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  1. Hi I am trying to get the total of date selected to match dietary, can anyone advise what is the formula to use? file as attached. Thank you View the full article
  2. Introduction We've received numerous queries about WordPress on App Service, and we love it! Your feedback helps us improve our offerings. A common theme is the challenges faced with non-managed WordPress setups. Our managed WordPress offering on App Service is designed to be highly performant, secure, and seamlessly integrated with Azure services like MySQL flexible server, CDN/Front Door, Blob Storage, VNET, and Azure Communication Services. While some specific cases might require a custom WordPress setup, most users benefit significantly from our managed service, enjoying better performance, security, easier management, and cost savings. In this article, we'll explore how to identify if you're using the managed offering and how to transition if you're not. In this article, we will learn about how we can know if we are using the managed offering and how we can move to the managed offering if we are not. Why Choose Managed WordPress on App Service? Under the Hood Optimized Container Image: We use a container image with numerous optimizations. Learn more: https://github.com/Azure/wordpress-linux-appservice Environment Variables: These configure WordPress and integrate various Azure resources. Learn more: https://github.com/Azure/wordpress-linux-appservice/blob/main/WordPress/wordpress_application_settings.md Azure resources: We integrate multiple Azure resources like App Service, MySQL flexible database, Entra ID, VNET, ACS Email, CDN/Front Door, and Blob storage, all configured via environment variables. Also, the resources individually are configured to best work with WordPress. Benefits of Managed Offering Managed Tech Stack: Our team handles updates for PHP, Nginx, WordPress, etc., ensuring you're always on the latest versions without performance or security concerns. Read more: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/blog/appsonazureblog/how-to-keep-your-wordpress-website-stack-on-azure-app-service-up-to-date/3832193 Managed MySQL Instance: We use Azure Database for MySQL flexible server as the WordPress database. Many customers use in-App databases, which increase maintenance costs and require manual configurations. Our managed MySQL instance is optimized (server parameters) for performance and security, and you don't need to worry about upgrades. Azure Service Integrations: Our managed offering integrates seamlessly with Azure services like CDN, Front Door, Entra ID, VNET, and Communication Services for Email. These integrations are important for enhancing the WordPress experience. For example, without ACS Email, WordPress can't send emails, affecting tasks like password resets and user invitations. We handle these integrations through environment variables, simplifying the setup. Learn more: https://github.com/Azure/wordpress-linux-appservice/blob/main/WordPress/wordpress_application_settings.md Simplified creation: Creating WordPress site involves configuring various resources, which can be complex. Our managed service simplifies this process. See how to create a WordPress site: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/quickstart-wordpress Simplified management: Managing multiple resources can be complex. We manage this by environment variables. We extend this capability to complex WordPress configurations as well. For example, WordPress multisite: https://github.com/Azure/wordpress-linux-appservice/blob/main/WordPress/wordpress_multisite_installation.md Security: We provide best in class security – like use of managed identities: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/blog/appsonazureblog/managed-identity-support-for-wordpress-on-app-service/4241435. We ensure all resources are within a VNET and privde phpMyAdmin for database management: https://github.com/Azure/wordpress-linux-appservice/blob/main/WordPress/wordpress_phpmyadmin.md Performance improvements: We have optimized performance with the W3TC plugin, local storage caching, and efficient use of caching, content delivery, and storage. Others: There are a bunch of other interesting features that you might be interested in: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/overview-wordpress https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/wordpress-faq How to Check if You're Using the Managed WordPress on App Service? To determine if you're using the managed offering, follow these steps: Check the Container Image: Go to the App Service overview page in the Azure portal. Look for the "Container image" in the properties tab. If the image matches one of our supported images(https://github.com/Azure/wordpress-linux-appservice), you're likely using the managed service. If not, you'll need to migrate to the managed offering, which we'll cover later. Fig 1.1: Managed WordPress - Container imageFig 1.2: Non-Managed WordPress - No container