Experts I Need Your Help



Angel wrote:
| PCR,
| No, I was talking about my inbox at a WEB MAIL
| addresses. Doing the Yahoo address I had no problem.
| I did not have any problem with OE. It worked also. It is just these
| 2 at Angel

I see. I don't know anything about that, then. NetZero has one, too, but I don't use it. You must contact Yahoo & hold their feet to the fire for a cure!

| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:%23wkZs4s1HHA.3548@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
| Angel wrote:
|| PCR,
|| Maybe you did not understand what I was saying. These 2 email
|| addresses, if you delete an email when it is open. You read it and do
|| not want to keep it. It then goes to the NEXT email. If you delete it
|| without opening it, sometimes you get pop ups.
| You are talking about the InBox in OE? Obviously, your ISP & even
| avast! is not getting rid of all pop-up deliverers. I guess they only
| target true viruses.
| Therefore, do the R-Clk procedure before reading the E-Mails. Then,
| when you click the InBox to read the ones left, there won't be any
| baduns in there.
|| I have done the properties on a lot of email. No problem there.
|| Like I said, I wish I had 2 computer because of the personal
|| stuff on this one. I was promised an old ME one but the person has
|| not finished downloading the files from it. The person has 2 jobs and
|| has activities on the side. The person is very active in the same
|| medical group I am in. When I get that computer I would like to
|| put Win98 on it. All I have is
|| a OEM disk. Can I use it or do I have to get a regular 98 disk? Or
|| can I put the stuff I use in 98 on it the way it is with the ME OS?
|| Angel
|| "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| news:uWD$qXs1HHA.3916@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|| Angel wrote:
||| Hi PCR,
||| I had done all my email addresses in text a little while back.
||| All of them except 2 will let you go back the original message. I
||| have those set up using text. With these email accounts, if you
||| delete an email in them it opens the next one. If you check them
||| without opening them to delete it, sometimes you get pop ups. So
||| far, I have not figured out how to get them to go back to the
||| original message. I do not use these too often, only to check if
||| someone I know sends an email to it. Any ideas? I only have 1
||| computer. I wish I had 2. That's life!! Angel
|| Normally, I...
|| (a) "R-Clk the InBox, Find".
|| (b) Check "Received before" box.
|| (c) Click the "Find now" button.
|| Then, all the InBox E-Mail shows up in a Find box. R-Clk individual
|| E-Mail, & delete going by title. If that isn't good enough, you may
|| safely look inside one by...
|| (a) R-Clk individual E-Mail, & select "Properties".
|| (b) Click the Details tab, & then the "Message Source" button.
|| It is very safe to read it that way. If it speaks of attachments or
|| HTML, delete it!
||| "PCR" <> wrote in message
||| news:eSFKPWu0HHA.1204@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
|||> Angel wrote:
|||> | Hi PCR,
|||> | I did this in my Outlook Express using SBC. I cannot do
|||> | this in the other email address I have. The only thing I did
|||> | different is put it in a bulk folder and flag it. That way, I
|||> | can find out if it is from someone I know. If it isn't I will
|||> | delete it then. The rest are Web Mail accounts. I set them all
|||> | up for text only.
|||> That sounds good. I think you've got it covered, then. Very good.
|||> It is a pity, though, we must turn off various features such as
|||> HTML in E-Mail-- JUST because there is a rat/two out there trying
|||> to give us a virus!
|||> | Angel
|||> |
|||> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|||> | news:OALCTmg0HHA.1184@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
|||> |> Angel wrote:
|||> |> | Thanks PCR,
|||> |> | I can always go to the dial up if I need to get off a
|||> |> | message or email to shout for help if I have a problem. I
|||> |> | never disabled my dial up modem. So all I have to do is
|||> |> | unplug the DSL modem and plug in the dial up cord to the
|||> |> | phone line. I tried it and it works.
|||> |>
|||> |> Very good, Angel. Never burn the bridges behind you. And don't
|||> |> burn your britches, either, before taking them off! That's the
|||> |> mistake Terhune often makes!
|||> |>
|||> |> | It did when
|||> |> | I checked it out right after I got the DSL. Yahoo scans their
|||> |> | email.I think it is Norton. I have some other email boxes. I
|||> |> | do not trust them. I get a lot of junk mail in them. Even
|||> |> | when I did not open their email, I was getting Trojans. That
|||> |> | was a while back.
|||> |>
|||> |> Well, I'm glad that stopped happening. I do recall a while back
|||> |> there was a horrible episode of a ton of spam in everyone's
|||> |> E-Mail. I was getting hundreds! That went on for a week at
|||> |> least, before ISP's regained control. Now, every now & then, I
|||> |> get a message from NetZero that spam was prevented from
|||> |> entering my mailbox. I still get unsolicited stuff, but it's
|||> |> much, much less! And I have OE message rules that prevents much
|||> |> of it from coming & puts the rest in Deleted Items...!...
|||> |>
|||> |> I only had two posts in any of my IE folders larger than 90 KB.
|||> |> One had an attachment. The other was HTML with a picture inside.
|||> |> The largest post on this NG in my 40 days of download is 58 KB.
|||> |> So, I feel it is acceptable to...
|||> |>
|||> |> (1) "OE, Tools menu, Message Rules, Mail".
|||> |> (2) Check "Where the message size is more than size" in first
|||> |> window. (3) Check "Delete it from server" in second window.
|||> |> (4) Check "stop processing more rules"
|||> |> (5) Click "Size" in third window, & set it to 100 KB.
|||> |> (6 Use the "Move up" button to move this rule to the top of any
|||> |> other rule you may have.
|||> |>
|||> |> Those Swen posts are 144 KB. So, they will not download.
|||> |> Naturally, if you expect a large post, such as one with a
|||> |> legitimate attachment, then you must disable that rule before it
|||> |> is sent to you. Otherwise, you will never see it. (Update: Your
|||> |> ISP may STILL have them at their "E-Mail on the WEB". So? Go do
|||> |> it there too.)
|||> |>
|||> |> However, the fake "returned mail" posts will still get through.
|||> |> They seem to be far fewer, & certainly are quicker to download.
|||> |> These also are a danger, if they contain an attachment. Just
|||> |> delete them, or create a rule to delete them automatically. It
|||> |> seems to work to...
|||> |>
|||> |> Conditions:
|||> |> Where the To line contains people.
|||> |> Where the message has an attachment.
|||> |>
|||> |> Actions:
|||> |> Delete it.
|||> |> Stop processing more rules.
|||> |>
|||> |> Description:
|||> |> Click "Contains people". Have it select all posts that do not
|||> |> have you in the "To" field. (Mine says "Does not contain
|||> |> 'PCR'".)
|||> |>
|||> |> Move the rule up, if necessary, to just below the other.
|||> |>
|||> |> Now these smaller mail will all go into your "Deleted Items"
|||> |> folder. When you are sure nothing of value is in there, R-Clk
|||> |> the folder & select "Empty...".
|||> |>
|||> |> They can safely be viewed (to see nothing of importance is
|||> |> there) by "R-Clk Deleted Items, Find", & check the "Received
|||> |> before" box. If the Headers don't say it all, then "R-Clk one
|||> |> of them, Properties, Details button, View Source" is very safe
|||> |> to do.
|||> |>
|||> |> | Angel
|||> |> |
|||> |> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|||> |> | news:uJhbZ6V0HHA.1484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
|||> |> |> Angel wrote:
|||> |> |> | Hi,
|||> |> |> | I just hope that Eduardo does not try to use the
|||> |> |> | software that came with his DSL package.
|||> |> |>
|||> |> |> Judging from Brian A.'s experience, it's best not to install
|||> |> |> anything that may require AT&T help. NetZero actually scans
|||> |> |> incoming E-Mail with Norton, looks like, at their server. I
|||> |> |> certainly haven't had to download Norton for it. However,
|||> |> |> NetZero doesn't scan WEB pages for me-- only avast! does
|||> |> |> that.
|||> |> |>
|||> |> |> | The AT&T keeps sending me email trying to
|||> |> |> | get me to download their Virus scan and other stuff. I will
|||> |> |> | not do it. Every once in a while their repair tool comes up
|||> |> |> | because something goofs. I don't do it. The situation I was
|||> |> |> | in goes away almost as soon as it happened. Sometimes all
|||> |> |> | it takes is to quit the program I am using or restart the
|||> |> |> | computer. I would be leery that I would really get into
|||> |> |> | trouble using their repair tool. I would rather ask in this
|||> |> |> | discussion group when problems arise.
|||> |> |>
|||> |> |> Yea. Sounds best to do it on your own or with the NG, if you
|||> |> |> can connect, instead of with AT&T. NetZero has help screens I
|||> |> |> can use offline.
|||> |> |>
|||> |> |> | You have to do a
|||> |> |> | custom install when you install the modem. You do not need
|||> |> |> | all the programs that the AT&T want you to download. That
|||> |> |> | probably goes with any Internet Provider. Angel
|||> |> |>
|||> |> |> Sounds like that's the way to go, yea-- God bless the user
|||> |> |> who can fix hir own!
|||> |> |>
|||> |> |> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|||> |> |> | news:exWKmGV0HHA.1164@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|||> |> |> |> Eduardo wrote:
|||> |> |> |> | TO : Angel, Gary,Pcr / ron/mart/curt
|||> |> |> |> | Thank you very much for your help just for the fact of
|||> |> |> |> | taking the time
|||> |> |> |>
|||> |> |> |> You are welcome.
|||> |> |> |>
|||> |> |> |> | to help me out finding out things for me and really
|||> |> |> |> | guiding me with this issue out thanks allot from now on
|||> |> |> |> | I'am going to bother you guys for help specially with my
|||> |> |> |> | new vista system which i have a few things that drives
|||> |> |> |> | me crazy
|||> |> |> |>
|||> |> |> |> We don't want to go crazy or become irradiated with Vista,
|||> |> |> |> either! Or XP!
|||> |> |> |>
|||> |> |> |> | I'am going to try all of this tomorrow to see if
|||> |> |> |> | something works or what I'am doing wrong I have to make
|||> |> |> |> | it work now for sure
|||> |> |> |>
|||> |> |> |> I'll continue to look in & try to help, but so far I
|||> |> |> |> haven't seen anything I can sink my teeth into. (I've
|||> |> |> |> never actually installed a modem.) The others do seem to
|||> |> |> |> be on to something, though.
|||> |> |> |>
|||> |> |> |> | thanks and i can't believe there's people so nice like
|||> |> |> |> | you guys willing to give a helping hand
|||> |> |> |> | :)
|||> |> |> |> |
|||> |> |> |> | Ac
|||> |> |> |> |
|||> |> |> |> |
|||> |> |> |> |
|||> |> |> |> |
|||> |> |> |> | "Gary S. Terhune" wrote:
|||> |> |> |> |
|||> |> |> |> |> Have you seen this?
|||> |> |> |> |>
|||> |> |> |>
|||> |> |> |
|||> |> |>
|||> |> |
|||> |>
|||> |
|||> |> |> |> |>
|||> |> |> |> |> Right there on page 4, it states that the modem is
|||> |> |> |> |> compatible with all Windows 9x editions. Also, the
|||> |> |> |> |> address they say is default for that modem's access is
|||> |> |> |> |> http://dslrouter or
|||> |> |> |> |>
|||> |> |> |> |> --
|||> |> |> |> |> Gary S. Terhune
|||> |> |> |> |> MS-MVP Shell/User
|||> |> |> |> |>
|||> |> |> |> |>
|||> |> |> |> |> "Eduardo" <> wrote in
|||> |> |> |> |> message
|||> |> |> |> |>
|||> |> |> |> |> > yes angle is a westell versalink 327
|||> |> |> |> |> > because i really want to see if it works I post the
|||> |> |> |> |> > question here
|||> |> |> |> |> >
|||> |> |> |>
|||> |> |> |
|||> |> |>
|||> |> |
|||> |>
|||> |
|||> |> |> |> |> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >
|||> |> |> |> |> > "Angel" wrote:
|||> |> |> |> |> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> Hi Eduardo,
|||> |> |> |> |> >> You mentioned the make of the modem. What is the
|||> |> |> |> |> >> model? Are you sure it
|||> |> |> |> |> >> is westrell versalink and not westell versalink? I
|||> |> |> |> |> >> went to the website of the Westell company. They
|||> |> |> |> |> >> make a lot of Modems. When I tried to go to the
|||> |> |> |> |> >> westrell website, there were no modems listed. Did
|||> |> |> |> |> >> you get it from Verison?
|||> |> |> |> |> >> When I went to Yahoo Search it has only 2 links
|||> |> |> |> |> >> listed. Again as you were asked from the experts
|||> |> |> |> |> >> list your make and modell of the modem. Well, I
|||> |> |> |> |> >> have
|||> |> |> |> |> >> to get off
|||> |> |> |> |> >> because of
|||> |> |> |> |> >> a thunder storm is moving in. A severe one.
|||> |> |> |> |> >> Angel
|||> |> |> |> |> >>
|||> |> |> |> |> >> "Eduardo" <> wrote
|||> |> |> |> |> >> in message
|||> |> |> |> |> >>
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > Angel now that you tell me that your dsl modem
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > works with w98 i really want to know how can i
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > get online with another modem like you are doing
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > ?? my wireless modem is westrell versalink /is
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > not be able to comunicate with wi98 ( we tried the
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > ethernet port we tried to change the renew and
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > remove all
|||> |> |> |> |> >> the
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > ip addreses we restart the pc and nothing maybe
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > this is the real problem
|||> |> |> |> |> >> the
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > modem and not att
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > --------------------------
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > "Brian A." wrote:
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > > You may see it as being rude, I look at it as
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > > being aggressive to pound the point into their
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > > thick skulls.
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > OK
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > > This is your first mention of wireless
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > WELL IM SORRY
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > and usb,
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > both are critical details you
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > > failed to provide previously.
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > :) DONT HATE ME MAN
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > thanks for the help i really appreciated
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > > > thank you very much
|||> |> |> |>
|||> |> |> |> --
|||> |> |> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
|||> |> |> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
|||> |> |> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
|||> |> |> |> Should things get worse after this,
|||> |> |> |> PCR
|||> |> |> |>
|||> |> |>
|||> |> |> --
|||> |> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
|||> |> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
|||> |> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
|||> |> |> Should things get worse after this,
|||> |> |> PCR
|||> |> |>
|||> |>
|||> |> --
|||> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
|||> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
|||> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
|||> |> Should things get worse after this,
|||> |> PCR
|||> |>
|||> --
|||> Thanks or Good Luck,
|||> There may be humor in this post, and,
|||> Naturally, you will not sue,
|||> Should things get worse after this,
|||> PCR
|| --
|| Thanks or Good Luck,
|| There may be humor in this post, and,
|| Naturally, you will not sue,
|| Should things get worse after this,
|| PCR
| --
| Thanks or Good Luck,
| There may be humor in this post, and,
| Naturally, you will not sue,
| Should things get worse after this,

