IE Running well so far



Got it, thanks. Sent you an old one.

Now all we have to do is compare... as if that was all that needed done...
but anyway, now I have one comparison basis from a different system..


"PCR" <> wrote in message
| MEB wrote:
| | Hehehe, I can't send you my eyes or my mind... tell you what you,
| | send me your file, I'll send you one of the old ones 86k.. biggest I
| | have and likely the best for cross-reference.
| | Where do you want it sent? That should tell you how much you need to
| | be concerned with the friggin file...
| Fine, I'm sending mine now to the address you posted-- WinZip got it
| down to 4.76 KB from 92 KB! If you look at it -- you agree to post a
| thorough analysis right here within 6 years -- on penalty of your
| machine must crumble to dust if you don't!
| Mine is tough enough to look at-- I don't need yours! They might be
| different depending on configuration & what optionals we took.
| | As for what to check/parse it with,, I do them by hand though SURELY
| | someone felt the same as you and didn't want to spend that kind of
| | time and wrote something, just never bothered to check. Perhaps a
| | standard xml creator would work to break it into the proper sectional
| | order...
| I don't have anything like that. I guess I'll have to do it by hand. You
| are getting the original, unaltered version. Can I really move things
| around in there, even delete the failures & duplicates-- & not upset
| Windows Update? What is wrong with editing it in Explorer, instead of
| UEdit?
| | maybe credible XML,, again just never bothered to run it on
| | it and don't have it installed this time.... heck probably one of my
| | web tools would work, never felt compelled or lazy enough to check..
| | Besides, its a good way to remember [repeat use] xml formatting...
| | Have you ever done any RSS, RDF, site XML [like for Google], or any
| | other style of XML editing? Its a pretty common format now, used to
| | store data, references, information, location, lots of other
| | stuff.... Look at something you already have like AVAST's... I just
| | use UEdit, heck I could probably make a macro and run it,, just never
| | got around to it
| |
| | --
| | MEB
| | --
| | _________
| |
| | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| | news:uaDmE8DxIHA.4848@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| || MEB wrote:
| || | HAHA, you really don't mean that right,, all your iuhist.xml shows
| || | is what WU installed and when,,, of course if your worried that
| || | somehow makes you vulnerable,,, then take a pill... then send it.
| || | Its WU's history file...period.
| ||
| || The file is mysterious. It certainly seems to have online
| || involvement, but, yea, looks like I can set IE to "work offline", &
| || the file still did work-- this time! Fine-- I'll go look for a pill.
| || In the meantime...
| ||
| || (a) What will you do with mine?
| || (b) Do you have stuff that analyses it?
| || (c) Send me something to analyse mine, then,
| || which is 93,255 bytes & tough to look at.
| ||
| || | The only way it would or could be a mess is if YOU manually edited
| || | it, its automatically created/added to by WU. And no, it doesn't
| || | need an Internet connection to work,, its only connection to the
| || | NET [supposedly] is to WU...
| ||
| || I've looked inside, but hopefully never deleted or moved any of the
| || lines. I have clicked the minus & plus signs-- is all, I think! It is
| || sloppy because...
| ||
| || (a) There are some failures. The failure reports remained inside,
| || although a later attempt resulted in a complete for the same update.
| ||
| || (b) The timestamps aren't all in order. Generally, looks like, the
| || newer dates are on top-- but there are plenty out of sequence!
| ||
| || (c) Some of the updates seem to be in the report TWICE-- & both were
| || a complete. For instance...!...
| ||
| || - <itemStatus xmlns="" timestamp="2006-06-14T19:32:42">
| || - <identity
| ||
| itemID="win98se.windows98andwindows98secondedition.ver_platform_win32_wi
| ||
| ndows.4.10.x86.en......com_microsoft.windowsmedia9-windows98me-kb917734-
| || x86-182459." name="WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734-X86-182459">
| || <publisherName>com_microsoft</publisherName>
| || <language>en</language>
| || </identity>
| || - <description hidden="0">
| || - <descriptionText>
| || <title>Security Update for Windows Media Player 9 for Windows 98
| || and Windows ME (KB917734)</title>
| || <eula href="/msdownload/update/v3/static/eula/en/eula.htm" />
| || <details href="" />
| || </descriptionText>
| || </description>
| || - <platform name="ver_platform_win32_windows">
| || <processorArchitecture>x86</processorArchitecture>
| || <version major="4" minor="10" build="" servicePackMajor=""
| || servicePackMinor="" />
| || </platform>
| || <downloadStatus value="COMPLETE" />
| ||
| ||
| <downloadPath>h:\WUTemp\com_microsoft.WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734
| || -X86-182459</downloadPath>
| || <client>IU_Site</client>
| || <installStatus value="COMPLETE" needsReboot="0" />
| || </itemStatus>
| ||
| || - <itemStatus xmlns="" timestamp="2006-06-14T18:39:32">
| || - <identity
| ||
| itemID="win98se.windows98andwindows98secondedition.ver_platform_win32_wi
| ||
| ndows.4.10.x86.en......com_microsoft.windowsmedia9-windows98me-kb917734-
| || x86-182459." name="WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734-X86-182459">
| || <publisherName>com_microsoft</publisherName>
| || <language>en</language>
| || </identity>
| || - <description hidden="0">
| || - <descriptionText>
| || <title>Security Update for Windows Media Player 9 for Windows 98
| || and Windows ME (KB917734)</title>
| || <eula href="/msdownload/update/v3/static/eula/en/eula.htm" />
| || <details href="" />
| || </descriptionText>
| || </description>
| || - <platform name="ver_platform_win32_windows">
| || <processorArchitecture>x86</processorArchitecture>
| || <version major="4" minor="10" build="" servicePackMajor=""
| || servicePackMinor="" />
| || </platform>
| || <downloadStatus value="COMPLETE" />
| ||
| ||
| <downloadPath>h:\WUTemp\com_microsoft.WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734
| || -X86-182459</downloadPath>
| || <client>IU_Site</client>
| ||
| || |
| || | --
| || | MEB
| || | --
| || | _________
| || |
| || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| || | news:uHBPRK7wIHA.5832@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
| || || MEB wrote:
| || || | Thanks PCR, thought you said you had an older installation for a
| || || | check...
| || ||
| || || I have only one, fully updated installation of Win98SE.
| || ||
| || || | BTW if you could send me your old iuhist for comparison, it
| || || | would be appreciated.
| || ||
| || || I have only one IUHist.xml. It requires an internet connection to
| || || work. Are you sure mine would work on your machine? I'm not sure I
| || || want to part with it! Is it safe to have someone else look inside
| || || mine? It's a big mess, anyhow!
| || ||
| || || | I started new testing phases after the December
| || || | 2005 issues., so all iuhist [that I remembered to save] after,
| || || | have not got that in it. I'd like to compare my old ones with
| || || | yours to see what else was removed. Perhaps you may have some
| || || | other things missing which I may not have [due to several
| || || | re-installations during the final support days or before] or
| || || | overlooked..
| || || |
| || || | m_brahier at hotmail dot com
| || || |
| || || | --
| || || | MEB
| || || | --
| || || | _________
| || || |
| || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| || || | news:enYFst5wIHA.2068@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| || || || MEB wrote:
| || || || | Okay, hopefully someone has an older installation that can
| || || || | verify prior WU installation to confirm that aspect. Doesn't
| || || || | PCR run an old installation?
| || || ||
| || || || JUST like for you, IUHist.xml shows 823353 came in for me from
| || || || Windows Update. I got it one day before you.
| || || ||
| || || || It is not at the Catalog for Win98 in any of the categories
| || || || (looking for 823353 or MS04-018), which finally has begun to
| || || || work again after 3 days...
| || || ||
| || || ||
| || || || And it wasn't among my downloads from the Catalog. So, either I
| || || || didn't look quick enough for it or it never was there.
| || || || HOWEVER...
| || || ||
| || || ||
| || || || Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-018
| || || || Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express (823353)
| || || ||
| || || || ...from our IUHist.xml DOES serve to get to it. Thanks to you &
| || || || Terhune (especially for testing it)-- I took it in, just in
| || || || case I ever need to reinstall it. I took in...
| || || ||
| || || || . Microsoft Outlook Express 6 Service Pack 1
| || || || IE6.0sp1-KB823353-x86-ENU.exe
| || || || Desc: Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor
| || || || Size: 1,996,544 bytes
| || || || Ver: 6.00.2800.1168
| || || ||
| || || || I'm not sure whether the version refers to the update or the
| || || || Extractor. I DO verify that the files you mentioned are indeed
| || || || the versions I've got. Thanks again to you & Terhune.
| || || ||
| || || || | --
| || || || | MEB
| ||
| ||
| || ...snip
| || --
| || Thanks or Good Luck,
| || There may be humor in this post, and,
| || Naturally, you will not sue,
| || Should things get worse after this,
| || PCR
| ||
| --
| Thanks or Good Luck,
| There may be humor in this post, and,
| Naturally, you will not sue,
| Should things get worse after this,


MEB wrote:
| Got it, thanks. Sent you an old one.

Very good. I had a hard drive crash in '01 & had to get all those again,
if they weren't already on Compaq's QuickRestore CDs. But that's still
earlier than your doings.

| Now all we have to do is compare... as if that was all that needed
| done... but anyway, now I have one comparison basis from a different
| system..

You've got me interested in looking mine over carefully. I haven't
received yours probably because I have a message rule that won't accept
anything larger than 100 KB. You must zip it to get through-- but I
doubt I'll ever look at it.

| --
| --
| _________
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:eqtwO2RxIHA.1772@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
|| MEB wrote:
|| | Hehehe, I can't send you my eyes or my mind... tell you what you,
|| | send me your file, I'll send you one of the old ones 86k.. biggest
|| | I have and likely the best for cross-reference.
|| | Where do you want it sent? That should tell you how much you need
|| | to be concerned with the friggin file...
|| Fine, I'm sending mine now to the address you posted-- WinZip got it
|| down to 4.76 KB from 92 KB! If you look at it -- you agree to post a
|| thorough analysis right here within 6 years -- on penalty of your
|| machine must crumble to dust if you don't!
|| Mine is tough enough to look at-- I don't need yours! They might be
|| different depending on configuration & what optionals we took.
|| | As for what to check/parse it with,, I do them by hand though
|| | SURELY someone felt the same as you and didn't want to spend that
|| | kind of time and wrote something, just never bothered to check.
|| | Perhaps a standard xml creator would work to break it into the
|| | proper sectional order...
|| I don't have anything like that. I guess I'll have to do it by hand.
|| You are getting the original, unaltered version. Can I really move
|| things around in there, even delete the failures & duplicates-- &
|| not upset Windows Update? What is wrong with editing it in Explorer,
|| instead of UEdit?
|| | maybe credible XML,, again just never bothered to run it on
|| | it and don't have it installed this time.... heck probably one of
|| | my web tools would work, never felt compelled or lazy enough to
|| | check.. Besides, its a good way to remember [repeat use] xml
|| | formatting... Have you ever done any RSS, RDF, site XML [like for
|| | Google], or any other style of XML editing? Its a pretty common
|| | format now, used to store data, references, information, location,
|| | lots of other stuff.... Look at something you already have like
|| | AVAST's... I just use UEdit, heck I could probably make a macro
|| | and run it,, just never got around to it
|| |
|| | --
|| | MEB
|| | --
|| | _________
|| |
|| | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| | news:uaDmE8DxIHA.4848@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|| || MEB wrote:
|| || | HAHA, you really don't mean that right,, all your iuhist.xml
|| || | shows is what WU installed and when,,, of course if your
|| || | worried that somehow makes you vulnerable,,, then take a
|| || | pill... then send it. Its WU's history file...period.
|| ||
|| || The file is mysterious. It certainly seems to have online
|| || involvement, but, yea, looks like I can set IE to "work offline",
|| || & the file still did work-- this time! Fine-- I'll go look for a
|| || pill. In the meantime...
|| ||
|| || (a) What will you do with mine?
|| || (b) Do you have stuff that analyses it?
|| || (c) Send me something to analyse mine, then,
|| || which is 93,255 bytes & tough to look at.
|| ||
|| || | The only way it would or could be a mess is if YOU manually
|| || | edited it, its automatically created/added to by WU. And no, it
|| || | doesn't need an Internet connection to work,, its only
|| || | connection to the NET [supposedly] is to WU...
|| ||
|| || I've looked inside, but hopefully never deleted or moved any of
|| || the lines. I have clicked the minus & plus signs-- is all, I
|| || think! It is sloppy because...
|| ||
|| || (a) There are some failures. The failure reports remained inside,
|| || although a later attempt resulted in a complete for the same
|| || update.
|| ||
|| || (b) The timestamps aren't all in order. Generally, looks like, the
|| || newer dates are on top-- but there are plenty out of sequence!
|| ||
|| || (c) Some of the updates seem to be in the report TWICE-- & both
|| || were a complete. For instance...!...
|| ||
|| || - <itemStatus xmlns="" timestamp="2006-06-14T19:32:42">
|| || - <identity
|| ||
|| ||
|| || x86-182459." name="WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734-X86-182459">
|| || <publisherName>com_microsoft</publisherName>
|| || <language>en</language>
|| || </identity>
|| || - <description hidden="0">
|| || - <descriptionText>
|| || <title>Security Update for Windows Media Player 9 for Windows 98
|| || and Windows ME (KB917734)</title>
|| || <eula href="/msdownload/update/v3/static/eula/en/eula.htm" />
|| || <details href="" />
|| || </descriptionText>
|| || </description>
|| || - <platform name="ver_platform_win32_windows">
|| || <processorArchitecture>x86</processorArchitecture>
|| || <version major="4" minor="10" build="" servicePackMajor=""
|| || servicePackMinor="" />
|| || </platform>
|| || <downloadStatus value="COMPLETE" />
|| ||
|| ||
|| || -X86-182459</downloadPath>
|| || <client>IU_Site</client>
|| || <installStatus value="COMPLETE" needsReboot="0" />
|| || </itemStatus>
|| ||
|| || - <itemStatus xmlns="" timestamp="2006-06-14T18:39:32">
|| || - <identity
|| ||
|| ||
|| || x86-182459." name="WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734-X86-182459">
|| || <publisherName>com_microsoft</publisherName>
|| || <language>en</language>
|| || </identity>
|| || - <description hidden="0">
|| || - <descriptionText>
|| || <title>Security Update for Windows Media Player 9 for Windows 98
|| || and Windows ME (KB917734)</title>
|| || <eula href="/msdownload/update/v3/static/eula/en/eula.htm" />
|| || <details href="" />
|| || </descriptionText>
|| || </description>
|| || - <platform name="ver_platform_win32_windows">
|| || <processorArchitecture>x86</processorArchitecture>
|| || <version major="4" minor="10" build="" servicePackMajor=""
|| || servicePackMinor="" />
|| || </platform>
|| || <downloadStatus value="COMPLETE" />
|| ||
|| ||
|| || -X86-182459</downloadPath>
|| || <client>IU_Site</client>
|| ||
|| || |
|| || | --
|| || | MEB
|| || | --
|| || | _________
|| || |
|| || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || | news:uHBPRK7wIHA.5832@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|| || || MEB wrote:
|| || || | Thanks PCR, thought you said you had an older installation
|| || || | for a check...
|| || ||
|| || || I have only one, fully updated installation of Win98SE.
|| || ||
|| || || | BTW if you could send me your old iuhist for comparison, it
|| || || | would be appreciated.
|| || ||
|| || || I have only one IUHist.xml. It requires an internet connection
|| || || to work. Are you sure mine would work on your machine? I'm not
|| || || sure I want to part with it! Is it safe to have someone else
|| || || look inside mine? It's a big mess, anyhow!
|| || ||
|| || || | I started new testing phases after the December
|| || || | 2005 issues., so all iuhist [that I remembered to save]
|| || || | after, have not got that in it. I'd like to compare my old
|| || || | ones with yours to see what else was removed. Perhaps you
|| || || | may have some other things missing which I may not have [due
|| || || | to several re-installations during the final support days or
|| || || | before] or overlooked..
|| || || |
|| || || | m_brahier at hotmail dot com
|| || || |
|| || || | --
|| || || | MEB
|| || || | --
|| || || | _________
|| || || |
|| || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || || | news:enYFst5wIHA.2068@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|| || || || MEB wrote:
|| || || || | Okay, hopefully someone has an older installation that can
|| || || || | verify prior WU installation to confirm that aspect.
|| || || || | Doesn't PCR run an old installation?
|| || || ||
|| || || || JUST like for you, IUHist.xml shows 823353 came in for me
|| || || || from Windows Update. I got it one day before you.
|| || || ||
|| || || || It is not at the Catalog for Win98 in any of the categories
|| || || || (looking for 823353 or MS04-018), which finally has begun to
|| || || || work again after 3 days...
|| || || ||
|| || || ||
|| || || || And it wasn't among my downloads from the Catalog. So,
|| || || || either I didn't look quick enough for it or it never was
|| || || || there. HOWEVER...
|| || || ||
|| || || ||
|| || || || Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-018
|| || || || Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express (823353)
|| || || ||
|| || || || ...from our IUHist.xml DOES serve to get to it. Thanks to
|| || || || you & Terhune (especially for testing it)-- I took it in,
|| || || || just in case I ever need to reinstall it. I took in...
|| || || ||
|| || || || . Microsoft Outlook Express 6 Service Pack 1
|| || || || IE6.0sp1-KB823353-x86-ENU.exe
|| || || || Desc: Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor
|| || || || Size: 1,996,544 bytes
|| || || || Ver: 6.00.2800.1168
|| || || ||
|| || || || I'm not sure whether the version refers to the update or the
|| || || || Extractor. I DO verify that the files you mentioned are
|| || || || indeed the versions I've got. Thanks again to you & Terhune.
|| || || ||
|| || || || | --
|| || || || | MEB
|| ||
|| ||
|| || ...snip
|| || --
|| || Thanks or Good Luck,
|| || There may be humor in this post, and,
|| || Naturally, you will not sue,
|| || Should things get worse after this,
|| || PCR
|| ||
|| --
|| Thanks or Good Luck,
|| There may be humor in this post, and,
|| Naturally, you will not sue,
|| Should things get worse after this,
|| PCR

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


Re-did mine and yours, re-sent as text, forgot you were using your browser
to look at them. Should look similar to what you generally see.
So best get these text versions at least, 18k as zipped.


