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I have looked at all the instructions online try to fix wow.dll error message that pops up when right clicking on a file. C:UsersdougeAppDataLocalTempsqopwuvsvdwnviwow.dll I have done the following Safe Mode reboot. Clean Boot. Malware scan. Spyware scan. No luck. Anything else that I can use? I am afraid to download just anything. Please advise something safe. Thank You Doug Epker View the thread
Getting errors after installing Security Essentials (Definition 1.149.825.0). On start I get a ATI graphics did not load correctly, sound card requires driver update, outlook states that it is unable to verify it's license, and all printers (local and network) work and cannot even open printer setup window. I've tried to see if any newer windows update would fix this but even after install all the optional update, my system still gives me this issue. The only way I've been able to fix this is by doing a system restore to a previous point. However, the system re-installs this security update after every restart and thus I have to do a restore every day. Any ideas on what is going on or how to fix this? View this thread
Cannot see the multiply key. had no trouble with minus,divide, or add key but dont see the multiply key.thanksCatherine Swaim View the thread
What is Diskpart utility ? View the thread
Dear Team,I am working in on large institution, currently our it team is decide for updating xp3 patch, over Windows XP2.after updating xp3 patch, 95% pc is running to much slow.All PC has more than 1 GB ram, More than 10 GB Space in Root Drive and also with Intel and AMD Processor.Please helpRegardS. Singh View this thread
Want to delete contact in outlook - the old hotmail. How? View this thread
acer 7739z 4439 [Moved from feedback] 9HELLO. my update wont work. error code 80071a91 bought my laptop privatly december 2012. win 7 premium. 64 bit. also cant do many things because of a .net framework problem..is this related? could i have purchased a stolen computer ? is this View this thread
After doing a system restore, I am having continuing issues with files being hidden that shouldn't be and hidden files not being indexed. Nothing seems to work for unhiding files. The file property dialog is useless so I am attempting (once again) to use the attrib -H command. Wondering if the -I would help me as well, but I can't find any MS doc that actually explains the attrib. Does it mean the file IS NOT indexed or that the file CANNOT be indexed? Regards, Soooo missing XP View the thread
I have an old PC with Windows XP and SP3 yet cannot find Windows MOvie Maker which, according to Windows Updates, should down load automatically. View this thread
I recently purchased a second hand PC that had windows 7 installed on it. I subsequently discovered that the windows 7 software i had would not pass validation because it wasn't genuine. Can i purchase and download windows 7 from the microsoft website and installed it on this PC? will i have to uninstall the windows 7 version that is on it right now? View this thread
I keep getting this update error code 80080005 View this thread
keep getting windows update box coming up with Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (KB936330) i click to download and install when done 2 days later i get the same download every 2 days its like its not installing cos it never restarts pc View this thread
Hello All, I have had a similar problem to others on this forum with Windows 8 not preforming regular updates. Initially I received the error code 0x80070490 and I ran the windows trouble-shooter which said it had fixed two issues - but I still received an error when trying to update. I have run the System Update Readiness Tool, which reported no corrupt files found. However, the updater now gives an impression of running but there is only 1 optional update that I had received early this month and tried to hide - (Bing Desktop v1.1). When I run Review Update History in Control Panel it tells me I have not downloaded any updates, which is utter nonsense as many updates were initially downloaded when I bought the computer in March 2013. I would like to be able to find a URL address that will get me to a list of the latest Windows 8 updates so that I can see if the Updater is actually working. The last updates the PC managed to install were on 10April 2013 are KB283351, KB2822241, KB2817183, KB2813170, KB2808735, KB2800033, KB2781197. I have been unable to find a Microsoft web page that tells me what the latest updates are I keep getting directed to using the Windows 8 Updater that I believe is still not working correctly. I have had nothing but problems with this operating system since I bought the PC and would rather go an buy another PC than to have to restore windows 8 after only 6weeks. Oh how I miss XP! Thanks in anticipation. DaveTK View this thread
