system freeze as Youtube web page loads


On Sun, 27 Apr 2008 23:21:21 -0400, legg <> wrote:

>Over the last three days, I've tried to access two separate youtube
>links on two separate occasions to find the W98 system freezes as the
>page is initially displayed. No keybd/mouse response. Required a
>hardware reboot to recover. I don't normally access youtube, but had
>done so in the previous week without problems.
>First link was:
>The first time the problem occurred, I did a quick disk check - lost
>clusters found (and repaired).
>I retried the same link with number crunching background activity
>disabled - with the same result. Repeated disk check and then
>attempted to run defrag - incomplete after hitting a bad sector. This
>was repaired by running a complete disk check, including the surface
>test, after which the defrag would complete.
>Retried the link a third time with number crunching disabled - with
>the same result. Disk checked again without errors.
>The failed attempt to reach a differing Youtube link today (same
>system freeze), suggests that the problem wasn't going away by itself.
>The browser used is still the older Mozilla 1.7.11 - no changes here
>in over a year, and none expected in the future (without migrating to
>firefox or seamonkey).
>Trying for the same link using IE6 (rarely used but as up to date as
>MS permits) I got a blue screen that would not recover but that
>allowed a keybd ctrl/alt/del to reboot.
>Repeating this (if only to note down the OE exception number) produced
>normal performance.....?
>Repeating the attempt using default Mozilla then also produced normal
>What could be responsible for this strange behavior in this W98 2ed OS
>(-8th year without reinstall)?
>Of course the youtube link was a waste of time, as usual.

You got a lot of replies but I did not see anyone recommend removing
flash player, using the remover on the adobe site. Completely remove
it, then reboot and go back to their site and reinstall. Flash once
caused me all sorts of weird problems, I manually deleted it, but that
still did not fix it. Using their remover did the trick, and a fresh
install fixed everything. Of course I know nothing about your
browser. I go to youtube regularly with firefox and it works fine.
Since I am on dialup, I got the firefox extension called "download
helper". I just download the videos while I am away or sleeping and
watch them later. Works great.
As far as the harddrive errors, run scandisk and defrag on all
partitions. Then run a drive diagnostic software. It could be a
dying drive, or bad memory, or just the crash occurs in the middle of
files being downloaded. If you have several memory sticks, pull out
all but one and see if the computer works better (even with less
memory). If it still screws up, try another stick.

Also check your video settings.

I do suspect it's flash player though....


Re: system freeze as Youtube web page loads - CORRECTION

That is nuts. And just goes to show how limited Usenet is, as it
is based on words ONLY. You know the VERY old thing about 70-95%
(depending on what "specialist" you talk to) communication being

That is nuts. And just goes to show how limited Usenet is, as it
is based on words ONLY. You know the VERY old thing about 70-95%
(depending on what "specialist" you talk to) communication being

Of course, it is no easy matter to be polite in so far, I mean,
as it requires us to show great respect for everybody, whereas
most people deserve none at all and again in so far as it
demands that we should feign the most lively interest in people,
when we must be very glad that we have nothing to do with them.

- Arthur Schopenhauer

porvoon raganan

Gary S. Terhune wrote:
> Oh, so what you are is a totally pompous, self-important ass. Thank you
> for explaining who you are. No, you hadn't done so previously.
> Honestly, I started to answer your post inline and in a serious manner,
> but you are really just too precious. You lack knowledge, you lack
> history. Go away.
> (One month... ROTFLMAO!!!)

Yes. Although my employment is that of a moderator (elsewhere) I have
not actually posted to Usenet groups until I was recently requested to.
Although I may "lack history"...I at least have a future.

You are just the opposite in that though you do have a history,but
you have no future.

It is good I suppose that you can vent here. It is healthier to vent
your anger than to keep it inside.

You are considerably more transparent that you would wish to believe.

When you say "ROTFLMAO" you are crying inside.

