Error message in Windows 98 Second Edition



LOL, short for my last name. I have decided XP is nice but 98SE is still my
favorite. I enjoy playing Itunes music from the XP Pro. side and using my
Ipod Mini there as well. BTW, XP Pro. is not immune from the so called BSOD
(Blue Screens of Death) because I experienced them recently with this fiasco
but it is working okay again in XP Pro. and I will turn to the XP forums if
it becomes beyond my range of expertise. Thanks for being there, PCR.
<smile> Oh yeah, and I do want to try out Apple for a laptop at some point
and also try out Linux which I haven't tried yet.

"PCR" wrote:

> "Dan" <> wrote in message
> | PCR, this is a test post from XP Pro. to let you know that Dan W. is
> | the same as me. I plan to bottom post compared to top post via
> | Thunderbird in 98SE when it is up and running fully again so don't
> | get confused. <grin>
> XP-irradiation grew a "W" on your nose!
> | "PCR" wrote:
> |
> |> Dan wrote:
> |> | I am unable to run Windows 98 SE in normal mode. Fortunately, I
> |> | can run it in safe mode. When I try to run Windows 98 SE in
> |> | normal mode then I receive a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death --- grin).
> |> | The windows fatal exception is as follows:
> |> |
> |> | Fatal exception 0D occurred at 0147:0000BC9D
> |>
> |> Well, here is a bunch of articles I always post for that...
> |>
> |> MSKB
> |> Search "Fatal Exception 0D" Windows 98 Full Text Exact Phrase
> |> turns up about a page worth, including...
> |>
> |>
> |> What Are Fatal Exception Errors
> |> (150314) - When you attempt to shut down your computer, start
> |> Windows, or start a program in Windows, you may encounter error
> |> messages that are similar to: A fatal exception XY has occurred at
> |> xxxx:xxxxxxxx Fatal exception errors are codes that are returned by
> |> a...
> |>
> |>
> |> "Fatal Exception 0D" Error Message When You Start Microsoft Windows
> |> 98 (299976) - When you start Microsoft Windows 98, you may receive
> |> error messages similar to the following ones: A Fatal Exception 0D
> |> has occurred at xxxx:xxxxxx in VxD APIX(01) where xxxx:xxxxxx is a
> |> string of random characters. -or- Invalid vxd dynamic link call...
> |>
> |> It says to replace APIX.vxd. That shouldn't hurt, because it's as
> |> old as they get in my Win98SE...
> |>
> |> APIX VXD 22,603 09-10-99 7:06a APIX.VXD
> |> 1 file(s) 22,603 bytes
> |>
> |>
> |> Error Message: This Program Has Caused a Fatal Exception 0D at
> |> 00457:000040B1 and Will Be Terminated
> |> (133440) - When you start Windows, you may receive the following
> |> error message on a blue screen: WINDOWS This program has caused a
> |> Fatal Exception 0D at 00457:000040B1 and will be terminated.
> |> Pressing any key causes the screen to turn black and the computer
> |> to...
> |>
> |> It says... "CAUSE: This error message can occur if you are using
> |> Adobe Type Manager with certain video adapter drivers and the
> |> Hardware Acceleration setting is not set to Full."
> |>
> |> That couldn't hurt, either. Perhaps even try the reverse, & turn
> |> Hardware Acceleration off, especially if you are not using ATM. If it
> |> works to turn off Hardware Acceleration, then the video drivers
> |> indeed are suspect, as Philo says. So, overinstall them. I have a
> |> larger post for that, if you want.
> |>
> |>
> |> "Fatal Exception 0D 03E7:00003497" After Upgrading to Windows 98
> |> (200444) - After you upgrade to Windows 98, you may receive the
> |> following error message when you start Windows 98 normally: Fatal
> |> Exception 0D 03E7:00003497
> |>
> |> It says: "To resolve this issue, uninstall the STB Vision software."
> |>
> |> | I have a dual-boot with XP Professional which still works great.
> |> | However, I also want 98SE to work great as well. Thanks for your
> |> | help and I look forward to getting 98SE up and running at full
> |> | speed.
> |> |
> |> | Well PCR, you were right that eventually XP Pro. would hurt 98SE I
> |> | guess -- grin.
> |>
> |> Aha! That PROVES it!
> |>
> |> | Thanks in advance for all of the help and I am
> |> | looking forward to posting here again via Mozilla Thunderbird on
> |> | the 98SE side of my computer. Gary I hope your health is well and
> |> | I hope all the MVP's here are doing great.
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,

Dan W.

<snip --- too long>

crfo is the folder where all the Soundblaster Audigy driver information
is located.

Dan W.