image 2. Verify Environment Variables: Access the Kudo console and navigate to the File manager. Open the /home/site/wwwroot/wp-config.php file and check if it uses the environment variables correctly. Fig 2.1: Managed WordPress – use of genenv() function for database credentialsFig 2.2: Non-Managed WordPress – hardcoded DB credentials 3. Check Deployment Status: In the File manager, locate the /home/wp-locks/wp_deployment_status.txt file WARNING: Do not edit this file as it may cause unintended issues. Simply check the entries. If the file is missing or its contents differ from the expected entries, you're using a non-managed WordPress site. If the file is present and the contents match, you're on the managed offering. Fig 3.1: Managed WordPress – wp_deployment_status.txt has entriesFig 3.2: Non-Managed WordPress – No /home/wp-locks folder How to transition to the managed offering? Transitioning to the managed WordPress on App Service can be done in two ways: Highly Recommended Approach: Follow these steps: Create a new managed WordPress site: Follow the steps in this setup guide to create a new managed WordPress site on App Service. https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/blog/appsonazureblog/how-to-set-up-a-new-wordpress-website-on-azure-app-service/3729150 Migrate Content Using All-in-One Migration Plugin: Use the All-in-One Migration plugin to transfer your content from the source site to the new managed site. This migration guide provides detailed instructions. Although it’s tailored for migrating from WP Engine, the steps are applicable to this scenario as well. Simply skip the WP Engine-specific steps. https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/blog/appsonazureblog/how-to-migrate-from-wp-engine-to-wordpress-on-app-service/4259573 Although this article instructs on how to migrate from WP Engine, this will work perfectly well for this migration scenario as well. You can just omit the WP Engine specific steps mentioned and you are good to go. Point Your Custom Domain to the New Site: Update your custom domain to point to the new managed WordPress site. Follow the instructions in this custom domain guide. https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/blog/appsonazureblog/how-to-use-custom-domains-with-wordpress-on-app-service/3886247 Not Recommended Approach: Some customers ask if they can simply apply the managed container image, add environment variables, and create the necessary resources manually. While this is technically possible, it often leads to numerous errors and involves many steps. If any step goes wrong, you might not achieve the desired outcome and could potentially break your existing site. The recommended approach ensures your existing site remains safe and intact until the new site is fully operational. We hope you transition to the managed WordPress on App Service and enjoy the best WordPress experience! Support and Feedback We’re here to help! If you need any assistance, feel free to open a support request through the Microsoft Azure portal. New support request - Microsoft Azure For more details about our offering, check out the announcement on the General Availability of WordPress on Azure App Service in the Microsoft Tech Community. Announcing the General Availability of WordPress on Azure App Service - Microsoft Tech Community. We value your feedback and ideas on how we can improve WordPress on Azure App Service. Share your thoughts and suggestions on our Community page Post idea · Community (azure.com) or report any issues on our GitHub repository Issues · Azure/wordpress-linux-appservice (github.com). Alternatively, you can start a conversation with us by emailing wordpressonazure@microsoft.com. View the full article
  3. Research Drop in Brief: The percentage of organizations piloting or deploying AI solutions has risen by 20% since 2023. It’s time to focus on strong HR and IT collaboration to drive holistic AI integration and successful workforce transformation. HR is in the best spot to help IT bring employees along on the AI journey. HR needs resourcing to play “catch up” to IT, such as greater access to organization-sponsored AI tools, involvement in training/upskilling, and partaking in cross-functional experimentation. AI continues to be ubiquitous. We see massive growth in AI adoption across industries, with the percentage of organizations piloting or deploying AI solutions up by 20% since 20231. With this exponential growth comes rapid change. New strategies, recommendations, use cases, and best practices are discovered and shared on what feels like a daily basis. In 2025, we are seeing organizations strengthening functional partnerships to help organizational AI transformation succeed. Multiple departments exist in organizations to bring unique skills sets, expertise, and perspectives, and these diverse perspectives should be included when thinking about AI at your organization. To date, IT has been leading the charge for AI transformation, but more and more we see high-performing