When you say "Go away." You are crying for help.

porvoon raganan

PCR wrote:
> porvoon raganan wrote:
> | Gary S. Terhune wrote:
> |> Oh, and GFY. I've already admitted my health problems in this group
> |> to great length, and yes there's lots of stress, but that DOESN'T
> |> mean that Philo isn't an idiot or that you aren't a moron for
> |> defending him. (Hey, how about you take off your mask. Ashamed of
> |> being such a shameless philaphilopod?)
> |>
> |
> | Mr. Terhune:
> |
> | Good day to you sir. I believe the word you may have been looking for
> | is "philosophaster".

n. 1. A pretender to philosophy.

> I can't find his word OR yours in my dictionary! But Terhune likely is
> intentionally making his up & possibly referencing...
> Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
> ..., thinking you are thanatoid, maybe!

I have not made up the word philosophaster...but Mr. Terhune has made up
his word. Creating new words is a sign of an excellent and clever mind.

> | Rather than reply to each one of your excellent individual posts...
> | I choose to reply simply to this central one.
> |
> | As I may have mentioned here...I am a professional group moderator...
> | but one who has no moderation authority on this group. I have been
> | asked to read over the messages here by a third party (which will go
> | unnamed). It was suggested that I review the posts and comment as
> | necessary in an attempt to smooth over the "bad vibes" which only
> | would tend to embarrass the host organization.
> You think we might believe you are...?...
> The Inspector General (1949)
> | I have read the majority of the posts from the last month or so
> | and can now see why I was called upon to step in and have a look.
> As Terhune said, that may not be enough. We have been floating here for
> years!

True. I have not posted on any Usenet group until recently...
As I have mentioned somewhere...I am employed as a moderator
elsewhere and I assure you...I am quite familiar with how Usenet is

> | As you know...this is a discussion group for Windows98. With a quick
> | "Google search" a great majority of the questions asked here could be
> | answered with no need for this group at all.
> Maybe. Well, yea, but lots of the stuff at Google pertaining to Win98
> started here, I'm sure! Also, there are living people here who will
> discuss it & talk it through!

You are very astute and have picked up on my point exactly!
Though people are often chided for asking "such and such" a question on
a Usenet group...and are rightly told that they could have just found
the answer on Google. Were it not for the open discussions in the first
place...there would be no such information on Google!

> | However...most of the
> | folks who post...come here in-fact for a discussion. (I would think
> | that should not surprise you.)
> Most come here to help in a technical problem or to be helped. Arguments
> & discussions can sometimes ensue, yea.
> | Unless some person who answers a question specifically passes
> | themselves off as an expert...all advice here is to be taken simply
> | as that...Viz: Advice.
> It is helpful to have the MVPs & rare MS personnel around to straighten
> things out! Novices may not know the difference between good & bad
> advice! (But I haven't seen MEB since that Scott Hammer MS personage got
> hold of him!)
> | You have mentioned this "Philo" person a number of times...and I have
> | read over his replies...and certainly must agree with you...he does
> | often reply without great insight...but I have found no intentional
> | deception nor advice that would do much more than perhaps waste a
> | little time. Some of the advice (possibly just by random chance) is
> | correct... but as far as I can see...the vast majority of it is
> | simply humor. (Or should I have said: quite *simple* humor ?)
> Philo comes up with his share of good advice. It is good to have Terhune
> around to keep him & others on their toes, though!

I have searched a bit further at replies elsewhere and see you are
correct there. That Philo character actually has given a bit of decent
enough advice and in a number of very non-related topics. Mr. Terhune,
though his scope is considerably more narrow, is indeed an expert when
it comes to Win98. I may go so far as to say, in fact...that he is *the*

Of course that clarifies his Win98 is now essentially an all
but dead operating system. With the advent of the "new and improved"
operating system, appears that all previous versions are
being killed off as rapidly as possible. I certainly can understand Mr.
Terhune having quite a degree of frustration over that.