PCR wrote:
> "Dan W." <> wrote in message
> news:%23gW2rPC2HHA.4584@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl
> | <snip>
> |
> | Okay, PCR and others the situation is now this that I can boot into
> | normal mode in 98SE without Jet Detection: c:\program
> | files\creative\sbaudigy\program\adgjdet.exe, scanregistry:
> | c:\windows\scanregw.exe /autorun, ctstartup: c:\program
> | files\creative\splash screen\ctaxspl.exe /run, disc detector:
> | c:\program files\creative\sharedll\ctnotify.exe, windvdpatch:
> | cthelper.exe, 1 of
> | the load power profiles, and atipoll: ati2evxx.exe
> |
> | The load power profiles are both as follows: rundll32.exe
> | powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme
> The LoadPowerProfile's are fine. So is Scanregistry. As there aren't may
> others, activate them one at a time, until the problem resurfaces. The
> last one activated is the bad guy, then!
> | Thanks again everyone for all of your help and let me know what to do
> | next. PCR, I followed your suggestion about reinstalling ie6 and it
> | really helped. I am still waiting for the ati replacement graphics
> | dvd
> | and I also would like to get a sound blaster audigy cd with dos
> | drivers
> | but Creative no longer offers the sound blaster auidigy cd with dos
> | drivers and the replacement that I got in the past did not have dos
> | drivers.

What about an older Sound Blaster Audigy cd with DOS drivers also
included. The newer one that I received a while ago does not have the
DOS drivers. I may have the older cd somewhere but it is probably in
storage with other computer stuff and I am not sure where it could be.
I tried Ebay but they did not offer it. I emailed Creative but have not
heard back from them yet. <sigh --- that is what happens when you are
always working with computers and have too many older computers and
software -- at least for me --- I was happily able to give my older ASUS
P2B-F Motherboard and an older power supply to a friend who was able to
use it to build a computer.


Dan W. wrote:
> What about an older Sound Blaster Audigy cd with DOS drivers also
> included. The newer one that I received a while ago does not have the
> DOS drivers. I may have the older cd somewhere but it is probably in
> storage with other computer stuff and I am not sure where it could be.
> I tried Ebay but they did not offer it. I emailed Creative but have
> not heard back from them yet. <sigh --- that is what happens when you
> are always working with computers and have too many older computers
> and software -- at least for me --- I was happily able to give my
> older ASUS P2B-F Motherboard and an older power supply to a friend
> who was able to use it to build a computer.

The Asus P2B was a tremendous motherboard.
Have you tried for finding some of the older drivers
you are looking for?
I believe it is free and all you have to do is register first.


Dan W. wrote:
> <snip --- too long>
> crfo is the folder where all the Soundblaster Audigy driver
> information is located.

Thanks, I was wondering.


"Buffalo" <> wrote in message
| PCR wrote:
|> "Buffalo" <> wrote in message
| [snip]
|> > It's awfully hard to tell! It depends what shade of purple Dan's
|> > great
|> toe will be after 5 months of it!
| :)


Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


"Dan W." <> wrote in message
| <snip --- too long>
| crfo is the folder where all the Soundblaster Audigy driver
| information is located.

I see. Looks like Audigy came in with MSVCRT.DLL v.6.10.8637.0. And,
after the install of Audigy, that version replaced v. 6.00.8397.0 in
"C:\Windows\System"-- which is THE version that comes with 98SE & also
is in the IE5 & IE6 .cab's. (But something updates MSVCRT.DLL beyond any
of those-- because my current one is... v.6.00.8797.0.)

Other than the things I've already suggested, perhaps try Windows Update
to see whether there is a cumulative IE update that you have missed.

What is this location...?... c:\windows\temp\crfo\drivers\addon.

Did you put your raw download into there & then click something in it to
do the install? Or did you actually install it to that folder? Or was
the folder created unbeknownst to you when you updated drivers?

Is there a main Audigy folder elsewhere with an Audigy application in
it? If so, & if it turns out that app needs v.8637, then move it into
that folder. And move the earlier version into ...System\ &/or seek the

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


"Dan" <> wrote in message
| LOL, short for my last name. I have decided XP is nice but 98SE is
| still my favorite. I enjoy playing Itunes music from the XP Pro.
| side and using my Ipod Mini there as well. BTW, XP Pro. is not
| immune from the so called BSOD (Blue Screens of Death) because I
| experienced them recently with this fiasco but it is working okay
| again in XP Pro. and I will turn to the XP forums if it becomes
| beyond my range of expertise. Thanks for being there, PCR. <smile>
| Oh yeah, and I do want to try out Apple for a laptop at some point
| and also try out Linux which I haven't tried yet.

You are welcome. OK-- but I'm not fully convinced it isn't just a
coincidence "W" is short for your last name!

