PCWorld: Macs run Vista faster than PCs



In article
O x f o r d <iphone@superphone.com> wrote:

> Another honestly funny Apple Ad which continues to show the downfall of
> the WinTel industry... just posted, so have a great laugh at the facts:
> http://snipurl.com/1ums3
> or here:
> http://movies.apple.com/movies/us/apple/getamac/apple_getamac_misprint_48
> 0x360.mov
> Read PCWorld's article here:
> PCWORLD has named Apple's MacBook Pro as the fastest Vista notebook in
> the world.
> http://snipurl.com/1umsn
> or
> http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,136649-page,3-c,notebooks/article.html
> -
> You can buy them here:
> http://www.apple.com/macbookpro/
> Best deals here:
> http://www.pcprices.net/
> ---

Stop evading killfiles.

*plonk again*


Peter Köhlmann

O x f o r d wrote:

< snip >

>> So OxRetard, the typical MAK user, in his complete utter stupidity adds
>> groups to his SPAM to *penalize* correctly set Follow-Ups

> This is a result of your error, not mine. I believe in free speech, you
> do not, so I and EVERYONE will start "adding extra Linux groups"
> whenever you can't figure out how to set your follow ups to the proper
> groups the poster intended.

abuse@qwest.net -> done
Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change,
the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the
bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.

O x f o r d

chrisv <chrisv@nospam.invalid> wrote:

> I guess using a MAC has made you stupid.

Machine Access Control has made BlueBuyYoo stupid?

Nope, chrisv is the stupid one for sure here...

Learn what MAC means... hint: there is no computer called a MAC.

MAC stands for... Machine Access Control


So the joke once again is on chrisv!

Learn even simple computer terminology or don't post again.




O x f o r d

spike1@freenet.co.uk wrote:

> No, but advocating windows vista on apple hardware in a linux newsgroup is.
> Or didn't you spot the crosspost?

crossposting is quite accepted on usenet, as long as all groups are

windows vista groups are because vista now runs faster on a mac than on
a pc, and linux is since many of those users are looking for a way out
of the mess that linux has become.

just trying to help!



Re: PCWorld: Linux runs faster than Macs

Appil corporation asstroturfer O x f o r d wrote on behalf of Appil

> A

Its true Linux runs faster than Appil macs.

Its cheaper too.

Go get a decent PC and install some free Linux.

More eye candy than anything appil payees (retardees) are used to.

Search http://www.youtube.com for compiz and beryl and see what I mean!

And you know what its all free with source code!


O x f o r d

Peter Köhlmann <peter.koehlmann@t-online.de> wrote:

> > This is a result of your error, not mine. I believe in free speech, you
> > do not, so I and EVERYONE will start "adding extra Linux groups"
> > whenever you can't figure out how to set your follow ups to the proper
> > groups the poster intended.

> abuse@qwest.net -> done

poor Peter, doesn't even understand that qwest could care less about
someone posting the truth to usenet. I'm located in a FREE SPEECH
country, not an ignorant, backwards country like Germany.

so whatever i say is protected by law, qwest can't / won't do a thing
about it since they are upheld against the 1st amendment.



so learn how to take honest information and help yourself, learn from
me... i won't quit for another 50+ years... so make me your teacher to
better yourself... or get out of your ignorant country... you have a




O x f o r d <iphone@superphone.com> did eloquently scribble:
> spike1@freenet.co.uk wrote:

>> No, but advocating windows vista on apple hardware in a linux newsgroup is.
>> Or didn't you spot the crosspost?

> crossposting is quite accepted on usenet, as long as all groups are
> relevant.

Nothing you EVER post in this newsgroup is relevant.
| spike1@freenet.co.uk | |
|Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)| "The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't |
| in | suck is probably the day they start making |
| Computer science | vacuum cleaners" - Ernst Jan Plugge |

O x f o r d

Re: PCWorld: Linux runs faster than Macs

7 <website_has_email@www.enemygadgets.com> wrote:

> Its true Linux runs faster than Appil macs.

Not in common use it's not. Only highly tweaked Linux code is faster
than OSX.

> Its cheaper too.

When did that happen? Macs are far cheaper if you have a real job /
don't have time to goof around. Macs are the best choice for
professionals for that reason alone. It seems only the unemployed use
Linux, isn't that interesting...

> Go get a decent PC and install some free Linux.

And what would be a decent PC? compared to a similarly price Mac? Opps,
there are none. That's the beauty of going with the correct solution
from the start. You gain money that way... PCs are just slapped
together, but Apple spends TONS of time to make sure even the slightest
detail is double checked for a lifetime of service.

> More eye candy than anything appil payees (retardees) are used to.