> | What you seem to have not noticed that by discussion...
> | a problem is eventually solved. Even wrong answers are generally part
> | of a learning process and will eventually be sorted out. The only
> | thing I can find this "Philo" character
> | guilty of is "talking" just a bit too much.
> I must agree (not having credentials of my own & occasionally making a
> rare mistake), although I wouldn't say philo is the worst of talkers.
> And I'm not, either!
> | On the other hand, Mr. do pass yourself off as someone
> | with knowledge...A Microsoft Valuable Professional. You of all people
> | should conduct yourself in a professional manner. A true professional
> | should of course comment when he sees incorrect information being
> | posted...but you alone among all MVP's have stooped to name calling,
> | foul language and argumentative behavior.
> | None of that is suitable for a professional!
> It's a rite of passage to suffer through Terhune's orneriness! I had to
> do it myself! But we all love him here! Don't chase off one of few MVP's
> we've got left! He's always been full of valuable information!
> | Also...You have asked me to take off my mask. I am not wearing one...
> | but if you expect me to post my actual email address here...then you
> | have a more serious problem than I thought!
> He may think you are that rouge thanatiod. You do have an equivalent
> command of the American language-- & a bit of the sting as well!
> | In conclusion, I suspect that you are both a sensitive person
> | and a deep thinker...and I respect those qualities in you.
> I agree, but more thinker than sensitive.
> | My suggestion is that both you and "Philo" pretend that neither one of
> | you have ever posted here before...and to start over with a clean
> | slate. As a totally isolated third party who can look at the
> | situation with perhaps only minimal bias...The funny thing about both
> | you , Mr. Terhune and "Philo" is how very similar to each other are.
> | If I didn't know better, I'd almost think you two were brothers who
> | got into a fight over something quite inconsequential.
> Terhune has more technical knowledge than philo (or me).
> | I mean this: Best wishes to the both of you...
> | why not shake hands and move on? If you two fellows can resolve your
> | differences...then I see that there is still hope left in this world.
> I don't see that you are any more authorized to mediate this thing than
> Jimmy Carter was in Palestine. Terhune starts off rough. It's up to
> philo to mellow him by sticking only to tried/true advice/suggestions.

You are correct again. I have no more authority here than Jimmy Carter
does in Palestine. Though I respect Carter for bring at least some type
of peace to Israel and Egypt...Carter has no business going to Palestine. to that Philo far as I can see...he only
sometimes sticks to "tried/true" advice.(He has thousands of postings on
dozens of I only read a small portion of them. Many of his
replies are
considerably "off the wall" and often wrong. The odd thing is...
that once in a while he has picked up something all the other experts
have missed. It may simply be due to his ignorance. There are many fools
out there who do something impossible simply because they didn't know

> | If you two cannot resolve your differences...then I see the entire
> | world following this terrible path.
> |
> | I remain your obedient servant,
> |
> | P. R.

porvoon raganan

Re: system freeze as Youtube web page loads - CORRECTION

thanatoid wrote:
> WAS:
> That is nuts. And just goes to show how limited Usenet is, as it
> is based on words ONLY. You know the VERY old thing about 70-95%
> (depending on what "specialist" you talk to) communication being
> verbal.
> That is nuts. And just goes to show how limited Usenet is, as it
> is based on words ONLY. You know the VERY old thing about 70-95%
> (depending on what "specialist" you talk to) communication being


I just wanted to thank you for posting and to state that I am
not you.

Of course that does not do much good...because if Thanatoid were posting
as Porvoon Raganan he would probably dis-avow it.


porvoon raganan

Gary S. Terhune wrote:
> I don't care about your "jesting". Fact is, I didn't notice any. All I
> care about is you spouting off things about which you know nothing and
> potentially screwing an innocent who happens to need real help. Pisses
> me off. In a healthy way. You KNOW you know nothing, really, about
> Windows 98 and yet you insist...
> As for the whole "idiot" thing, you really need to grow a thicker skin.
> Hadn't been for your incredible whining, I wouldn't have deliberately
> inserted it into every reply I made to and about you. Hey, it's getting
> old, anyway. Maybe I'll stop it. It's a lot more likely than you
> stopping your offensive behavior.
> If any MVPs think I need a talking to, they have my address.

I am reposting this message simply so that Philo who has put Mr. Terhune
into his kill file can read the unedited reply. I suggest to Philo to
read and head. My work here has been commissioned until the end of the
month...and according to the calender, that day has now arrived...
so I am now officially gone...and hope I have the good sense not to look
back and turn into a pillar of salt!


