PCWorld: Macs run Vista faster than PCs



"chrisv" <chrisv@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
>O x f o r d wrote:

> *plonk*
> Stupid nym-shifting troll.

why do you have to notify everyone you are *plonking*.

does it give you a stiffy.................

michelle ronn

On 2007-12-04 11:33:28 -0800, O x f o r d <iphone@superphone.com> said:

> Hadron <hadronquark@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> http://snipurl.com/1umsn
>>> or
>>> http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,136649-page,3-c,notebooks/article.html
>>> -
>>> You can buy them here:
>>> http://www.apple.com/macbookpro/
>>> Best deals here:
>>> http://www.pcprices.net/

>> And your point is what? The Mac Book pro is a standard Intel Core 2 Duo
>> machine. MS don't make machines. Apple do. Or didn't you know Apple
>> moved from Motorola some time back? Duh.

> the point is...
> Apple is now producing the best Windows hardware you can buy.
> Apple engineers its systems, so it shows "standard" PC vendors can no
> longer keep pace with Apple's hardware talent.
> Nobody is even close to building something like this, the most Universal
> machine on earth...
> http://www.apple.com/macbookpro/
> -

All it shows is that due to Apple's lower production numbers, Intel
lets Apple release the faster parts first.

Larger volume manufacturers would have customers in a fit if they
released products that they could not fill orders for...

This is one of the advantages Apple has in neglecting the Enterprise market.


Hadron <hadronquark@googlemail.com> did eloquently scribble:
> This is so lovely. A note to the saner people out there - the dickhead
> known as "Ben" is a well known nym shifter. Paranoia *is* a prerequisite
> for joining COLA. Jump in. It's a super role playing game. The main
> issue is people like "Ben" getting their grammar mixed up and giving
> themselves away. Ask Rafael all about it. Note : better to keep one
> Avatar running. Then you get bonus points when you are told you really
> are "spike1" or "Mark Kent". Then you really know that you have hit the
> jackpot. It's like winning money for impersonating the village idiot.

Oh that's rich
Now he's accusing me of nymshifting...
Isn't that sweet? He just can't get me off his mind.

BTW Hardon... If you ask, the answer will forever be, no, I won't marry you.
| spike1@freenet.co.uk | |
|Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)| "ARSE! GERLS!! DRINK! DRINK! DRINK!!!" |
| Computer Science | - Father Jack in "Father Ted" |


Ben Miller-Jacobson <bmillerjacobson@gmail.com> did eloquently scribble:
> In all honesty, I am not someone's nym. check my IP. Check the times I
> post. Check the style I post in. Check the opinions I state. I am no
> one's nym, and I have noticed that who trolls like you accuse me of
> being is either unstated or inconsistent. My best guess is you *know*
> that no new advocate would show up on COLA, but can't figure out who you
> think I am, so you just hurl accusations.

It's all he does. He never advocates linux.
He only ever sides with Doofus and chums and insults the people who do.
Classic one here though. I have never posted under an assumed name. Not once
to my memory. And I've been usenetting now for the past 12 years.

The only "nymshift" would be VERY close to the beginning when switching my
"nym" from my name to my nickname. (And my name was always in my sig
anyway... Well, once I knew what a sig was at least.. So. about 1 week in).
| |What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack|
| spike1@freenet.co.uk |in the ground beneath a giant boulder, which you|
| |can't move, with no hope of rescue. |
|Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)|Consider how lucky you are that life has been |
| in |good to you so far... |
| Computer Science | -The BOOK, Hitch-hiker's guide to the galaxy.|


Re: PCWorld: Linux runs faster than Macs

"Snit" <CSMA@gallopinginsanity.com> wrote in message news:C37B7944.9C6B7%
> Not hard to believe that if you have a screen with a flaw that clearly
> effects usability that Apple would work with you and go above their
> written
> policy.

uh, yeah, that's the thing- every company that sells lcd's has a dead /
stuck pixel policy largely because they do NOT think it generally 'clearly
"effects" usability"- if it's right in the middle of your screen they
*might* care.