"PCR" <> wrote in message
| MEB wrote:
| | Got it, thanks. Sent you an old one.
| Very good. I had a hard drive crash in '01 & had to get all those again,
| if they weren't already on Compaq's QuickRestore CDs. But that's still
| earlier than your doings.
| | Now all we have to do is compare... as if that was all that needed
| | done... but anyway, now I have one comparison basis from a different
| | system..
| You've got me interested in looking mine over carefully. I haven't
| received yours probably because I have a message rule that won't accept
| anything larger than 100 KB. You must zip it to get through-- but I
| doubt I'll ever look at it.
| | --
| | MEB
| | --
| | _________
| |
| | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| | news:eqtwO2RxIHA.1772@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
| || MEB wrote:
| || | Hehehe, I can't send you my eyes or my mind... tell you what you,
| || | send me your file, I'll send you one of the old ones 86k.. biggest
| || | I have and likely the best for cross-reference.
| || | Where do you want it sent? That should tell you how much you need
| || | to be concerned with the friggin file...
| ||
| || Fine, I'm sending mine now to the address you posted-- WinZip got it
| || down to 4.76 KB from 92 KB! If you look at it -- you agree to post a
| || thorough analysis right here within 6 years -- on penalty of your
| || machine must crumble to dust if you don't!
| ||
| || Mine is tough enough to look at-- I don't need yours! They might be
| || different depending on configuration & what optionals we took.
| ||
| || | As for what to check/parse it with,, I do them by hand though
| || | SURELY someone felt the same as you and didn't want to spend that
| || | kind of time and wrote something, just never bothered to check.
| || | Perhaps a standard xml creator would work to break it into the
| || | proper sectional order...
| ||
| || I don't have anything like that. I guess I'll have to do it by hand.
| || You are getting the original, unaltered version. Can I really move
| || things around in there, even delete the failures & duplicates-- &
| || not upset Windows Update? What is wrong with editing it in Explorer,
| || instead of UEdit?
| ||
| || | maybe credible XML,, again just never bothered to run it on
| || | it and don't have it installed this time.... heck probably one of
| || | my web tools would work, never felt compelled or lazy enough to
| || | check.. Besides, its a good way to remember [repeat use] xml
| || | formatting... Have you ever done any RSS, RDF, site XML [like for
| || | Google], or any other style of XML editing? Its a pretty common
| || | format now, used to store data, references, information, location,
| || | lots of other stuff.... Look at something you already have like
| || | AVAST's... I just use UEdit, heck I could probably make a macro
| || | and run it,, just never got around to it
| || |
| || | --
| || | MEB
| || | --
| || | _________
| || |
| || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| || | news:uaDmE8DxIHA.4848@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| || || MEB wrote:
| || || | HAHA, you really don't mean that right,, all your iuhist.xml
| || || | shows is what WU installed and when,,, of course if your
| || || | worried that somehow makes you vulnerable,,, then take a
| || || | pill... then send it. Its WU's history file...period.
| || ||
| || || The file is mysterious. It certainly seems to have online
| || || involvement, but, yea, looks like I can set IE to "work offline",
| || || & the file still did work-- this time! Fine-- I'll go look for a
| || || pill. In the meantime...
| || ||
| || || (a) What will you do with mine?
| || || (b) Do you have stuff that analyses it?
| || || (c) Send me something to analyse mine, then,
| || || which is 93,255 bytes & tough to look at.
| || ||
| || || | The only way it would or could be a mess is if YOU manually
| || || | edited it, its automatically created/added to by WU. And no, it
| || || | doesn't need an Internet connection to work,, its only
| || || | connection to the NET [supposedly] is to WU...
| || ||
| || || I've looked inside, but hopefully never deleted or moved any of
| || || the lines. I have clicked the minus & plus signs-- is all, I
| || || think! It is sloppy because...
| || ||
| || || (a) There are some failures. The failure reports remained inside,
| || || although a later attempt resulted in a complete for the same
| || || update.
| || ||
| || || (b) The timestamps aren't all in order. Generally, looks like, the
| || || newer dates are on top-- but there are plenty out of sequence!
| || ||
| || || (c) Some of the updates seem to be in the report TWICE-- & both
| || || were a complete. For instance...!...
| || ||
| || || - <itemStatus xmlns="" timestamp="2006-06-14T19:32:42">
| || || - <identity
| || ||
| ||
| itemID="win98se.windows98andwindows98secondedition.ver_platform_win32_wi
| || ||
| ||
| ndows.4.10.x86.en......com_microsoft.windowsmedia9-windows98me-kb917734-
| || || x86-182459." name="WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734-X86-182459">
| || || <publisherName>com_microsoft</publisherName>
| || || <language>en</language>
| || || </identity>
| || || - <description hidden="0">
| || || - <descriptionText>
| || || <title>Security Update for Windows Media Player 9 for Windows 98
| || || and Windows ME (KB917734)</title>
| || || <eula href="/msdownload/update/v3/static/eula/en/eula.htm" />
| || || <details href="" />
| || || </descriptionText>
| || || </description>
| || || - <platform name="ver_platform_win32_windows">
| || || <processorArchitecture>x86</processorArchitecture>
| || || <version major="4" minor="10" build="" servicePackMajor=""
| || || servicePackMinor="" />
| || || </platform>
| || || <downloadStatus value="COMPLETE" />
| || ||
| || ||
| ||
| <downloadPath>h:\WUTemp\com_microsoft.WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734
| || || -X86-182459</downloadPath>
| || || <client>IU_Site</client>
| || || <installStatus value="COMPLETE" needsReboot="0" />
| || || </itemStatus>
| || ||
| || || - <itemStatus xmlns="" timestamp="2006-06-14T18:39:32">
| || || - <identity
| || ||
| ||
| itemID="win98se.windows98andwindows98secondedition.ver_platform_win32_wi
| || ||
| ||
| ndows.4.10.x86.en......com_microsoft.windowsmedia9-windows98me-kb917734-
| || || x86-182459." name="WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734-X86-182459">
| || || <publisherName>com_microsoft</publisherName>
| || || <language>en</language>
| || || </identity>
| || || - <description hidden="0">
| || || - <descriptionText>
| || || <title>Security Update for Windows Media Player 9 for Windows 98
| || || and Windows ME (KB917734)</title>
| || || <eula href="/msdownload/update/v3/static/eula/en/eula.htm" />
| || || <details href="" />
| || || </descriptionText>
| || || </description>
| || || - <platform name="ver_platform_win32_windows">
| || || <processorArchitecture>x86</processorArchitecture>
| || || <version major="4" minor="10" build="" servicePackMajor=""
| || || servicePackMinor="" />
| || || </platform>
| || || <downloadStatus value="COMPLETE" />
| || ||
| || ||
| ||
| <downloadPath>h:\WUTemp\com_microsoft.WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734
| || || -X86-182459</downloadPath>
| || || <client>IU_Site</client>
| || ||
| || || |
| || || | --
| || || | MEB
| || || | --
| || || | _________
| || || |
| || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| || || | news:uHBPRK7wIHA.5832@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
| || || || MEB wrote:
| || || || | Thanks PCR, thought you said you had an older installation
| || || || | for a check...
| || || ||
| || || || I have only one, fully updated installation of Win98SE.
| || || ||
| || || || | BTW if you could send me your old iuhist for comparison, it
| || || || | would be appreciated.
| || || ||
| || || || I have only one IUHist.xml. It requires an internet connection
| || || || to work. Are you sure mine would work on your machine? I'm not
| || || || sure I want to part with it! Is it safe to have someone else
| || || || look inside mine? It's a big mess, anyhow!
| || || ||
| || || || | I started new testing phases after the December
| || || || | 2005 issues., so all iuhist [that I remembered to save]
| || || || | after, have not got that in it. I'd like to compare my old
| || || || | ones with yours to see what else was removed. Perhaps you
| || || || | may have some other things missing which I may not have [due
| || || || | to several re-installations during the final support days or
| || || || | before] or overlooked..
| || || || |
| || || || | m_brahier at hotmail dot com
| || || || |
| || || || | --
| || || || | MEB
| || || || | --
| || || || | _________
| || || || |
| || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| || || || | news:enYFst5wIHA.2068@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| || || || || MEB wrote:
| || || || || | Okay, hopefully someone has an older installation that can
| || || || || | verify prior WU installation to confirm that aspect.
| || || || || | Doesn't PCR run an old installation?
| || || || ||
| || || || || JUST like for you, IUHist.xml shows 823353 came in for me
| || || || || from Windows Update. I got it one day before you.
| || || || ||
| || || || || It is not at the Catalog for Win98 in any of the categories
| || || || || (looking for 823353 or MS04-018), which finally has begun to
| || || || || work again after 3 days...
| || || || ||
| || || || ||
| || || || || And it wasn't among my downloads from the Catalog. So,
| || || || || either I didn't look quick enough for it or it never was
| || || || || there. HOWEVER...
| || || || ||
| || || || ||
| || || || || Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-018
| || || || || Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express (823353)
| || || || ||
| || || || || ...from our IUHist.xml DOES serve to get to it. Thanks to
| || || || || you & Terhune (especially for testing it)-- I took it in,
| || || || || just in case I ever need to reinstall it. I took in...
| || || || ||
| || || || || . Microsoft Outlook Express 6 Service Pack 1
| || || || || IE6.0sp1-KB823353-x86-ENU.exe
| || || || || Desc: Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor
| || || || || Size: 1,996,544 bytes
| || || || || Ver: 6.00.2800.1168
| || || || ||
| || || || || I'm not sure whether the version refers to the update or the
| || || || || Extractor. I DO verify that the files you mentioned are
| || || || || indeed the versions I've got. Thanks again to you & Terhune.
| || || || ||
| || || || || | --
| || || || || | MEB
| || ||
| || ||
| || || ...snip
| || || --
| || || Thanks or Good Luck,
| || || There may be humor in this post, and,
| || || Naturally, you will not sue,
| || || Should things get worse after this,
| || || PCR
| || ||
| ||
| || --
| || Thanks or Good Luck,
| || There may be humor in this post, and,
| || Naturally, you will not sue,
| || Should things get worse after this,
| || PCR
| ||
| --
| Thanks or Good Luck,
| There may be humor in this post, and,
| Naturally, you will not sue,
| Should things get worse after this,


MEB wrote:
| Re-did mine and yours, re-sent as text, forgot you were using your
| browser to look at them. Should look similar to what you generally
| see.
| So best get these text versions at least, 18k as zipped.

I still got nothing. Oops! My other message rule disallows posts with
attachments! OK, I've unchecked it & will await you resend it-- but I
still don't want it!

Yes, I use IE to look at mine. And I was right the first time-- it won't
work without NET access, (if it also isn't in TIFs)...!...

The XML page cannot be displayed
Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error
and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.
Error opening input file:
''. The download of
the specified resource has failed. Error processing resource

This makes me afraid to click yours, if it ever gets through-- except
you are sending .txt. And don't click mine-- until you convert it to

| --
| --
| _________
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:%23R5t9eTxIHA.1440@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|| MEB wrote:
|| | Got it, thanks. Sent you an old one.
|| Very good. I had a hard drive crash in '01 & had to get all those
|| again, if they weren't already on Compaq's QuickRestore CDs. But
|| that's still earlier than your doings.
|| | Now all we have to do is compare... as if that was all that needed
|| | done... but anyway, now I have one comparison basis from a
|| | different system..
|| You've got me interested in looking mine over carefully. I haven't
|| received yours probably because I have a message rule that won't
|| accept anything larger than 100 KB. You must zip it to get through--
|| but I doubt I'll ever look at it.
|| | --
|| | MEB
|| | --
|| | _________
|| |
|| | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| | news:eqtwO2RxIHA.1772@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
|| || MEB wrote:
|| || | Hehehe, I can't send you my eyes or my mind... tell you what
|| || | you, send me your file, I'll send you one of the old ones 86k..
|| || | biggest I have and likely the best for cross-reference.
|| || | Where do you want it sent? That should tell you how much you
|| || | need to be concerned with the friggin file...
|| ||
|| || Fine, I'm sending mine now to the address you posted-- WinZip got
|| || it down to 4.76 KB from 92 KB! If you look at it -- you agree to
|| || post a thorough analysis right here within 6 years -- on penalty
|| || of your machine must crumble to dust if you don't!
|| ||
|| || Mine is tough enough to look at-- I don't need yours! They might
|| || be different depending on configuration & what optionals we took.
|| ||
|| || | As for what to check/parse it with,, I do them by hand though
|| || | SURELY someone felt the same as you and didn't want to spend
|| || | that kind of time and wrote something, just never bothered to
|| || | check. Perhaps a standard xml creator would work to break it
|| || | into the proper sectional order...
|| ||
|| || I don't have anything like that. I guess I'll have to do it by
|| || hand. You are getting the original, unaltered version. Can I
|| || really move things around in there, even delete the failures &
|| || duplicates-- & not upset Windows Update? What is wrong with
|| || editing it in Explorer, instead of UEdit?
|| ||
|| || | maybe credible XML,, again just never bothered to run it on
|| || | it and don't have it installed this time.... heck probably one
|| || | of my web tools would work, never felt compelled or lazy enough
|| || | to check.. Besides, its a good way to remember [repeat use] xml
|| || | formatting... Have you ever done any RSS, RDF, site XML [like
|| || | for Google], or any other style of XML editing? Its a pretty
|| || | common format now, used to store data, references, information,
|| || | location, lots of other stuff.... Look at something you already
|| || | have like AVAST's... I just use UEdit, heck I could probably
|| || | make a macro and run it,, just never got around to it
|| || |
|| || | --
|| || | MEB
|| || | --
|| || | _________
|| || |
|| || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || | news:uaDmE8DxIHA.4848@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|| || || MEB wrote:
|| || || | HAHA, you really don't mean that right,, all your iuhist.xml
|| || || | shows is what WU installed and when,,, of course if your
|| || || | worried that somehow makes you vulnerable,,, then take a
|| || || | pill... then send it. Its WU's history file...period.
|| || ||
|| || || The file is mysterious. It certainly seems to have online
|| || || involvement, but, yea, looks like I can set IE to "work
|| || || offline", & the file still did work-- this time! Fine-- I'll
|| || || go look for a pill. In the meantime...
|| || ||
|| || || (a) What will you do with mine?
|| || || (b) Do you have stuff that analyses it?
|| || || (c) Send me something to analyse mine, then,
|| || || which is 93,255 bytes & tough to look at.
|| || ||
|| || || | The only way it would or could be a mess is if YOU manually
|| || || | edited it, its automatically created/added to by WU. And no,
|| || || | it doesn't need an Internet connection to work,, its only
|| || || | connection to the NET [supposedly] is to WU...
|| || ||
|| || || I've looked inside, but hopefully never deleted or moved any of
|| || || the lines. I have clicked the minus & plus signs-- is all, I
|| || || think! It is sloppy because...
|| || ||
|| || || (a) There are some failures. The failure reports remained
|| || || inside, although a later attempt resulted in a complete for
|| || || the same update.
|| || ||
|| || || (b) The timestamps aren't all in order. Generally, looks like,
|| || || the newer dates are on top-- but there are plenty out of
|| || || sequence!
|| || ||
|| || || (c) Some of the updates seem to be in the report TWICE-- & both

|| || || were a complete. For instance...!...
|| || ||
|| || || - <itemStatus xmlns="" timestamp="2006-06-14T19:32:42">
|| || || - <identity
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || || x86-182459."
|| || || name="WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734-X86-182459">
|| || || <publisherName>com_microsoft</publisherName>
|| || || <language>en</language> </identity>
|| || || - <description hidden="0">
|| || || - <descriptionText>
|| || || <title>Security Update for Windows Media Player 9 for
|| || || Windows 98 and Windows ME (KB917734)</title>
|| || || <eula href="/msdownload/update/v3/static/eula/en/eula.htm" />
|| || || <details href=""
|| || || /> </descriptionText>
|| || || </description>
|| || || - <platform name="ver_platform_win32_windows">
|| || || <processorArchitecture>x86</processorArchitecture>
|| || || <version major="4" minor="10" build="" servicePackMajor=""
|| || || servicePackMinor="" />
|| || || </platform>
|| || || <downloadStatus value="COMPLETE" />
|| || ||
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || || -X86-182459</downloadPath>
|| || || <client>IU_Site</client>
|| || || <installStatus value="COMPLETE" needsReboot="0" />
|| || || </itemStatus>
|| || ||
|| || || - <itemStatus xmlns="" timestamp="2006-06-14T18:39:32">
|| || || - <identity
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || || x86-182459."
|| || || name="WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734-X86-182459">
|| || || <publisherName>com_microsoft</publisherName>
|| || || <language>en</language> </identity>
|| || || - <description hidden="0">
|| || || - <descriptionText>
|| || || <title>Security Update for Windows Media Player 9 for
|| || || Windows 98 and Windows ME (KB917734)</title>
|| || || <eula href="/msdownload/update/v3/static/eula/en/eula.htm" />
|| || || <details href=""
|| || || /> </descriptionText>
|| || || </description>
|| || || - <platform name="ver_platform_win32_windows">
|| || || <processorArchitecture>x86</processorArchitecture>
|| || || <version major="4" minor="10" build="" servicePackMajor=""
|| || || servicePackMinor="" />
|| || || </platform>
|| || || <downloadStatus value="COMPLETE" />
|| || ||
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || || -X86-182459</downloadPath>
|| || || <client>IU_Site</client>
|| || ||
|| || || |
|| || || | --
|| || || | MEB
|| || || | --
|| || || | _________
|| || || |
|| || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || || | news:uHBPRK7wIHA.5832@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|| || || || MEB wrote:
|| || || || | Thanks PCR, thought you said you had an older installation
|| || || || | for a check...
|| || || ||
|| || || || I have only one, fully updated installation of Win98SE.
|| || || ||
|| || || || | BTW if you could send me your old iuhist for comparison,
|| || || || | it would be appreciated.
|| || || ||
|| || || || I have only one IUHist.xml. It requires an internet
|| || || || connection to work. Are you sure mine would work on your
|| || || || machine? I'm not sure I want to part with it! Is it safe to
|| || || || have someone else look inside mine? It's a big mess, anyhow!
|| || || ||
|| || || || | I started new testing phases after the December
|| || || || | 2005 issues., so all iuhist [that I remembered to save]
|| || || || | after, have not got that in it. I'd like to compare my old
|| || || || | ones with yours to see what else was removed. Perhaps you
|| || || || | may have some other things missing which I may not have
|| || || || | [due to several re-installations during the final support
|| || || || | days or before] or overlooked..
|| || || || |
|| || || || | m_brahier at hotmail dot com
|| || || || |
|| || || || | --
|| || || || | MEB
|| || || || | --
|| || || || | _________
|| || || || |
|| || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || || || | news:enYFst5wIHA.2068@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|| || || || || MEB wrote:
|| || || || || | Okay, hopefully someone has an older installation that
|| || || || || | can verify prior WU installation to confirm that
|| || || || || | aspect. Doesn't PCR run an old installation?
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || JUST like for you, IUHist.xml shows 823353 came in for me
|| || || || || from Windows Update. I got it one day before you.
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || It is not at the Catalog for Win98 in any of the
|| || || || || categories (looking for 823353 or MS04-018), which
|| || || || || finally has begun to work again after 3 days...
|| || || || ||
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || And it wasn't among my downloads from the Catalog. So,
|| || || || || either I didn't look quick enough for it or it never was
|| || || || || there. HOWEVER...
|| || || || ||
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-018
|| || || || || Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express (823353)
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || ...from our IUHist.xml DOES serve to get to it. Thanks to
|| || || || || you & Terhune (especially for testing it)-- I took it in,
|| || || || || just in case I ever need to reinstall it. I took in...
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || . Microsoft Outlook Express 6 Service Pack 1
|| || || || || IE6.0sp1-KB823353-x86-ENU.exe
|| || || || || Desc: Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor
|| || || || || Size: 1,996,544 bytes
|| || || || || Ver: 6.00.2800.1168
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || I'm not sure whether the version refers to the update or
|| || || || || the Extractor. I DO verify that the files you mentioned
|| || || || || are indeed the versions I've got. Thanks again to you &
|| || || || || Terhune.
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || | --
|| || || || || | MEB
|| || ||
|| || ||
|| || || ...snip
|| || || --
|| || || Thanks or Good Luck,
|| || || There may be humor in this post, and,
|| || || Naturally, you will not sue,
|| || || Should things get worse after this,
|| || || PCR
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || --
|| || Thanks or Good Luck,
|| || There may be humor in this post, and,
|| || Naturally, you will not sue,
|| || Should things get worse after this,
|| || PCR
|| ||
|| --
|| Thanks or Good Luck,
|| There may be humor in this post, and,
|| Naturally, you will not sue,
|| Should things get worse after this,
|| PCR

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


The reason is the style sheet isn't provided, hence there is no way for IE
to determine the proper presentation.

