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Windows 11

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  1. Hello,I have a TASCAM US-4x4HR Audio Interface that I plug in my PreSonus Eris 4.5 Studio Monitors into for sound.Before the Windows 11 update that just recently occurred, I was able to play music from Spotify with no issue.After the update, Spotify is no longer able to play music through my Audio Interface to my Studio Monitors. It will play sound when I unplug my audio interface and have it route through my Desktop Speakers.I have uninstalled and reinstalled Spotify and the Driver on my Audio Interface, but the problem still persists. What can I do? Is it possible for me to go backwards befoView the full article
  2. This is an issue with Microsoft Wallet, NOT with Edge Browser, however it effects using the edge browser.Backstory:About 2 years ago, Microsoft forced Edge Browser to use their Microsoft Wallet app (assuming to attempt to force people to not use Google Wallet which is much better and more commonly used) and in doing so, they stole the ability for Edge to handle the autofill options of online form data (but not remembered website passwords/usernames) and gave the responsibility of remembering previously used web form fields to the Microsoft Wallet App. Prior to that, Edge stored the remembered View the full article
  3. Buongiorno,Vorrei disabilitare la modalità di accesso tramite PIN di Windows Hello.In impostazioni, sotto Account e Opzioni di Accesso, il tasto “Rimuovi” nel parte del PIN è disabilitato (in grigio, non cliccabile).Ho letto che bisognerebbe disabilitare il flag in Impostazioni aggiuntive “Richiedi a Windows Hello di eseguire l'accesso per gli account Microsoft”, flag che però io non ho.Non voglio togliere completamente la password, ma solo il PIN (quindi ad esempio mi andrebbe bene anche impostare come preferenza il login via password)Non ho l’account amministratore.Come posso fare?GrazieView the full article
  4. I bought Windows 11 Pro from Central Computers in Silicon Valley in December of 2023. I have the Windows 11 Pro CD in hand. It's a legitimate copy that I PAID FOR. However, after updating windows a couple of days ago I noticed all these "activate Windows' messages. So, I go into System >> Activation but Windows 11 says that I have no product key. Now Windows wants me to buy a second copy of Windows 11 Pro.Whatever.This is why people use Apple macOSView the full article
  5. -기존 윈도우 10 HOME 정품 구매 및 제품키 인증등록으로 사용하고있다가 윈도우 11 자동업데이트로인해 윈도우11 사용중이었음.-정품인증하라는 말 없이 잘 사용중이었음.-몇일 전 포맷진행함 > 포맷시 윈도우 11 HOME 자동설치됨-포맷 이후로 정품 인증하라는 팝업 지속 뜸★ 윈도우 10 HOME 과 윈도우 11 HOME 은 서로 제품키 호환 가능한 걸로 알고있으나 포맷후 제품키 입력 시 사용 할 수 없다고 뜸-> 오류코드 : 0x80004005-> 문제 해결 버튼 클릭시 "이 디바이스에서 윈도우를 정품 인증 할 수 없습니다. 마이크로 소프트 스토어로 이동하고 정품 윈도우를 구입하여 이 디바이스를 정품인증 할 수 있습니다." 라고 뜸.★★ 본 필자 이미 정품 윈도우 10 HOME 제품키 가지고있었고 포맷전 윈도우11도 잘 사용하고있었으나 포맷 후 적용안됨으로 정품 윈도우를 또 구매하라는 문제해결의 답변이 이해가안됨.해결(인증 = 활성화) 할 수 있는 방법좀 알려주세요..View the full article
  6. when playing HSR, my screens go black, on occasion I can still hear and input audio. Still, my screens won't receive any input. the crash usually happens after around 20 minutes of playing the game, both of my monitors flash white multiple times, and the game doesn't respond before both of my screens go black, notably if i am able to use Task Manager to quit the HSR program I regain full control over my PC, and sometimes windows will send a crash report. when the crash happens my temps haven't been above 75c, and have been as low as 50-55c so I don't believe it to be an overheating issue. My dView the full article
  7. 0x800705b4 error code..how can ı fix it? not able to update process for a long timeView the full article
  8. Good people of Microsoft forums, I desperately need your help. My PC has been crashing for years, but it is finally getting to the point where it is becoming unusable to game with. I suspect based on the googling that I have done so far that my GPU may be dying. But I would really love someone to tell me that this is just a quick and easy software fix.Below is my file. I ran the Minidump file,https://1drv.ms/u/c/4a878f10a6fc4751/EbMaMB3l62pKgGnM88sEeLkBWd-Zr4iGUv5TDBkYsUE4UA?e=LKFdybThrough WindDBG and it came back with anUNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP (7f) But I honestly don't know exactlyView the full article
  9. I bought notebook Lenovo IdeaPad FLex 5 a half year ago. I tried to use its integrated camera. It did not work in all applications. I checked that in Settings -Privacy-Camera all permissions were ON. I went to Settings-Blue Tooth/Devices-Cameras-Integrated cameras. I saw the following message: "Your camera is reporting that it is blocked or turned off by a switch or button on your device." But I did not find a button or switch on my notebook and also the needed function key on the keyboard. I paid attention that a little lamp of the camera lighted above the display. I check that anti-virus diView the full article