Re: PCWorld: Linux runs faster than Macs

"O x f o r d" <iphone@superphone.com> wrote in message
> jerryeveretts <ifreeley@gmail.com> wrote:
>> They told me it had to have 8 bad pixels. This was at the Genius bar
>> in the Florida Mall in Orlando FL.

> not if you complain, so if it bothers you, call them and they'll fix it.
> apple customer relations - 800-767-2775

hey now, you said he just had to go to the store (which he says he did) and
they'd replace it (which he says they didn't)- now you're saying that's NOT
all he has to do? D


Ben Miller-Jacobson <bmillerjacobson@gmail.com> writes:

> Hadron wrote:
>> O x f o r d <iphone@superphone.com> writes:
>>> chrisv <chrisv@nospam.invalid> wrote:
>>>> I guess using a MAC has made you stupid.
>>> Machine Access Control has made BlueBuyYoo stupid?
>>> Nope, chrisv is the stupid one for sure here...

>> If it's any consolation "chrisv" is ignored in COLA too. And that's
>> pretty much "special". In the "retarded" sense. Ask Pete. He will tell
>> you.

> Actually, Hadron is ignored. People pay attention to the genuine
> chrisv, but a troll known as clogwog likes to forge him.

New boy Ben has just arrive into town. Yet he seems to know the real
"chrisv" and refers to "paid astroturfers". Strange that one.

The "real" chrisv is a foul mouthed moron with apparently no more
interest in advocating Linux as he does chopping his own nuts off with a
rusty saw.

Don't believe? Here:


Rule the Empire through force.
-- Shogun Tokugawa


Re: PCWorld: Linux runs faster than Macs

On Tue, 04 Dec 2007 23:46:11 -0800, ed wrote:

> "O x f o r d" <iphone@superphone.com> wrote in message
> news:iphone-298F0D.22453804122007@mpls-nnrp-05.inet.qwest.net...
>> jerryeveretts <ifreeley@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> They told me it had to have 8 bad pixels. This was at the Genius bar
>>> in the Florida Mall in Orlando FL.

>> not if you complain, so if it bothers you, call them and they'll fix
>> it.
>> apple customer relations - 800-767-2775

> hey now, you said he just had to go to the store (which he says he did)
> and they'd replace it (which he says they didn't)- now you're saying
> that's NOT all he has to do? D

Please don't confuse Oxford with real facts that contradict his fanboi
world :)



"O x f o r d" <iphone@superphone.com> wrote in message
> "Ronnie Vernon MVP" <rv@invalid.org> wrote:
>> Oxford
>> For $3,000.00 dollars, I'll bet I could configure a Dell laptop to run
>> faster than that macbook.

> bet is on, you are forgetting apple builds the fastest laptop in the
> world. dell, since it does no engineering, nor board design can't begin
> to compete at apple's level.

You don't know who designs Apple and Dell machines do you? -)



"Ronnie Vernon MVP" <r...@invalid.org> wrote:
> For $3,000.00 dollars, I'll bet I could configure a Dell laptop to run
> faster than that macbook.

With the right resources and spending enough time to make the effort,
I'm sure that you're absolutely correct.

However, your claim is utterly meaningless, which begs the question as
to why you were foolish enough to have even bothered to have made the
claim in the first place.

Afterall, for whenever you finish your chore of spending those
resources to have a new Dell "beat" this Mac, you could take up the
same chore and do it over, and shortly thereafter, a 'new' Mac will
"beat" the now not-so-new Dell.

And then you can take the 'even-newer' Dell and beat the 'new' Mac,
and then the 'newer-newer' Mac will beat the 'even-newer' Dell ... and
so on, ad nausium.

Whoopie doo, Batman.

See, what the Astroturfers try to make us forget is that in the bigger
picture, it doesn't really matter who is 'Top Dog' this month.

