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Everything posted by AWS

  1. What is this and how can I resolve the failure to install update? Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB2773072) Error details: Code 80071A2D Restarting and shutting down steps do not resolve this game related recommended download. Stops udating Windows system filles and fails at 35% (681 of ~2600 .mui) and reverts to original settings. I have followed most of the recommeded steps and I cannot find this specific error message for corrective actions. I have even disabled my Norton/Windows firewall for installations. Nothing! Is there a Windows Update for Dummies book? Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB2773072) Installation date: ‎2/‎6/‎2013 11:49 AM Installation status: Failed Error details: Code 80071A2D Update type: Recommended View this thread
  2. After reset Window 8 , now show and invalidad font and nothing work. I have a picture but I don't know how can I send to you. View this thread
  3. I was following the exact instructions for /kb/971058 since all automatic fixing methods failed.The first step in this procedure is to stop the BITS service, either by command or by the Administrative Tools.When I tried the command line method: net stop bits, it came back with BITS could not be stopped.Then I rebooted and noticed that BITS had status: 'started'. Then tried the Administrative Tools for stopping BITS, that one came back with the message that BITS could not be stopped in a timely fashion, ERROR 1053. What does it mean?I need to stop BITS service before I can proceed with the instructions for fixing the Windows update, and then start up BITS again after the registry fixing procedure in /kb/971058. Please help me someone out there.Johannes View this thread
  4. Hello. I tried three times upgrading from Win 7 Ultimate to Win 8 Pro Upgrade, using the license CD. The program completes the upgrade but states &quotwindows could not configure one or more system components&quot. The Windows 8 Upgrade Advisor informed that the PC was ready, with minor applicaton (program versions) compbatibility issues. I disconnected all external devices and the situation continued. Please advise. Thanks! View the full article
  5. Can anybody help with this. View the full article
  6. Error code 8000FFF when trying to run Windows Update Service. I keep getting error code 8000FFFF and have tried all suggested soultions without success. Can anyone please help me to resolve this issue? Thanks, David View this thread
  7. I have a media center computer that is connected to a Samsung LED TV. Windows 8 shows it as a generic monitor. Are there video drivers for large screen TVs? Thanks View the full article
  8. Bij het opstarten krijg ik het windows venster en na het intikken van de code krijg ik alleen een zwart scherm en je zo denken dat de computer actief is maar er gebeurd niets , na een aantal keren opstarten heeft hij de fout aan '' Critical process Died ''. Wat kan hier worden aangedaan Met vriendelijke groeten raphael lanneau View the full article
  9. When I try to update windows 7 to Microsoft .Net Framework 4 for Windows 7 x64 Systems (KB982670),the update fails and produces the error code 13ED.Does anyone know what the err means or how to fix the problem?ThanksDon123DCA View this thread
  10. willnotupdate_00000643 View this thread
  11. The error 80070663 came up when trying to install updates available I used the fix it tool but this did not work important updates cannot be installed anyone know how to get round this problem View this thread
  12. I have a problem with the bitlocker for windows 8,When i was encrypting drive D: My laptop shut down.Now when i try to unlock bitlocker my password isn't correct. When I try to click ,,Unlock Drive&quot it says:,,Error code:0x8007007a&quot Please help View the full article
  13. Hello! I'm trying to install Zune but i'm not able to install it because it reports me the installation error: Error code: 0x80070002 It tells me they can't install de needed packet "Windows Media Format SDK". I've tried many solutions but I'm not able to install it. Thanks for your help. View this thread
  14. I have attempted to get both the Windows Update and the Microsoft Update on a Windows XP PC but I received the 0x8024D007 error message with both. In viewing this error message on your site, I already did the registry fix and still no change. View this thread
  15. whenever trying to update&quot it is showing error 800F0203 please help tried every thing , problem not resolving !! View this thread
  16. I have a new usb memory stick how do I transfer my complete photo gallery to the stick I cannot find anything to tell me what to do View this thread
  17. buenas , tengo windows vista home. No he podido borrar un programa, le doy a desintalar en programas y caracteristicas y me dise que no se puede borra por que no esta, pero aparese reistrado y aun mas, no me deja cargar un nuevo programa. me indica que debo borrar el viejo, la e reiniciado y no epodido solucionar esto. he pasado a copias astiguas pero sigo con el mimo problema. me prodian decir si hay otra forma para solucionar mi problema. gracias de antemano por su informacion View this thread
  18. Hello, I've noticed that Desktop and Modern apps differently handle contents of Libraries. Symptoms When you add a folder to a Windows library this added folder is displayed differently in Desktop and Modern apps. If you expand or open the library in a Desktop application such as Windows Explorer, you will see added folder and all the subfolders within that added subfolder. When opening the same library from a Modern app, such as Mail, you will see only the subfolders but not the added Library: Pictures Folder you add to the library: X:| |-Pictures-| |-Pictures-| |-Mine |-Special Folder structure as seen from a Desktop app: X:| |-Pictures-| |-Pictures-| |-Mine |-Special Folder structure as seen from a Modern app: X:| |-Pictures-| |-Mine |-Special View in Windows Explorer: <a href= View in Mail app: [url=' alt='> [url='> NOTE: The Pictures folder in this figure of Mail app is the Windows library and not the Pictures folder added to the Pictures library. Where is the folder I added to the library? How do I save files to that folder from the Mail app? Well this is the world we live in And these are the hands we're given... View the full article
  19. every time i open windows mail, a pop-up comes up asking me to sign in or sign up with my hotmail / livemail account... i'm sick of it, i don't want to include my hotmail account in my windows mail accounts list... how do i permanently get rid of the pop-up ??? View the thread
  20. Hi, What is TV tuner and FM Radio tuner? Is it a software or a hard, how to install them in computer? Can I buy it from a retailer. How do I know, which tuner is for my pc. Please help me answering the question. Respectfully, Solvemachine View the thread
  21. Hi, We have GlobalModule.exe developed using VB .NET. It is working good in windows XP and windows7. But in windows8 'Global module has stopped working' error coming sometimes.   This happens if we access program after some break and sometimes when we are closing program (Also while refreshing).We have reinstalled .NET Framework. Has anyone know why this happens? Any solution? Thank you View the full article
  22. I did a reinstall and the above update would download but not install. Error code 0x66A Windows XP service pack 3. View this thread
  23. why am i constantly getting asked to install the following: Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 4 on XP, Server 2003, Vista, Windows 7, Server 2008, Server 2008 R2 for x64 (KB2656351) and Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 4 on XP, Server 2003, Vista, Windows 7, Server 2008, Server 2008 R2 for x64 (KB2600217) when i go into windows update these [articular updates appear over and over again. i have tried restarting and shutdown to ensure the updates are successful but the above updates keep appearing. why is this? View this thread
  24. hi guys. i want to install office 2013 on my windows 8 but i encounter with this error. my windows is windows 8 enterprise. you can see this error in this picture. what should i do?? Try Harder... View the full article
  25. Hello. We have a GPO that amongst other things forces a corporate desktop wallpaper on our client PCs. We've now got a handful of windows 8 machines that we've started testing and this all appeared to be working as it should do, but recently one of them has started giving a plain black desktop background. When we had this in the past on a couple of W7 clients we used the hotfix as mentioned in the link below, but there doesn't seem to be an equivalent for W8 and the registry change mentioned in the same article had no effect. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/977944?wa=wsignin1.0 Has anyone else had this issue and resolved it? Thanks View the full article
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