| "PCR" wrote:
|> "Dan" <> wrote in message
|> | PCR, this is a test post from XP Pro. to let you know that Dan W.
|> | is the same as me. I plan to bottom post compared to top post via
|> | Thunderbird in 98SE when it is up and running fully again so don't
|> | get confused. <grin>
|> XP-irradiation grew a "W" on your nose!
|> | "PCR" wrote:
|> |
|> |> Dan wrote:
|> |> | I am unable to run Windows 98 SE in normal mode. Fortunately, I
|> |> | can run it in safe mode. When I try to run Windows 98 SE in
|> |> | normal mode then I receive a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death ---
|> |> | grin). The windows fatal exception is as follows:
|> |> |
|> |> | Fatal exception 0D occurred at 0147:0000BC9D
|> |>
|> |> Well, here is a bunch of articles I always post for that...
|> |>
|> |>
|> |> MSKB Search "Fatal Exception 0D" Windows 98 Full Text Exact
|> |> Phrase turns up about a page worth, including...
|> |>
|> |>
|> |> What Are Fatal Exception Errors
|> |> (150314) - When you attempt to shut down your computer, start
|> |> Windows, or start a program in Windows, you may encounter error
|> |> messages that are similar to: A fatal exception XY has occurred at
|> |> xxxx:xxxxxxxx Fatal exception errors are codes that are returned
|> |> by a...
|> |>
|> |>
|> |> "Fatal Exception 0D" Error Message When You Start Microsoft
|> |> Windows 98 (299976) - When you start Microsoft Windows 98, you
|> |> may receive error messages similar to the following ones: A Fatal
|> |> Exception 0D has occurred at xxxx:xxxxxx in VxD APIX(01) where
|> |> xxxx:xxxxxx is a string of random characters. -or- Invalid vxd
|> |> dynamic link call...
|> |>
|> |> It says to replace APIX.vxd. That shouldn't hurt, because it's as
|> |> old as they get in my Win98SE...
|> |>
|> |> APIX VXD 22,603 09-10-99 7:06a APIX.VXD
|> |> 1 file(s) 22,603 bytes
|> |>
|> |>
|> |> Error Message: This Program Has Caused a Fatal Exception 0D at
|> |> 00457:000040B1 and Will Be Terminated
|> |> (133440) - When you start Windows, you may receive the following
|> |> error message on a blue screen: WINDOWS This program has caused a
|> |> Fatal Exception 0D at 00457:000040B1 and will be terminated.
|> |> Pressing any key causes the screen to turn black and the computer
|> |> to...
|> |>
|> |> It says... "CAUSE: This error message can occur if you are using
|> |> Adobe Type Manager with certain video adapter drivers and the
|> |> Hardware Acceleration setting is not set to Full."
|> |>
|> |> That couldn't hurt, either. Perhaps even try the reverse, & turn
|> |> Hardware Acceleration off, especially if you are not using ATM.
|> |> If it works to turn off Hardware Acceleration, then the video
|> |> drivers indeed are suspect, as Philo says. So, overinstall them.
|> |> I have a larger post for that, if you want.
|> |>
|> |>
|> |> "Fatal Exception 0D 03E7:00003497" After Upgrading to Windows 98
|> |> (200444) - After you upgrade to Windows 98, you may receive the
|> |> following error message when you start Windows 98 normally: Fatal
|> |> Exception 0D 03E7:00003497
|> |>
|> |> It says: "To resolve this issue, uninstall the STB Vision
|> |> software."
|> |>
|> |> | I have a dual-boot with XP Professional which still works great.
|> |> | However, I also want 98SE to work great as well. Thanks for
|> |> | your help and I look forward to getting 98SE up and running at
|> |> | full speed.
|> |> |
|> |> | Well PCR, you were right that eventually XP Pro. would hurt
|> |> | 98SE I guess -- grin.
|> |>
|> |> Aha! That PROVES it!
|> |>
|> |> | Thanks in advance for all of the help and I am
|> |> | looking forward to posting here again via Mozilla Thunderbird on
|> |> | the 98SE side of my computer. Gary I hope your health is well
|> |> | and I hope all the MVP's here are doing great.
|> --
|> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> Should things get worse after this,
|> PCR

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


"Dan W." <> wrote in message
| PCR wrote:
|> "Dan W." <> wrote in message
|> news:%23gW2rPC2HHA.4584@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl
|> | <snip>
|> |
|> | Okay, PCR and others the situation is now this that I can boot into
|> | normal mode in 98SE without Jet Detection: c:\program
|> | files\creative\sbaudigy\program\adgjdet.exe, scanregistry:
|> | c:\windows\scanregw.exe /autorun, ctstartup: c:\program
|> | files\creative\splash screen\ctaxspl.exe /run, disc detector:
|> | c:\program files\creative\sharedll\ctnotify.exe, windvdpatch:
|> | cthelper.exe, 1 of
|> | the load power profiles, and atipoll: ati2evxx.exe
|> |
|> | The load power profiles are both as follows: rundll32.exe
|> | powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme
|> The LoadPowerProfile's are fine. So is Scanregistry. As there aren't
|> may others, activate them one at a time, until the problem
|> resurfaces. The last one activated is the bad guy, then!
|> | Thanks again everyone for all of your help and let me know what to
|> | do next. PCR, I followed your suggestion about reinstalling ie6
|> | and it really helped. I am still waiting for the ati replacement
|> | graphics dvd
|> | and I also would like to get a sound blaster audigy cd with dos
|> | drivers
|> | but Creative no longer offers the sound blaster auidigy cd with dos
|> | drivers and the replacement that I got in the past did not have dos
|> | drivers.
| What about an older Sound Blaster Audigy cd with DOS drivers also
| included. The newer one that I received a while ago does not have the
| DOS drivers. I may have the older cd somewhere but it is probably in
| storage with other computer stuff and I am not sure where it could be.
| I tried Ebay but they did not offer it. I emailed Creative but have
| not heard back from them yet. <sigh --- that is what happens when you
| are always working with computers and have too many older computers
| and software -- at least for me --- I was happily able to give my
| older ASUS P2B-F Motherboard and an older power supply to a friend
| who was able to use it to build a computer.