organizations involving HR in their strategy and implementation. IT brings the tech; HR brings the people. HR and IT are both critical to AI transformation – and shouldn’t be operating in silos. HR is set up to lead the charge in reskilling, upskilling, and talent management in the era of AI, while IT is orchestrating and managing the tools and systems2. A benefit of including HR is that it deepens the connection to employees, increasing the involvement of employees in the transformation and reducing their fear of the unknown. When these functions are aligned, they accelerate AI implementation and workforce integration by deepening adoption, increasing ROI, and strengthening data governance. Our data shows that 73% of HR employees and 82% of IT employees believe AI will transform work for the better3. While this majority is encouraging, what can we learn about HR employees’ AI experience to explain an almost 10 percentage point difference between functions? And how can these functions be better positioned to collaborate and work in tandem? For this month’s Research Drop, we explore the different AI perceptions and experiences between HR and IT and how organizations can better align these critical functions to drive a more holistic AI transformation. IT employees’ advanced AI engagement reflects their central role in organizational technology As AI is inherently a technology, it makes sense that IT employees might be the first functional group to learn about it and work with it. Technology is engrained in their day-to-day work and their identity; 81% of IT employees agree that it’s important for them to be among the first to use new technologies. This natural inclination and excitement for technology innovation places IT in a key position for AI transformation. IT leaders are looking to shift the function of the IT department from building and maintaining to orchestrating and innovating, further expanding its scope to streamline transformation efforts across business facets4. This key role has fast-tracked IT employees’ perceived value of integrating AI at work – 79% of IT employees are excited about a future where everyone uses AI at work. For HR employees, their experience with AI at work is slowly growing, taking a bit more time to catch up with their IT peers. While 68% of IT employees (and 77% of IT leaders) believe that AI in their workplace will boost revenue and financial success, only 55% of HR employees (and 63% of HR leaders) feel the same. As more HR departments get involved with their organization’s AI transformation, we expect this vision to crystallize and more HR use cases and applications to become tangible. For example, the Employee Self-Service Agent in Microsoft 365 Copilot (ESS) enhances HR efficiency and employee satisfaction by streamlining processes, automating routine tasks, reducing support tickets, and providing customizable, user-friendly solutions. Integrated AI solutions such as ESS are changing HR functionality by reducing transactional tasks and creating space to focus more on relational tasks (e.g., mental health support), which are core to HR’s mission5. When planning HR and IT collaboration, focus on the common goals between the groups and how to use their unique perspectives and skillsets to achieve these goals. For example, a shared priority for both groups is data security. When asked about the biggest challenges of AI implementation, 28% of HR leaders mentioned compliance with data protection laws (e.g., HIPAA) and 25% mentioned ethical concerns about AI use6. HR is responsible for protecting and managing employees. When combined with IT’s expertise in security and protection, these challenges remain a priority and are effectively managed throughout large-scale AI rollouts. Another shared bet is skilling. IT is positioned to provide user guides and technical walkthroughs for new technology. HR provides support from a skills perspective, providing deep expertise in learning motivation and efficacy, along with resources for large-scale development programs. By leveraging the unique strengths of both HR and IT, organizations effectively address challenges and drive successful AI transformation. Know, however, that success for this partnership requires equitable access to AI tools and resources for both business units. Access to organization-sponsored AI tools continues to be a differentiator for value realization While the majority of HR and IT employees use AI at least once a week (66% of HR and 75% of IT), organization-sponsored access to AI tools and technologies isn’t equal. When asked how many of the AI tools they use at work are sponsored by their organization, 72% of IT employees reported that their organization provides all or most of the AI tools they use. Only 59% of HR employees reported the same. With half of HR employees having to BYOAI (bring your own AI) to work, this doesn’t allow organizations to capitalize on the benefits of strategic AI adoption at scale7, such as ROI tracking and centralized training programs. HR