Hi All, I am trying to install the Remote Server Administrative Tools (Windows6.1-KB958830-x64-RefreshPkg) via CMD files because i want to automatize not only the installation of the update but also turn this feature on. So i made three cmd files: The first is calling two others: call %~DP0Source.cmd call %~DP0Settings.cmd The Source cmd contains the data: wusa.exe "~DP0Windows6.1-KB958830-x64-RefreshPkg.msu" /norestart /quiet /log:install.log And the Settings contains: dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools-ServerManager dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Roles dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Roles-CertificateServices dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Roles-CertificateServices-CA dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Roles-CertificateServices-OnlineResponder dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Roles-AD dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Roles-AD-DS dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Roles-AD-DS-SnapIns dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Roles-AD-DS-NIS dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Roles-AD-LDS dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Roles-AD-Powershell dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Roles-DHCP dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Roles-DNS dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Roles-FileServices dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Roles-FileServices-Dfs dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Roles-FileServices-Fsrm dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Roles-FileServices-StorageMgmt dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Roles-HyperV dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Roles-RDS dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Features dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Features-BitLocker dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Features-Clustering dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Features-GP dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Features-LoadBalancing dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Features-StorageExplorer dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Features-StorageManager dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Features-SmtpServer dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Roles-AD-DS-AdministrativeCenter dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Features-Wsrm reg import %~DP0StartMenuAdminTools.reg And the StartMenuAdminTools.reg contains: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerAdvanced] "Start_SearchFiles"=dword:00000002 "ServerAdminUI"=dword:00000000 "Hidden"=dword:00000001 "ShowCompColor"=dword:00000001 "HideFileExt"=dword:00000000 "DontPrettyPath"=dword:00000000 "ShowInfoTip"=dword:00000001 "HideIcons"=dword:00000000 "MapNetDrvBtn"=dword:00000000 "WebView"=dword:00000001 "Filter"=dword:00000000 "SuperHidden"=dword:00000000 "SeparateProcess"=dword:00000000 "AutoCheckSelect"=dword:00000000 "IconsOnly"=dword:00000000 "ShowTypeOverlay"=dword:00000001 "ListviewAlphaSelect"=dword:00000001 "ListviewShadow"=dword:00000001 "TaskbarAnimations"=dword:00000001 "Start_ShowMyGames"=dword:00000000 "StartMenuInit"=dword:00000004 "Start_AdminToolsRoot"=dword:00000000 "StartMenuAdminTools"=dword:00000001 "Start_MinMFU"=dword:0000000a "Start_JumpListItems"=dword:0000000a "TaskbarSizeMove"=dword:00000000 "DisablePreviewDesktop"=dword:00000000 "TaskbarSmallIcons"=dword:00000000 "TaskbarGlomLevel"=dword:00000000 "Start_PowerButtonAction"=dword:00000002 My problem is that in SystemContext it installs perfectly but on a single ADMIN account if I run the Install.cmd as and adminstrator i get this error in the LOG file: ÚÁA¦ţąYĎWV @? I n s t a l l W o r k e r . 0 0 8 8 1 : F a i l e d t o a d d s c a n p a c k a g e s e r v i c e e m¬Ŕ ¤ ¬ ß?n Ś` ÚÁA¦ţąYĎWV @? I n s t a l l W o r k e r . 0 1 2 8 7 : E x i t w i t h e r r o r c o d e 0 X 8 0 0 7 0 4 2 2 ( T h e s e r v i c e c a n n o t b e s t a r t e d , e i t h e r b e c a u s e i t i s d i s a b l e d o r b e c a u s e i t h a s n o e n a b l e d d e v i c e s a s s o c i a t e d w i t h i t . ) ŞŞŞŞ,Ŕ ¬ ĺ?n Ś` ÚÁA¦ţąYĎWV @ R e b o o t I f R e q u e s t e d . 0 1 4 4 6 : R e b o o t i s n o t s c h e d u l e d . I s R u n W i z a r d S t a r t e d : 0 , I s R e b o o t R e q u i r e d : 0 , R e s t a r t M o d e : 1 eg:mŔ ¬ Öç?n Ś` ÚÁA¦ţąYĎWV € "€T h e s e r v i c e c a n n o t b e s t a r t e d , e i t h e r b e c a u s e i t i s d i s a b l e d o r b e c a u s e i t h a s n o e n a b l e d d e v i c e s a s s o c i a t e d w i t h i t . w u s a . e x e " Y : L y t h a m _ H O M E D E M B 1 3 5 W i n d o w s 6 . 1 - K B 9 5 8 8 3 0 - x 6 4 - R e f r e s h P k g . m s u " / n o r e s t a r t / q u i e t / l o g : i n s t a l l . l o g 7V´Ŕ ¬ Oé?n Ś` ÚÁA¦ţąYĎWV @ w W i n M a i n . 0 1 9 6 7 : F a i l e d t o i n s t a l l u p d a t e E r r o r : 0 X 8 0 0 7 0 4 2 2 , T h e s e r v i c e c a n n o t b e s t a r t e d , e i t h e r b e c a u s e i t i s d i s a b l e d o r b e c a u s e i t h a s n o e n a b l e d d e v i c e s a s s o c i a t e d w i t h i t . . C o m m a n d l i n e : w u s a . e x e " Y : L y t h a m _ H O M E D E M B 1 3 5 W i n d o w s 6 . 1 - K B 9 5 8 8 3 0 - x 6 4 - R e f r e s h P k g . m s u " / n o r e s t a r t / q u i e t / l o g : i n s t a l l . l o g nt><˘Ŕ ¬ Ję?n Ś` ÚÁA¦ţąYĎWV @ w W i n M a i n . 0 1 9 9 8 : E x i t w i t h e r r o r c o d e 0 X 8 0 0 7 0 4 2 2 ( T h e s e r v i c e c a n n o t b e s t a r t e d , e i t h e r b e c a u s e i t i s d i s a b l e d o r b e c a u s e i t h a s n o e n a b l e d d e v i c e s a s s o c i a t e d w i t h i t . ) licen It is really important for me to install it via these CMD files due to the automatization so I MUST find a solution to get through this ERROR and make it to work. Many Thanks, Gabriel Herdsman View this thread