I don't know much about Sound Blaster Audigy. Can it be you have a
version meant only for the XP side? Is this the same computer on which
you are having the MSVCRT.DLL problem? Then-- you should have kept it
all in one thread.

I guess try playing with MSVCRT.DLL per the instructions in the other
thread. See whether replacing that will allow a normal boot, even if
Audigy fails to work. What version of MSVCRT.DLL is in C:\Windows\System
now...?... v.6.10.8637.0 (from Audigy, I divine) or v.6.00.8397.0 (from
SE & IE .cab's).

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


Okay, PCR --- It is Fubar and I am ready to format the c:\ drive and
reinstall and update everything again. I do not mind but I don't want XP
which is on d:\ drive to be messed up. Can you walk me through because I
don't want to mess things up any more. The XP side is doing great and I
think Creative Audigy latest sound driver is messed up on their website since
it causes a blue screen of death in XP but the older version on the Creative
cd works fine. I tried it 2 times and both times it installed fine but on
the reset of the system choked. Perhaps 98SE last dying gasp of revenge to
XP. Thanks again for all of your help. <grin>

<snipped due to length concerns>


It is too messed up PCR to deal with the 98SE side. I just need to format
and have a clean install. I would like to have your advice on this since in
this case I have XP Pro. installed on the D: drive and I do not want to mess
up the D: drive and 98SE is on the C: drive I already backed up the
important files from the C: side so the rest can be wiped clean. <if I had
been smarter I would have just limited the memory in the msconfig instead of
messing around with the memory inserts which did not work with 2 gigs of
memory installed anyway>

"PCR" wrote:

> "Dan W." <> wrote in message
> news:OqyG6QP2HHA.6128@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl
> | <snip --- too long>
> |
> | crfo is the folder where all the Soundblaster Audigy driver
> | information is located.
> I see. Looks like Audigy came in with MSVCRT.DLL v.6.10.8637.0. And,
> after the install of Audigy, that version replaced v. 6.00.8397.0 in
> "C:\Windows\System"-- which is THE version that comes with 98SE & also
> is in the IE5 & IE6 .cab's. (But something updates MSVCRT.DLL beyond any
> of those-- because my current one is... v.6.00.8797.0.)
> Other than the things I've already suggested, perhaps try Windows Update
> to see whether there is a cumulative IE update that you have missed.
> What is this location...?... c:\windows\temp\crfo\drivers\addon.
> Did you put your raw download into there & then click something in it to
> do the install? Or did you actually install it to that folder? Or was
> the folder created unbeknownst to you when you updated drivers?
> Is there a main Audigy folder elsewhere with an Audigy application in
> it? If so, & if it turns out that app needs v.8637, then move it into
> that folder. And move the earlier version into ...System\ &/or seek the
> cumulative.
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,


Huh? It is the same computer and it is all located within this one thread.
Anyway, I want to format and clean install my 98SE side again but I would
like to keep the XP Pro. side fully intact. The 98SE side is on the c:\ hard
drive while the XP Pro. side is on the d:\ hard drive. Thanks PCR and
Everyone Else!

"PCR" wrote:

> "Dan W." <> wrote in message
> news:%23sWCUUP2HHA.6072@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl
> | PCR wrote:
> |> "Dan W." <> wrote in message
> |> news:%23gW2rPC2HHA.4584@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl
> |> | <snip>
> |> |
> |> | Okay, PCR and others the situation is now this that I can boot into
> |> | normal mode in 98SE without Jet Detection: c:\program
> |> | files\creative\sbaudigy\program\adgjdet.exe, scanregistry:
> |> | c:\windows\scanregw.exe /autorun, ctstartup: c:\program
> |> | files\creative\splash screen\ctaxspl.exe /run, disc detector:
> |> | c:\program files\creative\sharedll\ctnotify.exe, windvdpatch:
> |> | cthelper.exe, 1 of
> |> | the load power profiles, and atipoll: ati2evxx.exe
> |> |
> |> | The load power profiles are both as follows: rundll32.exe
> |> | powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme
> |>
> |> The LoadPowerProfile's are fine. So is Scanregistry. As there aren't
> |> may others, activate them one at a time, until the problem
> |> resurfaces. The last one activated is the bad guy, then!
> |>
> |> | Thanks again everyone for all of your help and let me know what to
> |> | do next. PCR, I followed your suggestion about reinstalling ie6
> |> | and it really helped. I am still waiting for the ati replacement
> |> | graphics dvd
> |> | and I also would like to get a sound blaster audigy cd with dos
> |> | drivers
> |> | but Creative no longer offers the sound blaster auidigy cd with dos
> |> | drivers and the replacement that I got in the past did not have dos
> |> | drivers.
> |>
> |
> | What about an older Sound Blaster Audigy cd with DOS drivers also
> | included. The newer one that I received a while ago does not have the
> | DOS drivers. I may have the older cd somewhere but it is probably in
> | storage with other computer stuff and I am not sure where it could be.
> | I tried Ebay but they did not offer it. I emailed Creative but have
> | not heard back from them yet. <sigh --- that is what happens when you
> | are always working with computers and have too many older computers
> | and software -- at least for me --- I was happily able to give my
> | older ASUS P2B-F Motherboard and an older power supply to a friend
> | who was able to use it to build a computer.
> I don't know much about Sound Blaster Audigy. Can it be you have a
> version meant only for the XP side? Is this the same computer on which
> you are having the MSVCRT.DLL problem? Then-- you should have kept it
> all in one thread.
> I guess try playing with MSVCRT.DLL per the instructions in the other
> thread. See whether replacing that will allow a normal boot, even if
> Audigy fails to work. What version of MSVCRT.DLL is in C:\Windows\System
> now...?... v.6.10.8637.0 (from Audigy, I divine) or v.6.00.8397.0 (from
> SE & IE .cab's).
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,