Ah, I already have a local copy of the schema, so IF I wanted to use the
browser, a change to the location to local file and it would display in the
fashion dictated. Suppose I should try that sometime...

Anyway, I'll re-send the text files... at least you can look at it anytime
you want WITHOUT web access or changing the original iuhist...


"PCR" <> wrote in message
| MEB wrote:
| | Re-did mine and yours, re-sent as text, forgot you were using your
| | browser to look at them. Should look similar to what you generally
| | see.
| | So best get these text versions at least, 18k as zipped.
| I still got nothing. Oops! My other message rule disallows posts with
| attachments! OK, I've unchecked it & will await you resend it-- but I
| still don't want it!
| Yes, I use IE to look at mine. And I was right the first time-- it won't
| work without NET access, (if it also isn't in TIFs)...!...
| The XML page cannot be displayed
| Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error
| and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.
| Error opening input file:
| ''. The download of
| the specified resource has failed. Error processing resource
| ''.
| This makes me afraid to click yours, if it ever gets through-- except
| you are sending .txt. And don't click mine-- until you convert it to
| text!
| | --
| | MEB
| | --
| | _________
| |
| | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| | news:%23R5t9eTxIHA.1440@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| || MEB wrote:
| || | Got it, thanks. Sent you an old one.
| ||
| || Very good. I had a hard drive crash in '01 & had to get all those
| || again, if they weren't already on Compaq's QuickRestore CDs. But
| || that's still earlier than your doings.
| ||
| || | Now all we have to do is compare... as if that was all that needed
| || | done... but anyway, now I have one comparison basis from a
| || | different system..
| ||
| || You've got me interested in looking mine over carefully. I haven't
| || received yours probably because I have a message rule that won't
| || accept anything larger than 100 KB. You must zip it to get through--
| || but I doubt I'll ever look at it.
| ||
| ||
| || | --
| || | MEB
| || | --
| || | _________
| || |
| || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| || | news:eqtwO2RxIHA.1772@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
| || || MEB wrote:
| || || | Hehehe, I can't send you my eyes or my mind... tell you what
| || || | you, send me your file, I'll send you one of the old ones 86k..
| || || | biggest I have and likely the best for cross-reference.
| || || | Where do you want it sent? That should tell you how much you
| || || | need to be concerned with the friggin file...
| || ||
| || || Fine, I'm sending mine now to the address you posted-- WinZip got
| || || it down to 4.76 KB from 92 KB! If you look at it -- you agree to
| || || post a thorough analysis right here within 6 years -- on penalty
| || || of your machine must crumble to dust if you don't!
| || ||
| || || Mine is tough enough to look at-- I don't need yours! They might
| || || be different depending on configuration & what optionals we took.
| || ||
| || || | As for what to check/parse it with,, I do them by hand though
| || || | SURELY someone felt the same as you and didn't want to spend
| || || | that kind of time and wrote something, just never bothered to
| || || | check. Perhaps a standard xml creator would work to break it
| || || | into the proper sectional order...
| || ||
| || || I don't have anything like that. I guess I'll have to do it by
| || || hand. You are getting the original, unaltered version. Can I
| || || really move things around in there, even delete the failures &
| || || duplicates-- & not upset Windows Update? What is wrong with
| || || editing it in Explorer, instead of UEdit?
| || ||
| || || | maybe credible XML,, again just never bothered to run it on
| || || | it and don't have it installed this time.... heck probably one
| || || | of my web tools would work, never felt compelled or lazy enough
| || || | to check.. Besides, its a good way to remember [repeat use] xml
| || || | formatting... Have you ever done any RSS, RDF, site XML [like
| || || | for Google], or any other style of XML editing? Its a pretty
| || || | common format now, used to store data, references, information,
| || || | location, lots of other stuff.... Look at something you already
| || || | have like AVAST's... I just use UEdit, heck I could probably
| || || | make a macro and run it,, just never got around to it
| || || |
| || || | --
| || || | MEB
| || || | --
| || || | _________
| || || |
| || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| || || | news:uaDmE8DxIHA.4848@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| || || || MEB wrote:
| || || || | HAHA, you really don't mean that right,, all your iuhist.xml
| || || || | shows is what WU installed and when,,, of course if your
| || || || | worried that somehow makes you vulnerable,,, then take a
| || || || | pill... then send it. Its WU's history file...period.
| || || ||
| || || || The file is mysterious. It certainly seems to have online
| || || || involvement, but, yea, looks like I can set IE to "work
| || || || offline", & the file still did work-- this time! Fine-- I'll
| || || || go look for a pill. In the meantime...
| || || ||
| || || || (a) What will you do with mine?
| || || || (b) Do you have stuff that analyses it?
| || || || (c) Send me something to analyse mine, then,
| || || || which is 93,255 bytes & tough to look at.
| || || ||
| || || || | The only way it would or could be a mess is if YOU manually
| || || || | edited it, its automatically created/added to by WU. And no,
| || || || | it doesn't need an Internet connection to work,, its only
| || || || | connection to the NET [supposedly] is to WU...
| || || ||
| || || || I've looked inside, but hopefully never deleted or moved any of
| || || || the lines. I have clicked the minus & plus signs-- is all, I
| || || || think! It is sloppy because...
| || || ||
| || || || (a) There are some failures. The failure reports remained
| || || || inside, although a later attempt resulted in a complete for
| || || || the same update.
| || || ||
| || || || (b) The timestamps aren't all in order. Generally, looks like,
| || || || the newer dates are on top-- but there are plenty out of
| || || || sequence!
| || || ||
| || || || (c) Some of the updates seem to be in the report TWICE-- & both
| || || || were a complete. For instance...!...
| || || ||
| || || || - <itemStatus xmlns="" timestamp="2006-06-14T19:32:42">
| || || || - <identity
| || || ||
| || ||
| ||
| itemID="win98se.windows98andwindows98secondedition.ver_platform_win32_wi
| || || ||
| || ||
| ||
| ndows.4.10.x86.en......com_microsoft.windowsmedia9-windows98me-kb917734-
| || || || x86-182459."
| || || || name="WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734-X86-182459">
| || || || <publisherName>com_microsoft</publisherName>
| || || || <language>en</language> </identity>
| || || || - <description hidden="0">
| || || || - <descriptionText>
| || || || <title>Security Update for Windows Media Player 9 for
| || || || Windows 98 and Windows ME (KB917734)</title>
| || || || <eula href="/msdownload/update/v3/static/eula/en/eula.htm" />
| || || || <details href=""
| || || || /> </descriptionText>
| || || || </description>
| || || || - <platform name="ver_platform_win32_windows">
| || || || <processorArchitecture>x86</processorArchitecture>
| || || || <version major="4" minor="10" build="" servicePackMajor=""
| || || || servicePackMinor="" />
| || || || </platform>
| || || || <downloadStatus value="COMPLETE" />
| || || ||
| || || ||
| || ||
| ||
| <downloadPath>h:\WUTemp\com_microsoft.WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734
| || || || -X86-182459</downloadPath>
| || || || <client>IU_Site</client>
| || || || <installStatus value="COMPLETE" needsReboot="0" />
| || || || </itemStatus>
| || || ||
| || || || - <itemStatus xmlns="" timestamp="2006-06-14T18:39:32">
| || || || - <identity
| || || ||
| || ||
| ||
| itemID="win98se.windows98andwindows98secondedition.ver_platform_win32_wi
| || || ||
| || ||
| ||
| ndows.4.10.x86.en......com_microsoft.windowsmedia9-windows98me-kb917734-
| || || || x86-182459."
| || || || name="WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734-X86-182459">
| || || || <publisherName>com_microsoft</publisherName>
| || || || <language>en</language> </identity>
| || || || - <description hidden="0">
| || || || - <descriptionText>
| || || || <title>Security Update for Windows Media Player 9 for
| || || || Windows 98 and Windows ME (KB917734)</title>
| || || || <eula href="/msdownload/update/v3/static/eula/en/eula.htm" />
| || || || <details href=""
| || || || /> </descriptionText>
| || || || </description>
| || || || - <platform name="ver_platform_win32_windows">
| || || || <processorArchitecture>x86</processorArchitecture>
| || || || <version major="4" minor="10" build="" servicePackMajor=""
| || || || servicePackMinor="" />
| || || || </platform>
| || || || <downloadStatus value="COMPLETE" />
| || || ||
| || || ||
| || ||
| ||
| <downloadPath>h:\WUTemp\com_microsoft.WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734
| || || || -X86-182459</downloadPath>
| || || || <client>IU_Site</client>
| || || ||
| || || || |
| || || || | --
| || || || | MEB
| || || || | --
| || || || | _________
| || || || |
| || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| || || || | news:uHBPRK7wIHA.5832@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
| || || || || MEB wrote:
| || || || || | Thanks PCR, thought you said you had an older installation
| || || || || | for a check...
| || || || ||
| || || || || I have only one, fully updated installation of Win98SE.
| || || || ||
| || || || || | BTW if you could send me your old iuhist for comparison,
| || || || || | it would be appreciated.
| || || || ||
| || || || || I have only one IUHist.xml. It requires an internet
| || || || || connection to work. Are you sure mine would work on your
| || || || || machine? I'm not sure I want to part with it! Is it safe to
| || || || || have someone else look inside mine? It's a big mess, anyhow!
| || || || ||
| || || || || | I started new testing phases after the December
| || || || || | 2005 issues., so all iuhist [that I remembered to save]
| || || || || | after, have not got that in it. I'd like to compare my old
| || || || || | ones with yours to see what else was removed. Perhaps you
| || || || || | may have some other things missing which I may not have
| || || || || | [due to several re-installations during the final support
| || || || || | days or before] or overlooked..
| || || || || |
| || || || || | m_brahier at hotmail dot com
| || || || || |
| || || || || | --
| || || || || | MEB
| || || || || | --
| || || || || | _________
| || || || || |
| || || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| || || || || | news:enYFst5wIHA.2068@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| || || || || || MEB wrote:
| || || || || || | Okay, hopefully someone has an older installation that
| || || || || || | can verify prior WU installation to confirm that
| || || || || || | aspect. Doesn't PCR run an old installation?
| || || || || ||
| || || || || || JUST like for you, IUHist.xml shows 823353 came in for me
| || || || || || from Windows Update. I got it one day before you.
| || || || || ||
| || || || || || It is not at the Catalog for Win98 in any of the
| || || || || || categories (looking for 823353 or MS04-018), which
| || || || || || finally has begun to work again after 3 days...
| || || || || ||
| || || || || ||
| || || || || || And it wasn't among my downloads from the Catalog. So,
| || || || || || either I didn't look quick enough for it or it never was
| || || || || || there. HOWEVER...
| || || || || ||
| || || || || ||
| || || || || || Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-018
| || || || || || Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express (823353)
| || || || || ||
| || || || || || ...from our IUHist.xml DOES serve to get to it. Thanks to
| || || || || || you & Terhune (especially for testing it)-- I took it in,
| || || || || || just in case I ever need to reinstall it. I took in...
| || || || || ||
| || || || || || . Microsoft Outlook Express 6 Service Pack 1
| || || || || || IE6.0sp1-KB823353-x86-ENU.exe
| || || || || || Desc: Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor
| || || || || || Size: 1,996,544 bytes
| || || || || || Ver: 6.00.2800.1168
| || || || || ||
| || || || || || I'm not sure whether the version refers to the update or
| || || || || || the Extractor. I DO verify that the files you mentioned
| || || || || || are indeed the versions I've got. Thanks again to you &
| || || || || || Terhune.
| || || || || ||
| || || || || || | --
| || || || || || | MEB
| || || ||
| || || ||
| || || || ...snip
| || || || --
| || || || Thanks or Good Luck,
| || || || There may be humor in this post, and,
| || || || Naturally, you will not sue,
| || || || Should things get worse after this,
| || || || PCR
| || || ||
| || ||
| || || --
| || || Thanks or Good Luck,
| || || There may be humor in this post, and,
| || || Naturally, you will not sue,
| || || Should things get worse after this,
| || || PCR
| || ||
| ||
| || --
| || Thanks or Good Luck,
| || There may be humor in this post, and,
| || Naturally, you will not sue,
| || Should things get worse after this,
| || PCR
| ||
| --
| Thanks or Good Luck,
| There may be humor in this post, and,
| Naturally, you will not sue,
| Should things get worse after this,


MEB wrote:
| The reason is the style sheet isn't provided, hence there is no way
| for IE to determine the proper presentation.

It's going online (or into TIFs) just to get a style sheet? Why wouldn't
that be kept locally?

| Ah, I already have a local copy of the schema, so IF I wanted to use
| the browser, a change to the location to local file and it would
| display in the fashion dictated. Suppose I should try that sometime...

Don't click mine until you change it to text only! I don't like the
online involvement!

| Anyway, I'll re-send the text files... at least you can look at it
| anytime you want WITHOUT web access or changing the original iuhist...

All I got from you was an HTML e-mail with no file in it. Wait a
minute-- all of a sudden I do see the attachments! OK, got it-- that's
that, then.