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


Angel wrote:
| Yah, right,
| I have better things to do than count posts. I am not the post
| counter type!!

Well, anyhow, were there any beard fragments in his posts or robin eggs that may have fallen out?

| Angel
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:Oubqy8s1HHA.4672@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| Angel wrote:
|| PCR,
|| It has been about 3 months ago. I really so not recall how many
|| posts. My sister in law came to visit, she started asking me
|| questions about why one of my sons got a divorce . I told her, I
|| never asked because I did not think it was any of my business. If she
|| really wanted to know she should ask him. She only stayed until I
|| gave her that answer. Then she went to his brother and asked the same
|| thing. She got close to the same answer, she left. You should ask
|| Gary if you really want to know. Angel
| I agree she should ask your son & not you or his brother. You are not
| a gossip monger. But, from now on, I want you to count how many posts
| it takes Terhune to cure you!
|| "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| news:%23lfkDZs1HHA.6128@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|| Angel wrote:
||| PCR,
||| You will have to give the credit to Gary. He is the one that
||| helped me with installing the Modem w/router.
||| Angel
|| Terhune! How many posts did he do it with?
||| "PCR" <> wrote in message
||| news:uJhbZ6V0HHA.1484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
|||> Angel wrote:
|||> | Hi,
|||> | I just hope that Eduardo does not try to use the software that
|||> | came with his DSL package.
|||> Judging from Brian A.'s experience, it's best not to install
|||> anything that may require AT&T help. NetZero actually scans
|||> incoming E-Mail with Norton, looks like, at their server. I
|||> certainly haven't had to download Norton for it. However, NetZero
|||> doesn't scan WEB pages for me-- only avast! does that.
|| ...snip
| --
| Thanks or Good Luck,
| There may be humor in this post, and,
| Naturally, you will not sue,
| Should things get worse after this,

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


You're welcome! It is very true about what you learn is obsolete very
quickly. However, that obsolete information can help the legacy users at
least for a while.

"Ron Badour" wrote:

> Thanks--never thought I'd make it this long given the rapid changes in the
> computer arena. Seems like lots of what you know one day is obsolete the
> next :)
> --
> Regards
> Ron Badour
> MS MVP 1997 - 2007
> "Dan" <> wrote in message
> > Wow, Congratulations on being an MVP for a decade, Ron. <smile>
> >
> > "Ron Badour" wrote:
> >
> >> Use a thumb drive or floppy disk to transfer files.
> >>
> >> --
> >> Regards
> >>
> >> Ron Badour
> >> MS MVP 1997 - 2007
> >>
> >>
> >> "Eduardo" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> >I have this old pcs in my house both are mickey mouse brands but I have
> >> >a
> >> >few
> >> > files I want to get out of thme. this files are mostly personal info
> >> > that's
> >> > why I haven't forget this PCS for all the sensitive info I have there,
> >> > I
> >> > even
> >> > changed the power supply in one of them to make sure I always see my
> >> > files
> >> > print them etc, honestly I rather have those files there in my old w98
> >> > that
> >> > has no access to the net than here in this new pc which is always
> >> > online.
> >> >
> >> > But like we all know we can't depend on those old machines I want to
> >> > get
> >> > online with those PCs windows 98 and send me a few emails with this
> >> > word
> >> > and
> >> > excel files.
> >> >
> >> > I tried to connect last night I even install the att setup cd twice and
> >> > nothing happens only an error unable to read the modem (the att modem)
> >> > and
> >> > att's number.
> >> >
> >> > I called and they told me because Microsoft doesn't support 98
> >> > anymore,is
> >> > unsafe,and old.... they can't help me and their modems don't support
> >> > any
> >> > old
> >> > systems soooooo they say I'm never going to be able to go online with
> >> > this
> >> > pcs
> >> > I called 3 times and the 3 persons told me that it makes sense but come
> >> > on!! Is there something i can do? to get online ????
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >>
> >>



Yeah, I always block html at first then will enable it if I feel the message
is safe. I read in the Wall Street Journal recently that just viewing ads
can give you the chance of getting viruses on your system.

"PCR" wrote:

> Dan wrote:
> | I noticed on the Kirkland AFB website that the base policy is now to
> | read emails in plain text.
> It's a pity, Dan, BUT... When opening an E-Mail from an unknown sender especially, yea, it's best to...
> "OE, Tools menu, Options, Read tab", & check "Read all messages in plain text"
> ...., if not already done. I think what happens then (if HTML was used) is the E-Mail will open with an attachment containing the HTML part.
> Also, I guess, at the Send tab, UNcheck...
> "Reply to messages in the format in which they were sent".
> | "PCR" wrote:
> |
> |> Angel wrote:
> |> | Hi PCR,
> |> | I did this in my Outlook Express using SBC. I cannot do this
> |> | in the other email address I have. The only thing I did different
> |> | is put it in a bulk folder and flag it. That way, I can find out
> |> | if it is from someone I know. If it isn't I will delete it then.
> |> | The rest are Web Mail accounts. I set them all up for text only.
> |>
> |> That sounds good. I think you've got it covered, then. Very good. It
> |> is a pity, though, we must turn off various features such as HTML in
> |> E-Mail-- JUST because there is a rat/two out there trying to give us
> |> a virus!
> |>
> |> | Angel
> |> |
> |> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> |> | news:OALCTmg0HHA.1184@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> |> |> Angel wrote:
> |> |> | Thanks PCR,
> |> |> | I can always go to the dial up if I need to get off a
> |> |> | message or email to shout for help if I have a problem. I never
> |> |> | disabled my dial up modem. So all I have to do is unplug the
> |> |> | DSL modem and plug in the dial up cord to the phone line. I
> |> |> | tried it and it works.
> |> |>
> |> |> Very good, Angel. Never burn the bridges behind you. And don't
> |> |> burn your britches, either, before taking them off! That's the
> |> |> mistake Terhune often makes!
> |> |>
> |> |> | It did when
> |> |> | I checked it out right after I got the DSL. Yahoo scans their
> |> |> | email.I think it is Norton. I have some other email boxes. I do
> |> |> | not trust them. I get a lot of junk mail in them. Even when I
> |> |> | did not open their email, I was getting Trojans. That was a
> |> |> | while back.
> |> |>
> |> |> Well, I'm glad that stopped happening. I do recall a while back
> |> |> there was a horrible episode of a ton of spam in everyone's
> |> |> E-Mail. I was getting hundreds! That went on for a week at least,
> |> |> before ISP's regained control. Now, every now & then, I get a
> |> |> message from NetZero that spam was prevented from entering my
> |> |> mailbox. I still get unsolicited stuff, but it's much, much less!
> |> |> And I have OE message rules that prevents much of it from coming
> |> |> & puts the rest in Deleted Items...!...
> |> |>
> |> |> I only had two posts in any of my IE folders larger than 90 KB.
> |> |> One had an attachment. The other was HTML with a picture inside.
> |> |> The largest post on this NG in my 40 days of download is 58 KB.
> |> |> So, I feel it is acceptable to...
> |> |>
> |> |> (1) "OE, Tools menu, Message Rules, Mail".
> |> |> (2) Check "Where the message size is more than size" in first
> |> |> window. (3) Check "Delete it from server" in second window.
> |> |> (4) Check "stop processing more rules"
> |> |> (5) Click "Size" in third window, & set it to 100 KB.
> |> |> (6 Use the "Move up" button to move this rule to the top of any
> |> |> other rule you may have.
> |> |>
> |> |> Those Swen posts are 144 KB. So, they will not download.
> |> |> Naturally, if you expect a large post, such as one with a
> |> |> legitimate attachment, then you must disable that rule before it
> |> |> is sent to you. Otherwise, you will never see it. (Update: Your
> |> |> ISP may STILL have them at their "E-Mail on the WEB". So? Go do
> |> |> it there too.)
> |> |>
> |> |> However, the fake "returned mail" posts will still get through.
> |> |> They seem to be far fewer, & certainly are quicker to download.
> |> |> These also are a danger, if they contain an attachment. Just
> |> |> delete them, or create a rule to delete them automatically. It
> |> |> seems to work to...
> |> |>
> |> |> Conditions:
> |> |> Where the To line contains people.
> |> |> Where the message has an attachment.
> |> |>
> |> |> Actions:
> |> |> Delete it.
> |> |> Stop processing more rules.
> |> |>
> |> |> Description:
> |> |> Click "Contains people". Have it select all posts that do not
> |> |> have you in the "To" field. (Mine says "Does not contain 'PCR'".)
> |> |>
> |> |> Move the rule up, if necessary, to just below the other.
> |> |>
> |> |> Now these smaller mail will all go into your "Deleted Items"
> |> |> folder. When you are sure nothing of value is in there, R-Clk the
> |> |> folder & select "Empty...".
> |> |>
> |> |> They can safely be viewed (to see nothing of importance is there)
> |> |> by "R-Clk Deleted Items, Find", & check the "Received before"
> |> |> box. If the Headers don't say it all, then "R-Clk one of them,
> |> |> Properties, Details button, View Source" is very safe to do.
> |> |>
> |> |> | Angel
> |> |> |
> |> |> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> |> |> | news:uJhbZ6V0HHA.1484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> |> |> |> Angel wrote:
> |> |> |> | Hi,
> |> |> |> | I just hope that Eduardo does not try to use the software
> |> |> |> | that came with his DSL package.
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> Judging from Brian A.'s experience, it's best not to install
> |> |> |> anything that may require AT&T help. NetZero actually scans
> |> |> |> incoming E-Mail with Norton, looks like, at their server. I
> |> |> |> certainly haven't had to download Norton for it. However,
> |> |> |> NetZero doesn't scan WEB pages for me-- only avast! does that.
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> | The AT&T keeps sending me email trying to
> |> |> |> | get me to download their Virus scan and other stuff. I will
> |> |> |> | not do it. Every once in a while their repair tool comes up
> |> |> |> | because something goofs. I don't do it. The situation I was
> |> |> |> | in goes away almost as soon as it happened. Sometimes all it
> |> |> |> | takes is to quit the program I am using or restart the
> |> |> |> | computer. I would be leery that I would really get into
> |> |> |> | trouble using their repair tool. I would rather ask in this
> |> |> |> | discussion group when problems arise.
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> Yea. Sounds best to do it on your own or with the NG, if you
> |> |> |> can connect, instead of with AT&T. NetZero has help screens I
> |> |> |> can use offline.
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> | You have to do a
> |> |> |> | custom install when you install the modem. You do not need
> |> |> |> | all the programs that the AT&T want you to download. That
> |> |> |> | probably goes with any Internet Provider. Angel
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> Sounds like that's the way to go, yea-- God bless the user who
> |> |> |> can fix hir own!
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> |> |> |> | news:exWKmGV0HHA.1164@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> |> |> |> |> Eduardo wrote:
> |> |> |> |> | TO : Angel, Gary,Pcr / ron/mart/curt
> |> |> |> |> | Thank you very much for your help just for the fact of
> |> |> |> |> | taking the time
> |> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |> You are welcome.
> |> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |> | to help me out finding out things for me and really
> |> |> |> |> | guiding me with this issue out thanks allot from now on
> |> |> |> |> | I'am going to bother you guys for help specially with my
> |> |> |> |> | new vista system which i have a few things that drives me
> |> |> |> |> | crazy
> |> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |> We don't want to go crazy or become irradiated with Vista,
> |> |> |> |> either! Or XP!
> |> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |> | I'am going to try all of this tomorrow to see if something
> |> |> |> |> | works or what I'am doing wrong I have to make it work now
> |> |> |> |> | for sure
> |> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |> I'll continue to look in & try to help, but so far I haven't
> |> |> |> |> seen anything I can sink my teeth into. (I've never actually
> |> |> |> |> installed a modem.) The others do seem to be on to
> |> |> |> |> something, though.
> |> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |> | thanks and i can't believe there's people so nice like you
> |> |> |> |> | guys willing to give a helping hand
> |> |> |> |> | :)
> |> |> |> |> |
> |> |> |> |> | Ac
> |> |> |> |> |
> |> |> |> |> |
> |> |> |> |> |
> |> |> |> |> |
> |> |> |> |> | "Gary S. Terhune" wrote:
> |> |> |> |> |
> |> |> |> |> |> Have you seen this?
> |> |> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |
> |> |>
> |> |
> |>
> |> |> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |> |> Right there on page 4, it states that the modem is
> |> |> |> |> |> compatible with all Windows 9x editions. Also, the
> |> |> |> |> |> address they say is default for that modem's access is
> |> |> |> |> |> http://dslrouter or
> |> |> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |> |> --
> |> |> |> |> |> Gary S. Terhune
> |> |> |> |> |> MS-MVP Shell/User
> |> |> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |> |> "Eduardo" <> wrote in
> |> |> |> |> |> message
> |> |> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |> |> > yes angle is a westell versalink 327
> |> |> |> |> |> > because i really want to see if it works I post the
> |> |> |> |> |> > question here
> |> |> |> |> |> >
> |> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |
> |> |>
> |> |
> |>
> |> |> |> |> |> >
> |> |> |> |> |> >
> |> |> |> |> |> > "Angel" wrote:
> |> |> |> |> |> >
> |> |> |> |> |> >> Hi Eduardo,
> |> |> |> |> |> >> You mentioned the make of the modem. What is the
> |> |> |> |> |> >> model? Are you sure it
> |> |> |> |> |> >> is westrell versalink and not westell versalink? I
> |> |> |> |> |> >> went to the website of the Westell company. They make
> |> |> |> |> |> >> a lot of Modems. When I tried to go to the westrell
> |> |> |> |> |> >> website, there were no modems listed. Did you get it
> |> |> |> |> |> >> from Verison?
> |> |> |> |> |> >> When I went to Yahoo Search it has only 2 links
> |> |> |> |> |> >> listed. Again as you were asked from the experts list
> |> |> |> |> |> >> your make and modell of the modem. Well, I have
> |> |> |> |> |> >> to get off
> |> |> |> |> |> >> because of
> |> |> |> |> |> >> a thunder storm is moving in. A severe one.
> |> |> |> |> |> >> Angel
> |> |> |> |> |> >>
> |> |> |> |> |> >> "Eduardo" <> wrote in
> |> |> |> |> |> >> message
> |> |> |> |> |> >>
> |>
> |> |> |> |> |> >> > Angel now that you tell me that your dsl modem
> |> |> |> |> |> >> > works with w98 i really want to know how can i get
> |> |> |> |> |> >> > online with another modem like you are doing ?? my
> |> |> |> |> |> >> > wireless modem is westrell versalink /is not be
> |> |> |> |> |> >> > able to comunicate with wi98 ( we tried the
> |> |> |> |> |> >> > ethernet port we tried to change the renew and
> |> |> |> |> |> >> > remove all
> |> |> |> |> |> >> the
> |> |> |> |> |> >> > ip addreses we restart the pc and nothing maybe
> |> |> |> |> |> >> > this is the real problem
> |> |> |> |> |> >> the
> |> |> |> |> |> >> > modem and not att
> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
> |> |> |> |> |> >> > --------------------------
> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
> |> |> |> |> |> >> > "Brian A." wrote:
> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
> |> |> |> |> |> >> > > You may see it as being rude, I look at it as
> |> |> |> |> |> >> > > being aggressive to pound the point into their
> |> |> |> |> |> >> > > thick skulls.
> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
> |> |> |> |> |> >> > OK
> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
> |> |> |> |> |> >> > > This is your first mention of wireless
> |> |> |> |> |> >> > WELL IM SORRY
> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
> |> |> |> |> |> >> > and usb,
> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
> |> |> |> |> |> >> > both are critical details you
> |> |> |> |> |> >> > > failed to provide previously.
> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
> |> |> |> |> |> >> > :) DONT HATE ME MAN
> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
> |> |> |> |> |> >> > thanks for the help i really appreciated
> |> |> |> |> |> >> > > > thank you very much
> |> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |> --
> |> |> |> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
> |> |> |> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
> |> |> |> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
> |> |> |> |> Should things get worse after this,
> |> |> |> |> PCR
> |> |> |> |>
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> --
> |> |> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
> |> |> |> There may be humor in this post, and,


You STILL do not understand!! It Is NOT Yahoo. This has nothing to do
with Yahoo. Yahoo is really not the problem. So why should I contact Yahoo?
The problem is with MAIL.COM.
Too much Barley Pop, huh? It effects the brain, you know?

"PCR" <> wrote in message
Angel wrote:
| PCR,
| No, I was talking about my inbox at a WEB MAIL
| addresses. Doing the Yahoo address I had no problem.
| I did not have any problem with OE. It worked also. It is just these
| 2 at Angel

I see. I don't know anything about that, then. NetZero has one, too, but I
don't use it. You must contact Yahoo & hold their feet to the fire for a

| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:%23wkZs4s1HHA.3548@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
| Angel wrote:
|| PCR,
|| Maybe you did not understand what I was saying. These 2 email
|| addresses, if you delete an email when it is open. You read it and do
|| not want to keep it. It then goes to the NEXT email. If you delete it
|| without opening it, sometimes you get pop ups.
| You are talking about the InBox in OE? Obviously, your ISP & even
| avast! is not getting rid of all pop-up deliverers. I guess they only
| target true viruses.
| Therefore, do the R-Clk procedure before reading the E-Mails. Then,
| when you click the InBox to read the ones left, there won't be any
| baduns in there.
|| I have done the properties on a lot of email. No problem there.
|| Like I said, I wish I had 2 computer because of the personal
|| stuff on this one. I was promised an old ME one but the person has
|| not finished downloading the files from it. The person has 2 jobs and
|| has activities on the side. The person is very active in the same
|| medical group I am in. When I get that computer I would like to
|| put Win98 on it. All I have is
|| a OEM disk. Can I use it or do I have to get a regular 98 disk? Or
|| can I put the stuff I use in 98 on it the way it is with the ME OS?
|| Angel
|| "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| news:uWD$qXs1HHA.3916@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|| Angel wrote:
||| Hi PCR,
||| I had done all my email addresses in text a little while back.
||| All of them except 2 will let you go back the original message. I
||| have those set up using text. With these email accounts, if you
||| delete an email in them it opens the next one. If you check them
||| without opening them to delete it, sometimes you get pop ups. So
||| far, I have not figured out how to get them to go back to the
||| original message. I do not use these too often, only to check if
||| someone I know sends an email to it. Any ideas? I only have 1
||| computer. I wish I had 2. That's life!! Angel
|| Normally, I...
|| (a) "R-Clk the InBox, Find".
|| (b) Check "Received before" box.
|| (c) Click the "Find now" button.
|| Then, all the InBox E-Mail shows up in a Find box. R-Clk individual
|| E-Mail, & delete going by title. If that isn't good enough, you may
|| safely look inside one by...
|| (a) R-Clk individual E-Mail, & select "Properties".
|| (b) Click the Details tab, & then the "Message Source" button.
|| It is very safe to read it that way. If it speaks of attachments or
|| HTML, delete it!
||| "PCR" <> wrote in message
||| news:eSFKPWu0HHA.1204@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
|||> Angel wrote:
|||> | Hi PCR,
|||> | I did this in my Outlook Express using SBC. I cannot do
|||> | this in the other email address I have. The only thing I did
|||> | different is put it in a bulk folder and flag it. That way, I
|||> | can find out if it is from someone I know. If it isn't I will
|||> | delete it then. The rest are Web Mail accounts. I set them all
|||> | up for text only.
|||> That sounds good. I think you've got it covered, then. Very good.
|||> It is a pity, though, we must turn off various features such as
|||> HTML in E-Mail-- JUST because there is a rat/two out there trying
|||> to give us a virus!
|||> | Angel
|||> |
|||> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|||> | news:OALCTmg0HHA.1184@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
|||> |> Angel wrote:
|||> |> | Thanks PCR,
|||> |> | I can always go to the dial up if I need to get off a
|||> |> | message or email to shout for help if I have a problem. I
|||> |> | never disabled my dial up modem. So all I have to do is
|||> |> | unplug the DSL modem and plug in the dial up cord to the
|||> |> | phone line. I tried it and it works.
|||> |>
|||> |> Very good, Angel. Never burn the bridges behind you. And don't
|||> |> burn your britches, either, before taking them off! That's the
|||> |> mistake Terhune often makes!
|||> |>
|||> |> | It did when
|||> |> | I checked it out right after I got the DSL. Yahoo scans their
|||> |> | email.I think it is Norton. I have some other email boxes. I
|||> |> | do not trust them. I get a lot of junk mail in them. Even
|||> |> | when I did not open their email, I was getting Trojans. That
|||> |> | was a while back.
|||> |>
|||> |> Well, I'm glad that stopped happening. I do recall a while back
|||> |> there was a horrible episode of a ton of spam in everyone's
|||> |> E-Mail. I was getting hundreds! That went on for a week at
|||> |> least, before ISP's regained control. Now, every now & then, I
|||> |> get a message from NetZero that spam was prevented from
|||> |> entering my mailbox. I still get unsolicited stuff, but it's
|||> |> much, much less! And I have OE message rules that prevents much
|||> |> of it from coming & puts the rest in Deleted Items...!...
|||> |>
|||> |> I only had two posts in any of my IE folders larger than 90 KB.
|||> |> One had an attachment. The other was HTML with a picture inside.
|||> |> The largest post on this NG in my 40 days of download is 58 KB.
|||> |> So, I feel it is acceptable to...
|||> |>
|||> |> (1) "OE, Tools menu, Message Rules, Mail".
|||> |> (2) Check "Where the message size is more than size" in first
|||> |> window. (3) Check "Delete it from server" in second window.
|||> |> (4) Check "stop processing more rules"
|||> |> (5) Click "Size" in third window, & set it to 100 KB.
|||> |> (6 Use the "Move up" button to move this rule to the top of any
|||> |> other rule you may have.
|||> |>
|||> |> Those Swen posts are 144 KB. So, they will not download.
|||> |> Naturally, if you expect a large post, such as one with a
|||> |> legitimate attachment, then you must disable that rule before it
|||> |> is sent to you. Otherwise, you will never see it. (Update: Your
|||> |> ISP may STILL have them at their "E-Mail on the WEB". So? Go do
|||> |> it there too.)
|||> |>
|||> |> However, the fake "returned mail" posts will still get through.
|||> |> They seem to be far fewer, & certainly are quicker to download.
|||> |> These also are a danger, if they contain an attachment. Just
|||> |> delete them, or create a rule to delete them automatically. It
|||> |> seems to work to...
|||> |>
|||> |> Conditions:
|||> |> Where the To line contains people.
|||> |> Where the message has an attachment.
|||> |>
|||> |> Actions:
|||> |> Delete it.
|||> |> Stop processing more rules.
|||> |>
|||> |> Description:
|||> |> Click "Contains people". Have it select all posts that do not
|||> |> have you in the "To" field. (Mine says "Does not contain
|||> |> 'PCR'".)
|||> |>
|||> |> Move the rule up, if necessary, to just below the other.
|||> |>
|||> |> Now these smaller mail will all go into your "Deleted Items"
|||> |> folder. When you are sure nothing of value is in there, R-Clk
|||> |> the folder & select "Empty...".
|||> |>
|||> |> They can safely be viewed (to see nothing of importance is
|||> |> there) by "R-Clk Deleted Items, Find", & check the "Received
|||> |> before" box. If the Headers don't say it all, then "R-Clk one
|||> |> of them, Properties, Details button, View Source" is very safe
|||> |> to do.
|||> |>
|||> |> | Angel
|||> |> |
|||> |> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|||> |> | news:uJhbZ6V0HHA.1484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
|||> |> |> Angel wrote:
|||> |> |> | Hi,
|||> |> |> | I just hope that Eduardo does not try to use the
|||> |> |> | software that came with his DSL package.
|||> |> |>
|||> |> |> Judging from Brian A.'s experience, it's best not to install
|||> |> |> anything that may require AT&T help. NetZero actually scans
|||> |> |> incoming E-Mail with Norton, looks like, at their server. I
|||> |> |> certainly haven't had to download Norton for it. However,
|||> |> |> NetZero doesn't scan WEB pages for me-- only avast! does
|||> |> |> that.
|||> |> |>
|||> |> |> | The AT&T keeps sending me email trying to
|||> |> |> | get me to download their Virus scan and other stuff. I will
|||> |> |> | not do it. Every once in a while their repair tool comes up
|||> |> |> | because something goofs. I don't do it. The situation I was
|||> |> |> | in goes away almost as soon as it happened. Sometimes all
|||> |> |> | it takes is to quit the program I am using or restart the
|||> |> |> | computer. I would be leery that I would really get into
|||> |> |> | trouble using their repair tool. I would rather ask in this
|||> |> |> | discussion group when problems arise.
|||> |> |>
|||> |> |> Yea. Sounds best to do it on your own or with the NG, if you
|||> |> |> can connect, instead of with AT&T. NetZero has help screens I
|||> |> |> can use offline.
|||> |> |>
|||> |> |> | You have to do a
|||> |> |> | custom install when you install the modem. You do not need
|||> |> |> | all the programs that the AT&T want you to download. That
|||> |> |> | probably goes with any Internet Provider. Angel
|||> |> |>
|||> |> |> Sounds like that's the way to go, yea-- God bless the user
|||> |> |> who can fix hir own!
|||> |> |>
|||> |> |> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|||> |> |> | news:exWKmGV0HHA.1164@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|||> |> |> |> Eduardo wrote:
|||> |> |> |> | TO : Angel, Gary,Pcr / ron/mart/curt
|||> |> |> |> | Thank you very much for your help just for the fact of
|||> |> |> |> | taking the time
|||> |> |> |>
|||> |> |> |> You are welcome.
|||> |> |> |>
|||> |> |> |> | to help me out finding out things for me and really
|||> |> |> |> | guiding me with this issue out thanks allot from now on
|||> |> |> |> | I'am going to bother you guys for help specially with my
|||> |> |> |> | new vista system which i have a few things that drives
|||> |> |> |> | me crazy
|||> |> |> |>
|||> |> |> |> We don't want to go crazy or become irradiated with Vista,
|||> |> |> |> either! Or XP!
|||> |> |> |>
|||> |> |> |> | I'am going to try all of this tomorrow to see if
|||> |> |> |> | something works or what I'am doing wrong I have to make
|||> |> |> |> | it work now for sure
|||> |> |> |>
|||> |> |> |> I'll continue to look in & try to help, but so far I
|||> |> |> |> haven't seen anything I can sink my teeth into. (I've
|||> |> |> |> never actually installed a modem.) The others do seem to
|||> |> |> |> be on to something, though.
|||> |> |> |>
|||> |> |> |> | thanks and i can't believe there's people so nice like
|||> |> |> |> | you guys willing to give a helping hand
|||> |> |> |> | :)
|||> |> |> |> |
|||> |> |> |> | Ac
|||> |> |> |> |
|||> |> |> |> |
|||> |> |> |> |
|||> |> |> |> |
|||> |> |> |> | "Gary S. Terhune" wrote:
|||> |> |> |> |
|||> |> |> |> |> Have you seen this?
|||> |> |> |> |>
|||> |> |> |>
|||> |> |> |
|||> |> |>
|||> |> |
|||> |>
|||> |
|||> |> |> |> |>
|||> |> |> |> |> Right there on page 4, it states that the modem is
|||> |> |> |> |> compatible with all Windows 9x editions. Also, the
|||> |> |> |> |> address they say is default for that modem's access is
|||> |> |> |> |> http://dslrouter or
|||> |> |> |> |>
|||> |> |> |> |> --
|||> |> |> |> |> Gary S. Terhune
|||> |> |> |> |> MS-MVP Shell/User
|||> |> |> |> |>
|||> |> |> |> |>
|||> |> |> |> |> "Eduardo" <> wrote in
|||> |> |> |> |> message
|||> |> |> |> |>
|||> |> |> |> |> > yes angle is a westell versalink 327
|||> |> |> |> |> > because i really want to see if it works I post the
|||> |> |> |> |> > question here
|||> |> |> |> |> >
|||> |> |> |>
|||> |> |> |
|||> |> |>
|||> |> |
|||> |>
|||> |
|||> |> |> |> |> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >
|||> |> |> |> |> > "Angel" wrote:
|||> |> |> |> |> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> Hi Eduardo,
|||> |> |> |> |> >> You mentioned the make of the modem. What is the
|||> |> |> |> |> >> model? Are you sure it
|||> |> |> |> |> >> is westrell versalink and not westell versalink? I
|||> |> |> |> |> >> went to the website of the Westell company. They
|||> |> |> |> |> >> make a lot of Modems. When I tried to go to the
|||> |> |> |> |> >> westrell website, there were no modems listed. Did
|||> |> |> |> |> >> you get it from Verison?
|||> |> |> |> |> >> When I went to Yahoo Search it has only 2 links
|||> |> |> |> |> >> listed. Again as you were asked from the experts
|||> |> |> |> |> >> list your make and modell of the modem. Well, I
|||> |> |> |> |> >> have
|||> |> |> |> |> >> to get off
|||> |> |> |> |> >> because of
|||> |> |> |> |> >> a thunder storm is moving in. A severe one.
|||> |> |> |> |> >> Angel
|||> |> |> |> |> >>
|||> |> |> |> |> >> "Eduardo" <> wrote
|||> |> |> |> |> >> in message
|||> |> |> |> |> >>
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > Angel now that you tell me that your dsl modem
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > works with w98 i really want to know how can i
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > get online with another modem like you are doing
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > ?? my wireless modem is westrell versalink /is
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > not be able to comunicate with wi98 ( we tried the
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > ethernet port we tried to change the renew and
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > remove all
|||> |> |> |> |> >> the
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > ip addreses we restart the pc and nothing maybe
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > this is the real problem
|||> |> |> |> |> >> the
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > modem and not att
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > --------------------------
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > "Brian A." wrote:
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > > You may see it as being rude, I look at it as
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > > being aggressive to pound the point into their
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > > thick skulls.
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > OK
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > > This is your first mention of wireless
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > WELL IM SORRY
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > and usb,
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > both are critical details you
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > > failed to provide previously.
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > :) DONT HATE ME MAN
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> >
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > thanks for the help i really appreciated
|||> |> |> |> |> >> > > > thank you very much
|||> |> |> |>
|||> |> |> |> --
|||> |> |> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
|||> |> |> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
|||> |> |> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
|||> |> |> |> Should things get worse after this,
|||> |> |> |> PCR
|||> |> |> |>
|||> |> |>
|||> |> |> --
|||> |> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
|||> |> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
|||> |> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
|||> |> |> Should things get worse after this,
|||> |> |> PCR
|||> |> |>
|||> |>
|||> |> --
|||> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
|||> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
|||> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
|||> |> Should things get worse after this,
|||> |> PCR
|||> |>
|||> --
|||> Thanks or Good Luck,
|||> There may be humor in this post, and,
|||> Naturally, you will not sue,
|||> Should things get worse after this,
|||> PCR
|| --
|| Thanks or Good Luck,
|| There may be humor in this post, and,
|| Naturally, you will not sue,
|| Should things get worse after this,
|| PCR
| --
| Thanks or Good Luck,
| There may be humor in this post, and,
| Naturally, you will not sue,
| Should things get worse after this,

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,



"PCR" <> wrote in message
Angel wrote:
| Yah, right,
| I have better things to do than count posts. I am not the post
| counter type!!

