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Everything posted by AWS

  1. Trying to get updates for my HP running Windows XP Media Center Addition Ver. 2002 with Service Pack 3 I just recently put Norton Antivirus on my computers, none of the others are having this issue, but this is the only XP computer we have. Getting this error when I try to use the windows update: 0x80248011 I ran the FixIt tool and it said it found problems and fixed them. That was not true, it is still giving me the same exact error and can't get any window updates on my computer. This is what it says when I select the option to tell it what to fix: Windows Update Publisher details Issues found Windows Update components must be repairedWindows Update components must be repairedOne or more Windows Update components are configured incorrectly Detected Repair Windows Update components Not Run Issues checked Default Windows Update data locations have changedDefault Windows Update data locations have changedThe location where Windows Update stores data has changed and must be repaired Checked Issues found Detection details 6 Windows Update components must be repaired Detected One or more Windows Update components are configured incorrectly Repair Windows Update components Not Run Repairing Windows Update components frequently resolves common Windows Update errors Issues checked Detection details 6 Default Windows Update data locations have changed Checked The location where Windows Update stores data has changed and must be repaired Repair default Windows Update locations Not Run Change Windows Update locations to Windows default settings Detection details Collection information Computer Name: ZACHCPU_XP Windows Version: 5.1 Architecture: x86 Time: 5/1/2013 4:04:18 PM Publisher details Windows Update Resolve problems that prevent you from updating Windows. Package Version: Publisher: Microsoft Corporation View this thread
  2. I have windows 7 Home and bought GLC-00183 upgrade to windows 7 Ultimate but it says on the box this is to upgrade vista to 7 will it work for me? View this thread
  3. Hi, Today there was a thunderstorm where I live (France) and the electricity was cut down for 30 minutes during an update on my PC from Windows 7, 32 bit. The PC went down of course, and after that 50% of my programs is not working any more. I get the message: "ieframe.dll not suitable for Windows... etc. (I have a Dutch operating system and made a translation here). Also IE explorer-10 refuses to start up. I reinstalled it without any succes (I hoped it should replace the file ieframe.dll). So I tried to replace the file with the same file from my other PC, though that PC is Windows-7 64 bit and the file is also some older (from a couple of weeks ago). But unfortunately I am not allowed to replace it. I get the message: "You are not allowed by TrustedInstaller to make changes to ieframe.dll" Can somebody help me? Greetings from France. View this thread
  4. Found a dowload here which restored it, but it has disappeared again, and I can't find the last cure again. It was one dowlnload to restore a driver and another to remove it. I ran it instead of saving it. View the thread
  5. One of our machines, running Windows XP Professional, has a policy applied to it curtailing its online access. I would like to find a way to download the applicable Windows updates from a different machine, one that runs Windows 7 Professional, and then copy and apply them to the affected machine. I would like to do this same thing with the updates for Microsoft Security Essentials. How can I do so? View this thread
  6. Windows7 update failed and now when i am trying to login it gives mississing shell32.dll error View this thread
  7. How can you setup new themes? I downloaded Eqypt but it does not show in the setup page? I go to the personalization page then click on Desktop background. It has 3 themes Architecture, landscapes and United states. How do I set the new theme (Eqypt) to be in this group or available to it? Ron View the thread
  8. KB 2229593 security update will not install. Ran Fixit several times. Fixit reports that my file locations are incorrect but it doesn't offer a fix?any suggestions View this thread
  9. Unable to install security update and receive error code 800B0100 every time Have Run System Update Readiness Tool a couple of times and still will not install after rebooting. View this thread
  10. Unable to install security update and recieve error code 800B0100 every time Have Run System Update Readiness Tool a couple of times and still will not install after rebooting. View this thread
  11. How come Tune Up Utilities prevent restore points in Vista Service Pack 2? View this thread
  12. 2 questions. what is the difference between windows 8 pro n and windows 8. link http://www.microsoftstore.com/store/msuk/en_GB/list/ThemeID.30273200/categoryID.59700600 also can you upgrade from windows 8 basic to pro using any of the above View this thread
  13. new Dell computer 4 days old, Win 8, McFee, preinstalled can't install update. Tom [Moved from feedback] View this thread
  14. Is Microsoft Touch Mouse Artist Series - 3KJ-00012 incompatible with vista? View the thread
  15. Hi, Somehow I removed the bluetooth drivers. However I have received the Windows Update showing the Bluetooth Drivers from Qualcomm. I tried installing them but in mid-way it show the above error. I am able to install all other updates. Secondly all the steps provided in Microsoft site pertaining to this error are performed but nothing is working. I have the Bluetooth Suite installed. I have the bluetooth Icon in Device Manager but nothing is working. I also do not find the Bluetooth option in Wireless option. Tried downloading from other websites but all are useless. I checked for this error and found that lot of people are facing this error but no concrete resolution is provided from any one? What is the support from Microsoft for this error? Please help. View this thread