| --
| --
| _________
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:%23Qk9ENexIHA.5520@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
|| MEB wrote:
|| | Re-did mine and yours, re-sent as text, forgot you were using your
|| | browser to look at them. Should look similar to what you generally
|| | see.
|| | So best get these text versions at least, 18k as zipped.
|| I still got nothing. Oops! My other message rule disallows posts with
|| attachments! OK, I've unchecked it & will await you resend it-- but I
|| still don't want it!
|| Yes, I use IE to look at mine. And I was right the first time-- it
|| won't work without NET access, (if it also isn't in TIFs)...!...
|| The XML page cannot be displayed
|| Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error
|| and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.
|| Error opening input file:
|| ''. The download
|| of the specified resource has failed. Error processing resource
|| ''.
|| This makes me afraid to click yours, if it ever gets through-- except
|| you are sending .txt. And don't click mine-- until you convert it to
|| text!
|| | --
|| | MEB
|| | --
|| | _________
|| |
|| | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| | news:%23R5t9eTxIHA.1440@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|| || MEB wrote:
|| || | Got it, thanks. Sent you an old one.
|| ||
|| || Very good. I had a hard drive crash in '01 & had to get all those
|| || again, if they weren't already on Compaq's QuickRestore CDs. But
|| || that's still earlier than your doings.
|| ||
|| || | Now all we have to do is compare... as if that was all that
|| || | needed done... but anyway, now I have one comparison basis from
|| || | a different system..
|| ||
|| || You've got me interested in looking mine over carefully. I haven't
|| || received yours probably because I have a message rule that won't
|| || accept anything larger than 100 KB. You must zip it to get
|| || through-- but I doubt I'll ever look at it.
|| ||
|| ||
|| || | --
|| || | MEB
|| || | --
|| || | _________
|| || |
|| || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || | news:eqtwO2RxIHA.1772@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
|| || || MEB wrote:
|| || || | Hehehe, I can't send you my eyes or my mind... tell you what
|| || || | you, send me your file, I'll send you one of the old ones
|| || || | 86k.. biggest I have and likely the best for cross-reference.
|| || || | Where do you want it sent? That should tell you how much you
|| || || | need to be concerned with the friggin file...
|| || ||
|| || || Fine, I'm sending mine now to the address you posted-- WinZip
|| || || got it down to 4.76 KB from 92 KB! If you look at it -- you
|| || || agree to post a thorough analysis right here within 6 years --
|| || || on penalty of your machine must crumble to dust if you don't!
|| || ||
|| || || Mine is tough enough to look at-- I don't need yours! They
|| || || might be different depending on configuration & what optionals
|| || || we took.
|| || ||
|| || || | As for what to check/parse it with,, I do them by hand though
|| || || | SURELY someone felt the same as you and didn't want to spend
|| || || | that kind of time and wrote something, just never bothered to
|| || || | check. Perhaps a standard xml creator would work to break it
|| || || | into the proper sectional order...
|| || ||
|| || || I don't have anything like that. I guess I'll have to do it by
|| || || hand. You are getting the original, unaltered version. Can I
|| || || really move things around in there, even delete the failures &
|| || || duplicates-- & not upset Windows Update? What is wrong with
|| || || editing it in Explorer, instead of UEdit?
|| || ||
|| || || | maybe credible XML,, again just never bothered to run it on
|| || || | it and don't have it installed this time.... heck probably
|| || || | one of my web tools would work, never felt compelled or lazy
|| || || | enough to check.. Besides, its a good way to remember
|| || || | [repeat use] xml formatting... Have you ever done any RSS,
|| || || | RDF, site XML [like for Google], or any other style of XML
|| || || | editing? Its a pretty common format now, used to store data,
|| || || | references, information, location, lots of other stuff....
|| || || | Look at something you already have like AVAST's... I just
|| || || | use UEdit, heck I could probably make a macro and run it,,
|| || || | just never got around to it
|| || || |
|| || || | --
|| || || | MEB
|| || || | --
|| || || | _________
|| || || |
|| || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || || | news:uaDmE8DxIHA.4848@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|| || || || MEB wrote:
|| || || || | HAHA, you really don't mean that right,, all your
|| || || || | iuhist.xml shows is what WU installed and when,,, of
|| || || || | course if your worried that somehow makes you
|| || || || | vulnerable,,, then take a pill... then send it. Its WU's
|| || || || | history file...period.
|| || || ||
|| || || || The file is mysterious. It certainly seems to have online
|| || || || involvement, but, yea, looks like I can set IE to "work
|| || || || offline", & the file still did work-- this time! Fine-- I'll
|| || || || go look for a pill. In the meantime...
|| || || ||
|| || || || (a) What will you do with mine?
|| || || || (b) Do you have stuff that analyses it?
|| || || || (c) Send me something to analyse mine, then,
|| || || || which is 93,255 bytes & tough to look at.
|| || || ||
|| || || || | The only way it would or could be a mess is if YOU
|| || || || | manually edited it, its automatically created/added to by
|| || || || | WU. And no, it doesn't need an Internet connection to
|| || || || | work,, its only connection to the NET [supposedly] is to
|| || || || | WU...
|| || || ||
|| || || || I've looked inside, but hopefully never deleted or moved
|| || || || any of the lines. I have clicked the minus & plus signs--
|| || || || is all, I think! It is sloppy because...
|| || || ||
|| || || || (a) There are some failures. The failure reports remained
|| || || || inside, although a later attempt resulted in a complete for
|| || || || the same update.
|| || || ||
|| || || || (b) The timestamps aren't all in order. Generally, looks
|| || || || like, the newer dates are on top-- but there are plenty out
|| || || || of sequence!
|| || || ||
|| || || || (c) Some of the updates seem to be in the report TWICE-- &
|| || || || both
|| || || || were a complete. For instance...!...
|| || || ||
|| || || || - <itemStatus xmlns="" timestamp="2006-06-14T19:32:42">
|| || || || - <identity
|| || || ||
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || || ||
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || || || x86-182459."
|| || || || name="WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734-X86-182459">
|| || || || <publisherName>com_microsoft</publisherName>
|| || || || <language>en</language> </identity>
|| || || || - <description hidden="0">
|| || || || - <descriptionText>
|| || || || <title>Security Update for Windows Media Player 9 for
|| || || || Windows 98 and Windows ME (KB917734)</title>
|| || || || <eula
|| || || || href="/msdownload/update/v3/static/eula/en/eula.htm" />
|| || || || <details
|| || || || href="" />
|| || || || </descriptionText> </description> - <platform
|| || || || name="ver_platform_win32_windows">
|| || || || <processorArchitecture>x86</processorArchitecture>
|| || || || <version major="4" minor="10" build="" servicePackMajor=""
|| || || || servicePackMinor="" /> </platform>
|| || || || <downloadStatus value="COMPLETE" />
|| || || ||
|| || || ||
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || || || -X86-182459</downloadPath>
|| || || || <client>IU_Site</client>
|| || || || <installStatus value="COMPLETE" needsReboot="0" />
|| || || || </itemStatus>
|| || || ||
|| || || || - <itemStatus xmlns="" timestamp="2006-06-14T18:39:32">
|| || || || - <identity
|| || || ||
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || || ||
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || || || x86-182459."
|| || || || name="WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734-X86-182459">
|| || || || <publisherName>com_microsoft</publisherName>
|| || || || <language>en</language> </identity>
|| || || || - <description hidden="0">
|| || || || - <descriptionText>
|| || || || <title>Security Update for Windows Media Player 9 for
|| || || || Windows 98 and Windows ME (KB917734)</title>
|| || || || <eula
|| || || || href="/msdownload/update/v3/static/eula/en/eula.htm" />
|| || || || <details
|| || || || href="" />
|| || || || </descriptionText> </description> - <platform
|| || || || name="ver_platform_win32_windows">
|| || || || <processorArchitecture>x86</processorArchitecture>
|| || || || <version major="4" minor="10" build="" servicePackMajor=""
|| || || || servicePackMinor="" /> </platform>
|| || || || <downloadStatus value="COMPLETE" />
|| || || ||
|| || || ||
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || || || -X86-182459</downloadPath>
|| || || || <client>IU_Site</client>
|| || || ||
|| || || || |
|| || || || | --
|| || || || | MEB
|| || || || | --
|| || || || | _________
|| || || || |
|| || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || || || | news:uHBPRK7wIHA.5832@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|| || || || || MEB wrote:
|| || || || || | Thanks PCR, thought you said you had an older
|| || || || || | installation for a check...
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || I have only one, fully updated installation of Win98SE.
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || | BTW if you could send me your old iuhist for
|| || || || || | comparison, it would be appreciated.
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || I have only one IUHist.xml. It requires an internet
|| || || || || connection to work. Are you sure mine would work on your
|| || || || || machine? I'm not sure I want to part with it! Is it safe
|| || || || || to have someone else look inside mine? It's a big mess,
|| || || || || anyhow!
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || | I started new testing phases after the December
|| || || || || | 2005 issues., so all iuhist [that I remembered to save]
|| || || || || | after, have not got that in it. I'd like to compare my
|| || || || || | old ones with yours to see what else was removed.
|| || || || || | Perhaps you may have some other things missing which I
|| || || || || | may not have [due to several re-installations during
|| || || || || | the final support days or before] or overlooked..
|| || || || || |
|| || || || || | m_brahier at hotmail dot com
|| || || || || |
|| || || || || | --
|| || || || || | MEB
|| || || || || | --
|| || || || || | _________
|| || || || || |
|| || || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || || || || | news:enYFst5wIHA.2068@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|| || || || || || MEB wrote:
|| || || || || || | Okay, hopefully someone has an older installation
|| || || || || || | that can verify prior WU installation to confirm
|| || || || || || | that aspect. Doesn't PCR run an old installation?
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || JUST like for you, IUHist.xml shows 823353 came in
|| || || || || || for me from Windows Update. I got it one day before
|| || || || || || you.
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || It is not at the Catalog for Win98 in any of the
|| || || || || || categories (looking for 823353 or MS04-018), which
|| || || || || || finally has begun to work again after 3 days...
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || And it wasn't among my downloads from the Catalog. So,
|| || || || || || either I didn't look quick enough for it or it never
|| || || || || || was there. HOWEVER...
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-018
|| || || || || || Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express
|| || || || || || (823353)
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || ...from our IUHist.xml DOES serve to get to it.
|| || || || || || Thanks to you & Terhune (especially for testing it)--
|| || || || || || I took it in, just in case I ever need to reinstall
|| || || || || || it. I took in...
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || . Microsoft Outlook Express 6 Service Pack 1
|| || || || || || IE6.0sp1-KB823353-x86-ENU.exe
|| || || || || || Desc: Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor
|| || || || || || Size: 1,996,544 bytes
|| || || || || || Ver: 6.00.2800.1168
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || I'm not sure whether the version refers to the update
|| || || || || || or the Extractor. I DO verify that the files you
|| || || || || || mentioned are indeed the versions I've got. Thanks
|| || || || || || again to you & Terhune.
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || | --
|| || || || || || | MEB
|| || || ||
|| || || ||
|| || || || ...snip
|| || || || --
|| || || || Thanks or Good Luck,
|| || || || There may be humor in this post, and,
|| || || || Naturally, you will not sue,
|| || || || Should things get worse after this,
|| || || || PCR
|| || || ||
|| || ||
|| || || --
|| || || Thanks or Good Luck,
|| || || There may be humor in this post, and,
|| || || Naturally, you will not sue,
|| || || Should things get worse after this,
|| || || PCR
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || --
|| || Thanks or Good Luck,
|| || There may be humor in this post, and,
|| || Naturally, you will not sue,
|| || Should things get worse after this,
|| || PCR
|| ||
|| --
|| Thanks or Good Luck,
|| There may be humor in this post, and,
|| Naturally, you will not sue,
|| Should things get worse after this,
|| PCR

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,




"PCR" <> wrote in message
| MEB wrote:
| | The reason is the style sheet isn't provided, hence there is no way
| | for IE to determine the proper presentation.
| It's going online (or into TIFs) just to get a style sheet? Why wouldn't
| that be kept locally?
| | Ah, I already have a local copy of the schema, so IF I wanted to use
| | the browser, a change to the location to local file and it would
| | display in the fashion dictated. Suppose I should try that sometime...
| Don't click mine until you change it to text only! I don't like the
| online involvement!
| | Anyway, I'll re-send the text files... at least you can look at it
| | anytime you want WITHOUT web access or changing the original iuhist...
| All I got from you was an HTML e-mail with no file in it. Wait a
| minute-- all of a sudden I do see the attachments! OK, got it-- that's
| that, then.
| | --
| | MEB
| | --
| | _________
| |
| | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| | news:%23Qk9ENexIHA.5520@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
| || MEB wrote:
| || | Re-did mine and yours, re-sent as text, forgot you were using your
| || | browser to look at them. Should look similar to what you generally
| || | see.
| || | So best get these text versions at least, 18k as zipped.
| ||
| || I still got nothing. Oops! My other message rule disallows posts with
| || attachments! OK, I've unchecked it & will await you resend it-- but I
| || still don't want it!
| ||
| || Yes, I use IE to look at mine. And I was right the first time-- it
| || won't work without NET access, (if it also isn't in TIFs)...!...
| ||
| || The XML page cannot be displayed
| || Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error
| || and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.
| || Error opening input file:
| || ''. The download
| || of the specified resource has failed. Error processing resource
| || ''.
| ||
| || This makes me afraid to click yours, if it ever gets through-- except
| || you are sending .txt. And don't click mine-- until you convert it to
| || text!
| ||
| || | --
| || | MEB
| || | --
| || | _________
| || |
| || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| || | news:%23R5t9eTxIHA.1440@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| || || MEB wrote:
| || || | Got it, thanks. Sent you an old one.
| || ||
| || || Very good. I had a hard drive crash in '01 & had to get all those
| || || again, if they weren't already on Compaq's QuickRestore CDs. But
| || || that's still earlier than your doings.
| || ||
| || || | Now all we have to do is compare... as if that was all that
| || || | needed done... but anyway, now I have one comparison basis from
| || || | a different system..
| || ||
| || || You've got me interested in looking mine over carefully. I haven't
| || || received yours probably because I have a message rule that won't
| || || accept anything larger than 100 KB. You must zip it to get
| || || through-- but I doubt I'll ever look at it.
| || ||
| || ||
| || || | --
| || || | MEB
| || || | --
| || || | _________
| || || |
| || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| || || | news:eqtwO2RxIHA.1772@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
| || || || MEB wrote:
| || || || | Hehehe, I can't send you my eyes or my mind... tell you what
| || || || | you, send me your file, I'll send you one of the old ones
| || || || | 86k.. biggest I have and likely the best for cross-reference.
| || || || | Where do you want it sent? That should tell you how much you
| || || || | need to be concerned with the friggin file...
| || || ||
| || || || Fine, I'm sending mine now to the address you posted-- WinZip
| || || || got it down to 4.76 KB from 92 KB! If you look at it -- you
| || || || agree to post a thorough analysis right here within 6 years --
| || || || on penalty of your machine must crumble to dust if you don't!
| || || ||
| || || || Mine is tough enough to look at-- I don't need yours! They
| || || || might be different depending on configuration & what optionals
| || || || we took.
| || || ||
| || || || | As for what to check/parse it with,, I do them by hand though
| || || || | SURELY someone felt the same as you and didn't want to spend
| || || || | that kind of time and wrote something, just never bothered to
| || || || | check. Perhaps a standard xml creator would work to break it
| || || || | into the proper sectional order...
| || || ||
| || || || I don't have anything like that. I guess I'll have to do it by
| || || || hand. You are getting the original, unaltered version. Can I
| || || || really move things around in there, even delete the failures &
| || || || duplicates-- & not upset Windows Update? What is wrong with
| || || || editing it in Explorer, instead of UEdit?
| || || ||
| || || || | maybe credible XML,, again just never bothered to run it on
| || || || | it and don't have it installed this time.... heck probably
| || || || | one of my web tools would work, never felt compelled or lazy
| || || || | enough to check.. Besides, its a good way to remember
| || || || | [repeat use] xml formatting... Have you ever done any RSS,
| || || || | RDF, site XML [like for Google], or any other style of XML
| || || || | editing? Its a pretty common format now, used to store data,
| || || || | references, information, location, lots of other stuff....
| || || || | Look at something you already have like AVAST's... I just
| || || || | use UEdit, heck I could probably make a macro and run it,,
| || || || | just never got around to it
| || || || |
| || || || | --
| || || || | MEB
| || || || | --
| || || || | _________
| || || || |
| || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| || || || | news:uaDmE8DxIHA.4848@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| || || || || MEB wrote:
| || || || || | HAHA, you really don't mean that right,, all your
| || || || || | iuhist.xml shows is what WU installed and when,,, of
| || || || || | course if your worried that somehow makes you
| || || || || | vulnerable,,, then take a pill... then send it. Its WU's
| || || || || | history file...period.
| || || || ||
| || || || || The file is mysterious. It certainly seems to have online
| || || || || involvement, but, yea, looks like I can set IE to "work
| || || || || offline", & the file still did work-- this time! Fine-- I'll
| || || || || go look for a pill. In the meantime...
| || || || ||
| || || || || (a) What will you do with mine?
| || || || || (b) Do you have stuff that analyses it?
| || || || || (c) Send me something to analyse mine, then,
| || || || || which is 93,255 bytes & tough to look at.
| || || || ||
| || || || || | The only way it would or could be a mess is if YOU
| || || || || | manually edited it, its automatically created/added to by
| || || || || | WU. And no, it doesn't need an Internet connection to
| || || || || | work,, its only connection to the NET [supposedly] is to
| || || || || | WU...
| || || || ||
| || || || || I've looked inside, but hopefully never deleted or moved
| || || || || any of the lines. I have clicked the minus & plus signs--
| || || || || is all, I think! It is sloppy because...
| || || || ||
| || || || || (a) There are some failures. The failure reports remained
| || || || || inside, although a later attempt resulted in a complete for
| || || || || the same update.
| || || || ||
| || || || || (b) The timestamps aren't all in order. Generally, looks
| || || || || like, the newer dates are on top-- but there are plenty out
| || || || || of sequence!
| || || || ||
| || || || || (c) Some of the updates seem to be in the report TWICE-- &
| || || || || both
| ||
| || || || || were a complete. For instance...!...
| || || || ||
| || || || || - <itemStatus xmlns="" timestamp="2006-06-14T19:32:42">
| || || || || - <identity
| || || || ||
| || || ||
| || ||
| ||
| itemID="win98se.windows98andwindows98secondedition.ver_platform_win32_wi
| || || || ||
| || || ||
| || ||
| ||
| ndows.4.10.x86.en......com_microsoft.windowsmedia9-windows98me-kb917734-
| || || || || x86-182459."
| || || || || name="WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734-X86-182459">
| || || || || <publisherName>com_microsoft</publisherName>
| || || || || <language>en</language> </identity>
| || || || || - <description hidden="0">
| || || || || - <descriptionText>
| || || || || <title>Security Update for Windows Media Player 9 for
| || || || || Windows 98 and Windows ME (KB917734)</title>
| || || || || <eula
| || || || || href="/msdownload/update/v3/static/eula/en/eula.htm" />
| || || || || <details
| || || || || href="" />
| || || || || </descriptionText> </description> - <platform
| || || || || name="ver_platform_win32_windows">
| || || || || <processorArchitecture>x86</processorArchitecture>
| || || || || <version major="4" minor="10" build="" servicePackMajor=""
| || || || || servicePackMinor="" /> </platform>
| || || || || <downloadStatus value="COMPLETE" />
| || || || ||
| || || || ||
| || || ||
| || ||
| ||
| <downloadPath>h:\WUTemp\com_microsoft.WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734
| || || || || -X86-182459</downloadPath>
| || || || || <client>IU_Site</client>
| || || || || <installStatus value="COMPLETE" needsReboot="0" />
| || || || || </itemStatus>
| || || || ||
| || || || || - <itemStatus xmlns="" timestamp="2006-06-14T18:39:32">
| || || || || - <identity
| || || || ||
| || || ||
| || ||
| ||
| itemID="win98se.windows98andwindows98secondedition.ver_platform_win32_wi
| || || || ||
| || || ||
| || ||
| ||
| ndows.4.10.x86.en......com_microsoft.windowsmedia9-windows98me-kb917734-
| || || || || x86-182459."
| || || || || name="WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734-X86-182459">
| || || || || <publisherName>com_microsoft</publisherName>
| || || || || <language>en</language> </identity>
| || || || || - <description hidden="0">
| || || || || - <descriptionText>
| || || || || <title>Security Update for Windows Media Player 9 for
| || || || || Windows 98 and Windows ME (KB917734)</title>
| || || || || <eula
| || || || || href="/msdownload/update/v3/static/eula/en/eula.htm" />
| || || || || <details
| || || || || href="" />
| || || || || </descriptionText> </description> - <platform
| || || || || name="ver_platform_win32_windows">
| || || || || <processorArchitecture>x86</processorArchitecture>
| || || || || <version major="4" minor="10" build="" servicePackMajor=""
| || || || || servicePackMinor="" /> </platform>
| || || || || <downloadStatus value="COMPLETE" />
| || || || ||
| || || || ||
| || || ||
| || ||
| ||
| <downloadPath>h:\WUTemp\com_microsoft.WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734
| || || || || -X86-182459</downloadPath>
| || || || || <client>IU_Site</client>
| || || || ||
| || || || || |
| || || || || | --
| || || || || | MEB
| || || || || | --
| || || || || | _________
| || || || || |
| || || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| || || || || | news:uHBPRK7wIHA.5832@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
| || || || || || MEB wrote:
| || || || || || | Thanks PCR, thought you said you had an older
| || || || || || | installation for a check...
| || || || || ||
| || || || || || I have only one, fully updated installation of Win98SE.
| || || || || ||
| || || || || || | BTW if you could send me your old iuhist for
| || || || || || | comparison, it would be appreciated.
| || || || || ||
| || || || || || I have only one IUHist.xml. It requires an internet
| || || || || || connection to work. Are you sure mine would work on your
| || || || || || machine? I'm not sure I want to part with it! Is it safe
| || || || || || to have someone else look inside mine? It's a big mess,
| || || || || || anyhow!
| || || || || ||
| || || || || || | I started new testing phases after the December
| || || || || || | 2005 issues., so all iuhist [that I remembered to save]
| || || || || || | after, have not got that in it. I'd like to compare my
| || || || || || | old ones with yours to see what else was removed.
| || || || || || | Perhaps you may have some other things missing which I
| || || || || || | may not have [due to several re-installations during
| || || || || || | the final support days or before] or overlooked..
| || || || || || |
| || || || || || | m_brahier at hotmail dot com
| || || || || || |
| || || || || || | --
| || || || || || | MEB
| || || || || || | --
| || || || || || | _________
| || || || || || |
| || || || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| || || || || || | news:enYFst5wIHA.2068@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| || || || || || || MEB wrote:
| || || || || || || | Okay, hopefully someone has an older installation
| || || || || || || | that can verify prior WU installation to confirm
| || || || || || || | that aspect. Doesn't PCR run an old installation?
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || JUST like for you, IUHist.xml shows 823353 came in
| || || || || || || for me from Windows Update. I got it one day before
| || || || || || || you.
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || It is not at the Catalog for Win98 in any of the
| || || || || || || categories (looking for 823353 or MS04-018), which
| || || || || || || finally has begun to work again after 3 days...
| || || || || || ||
| ||
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || And it wasn't among my downloads from the Catalog. So,
| || || || || || || either I didn't look quick enough for it or it never
| || || || || || || was there. HOWEVER...
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-018
| || || || || || || Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express
| || || || || || || (823353)
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || ...from our IUHist.xml DOES serve to get to it.
| || || || || || || Thanks to you & Terhune (especially for testing it)--
| || || || || || || I took it in, just in case I ever need to reinstall
| || || || || || || it. I took in...
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || . Microsoft Outlook Express 6 Service Pack 1
| || || || || || || IE6.0sp1-KB823353-x86-ENU.exe
| || || || || || || Desc: Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor
| || || || || || || Size: 1,996,544 bytes
| || || || || || || Ver: 6.00.2800.1168
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || I'm not sure whether the version refers to the update
| || || || || || || or the Extractor. I DO verify that the files you
| || || || || || || mentioned are indeed the versions I've got. Thanks
| || || || || || || again to you & Terhune.
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || | --
| || || || || || || | MEB
| || || || ||
| || || || ||
| || || || || ...snip
| || || || || --
| || || || || Thanks or Good Luck,
| || || || || There may be humor in this post, and,
| || || || || Naturally, you will not sue,
| || || || || Should things get worse after this,
| || || || || PCR
| || || || ||
| || || ||
| || || || --
| || || || Thanks or Good Luck,
| || || || There may be humor in this post, and,
| || || || Naturally, you will not sue,
| || || || Should things get worse after this,
| || || || PCR
| || || ||
| || ||
| || || --
| || || Thanks or Good Luck,
| || || There may be humor in this post, and,
| || || Naturally, you will not sue,
| || || Should things get worse after this,
| || || PCR
| || ||
| ||
| || --
| || Thanks or Good Luck,
| || There may be humor in this post, and,
| || Naturally, you will not sue,
| || Should things get worse after this,
| || PCR
| ||
| --
| Thanks or Good Luck,
| There may be humor in this post, and,
| Naturally, you will not sue,
| Should things get worse after this,


MEB wrote:
| Enjoy...