Well, anyhow, were there any beard fragments in his posts or robin eggs that
may have fallen out?

| Angel
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:Oubqy8s1HHA.4672@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| Angel wrote:
|| PCR,
|| It has been about 3 months ago. I really so not recall how many
|| posts. My sister in law came to visit, she started asking me
|| questions about why one of my sons got a divorce . I told her, I
|| never asked because I did not think it was any of my business. If she
|| really wanted to know she should ask him. She only stayed until I
|| gave her that answer. Then she went to his brother and asked the same
|| thing. She got close to the same answer, she left. You should ask
|| Gary if you really want to know. Angel
| I agree she should ask your son & not you or his brother. You are not
| a gossip monger. But, from now on, I want you to count how many posts
| it takes Terhune to cure you!
|| "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| news:%23lfkDZs1HHA.6128@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|| Angel wrote:
||| PCR,
||| You will have to give the credit to Gary. He is the one that
||| helped me with installing the Modem w/router.
||| Angel
|| Terhune! How many posts did he do it with?
||| "PCR" <> wrote in message
||| news:uJhbZ6V0HHA.1484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
|||> Angel wrote:
|||> | Hi,
|||> | I just hope that Eduardo does not try to use the software that
|||> | came with his DSL package.
|||> Judging from Brian A.'s experience, it's best not to install
|||> anything that may require AT&T help. NetZero actually scans
|||> incoming E-Mail with Norton, looks like, at their server. I
|||> certainly haven't had to download Norton for it. However, NetZero
|||> doesn't scan WEB pages for me-- only avast! does that.
|| ...snip
| --
| Thanks or Good Luck,
| There may be humor in this post, and,
| Naturally, you will not sue,
| Should things get worse after this,

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


Hi Dan,
I have been using computers since 1992. A lot of changes in programs
since then. I have had this computer since June 1, 2000. Running 98SE since
then. I hope to keep this one running for a long time. I hope I get warning
when it is starting to die. I would need to get some stuff off it. A do not
really know where to begin. My keys give me problems every now and then. I
need to use the Duster Spray again soon.

"Dan" <> wrote in message
> You're welcome! It is very true about what you learn is obsolete very
> quickly. However, that obsolete information can help the legacy users at
> least for a while.
> :->
> "Ron Badour" wrote:
> > Thanks--never thought I'd make it this long given the rapid changes in

> > computer arena. Seems like lots of what you know one day is obsolete

> > next :)
> >
> > --
> > Regards
> >
> > Ron Badour
> > MS MVP 1997 - 2007
> >
> >
> > "Dan" <> wrote in message
> >
> > > Wow, Congratulations on being an MVP for a decade, Ron. <smile>
> > >
> > > "Ron Badour" wrote:
> > >
> > >> Use a thumb drive or floppy disk to transfer files.
> > >>
> > >> --
> > >> Regards
> > >>
> > >> Ron Badour
> > >> MS MVP 1997 - 2007
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> "Eduardo" <> wrote in message
> > >>
> > >> >I have this old pcs in my house both are mickey mouse brands but I

> > >> >a
> > >> >few
> > >> > files I want to get out of thme. this files are mostly personal

> > >> > that's
> > >> > why I haven't forget this PCS for all the sensitive info I have

> > >> > I
> > >> > even
> > >> > changed the power supply in one of them to make sure I always see

> > >> > files
> > >> > print them etc, honestly I rather have those files there in my old

> > >> > that
> > >> > has no access to the net than here in this new pc which is always
> > >> > online.
> > >> >
> > >> > But like we all know we can't depend on those old machines I want

> > >> > get
> > >> > online with those PCs windows 98 and send me a few emails with this
> > >> > word
> > >> > and
> > >> > excel files.
> > >> >
> > >> > I tried to connect last night I even install the att setup cd twice

> > >> > nothing happens only an error unable to read the modem (the att

> > >> > and
> > >> > att's number.
> > >> >
> > >> > I called and they told me because Microsoft doesn't support 98
> > >> > anymore,is
> > >> > unsafe,and old.... they can't help me and their modems don't

> > >> > any
> > >> > old
> > >> > systems soooooo they say I'm never going to be able to go online

> > >> > this
> > >> > pcs
> > >> > I called 3 times and the 3 persons told me that it makes sense but

> > >> > on!! Is there something i can do? to get online ????
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>

> >
> >
> >


If you need to back up information then why not either burn the needed
information to a cd or dvd. You could also use a flash drive to back up
information and this is probably the best route. If your keyboard is giving
you trouble then why not just replace it because new keyboards are cheap.

"Angel" wrote:

> Hi Dan,
> I have been using computers since 1992. A lot of changes in programs
> since then. I have had this computer since June 1, 2000. Running 98SE since
> then. I hope to keep this one running for a long time. I hope I get warning
> when it is starting to die. I would need to get some stuff off it. A do not
> really know where to begin. My keys give me problems every now and then. I
> need to use the Duster Spray again soon.
> Angel


cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user)

On Sat, 4 Aug 2007 07:26:01 -0700, Dan wrote:

>Good call, Chris. It still surprises me about the stupidy and misinformation
>that people do not know the 9x source code is safer at the core while the NT
>(New Technology) source code has more external security. This should be
>general knowledge but it is not.

That's only true up to a point. Yes, there's fewer surfaces for
direct network attack, but if you bring the OS itself to the "edge"
(e.g. IE, OE, Outlook or other email apps that use IE's engine to
render email "message text") then things get a lot worse.

A combination of Win9x, Eudora (set not to use "MS Viewer"),
up-to-date Firefox and resident av works quite well, even if you don't
have a NAT router to separate you from the 'net.

If using an NT-based OS, then the recommendation to use a firewall
(and preferably NAT as well) becomes IMO mandatory. The firewall in
XP SP2 or Vista is enough, as is the firewall in XP Gold and SP1 as
long as you enable it Win2000 and older need one added.

As to F&PS-mediated risks, each has its weakness.

Win9x glues F&PS to every network adapter and protocol by duhfault, if
you have it enabled anywhere, and this can be re-asserted any time
anything changes in networking settings. Apply your mind to that.

OTOH, XP Pro waves hidden admin shares exposing your guts to whatever
can see F&PS, if your account password is non-null. There are ways to
fix that, and I would use every method available in case any revert.

>--------------- ----- ---- --- -- - - -

To one who only has a hammer,
everything looks like a nail
>--------------- ----- ---- --- -- - - -


"cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user)" <> wrote in
| On Sat, 4 Aug 2007 07:26:01 -0700, Dan wrote:
| >Good call, Chris. It still surprises me about the stupidy and
| >that people do not know the 9x source code is safer at the core while the
| >(New Technology) source code has more external security. This should be
| >general knowledge but it is not.
| That's only true up to a point. Yes, there's fewer surfaces for
| direct network attack, but if you bring the OS itself to the "edge"
| (e.g. IE, OE, Outlook or other email apps that use IE's engine to
| render email "message text") then things get a lot worse.
| A combination of Win9x, Eudora (set not to use "MS Viewer"),
| up-to-date Firefox and resident av works quite well, even if you don't
| have a NAT router to separate you from the 'net. - This is where development continues
regarding the Qualcomm - Eudora program by original Qualcomm creators

I'm curious Chris, have you tried this, or have you partaken in or
monitored discussions related to this product?

| If using an NT-based OS, then the recommendation to use a firewall
| (and preferably NAT as well) becomes IMO mandatory. The firewall in
| XP SP2 or Vista is enough, as is the firewall in XP Gold and SP1 as
| long as you enable it Win2000 and older need one added.

Obviously I disagree with use of XP or VISTA firewalls, though that is my

I had made the *firewalls - what to block and why - your security at risk*
discussion broad enough to include ANY and all firewalls, regretfully only
two were even discussed in any fashion. I do believe discussions should be
had by knowledgable user of the respective firewalls, and I would expect
such could be accomplished within this group.
[I also appreciate that many will not participate in discussions in which I
participate or initiate, oh well, such is life. If opinions can not
withstand queries placed against them upon what are they based ...]

| As to F&PS-mediated risks, each has its weakness.
| Win9x glues F&PS to every network adapter and protocol by duhfault, if
| you have it enabled anywhere, and this can be re-asserted any time
| anything changes in networking settings. Apply your mind to that.
| OTOH, XP Pro waves hidden admin shares exposing your guts to whatever
| can see F&PS, if your account password is non-null. There are ways to
| fix that, and I would use every method available in case any revert.
| >--------------- ----- ---- --- -- - - -
| To one who only has a hammer,
| everything looks like a nail
| >--------------- ----- ---- --- -- - - -



Thanks for the clarification, Chris and you have given me food for thought.

"cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user)" wrote:

> On Sat, 4 Aug 2007 07:26:01 -0700, Dan wrote:
> >Good call, Chris. It still surprises me about the stupidy and misinformation
> >that people do not know the 9x source code is safer at the core while the NT
> >(New Technology) source code has more external security. This should be
> >general knowledge but it is not.

> That's only true up to a point. Yes, there's fewer surfaces for
> direct network attack, but if you bring the OS itself to the "edge"
> (e.g. IE, OE, Outlook or other email apps that use IE's engine to
> render email "message text") then things get a lot worse.
> A combination of Win9x, Eudora (set not to use "MS Viewer"),
> up-to-date Firefox and resident av works quite well, even if you don't
> have a NAT router to separate you from the 'net.
> If using an NT-based OS, then the recommendation to use a firewall
> (and preferably NAT as well) becomes IMO mandatory. The firewall in
> XP SP2 or Vista is enough, as is the firewall in XP Gold and SP1 as
> long as you enable it Win2000 and older need one added.
> As to F&PS-mediated risks, each has its weakness.
> Win9x glues F&PS to every network adapter and protocol by duhfault, if
> you have it enabled anywhere, and this can be re-asserted any time
> anything changes in networking settings. Apply your mind to that.
> OTOH, XP Pro waves hidden admin shares exposing your guts to whatever
> can see F&PS, if your account password is non-null. There are ways to
> fix that, and I would use every method available in case any revert.
> >--------------- ----- ---- --- -- - - -

> To one who only has a hammer,
> everything looks like a nail
> >--------------- ----- ---- --- -- - - -



I have to find one that is not wider than 19" otherwise it won't fit on
the space I have for it. The space is a board that replaces a middle desk
drawer. That is the width of the board.
I have most of the stuff already on a flash or thumb drive. Every time I
update my records. I download it to the flash drive.

"Dan" <> wrote in message
> If you need to back up information then why not either burn the needed
> information to a cd or dvd. You could also use a flash drive to back up
> information and this is probably the best route. If your keyboard is

> you trouble then why not just replace it because new keyboards are cheap.
> "Angel" wrote:
> > Hi Dan,
> > I have been using computers since 1992. A lot of changes in programs
> > since then. I have had this computer since June 1, 2000. Running 98SE

> > then. I hope to keep this one running for a long time. I hope I get

> > when it is starting to die. I would need to get some stuff off it. A do

> > really know where to begin. My keys give me problems every now and then.

> > need to use the Duster Spray again soon.
> > Angel
> >

> <snip>


"Dan" <> wrote in message
| Yeah, I always block html at first then will enable it if I feel the
| message is safe. I read in the Wall Street Journal recently that
| just viewing ads can give you the chance of getting viruses on your
| system.

Very good. It's a big, big pity, but mechanisms & abilities that were meant to enhance the NET experience can be used against us. I still take the precautions I have posted, although recently discovering NetZero does an E-Mail virus check of its own-- I could not receive the Eicar stuff...
.... in an attachment, when E-Mailed to myself! NetZero uses Norton to scan them on the way back in, I believe. Also, my own virus scanner avast! will not permit them even to be SENT, until I pause its Internet Mail provider!