Because technology marches on. Within just a couple of months,
everyone else's top-of-the-line products will generally be as fast as
(if not faster) than the Speed Demon winner product for Month 11 of
2007 and someone else will have the crown...for awhile.

And particularly considering that virtually all of us keep our
hardware for at least a couple of years (and typically 3-5 years),
rather than upgrading every 4-6 months to the most bleedingly-fastest,
it is quite obvious that "speed" is not the only factor of
significance being considered by consumers when purchasing new

Which is why this pissing contest is a fool's errand.
And thus, participated in only by fools.

Now this doesn't mean that its not a good thing to have more
performance, but to make a big deal about the "Nth+1" performance
upgrade increment is merely revealing the personal agendas of various
posters: it is a magnet for the Trolls and Astroturfers, which has
utterly nothing to do with serving the consumer base with honesty,
objectivity and appropriate perspective.

As such, the knowledgable consumer with no particular axe to grind is
laughing at how you're all falling over each other in your efforts to
try to make a mountain out of a molehill. Nicely done, all.



On Tue, 04 Dec 2007 23:32:14 -0500, Ben Miller-Jacobson
<bmillerjacobson@gmail.com> wrote:

>You admit to trolling and nymshifting every now and then (remember when
>you bragged about your trolling skill and linked to that Vermont Stump
>Product asshatery?). There is rarely proof, but often very strong evidence.

But I thought you were new here in COLA?
You're not very good at trolling are you?
Find another hobby.


Ben Miller-Jacobson <bmillerjacobson@gmail.com> writes:

> flatfish wrote:
>> On Tue, 04 Dec 2007 20:29:17 -0500, Ben Miller-Jacobson
>> <bmillerjacobson@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> BlueBuyYoo wrote:
>>>> In <hs9bl3dt0ll0fbgbo1c0lhg20j03np5jgr@4ax.com> chrisv <chrisv@nospam.invalid> writes:
>>>>> O x f o r d wrote:
>>>>>> Another
>>>>> *plonk*
>>>>> Stupid nym-shifting troll.
>>>> So, advocating Apple hardware in a Mac advocacy group is trolling?
>>> No, it is not. However, I am seeing this thread on comp os linux
>>> advocacy (which has a serious infestation of pro-M$ trolls, some of
>>> them possibly paid astrturfers). It is extensively cross posted.
>>> People on COLA can get a bit paranoid about nymshifting trolls
>>> being everywhere because we have such turds as Gary Stewart AKA
>>> flatfish, who maintains over 300 nyms.

>> Yet not a single one has ever been proved.
>> However, High Plains Drifter, Roy Culley, Peter Kohlmann and others
>> have been caught red handed trolling.
>> Why the double standard?

> You admit to trolling and nymshifting every now and then (remember
> when you bragged about your trolling skill and linked to that Vermont
> Stump Product asshatery?). There is rarely proof, but often very
> strong evidence.

For someone "new" you seem to catch on very quickly.

> Look, some of the advocates here use unpleasant, occasionally even
> troll-like tactics at times (mostly in response to troll stupidity). I
> don't respect that very much. However, almost everything you post is
> worthless troll crap, racist, homophobic, untrue, or some combination
> of the above. I don't respect that at all. That is the cause of the
> double standard.

You are clearly basing half your new identity on Kier's holier than thou
"little girl admonishing her littler brother" character and the other
half on someone like HPT with all this "advocate" talk. Not bad. Just
don't forget to be "new". You keep forgetting.

Airtel, llevamos la voz, Timofónica, llevamos la factura ...


Re: PCWorld: Linux runs faster than Macs

On Tue, 04 Dec 2007 22:11:25 GMT, 7
<website_has_email@www.enemygadgets.com> wrote:

>Appil corporation asstroturfer O x f o r d wrote on behalf of Appil
>> A

>Its true Linux runs faster than Appil macs.
>Its cheaper too.
>Go get a decent PC and install some free Linux.
>More eye candy than anything appil payees (retardees) are used to.
>Search http://www.youtube.com for compiz and beryl and see what I mean!
>And you know what its all free with source code!