Alright. Thanks. Don't know when, but I intend to get to it. It's just
the thing is so big & sloppy-- so tough to look at!

Yours seems to have its timestamps in order, where mine are mixed. But
you've got 18 of KB837009, where I've got only 2. I still can't figure
why I've got so many duplicates, but I guess your 18 KB837009 is
explainable-- lots went through that!

It could be my duplicates resulted from taking most from the Catalog for
storage, after taking them from the site for install. But more study is
necessary. I've got at least one that is in my WU (where I stored the
downloads from the Catalog) but only in IUHist only once. I don't know
when I can get to this.

| --
| --
| _________
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:OFy37dhxIHA.5892@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|| MEB wrote:
|| | The reason is the style sheet isn't provided, hence there is no way
|| | for IE to determine the proper presentation.
|| It's going online (or into TIFs) just to get a style sheet? Why
|| wouldn't that be kept locally?
|| | Ah, I already have a local copy of the schema, so IF I wanted to
|| | use the browser, a change to the location to local file and it
|| | would display in the fashion dictated. Suppose I should try that
|| | sometime...
|| Don't click mine until you change it to text only! I don't like the
|| online involvement!
|| | Anyway, I'll re-send the text files... at least you can look at it
|| | anytime you want WITHOUT web access or changing the original
|| | iuhist...
|| All I got from you was an HTML e-mail with no file in it. Wait a
|| minute-- all of a sudden I do see the attachments! OK, got it--
|| that's that, then.
|| | --
|| | MEB
|| | --
|| | _________
|| |
|| | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| | news:%23Qk9ENexIHA.5520@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
|| || MEB wrote:
|| || | Re-did mine and yours, re-sent as text, forgot you were using
|| || | your browser to look at them. Should look similar to what you
|| || | generally see.
|| || | So best get these text versions at least, 18k as zipped.
|| ||
|| || I still got nothing. Oops! My other message rule disallows posts
|| || with attachments! OK, I've unchecked it & will await you resend
|| || it-- but I still don't want it!
|| ||
|| || Yes, I use IE to look at mine. And I was right the first time-- it
|| || won't work without NET access, (if it also isn't in TIFs)...!...
|| ||
|| || The XML page cannot be displayed
|| || Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the
|| || error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.
|| || Error opening input file:
|| || ''. The
|| || download of the specified resource has failed. Error processing
|| || resource ''.
|| ||
|| || This makes me afraid to click yours, if it ever gets through--
|| || except you are sending .txt. And don't click mine-- until you
|| || convert it to text!
|| ||
|| || | --
|| || | MEB
|| || | --
|| || | _________
|| || |
|| || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || | news:%23R5t9eTxIHA.1440@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|| || || MEB wrote:
|| || || | Got it, thanks. Sent you an old one.
|| || ||
|| || || Very good. I had a hard drive crash in '01 & had to get all
|| || || those again, if they weren't already on Compaq's QuickRestore
|| || || CDs. But that's still earlier than your doings.
|| || ||
|| || || | Now all we have to do is compare... as if that was all that
|| || || | needed done... but anyway, now I have one comparison basis
|| || || | from a different system..
|| || ||
|| || || You've got me interested in looking mine over carefully. I
|| || || haven't received yours probably because I have a message rule
|| || || that won't accept anything larger than 100 KB. You must zip it
|| || || to get through-- but I doubt I'll ever look at it.
|| || ||
|| || ||
|| || || | --
|| || || | MEB
|| || || | --
|| || || | _________
|| || || |
|| || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || || | news:eqtwO2RxIHA.1772@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
|| || || || MEB wrote:
|| || || || | Hehehe, I can't send you my eyes or my mind... tell you
|| || || || | what you, send me your file, I'll send you one of the old
|| || || || | ones 86k.. biggest I have and likely the best for
|| || || || | cross-reference. Where do you want it sent? That should
|| || || || | tell you how much you need to be concerned with the
|| || || || | friggin file...
|| || || ||
|| || || || Fine, I'm sending mine now to the address you posted--
|| || || || WinZip got it down to 4.76 KB from 92 KB! If you look at it
|| || || || -- you agree to post a thorough analysis right here within
|| || || || 6 years -- on penalty of your machine must crumble to dust
|| || || || if you don't!
|| || || ||
|| || || || Mine is tough enough to look at-- I don't need yours! They
|| || || || might be different depending on configuration & what
|| || || || optionals we took.
|| || || ||
|| || || || | As for what to check/parse it with,, I do them by hand
|| || || || | though SURELY someone felt the same as you and didn't
|| || || || | want to spend that kind of time and wrote something, just
|| || || || | never bothered to check. Perhaps a standard xml creator
|| || || || | would work to break it into the proper sectional order...
|| || || ||
|| || || || I don't have anything like that. I guess I'll have to do it
|| || || || by hand. You are getting the original, unaltered version.
|| || || || Can I really move things around in there, even delete the
|| || || || failures & duplicates-- & not upset Windows Update? What is
|| || || || wrong with editing it in Explorer, instead of UEdit?
|| || || ||
|| || || || | maybe credible XML,, again just never bothered to run it
|| || || || | on it and don't have it installed this time.... heck
|| || || || | probably one of my web tools would work, never felt
|| || || || | compelled or lazy enough to check.. Besides, its a good
|| || || || | way to remember [repeat use] xml formatting... Have you
|| || || || | ever done any RSS, RDF, site XML [like for Google], or
|| || || || | any other style of XML editing? Its a pretty common
|| || || || | format now, used to store data, references, information,
|| || || || | location, lots of other stuff.... Look at something you
|| || || || | already have like AVAST's... I just use UEdit, heck I
|| || || || | could probably make a macro and run it,, just never got
|| || || || | around to it
|| || || || |
|| || || || | --
|| || || || | MEB
|| || || || | --
|| || || || | _________
|| || || || |
|| || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || || || | news:uaDmE8DxIHA.4848@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|| || || || || MEB wrote:
|| || || || || | HAHA, you really don't mean that right,, all your
|| || || || || | iuhist.xml shows is what WU installed and when,,, of
|| || || || || | course if your worried that somehow makes you
|| || || || || | vulnerable,,, then take a pill... then send it. Its
|| || || || || | WU's history file...period.
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || The file is mysterious. It certainly seems to have online
|| || || || || involvement, but, yea, looks like I can set IE to "work
|| || || || || offline", & the file still did work-- this time! Fine--
|| || || || || I'll go look for a pill. In the meantime...
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || (a) What will you do with mine?
|| || || || || (b) Do you have stuff that analyses it?
|| || || || || (c) Send me something to analyse mine, then,
|| || || || || which is 93,255 bytes & tough to look at.
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || | The only way it would or could be a mess is if YOU
|| || || || || | manually edited it, its automatically created/added to
|| || || || || | by WU. And no, it doesn't need an Internet connection
|| || || || || | to work,, its only connection to the NET [supposedly]
|| || || || || | is to WU...
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || I've looked inside, but hopefully never deleted or moved
|| || || || || any of the lines. I have clicked the minus & plus signs--
|| || || || || is all, I think! It is sloppy because...
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || (a) There are some failures. The failure reports remained
|| || || || || inside, although a later attempt resulted in a complete
|| || || || || for the same update.
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || (b) The timestamps aren't all in order. Generally, looks
|| || || || || like, the newer dates are on top-- but there are plenty
|| || || || || out of sequence!
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || (c) Some of the updates seem to be in the report TWICE--
|| || || || || & both
|| ||
|| || || || || were a complete. For instance...!...
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || - <itemStatus xmlns="" timestamp="2006-06-14T19:32:42">
|| || || || || - <identity
|| || || || ||
|| || || ||
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || || || ||
|| || || ||
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || || || || x86-182459."
|| || || || || name="WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734-X86-182459">
|| || || || || <publisherName>com_microsoft</publisherName>
|| || || || || <language>en</language> </identity>
|| || || || || - <description hidden="0">
|| || || || || - <descriptionText>
|| || || || || <title>Security Update for Windows Media Player 9 for
|| || || || || Windows 98 and Windows ME (KB917734)</title>
|| || || || || <eula
|| || || || || href="/msdownload/update/v3/static/eula/en/eula.htm" />
|| || || || || <details
|| || || || || href="" />
|| || || || || </descriptionText> </description> - <platform
|| || || || || name="ver_platform_win32_windows">
|| || || || || <processorArchitecture>x86</processorArchitecture>
|| || || || || <version major="4" minor="10" build=""
|| || || || || servicePackMajor="" servicePackMinor="" /> </platform>
|| || || || || <downloadStatus value="COMPLETE" />
|| || || || ||
|| || || || ||
|| || || ||
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || || || || -X86-182459</downloadPath>
|| || || || || <client>IU_Site</client>
|| || || || || <installStatus value="COMPLETE" needsReboot="0" />
|| || || || || </itemStatus>
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || - <itemStatus xmlns="" timestamp="2006-06-14T18:39:32">
|| || || || || - <identity
|| || || || ||
|| || || ||
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || || || ||
|| || || ||
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || || || || x86-182459."
|| || || || || name="WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734-X86-182459">
|| || || || || <publisherName>com_microsoft</publisherName>
|| || || || || <language>en</language> </identity>
|| || || || || - <description hidden="0">
|| || || || || - <descriptionText>
|| || || || || <title>Security Update for Windows Media Player 9 for
|| || || || || Windows 98 and Windows ME (KB917734)</title>
|| || || || || <eula
|| || || || || href="/msdownload/update/v3/static/eula/en/eula.htm" />
|| || || || || <details
|| || || || || href="" />
|| || || || || </descriptionText> </description> - <platform
|| || || || || name="ver_platform_win32_windows">
|| || || || || <processorArchitecture>x86</processorArchitecture>
|| || || || || <version major="4" minor="10" build=""
|| || || || || servicePackMajor="" servicePackMinor="" /> </platform>
|| || || || || <downloadStatus value="COMPLETE" />
|| || || || ||
|| || || || ||
|| || || ||
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || || || || -X86-182459</downloadPath>
|| || || || || <client>IU_Site</client>
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || |
|| || || || || | --
|| || || || || | MEB
|| || || || || | --
|| || || || || | _________
|| || || || || |
|| || || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || || || || | news:uHBPRK7wIHA.5832@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|| || || || || || MEB wrote:
|| || || || || || | Thanks PCR, thought you said you had an older
|| || || || || || | installation for a check...
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || I have only one, fully updated installation of
|| || || || || || Win98SE.
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || | BTW if you could send me your old iuhist for
|| || || || || || | comparison, it would be appreciated.
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || I have only one IUHist.xml. It requires an internet
|| || || || || || connection to work. Are you sure mine would work on
|| || || || || || your machine? I'm not sure I want to part with it! Is
|| || || || || || it safe to have someone else look inside mine? It's a
|| || || || || || big mess, anyhow!
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || | I started new testing phases after the December
|| || || || || || | 2005 issues., so all iuhist [that I remembered to
|| || || || || || | save] after, have not got that in it. I'd like to
|| || || || || || | compare my old ones with yours to see what else was
|| || || || || || | removed. Perhaps you may have some other things
|| || || || || || | missing which I may not have [due to several
|| || || || || || | re-installations during the final support days or
|| || || || || || | before] or overlooked..
|| || || || || || |
|| || || || || || | m_brahier at hotmail dot com
|| || || || || || |
|| || || || || || | --
|| || || || || || | MEB
|| || || || || || | --
|| || || || || || | _________
|| || || || || || |
|| || || || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || || || || || | news:enYFst5wIHA.2068@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|| || || || || || || MEB wrote:
|| || || || || || || | Okay, hopefully someone has an older installation
|| || || || || || || | that can verify prior WU installation to confirm
|| || || || || || || | that aspect. Doesn't PCR run an old installation?
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || JUST like for you, IUHist.xml shows 823353 came in
|| || || || || || || for me from Windows Update. I got it one day before
|| || || || || || || you.
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || It is not at the Catalog for Win98 in any of the
|| || || || || || || categories (looking for 823353 or MS04-018), which
|| || || || || || || finally has begun to work again after 3 days...
|| || || || || || ||
|| ||
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || And it wasn't among my downloads from the Catalog.
|| || || || || || || So, either I didn't look quick enough for it or it
|| || || || || || || never was there. HOWEVER...
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-018
|| || || || || || || Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express
|| || || || || || || (823353)
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || ...from our IUHist.xml DOES serve to get to it.
|| || || || || || || Thanks to you & Terhune (especially for testing
|| || || || || || || it)-- I took it in, just in case I ever need to
|| || || || || || || reinstall it. I took in...
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || . Microsoft Outlook Express 6 Service Pack 1
|| || || || || || || IE6.0sp1-KB823353-x86-ENU.exe
|| || || || || || || Desc: Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor
|| || || || || || || Size: 1,996,544 bytes
|| || || || || || || Ver: 6.00.2800.1168
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || I'm not sure whether the version refers to the
|| || || || || || || update or the Extractor. I DO verify that the
|| || || || || || || files you mentioned are indeed the versions I've
|| || || || || || || got. Thanks again to you & Terhune.
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || | --
|| || || || || || || | MEB
|| || || || ||
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || ...snip
|| || || || || --
|| || || || || Thanks or Good Luck,
|| || || || || There may be humor in this post, and,
|| || || || || Naturally, you will not sue,
|| || || || || Should things get worse after this,
|| || || || || PCR
|| || || || ||
|| || || ||
|| || || || --
|| || || || Thanks or Good Luck,
|| || || || There may be humor in this post, and,
|| || || || Naturally, you will not sue,
|| || || || Should things get worse after this,
|| || || || PCR
|| || || ||
|| || ||
|| || || --
|| || || Thanks or Good Luck,
|| || || There may be humor in this post, and,
|| || || Naturally, you will not sue,
|| || || Should things get worse after this,
|| || || PCR
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || --
|| || Thanks or Good Luck,
|| || There may be humor in this post, and,
|| || Naturally, you will not sue,
|| || Should things get worse after this,
|| || PCR
|| ||
|| --
|| Thanks or Good Luck,
|| There may be humor in this post, and,
|| Naturally, you will not sue,
|| Should things get worse after this,
|| PCR

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


AH, whenever, its not exactly on my front burner right now either,,,

Yeah, that KB837009 came from that failed reg entry deal... just another
mess up.