But there are dirty tricks other than a virus in an attachment that not scanner will detect, I'm sure. Also, certain pop-up miscreants may get through, too, if they are not actually a know virus!

| "PCR" wrote:
|> Dan wrote:
|> | I noticed on the Kirkland AFB website that the base policy is now
|> | to read emails in plain text.
|> It's a pity, Dan, BUT... When opening an E-Mail from an unknown
|> sender especially, yea, it's best to...
|> "OE, Tools menu, Options, Read tab", & check "Read all messages in
|> plain text"
|> ...., if not already done. I think what happens then (if HTML was
|> used) is the E-Mail will open with an attachment containing the HTML
|> part.
|> Also, I guess, at the Send tab, UNcheck...
|> "Reply to messages in the format in which they were sent".
|> | "PCR" wrote:
|> |
|> |> Angel wrote:
|> |> | Hi PCR,
|> |> | I did this in my Outlook Express using SBC. I cannot do
|> |> | this in the other email address I have. The only thing I did
|> |> | different is put it in a bulk folder and flag it. That way, I
|> |> | can find out if it is from someone I know. If it isn't I will
|> |> | delete it then. The rest are Web Mail accounts. I set them all
|> |> | up for text only.
|> |>
|> |> That sounds good. I think you've got it covered, then. Very good.
|> |> It is a pity, though, we must turn off various features such as
|> |> HTML in E-Mail-- JUST because there is a rat/two out there trying
|> |> to give us a virus!
|> |>
|> |> | Angel
|> |> |
|> |> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|> |> | news:OALCTmg0HHA.1184@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
|> |> |> Angel wrote:
|> |> |> | Thanks PCR,
|> |> |> | I can always go to the dial up if I need to get off a
|> |> |> | message or email to shout for help if I have a problem. I
|> |> |> | never disabled my dial up modem. So all I have to do is
|> |> |> | unplug the DSL modem and plug in the dial up cord to the
|> |> |> | phone line. I tried it and it works.
|> |> |>
|> |> |> Very good, Angel. Never burn the bridges behind you. And don't
|> |> |> burn your britches, either, before taking them off! That's the
|> |> |> mistake Terhune often makes!
|> |> |>
|> |> |> | It did when
|> |> |> | I checked it out right after I got the DSL. Yahoo scans their
|> |> |> | email.I think it is Norton. I have some other email boxes. I
|> |> |> | do not trust them. I get a lot of junk mail in them. Even
|> |> |> | when I did not open their email, I was getting Trojans. That
|> |> |> | was a while back.
|> |> |>
|> |> |> Well, I'm glad that stopped happening. I do recall a while back
|> |> |> there was a horrible episode of a ton of spam in everyone's
|> |> |> E-Mail. I was getting hundreds! That went on for a week at
|> |> |> least, before ISP's regained control. Now, every now & then, I
|> |> |> get a message from NetZero that spam was prevented from
|> |> |> entering my mailbox. I still get unsolicited stuff, but it's
|> |> |> much, much less! And I have OE message rules that prevents
|> |> |> much of it from coming & puts the rest in Deleted Items...!...
|> |> |>
|> |> |> I only had two posts in any of my IE folders larger than 90 KB.
|> |> |> One had an attachment. The other was HTML with a picture
|> |> |> inside. The largest post on this NG in my 40 days of download
|> |> |> is 58 KB. So, I feel it is acceptable to...
|> |> |>
|> |> |> (1) "OE, Tools menu, Message Rules, Mail".
|> |> |> (2) Check "Where the message size is more than size" in first
|> |> |> window. (3) Check "Delete it from server" in second window.
|> |> |> (4) Check "stop processing more rules"
|> |> |> (5) Click "Size" in third window, & set it to 100 KB.
|> |> |> (6 Use the "Move up" button to move this rule to the top of any
|> |> |> other rule you may have.
|> |> |>
|> |> |> Those Swen posts are 144 KB. So, they will not download.
|> |> |> Naturally, if you expect a large post, such as one with a
|> |> |> legitimate attachment, then you must disable that rule before
|> |> |> it is sent to you. Otherwise, you will never see it. (Update:
|> |> |> Your ISP may STILL have them at their "E-Mail on the WEB". So?
|> |> |> Go do it there too.)
|> |> |>
|> |> |> However, the fake "returned mail" posts will still get through.
|> |> |> They seem to be far fewer, & certainly are quicker to download.
|> |> |> These also are a danger, if they contain an attachment. Just
|> |> |> delete them, or create a rule to delete them automatically. It
|> |> |> seems to work to...
|> |> |>
|> |> |> Conditions:
|> |> |> Where the To line contains people.
|> |> |> Where the message has an attachment.
|> |> |>
|> |> |> Actions:
|> |> |> Delete it.
|> |> |> Stop processing more rules.
|> |> |>
|> |> |> Description:
|> |> |> Click "Contains people". Have it select all posts that do not
|> |> |> have you in the "To" field. (Mine says "Does not contain
|> |> |> 'PCR'".)
|> |> |>
|> |> |> Move the rule up, if necessary, to just below the other.
|> |> |>
|> |> |> Now these smaller mail will all go into your "Deleted Items"
|> |> |> folder. When you are sure nothing of value is in there, R-Clk
|> |> |> the folder & select "Empty...".
|> |> |>
|> |> |> They can safely be viewed (to see nothing of importance is
|> |> |> there) by "R-Clk Deleted Items, Find", & check the "Received
|> |> |> before" box. If the Headers don't say it all, then "R-Clk one
|> |> |> of them, Properties, Details button, View Source" is very safe
|> |> |> to do.
|> |> |>
|> |> |> | Angel
|> |> |> |
|> |> |> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|> |> |> | news:uJhbZ6V0HHA.1484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
|> |> |> |> Angel wrote:
|> |> |> |> | Hi,
|> |> |> |> | I just hope that Eduardo does not try to use the
|> |> |> |> | software that came with his DSL package.
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> Judging from Brian A.'s experience, it's best not to install
|> |> |> |> anything that may require AT&T help. NetZero actually scans
|> |> |> |> incoming E-Mail with Norton, looks like, at their server. I
|> |> |> |> certainly haven't had to download Norton for it. However,
|> |> |> |> NetZero doesn't scan WEB pages for me-- only avast! does
|> |> |> |> that.
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> | The AT&T keeps sending me email trying to
|> |> |> |> | get me to download their Virus scan and other stuff. I
|> |> |> |> | will not do it. Every once in a while their repair tool
|> |> |> |> | comes up because something goofs. I don't do it. The
|> |> |> |> | situation I was in goes away almost as soon as it
|> |> |> |> | happened. Sometimes all it takes is to quit the program I
|> |> |> |> | am using or restart the computer. I would be leery that I
|> |> |> |> | would really get into trouble using their repair tool. I
|> |> |> |> | would rather ask in this discussion group when problems
|> |> |> |> | arise.
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> Yea. Sounds best to do it on your own or with the NG, if you
|> |> |> |> can connect, instead of with AT&T. NetZero has help screens
|> |> |> |> I can use offline.
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> | You have to do a
|> |> |> |> | custom install when you install the modem. You do not need
|> |> |> |> | all the programs that the AT&T want you to download. That
|> |> |> |> | probably goes with any Internet Provider. Angel
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> Sounds like that's the way to go, yea-- God bless the user
|> |> |> |> who can fix hir own!
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|> |> |> |> | news:exWKmGV0HHA.1164@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|> |> |> |> |> Eduardo wrote:
|> |> |> |> |> | TO : Angel, Gary,Pcr / ron/mart/curt
|> |> |> |> |> | Thank you very much for your help just for the fact of
|> |> |> |> |> | taking the time
|> |> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |> You are welcome.
|> |> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |> | to help me out finding out things for me and really
|> |> |> |> |> | guiding me with this issue out thanks allot from now on
|> |> |> |> |> | I'am going to bother you guys for help specially with
|> |> |> |> |> | my new vista system which i have a few things that
|> |> |> |> |> | drives me crazy
|> |> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |> We don't want to go crazy or become irradiated with
|> |> |> |> |> Vista, either! Or XP!
|> |> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |> | I'am going to try all of this tomorrow to see if
|> |> |> |> |> | something works or what I'am doing wrong I have to
|> |> |> |> |> | make it work now for sure
|> |> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |> I'll continue to look in & try to help, but so far I
|> |> |> |> |> haven't seen anything I can sink my teeth into. (I've
|> |> |> |> |> never actually installed a modem.) The others do seem to
|> |> |> |> |> be on to something, though.
|> |> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |> | thanks and i can't believe there's people so nice like
|> |> |> |> |> | you guys willing to give a helping hand
|> |> |> |> |> | :)
|> |> |> |> |> |
|> |> |> |> |> | Ac
|> |> |> |> |> |
|> |> |> |> |> |
|> |> |> |> |> |
|> |> |> |> |> |
|> |> |> |> |> | "Gary S. Terhune" wrote:
|> |> |> |> |> |
|> |> |> |> |> |> Have you seen this?
|> |> |> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |
|> |> |>
|> |> |
|> |>
|> |> |> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |> |> Right there on page 4, it states that the modem is
|> |> |> |> |> |> compatible with all Windows 9x editions. Also, the
|> |> |> |> |> |> address they say is default for that modem's access is
|> |> |> |> |> |> http://dslrouter or
|> |> |> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |> |> --
|> |> |> |> |> |> Gary S. Terhune
|> |> |> |> |> |> MS-MVP Shell/User
|> |> |> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |> |> "Eduardo" <> wrote in
|> |> |> |> |> |> message
|> |> |> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |> |> > yes angle is a westell versalink 327
|> |> |> |> |> |> > because i really want to see if it works I post the
|> |> |> |> |> |> > question here
|> |> |> |> |> |> >
|> |> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |
|> |> |>
|> |> |
|> |>
|> |> |> |> |> |> >
|> |> |> |> |> |> >
|> |> |> |> |> |> > "Angel" wrote:
|> |> |> |> |> |> >
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> Hi Eduardo,
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> You mentioned the make of the modem. What is the
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> model? Are you sure it
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> is westrell versalink and not westell versalink? I
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> went to the website of the Westell company. They
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> make a lot of Modems. When I tried to go to the
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> westrell website, there were no modems listed. Did
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> you get it from Verison?
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> When I went to Yahoo Search it has only 2 links
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> listed. Again as you were asked from the experts
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> list your make and modell of the modem. Well,
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> I have
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> to get off
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> because of
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> a thunder storm is moving in. A severe one.
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> Angel
|> |> |> |> |> |> >>
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> "Eduardo" <>
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> wrote in message
|> |> |> |> |> |> >>
|> |>
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> > Angel now that you tell me that your dsl modem
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> > works with w98 i really want to know how can i
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> > get online with another modem like you are doing
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> > ?? my wireless modem is westrell versalink /is
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> > not be able to comunicate with wi98 ( we tried
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> > the ethernet port we tried to change the renew
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> > and remove all
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> the
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> > ip addreses we restart the pc and nothing maybe
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> > this is the real problem
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> the
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> > modem and not att
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> > --------------------------
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> > "Brian A." wrote:
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> > > You may see it as being rude, I look at it as
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> > > being aggressive to pound the point into their
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> > > thick skulls.
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> > OK
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> > > This is your first mention of wireless
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> > WELL IM SORRY
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> > and usb,
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> > ETHERNET CABLE
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> > both are critical details you
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> > > failed to provide previously.
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> > :) DONT HATE ME MAN
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> >
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> > thanks for the help i really appreciated
|> |> |> |> |> |> >> > > > thank you very much
|> |> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |> --
|> |> |> |> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> |> |> |> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> |> |> |> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> |> |> |> |> Should things get worse after this,
|> |> |> |> |> PCR
|> |> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> --
|> |> |> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> |> |> |> There may be humor in this post, and,

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


"Angel" <> wrote in message
| Hi PCR,
| You STILL do not understand!! It Is NOT Yahoo. This has nothing
| to do with Yahoo. Yahoo is really not the problem. So why should I
| contact Yahoo? The problem is with MAIL.COM.

I see. But, no matter-- I don't know anything about MAIL.COM, either. Is it an Internet site like the NetZero mail is? If so, you will have to use the normal IE protections & avast! or other virus scanner. Hopefully, you don't get an actual virus-- but only a very annoying pop-up ad.