Apple spends time on the deeper aspects of computing, eye candy has
never been their aim. Sure, Macs work better than PCs or Linux, we all
know that, but it's rooted in that Apple spends so much time making sure
the the machine works perfectly from the eyeball to the finger tip,
Windows and Linux simply don't have the engineering resources to pay
attention to every detail like Apple does.

> Search http://www.youtube.com for compiz and beryl and see what I mean!
> And you know what its all free with source code!
> http://www.livecdlist.com
> http://www.distrowatch.com

Great, and it all runs on Macs... thanks for the links, even though you
are losing about 50% of the Mac if you try and run Linux on them.

Quality is Apple's aim, and Linux simply can't measure up.


Peter Köhlmann

O x f o r d wrote:

> Peter Köhlmann <peter.koehlmann@t-online.de> wrote:
>> > This is a result of your error, not mine. I believe in free speech, you
>> > do not, so I and EVERYONE will start "adding extra Linux groups"
>> > whenever you can't figure out how to set your follow ups to the proper
>> > groups the poster intended.

>> abuse@qwest.net -> done

> poor Peter, doesn't even understand that qwest could care less about
> someone posting the truth to usenet. I'm located in a FREE SPEECH
> country, not an ignorant, backwards country like Germany.
> so whatever i say is protected by law, qwest can't / won't do a thing
> about it since they are upheld against the 1st amendment.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Amendment
> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Amendment
> so learn how to take honest information and help yourself, learn from
> me... i won't quit for another 50+ years... so make me your teacher to
> better yourself... or get out of your ignorant country... you have a
> choice!
> Oxford

abuse@qwest.net -> done

Just out of curiosity does this actually mean something or have some
of the few remaining bits of your brain just evaporated?

Ronnie Vernon MVP


For $3,000.00 dollars, I'll bet I could configure a Dell laptop to run
faster than that macbook.


Ronnie Vernon
Microsoft MVP
Windows Shell/User

"O x f o r d" <iphone@superphone.com> wrote in message
> Another honestly funny Apple Ad which continues to show the downfall of
> the WinTel industry... just posted, so have a great laugh at the facts:
> http://snipurl.com/1ums3
> or here:
> http://movies.apple.com/movies/us/apple/getamac/apple_getamac_misprint_48
> 0x360.mov
> Read PCWorld's article here:
> PCWORLD has named Apple's MacBook Pro as the fastest Vista notebook in
> the world.
> http://snipurl.com/1umsn
> or
> http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,136649-page,3-c,notebooks/article.html
> -
> You can buy them here:
> http://www.apple.com/macbookpro/
> Best deals here:
> http://www.pcprices.net/
> ---

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

"...to show the downfall of ..."
I am not sure how.

It does give another hardware option for Windows users thus in a small
way increasing the value of Windows.
The greater flexibility for Windows installations can only be good for
Microsoft, Windows and Windows users since Windows can run on more
there are more choices and choice is good for consumers.
Perhaps Microsoft owes thanks the Mac for increasing the value of
their product.

Microsoft does not sell hardware and where users get their hardware
makes little difference to Microsoft.
If users get their hardware with Windows, it is normally OEM with a
smaller price tag and margin of profit.
If users acquire their own hardware be it a Mac or something else,
then they purchase Windows themselves at a higher cost.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

"O x f o r d" <iphone@superphone.com> wrote in message
> Another honestly funny Apple Ad which continues to show the downfall
> of
> the WinTel industry... just posted, so have a great laugh at the
> facts:
> http://snipurl.com/1ums3
> or here:
> http://movies.apple.com/movies/us/apple/getamac/apple_getamac_misprint_48
> 0x360.mov
> Read PCWorld's article here:
> PCWORLD has named Apple's MacBook Pro as the fastest Vista notebook
> in
> the world.
> http://snipurl.com/1umsn
> or
> http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,136649-page,3-c,notebooks/article.html
> -
> You can buy them here:
> http://www.apple.com/macbookpro/
> Best deals here:
> http://www.pcprices.net/
> ---


On Tue, 04 Dec 2007 14:00:59 -0700, O x f o r d wrote:
nym-shifting dillhole troll


Re: PCWorld: Linux runs faster than Macs

Apple spends TONS of time to make sure even the slightest
> detail is double checked for a lifetime of service.

Thats why my Macbook Pro has an annoying Bright white pixel dead in
the middle of the screen that Apple will do nothing about, they claim
it is acceptable. All the $399.00 Acers I have bought at work for
salesman use have had perfect screens.