"PCR" <> wrote in message
| MEB wrote:
| | Enjoy...
| Alright. Thanks. Don't know when, but I intend to get to it. It's just
| the thing is so big & sloppy-- so tough to look at!
| Yours seems to have its timestamps in order, where mine are mixed. But
| you've got 18 of KB837009, where I've got only 2. I still can't figure
| why I've got so many duplicates, but I guess your 18 KB837009 is
| explainable-- lots went through that!
| It could be my duplicates resulted from taking most from the Catalog for
| storage, after taking them from the site for install. But more study is
| necessary. I've got at least one that is in my WU (where I stored the
| downloads from the Catalog) but only in IUHist only once. I don't know
| when I can get to this.
| | --
| | MEB
| | --
| | _________
| |
| | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| | news:OFy37dhxIHA.5892@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
| || MEB wrote:
| || | The reason is the style sheet isn't provided, hence there is no way
| || | for IE to determine the proper presentation.
| ||
| || It's going online (or into TIFs) just to get a style sheet? Why
| || wouldn't that be kept locally?
| ||
| || | Ah, I already have a local copy of the schema, so IF I wanted to
| || | use the browser, a change to the location to local file and it
| || | would display in the fashion dictated. Suppose I should try that
| || | sometime...
| ||
| || Don't click mine until you change it to text only! I don't like the
| || online involvement!
| ||
| || | Anyway, I'll re-send the text files... at least you can look at it
| || | anytime you want WITHOUT web access or changing the original
| || | iuhist...
| ||
| || All I got from you was an HTML e-mail with no file in it. Wait a
| || minute-- all of a sudden I do see the attachments! OK, got it--
| || that's that, then.
| ||
| || | --
| || | MEB
| || | --
| || | _________
| || |
| || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| || | news:%23Qk9ENexIHA.5520@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
| || || MEB wrote:
| || || | Re-did mine and yours, re-sent as text, forgot you were using
| || || | your browser to look at them. Should look similar to what you
| || || | generally see.
| || || | So best get these text versions at least, 18k as zipped.
| || ||
| || || I still got nothing. Oops! My other message rule disallows posts
| || || with attachments! OK, I've unchecked it & will await you resend
| || || it-- but I still don't want it!
| || ||
| || || Yes, I use IE to look at mine. And I was right the first time-- it
| || || won't work without NET access, (if it also isn't in TIFs)...!...
| || ||
| || || The XML page cannot be displayed
| || || Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the
| || || error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.
| || || Error opening input file:
| || || ''. The
| || || download of the specified resource has failed. Error processing
| || || resource ''.
| || ||
| || || This makes me afraid to click yours, if it ever gets through--
| || || except you are sending .txt. And don't click mine-- until you
| || || convert it to text!
| || ||
| || || | --
| || || | MEB
| || || | --
| || || | _________
| || || |
| || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| || || | news:%23R5t9eTxIHA.1440@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| || || || MEB wrote:
| || || || | Got it, thanks. Sent you an old one.
| || || ||
| || || || Very good. I had a hard drive crash in '01 & had to get all
| || || || those again, if they weren't already on Compaq's QuickRestore
| || || || CDs. But that's still earlier than your doings.
| || || ||
| || || || | Now all we have to do is compare... as if that was all that
| || || || | needed done... but anyway, now I have one comparison basis
| || || || | from a different system..
| || || ||
| || || || You've got me interested in looking mine over carefully. I
| || || || haven't received yours probably because I have a message rule
| || || || that won't accept anything larger than 100 KB. You must zip it
| || || || to get through-- but I doubt I'll ever look at it.
| || || ||
| || || ||
| || || || | --
| || || || | MEB
| || || || | --
| || || || | _________
| || || || |
| || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| || || || | news:eqtwO2RxIHA.1772@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
| || || || || MEB wrote:
| || || || || | Hehehe, I can't send you my eyes or my mind... tell you
| || || || || | what you, send me your file, I'll send you one of the old
| || || || || | ones 86k.. biggest I have and likely the best for
| || || || || | cross-reference. Where do you want it sent? That should
| || || || || | tell you how much you need to be concerned with the
| || || || || | friggin file...
| || || || ||
| || || || || Fine, I'm sending mine now to the address you posted--
| || || || || WinZip got it down to 4.76 KB from 92 KB! If you look at it
| || || || || -- you agree to post a thorough analysis right here within
| || || || || 6 years -- on penalty of your machine must crumble to dust
| || || || || if you don't!
| || || || ||
| || || || || Mine is tough enough to look at-- I don't need yours! They
| || || || || might be different depending on configuration & what
| || || || || optionals we took.
| || || || ||
| || || || || | As for what to check/parse it with,, I do them by hand
| || || || || | though SURELY someone felt the same as you and didn't
| || || || || | want to spend that kind of time and wrote something, just
| || || || || | never bothered to check. Perhaps a standard xml creator
| || || || || | would work to break it into the proper sectional order...
| || || || ||
| || || || || I don't have anything like that. I guess I'll have to do it
| || || || || by hand. You are getting the original, unaltered version.
| || || || || Can I really move things around in there, even delete the
| || || || || failures & duplicates-- & not upset Windows Update? What is
| || || || || wrong with editing it in Explorer, instead of UEdit?
| || || || ||
| || || || || | maybe credible XML,, again just never bothered to run it
| || || || || | on it and don't have it installed this time.... heck
| || || || || | probably one of my web tools would work, never felt
| || || || || | compelled or lazy enough to check.. Besides, its a good
| || || || || | way to remember [repeat use] xml formatting... Have you
| || || || || | ever done any RSS, RDF, site XML [like for Google], or
| || || || || | any other style of XML editing? Its a pretty common
| || || || || | format now, used to store data, references, information,
| || || || || | location, lots of other stuff.... Look at something you
| || || || || | already have like AVAST's... I just use UEdit, heck I
| || || || || | could probably make a macro and run it,, just never got
| || || || || | around to it
| || || || || |
| || || || || | --
| || || || || | MEB
| || || || || | --
| || || || || | _________
| || || || || |
| || || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| || || || || | news:uaDmE8DxIHA.4848@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| || || || || || MEB wrote:
| || || || || || | HAHA, you really don't mean that right,, all your
| || || || || || | iuhist.xml shows is what WU installed and when,,, of
| || || || || || | course if your worried that somehow makes you
| || || || || || | vulnerable,,, then take a pill... then send it. Its
| || || || || || | WU's history file...period.
| || || || || ||
| || || || || || The file is mysterious. It certainly seems to have online
| || || || || || involvement, but, yea, looks like I can set IE to "work
| || || || || || offline", & the file still did work-- this time! Fine--
| || || || || || I'll go look for a pill. In the meantime...
| || || || || ||
| || || || || || (a) What will you do with mine?
| || || || || || (b) Do you have stuff that analyses it?
| || || || || || (c) Send me something to analyse mine, then,
| || || || || || which is 93,255 bytes & tough to look at.
| || || || || ||
| || || || || || | The only way it would or could be a mess is if YOU
| || || || || || | manually edited it, its automatically created/added to
| || || || || || | by WU. And no, it doesn't need an Internet connection
| || || || || || | to work,, its only connection to the NET [supposedly]
| || || || || || | is to WU...
| || || || || ||
| || || || || || I've looked inside, but hopefully never deleted or moved
| || || || || || any of the lines. I have clicked the minus & plus signs--
| || || || || || is all, I think! It is sloppy because...
| || || || || ||
| || || || || || (a) There are some failures. The failure reports remained
| || || || || || inside, although a later attempt resulted in a complete
| || || || || || for the same update.
| || || || || ||
| || || || || || (b) The timestamps aren't all in order. Generally, looks
| || || || || || like, the newer dates are on top-- but there are plenty
| || || || || || out of sequence!
| || || || || ||
| || || || || || (c) Some of the updates seem to be in the report TWICE--
| || || || || || & both
| || ||
| || || || || || were a complete. For instance...!...
| || || || || ||
| || || || || || - <itemStatus xmlns="" timestamp="2006-06-14T19:32:42">
| || || || || || - <identity
| || || || || ||
| || || || ||
| || || ||
| || ||
| ||
| itemID="win98se.windows98andwindows98secondedition.ver_platform_win32_wi
| || || || || ||
| || || || ||
| || || ||
| || ||
| ||
| ndows.4.10.x86.en......com_microsoft.windowsmedia9-windows98me-kb917734-
| || || || || || x86-182459."
| || || || || || name="WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734-X86-182459">
| || || || || || <publisherName>com_microsoft</publisherName>
| || || || || || <language>en</language> </identity>
| || || || || || - <description hidden="0">
| || || || || || - <descriptionText>
| || || || || || <title>Security Update for Windows Media Player 9 for
| || || || || || Windows 98 and Windows ME (KB917734)</title>
| || || || || || <eula
| || || || || || href="/msdownload/update/v3/static/eula/en/eula.htm" />
| || || || || || <details
| || || || || || href="" />
| || || || || || </descriptionText> </description> - <platform
| || || || || || name="ver_platform_win32_windows">
| || || || || || <processorArchitecture>x86</processorArchitecture>
| || || || || || <version major="4" minor="10" build=""
| || || || || || servicePackMajor="" servicePackMinor="" /> </platform>
| || || || || || <downloadStatus value="COMPLETE" />
| || || || || ||
| || || || || ||
| || || || ||
| || || ||
| || ||
| ||
| <downloadPath>h:\WUTemp\com_microsoft.WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734
| || || || || || -X86-182459</downloadPath>
| || || || || || <client>IU_Site</client>
| || || || || || <installStatus value="COMPLETE" needsReboot="0" />
| || || || || || </itemStatus>
| || || || || ||
| || || || || || - <itemStatus xmlns="" timestamp="2006-06-14T18:39:32">
| || || || || || - <identity
| || || || || ||
| || || || ||
| || || ||
| || ||
| ||
| itemID="win98se.windows98andwindows98secondedition.ver_platform_win32_wi
| || || || || ||
| || || || ||
| || || ||
| || ||
| ||
| ndows.4.10.x86.en......com_microsoft.windowsmedia9-windows98me-kb917734-
| || || || || || x86-182459."
| || || || || || name="WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734-X86-182459">
| || || || || || <publisherName>com_microsoft</publisherName>
| || || || || || <language>en</language> </identity>
| || || || || || - <description hidden="0">
| || || || || || - <descriptionText>
| || || || || || <title>Security Update for Windows Media Player 9 for
| || || || || || Windows 98 and Windows ME (KB917734)</title>
| || || || || || <eula
| || || || || || href="/msdownload/update/v3/static/eula/en/eula.htm" />
| || || || || || <details
| || || || || || href="" />
| || || || || || </descriptionText> </description> - <platform
| || || || || || name="ver_platform_win32_windows">
| || || || || || <processorArchitecture>x86</processorArchitecture>
| || || || || || <version major="4" minor="10" build=""
| || || || || || servicePackMajor="" servicePackMinor="" /> </platform>
| || || || || || <downloadStatus value="COMPLETE" />
| || || || || ||
| || || || || ||
| || || || ||
| || || ||
| || ||
| ||
| <downloadPath>h:\WUTemp\com_microsoft.WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734
| || || || || || -X86-182459</downloadPath>
| || || || || || <client>IU_Site</client>
| || || || || ||
| || || || || || |
| || || || || || | --
| || || || || || | MEB
| || || || || || | --
| || || || || || | _________
| || || || || || |
| || || || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| || || || || || | news:uHBPRK7wIHA.5832@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
| || || || || || || MEB wrote:
| || || || || || || | Thanks PCR, thought you said you had an older
| || || || || || || | installation for a check...
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || I have only one, fully updated installation of
| || || || || || || Win98SE.
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || | BTW if you could send me your old iuhist for
| || || || || || || | comparison, it would be appreciated.
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || I have only one IUHist.xml. It requires an internet
| || || || || || || connection to work. Are you sure mine would work on
| || || || || || || your machine? I'm not sure I want to part with it! Is
| || || || || || || it safe to have someone else look inside mine? It's a
| || || || || || || big mess, anyhow!
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || | I started new testing phases after the December
| || || || || || || | 2005 issues., so all iuhist [that I remembered to
| || || || || || || | save] after, have not got that in it. I'd like to
| || || || || || || | compare my old ones with yours to see what else was
| || || || || || || | removed. Perhaps you may have some other things
| || || || || || || | missing which I may not have [due to several
| || || || || || || | re-installations during the final support days or
| || || || || || || | before] or overlooked..
| || || || || || || |
| || || || || || || | m_brahier at hotmail dot com
| || || || || || || |
| || || || || || || | --
| || || || || || || | MEB
| || || || || || || | --
| || || || || || || | _________
| || || || || || || |
| || || || || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| || || || || || || | news:enYFst5wIHA.2068@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| || || || || || || || MEB wrote:
| || || || || || || || | Okay, hopefully someone has an older installation
| || || || || || || || | that can verify prior WU installation to confirm
| || || || || || || || | that aspect. Doesn't PCR run an old installation?
| || || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || || JUST like for you, IUHist.xml shows 823353 came in
| || || || || || || || for me from Windows Update. I got it one day before
| || || || || || || || you.
| || || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || || It is not at the Catalog for Win98 in any of the
| || || || || || || || categories (looking for 823353 or MS04-018), which
| || || || || || || || finally has begun to work again after 3 days...
| || || || || || || ||
| || ||
| || || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || || And it wasn't among my downloads from the Catalog.
| || || || || || || || So, either I didn't look quick enough for it or it
| || || || || || || || never was there. HOWEVER...
| || || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || || Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-018
| || || || || || || || Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express
| || || || || || || || (823353)
| || || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || || ...from our IUHist.xml DOES serve to get to it.
| || || || || || || || Thanks to you & Terhune (especially for testing
| || || || || || || || it)-- I took it in, just in case I ever need to
| || || || || || || || reinstall it. I took in...
| || || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || || . Microsoft Outlook Express 6 Service Pack 1
| || || || || || || || IE6.0sp1-KB823353-x86-ENU.exe
| || || || || || || || Desc: Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor
| || || || || || || || Size: 1,996,544 bytes
| || || || || || || || Ver: 6.00.2800.1168
| || || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || || I'm not sure whether the version refers to the
| || || || || || || || update or the Extractor. I DO verify that the
| || || || || || || || files you mentioned are indeed the versions I've
| || || || || || || || got. Thanks again to you & Terhune.
| || || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || || | --
| || || || || || || || | MEB
| || || || || ||
| || || || || ||
| || || || || || ...snip
| || || || || || --
| || || || || || Thanks or Good Luck,
| || || || || || There may be humor in this post, and,
| || || || || || Naturally, you will not sue,
| || || || || || Should things get worse after this,
| || || || || || PCR
| || || || || ||
| || || || ||
| || || || || --
| || || || || Thanks or Good Luck,
| || || || || There may be humor in this post, and,
| || || || || Naturally, you will not sue,
| || || || || Should things get worse after this,
| || || || || PCR
| || || || ||
| || || ||
| || || || --
| || || || Thanks or Good Luck,
| || || || There may be humor in this post, and,
| || || || Naturally, you will not sue,
| || || || Should things get worse after this,
| || || || PCR
| || || ||
| || ||
| || || --
| || || Thanks or Good Luck,
| || || There may be humor in this post, and,
| || || Naturally, you will not sue,
| || || Should things get worse after this,
| || || PCR
| || ||
| ||
| || --
| || Thanks or Good Luck,
| || There may be humor in this post, and,
| || Naturally, you will not sue,
| || Should things get worse after this,
| || PCR
| ||
| --
| Thanks or Good Luck,
| There may be humor in this post, and,
| Naturally, you will not sue,
| Should things get worse after this,


MEB wrote:
| AH, whenever, its not exactly on my front burner right now either,,,
| Yeah, that KB837009 came from that failed reg entry deal... just
| another mess up.

OK. Maybe I'll look for something that reads IUHist,xml & does the
analysis. I'll plod through mine (& maybe yours) by hand otherwise &
post the analysis to a new thread. Every time I open mine-- it looks
like half-a-million criticals are in there! The .xml version scares me
because of the online involvement, but it has working +/- signs making
it a tad easier to know where one update ends & another begins. But I'm
afraid to do any deletes in it!

| --
| --
| _________
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:OPt5dPuxIHA.6096@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
|| MEB wrote:
|| | Enjoy...
|| Alright. Thanks. Don't know when, but I intend to get to it. It's
|| just the thing is so big & sloppy-- so tough to look at!
|| Yours seems to have its timestamps in order, where mine are mixed.
|| But you've got 18 of KB837009, where I've got only 2. I still can't
|| figure why I've got so many duplicates, but I guess your 18 KB837009
|| is explainable-- lots went through that!
|| It could be my duplicates resulted from taking most from the Catalog
|| for storage, after taking them from the site for install. But more
|| study is necessary. I've got at least one that is in my WU (where I
|| stored the downloads from the Catalog) but only in IUHist only once.
|| I don't know when I can get to this.
|| | --
|| | MEB
|| | --
|| | _________
|| |
|| | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| | news:OFy37dhxIHA.5892@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|| || MEB wrote:
|| || | The reason is the style sheet isn't provided, hence there is no
|| || | way for IE to determine the proper presentation.
|| ||
|| || It's going online (or into TIFs) just to get a style sheet? Why
|| || wouldn't that be kept locally?
|| ||
|| || | Ah, I already have a local copy of the schema, so IF I wanted to
|| || | use the browser, a change to the location to local file and it
|| || | would display in the fashion dictated. Suppose I should try that
|| || | sometime...
|| ||
|| || Don't click mine until you change it to text only! I don't like
|| || the online involvement!
|| ||
|| || | Anyway, I'll re-send the text files... at least you can look
|| || | at it anytime you want WITHOUT web access or changing the
|| || | original iuhist...
|| ||
|| || All I got from you was an HTML e-mail with no file in it. Wait a
|| || minute-- all of a sudden I do see the attachments! OK, got it--
|| || that's that, then.
|| ||
|| || | --
|| || | MEB
|| || | --
|| || | _________
|| || |
|| || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || | news:%23Qk9ENexIHA.5520@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
|| || || MEB wrote:
|| || || | Re-did mine and yours, re-sent as text, forgot you were using
|| || || | your browser to look at them. Should look similar to what you
|| || || | generally see.
|| || || | So best get these text versions at least, 18k as zipped.
|| || ||
|| || || I still got nothing. Oops! My other message rule disallows
|| || || posts with attachments! OK, I've unchecked it & will await you
|| || || resend it-- but I still don't want it!
|| || ||
|| || || Yes, I use IE to look at mine. And I was right the first
|| || || time-- it won't work without NET access, (if it also isn't in
|| || || TIFs)...!...
|| || ||
|| || || The XML page cannot be displayed
|| || || Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the
|| || || error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.
|| || || Error opening input file:
|| || || ''. The
|| || || download of the specified resource has failed. Error processing
|| || || resource
|| || || ''.
|| || ||
|| || || This makes me afraid to click yours, if it ever gets through--
|| || || except you are sending .txt. And don't click mine-- until you
|| || || convert it to text!
|| || ||
|| || || | --
|| || || | MEB
|| || || | --
|| || || | _________
|| || || |
|| || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || || | news:%23R5t9eTxIHA.1440@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|| || || || MEB wrote:
|| || || || | Got it, thanks. Sent you an old one.
|| || || ||
|| || || || Very good. I had a hard drive crash in '01 & had to get all
|| || || || those again, if they weren't already on Compaq's
|| || || || QuickRestore CDs. But that's still earlier than your doings.
|| || || ||
|| || || || | Now all we have to do is compare... as if that was all
|| || || || | that needed done... but anyway, now I have one comparison
|| || || || | basis from a different system..
|| || || ||
|| || || || You've got me interested in looking mine over carefully. I
|| || || || haven't received yours probably because I have a message
|| || || || rule that won't accept anything larger than 100 KB. You
|| || || || must zip it to get through-- but I doubt I'll ever look at
|| || || || it.
|| || || ||
|| || || ||
|| || || || | --
|| || || || | MEB
|| || || || | --
|| || || || | _________
|| || || || |
|| || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || || || | news:eqtwO2RxIHA.1772@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
|| || || || || MEB wrote:
|| || || || || | Hehehe, I can't send you my eyes or my mind... tell you
|| || || || || | what you, send me your file, I'll send you one of the
|| || || || || | old ones 86k.. biggest I have and likely the best for
|| || || || || | cross-reference. Where do you want it sent? That
|| || || || || | should tell you how much you need to be concerned with
|| || || || || | the friggin file...
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || Fine, I'm sending mine now to the address you posted--
|| || || || || WinZip got it down to 4.76 KB from 92 KB! If you look at
|| || || || || it -- you agree to post a thorough analysis right here
|| || || || || within 6 years -- on penalty of your machine must
|| || || || || crumble to dust if you don't!
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || Mine is tough enough to look at-- I don't need yours!
|| || || || || They might be different depending on configuration & what
|| || || || || optionals we took.
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || | As for what to check/parse it with,, I do them by hand
|| || || || || | though SURELY someone felt the same as you and didn't
|| || || || || | want to spend that kind of time and wrote something,
|| || || || || | just never bothered to check. Perhaps a standard xml
|| || || || || | creator would work to break it into the proper
|| || || || || | sectional order...
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || I don't have anything like that. I guess I'll have to do
|| || || || || it by hand. You are getting the original, unaltered
|| || || || || version. Can I really move things around in there, even
|| || || || || delete the failures & duplicates-- & not upset Windows
|| || || || || Update? What is wrong with editing it in Explorer,
|| || || || || instead of UEdit?
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || | maybe credible XML,, again just never bothered to run
|| || || || || | it on it and don't have it installed this time.... heck
|| || || || || | probably one of my web tools would work, never felt
|| || || || || | compelled or lazy enough to check.. Besides, its a good
|| || || || || | way to remember [repeat use] xml formatting... Have you
|| || || || || | ever done any RSS, RDF, site XML [like for Google], or
|| || || || || | any other style of XML editing? Its a pretty common
|| || || || || | format now, used to store data, references,
|| || || || || | information, location, lots of other stuff.... Look at
|| || || || || | something you already have like AVAST's... I just use
|| || || || || | UEdit, heck I could probably make a macro and run it,,
|| || || || || | just never got around to it
|| || || || || |
|| || || || || | --
|| || || || || | MEB
|| || || || || | --
|| || || || || | _________
|| || || || || |
|| || || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || || || || | news:uaDmE8DxIHA.4848@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|| || || || || || MEB wrote:
|| || || || || || | HAHA, you really don't mean that right,, all your
|| || || || || || | iuhist.xml shows is what WU installed and when,,, of
|| || || || || || | course if your worried that somehow makes you
|| || || || || || | vulnerable,,, then take a pill... then send it. Its
|| || || || || || | WU's history file...period.
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || The file is mysterious. It certainly seems to have
|| || || || || || online involvement, but, yea, looks like I can set IE
|| || || || || || to "work offline", & the file still did work-- this
|| || || || || || time! Fine-- I'll go look for a pill. In the
|| || || || || || meantime...
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || (a) What will you do with mine?
|| || || || || || (b) Do you have stuff that analyses it?
|| || || || || || (c) Send me something to analyse mine, then,
|| || || || || || which is 93,255 bytes & tough to look at.
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || | The only way it would or could be a mess is if YOU
|| || || || || || | manually edited it, its automatically created/added
|| || || || || || | to by WU. And no, it doesn't need an Internet
|| || || || || || | connection to work,, its only connection to the NET
|| || || || || || | [supposedly] is to WU...
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || I've looked inside, but hopefully never deleted or
|| || || || || || moved any of the lines. I have clicked the minus &
|| || || || || || plus signs-- is all, I think! It is sloppy because...
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || (a) There are some failures. The failure reports
|| || || || || || remained inside, although a later attempt resulted in
|| || || || || || a complete for the same update.
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || (b) The timestamps aren't all in order. Generally,
|| || || || || || looks like, the newer dates are on top-- but there
|| || || || || || are plenty out of sequence!
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || (c) Some of the updates seem to be in the report
|| || || || || || TWICE-- & both
|| || ||
|| || || || || || were a complete. For instance...!...
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || - <itemStatus xmlns=""
|| || || || || || timestamp="2006-06-14T19:32:42">
|| || || || || || - <identity
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || ||
|| || || ||
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || ||
|| || || ||
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || || || || || x86-182459."
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || name="WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734-X86-182459">
|| || || || || || <publisherName>com_microsoft</publisherName>
|| || || || || || <language>en</language> </identity>
|| || || || || || - <description hidden="0">
|| || || || || || - <descriptionText>
|| || || || || || <title>Security Update for Windows Media Player 9
|| || || || || || for Windows 98 and Windows ME (KB917734)</title>
|| || || || || || <eula
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || href="/msdownload/update/v3/static/eula/en/eula.htm"
|| || || || || || /> <details
|| || || || || || href=""
|| || || || || || /> </descriptionText> </description> - <platform
|| || || || || || name="ver_platform_win32_windows">
|| || || || || || <processorArchitecture>x86</processorArchitecture>
|| || || || || || <version major="4" minor="10" build=""
|| || || || || || servicePackMajor="" servicePackMinor="" />
|| || || || || || </platform> <downloadStatus value="COMPLETE" />
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || ||
|| || || ||
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || || || || || -X86-182459</downloadPath>
|| || || || || || <client>IU_Site</client>
|| || || || || || <installStatus value="COMPLETE" needsReboot="0" />
|| || || || || || </itemStatus>
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || - <itemStatus xmlns=""
|| || || || || || timestamp="2006-06-14T18:39:32">
|| || || || || || - <identity
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || ||
|| || || ||
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || ||
|| || || ||
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || || || || || x86-182459."
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || name="WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734-X86-182459">
|| || || || || || <publisherName>com_microsoft</publisherName>
|| || || || || || <language>en</language> </identity>
|| || || || || || - <description hidden="0">
|| || || || || || - <descriptionText>
|| || || || || || <title>Security Update for Windows Media Player 9
|| || || || || || for Windows 98 and Windows ME (KB917734)</title>
|| || || || || || <eula
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || href="/msdownload/update/v3/static/eula/en/eula.htm"
|| || || || || || /> <details
|| || || || || || href=""
|| || || || || || /> </descriptionText> </description> - <platform
|| || || || || || name="ver_platform_win32_windows">
|| || || || || || <processorArchitecture>x86</processorArchitecture>
|| || || || || || <version major="4" minor="10" build=""
|| || || || || || servicePackMajor="" servicePackMinor="" />
|| || || || || || </platform> <downloadStatus value="COMPLETE" />
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || ||
|| || || ||
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || || || || || -X86-182459</downloadPath>
|| || || || || || <client>IU_Site</client>
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || |
|| || || || || || | --
|| || || || || || | MEB
|| || || || || || | --
|| || || || || || | _________
|| || || || || || |
|| || || || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || || || || || | news:uHBPRK7wIHA.5832@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|| || || || || || || MEB wrote:
|| || || || || || || | Thanks PCR, thought you said you had an older
|| || || || || || || | installation for a check...
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || I have only one, fully updated installation of
|| || || || || || || Win98SE.
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || | BTW if you could send me your old iuhist for
|| || || || || || || | comparison, it would be appreciated.
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || I have only one IUHist.xml. It requires an internet
|| || || || || || || connection to work. Are you sure mine would work on
|| || || || || || || your machine? I'm not sure I want to part with it!
|| || || || || || || Is it safe to have someone else look inside mine?
|| || || || || || || It's a big mess, anyhow!
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || | I started new testing phases after the December
|| || || || || || || | 2005 issues., so all iuhist [that I remembered to
|| || || || || || || | save] after, have not got that in it. I'd like to
|| || || || || || || | compare my old ones with yours to see what else
|| || || || || || || | was removed. Perhaps you may have some other
|| || || || || || || | things missing which I may not have [due to
|| || || || || || || | several re-installations during the final
|| || || || || || || | support days or before] or overlooked..
|| || || || || || || |
|| || || || || || || | m_brahier at hotmail dot com
|| || || || || || || |
|| || || || || || || | --
|| || || || || || || | MEB
|| || || || || || || | --
|| || || || || || || | _________
|| || || || || || || |
|| || || || || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || || || || || || | news:enYFst5wIHA.2068@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|| || || || || || || || MEB wrote:
|| || || || || || || || | Okay, hopefully someone has an older
|| || || || || || || || | installation that can verify prior WU
|| || || || || || || || | installation to confirm that aspect. Doesn't
|| || || || || || || || | PCR run an old installation?
|| || || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || || JUST like for you, IUHist.xml shows 823353 came
|| || || || || || || || in for me from Windows Update. I got it one day
|| || || || || || || || before you.
|| || || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || || It is not at the Catalog for Win98 in any of the
|| || || || || || || || categories (looking for 823353 or MS04-018),
|| || || || || || || || which finally has begun to work again after 3
|| || || || || || || || days...
|| || || || || || || ||
|| || ||
|| || || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || || And it wasn't among my downloads from the
|| || || || || || || || Catalog. So, either I didn't look quick enough
|| || || || || || || || for it or it never was there. HOWEVER...
|| || || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || || Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-018
|| || || || || || || || Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express
|| || || || || || || || (823353)
|| || || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || || ...from our IUHist.xml DOES serve to get to it.
|| || || || || || || || Thanks to you & Terhune (especially for testing
|| || || || || || || || it)-- I took it in, just in case I ever need to
|| || || || || || || || reinstall it. I took in...
|| || || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || || . Microsoft Outlook Express 6 Service Pack 1
|| || || || || || || || IE6.0sp1-KB823353-x86-ENU.exe
|| || || || || || || || Desc: Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor
|| || || || || || || || Size: 1,996,544 bytes
|| || || || || || || || Ver: 6.00.2800.1168
|| || || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || || I'm not sure whether the version refers to the
|| || || || || || || || update or the Extractor. I DO verify that the
|| || || || || || || || files you mentioned are indeed the versions I've
|| || || || || || || || got. Thanks again to you & Terhune.
|| || || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || || | --
|| || || || || || || || | MEB