Gary S. Terhune wrote:
> I don't care about your "jesting". Fact is, I didn't notice any. All I
> care about is you spouting off things about which you know nothing and
> potentially screwing an innocent who happens to need real help. Pisses
> me off. In a healthy way. You KNOW you know nothing, really, about
> Windows 98 and yet you insist...
> As for the whole "idiot" thing, you really need to grow a thicker skin.
> Hadn't been for your incredible whining, I wouldn't have deliberately
> inserted it into every reply I made to and about you. Hey, it's getting
> old, anyway. Maybe I'll stop it. It's a lot more likely than you
> stopping your offensive behavior.
> If any MVPs think I need a talking to, they have my address.

OK...on one of my newsreaders I have decided to not kill file Mr. I may have judged him wrong.

First off. Gary, you called me an idiot. Now that I have decided to
unblock your posts and respond to you...I am afraid that I have proven
for sure that I am one.

As far as you not noticing any of my jests...then you have missed a lot.
I don't think I have a serious bone in my body and virtually everything
I say is in jest.

Backing up to the day that this whole thing started:

Some woman had posted that her machine had "crashed" and that she could
not send data to her cd. (Yes I did realize that she was trying to use
packet burning.) I told her that she could not send data to her cd...and
that she would have to use her cd burning software. The reply I was
anticipating was simply, " But I have cd burning software installed."
My answer would simply have been, "You *had* cd burning software...but
the "crash" took it out." The end result would have been the same.

Perhaps that was an idiot's way of solving problems but that's the way I
saw it at the time.

Now, moving forward to the guy with the bad cluster on his HD. I stated
rather clearly that if the drive is loosing clusters on a regular
basis.. it needs to be replaced. If it was simply one bad cluster with
no more development of bad could be ignored. (Though it
should be watched.) I did not mean to imply that logical errors on a
file system due to a bad shut down constituted a drive problem.

I don't have time right now to search through my past posts to
look at my exact right now suffice it to might not
have been clear...but from the OP's response...he did not seem to be
confused with the reply I had given.

Mr. Terhune, when it comes to Windows 98 you are certainly "king of the
hill" and I lay no claim to royalty for any hills, valleys or mountains.
However the "hill" of Windows 98 is a small one. The benefits of
running an operating system with no hardware extraction layer in the
21st century are very few.

Since you do not know my background I shall state it here briefly.
I have several jobs and come from a very strong hardware background.
Your strength appears to be software.

What I have seen all too often is someone attempting to fix an
operating system problem by software trouble-shooting techniques alone...
when the underlying problem was *hardware*.

The reason why I often suggest a RAM test and to run the mfg's hard
drive diagnostic is to at least determine whether or not the problem is
hardware related. Running a hardware diagnostic is a safe enough
operation and not terribly likely to to any harm other than taking a
little bit of time. Attempting software solutions prior to checking the
hardware *can* cause damage.

All too often I've seen a win98 user restore the registry and end up
with even bigger problems than the user had started with. In many
instances the problem was due to bad RAM...and had the RAM been replaced
prior to the registry restoration..the problem would have been solved.
In some instances where the registry was restored and only later it was
found the RAM was at fault..the entire system was rendered
non-functional. I always prefer to err on the side of caution!

In addition to my regular job as a Senior Service Engineer for a world-wide
manufacturer of industrial equipment. (33 years) I also do volunteer
work for a world-wide non-profit organization. Among other things...
please sit down Mr. Terhune, I am a Microsoft certified refurbisher
who works primarily with Windows 2000.

That is why I took issue with your original rude comments. Not that
I personally care one way or the other for Microsoft as an organization.
I have no preferences for one operating system vs another. I took issue
with your lack of professional behavior. I am really sorry that I did
not handle my comments to you very well. As I look back I see that...
yep, I whined, shame on me. But now you are just whining and I guess
that was what set me off a bit. I said, I do not say too many things nothing here
was meant to offend you. I am really sorry that I set you off in the way
I did. I've got my hand out now and am offering you my "on-line" hand
shake. If you insult me again I'll have to sic that Porvoon imposter
upon you . ('s a joke!)