Those previews are truly amazing! What kind of hardware are they
running on? Can this be achieved with run of the mill hardware or is
this a quad core machine with the highest end video card?

If life seems jolly rotten
There's something you've forgotten
and thats to laugh and smile and dance and sing!


Re: PCWorld: Linux runs faster than Macs

"ed" <news@no-atwistedweb-spam.com> stated in post
OFs5j.4667$fl7.4457@newssvr22.news.prodigy.net on 12/5/07 12:44 AM:

> "Snit" <CSMA@gallopinginsanity.com> wrote in message news:C37B7944.9C6B7%
> <snip>
>> Not hard to believe that if you have a screen with a flaw that clearly
>> effects usability that Apple would work with you and go above their
>> written
>> policy.

> uh, yeah, that's the thing- every company that sells lcd's has a dead /
> stuck pixel policy largely because they do NOT think it generally 'clearly
> "effects" usability"- if it's right in the middle of your screen they
> *might* care.

The topic was about a bright pixel that was in the middle of the screen:

Thats why my Macbook Pro has an annoying Bright white
pixel dead in the middle of the screen that Apple will
do nothing about, they claim it is acceptable.

I suspect if it is truly as described that, in this case, Oxford is correct
- if you call Apple and politely ask they will handle the situation
correctly. Again, I do not have experience with dead pixels specifically,
but I do have direct experience with them going well above and beyond their
written policies.

What do you call people who are afraid of Santa Claus? Claustrophobic.


Re: PCWorld: Linux runs faster than Macs

Chris <christo9@notalotofunwanted.aol.com> did eloquently scribble:
> Those previews are truly amazing! What kind of hardware are they
> running on? Can this be achieved with run of the mill hardware or is
> this a quad core machine with the highest end video card?

I've had compiz running quite nicely on a single core 2ghz 512 meg machine.
It'd probably run quite nicely on my lowly old 1.4 ghz athlon if I tried it.
| spike1@freenet.co.uk | "Are you pondering what I'm pondering Pinky?" |
|Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)| |
| in | "I think so brain, but this time, you control |
| Computer Science | the Encounter suit, and I'll do the voice..." |

Ben Miller-Jacobson

Hadron wrote:
> Ben Miller-Jacobson <bmillerjacobson@gmail.com> writes:
>> Hadron wrote:
>>> O x f o r d <iphone@superphone.com> writes:
>>>> chrisv <chrisv@nospam.invalid> wrote:
>>>>> I guess using a MAC has made you stupid.
>>>> Machine Access Control has made BlueBuyYoo stupid?
>>>> Nope, chrisv is the stupid one for sure here...
>>> If it's any consolation "chrisv" is ignored in COLA too. And that's
>>> pretty much "special". In the "retarded" sense. Ask Pete. He will tell
>>> you.

>> Actually, Hadron is ignored. People pay attention to the genuine
>> chrisv, but a troll known as clogwog likes to forge him.

> New boy Ben has just arrive into town. Yet he seems to know the real
> "chrisv" and refers to "paid astroturfers". Strange that one.

There are two chrisvs. There is the one likes to plonk trolls, and there
one who is really the clogwog troll and libels the other one. That
simple. As for the asstroturfers, I am not sure that they are on COLA,
but I know that M$ employs asstroturfers to edit Wikipedia, for example,
and it might explain a lot if some of you trolls were paid, though I am
sure most of you are just stupid, bored and mean-spirited.

> The "real" chrisv is a foul mouthed moron with apparently no more
> interest in advocating Linux as he does chopping his own nuts off with a
> rusty saw.
> Don't believe? Here:
> http://tinyurl.com/3xmp9q

He plonks trolls. And?

"Doomed to waving around penguins with bells attached."