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


Ah, okay, so that's a hint for an easier to read one... backed up for the
next few days but I will send it soon..


"PCR" <> wrote in message
| MEB wrote:
| | AH, whenever, its not exactly on my front burner right now either,,,
| |
| | Yeah, that KB837009 came from that failed reg entry deal... just
| | another mess up.
| OK. Maybe I'll look for something that reads IUHist,xml & does the
| analysis. I'll plod through mine (& maybe yours) by hand otherwise &
| post the analysis to a new thread. Every time I open mine-- it looks
| like half-a-million criticals are in there! The .xml version scares me
| because of the online involvement, but it has working +/- signs making
| it a tad easier to know where one update ends & another begins. But I'm
| afraid to do any deletes in it!
| | --
| | MEB
| | --
| | _________
| |
| | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| | news:OPt5dPuxIHA.6096@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
| || MEB wrote:
| || | Enjoy...
| ||
| || Alright. Thanks. Don't know when, but I intend to get to it. It's
| || just the thing is so big & sloppy-- so tough to look at!
| ||
| || Yours seems to have its timestamps in order, where mine are mixed.
| || But you've got 18 of KB837009, where I've got only 2. I still can't
| || figure why I've got so many duplicates, but I guess your 18 KB837009
| || is explainable-- lots went through that!
| ||
| || It could be my duplicates resulted from taking most from the Catalog
| || for storage, after taking them from the site for install. But more
| || study is necessary. I've got at least one that is in my WU (where I
| || stored the downloads from the Catalog) but only in IUHist only once.
| || I don't know when I can get to this.
| ||
| || | --
| || | MEB
| || | --
| || | _________
| || |
| || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| || | news:OFy37dhxIHA.5892@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
| || || MEB wrote:
| || || | The reason is the style sheet isn't provided, hence there is no
| || || | way for IE to determine the proper presentation.
| || ||
| || || It's going online (or into TIFs) just to get a style sheet? Why
| || || wouldn't that be kept locally?
| || ||
| || || | Ah, I already have a local copy of the schema, so IF I wanted to
| || || | use the browser, a change to the location to local file and it
| || || | would display in the fashion dictated. Suppose I should try that
| || || | sometime...
| || ||
| || || Don't click mine until you change it to text only! I don't like
| || || the online involvement!
| || ||
| || || | Anyway, I'll re-send the text files... at least you can look
| || || | at it anytime you want WITHOUT web access or changing the
| || || | original iuhist...
| || ||
| || || All I got from you was an HTML e-mail with no file in it. Wait a
| || || minute-- all of a sudden I do see the attachments! OK, got it--
| || || that's that, then.
| || ||
| || || | --
| || || | MEB
| || || | --
| || || | _________
| || || |
| || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| || || | news:%23Qk9ENexIHA.5520@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
| || || || MEB wrote:
| || || || | Re-did mine and yours, re-sent as text, forgot you were using
| || || || | your browser to look at them. Should look similar to what you
| || || || | generally see.
| || || || | So best get these text versions at least, 18k as zipped.
| || || ||
| || || || I still got nothing. Oops! My other message rule disallows
| || || || posts with attachments! OK, I've unchecked it & will await you
| || || || resend it-- but I still don't want it!
| || || ||
| || || || Yes, I use IE to look at mine. And I was right the first
| || || || time-- it won't work without NET access, (if it also isn't in
| || || || TIFs)...!...
| || || ||
| || || || The XML page cannot be displayed
| || || || Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the
| || || || error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.
| || || || Error opening input file:
| || || || ''. The
| || || || download of the specified resource has failed. Error processing
| || || || resource
| || || || ''.
| || || ||
| || || || This makes me afraid to click yours, if it ever gets through--
| || || || except you are sending .txt. And don't click mine-- until you
| || || || convert it to text!
| || || ||
| || || || | --
| || || || | MEB
| || || || | --
| || || || | _________
| || || || |
| || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| || || || | news:%23R5t9eTxIHA.1440@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| || || || || MEB wrote:
| || || || || | Got it, thanks. Sent you an old one.
| || || || ||
| || || || || Very good. I had a hard drive crash in '01 & had to get all
| || || || || those again, if they weren't already on Compaq's
| || || || || QuickRestore CDs. But that's still earlier than your doings.
| || || || ||
| || || || || | Now all we have to do is compare... as if that was all
| || || || || | that needed done... but anyway, now I have one comparison
| || || || || | basis from a different system..
| || || || ||
| || || || || You've got me interested in looking mine over carefully. I
| || || || || haven't received yours probably because I have a message
| || || || || rule that won't accept anything larger than 100 KB. You
| || || || || must zip it to get through-- but I doubt I'll ever look at
| || || || || it.
| || || || ||
| || || || ||
| || || || || | --
| || || || || | MEB
| || || || || | --
| || || || || | _________
| || || || || |
| || || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| || || || || | news:eqtwO2RxIHA.1772@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
| || || || || || MEB wrote:
| || || || || || | Hehehe, I can't send you my eyes or my mind... tell you
| || || || || || | what you, send me your file, I'll send you one of the
| || || || || || | old ones 86k.. biggest I have and likely the best for
| || || || || || | cross-reference. Where do you want it sent? That
| || || || || || | should tell you how much you need to be concerned with
| || || || || || | the friggin file...
| || || || || ||
| || || || || || Fine, I'm sending mine now to the address you posted--
| || || || || || WinZip got it down to 4.76 KB from 92 KB! If you look at
| || || || || || it -- you agree to post a thorough analysis right here
| || || || || || within 6 years -- on penalty of your machine must
| || || || || || crumble to dust if you don't!
| || || || || ||
| || || || || || Mine is tough enough to look at-- I don't need yours!
| || || || || || They might be different depending on configuration & what
| || || || || || optionals we took.
| || || || || ||
| || || || || || | As for what to check/parse it with,, I do them by hand
| || || || || || | though SURELY someone felt the same as you and didn't
| || || || || || | want to spend that kind of time and wrote something,
| || || || || || | just never bothered to check. Perhaps a standard xml
| || || || || || | creator would work to break it into the proper
| || || || || || | sectional order...
| || || || || ||
| || || || || || I don't have anything like that. I guess I'll have to do
| || || || || || it by hand. You are getting the original, unaltered
| || || || || || version. Can I really move things around in there, even
| || || || || || delete the failures & duplicates-- & not upset Windows
| || || || || || Update? What is wrong with editing it in Explorer,
| || || || || || instead of UEdit?
| || || || || ||
| || || || || || | maybe credible XML,, again just never bothered to run
| || || || || || | it on it and don't have it installed this time.... heck
| || || || || || | probably one of my web tools would work, never felt
| || || || || || | compelled or lazy enough to check.. Besides, its a good
| || || || || || | way to remember [repeat use] xml formatting... Have you
| || || || || || | ever done any RSS, RDF, site XML [like for Google], or
| || || || || || | any other style of XML editing? Its a pretty common
| || || || || || | format now, used to store data, references,
| || || || || || | information, location, lots of other stuff.... Look at
| || || || || || | something you already have like AVAST's... I just use
| || || || || || | UEdit, heck I could probably make a macro and run it,,
| || || || || || | just never got around to it
| || || || || || |
| || || || || || | --
| || || || || || | MEB
| || || || || || | --
| || || || || || | _________
| || || || || || |
| || || || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| || || || || || | news:uaDmE8DxIHA.4848@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| || || || || || || MEB wrote:
| || || || || || || | HAHA, you really don't mean that right,, all your
| || || || || || || | iuhist.xml shows is what WU installed and when,,, of
| || || || || || || | course if your worried that somehow makes you
| || || || || || || | vulnerable,,, then take a pill... then send it. Its
| || || || || || || | WU's history file...period.
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || The file is mysterious. It certainly seems to have
| || || || || || || online involvement, but, yea, looks like I can set IE
| || || || || || || to "work offline", & the file still did work-- this
| || || || || || || time! Fine-- I'll go look for a pill. In the
| || || || || || || meantime...
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || (a) What will you do with mine?
| || || || || || || (b) Do you have stuff that analyses it?
| || || || || || || (c) Send me something to analyse mine, then,
| || || || || || || which is 93,255 bytes & tough to look at.
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || | The only way it would or could be a mess is if YOU
| || || || || || || | manually edited it, its automatically created/added
| || || || || || || | to by WU. And no, it doesn't need an Internet
| || || || || || || | connection to work,, its only connection to the NET
| || || || || || || | [supposedly] is to WU...
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || I've looked inside, but hopefully never deleted or
| || || || || || || moved any of the lines. I have clicked the minus &
| || || || || || || plus signs-- is all, I think! It is sloppy because...
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || (a) There are some failures. The failure reports
| || || || || || || remained inside, although a later attempt resulted in
| || || || || || || a complete for the same update.
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || (b) The timestamps aren't all in order. Generally,
| || || || || || || looks like, the newer dates are on top-- but there
| || || || || || || are plenty out of sequence!
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || (c) Some of the updates seem to be in the report
| || || || || || || TWICE-- & both
| || || ||
| || || || || || || were a complete. For instance...!...
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || - <itemStatus xmlns=""
| || || || || || || timestamp="2006-06-14T19:32:42">
| || || || || || || - <identity
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || ||
| || || || ||
| || || ||
| || ||
| ||
| itemID="win98se.windows98andwindows98secondedition.ver_platform_win32_wi
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || ||
| || || || ||
| || || ||
| || ||
| ||
| ndows.4.10.x86.en......com_microsoft.windowsmedia9-windows98me-kb917734-
| || || || || || || x86-182459."
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || name="WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734-X86-182459">
| || || || || || || <publisherName>com_microsoft</publisherName>
| || || || || || || <language>en</language> </identity>
| || || || || || || - <description hidden="0">
| || || || || || || - <descriptionText>
| || || || || || || <title>Security Update for Windows Media Player 9
| || || || || || || for Windows 98 and Windows ME (KB917734)</title>
| || || || || || || <eula
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || href="/msdownload/update/v3/static/eula/en/eula.htm"
| || || || || || || /> <details
| || || || || || || href=""
| || || || || || || /> </descriptionText> </description> - <platform
| || || || || || || name="ver_platform_win32_windows">
| || || || || || || <processorArchitecture>x86</processorArchitecture>
| || || || || || || <version major="4" minor="10" build=""
| || || || || || || servicePackMajor="" servicePackMinor="" />
| || || || || || || </platform> <downloadStatus value="COMPLETE" />
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || ||
| || || || ||
| || || ||
| || ||
| ||
| <downloadPath>h:\WUTemp\com_microsoft.WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734
| || || || || || || -X86-182459</downloadPath>
| || || || || || || <client>IU_Site</client>
| || || || || || || <installStatus value="COMPLETE" needsReboot="0" />
| || || || || || || </itemStatus>
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || - <itemStatus xmlns=""
| || || || || || || timestamp="2006-06-14T18:39:32">
| || || || || || || - <identity
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || ||
| || || || ||
| || || ||
| || ||
| ||
| itemID="win98se.windows98andwindows98secondedition.ver_platform_win32_wi
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || ||
| || || || ||
| || || ||
| || ||
| ||
| ndows.4.10.x86.en......com_microsoft.windowsmedia9-windows98me-kb917734-
| || || || || || || x86-182459."
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || name="WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734-X86-182459">
| || || || || || || <publisherName>com_microsoft</publisherName>
| || || || || || || <language>en</language> </identity>
| || || || || || || - <description hidden="0">
| || || || || || || - <descriptionText>
| || || || || || || <title>Security Update for Windows Media Player 9
| || || || || || || for Windows 98 and Windows ME (KB917734)</title>
| || || || || || || <eula
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || href="/msdownload/update/v3/static/eula/en/eula.htm"
| || || || || || || /> <details
| || || || || || || href=""
| || || || || || || /> </descriptionText> </description> - <platform
| || || || || || || name="ver_platform_win32_windows">
| || || || || || || <processorArchitecture>x86</processorArchitecture>
| || || || || || || <version major="4" minor="10" build=""
| || || || || || || servicePackMajor="" servicePackMinor="" />
| || || || || || || </platform> <downloadStatus value="COMPLETE" />
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || ||
| || || || ||
| || || ||
| || ||
| ||
| <downloadPath>h:\WUTemp\com_microsoft.WINDOWSMEDIA9-WINDOWS98ME-KB917734
| || || || || || || -X86-182459</downloadPath>
| || || || || || || <client>IU_Site</client>
| || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || |
| || || || || || || | --
| || || || || || || | MEB
| || || || || || || | --
| || || || || || || | _________
| || || || || || || |
| || || || || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| || || || || || || | news:uHBPRK7wIHA.5832@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
| || || || || || || || MEB wrote:
| || || || || || || || | Thanks PCR, thought you said you had an older
| || || || || || || || | installation for a check...
| || || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || || I have only one, fully updated installation of
| || || || || || || || Win98SE.
| || || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || || | BTW if you could send me your old iuhist for
| || || || || || || || | comparison, it would be appreciated.
| || || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || || I have only one IUHist.xml. It requires an internet
| || || || || || || || connection to work. Are you sure mine would work on
| || || || || || || || your machine? I'm not sure I want to part with it!
| || || || || || || || Is it safe to have someone else look inside mine?
| || || || || || || || It's a big mess, anyhow!
| || || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || || | I started new testing phases after the December
| || || || || || || || | 2005 issues., so all iuhist [that I remembered to
| || || || || || || || | save] after, have not got that in it. I'd like to
| || || || || || || || | compare my old ones with yours to see what else
| || || || || || || || | was removed. Perhaps you may have some other
| || || || || || || || | things missing which I may not have [due to
| || || || || || || || | several re-installations during the final
| || || || || || || || | support days or before] or overlooked..
| || || || || || || || |
| || || || || || || || | m_brahier at hotmail dot com
| || || || || || || || |
| || || || || || || || | --
| || || || || || || || | MEB
| || || || || || || || | --
| || || || || || || || | _________
| || || || || || || || |
| || || || || || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
| || || || || || || || | news:enYFst5wIHA.2068@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| || || || || || || || || MEB wrote:
| || || || || || || || || | Okay, hopefully someone has an older
| || || || || || || || || | installation that can verify prior WU
| || || || || || || || || | installation to confirm that aspect. Doesn't
| || || || || || || || || | PCR run an old installation?
| || || || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || || || JUST like for you, IUHist.xml shows 823353 came
| || || || || || || || || in for me from Windows Update. I got it one day
| || || || || || || || || before you.
| || || || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || || || It is not at the Catalog for Win98 in any of the
| || || || || || || || || categories (looking for 823353 or MS04-018),
| || || || || || || || || which finally has begun to work again after 3
| || || || || || || || || days...
| || || || || || || || ||
| || || ||
| || || || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || || || And it wasn't among my downloads from the
| || || || || || || || || Catalog. So, either I didn't look quick enough
| || || || || || || || || for it or it never was there. HOWEVER...
| || || || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || || || Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-018
| || || || || || || || || Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express
| || || || || || || || || (823353)
| || || || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || || || ...from our IUHist.xml DOES serve to get to it.
| || || || || || || || || Thanks to you & Terhune (especially for testing
| || || || || || || || || it)-- I took it in, just in case I ever need to
| || || || || || || || || reinstall it. I took in...
| || || || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || || || . Microsoft Outlook Express 6 Service Pack 1
| || || || || || || || || IE6.0sp1-KB823353-x86-ENU.exe
| || || || || || || || || Desc: Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor
| || || || || || || || || Size: 1,996,544 bytes
| || || || || || || || || Ver: 6.00.2800.1168
| || || || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || || || I'm not sure whether the version refers to the
| || || || || || || || || update or the Extractor. I DO verify that the
| || || || || || || || || files you mentioned are indeed the versions I've
| || || || || || || || || got. Thanks again to you & Terhune.
| || || || || || || || ||
| || || || || || || || || | --
| || || || || || || || || | MEB
| ...snip
| --
| Thanks or Good Luck,
| There may be humor in this post, and,
| Naturally, you will not sue,
| Should things get worse after this,