employees also report seeing less success stories circulated around their function. While 77% of IT employees feel inspired by stories of people successfully using AI at work, only 68% of HR employees feel the same. When employees are given the space and resources to experiment, it fuels a virtuous loop where more experimentation creates more realized value, which in turn leads to more experimentation, etc8. Access is a propellant of adoption and realized value. We researched a set of positive outcomes of AI adoption, called RIVA, or Realized Individual Value of AI. RIVA encapsulates various ways that an employee can see a direct impact of AI use in their day-to-day work. When we break out HR and IT employees with “all or most” of their AI tools provided by their organization versus “some or none” of their AI tools provided by their organization, the difference in RIVA is clear. For both HR and IT employees with high access to organization-sponsored AI tools, more than 75% report all six RIVA outcomes, ranging from stress reduction to faster task completion. When that access is low, reported RIVA drops by up to 17%. Organization-sponsored tools likely come with leadership support, training, scenario libraries, and other resources that help employees capture value sooner. But without those scaled rollout benefits, employees are left on their own to navigate the changing workplace and to not get left behind. To drive a strong collaboration between HR & IT, AI access for both functions should be a foundational step. We see across these groups that while the direct benefits of using AI are easiest to realize (e.g. AI helps complete tasks faster), the more subtle benefits are the hardest to achieve (e.g. AI helps make better decisions or reduces overall work stress). For example, we see high reported task speed improvement for employees even with low access, likely due to BYOAI tools being simple to apply to direct situations. However, for true AI transformation, the goal is to tackle those transformative use cases, where day-to-day no longer looks the same as it did a few years ago (or even last week). The greater the organization-sponsored access, the better the chance of creating impact for both HR & IT employees, which positions them to be a driving force of organization-wide transformation. Lean into HR and IT collaboration to accelerate AI transformation Bringing together HR and IT for AI transformation strengthens the impact and value that your organization gets from investing in AI technologies and tools. Their skillsets are ideal to work in tandem to ensure that the proper systems in place and the workforce is ready to adopt them. We offer three recommendations on how to lean into this partnership: ensure equitable resources, increase experimentation and sharing, and leverage HR to get closer to employees. Ensure equitable cross-functional training and resourcing Training and development are key to learning any new technology. According to the World Economic Forum, only 35% of employees are trained and knowledgeable in AI9. Within our sample, while 73% of HR employees and 80% of IT employees reported that they were adequately trained in AI and understand how to use it in their work, only 22% and 31% strongly agreed to this, respectively. We may see discrepancies in how much training an employee thinks they need, versus how much more they could have when training is invested in and centralized. As IT is front and center in the AI transformation, their educational opportunities are likely the highest. For HR, however, 40% of HR leaders say a lack of resources (e.g., time, money, staff) is the biggest barrier to AI implementation6. This holds HR back from evolving beyond tactical use cases into strategic use cases, where they need investment in AI-based data and technology competences10. With the right resources, HR can take the lead role in a partnership with IT to identify organization-wide skill gaps and training needs. Increase experimentation and sharing between peers, teams, and business units The more opportunities employees have to experiment with AI, the better they get and the more value they see. As we’ve seen, however, some departments are better set up to lean into these processes. Large differences in AI adoption can create in-group/out-group mentalities that drive business silos and create limitations in data and information sharing, scaling AI technology, and cross-functional collaboration11. These are critical components of a successful AI transformation, where AI is optimized throughout the organization. In addition to finding balance in AI opportunities cross-functionally, seek to improve the effectiveness of collaboration and the culture of sharing. Design inclusive, common languages between functional teams that help bridge the gap between tech and non-tech teams11. Create communities or forums where employees across the organization can share quick tips, prompts, or use cases that helped them realize deeper value in AI12. Spin up a HR and IT taskforce