  16. The video in my old Win 7 machine is broken. I am particularly interested in transferring all the settings to my new Win 8 machine. The old machine has an external hard drive for back-up purposes, but I don't know if that includes settings or just files. Can I use Easy Transfer to access the internal hard drive even though that machine has no video? If there is no way to do that, should my external back-up drive have the settings I'm looking for and is it accessible with Easy Transfer? Any other options? View this thread
  17. I've used FIX IT and to no avail my problem wasn't resolved. First it will say Updates Successful, then will shut down to complete. On restart it will configure to 15% then shut down again. Then restart after saying failure, then Reverting Changes and shut down again. I've run maintenance also. What should I try? Thank you!! View this thread
  18. 05/01/13-My Recycle Bin seems to be emptying on its own. How do I remedy this? Also how do I restore the default setting (under the Recycle Bin General tab -Custom Size) for the Maximum Size? If the Maximum size number is too small would that explain why there are very few items listed in the Recycle Bin? What would be an acceptable larger number? Jerrie K. Rosenfeld View the thread
  19. my firewall has somhow been turned off, How do I get it to turn back on,? I have tried the fix it tool but It dind work View this thread
  20. installs same 5 updates every time OS shuts down ? View this thread
  21. In windows mail ver 6.0.6000, Vista, I no longer get the names when I open contacts file in large or medium icon format. View this thread
  22. como posso estalar windows de crasa View this thread
  23. Olá boa tarde Digno Senhor Luis Henrique!!! Espero o vir encontrar de novo e com boa saúde e boa paz e ainda e com votos sinceros de uma boa continuação de um bom dia do trabalhador e que seja um Digno e verdadeiro Profissional e no fundo para todos os seres humanos em geral pois sempre disse e digo não a discriminação independentemente das suas raças ou cores existentes pois todos somos iguais como e quando somos seres humanos e digo sempre não a toda a discriminação das Pessoas!!!? Humildemente venho pedir a sua digna ajuda que é sempre muito útil em informação e em um todo um computo mais geral e vou passar a expor e a mais escrever para existir a melhor e mais informação e procuro como posso iniciar de novo no meu local do Messenger que não desativei e que o mesmo e muito gosto!!!? Paço a descrever os mesmos Emails e contas *** Email address is removed for privacy *** e *** Email address is removed for privacy *** são estes dois IDSS Associados e que exponho para uma boa colaboração informação da sua Digna Pessoa como Digno Profissional e que muito entendo e tenho que realçar todas as suas grandes capacidades de Um Digno Profissional que se honra é Amigo!!! Como posso fazer no seguinte tenho estas duas contas IDSS Associados que funcionam muito bem e em ambas tenho as minhas caixas de correio e home pages e etc e etc as minhas amizades das duas respectivas contas e que são quase as mesmas Amizades embora existindo sempre as suas e algumas diferenças nas boas Amizades e no computo geral como fazer e optar por toda uma opção mais fácil e com toda uma verdadeira e ainda melhor na boa eficacia!!!? Passo a dar como um bom exemplo esta boa razão que se passa nas duas caixas de correio pois digo e é existe o limite máximo de mensagens a enviar por diariamente!!!? Tenho conhecimento dos meus Amigos melhores Amigos que se poderá criar uma caixa nova de correio em que não existe o limite de mensagens a enviar diariamente o que seria muito bom para mim assim como o adicionar outras contas de outros sites e que deixo a sua total consideração Senhor Luis Henrique porque sei muito poder confiar e agradeço!!!? Passo a informar sobre os seus emails enviados pelo Senhor para fossem processadas todas e novas atualizações e informações e na qual passo a informar e honrar o Senhor Luis Henrique e que ainda nenhuma usei ou fiz abertura das suas mesmas mensagens e seus bons conte udos!!!? Atenciosamente os meus sinceros e respeitoso cumprimentos quer a seu nível Pessoal e também em todo o seu Digno Profissionalismo das altas marcas e assim vou terminar e mais dizendo que em suas mãos vou passar a depositar toda a minha confiança em todas as suas atualizações!!!? Atenciosamente todo o meu voto sincero e de toda a plena confiança na sua Digníssima Pessoa como todo o seu Digníssimo Profissionalismo!!! Assinatura António José Marques Coimbra View the thread
  24. Windows update KB2813170 still fails since April 11. I have Windows Vista and the error code is FFFFFFFE. Since this failure to update, I can't open another window to see PDF files when I am online. It goes to "crash dump" and reboots which is very annoying. I tried uninstalling updates (but I don't know for sure if I uninstalled everything) and running the FIX IT program from another Windows Link but it still fails. Please help! View the thread
  25. Windows update KB2813170 still fails since April 11. I have Windows Vista and the error code is FFFFFFFE. Since this failure to update, I can't open another window to see PDF files when I am online. It goes to "crash dump" and reboots which is very annoying. I tried uninstalling updates (but I don't know for sure if I uninstalled everything) and running the FIX IT program from another Windows Link but it still fails. Please help! View this thread
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