every time i use win update to install update then update for windows 7 for x64 based systems (KB2545698) always fails i tried to download and install but hen also fails this time i thought to create question so please help one time on update was on and electricity was gone so became off my pc when it wass in blue screen which we say logg off screen so help View this thread
Hi, everytime i run windows update i get an error 8024200d, i have searched for a solution online but haven't come across anything helpful. O.S.- Windows 7 home 32 bit View this thread
I have tried everything, even doing and doing resore....windows won't update my files, at all after 4/27/13...I was having an issue, and I deleted the one to install Iternet Explorer 10. I don't want to have that browser at this time, all was fine, I did a restore to delte the Explorer 10, and just kept the box unmarked, so it would not be reinstalled another time. Everything was working perfecrrly, as of Monday 4/29/13....I did all the test, checked all my settings, and when I hit to insttall updates (I have it to install everyday at 3:00AM), but I had to restore because of the Internet Explorer 0 update, but even after tht all was good. so, anyway, I hit install, and it just stays at 0%, for 1 hour this am, that's when I realized something is realy wrong here. So, I did everything windws suppoirt stated, and nothing wrked. Now no updates show thaatt need to be installed, you just hit install updates, and it goes around and around and around..never stops! Internet is hooked-up...y laptops are working fine...It's my HP-Touchsmart desktop that I'm having issues with...It's windws 7 premuim 64 Nit, 6gb, with 750RAM intel icore3. what is happening, I'm at a total lost...I don't want to have to do a whole recovery resse back to factory settings...Oh my gosh...Please no, is there anyone that can help me...I'm computer frindly, just not computer literate, but getting better all the time. Please don't tell me I have to start fresh, oh please no that would be so saad, double sad :( ANYONE...PLEASE PLEASE ANY ADVICE, I'D BE VERY GRATEFUL... THANK-YOU SO MUCH, KELLI *** Email address is removed for privacy *** IS MY EMAIL IF THAT IS NECESSARY? PEACE OUT, KELLI View the thread
I have tried everything, even doing and doing resore....windows won't update my files, at all after 4/27/13...I was having an issue, and I deleted the one to install Iternet Explorer 10. I don't want to have that browser at this time, all was fine, I did a restore to delte the Explorer 10, and just kept the box unmarked, so it would not be reinstalled another time. Everything was working perfecrrly, as of Monday 4/29/13....I did all the test, checked all my settings, and when I hit to insttall updates (I have it to install everyday at 3:00AM), but I had to restore because of the Internet Explorer 0 update, but even after tht all was good. so, anyway, I hit install, and it just stays at 0%, for 1 hour this am, that's when I realized something is realy wrong here. So, I did everything windws suppoirt stated, and nothing wrked. Now no updates show thaatt need to be installed, you just hit install updates, and it goes around and around and around..never stops! Internet is hooked-up...y laptops are working fine...It's my HP-Touchsmart desktop that I'm having issues with...It's windws 7 premuim 64 Nit, 6gb, with 750RAM intel icore3. what is happening, I'm at a total lost...I don't want to have to do a whole recovery resse back to factory settings...Oh my gosh...Please no, is there anyone that can help me...I'm computer frindly, just not computer literate, but getting better all the time. Please don't tell me I have to start fresh, oh please no that would be so saad, double sad :( ANYONE...PLEASE PLEASE ANY ADVICE, I'D BE VERY GRATEFUL... THANK-YOU SO MUCH, KELLI *** Email address is removed for privacy *** IS MY EMAIL IF THAT IS NECESSARY? PEACE OUT, KELLI View this thread
My new PC cannot configure Windows updates. It start to configure, usually gets to 15%, crashes starts again, fails again and then says it is reverting to previous settings. Any ideas??? View this thread
HiMy system was working fine on Friday 26th March, the system then updated and on Monday 29th March my internet speed was very erratic about 70% slower than normal.I have Virgin 60MB fiber optic which is running fine on all my other devices.This desktop in connected to the network via Solwise powerline LAN.I tried to do a system restore to before the update, however this caused even worse system issues, I therefore reinstalled windows and then I recovered just my files from a backup, the system worked fine again, but then windows updated again and I'm back to the same slow internet issue.Can I uninstall the latest update that is causing this issue? I've looked in 'Installed Updates' but because all the updates were installed today I can't tell which is the latest from the instal date, if I knew the update name then maybe I could uninstall it and solve the problem...Help?Otherwise I will have to do another fresh software install which will take ages and then turn off auto updates which may leave me with vulnerabilities... View this thread
Having this issue when i tried to have window upgrade"WindowsUpdate_80080005" "WindowsUpdate_dt000" and also can't open up my Microsoft office files which state:Error 1935. An error occurred during the installation of assembly component 0x80070003 on Window 7. Please help. Many thanks DT View this thread