dedicated to cross-pollination of resources focused on AI adoption. All these initiatives can help bring your teams closer together. Leverage HR to bring employees closer to and more invested in AI transformation With AI advancements moving quicker than any previous technology at work, it can be overwhelming to keep up and employees may feel this snowball effect of being "prepared enough.” Employees may feel uncertain about how to get involved and upskilled with AI and may feel anxious about their future. HR is uniquely positioned to help employees feel grounded and informed. Organizations at the forefront of AI adoption are 2.5x as likely to have HR involve employees in identifying tasks, roles, and processes suitable for automation13. HR provides a direct line to the employee voice and employee input. Not only can HR directly influence IT’s implementation strategy and priorities but it can strengthen employees’ adoption tendencies. HR and IT can collaborate on measuring AI transformation success through employee technology behaviors and employee sentiment feedback. Bringing these functions together maximizes AI implementation and ROI measurement capabilities. A dynamic collaboration between HR and IT departments drives successful AI transformation. IT's central role in technology and HR's focus on your people creates a powerful synergy, leading to effective AI implementation and workforce integration. By fostering cross-functional training, experimentation, and collaboration, organizations can unlock the full potential of AI, enhancing both employee adoption and realized value of AI. Stay tuned for our April Research Drop to keep up with what the People Science team is learning!  1 MIT Sloan Management Review. (November 11, 2024). Learning to manage uncertainty, with AI. 2 Forbes. (February 11, 2025). IT isn't the new HR, and AI shouldn't be leading your team. 3 Microsoft People Science Research analyzing 413 global employees in HR & IT based on our larger April 2024 AI Readiness Study dataset. Note: participants were asked to respond to questions around “generative artificial intelligence” which has been shortened to “AI” for the sake of this blog. 4 Deloitte. (December 11, 2024). IT, amplified: AI elevates the reach (and remit) of the tech function. 5 Mercer. (2025). Generative AI will transform three key HR roles. 6 SHRM. (January 9, 2025). There's still time to revolutionize HR with AI. 7 Microsoft WorkLab. (May 2024). 2024 Work Trend Index Annual Report. 8 Microsoft People Science. (April 2024). The state of AI change readiness: Accelerating AI transformation through employee experience. 9 World Economic Forum. (January 16, 2025). Unlocking human potential: Building a responsible AI-ready workforce for the future. 10 Forbes. (January 22, 2025). 3 ways HR leaders can look inward to prepare for upheaval in 2025. 11 Harvard Business Review. (May-June 2024). For success with AI, bring everyone on board. 12 Microsoft WorkLab. (February 2025). When it comes to AI, don’t build ‘Island of Intelligence.’ 13 i4cp. (January 23, 2025). Report: Workforce readiness in the era of AI. Both "propellant" and "propellent" refer to a substance used to drive forward or propel an object, such as in rockets, aerosol sprays, and firearms. The primary difference between the two lies in their spelling and usage frequency. "Propellant" is the widely accepted and commonly used term, especially in scientific and technical contexts. On the other hand, "propellent" is considered a less common variant and might be seen in some instances, but it is not the preferred spelling in most authoritative sources. orem ipsum View the full article
  4. I have a question about where to install drivers for my pc, some just install and it's good to go some ask a path. I am trying to install my Wi-Fi driver and it shows a path its going to and under that is shows device name and says (no suitable driver?) and the option to install is grayed out. I don't get it I am trying to install the drivers and it says no suitable driver. system is windows 11 64 pro mobo is MSI z790 tomahawk max also, if anyone know how to do this on windows 10, a friend has this board and there's no support for Wi-Fi driver in windows 10? I mean it's not windows 7 or me. View the full article
  5. I am researching Intel® Core™ Ultra Processors 7 and AMD Ryzen™ AI 7 PRO 350 laptop,desktop Do you have any suggestions from these. View the full article
  6. What is easiest way to play my favorite childhood game on new PCs? I have still the discs. View the full article
  7. Hi. PC: 14900K stock with NZXT kraken elite 360, 2x16GB DDR5 6800,rtx 4090,Seasonic Px 1600,SSD 2TB,Aorus Z790 Elite X. I have an question about crashes with faulting module: nvgpucomp64.dll. When my cpu was not stable ,game Remnant 2 was crashing with faulting module: nvgpucomp64.dll. But i tweak in bios settings and game is stable. But now i have found in event viewer some crashes related to : "SearchHost" or "XboxGamebar etc" and faulting module is too nvgpucomp64.dll. So is my cpu still not stable or just ignore that errors with SearchHost and XboxGamebar. Thx. And why nvgpucomp64.dll the same. View the full article