MEB wrote:
| Ah, okay, so that's a hint for an easier to read one... backed up for
| the next few days but I will send it soon..

It was a hint this time, but I ask directly for it a few posts ago. I
looked & couldn't easily find an analyzer. OK, I'll be waiting for it,
no hurry-- it's going to take six years anyhow to analyze the thing!

| --
| --
| _________
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:%238zDJ2DyIHA.2340@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
|| MEB wrote:
|| | AH, whenever, its not exactly on my front burner right now
|| | either,,,
|| |
|| | Yeah, that KB837009 came from that failed reg entry deal... just
|| | another mess up.
|| OK. Maybe I'll look for something that reads IUHist,xml & does the
|| analysis. I'll plod through mine (& maybe yours) by hand otherwise &
|| post the analysis to a new thread. Every time I open mine-- it looks
|| like half-a-million criticals are in there! The .xml version scares
|| me because of the online involvement, but it has working +/- signs
|| making it a tad easier to know where one update ends & another
|| begins. But I'm afraid to do any deletes in it!
|| | --
|| | MEB
|| | --
|| | _________
|| |
|| | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| | news:OPt5dPuxIHA.6096@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
|| || MEB wrote:
|| || | Enjoy...
|| ||
|| || Alright. Thanks. Don't know when, but I intend to get to it. It's
|| || just the thing is so big & sloppy-- so tough to look at!
|| ||
|| || Yours seems to have its timestamps in order, where mine are mixed.
|| || But you've got 18 of KB837009, where I've got only 2. I still
|| || can't figure why I've got so many duplicates, but I guess your 18
|| || KB837009 is explainable-- lots went through that!
|| ||
|| || It could be my duplicates resulted from taking most from the
|| || Catalog for storage, after taking them from the site for install.
|| || But more study is necessary. I've got at least one that is in my
|| || WU (where I stored the downloads from the Catalog) but only in
|| || IUHist only once. I don't know when I can get to this.
|| ||
|| || | --
|| || | MEB
|| || | --
|| || | _________
|| || |
|| || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || | news:OFy37dhxIHA.5892@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|| || || MEB wrote:
|| || || | The reason is the style sheet isn't provided, hence there is
|| || || | no way for IE to determine the proper presentation.
|| || ||
|| || || It's going online (or into TIFs) just to get a style sheet? Why
|| || || wouldn't that be kept locally?
|| || ||
|| || || | Ah, I already have a local copy of the schema, so IF I
|| || || | wanted to use the browser, a change to the location to local
|| || || | file and it would display in the fashion dictated. Suppose I
|| || || | should try that sometime...
|| || ||
|| || || Don't click mine until you change it to text only! I don't like
|| || || the online involvement!
|| || ||
|| || || | Anyway, I'll re-send the text files... at least you can look
|| || || | at it anytime you want WITHOUT web access or changing the
|| || || | original iuhist...
|| || ||
|| || || All I got from you was an HTML e-mail with no file in it. Wait
|| || || a minute-- all of a sudden I do see the attachments! OK, got
|| || || it-- that's that, then.
|| || ||
|| || || | --
|| || || | MEB
|| || || | --
|| || || | _________
|| || || |
|| || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || || | news:%23Qk9ENexIHA.5520@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
|| || || || MEB wrote:
|| || || || | Re-did mine and yours, re-sent as text, forgot you were
|| || || || | using your browser to look at them. Should look similar
|| || || || | to what you generally see.
|| || || || | So best get these text versions at least, 18k as zipped.
|| || || ||
|| || || || I still got nothing. Oops! My other message rule disallows
|| || || || posts with attachments! OK, I've unchecked it & will await
|| || || || you resend it-- but I still don't want it!
|| || || ||
|| || || || Yes, I use IE to look at mine. And I was right the first
|| || || || time-- it won't work without NET access, (if it also isn't
|| || || || in TIFs)...!...
|| || || ||
|| || || || The XML page cannot be displayed
|| || || || Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct
|| || || || the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again
|| || || || later. Error opening input file:
|| || || || ''. The
|| || || || download of the specified resource has failed. Error
|| || || || processing resource
|| || || || ''.
|| || || ||
|| || || || This makes me afraid to click yours, if it ever gets
|| || || || through-- except you are sending .txt. And don't click
|| || || || mine-- until you convert it to text!
|| || || ||
|| || || || | --
|| || || || | MEB
|| || || || | --
|| || || || | _________
|| || || || |
|| || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || || || | news:%23R5t9eTxIHA.1440@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|| || || || || MEB wrote:
|| || || || || | Got it, thanks. Sent you an old one.
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || Very good. I had a hard drive crash in '01 & had to get
|| || || || || all those again, if they weren't already on Compaq's
|| || || || || QuickRestore CDs. But that's still earlier than your
|| || || || || doings.
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || | Now all we have to do is compare... as if that was all
|| || || || || | that needed done... but anyway, now I have one
|| || || || || | comparison basis from a different system..
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || You've got me interested in looking mine over carefully.
|| || || || || I haven't received yours probably because I have a
|| || || || || message rule that won't accept anything larger than 100
|| || || || || KB. You must zip it to get through-- but I doubt I'll
|| || || || || ever look at it.
|| || || || ||
|| || || || ||
|| || || || || | --
|| || || || || | MEB
|| || || || || | --
|| || || || || | _________
|| || || || || |
|| || || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || || || || | news:eqtwO2RxIHA.1772@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
|| || || || || || MEB wrote:
|| || || || || || | Hehehe, I can't send you my eyes or my mind... tell
|| || || || || || | you what you, send me your file, I'll send you one
|| || || || || || | of the old ones 86k.. biggest I have and likely the
|| || || || || || | best for cross-reference. Where do you want it
|| || || || || || | sent? That should tell you how much you need to be
|| || || || || || | concerned with the friggin file...
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || Fine, I'm sending mine now to the address you posted--
|| || || || || || WinZip got it down to 4.76 KB from 92 KB! If you look
|| || || || || || at it -- you agree to post a thorough analysis right
|| || || || || || here within 6 years -- on penalty of your machine must
|| || || || || || crumble to dust if you don't!
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || Mine is tough enough to look at-- I don't need yours!
|| || || || || || They might be different depending on configuration &
|| || || || || || what optionals we took.
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || | As for what to check/parse it with,, I do them by
|| || || || || || | hand though SURELY someone felt the same as you and
|| || || || || || | didn't want to spend that kind of time and wrote
|| || || || || || | something, just never bothered to check. Perhaps a
|| || || || || || | standard xml creator would work to break it into
|| || || || || || | the proper sectional order...
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || I don't have anything like that. I guess I'll have to
|| || || || || || do it by hand. You are getting the original, unaltered
|| || || || || || version. Can I really move things around in there,
|| || || || || || even delete the failures & duplicates-- & not upset
|| || || || || || Windows Update? What is wrong with editing it in
|| || || || || || Explorer, instead of UEdit?
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || || || | maybe credible XML,, again just never bothered to
|| || || || || || | run it on it and don't have it installed this
|| || || || || || | time.... heck probably one of my web tools would
|| || || || || || | work, never felt compelled or lazy enough to
|| || || || || || | check.. Besides, its a good way to remember [repeat
|| || || || || || | use] xml formatting... Have you ever done any RSS,
|| || || || || || | RDF, site XML [like for Google], or any other style
|| || || || || || | of XML editing? Its a pretty common format now,
|| || || || || || | used to store data, references, information,
|| || || || || || | location, lots of other stuff.... Look at something
|| || || || || || | you already have like AVAST's... I just use UEdit,
|| || || || || || | heck I could probably make a macro and run it,,
|| || || || || || | just never got around to it
|| || || || || || |
|| || || || || || | --
|| || || || || || | MEB
|| || || || || || | --
|| || || || || || | _________
|| || || || || || |
|| || || || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || || || || || | news:uaDmE8DxIHA.4848@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|| || || || || || || MEB wrote:
|| || || || || || || | HAHA, you really don't mean that right,, all your
|| || || || || || || | iuhist.xml shows is what WU installed and
|| || || || || || || | when,,, of course if your worried that somehow
|| || || || || || || | makes you vulnerable,,, then take a pill... then
|| || || || || || || | send it. Its WU's history file...period.
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || The file is mysterious. It certainly seems to have
|| || || || || || || online involvement, but, yea, looks like I can set
|| || || || || || || IE to "work offline", & the file still did work--
|| || || || || || || this time! Fine-- I'll go look for a pill. In the
|| || || || || || || meantime...
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || (a) What will you do with mine?
|| || || || || || || (b) Do you have stuff that analyses it?
|| || || || || || || (c) Send me something to analyse mine, then,
|| || || || || || || which is 93,255 bytes & tough to look at.
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || | The only way it would or could be a mess is if
|| || || || || || || | YOU manually edited it, its automatically
|| || || || || || || | created/added to by WU. And no, it doesn't need
|| || || || || || || | an Internet connection to work,, its only
|| || || || || || || | connection to the NET [supposedly] is to WU...
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || I've looked inside, but hopefully never deleted or
|| || || || || || || moved any of the lines. I have clicked the minus &
|| || || || || || || plus signs-- is all, I think! It is sloppy
|| || || || || || || because...
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || (a) There are some failures. The failure reports
|| || || || || || || remained inside, although a later attempt resulted
|| || || || || || || in a complete for the same update.
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || (b) The timestamps aren't all in order. Generally,
|| || || || || || || looks like, the newer dates are on top-- but there
|| || || || || || || are plenty out of sequence!
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || (c) Some of the updates seem to be in the report
|| || || || || || || TWICE-- & both
|| || || ||
|| || || || || || || were a complete. For instance...!...
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || - <itemStatus xmlns=""
|| || || || || || || timestamp="2006-06-14T19:32:42">
|| || || || || || || - <identity
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || ||
|| || || ||
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || ||
|| || || ||
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || || || || || || x86-182459."
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || <publisherName>com_microsoft</publisherName>
|| || || || || || || <language>en</language> </identity>
|| || || || || || || - <description hidden="0">
|| || || || || || || - <descriptionText>
|| || || || || || || <title>Security Update for Windows Media Player 9
|| || || || || || || for Windows 98 and Windows ME (KB917734)</title>
|| || || || || || || <eula
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || /> <details
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || href=""
|| || || || || || || /> </descriptionText> </description> - <platform
|| || || || || || || name="ver_platform_win32_windows">
|| || || || || || || <processorArchitecture>x86</processorArchitecture>
|| || || || || || || <version major="4" minor="10" build=""
|| || || || || || || servicePackMajor="" servicePackMinor="" />
|| || || || || || || </platform> <downloadStatus value="COMPLETE" />
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || ||
|| || || ||
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || || || || || || -X86-182459</downloadPath>
|| || || || || || || <client>IU_Site</client>
|| || || || || || || <installStatus value="COMPLETE" needsReboot="0"
|| || || || || || || /> </itemStatus>
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || - <itemStatus xmlns=""
|| || || || || || || timestamp="2006-06-14T18:39:32">
|| || || || || || || - <identity
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || ||
|| || || ||
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || ||
|| || || ||
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || || || || || || x86-182459."
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || <publisherName>com_microsoft</publisherName>
|| || || || || || || <language>en</language> </identity>
|| || || || || || || - <description hidden="0">
|| || || || || || || - <descriptionText>
|| || || || || || || <title>Security Update for Windows Media Player 9
|| || || || || || || for Windows 98 and Windows ME (KB917734)</title>
|| || || || || || || <eula
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || /> <details
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || href=""
|| || || || || || || /> </descriptionText> </description> - <platform
|| || || || || || || name="ver_platform_win32_windows">
|| || || || || || || <processorArchitecture>x86</processorArchitecture>
|| || || || || || || <version major="4" minor="10" build=""
|| || || || || || || servicePackMajor="" servicePackMinor="" />
|| || || || || || || </platform> <downloadStatus value="COMPLETE" />
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || ||
|| || || || ||
|| || || ||
|| || ||
|| ||
|| || || || || || || -X86-182459</downloadPath>
|| || || || || || || <client>IU_Site</client>
|| || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || |
|| || || || || || || | --
|| || || || || || || | MEB
|| || || || || || || | --
|| || || || || || || | _________
|| || || || || || || |
|| || || || || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || || || || || || | news:uHBPRK7wIHA.5832@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|| || || || || || || || MEB wrote:
|| || || || || || || || | Thanks PCR, thought you said you had an older
|| || || || || || || || | installation for a check...
|| || || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || || I have only one, fully updated installation of
|| || || || || || || || Win98SE.
|| || || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || || | BTW if you could send me your old iuhist for
|| || || || || || || || | comparison, it would be appreciated.
|| || || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || || I have only one IUHist.xml. It requires an
|| || || || || || || || internet connection to work. Are you sure mine
|| || || || || || || || would work on your machine? I'm not sure I want
|| || || || || || || || to part with it! Is it safe to have someone
|| || || || || || || || else look inside mine? It's a big mess, anyhow!
|| || || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || || | I started new testing phases after the
|| || || || || || || || | December 2005 issues., so all iuhist [that I
|| || || || || || || || | remembered to save] after, have not got that
|| || || || || || || || | in it. I'd like to compare my old ones with
|| || || || || || || || | yours to see what else was removed. Perhaps
|| || || || || || || || | you may have some other things missing which
|| || || || || || || || | I may not have [due to several
|| || || || || || || || | re-installations during the final support
|| || || || || || || || | days or before] or overlooked..
|| || || || || || || || |
|| || || || || || || || | m_brahier at hotmail dot com
|| || || || || || || || |
|| || || || || || || || | --
|| || || || || || || || | MEB
|| || || || || || || || | --
|| || || || || || || || | _________
|| || || || || || || || |
|| || || || || || || || | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| || || || || || || || | news:enYFst5wIHA.2068@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|| || || || || || || || || MEB wrote:
|| || || || || || || || || | Okay, hopefully someone has an older
|| || || || || || || || || | installation that can verify prior WU
|| || || || || || || || || | installation to confirm that aspect.
|| || || || || || || || || | Doesn't PCR run an old installation?
|| || || || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || || || JUST like for you, IUHist.xml shows 823353
|| || || || || || || || || came in for me from Windows Update. I got it
|| || || || || || || || || one day before you.
|| || || || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || || || It is not at the Catalog for Win98 in any of
|| || || || || || || || || the categories (looking for 823353 or
|| || || || || || || || || MS04-018), which finally has begun to work
|| || || || || || || || || again after 3 days...
|| || || || || || || || ||
|| || || ||
|| || || || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || || || And it wasn't among my downloads from the
|| || || || || || || || || Catalog. So, either I didn't look quick
|| || || || || || || || || enough for it or it never was there.
|| || || || || || || || || HOWEVER...
|| || || || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || || || Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-018
|| || || || || || || || || Cumulative Security Update for Outlook
|| || || || || || || || || Express (823353)
|| || || || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || || || ...from our IUHist.xml DOES serve to get to
|| || || || || || || || || it. Thanks to you & Terhune (especially for
|| || || || || || || || || testing it)-- I took it in, just in case I
|| || || || || || || || || ever need to reinstall it. I took in...
|| || || || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || || || . Microsoft Outlook Express 6 Service Pack 1
|| || || || || || || || || IE6.0sp1-KB823353-x86-ENU.exe
|| || || || || || || || || Desc: Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor
|| || || || || || || || || Size: 1,996,544 bytes
|| || || || || || || || || Ver: 6.00.2800.1168
|| || || || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || || || I'm not sure whether the version refers to
|| || || || || || || || || the update or the Extractor. I DO verify
|| || || || || || || || || that the files you mentioned are indeed the
|| || || || || || || || || versions I've got. Thanks again to you &
|| || || || || || || || || Terhune.
|| || || || || || || || ||
|| || || || || || || || || | --
|| || || || || || || || || | MEB
|| ...snip
|| --
|| Thanks or Good Luck,
|| There may be humor in this post, and,
|| Naturally, you will not sue,
|| Should things get worse after this,
|| PCR

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,
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