BTW: Now that I have seen your side of the story, if I continue to post
here and say something that's really can now feel free
to point out my idiocy and I will no longer be upset.



On Wed, 30 Apr 2008 01:34:54 -0500, wrote:

>You got a lot of replies but I did not see anyone recommend removing
>flash player, using the remover on the adobe site. Completely remove
>it, then reboot and go back to their site and reinstall. Flash once
>caused me all sorts of weird problems, I manually deleted it, but that
>still did not fix it. Using their remover did the trick, and a fresh
>install fixed everything. Of course I know nothing about your
>browser. I go to youtube regularly with firefox and it works fine.
>Since I am on dialup, I got the firefox extension called "download
>helper". I just download the videos while I am away or sleeping and
>watch them later. Works great.
>As far as the harddrive errors, run scandisk and defrag on all
>partitions. Then run a drive diagnostic software. It could be a
>dying drive, or bad memory, or just the crash occurs in the middle of
>files being downloaded. If you have several memory sticks, pull out
>all but one and see if the computer works better (even with less
>memory). If it still screws up, try another stick.
>Also check your video settings.
>I do suspect it's flash player though....

I tend to try to avoid flash when I can, as netscape-mozilla seemed
troubled with the format, over the years. Should have kept this in
mind - was probably spoiled by more recent trouble-free activity.

It's probably time to shift to a browser thats currently supported. I
have had Eirefox and Seamonkey (for the html editor) running on a
newer system recently, before it 'went away'.



On Mon, 28 Apr 2008 11:10:09 -0700, "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote:

>> I believe the lost clusters were from the number crunching app running
>> during the crash. These didn't occur when the background app was
>> suspended.

>Could be. Could be Temporary Internet Files or other cache files in
>mid-download... The movie itself, even.
>> I'm using the Norton disk checking tools, though I did run MS scandisk
>> (without surface scan) prior to running the full disk checking with
>> surface scan, overnight, as a doublecheck on why the speed-disk defrag
>> could not handle the damaged sector.

>What damaged sector? Please do not call "lost clusters" "damaged sectors".
>The former is a software issue, the latter is a hardware issue. Or do you
>have test results that point to "damaged sectors"?
>> Presently, MS scandisk does not run automatically after a crash on
>> this machine's OS, though occassionally there will be a forced
>> start-up into safe mode. I handle scanning manually, and usually in
>> safe mode, as well.


I used to save bad clusters, and could often identify some of their
origins as html, pdf or images, but have yet to recover a single
usable file from them.

It's gotten so that I'll just delete them or let NDD do it's own
'auto' function, which is deletion, to save time.

I'm going to have to find some similar tools to work in the newer
operating systems, when I eventually do get one up and running for
more than six months. I recall that the norton tools were seriously
crippled when used in W2K.


Anastasia Beaverhausen

@porvoon raganan: Go back on your meds.

@Hartford, WI's ER squad: Get a white jacket ready.


Re: system freeze as Youtube web page loads - CORRECTION

porvoon raganan <porvoon@raganan.non> wrote in

> thanatoid wrote:
>> WAS:
>> That is nuts. And just goes to show how limited Usenet is,
>> as it is based on words ONLY. You know the VERY old thing
>> about 70-95% (depending on what "specialist" you talk to)
>> communication being verbal.
>> That is nuts. And just goes to show how limited Usenet is,
>> as it is based on words ONLY. You know the VERY old thing
>> about 70-95% (depending on what "specialist" you talk to)
>> communication being VISUAL.

> Hello:
> I just wanted to thank you for posting and to state that I
> am not you.

Thnak you. I knew that.

> Of course that does not do much good...because if Thanatoid
> were posting as Porvoon Raganan he would probably dis-avow
> it.