  8. When i turn my PC on, I get a black screen and a spinning cursor. I have turned my computer off and on over 20 times now. I have tried to uninstall latest quality update and latest feature update in advanced options but still doesn't work. I have tried system restore and thay didn't work either. I have enabled safe mode but I run into a blue screen saying we encountered a problem. Tried to go into BIOS but not sure what to do there. I am lost on what to try next. I did download the latest nvidias graphics card driver or something like that the night before and it was fine and then this morning when I opened my computer I now can't get in. View the full article
  9. So this morning I made the mistake of turning on "get updates before they are out early" well windows 24H2 started downloading and installed. So I was waiting for the usual blue screen. It installed and no blue screen, I did have to reinstall a couple small programs to get get them to work. The create a restore point however didn't work, even going to the create the restore point using windows settings didn't seem to work either. So OK I decided to restart. That's when it all went south. Dell fired up the system hardware check first, I never get that, after it was done it said no errors found. (BTW I also ran sfc and disk before restarting, that also said no issues with the system.) so now I'm back to doing a full system backup recovery if 23h2. The question is, what could be the problem here? If 24H2 installed OK, and wasn't giving me any errors what would make it not boot as usual? View the full article
  10. Why am I seing this message in the bottom corner of my computer. I have been using windows 11 since it came out? Can't think it is a scam. I typed in activate windows on the search bar and got this... View the full article
  11. I bought a brand new laptop and this message appeared when I was digging to know if the windows was activated. It is activated but I think it is a duplicate. View the full article
  12. I need help. Thanks. View the full article
  13. Noticed a new button in taskbar: "focus", it opens this. Have they invented something new about clocks or why does it demand an update? Windows 11 is a joke. View the full article
  14. Microsoft Defender for IoT has released the March 2025 Threat Intelligence package. The package is available for download from the Microsoft Defender for IoT portal (click Updates, then Download file). Threat Intelligence updates reflect the combined impact of proprietary research and threat intelligence carried out by Microsoft security teams. Each package contains the latest CVEs (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures), IOCs (Indicators of Compromise), and other indicators applicable to IoT/ICS/OT networks (published during the past month) researched and implemented by Microsoft Threat Intelligence Research - CPS. The CVE scores are aligned with the National Vulnerability Database (NVD). Starting with the August 2023 threat intelligence updates, CVSSv3 scores are shown if they are relevant; otherwise the CVSSv2 scores are shown. Guidance Customers are recommended to update their systems with the latest TI package in order to detect potential exposure risks and vulnerabilities in their networks and on their devices. Threat Intelligence packages are updated every month with the most up-to-date security information available, ensuring that Microsoft Defender for IoT can identify malicious actors and behaviors on devices. Update your system with the latest TI package The package is available for download from the Microsoft Defender for IoT portal (click Updates, then Download file), for more information, please review Update threat intelligence data | Microsoft Docs. MD5 Hash: 3b0522536f51a13701f172a5d2c435d5 For cloud connected sensors, Microsoft Defender for IoT can automatically update new threat intelligence packages following their release, click here for more information. View the full article
  15. After a few minutes (can be instantly) windows will completely freeze and on occasion restart, but still frozen, requiring a shut down. View the full article
  16. When i turn my PC on, I get a black screen and a spinning cursor. I have turned my computer off and on over 20 times now. I have tried to uninstall latest quality update and latest feature update in advanced options but still doesn't work. I have tried system restore and thay didn't work either. I have enabled safe mode but I run into a blue screen saying we encountered a problem. Tried to go into BIOS but not sure what to do there. I am lost on what to try next. I did download the latest nvidias graphics card driver or something like that the night before and it was fine and then this morning when I opened my computer I now can't get in. View the full article