Random Flatfish Nym:


Ben Miller-Jacobson <bmillerjacobson@gmail.com> writes:

> Hadron wrote:
>> Ben Miller-Jacobson <bmillerjacobson@gmail.com> writes:
>>> Hadron wrote:
>>>> O x f o r d <iphone@superphone.com> writes:
>>>>> chrisv <chrisv@nospam.invalid> wrote:
>>>>>> I guess using a MAC has made you stupid.
>>>>> Machine Access Control has made BlueBuyYoo stupid?
>>>>> Nope, chrisv is the stupid one for sure here...
>>>> If it's any consolation "chrisv" is ignored in COLA too. And that's
>>>> pretty much "special". In the "retarded" sense. Ask Pete. He will tell
>>>> you.
>>> Actually, Hadron is ignored. People pay attention to the genuine
>>> chrisv, but a troll known as clogwog likes to forge him.

>> New boy Ben has just arrive into town. Yet he seems to know the real
>> "chrisv" and refers to "paid astroturfers". Strange that one.

> There are two chrisvs. There is the one likes to plonk trolls, and
> there is
> one who is really the clogwog troll and libels the other one. That
> simple. As for the asstroturfers, I am not sure that they are on COLA,
> but I know that M$ employs asstroturfers to edit Wikipedia, for
> example, and it might explain a lot if some of you trolls were paid,
> though I am sure most of you are just stupid, bored and mean-spirited.
>> The "real" chrisv is a foul mouthed moron with apparently no more
>> interest in advocating Linux as he does chopping his own nuts off with a
>> rusty saw.
>> Don't believe? Here:
>> http://tinyurl.com/3xmp9q

> He plonks trolls. And?

He plonks everyone. And tells us about it each and every time. No one
cares. He is a moron.


On Dec 4, 10:23 pm, Rick <n...@nomail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 04 Dec 2007 11:46:34 -0700, O x f o r d wrote:
> > Another honestly funny Apple Ad which continues to show the downfall of
> > the WinTel industry... just posted, so have a great laugh at the facts:
> > (snip)

> I guess you haven't had your butt handed to you on the playground
> lately...
> When will you to learn to stay away from places where you are not wanted?
> Oh, I forgot, you are the lousy type of person that like to piss off
> people.

Why didn't you BONK him, Rick?


Ben Miller-Jacobson wrote:

>Hadron trolled:
>> New boy Ben has just arrive into town. Yet he seems to know the real
>> "chrisv" and refers to "paid astroturfers". Strange that one.

Oh, wow. He can tell which "chrisv" is the "real one". Like that's
really difficult.


>As for the asstroturfers, I am not sure that they are on COLA,
>but I know that M$ employs asstroturfers to edit Wikipedia, for example,
>and it might explain a lot if some of you trolls were paid, though I am
>sure most of you are just stupid, bored and mean-spirited.

I'd put Quack in the latter category.


Re: PCWorld: Linux runs faster than Macs

Chris wrote:

> On Tue, 04 Dec 2007 22:11:25 GMT, 7
> <website_has_email@www.enemygadgets.com> wrote:
>>Appil corporation asstroturfer O x f o r d wrote on behalf of Appil
>>> A

>>Its true Linux runs faster than Appil macs.
>>Its cheaper too.
>>Go get a decent PC and install some free Linux.
>>More eye candy than anything appil payees (retardees) are used to.
>>Search http://www.youtube.com for compiz and beryl and see what I mean!
>>And you know what its all free with source code!

> Those previews are truly amazing! What kind of hardware are they
> running on? Can this be achieved with run of the mill hardware or is
> this a quad core machine with the highest end video card?

www.tesco.com the 189 pound eSys machines are great for this.
I would recommend Ubuntu Linux.
For top notch video performance, add a 50 quid NVidia 512Mb RAM
PCI Express card to offload some of that video processing.
Suddenly you can play 10 videos at once and still listen to MP3
all on the same PC with say 16 virtual screens all semi-translucent.
Blah blah blah...
See the videos for yourself http://www.youtube.com search for compiz and

You'll have to hurry. Linux PCs are hot cakes and
sold out nearly everywhere.
A million new Linux users per month and the rate is increasing.
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