"Dan" <> wrote in message
| Huh? It is the same computer and it is all located within this one
| thread.

Sorry. I noticed all that, myself-- but it was too late!

| Anyway, I want to format and clean install my 98SE side again
| but I would like to keep the XP Pro. side fully intact. The 98SE
| side is on the c:\ hard drive while the XP Pro. side is on the d:\
| hard drive. Thanks PCR and Everyone Else!

You are welcome. I've answered the re-install question elsewhere in this

| "PCR" wrote:
|> "Dan W." <> wrote in message
|> news:%23sWCUUP2HHA.6072@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl
|> | PCR wrote:
|> |> "Dan W." <> wrote in message
|> |> news:%23gW2rPC2HHA.4584@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl
|> |> | <snip>
|> |> |
|> |> | Okay, PCR and others the situation is now this that I can boot
|> |> | into normal mode in 98SE without Jet Detection: c:\program
|> |> | files\creative\sbaudigy\program\adgjdet.exe, scanregistry:
|> |> | c:\windows\scanregw.exe /autorun, ctstartup: c:\program
|> |> | files\creative\splash screen\ctaxspl.exe /run, disc detector:
|> |> | c:\program files\creative\sharedll\ctnotify.exe, windvdpatch:
|> |> | cthelper.exe, 1 of
|> |> | the load power profiles, and atipoll: ati2evxx.exe
|> |> |
|> |> | The load power profiles are both as follows: rundll32.exe
|> |> | powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme
|> |>
|> |> The LoadPowerProfile's are fine. So is Scanregistry. As there
|> |> aren't may others, activate them one at a time, until the problem
|> |> resurfaces. The last one activated is the bad guy, then!
|> |>
|> |> | Thanks again everyone for all of your help and let me know what
|> |> | to do next. PCR, I followed your suggestion about reinstalling
|> |> | ie6 and it really helped. I am still waiting for the ati
|> |> | replacement graphics dvd
|> |> | and I also would like to get a sound blaster audigy cd with dos
|> |> | drivers
|> |> | but Creative no longer offers the sound blaster auidigy cd with
|> |> | dos drivers and the replacement that I got in the past did not
|> |> | have dos drivers.
|> |>
|> |
|> | What about an older Sound Blaster Audigy cd with DOS drivers also
|> | included. The newer one that I received a while ago does not have
|> | the DOS drivers. I may have the older cd somewhere but it is
|> | probably in storage with other computer stuff and I am not sure
|> | where it could be. I tried Ebay but they did not offer it. I
|> | emailed Creative but have not heard back from them yet. <sigh ---
|> | that is what happens when you are always working with computers
|> | and have too many older computers and software -- at least for me
|> | --- I was happily able to give my older ASUS P2B-F Motherboard and
|> | an older power supply to a friend who was able to use it to build
|> | a computer.
|> I don't know much about Sound Blaster Audigy. Can it be you have a
|> version meant only for the XP side? Is this the same computer on
|> which you are having the MSVCRT.DLL problem? Then-- you should have
|> kept it all in one thread.
|> I guess try playing with MSVCRT.DLL per the instructions in the other
|> thread. See whether replacing that will allow a normal boot, even if
|> Audigy fails to work. What version of MSVCRT.DLL is in
|> C:\Windows\System now...?... v.6.10.8637.0 (from Audigy, I divine)
|> or v.6.00.8397.0 (from SE & IE .cab's).
|> --
|> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> Should things get worse after this,
|> PCR

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


"Dan" <> wrote in message
| It is too messed up PCR to deal with the 98SE side. I just need to
| format and have a clean install. I would like to have your advice on
| this since in this case I have XP Pro. installed on the D: drive and
| I do not want to mess up the D: drive and 98SE is on the C: drive I
| already backed up the important files from the C: side so the rest
| can be wiped clean. <if I had been smarter I would have just limited
| the memory in the msconfig instead of messing around with the memory
| inserts which did not work with 2 gigs of memory installed anyway>

OK. I understand. I guess those drivers were meant for XP, as they did
deliver a weirdish MSVCRT.DLL-- note the "10" in its version number,
v.6.10.8637.0, where normal, unirradiated versions will have an "00"...