  17. Hi all, My dad has dozen of DVD movies and personal videos. Some of them already got scratched heavily. Fortunately, they are still working when connected to a DVD player. My dad asks me to take a backup of the DVDs on a digital storage on a computer or external hard drive. I tried the built-in Windows Media Player but it won't allow me ripping the DVD discs. Can some one recommend the best dvd ripping software that still works in 2025 on Windows 11? It seems most of the free ones no long work and no update for years. Thank you View the full article
  18. i've noticed my windows setup looks a little different than what is shown in google images. i've confirmed my personalisation settings are ok. is there something i am missing? View the full article
  19. Hi, We're using the latest version of Entra Connect. Is it common for it to do an Auto Update check every night? Lately we have got an alert that the sync service is down and then it recovers. The emails are 30 mins apart which I think is the default check time? It seems to do an AutoUpdate check and then the sync service will briefly stop, we get these errors and then it recovers. Azure AD Connect Upgrade - 904 Password Reset Services - 31034 It does seem to fix itself so more of an annoyance, but still curious if it is meant to check every night? View the full article
  20. Today I am pleased to announce that we have enabled Windows 365 in Spain and Mexico. You can now deploy your Cloud PCs into Spain, in the Spain Central region and in Mexico, in the Mexico Central region. Within a provisioning policy if you select the European Union geography, you can then select Spain Central. This increases the number of regions available in the European Union region grouping to six. The Mexico Central region is available from within the new Mexico Geography. Whilst you can select each region specifically we always recommend you select the “Automatic” option to take advantage of more of the benefits the SaaS nature of Windows 365 provides now and in the future. Spain Central: Mexico Central: In the future we will be making some exciting improvements to the provisioning of Cloud PCs by simplifying the region and network selection within your provisioning policies. This expansion increases the number of Azure geographies that Windows 365 supports, giving you more choices for locating your Cloud PCs. This means you can place them closer to your user estate, reducing latency for users in these locations. We are committed to providing more choice and flexibility for your Cloud PCs by enabling new Azure regions over the coming years. This ongoing expansion demonstrates our dedication to evolving the service into a truly global service by growing into existing and new Azure geographies, ensuring you can provide the best service to your organization. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance Windows 365 and bring it to more locations worldwide. View the full article
  21. I need help. Thanks. View the full article
  22. Hello everyone! I'm new to this and recently tried to download an online video, but the 4K Video Downloader recommended by the search engine doesn't work at all on my computer. Whether it's installing or clicking the download button, the software interface flashes back or is unresponsive. My system is Windows 11 24H2 with the latest graphics drivers and Python environment installed. Anyone with similar experience? Or know of any alternative tools to recommend if 4k video downloader not working? Problem details and solutions tried. The software says “Unable to resolve video URL” or “Network connection failed”, but the web video plays normally;Browser ad blocker is turned off, try another browser (Chrome/Firefox);Reinstall the software and check “Disable all plug-ins”, but the problem persists;Checked the system log and found the error code: XXX (if I remember).Is it possible that the site's anti-downloading mechanism is causing the problem? Or does it require a specific configuration? I'm asking for your guidance! View the full article
  23. Hey all, long-time lurker searching these threads for tech advice, now I need some more direct help! I have an incredibly slow Windows 11 bootup: 100-200 seconds on average for a Windows boot, plus 150-300 seconds for desktop. Has been getting steadily worse over the last couple of years and now it's pretty unbearable. View the full article
  24. It's a simple concept, but 1 month using Windows 11 was enough to get this idea. As 11 is still a transition from what we had in Windows 10 to something more modern, a lot of old, classic or 'legacy' things ended up being hidden, taking twice as much work to access. And since I like the design of the new menu but miss the amount of items from the old menu, this might be a good interim solution. View the full article
  25. I want to uninstall bing through the registry. One method shows that a key for explorer is needed in the path. Another shows that that a key for share is needed. What is the safe way to create these ? View the full article
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