In the end, the only true protection is to have a well guarded full system backup to run to. And I know you do have one, & you did run to it-- very, very good!

| Too much Barley Pop, huh? It effects the brain, you know?

Until Brian A. lies flat under a table, no one else can get at any Barley Pop-- & it's very rare any is left even then!

| Angel
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:u69U6tt1HHA.1184@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
| Angel wrote:
|| PCR,
|| No, I was talking about my inbox at a WEB MAIL
|| addresses. Doing the Yahoo address I had no problem.
|| I did not have any problem with OE. It worked also. It is just these
|| 2 at Angel
| I see. I don't know anything about that, then. NetZero has one, too,
| but I don't use it. You must contact Yahoo & hold their feet to the
| fire for a cure!
|| "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| news:%23wkZs4s1HHA.3548@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
|| Angel wrote:
||| PCR,
||| Maybe you did not understand what I was saying. These 2 email
||| addresses, if you delete an email when it is open. You read it and
||| do not want to keep it. It then goes to the NEXT email. If you
||| delete it without opening it, sometimes you get pop ups.
|| You are talking about the InBox in OE? Obviously, your ISP & even
|| avast! is not getting rid of all pop-up deliverers. I guess they only
|| target true viruses.
|| Therefore, do the R-Clk procedure before reading the E-Mails. Then,
|| when you click the InBox to read the ones left, there won't be any
|| baduns in there.
||| I have done the properties on a lot of email. No problem there.
||| Like I said, I wish I had 2 computer because of the personal
||| stuff on this one. I was promised an old ME one but the person has
||| not finished downloading the files from it. The person has 2 jobs
||| and has activities on the side. The person is very active in the
||| same medical group I am in. When I get that computer I would
||| like to
||| put Win98 on it. All I have is
||| a OEM disk. Can I use it or do I have to get a regular 98 disk? Or
||| can I put the stuff I use in 98 on it the way it is with the ME OS?
||| Angel
||| "PCR" <> wrote in message
||| news:uWD$qXs1HHA.3916@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
||| Angel wrote:
|||| Hi PCR,
|||| I had done all my email addresses in text a little while back.
|||| All of them except 2 will let you go back the original message. I
|||| have those set up using text. With these email accounts, if you
|||| delete an email in them it opens the next one. If you check them
|||| without opening them to delete it, sometimes you get pop ups. So
|||| far, I have not figured out how to get them to go back to the
|||| original message. I do not use these too often, only to check if
|||| someone I know sends an email to it. Any ideas? I only have 1
|||| computer. I wish I had 2. That's life!! Angel
||| Normally, I...
||| (a) "R-Clk the InBox, Find".
||| (b) Check "Received before" box.
||| (c) Click the "Find now" button.
||| Then, all the InBox E-Mail shows up in a Find box. R-Clk individual
||| E-Mail, & delete going by title. If that isn't good enough, you may
||| safely look inside one by...
||| (a) R-Clk individual E-Mail, & select "Properties".
||| (b) Click the Details tab, & then the "Message Source" button.
||| It is very safe to read it that way. If it speaks of attachments or
||| HTML, delete it!
|||| "PCR" <> wrote in message
|||| news:eSFKPWu0HHA.1204@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
||||> Angel wrote:
||||> | Hi PCR,
||||> | I did this in my Outlook Express using SBC. I cannot do
||||> | this in the other email address I have. The only thing I did
||||> | different is put it in a bulk folder and flag it. That way, I
||||> | can find out if it is from someone I know. If it isn't I will
||||> | delete it then. The rest are Web Mail accounts. I set them all
||||> | up for text only.
||||> That sounds good. I think you've got it covered, then. Very good.
||||> It is a pity, though, we must turn off various features such as
||||> HTML in E-Mail-- JUST because there is a rat/two out there trying
||||> to give us a virus!
||||> | Angel
||||> |
||||> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
||||> | news:OALCTmg0HHA.1184@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
||||> |> Angel wrote:
||||> |> | Thanks PCR,
||||> |> | I can always go to the dial up if I need to get off a
||||> |> | message or email to shout for help if I have a problem. I
||||> |> | never disabled my dial up modem. So all I have to do is
||||> |> | unplug the DSL modem and plug in the dial up cord to the
||||> |> | phone line. I tried it and it works.
||||> |>
||||> |> Very good, Angel. Never burn the bridges behind you. And don't
||||> |> burn your britches, either, before taking them off! That's the
||||> |> mistake Terhune often makes!
||||> |>
||||> |> | It did when
||||> |> | I checked it out right after I got the DSL. Yahoo scans their
||||> |> | email.I think it is Norton. I have some other email boxes. I
||||> |> | do not trust them. I get a lot of junk mail in them. Even
||||> |> | when I did not open their email, I was getting Trojans. That
||||> |> | was a while back.
||||> |>
||||> |> Well, I'm glad that stopped happening. I do recall a while back
||||> |> there was a horrible episode of a ton of spam in everyone's
||||> |> E-Mail. I was getting hundreds! That went on for a week at
||||> |> least, before ISP's regained control. Now, every now & then, I
||||> |> get a message from NetZero that spam was prevented from
||||> |> entering my mailbox. I still get unsolicited stuff, but it's
||||> |> much, much less! And I have OE message rules that prevents much
||||> |> of it from coming & puts the rest in Deleted Items...!...
||||> |>
||||> |> I only had two posts in any of my IE folders larger than 90 KB.
||||> |> One had an attachment. The other was HTML with a picture
||||> |> inside. The largest post on this NG in my 40 days of download
||||> |> is 58 KB. So, I feel it is acceptable to...
||||> |>
||||> |> (1) "OE, Tools menu, Message Rules, Mail".
||||> |> (2) Check "Where the message size is more than size" in first
||||> |> window. (3) Check "Delete it from server" in second window.
||||> |> (4) Check "stop processing more rules"
||||> |> (5) Click "Size" in third window, & set it to 100 KB.
||||> |> (6 Use the "Move up" button to move this rule to the top of any
||||> |> other rule you may have.
||||> |>
||||> |> Those Swen posts are 144 KB. So, they will not download.
||||> |> Naturally, if you expect a large post, such as one with a
||||> |> legitimate attachment, then you must disable that rule before
||||> |> it is sent to you. Otherwise, you will never see it. (Update:
||||> |> Your ISP may STILL have them at their "E-Mail on the WEB". So?
||||> |> Go do it there too.)
||||> |>
||||> |> However, the fake "returned mail" posts will still get through.
||||> |> They seem to be far fewer, & certainly are quicker to download.
||||> |> These also are a danger, if they contain an attachment. Just
||||> |> delete them, or create a rule to delete them automatically. It
||||> |> seems to work to...
||||> |>
||||> |> Conditions:
||||> |> Where the To line contains people.
||||> |> Where the message has an attachment.
||||> |>
||||> |> Actions:
||||> |> Delete it.
||||> |> Stop processing more rules.
||||> |>
||||> |> Description:
||||> |> Click "Contains people". Have it select all posts that do not
||||> |> have you in the "To" field. (Mine says "Does not contain
||||> |> 'PCR'".)
||||> |>
||||> |> Move the rule up, if necessary, to just below the other.
||||> |>
||||> |> Now these smaller mail will all go into your "Deleted Items"
||||> |> folder. When you are sure nothing of value is in there, R-Clk
||||> |> the folder & select "Empty...".
||||> |>
||||> |> They can safely be viewed (to see nothing of importance is
||||> |> there) by "R-Clk Deleted Items, Find", & check the "Received
||||> |> before" box. If the Headers don't say it all, then "R-Clk one
||||> |> of them, Properties, Details button, View Source" is very safe
||||> |> to do.
||||> |>
||||> |> | Angel
||||> |> |
||||> |> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
||||> |> | news:uJhbZ6V0HHA.1484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
||||> |> |> Angel wrote:
||||> |> |> | Hi,
||||> |> |> | I just hope that Eduardo does not try to use the
||||> |> |> | software that came with his DSL package.
||||> |> |>
||||> |> |> Judging from Brian A.'s experience, it's best not to install
||||> |> |> anything that may require AT&T help. NetZero actually scans
||||> |> |> incoming E-Mail with Norton, looks like, at their server. I
||||> |> |> certainly haven't had to download Norton for it. However,
||||> |> |> NetZero doesn't scan WEB pages for me-- only avast! does
||||> |> |> that.
||||> |> |>
||||> |> |> | The AT&T keeps sending me email trying to
||||> |> |> | get me to download their Virus scan and other stuff. I
||||> |> |> | will not do it. Every once in a while their repair tool
||||> |> |> | comes up because something goofs. I don't do it. The
||||> |> |> | situation I was in goes away almost as soon as it
||||> |> |> | happened. Sometimes all it takes is to quit the program I
||||> |> |> | am using or restart the computer. I would be leery that I
||||> |> |> | would really get into trouble using their repair tool. I
||||> |> |> | would rather ask in this discussion group when problems
||||> |> |> | arise.
||||> |> |>
||||> |> |> Yea. Sounds best to do it on your own or with the NG, if you
||||> |> |> can connect, instead of with AT&T. NetZero has help screens
||||> |> |> I can use offline.
||||> |> |>
||||> |> |> | You have to do a
||||> |> |> | custom install when you install the modem. You do not need
||||> |> |> | all the programs that the AT&T want you to download. That
||||> |> |> | probably goes with any Internet Provider. Angel
||||> |> |>
||||> |> |> Sounds like that's the way to go, yea-- God bless the user
||||> |> |> who can fix hir own!
||||> |> |>
||||> |> |> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
||||> |> |> | news:exWKmGV0HHA.1164@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
||||> |> |> |> Eduardo wrote:
||||> |> |> |> | TO : Angel, Gary,Pcr / ron/mart/curt
||||> |> |> |> | Thank you very much for your help just for the fact of
||||> |> |> |> | taking the time
||||> |> |> |>
||||> |> |> |> You are welcome.
||||> |> |> |>
||||> |> |> |> | to help me out finding out things for me and really
||||> |> |> |> | guiding me with this issue out thanks allot from now on
||||> |> |> |> | I'am going to bother you guys for help specially with
||||> |> |> |> | my new vista system which i have a few things that
||||> |> |> |> | drives me crazy
||||> |> |> |>
||||> |> |> |> We don't want to go crazy or become irradiated with
||||> |> |> |> Vista, either! Or XP!
||||> |> |> |>
||||> |> |> |> | I'am going to try all of this tomorrow to see if
||||> |> |> |> | something works or what I'am doing wrong I have to make
||||> |> |> |> | it work now for sure
||||> |> |> |>
||||> |> |> |> I'll continue to look in & try to help, but so far I
||||> |> |> |> haven't seen anything I can sink my teeth into. (I've
||||> |> |> |> never actually installed a modem.) The others do seem to
||||> |> |> |> be on to something, though.
||||> |> |> |>
||||> |> |> |> | thanks and i can't believe there's people so nice like
||||> |> |> |> | you guys willing to give a helping hand
||||> |> |> |> | :)
||||> |> |> |> |
||||> |> |> |> | Ac
||||> |> |> |> |
||||> |> |> |> |
||||> |> |> |> |
||||> |> |> |> |
||||> |> |> |> | "Gary S. Terhune" wrote:
||||> |> |> |> |
||||> |> |> |> |> Have you seen this?
||||> |> |> |> |>
||||> |> |> |>
||||> |> |> |
||||> |> |>
||||> |> |
||||> |>
||||> |
||||> |> |> |> |>
||||> |> |> |> |> Right there on page 4, it states that the modem is
||||> |> |> |> |> compatible with all Windows 9x editions. Also, the
||||> |> |> |> |> address they say is default for that modem's access is
||||> |> |> |> |> http://dslrouter or
||||> |> |> |> |>
||||> |> |> |> |> --
||||> |> |> |> |> Gary S. Terhune
||||> |> |> |> |> MS-MVP Shell/User
||||> |> |> |> |>
||||> |> |> |> |>
||||> |> |> |> |> "Eduardo" <> wrote in
||||> |> |> |> |> message
||||> |> |> |> |>
||||> |> |> |> |> > yes angle is a westell versalink 327
||||> |> |> |> |> > because i really want to see if it works I post the
||||> |> |> |> |> > question here
||||> |> |> |> |> >
||||> |> |> |>
||||> |> |> |
||||> |> |>
||||> |> |
||||> |>
||||> |
||||> |> |> |> |> >
||||> |> |> |> |> >
||||> |> |> |> |> > "Angel" wrote:
||||> |> |> |> |> >
||||> |> |> |> |> >> Hi Eduardo,
||||> |> |> |> |> >> You mentioned the make of the modem. What is the
||||> |> |> |> |> >> model? Are you sure it
||||> |> |> |> |> >> is westrell versalink and not westell versalink? I
||||> |> |> |> |> >> went to the website of the Westell company. They
||||> |> |> |> |> >> make a lot of Modems. When I tried to go to the
||||> |> |> |> |> >> westrell website, there were no modems listed. Did
||||> |> |> |> |> >> you get it from Verison?
||||> |> |> |> |> >> When I went to Yahoo Search it has only 2 links
||||> |> |> |> |> >> listed. Again as you were asked from the experts
||||> |> |> |> |> >> list your make and modell of the modem. Well, I
||||> |> |> |> |> >> have
||||> |> |> |> |> >> to get off
||||> |> |> |> |> >> because of
||||> |> |> |> |> >> a thunder storm is moving in. A severe one.
||||> |> |> |> |> >> Angel
||||> |> |> |> |> >>
||||> |> |> |> |> >> "Eduardo" <> wrote
||||> |> |> |> |> >> in message
||||> |> |> |> |> >>
||||> |> |> |> |> >> > Angel now that you tell me that your dsl modem
||||> |> |> |> |> >> > works with w98 i really want to know how can i
||||> |> |> |> |> >> > get online with another modem like you are doing
||||> |> |> |> |> >> > ?? my wireless modem is westrell versalink /is
||||> |> |> |> |> >> > not be able to comunicate with wi98 ( we tried
||||> |> |> |> |> >> > the ethernet port we tried to change the renew
||||> |> |> |> |> >> > and remove all
||||> |> |> |> |> >> the
||||> |> |> |> |> >> > ip addreses we restart the pc and nothing maybe
||||> |> |> |> |> >> > this is the real problem
||||> |> |> |> |> >> the
||||> |> |> |> |> >> > modem and not att
||||> |> |> |> |> >> >
||||> |> |> |> |> >> >
||||> |> |> |> |> >> > --------------------------
||||> |> |> |> |> >> >
||||> |> |> |> |> >> > "Brian A." wrote:
||||> |> |> |> |> >> >
||||> |> |> |> |> >> > > You may see it as being rude, I look at it as
||||> |> |> |> |> >> > > being aggressive to pound the point into their
||||> |> |> |> |> >> > > thick skulls.
||||> |> |> |> |> >> >
||||> |> |> |> |> >> >
||||> |> |> |> |> >> > OK
||||> |> |> |> |> >> >
||||> |> |> |> |> >> >
||||> |> |> |> |> >> >
||||> |> |> |> |> >> > > This is your first mention of wireless
||||> |> |> |> |> >> > WELL IM SORRY
||||> |> |> |> |> >> >
||||> |> |> |> |> >> >
||||> |> |> |> |> >> > and usb,
||||> |> |> |> |> >> >
||||> |> |> |> |> >> > CABLE
||||> |> |> |> |> >> >
||||> |> |> |> |> >> > both are critical details you
||||> |> |> |> |> >> > > failed to provide previously.
||||> |> |> |> |> >> >
||||> |> |> |> |> >> > :) DONT HATE ME MAN
||||> |> |> |> |> >> >
||||> |> |> |> |> >> >
||||> |> |> |> |> >> >
||||> |> |> |> |> >> > thanks for the help i really appreciated
||||> |> |> |> |> >> > > > thank you very much
||||> |> |> |>
||||> |> |> |> --
||||> |> |> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
||||> |> |> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
||||> |> |> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
||||> |> |> |> Should things get worse after this,
||||> |> |> |> PCR
||||> |> |> |>
||||> |> |>
||||> |> |> --
||||> |> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
||||> |> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
||||> |> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
||||> |> |> Should things get worse after this,
||||> |> |> PCR
||||> |> |>
||||> |>
||||> |> --
||||> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
||||> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
||||> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
||||> |> Should things get worse after this,
||||> |> PCR
||||> |>
||||> --
||||> Thanks or Good Luck,
||||> There may be humor in this post, and,
||||> Naturally, you will not sue,
||||> Should things get worse after this,
||||> PCR
||| --
||| Thanks or Good Luck,
||| There may be humor in this post, and,
||| Naturally, you will not sue,
||| Should things get worse after this,
||| PCR
|| --
|| Thanks or Good Luck,
|| There may be humor in this post, and,
|| Naturally, you will not sue,
|| Should things get worse after this,
|| PCR
| --
| Thanks or Good Luck,
| There may be humor in this post, and,
| Naturally, you will not sue,
| Should things get worse after this,