HOWEVER, the methodology of re-installing W98 when WinXP is also on the
machine will depend upon how you want to multi-boot them. You can use XP
to do the multi-booting, but that is beyond my experience. Or, you can
use a 3rd party app such as... 's BootIt NG, has a variety of backup
capabilities & works with all OS: Copy partition(s) to HDD, or Image to
HDD or to CD or DVD. Create, move, shrink or expand partitions without
data loss. Multi-boot too. To install & use beyond 30 days, $34.95.

To do it with that one...
How to Install an OS to Its Own Partition

Actually, that is also beyond my personal experience, though.

| "PCR" wrote:
|> "Dan W." <> wrote in message
|> news:OqyG6QP2HHA.6128@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl
|> | <snip --- too long>
|> |
|> | crfo is the folder where all the Soundblaster Audigy driver
|> | information is located.
|> I see. Looks like Audigy came in with MSVCRT.DLL v.6.10.8637.0. And,
|> after the install of Audigy, that version replaced v. 6.00.8397.0 in
|> "C:\Windows\System"-- which is THE version that comes with 98SE &
|> also is in the IE5 & IE6 .cab's. (But something updates MSVCRT.DLL
|> beyond any of those-- because my current one is... v.6.00.8797.0.)
|> Other than the things I've already suggested, perhaps try Windows
|> Update to see whether there is a cumulative IE update that you have
|> missed.
|> What is this location...?... c:\windows\temp\crfo\drivers\addon.
|> Did you put your raw download into there & then click something in
|> it to do the install? Or did you actually install it to that folder?
|> Or was the folder created unbeknownst to you when you updated
|> drivers?
|> Is there a main Audigy folder elsewhere with an Audigy application in
|> it? If so, & if it turns out that app needs v.8637, then move it into
|> that folder. And move the earlier version into ...System\ &/or seek
|> the cumulative.
|> --
|> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> Should things get worse after this,
|> PCR

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


"Dan" <> wrote in message
| Okay, PCR --- It is Fubar and I am ready to format the c:\ drive and
| reinstall and update everything again. I do not mind but I don't
| want XP which is on d:\ drive to be messed up. Can you walk me
| through because I don't want to mess things up any more. The XP side
| is doing great and I think Creative Audigy latest sound driver is
| messed up on their website since it causes a blue screen of death in
| XP but the older version on the Creative cd works fine. I tried it 2
| times and both times it installed fine but on the reset of the system
| choked. Perhaps 98SE last dying gasp of revenge to XP. Thanks again
| for all of your help. <grin>

You are welcome. I'm glad you were able to recover the XP side & to save
important files from the 98 side. It is good that your last days before
you perish of the XP-irradiation will be happy ones! I've answered about
how to do the reinstall elsewhere is this thread.

| <snipped due to length concerns>

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


Thanks for your advice, PCR. I tried BootitNG once before and liked it. I
will investigate further.

"PCR" wrote:

> "Dan" <> wrote in message
> | It is too messed up PCR to deal with the 98SE side. I just need to
> | format and have a clean install. I would like to have your advice on
> | this since in this case I have XP Pro. installed on the D: drive and
> | I do not want to mess up the D: drive and 98SE is on the C: drive I
> | already backed up the important files from the C: side so the rest
> | can be wiped clean. <if I had been smarter I would have just limited
> | the memory in the msconfig instead of messing around with the memory
> | inserts which did not work with 2 gigs of memory installed anyway>
> OK. I understand. I guess those drivers were meant for XP, as they did
> deliver a weirdish MSVCRT.DLL-- note the "10" in its version number,
> v.6.10.8637.0, where normal, unirradiated versions will have an "00"...
> v.6.00.8797.0!
> HOWEVER, the methodology of re-installing W98 when WinXP is also on the
> machine will depend upon how you want to multi-boot them. You can use XP
> to do the multi-booting, but that is beyond my experience. Or, you can
> use a 3rd party app such as...
> 's BootIt NG, has a variety of backup
> capabilities & works with all OS: Copy partition(s) to HDD, or Image to
> HDD or to CD or DVD. Create, move, shrink or expand partitions without
> data loss. Multi-boot too. To install & use beyond 30 days, $34.95.
> To do it with that one...
> How to Install an OS to Its Own Partition
> Actually, that is also beyond my personal experience, though.
> | "PCR" wrote:
> |
> |> "Dan W." <> wrote in message
> |> news:OqyG6QP2HHA.6128@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl
> |> | <snip --- too long>
> |> |
> |> | crfo is the folder where all the Soundblaster Audigy driver
> |> | information is located.
> |>
> |> I see. Looks like Audigy came in with MSVCRT.DLL v.6.10.8637.0. And,
> |> after the install of Audigy, that version replaced v. 6.00.8397.0 in
> |> "C:\Windows\System"-- which is THE version that comes with 98SE &
> |> also is in the IE5 & IE6 .cab's. (But something updates MSVCRT.DLL
> |> beyond any of those-- because my current one is... v.6.00.8797.0.)
> |>
> |> Other than the things I've already suggested, perhaps try Windows
> |> Update to see whether there is a cumulative IE update that you have
> |> missed.
> |>
> |> What is this location...?... c:\windows\temp\crfo\drivers\addon.
> |>
> |> Did you put your raw download into there & then click something in
> |> it to do the install? Or did you actually install it to that folder?
> |> Or was the folder created unbeknownst to you when you updated
> |> drivers?
> |>
> |> Is there a main Audigy folder elsewhere with an Audigy application in
> |> it? If so, & if it turns out that app needs v.8637, then move it into
> |> that folder. And move the earlier version into ...System\ &/or seek
> |> the cumulative.
> |>
> |> --
> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
> |> Should things get worse after this,
> |> PCR
> |>
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,


