Oi Pessoal! Preciso descarregar imagens de uma filmadora sony HVR z5u minidv,
e o windons não reconhece a filmadora, poderiam me ajudar?
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Hi. I have windows 7 Home Premium x64 (With SP1) installed here. I need to run some programs here as administrator right-clicking in the link of the program on the desktop and selecting "Run as Administrator". The main problem is that nothing happens...
I Can't see the related process or even "consent.exe" running... no warning pop ups, nothing at all.
My account is Admin and UAC is ON, with "standart" Settings. The odd thing is that I can see the UAC warnings when doing some other actions, like when installing a program....
Could anyone help me?
Thanks in Advance,
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the screen on my HP keeps flickering white, and when i grip the side of the screen it goes back to normal? but when i let go,
it resumes flickering,and goes blank again.?
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my wifi card has stoped showing up on my computer ,,, as if it is not there ,,, i have tried a new one ,,, same thing ,,, does not recognise it ,,, any help please ,,,
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I have a 10.3MB folder in my recycle bin that I can't delete.
I have used the rd /s /q C:$Recycle.bin command as administrator without effect.
I have manually deleted the $Recycle.bin file, but it renews itself with the file still intact.
When I try to empty the bin, the system shows that it is deleting the file, but when finished the bin still has the file.
What can I do without re-installing Windows?
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my old PC has a black screen,if i look close with enough light,iI can see a picture.I want to transfer this to my new PC screen so I can work on it.How do I do this.
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I am a student and I have got Microsoft Windows 7 Professional with Service Pack 1 64-bit (English) - DreamSpark
I have few questions
1- Can I Install and Activate it on my laptop and desktop at the same time ??
2- How many times can I Activate it ??
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Due to driver corruption, I tried restoring my windows setup on Windows Professional 7. It allowed me but when rebooting, it is not identifying the user and password. Pls suggest, how to correct it. I am not having admin password as of now
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Bonjour à toutes et tous,
MSN est installé sur mon PC depuis longtemps mais n'avais plus l'occasion de l'utiliser.
A présent que je voudrais m'en servir , l'icône disparait après chaque arrêt de mon PC.
Durant deux jours en faisant réparer à partir des programmes , cela fonctionnait mais plus aujourd'hui.
J'ai essayé de télécharger version 2012 qui est incompatible. J'ai Windows 7.
Si qu'elqu'un pouvait m'éclairer et m'aiguiller cela me ferait beaucoup plaisir.
Merci par avance et je vous souhaite une agréable journée.
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After the lastest update for vista my integrated video card stopped working the update will not install. It keeps saying an unknown error occured while installing and download failed.
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I want tio create a shortcut bar on windows 8, where i can host application shortcuts for most of my applications.
Some what similar to charms bar.
can anybody help me ??
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1) I Started Using XP home & pro too many errors showing, my solution reformat cause of internet ads software that screwing up my registry...
2) Why Windows Microsoft product has a limit of activation, your software... You own that anyway you purchase it...
3) Now I'm Using Windows 7 OE same thing still a lot of errors showing and my solution again reformat to make it as its new...Anyway I'm tired of
reformatting i did it already like a billion times and that spent a lot of times...Now Windows 8 when will be the last Windows upgrade...
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I just bought a new computer. I am trying to send a word document to someone, but it says to go to the COntrol Panel and link an email to Word. Tried, not working. Any help? Thanks.
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I'm running Windows Vista. Due to a unresolvable issue, I had to reformat my hard drive. I have down loaded and installed Service Pack 1, but I'm unable to download any further updates. I keep receiving Service Pack 1 just as I never installed it. Please
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I would like to know if I can connect gigaset sl910a or the other range of Gigaset to work via my laptop that works with windows 7 voice activation.
Because I am disabiled and my finger uses are limited and getting worse.
With voice activation I would like to dial or receive a call much more easier.
Can I connect it and how to my laptop / windows 7.?
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Okay, for almost 2 months I have been unable to access my computer. When I put my Live account information to log in it tells me that my password or username is incorrect. I went on my Iphone and changed my password and when I tried to log in it still told me that it is incorrect even though I can log in with other computers. Please help me. I need my computer for school.
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i need to enable multi media audio controllers i need to know how to get to ser
vices running on your computer i need to enable this program and also windows media center end point
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