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


"Angel" <> wrote in message
| No.

Hmm. OK, then, thanks. Perhaps I've become overly suspicious. That
doesn't end my investigations, though! OK, bye.

| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:eEJ0gwt1HHA.5380@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
| Angel wrote:
|| Yah, right,
|| I have better things to do than count posts. I am not the post
|| counter type!!
| Well, anyhow, were there any beard fragments in his posts or robin
| eggs that may have fallen out?
|| Angel
|| "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| news:Oubqy8s1HHA.4672@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|| Angel wrote:
||| PCR,
||| It has been about 3 months ago. I really so not recall how many
||| posts. My sister in law came to visit, she started asking me
||| questions about why one of my sons got a divorce . I told her, I
||| never asked because I did not think it was any of my business. If
||| she really wanted to know she should ask him. She only stayed until
||| I gave her that answer. Then she went to his brother and asked the
||| same thing. She got close to the same answer, she left. You should
||| ask Gary if you really want to know. Angel
|| I agree she should ask your son & not you or his brother. You are not
|| a gossip monger. But, from now on, I want you to count how many posts
|| it takes Terhune to cure you!
||| "PCR" <> wrote in message
||| news:%23lfkDZs1HHA.6128@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
||| Angel wrote:
|||| PCR,
|||| You will have to give the credit to Gary. He is the one that
|||| helped me with installing the Modem w/router.
|||| Angel
||| Terhune! How many posts did he do it with?
|||| "PCR" <> wrote in message
|||| news:uJhbZ6V0HHA.1484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
||||> Angel wrote:
||||> | Hi,
||||> | I just hope that Eduardo does not try to use the software
||||> | that came with his DSL package.
||||> Judging from Brian A.'s experience, it's best not to install
||||> anything that may require AT&T help. NetZero actually scans
||||> incoming E-Mail with Norton, looks like, at their server. I
||||> certainly haven't had to download Norton for it. However, NetZero
||||> doesn't scan WEB pages for me-- only avast! does that.
||| ...snip
|| --
|| Thanks or Good Luck,
|| There may be humor in this post, and,
|| Naturally, you will not sue,
|| Should things get worse after this,
|| PCR
| --
| Thanks or Good Luck,
| There may be humor in this post, and,
| Naturally, you will not sue,
| Should things get worse after this,

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


I have decided that
1) I' am not going to have dsl access on this pcs is toooooo complicated
because I cannot find the cards and drivers is safer for my files
2) having the nighmare i have with VISTA that is also a very strange and
terrible program (( is very safe eveytime i check my open ports there's none
)) with my xp all my ports were open or a few without my knowledge
3)i have microsoft office 2000 in this old pc and i don't plan to buy the
$150.00 microsoft office for vista eveything with this vista is money the
macafee crap 71$ the live one care $50.00 the office 150$ the eveything is a
mission with vista i never get to enjoy my laptop (( i have installed a
lexmark printer 5 times a webcam another 5 ))
4) thanks for your help and thanks for trying!!


"Eduardo" <> wrote in message
| I have decided that
| 1) I' am not going to have dsl access on this pcs is toooooo
| complicated because I cannot find the cards and drivers is safer for
| my files 2) having the nighmare i have with VISTA that is also a very
| strange and terrible program (( is very safe eveytime i check my open
| ports there's none )) with my xp all my ports were open or a few
| without my knowledge 3)i have microsoft office 2000 in this old pc
| and i don't plan to buy the $150.00 microsoft office for vista
| eveything with this vista is money the macafee crap 71$ the live one
| care $50.00 the office 150$ the eveything is a mission with vista i
| never get to enjoy my laptop (( i have installed a lexmark printer 5
| times a webcam another 5 )) 4) thanks for your help and thanks for
| trying!! 4)

Sorry I was unable to help at all with the issue. I really have no
experience with even DSL, let alone XP or Vista. Sorry for the nonsense
posts I put in here too, if any.

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,

cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user)

On Sun, 5 Aug 2007 11:30:50 -0400, "MEB" wrote:
>"cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user)"wrote in
>| On Sat, 4 Aug 2007 07:26:01 -0700, Dan wrote:

>| A combination of Win9x, Eudora (set not to use "MS Viewer"),
>| up-to-date Firefox and resident av works quite well, even if you don't
>| have a NAT router to separate you from the 'net.

> - This is where development continues
>regarding the Qualcomm - Eudora program by original Qualcomm creators

Ah! Thanks, I wondered whether anyone had taken up the reins... good
to see the original folks still involved, too.

> I'm curious Chris, have you tried this, or have you partaken in or
>monitored discussions related to this product?

Not yet. I've dipped into the Eudora forums at times, but I'm not
there as regularly as here. Usually it's been when there's been a
"flap" on, such as this case:

Ahhh... looks great, that Penelope stuff. I may be gone awhile...

>-------------------- ----- ---- --- -- - - - -

"If I'd known it was harmless, I'd have
killed it myself" (PKD)
>-------------------- ----- ---- --- -- - - - -


"cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user)" <> wrote in
| On Sun, 5 Aug 2007 11:30:50 -0400, "MEB" wrote:
| >"cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user)"wrote in
| >| On Sat, 4 Aug 2007 07:26:01 -0700, Dan wrote:
| >| A combination of Win9x, Eudora (set not to use "MS Viewer"),
| >| up-to-date Firefox and resident av works quite well, even if you don't
| >| have a NAT router to separate you from the 'net.
| > - This is where development continues
| >regarding the Qualcomm - Eudora program by original Qualcomm creators
| Ah! Thanks, I wondered whether anyone had taken up the reins... good
| to see the original folks still involved, too.
| > I'm curious Chris, have you tried this, or have you partaken in or
| >monitored discussions related to this product?
| Not yet. I've dipped into the Eudora forums at times, but I'm not
| there as regularly as here. Usually it's been when there's been a
| "flap" on, such as this case:
| Ahhh... looks great, that Penelope stuff. I may be gone awhile...
| >-------------------- ----- ---- --- -- - - - -
| "If I'd known it was harmless, I'd have
| killed it myself" (PKD)
| >-------------------- ----- ---- --- -- - - - -

Well keep us [me] advised. I was also a die-hard Eudora user [even used
their web mail when that was around].

If T-bird gets lost in the shuffle,

Following Mitchel Baker's 2007-07 statement:
Penelope will be of great interest to those users, AND an indication of
decaying interest in this type of program [user support/free/non-Microsoft

I also don't really understand why so many want another bloated [and
therefore error-ridden] email client, as has been displayed by many users...
simple always works out to be better in the long run...

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