"Dan" <> wrote in message
| Thanks for your advice, PCR. I tried BootitNG once before and liked
| it. I will investigate further.

You are welcome. Make a plan & post it to a new thread.

| "PCR" wrote:
|> "Dan" <> wrote in message
|> | It is too messed up PCR to deal with the 98SE side. I just need to
|> | format and have a clean install. I would like to have your advice
|> | on this since in this case I have XP Pro. installed on the D:
|> | drive and I do not want to mess up the D: drive and 98SE is on the
|> | C: drive I already backed up the important files from the C: side
|> | so the rest can be wiped clean. <if I had been smarter I would
|> | have just limited the memory in the msconfig instead of messing
|> | around with the memory inserts which did not work with 2 gigs of
|> | memory installed anyway>
|> OK. I understand. I guess those drivers were meant for XP, as they
|> did deliver a weirdish MSVCRT.DLL-- note the "10" in its version
|> number, v.6.10.8637.0, where normal, unirradiated versions will have
|> an "00"... v.6.00.8797.0!
|> HOWEVER, the methodology of re-installing W98 when WinXP is also on
|> the machine will depend upon how you want to multi-boot them. You
|> can use XP to do the multi-booting, but that is beyond my
|> experience. Or, you can use a 3rd party app such as...
|> 's BootIt NG, has a variety of backup
|> capabilities & works with all OS: Copy partition(s) to HDD, or Image
|> to HDD or to CD or DVD. Create, move, shrink or expand partitions
|> without data loss. Multi-boot too. To install & use beyond 30 days,
|> $34.95.
|> To do it with that one...
|> How to Install an OS to Its Own Partition
|> Actually, that is also beyond my personal experience, though.
|> | "PCR" wrote:
|> |
|> |> "Dan W." <> wrote in message
|> |> news:OqyG6QP2HHA.6128@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl
|> |> | <snip --- too long>
|> |> |
|> |> | crfo is the folder where all the Soundblaster Audigy driver
|> |> | information is located.
|> |>
|> |> I see. Looks like Audigy came in with MSVCRT.DLL v.6.10.8637.0.
|> |> And, after the install of Audigy, that version replaced v.
|> |> 6.00.8397.0 in "C:\Windows\System"-- which is THE version that
|> |> comes with 98SE & also is in the IE5 & IE6 .cab's. (But something
|> |> updates MSVCRT.DLL beyond any of those-- because my current one
|> |> is... v.6.00.8797.0.)
|> |>
|> |> Other than the things I've already suggested, perhaps try Windows
|> |> Update to see whether there is a cumulative IE update that you
|> |> have missed.
|> |>
|> |> What is this location...?... c:\windows\temp\crfo\drivers\addon.
|> |>
|> |> Did you put your raw download into there & then click something in
|> |> it to do the install? Or did you actually install it to that
|> |> folder? Or was the folder created unbeknownst to you when you
|> |> updated drivers?
|> |>
|> |> Is there a main Audigy folder elsewhere with an Audigy
|> |> application in it? If so, & if it turns out that app needs
|> |> v.8637, then move it into that folder. And move the earlier
|> |> version into ...System\ &/or seek the cumulative.
|> |>
|> |> --
|> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> |> Should things get worse after this,
|> |> PCR
|> |>
|> --
|> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> Should things get worse after this,
|> PCR

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


PCR wrote:
> "Dan" <> wrote in message
>> Thanks for your advice, PCR. I tried BootitNG once before and liked
>> it. I will investigate further.

> You are welcome. Make a plan & post it to a new thread.

Now you're talking!!


"Buffalo" <> wrote in message
| PCR wrote:
|> "Dan" <> wrote in message
|>> Thanks for your advice, PCR. I tried BootitNG once before and liked
|>> it. I will investigate further.
|> You are welcome. Make a plan & post it to a new thread.
| Now you're talking!!

Uhuh. Since the modus operandi is different now, he should start a new
thread. Who knows, it might inspire me to set up a multi-boot of my own.

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,

cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user)

On Sun, 05 Aug 2007 15:44:07 -0400, 98 Guy wrote:
>MEB wrote:

>There are 2 aspects of firewall functionality.

>1) Inbound handling of unsolicited data packets

>2) Outbound handling of packets from unauthorized or
> unrecognized local processes.