Ben Miller-Jacobson

BlueBuyYoo wrote:
> In <hs9bl3dt0ll0fbgbo1c0lhg20j03np5jgr@4ax.com> chrisv <chrisv@nospam.invalid> writes:
>> O x f o r d wrote:

>>> Another

>> *plonk*

>> Stupid nym-shifting troll.

> So, advocating Apple hardware in a Mac advocacy group is trolling?

No, it is not. However, I am seeing this thread on comp os linux
advocacy (which has a serious infestation of pro-M$ trolls, some of them
possibly paid astrturfers). It is extensively cross posted.
People on COLA can get a bit paranoid about nymshifting trolls being
everywhere because we have such turds as Gary Stewart AKA flatfish, who
maintains over 300 nyms.
"Doomed to waving around penguins with bells attached."

Random Flatfish Nym:

O x f o r d

Re: PCWorld: Linux runs faster than Macs

jerryeveretts <ifreeley@gmail.com> wrote:

> Apple spends TONS of time to make sure even the slightest
> > detail is double checked for a lifetime of service.

> Thats why my Macbook Pro has an annoying Bright white pixel dead in
> the middle of the screen that Apple will do nothing about, they claim
> it is acceptable. All the $399.00 Acers I have bought at work for
> salesman use have had perfect screens.

no jerry, apple will fix a stuck on pixel if you just ask.

sounds like you have never talked or shown them the manufacturing flaw.


On Tue, 04 Dec 2007 20:29:17 -0500, Ben Miller-Jacobson
<bmillerjacobson@gmail.com> wrote:

>BlueBuyYoo wrote:
>> In <hs9bl3dt0ll0fbgbo1c0lhg20j03np5jgr@4ax.com> chrisv <chrisv@nospam.invalid> writes:
>>> O x f o r d wrote:

>>>> Another

>>> *plonk*

>>> Stupid nym-shifting troll.

>> So, advocating Apple hardware in a Mac advocacy group is trolling?

>No, it is not. However, I am seeing this thread on comp os linux
>advocacy (which has a serious infestation of pro-M$ trolls, some of them
>possibly paid astrturfers). It is extensively cross posted.
>People on COLA can get a bit paranoid about nymshifting trolls being
>everywhere because we have such turds as Gary Stewart AKA flatfish, who
>maintains over 300 nyms.

Yet not a single one has ever been proved.
However, High Plains Drifter, Roy Culley, Peter Kohlmann and others
have been caught red handed trolling.
Why the double standard?


Re: PCWorld: Linux runs faster than Macs

"O x f o r d" <iphone@superphone.com> wrote in message
> jerryeveretts <ifreeley@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Apple spends TONS of time to make sure even the slightest
>> > detail is double checked for a lifetime of service.

>> Thats why my Macbook Pro has an annoying Bright white pixel dead in
>> the middle of the screen that Apple will do nothing about, they claim
>> it is acceptable. All the $399.00 Acers I have bought at work for
>> salesman use have had perfect screens.

> no jerry, apple will fix a stuck on pixel if you just ask.
> sounds like you have never talked or shown them the manufacturing flaw.

the point oxford, is if 'even the slightest detail is double checked,' as
was the claim, why does jerry even need to ask, as it would have been

Tim Smith

Re: PCWorld: Linux runs faster than Macs

On 2007-12-05, O x f o r d <iphone@superphone.com> wrote:
> no jerry, apple will fix a stuck on pixel if you just ask.
> sounds like you have never talked or shown them the manufacturing flaw.

Apple disagrees with Oxford (no surprise there):


O x f o r d

"Ronnie Vernon MVP" <rv@invalid.org> wrote:

> Oxford
> For $3,000.00 dollars, I'll bet I could configure a Dell laptop to run
> faster than that macbook.

bet is on, you are forgetting apple builds the fastest laptop in the
world. dell, since it does no engineering, nor board design can't begin
to compete at apple's level.

so yes, go ahead and try and build a faster laptop using dell "chopshop"
components. this will be a hoot to watch you try!

it's no different than you trying to outclass Ferrari, from parts out of
a AutoZone...

gosh, MVP's are more stupid than anyone thought...


Re: PCWorld: Linux runs faster than Macs

On Wed, 05 Dec 2007 01:42:52 -0000, Tim Smith
<reply_in_group@mouse-potato.com> wrote:

>On 2007-12-05, O x f o r d <iphone@superphone.com> wrote:
>> no jerry, apple will fix a stuck on pixel if you just ask.
>> sounds like you have never talked or shown them the manufacturing flaw.

>Apple disagrees with Oxford (no surprise there):
> <http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=22194>

So do most manufacturers.
They ALL have criteria regarding stuck/dead pixels.

My advice?
If it's under warranty, stick it in the microwave for 15
Save your data first....
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