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Everything posted by AWS

  1. Bonjour. (5em. demande sans réponse d'un responsable de Outlook). Quand je clique sur NOUVEAU pour envoyer un message avec une ou Plusieurs Pièces jointes , " JOINDRE DES FICHIERS" ne s'ouvre pas en cliquant dessus ainsi que " G (Gras) , I (Italique) , S (Souligné) etc... etc... " Comment faire pour que ça fonctionne ?????? Merci , Cordialement. Samuel TOPALIAN. View the thread
  2. Every time I let my computer do its update, my printer stops working and it wont let me reinstall it. Then I did a restore and downloaded the newest full version driver for the printer, but even after that if I let my computer run through updates the same thing happens and I can't print. If I try to reinstall the printer after an update I get a message about the print spooler not running but it wont let me start it.... View this thread
  3. help I can't remove Mixi.DJ website. View this thread
  4. Original title: Microsoft *Natural* Wireless Ergonomic Keyboard 7000 and Laser mouse Purchased April 9, 2013 the keyboard and mouse are not working right. They freeze and stick for no reason and freeze the whole system. I had to buy a different set because I couldn't get help to find any problem. I paid big bucks for this set up. Have there been problems with this model and how can I have it replaced or repaired. Thank you Pam Lawhon View the thread
  5. When I try to install 64 bit Windows7, I get a message that my current Windows is 32 bit, consult your software supplier, and I can go no further. I know that, but I want to make a custom installation on a new disk, and my computer is 64 bit capable. How do I get past that point? View this thread
  7. my computer will not install updates Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 Update for Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP x86 (KB982524)   Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 and .NET Framework 3.5 Family Update for .NET versions 2.0 through 3.5 (KB951847) x86 i have regcure to fix problems and i am not sure if it got rid of service pack 1.......................i tried to reinstall service pack 1 but my computer said i have an up to date service pack and would not install service pack 1 again View this thread
  8. Why do you lose the new folder button in windows 7 when trying to create a New Folder from a right-click on Desktop? Is there an easy fix to restore it back? View the thread
  9. I keep getting Error Code 8024800A and cannot install updates. Please could you help. Thanks View this thread
  10. When I shutdown it shuts down, but comes up with a message from windows, but leaves the screen before you can read it There is a place to CANCEL but you can't do anything, then it continues to shutdown. View the thread
  11. My computer has done some automatic Windows updates, one this morning, and one 2 weeks ago. After the updates are downloaded, I cannot open any page on Internet Explorer. I can send and receive email, but cannot get online at all. The only way that I can get online is to do a system restore to an earlier point. HELP!! View this thread
  12. &quotWindowsUpdate_00000643&quot &quotWindowsUpdate_dt000&quot not installing /....Running windows 7 ..32 bit home edition? View this thread
  13. Everytime I shut down Windows Vista, the system stucks with &quotconfiguring updates&quot appearing on screen. View this thread
  14. Everytime I shut down Windows Vista, the system stucks with &quotconfiguring updates&quot appearing on screen. View this thread
  15. I cannot update any of my programs on Windows 7. These following Codes keep appearing and I don't know how to fix them: Code 80070426, Code 800736B3, and Code 9C57. I tried various Windows Fix-its, but they cannot fix the problems. View this thread
  16. Windows Update keeps offering me updates for Internet Explorer. I don't have IE on my system I use the superior Mozilla Firefox. I have tried to 'hide' updates for IE, but they keep coming back! How can I stop them permanently? View this thread
  17. mi laptop una sony vio no puede iniciar windows me dice que posiblemente hubo un cambio de hardware o software sea la causa, me pide cd. de instalación de windows y no lo tengo me aparece archivo ntoskrnl.exe y aparece estado 0xc0000098. informacion: error de windows al cargarse un archivo necesario no se encuentra o esta danado. muchas gracias por su atención. View this thread
  18. I have IE 10 with windows 7. &amp critical updates recommended however when installed IE is frozen. Sucessfully restored and then tried to update again without sucess. Updates appear to relate to IE 9 which I can't understand because IE 10 is supposed to be a complete new version. View this thread
  19. My Vista is not acknowledging the updates i have installed, it is continuing to ask me to update the same ones over and over again and the PC does not have them listed as being installed HELP? View this thread
  20. Windows 7 32-bit + Service Pack 1. I was having problems trying to update using the Windows Update program. Each time that it was run, it crashed with the error 80244002F.I tried various solutions found, including the Windows Fixit, but nothing seemed to work. Eventually I came across the suggestion that it would work if Net framework 4 client profile were uninstalled.I tried this, did a reset, and Windows Update worked without a hitch, downloading and installing 13 updates. I ran Update again. This time it suggested one important update, which I allowed it to download and install. Unfortunatly (?) this was .... Net framework 4 client profile!Once that was installed, Windows Update no longer worked. I uninstalled it, and Windows Update worked straight away… trying to get me to install Net framework 4 client profile again!This I have not done. I now find that CorelDRAW X6 needs NF4CP to work! I am now left in the position where I either have Windows Update blocked, or a non-functioning CorelDRAW—unless, of course, I am prepared to continually uninstall before trying to update, and re-install again afterwards!Is there any way of solving BOTH problems successfully WITHOUT creating yet another problem/clash? View the thread
  21. Windows 7 32-bit + Service Pack 1. I was having problems trying to update using the Windows Update program. Each time that it was run, it crashed with the error 80244002F.I tried various solutions found, including the Windows Fixit, but nothing seemed to work. Eventually I came across the suggestion that it would work if Net framework 4 client profile were uninstalled.I tried this, did a reset, and Windows Update worked without a hitch, downloading and installing 13 updates. I ran Update again. This time it suggested one important update, which I allowed it to download and install. Unfortunatly (?) this was .... Net framework 4 client profile!Once that was installed, Windows Update no longer worked. I uninstalled it, and Windows Update worked straight away… trying to get me to install Net framework 4 client profile again!This I have not done. I now find that CorelDRAW X6 needs NF4CP to work! I am now left in the position where I either have Windows Update blocked, or a non-functioning CorelDRAW—unless, of course, I am prepared to continually uninstall before trying to update, and re-install again afterwards!Is there any way of solving BOTH problems successfully WITHOUT creating yet another problem/clash? View this thread
  22. Hi, I login through Admin, But when i try to change anything in my system then i received a message that Some settings are managed by your system administrator. So Can anybody tell me how can i chagme my setting ? Kindly help me. View this thread
  23. Repeatedly downloads 5 latest updates. indicates errors 80070002 &amp 80246007. followed repair instructions and also downloaded auto troubleshooter - to no avail. Now have over 30 of same download. Please help View this thread
  24. Repeatedly downloads 5 latest updates. indicates errors 80070002 &amp 80246007. followed repair instructions and also downloaded auto troubleshooter - to no avail. Now have over 30 of same download. Please help View the thread
  25. English version: I have installed windows 8 pro 64 bit on my pc. It has worked very well before April 2013. Than every first turning on it crashes and reboots (Driver power state failure). When it reboots goes well. Can I know what is the problem? Thank you. Versione in italiano: Ho installato windows 8 pro 64 bit sul mio pc. Ha sempre funzionato bene, ma da circa un mese ogni qualvolta lo accendo va in tilt restituendo la schermata blu ed indicando "Driver power state failure". Quindi si riavvia in automatico per poi funzionare correttamente. View this thread
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