  10. whenever i am starting my laptop it keep showing that my window did not load properly so recover but even after trying most of the options it is not working and my keypad and touchpad also not working so suggest me solution-View the full article
  11. As title reads. I have my GPU driver updated. This desktop is a new one I bought recently. My low end laptop can run 4k vids smoothly, this desktop can't for some reason. What should I do? My specs below.Nome dispositivo DESKTOP-EESBLE0 Processore Intel(R) Core(TM) Ultra 9 285K 3.70 GHz RAM installata 64,0 GB (63,4 GB utilizzabile) ID dispositivo BE2F9DA0-A33F-4663-B885-9A665214170B ID prodotto 00331-10000-00001-AA157 Tipo sistema Sistema operativo a 64 bit, processore basato su x64 Penna e tocco Nessun input penna o tocco disponibile per questo schermo Edizione Windows 11 Pro Versione 24H2 View the full article
  12. I am aware there are dozens of topics on this issue, as I continue to find a solution.We have a Windows 2022 domain with Windows 11 Pro workstations. Within the las 2 months we've started having random workstation errors when opening pictures with Photos and opening text files with Notepad. The error is "Package failed updates, dependency or conflice validations". We have a wide range of PCs and Laptops and they all suffer from this (Dell, HP, MSI, Panasonic, Surface Pros).We are normally able to fix this, when it occurs, on a per user profile by doing the following:a. Uninstall photos in tView the full article
  13. Hi i keep getting this error pop up on my laptop.xpdAgent.exe - bad imagec:\windows\assembly\nativeimages_v4.0.30319_64\system.threading\71180729f38441 ea 1259b0127d9f4041\system. error status 0xc0e90002.I am using windows 11 s mode. would anyone know how to solve this.View the full article
  14. For a very long time I am trying to update my laptop to Windows 11 23H2 version and update does always stop at ~60% and when I go to the Windows Update Centre to check there is some error happened during install and as for right now the code of it is (0x80246007). I can't just watch my laptop turning into some time capsule, so I'm kindly asking community to help and detect whether this problem can be fixed by myself or I need to go to the tech repair centre.Thanks a lot for future answers.View the full article
  15. Hey there, I've been using Clipchamp to make basic edits and adjustments to my videos. Still, recently - a few months ago - the preview of Clipchamp had always said "Preview not responding. Try restarting the software...", making it virtually impossible to download edited videos on the app. Does anyone know a fix for this?View the full article
  16. SEE ABOVEView the full article
  17. Evertime when i try to update the windows 23h2 update it keeps telling me that the update failed tot succeed and that its returning everything back to it was before. How do i fix thisView the full article
  18. iam not able to update my systermView the full article
  19. Whenever I click on the Start menu, I get a "Critical Error" message. This issue started after a recent Windows update, which I believe is the cause. I am signed in with an Azure account, and I've tried all the solutions I found online, including attempting to repair or reinstall the Start menu, uninstalled the updates, there is no recovery option to go back.However, it seems the commands provided only work for local accounts and not Azure accounts. Does anyone know of a fix for this? I got similar issue few months ago and it was fixed by re-imaging the laptop, which I do not want to do this tView the full article
  20. yesterday i installed new windows 11 build, but now i dont have windows 11 pro anymore.View the full article
  21. laptop keeps giving bsod its been more than 2 years but recently its happening way too often like every 20 minutes and nearly everytime its some different error ,sometimes display goes black but its never crashes while i play games no matter how long i play i have already done a clean install formating every drive also i have swapped the ram sticks temperature are also in control at this point i think its a hardware problem but i wanna be sure about that as shop are extremely far from where i live here are some minidump-https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJ9Kb3chL2t1oATD_-4vUoxOpaqQxFLp?uView the full article
  22. como arrumar o audio do pc que esta bugado em todos os dispositivosView the full article
  23. Hello!I do work that requires me to frequently restart my computer to update system variables. Ever since I updated windows if I restart more than a few times it locks me out. How do I disable this?NOTE: THIS IS NOT A PASSWORD ISSUE. I KNOW MY PASSWORD. THIS A RESTART ISSUE. EDITING THE MAX DENIAL ATTEMPTS WILL NOT HELP.View the full article
  24. Hello, I cannot change the speech language and how to fix it? And I have to have it for one game.View the full article
  25. Hello, I cannot change the speech language and how to fix it? And I have to have it for one game.View the full article
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