Certiport's website: https://moschampionship.certiport.com/. Embrace the power of Excel and join the ranks of those who are shaping the future with their skills and creativity. View the full article
I've been all over Microsoft Community to find where the right place to go is, and I was told to come here. I need ALL of my posts/threads on Community deleted. I can attach the links here. I need the post and all replies deleted from these threads: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/discussions/excelgeneral/deleted---standardize-a-file/4006092 https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/discussions/excelgeneral/deleted---summing-by-column-and-date/3731282/replies/3731347 https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/discussions/excelgeneral/summing-with-merged-values/3732256 https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/discussions/excelgeneral/deleted---links-keep-breaking/3932798 https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/discussions/excelgeneral/deleted---formatting-for-powerbi/3985063/replies/3985198 https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/discussions/excelgeneral/deleted---pivot-table-macro-not-working/4014860 https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/discussions/excelgeneral/deleted---creating-a-macroformula/4044973 https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/discussions/excelgeneral/deleted---standardizing-a-report/4047122 https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/discussions/excelgeneral/deleted---queries-not-loading-/4058521 https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/discussions/excelgeneral/deleted---macro-not-working/4216642/replies/4243781 https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/discussions/excelgeneral/deleted---macro-not-working/4216642/replies/4222495 View the full article
Hello team, I am not receiving notification from the MCT Program Announcements board within MCT Lounge. I have created a ticket within MCT Forum, and I was guided by the forum moderator to open up a discussion here. Below is the ongoing post which I am currently getting the support from MCT Forum: [재문의] MCT Lounge에 특정 게시판을 Follow해도 새로운 게시물에 대한 알림이 이메일로 오질 않습니다. - 교육, 인증 및 프로그램 지원 View the full article
We are announcing the general availability of Managed Instance link feature with SQL Server 2017, which enables near-real time data replication from SQL Server to Azure SQL Managed Instance. Link feature is now supported in all SQL Server versions in the mainstream and extended support, from SQL Server 2016 to SQL Server 2022. To use Managed Instance link feature SQL Server 2017, customers need to install “Azure Connect Pack for SQL Server 2017”. We recommend the latest version of SQL Server Management Studio to create and manage links with SQL Server 2017. To learn more about SQL Server – SQL Managed Instance hybrid capabilities which link feature unlocks, see the feature documentation page. View the full article
Anyone has been successful on this job? This will be pushed automatically to managed workstations via PowerShell / cmd scripts. So, the goal is to trigger upgrade work PCs during business hours (silent and background process) but to the extent of scheduling its reboot after business hours. I have tested a number of ways to do this with Windows11upgradeassistant and the windows 11 ISO setup disc. But will all end up rebooting the PC's without user intervention and in the middle of work. Unsaved documents lost and everything. View the full article
Very old laptop I got here and I'm confusing if It can run W10 or do I stick with 7. That's not for my personal use, it's for my aunt. W11 has all security updates and moderns things she might want. I'm willing to upgrade RAM (DDR3, but still) and a SSD. View the full article
Hi all, newbie here (have been sitting on the sidelines watching and learning for some time tho!) please excuse my error if this appears in the wrong thread. I have been attempting to install version 22631.2506 via ISO install to my notebook. Previous attempts to by pass the MS Account requirement have not been an issue. Version 23H2 appears that MS have used the anti and blocked all possible options including Rufus & NT Lite versions. I am hoping to be proven wrong, although with my upwards of 50 attempts to by pass MS Account have been unsuccessful. When attempting to bypass connecting to the net, or bypass NRO via CMD the system returns you back the start of the on-boarding process in a continuous loop! View the full article
A few weeks ago they announced they would start shipping 26120 builds to both Dev and Beta and that the window to go to the beta Channel would ”close soon”, effectively urging those in the Dev Channel who wanted to switch to do so ASAP. Turns out that in MSFT terms “Soon” is not really Soon and actually means at least 2 more weeks to a month of waiting (or more). I wonder when the Dev Channel will start getting 27xxx builds… View the full article
So this morning I made the mistake of turning on "get updates before they are out early" well windows 24H2 started downloading and installed. So I was waiting for the usual blue screen. It installed and no blue screen, I did have to reinstall a couple small programs to get get them to work. The create a restore point however didn't work, even going to the create the restore point using windows settings didn't seem to work either. So OK I decided to restart. That's when it all went south. Dell fired up the system hardware check first, I never get that, after it was done it said no errors found. (BTW I also ran sfc and disk before restarting, that also said no issues with the system.) so now I'm back to doing a full system backup recovery if 23h2. The question is, what could be the problem here? If 24H2 installed OK, and wasn't giving me any errors what would make it not boot as usual? View the full article
I'm running Windows 11 Enterprise, 23H2, build 22631.4751. Unfortunately, it seems that Windows has downloaded 24H2 on my computer. I have managed to delay installation of this update using Pause updates in Settings > Windows 11. Is there any way to prevent this update from being applied now that Windows has downloaded it? Judging from answers to my post from a month ago, it seems the answer is no, unfortunately. Does installing 24H2 reset customizations in Windows? When I first started using Windows 11, I spent a good deal of time setting customization options in Settings, Control Panel, and the like. Many of these customizations are particularly important for me because I have a physical disability and have limited mobility. Will customizations be lost when 24H2 is installed? This post by @dacrone seems to suggest that the answer is yes, unfortunately. View the full article