>A NAT-router handles #1 IN ALL CASES, be they TCP or UDP. And it
>handles this for all computers connected to it on the local LAN. It
>is very efficient at doing this, and it does it in a secure manner.

>A software firewall performs both 1 and 2, but only on ONE computer.

(or rather, on each computer on which it is running)

>If you have more than one computer on a local lan, you already have
>NAT, so you are already protected for #1.

Not always. A router can be configured to act as a dumb bridge, so
that it passes the ISP's Internet-accessible IP address directly to
the PC it is connected to. When this happens, it may as well be an
"ADSL modem", as it's not NAT-routing at all.

In this scenario, things change as follows:
- the PC that is assigned the IP address, is the router
- other PCs connect via this PC using Internet Connection Sharing
- the PC's sware firewall now acts to manage theier traffic as well?

So it's not only important to have a NAT router, but to have that
router act AS a NAT router.

Broadband other than ADSL (satellite, ?cable) may work more like a USB
ADSL modem, i.e. lack the NAT routing component, acting as above.

>Function #1 is a bona-fide protection mechanism that prevents some
>systems from being comprimized (this almost never applies to
>windows-98 anyways, but it applied almost 100% to Windows 2K, XP-gold
>and XP-SP1). Function #1 ->IS<- protection.


>Function #2 IS NOT protection. Function #2 is an alert mechanism.
>Unless it's a false alarm, #2 tells you that YOUR SYSTEM IS ALREADY

True, in a way. It's more useful as a way of curbing unwanted or
unexpected behavior of wanted software, e.g. the free screensaver that
"calls home", etc. which can be a useful thing in its own right.

>Function #2 is also a pain in the ass to configure and live with.

True, also. It's in the same class of monitoring/alertware as PrevX,
All-Seeing-Eye and UAC - quite a different usage profile from #1.

>Because function #2 is only provided by a software firewall, it
>can be deactivated by malware or by misconfiguration by the user.

True, plus it can be spoofed in various ways.

>In real life, there are always unwanted / unsolicited packets
>hammering away at your internet connection (item #1) so it's a given
>that they are more of a threat and should be delt with - moreseo than
>dealing with #2. It is MORE important to deal with #1 vs #2

I'd agree with that. I'd say #1 is something every user should have,
and the less the user knows, the more it is needed. In contrast, #2
is more useful for users with an interest in knowning what is going
on as it's more visible, it's more of a source of "warm fuzzies".

>If you were to prioritize the various security appliances, software
>and settings you could obtain to insure a safe computing experience,
>the first item on the list is a NAT-router. Even if you have only 1
>computer and you don't need the ability to have a local LAN, a
>nat-router will perform your internet log-in for you and will maintain
>your internet connection even when your computer is off. This means
>you don't need to run buggy or troublesome ISP login software

Such software often dumbs down the router to act as a bridge, via a
fake "dial-up connection" type of icon.

>Once you have a NAT-router, you have item #1 covered.

In the context of the Internet, yes. But not in the context of the
LAN side of the router, which is relevant if one of the PCs on the LAN
is compromised, and especially relevant if your LAN is open to WiFi
access (and intrusion). This is where the software firewall's #1
effect becomes highly relevant, and why I would insist on such a
firewall even when a physical NAT router is in use.

>I place #2 far down the list of important functions, I have other items
>next (like a hosts file, locking down browsers with spybot and spyware
>blaster, updating JAVA JRE engine, etc). At the bottom I place
>anti-virus software (it is close to becoming useless these days)

I'd disagree there. It's always been leaky as a sole protection
component, but it is still useful as a "tubour de-bulking" tool.

If your #1 firewall is you first layer of protection, then your av is
your goalie of last resort - and useful as such.

>software firewall (or more specificaly, item #2) at the very bottom
>(I don't run one, I never have and never will).

I do use #2 in some contexts, and have found it useful. But like av,
I have no illusions that it is an impenitrable armour that lets me get
away with acting like a click-happy moron -)

Typically I use #2 as a replacement for the built-in XP firewall when
that has been FUBAR'd by malware that's been cleaned up.

>> Moreover, he also thinks the Microsoft's XP firewall will
>> provide some sort of protection, should he need it.

>The software firewall built into XP is ONLY an incoming firewall.

It's not, actually. It's not an alert hog, and may or may not be as
powerful on #2 as those that are, but you certainly can set it to
block egress for particular items, and I use it as such. For example,
I'll have it block F&PS, Remote Desktop, Remote Assistance etc. where
I do not want these functions exposed to the Internet.

>Assuming it works correctly at all times, it is exactly equivalent
>to what a NAT-router does. But because it is a process running
>on the local machine, it is vulnerable to being tampered with or
>being deactivated by malware, and for that reason it is inferior
>to a NAT-router.

Routers can be hacked too, but as there's more variation between
these, they are less attractive as a point of attack. OTOH, if they
are considered to be invulnerable objects, they can be more attractive
as a potential point of exploit against actively-managed systems.


Along with destruction or very careful setup of all wireless access..

>--------------- ----- ---- --- -- - - -

Tech Support: The guys who follow the
'Parade of New Products' with a shovel.
>--------------- ----- ---- --- -- - - -
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