Not me. thanatoid uses several nyms depending on the kinds of
groups he happens to be in (one for music, one for tech, etc.),
just to help me keep things a little organized, but I have never
claimed to be someone else nor would anything like it ever occur
to me. I say what I think and that's it. I think when one starts
post-editing and/or nym-shifting etc. within a thread (or even
group), let alone impersonating someone else, this indicates a
variety of problems of varying seriousness.


Of course, it is no easy matter to be polite in so far, I mean,
as it requires us to show great respect for everybody, whereas
most people deserve none at all and again in so far as it
demands that we should feign the most lively interest in people,
when we must be very glad that we have nothing to do with them.

- Arthur Schopenhauer


porvoon raganan <porvoon@raganan.non> wrote in


> I am reposting this message simply so that Philo who has
> put Mr. Terhune into his kill file can read the unedited
> reply. I suggest to Philo to read and head.


> My work here
> has been commissioned until the end of the month...and
> according to the calender, that day has now arrived... so I
> am now officially gone...and hope I have the good sense not
> to look back and turn into a pillar of salt!

Well, I hope you catch that spelling correction anyway...
One of the surefire ways of identifying me is that I tend to be
VERY picky about spelling :)

Of course, it is no easy matter to be polite in so far, I mean,
as it requires us to show great respect for everybody, whereas
most people deserve none at all and again in so far as it
demands that we should feign the most lively interest in people,
when we must be very glad that we have nothing to do with them.

- Arthur Schopenhauer


"Anastasia Beaverhausen" <noneofyour@business.thx> wrote in

> @porvoon raganan: Go back on your meds.
> @Hartford, WI's ER squad: Get a white jacket ready.

Nice nym!

Of course, it is no easy matter to be polite in so far, I mean,
as it requires us to show great respect for everybody, whereas
most people deserve none at all and again in so far as it
demands that we should feign the most lively interest in people,
when we must be very glad that we have nothing to do with them.

- Arthur Schopenhauer

Gary S. Terhune

"porvoon raganan" <porvoon@raganan.non> wrote in message
> Gary S. Terhune wrote:
>> Oh, so what you are is a totally pompous, self-important ass. Thank you
>> for explaining who you are. No, you hadn't done so previously.
>> Honestly, I started to answer your post inline and in a serious manner,
>> but you are really just too precious. You lack knowledge, you lack
>> history. Go away.
>> (One month... ROTFLMAO!!!)

> Yes. Although my employment is that of a moderator (elsewhere) I have not
> actually posted to Usenet groups until I was recently requested to.
> Although I may "lack history"...I at least have a future.
> You are just the opposite in that though you do have a history,but
> you have no future.
> It is good I suppose that you can vent here. It is healthier to vent
> your anger than to keep it inside.
> You are considerably more transparent that you would wish to believe.
> When you say "ROTFLMAO" you are crying inside.
> When you say "Go away." You are crying for help.

Gary S. Terhune

The record is here in its entirety, in this newsgroup, for others to judge.
The time span is short, the posts relatively few. Not a difficult task for
anyone who cares. I stand by what I've written and consider your own actions
deplorable. As for your judgment of me, I care not one bit. I think you're a
detriment to this particular little niche of society, which is dedicated to
providing peer-support to Windows 98 users. When you so regularly drag real
"clients", usually poor lost souls sent here by MS Support, off into
wastelands of irrelevancies and generalities, when what they NEED is for
their computer to work again, you do nothing but disservice.

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"philo" <> wrote in message
> Gary S. Terhune wrote:
>> I don't care about your "jesting". Fact is, I didn't notice any. All I
>> care about is you spouting off things about which you know nothing and
>> potentially screwing an innocent who happens to need real help. Pisses me
>> off. In a healthy way. You KNOW you know nothing, really, about Windows
>> 98 and yet you insist...
>> As for the whole "idiot" thing, you really need to grow a thicker skin.
>> Hadn't been for your incredible whining, I wouldn't have deliberately
>> inserted it into every reply I made to and about you. Hey, it's getting
>> old, anyway. Maybe I'll stop it. It's a lot more likely than you stopping
>> your offensive behavior.
>> If any MVPs think I need a talking to, they have my address.

> OK...on one of my newsreaders I have decided to not kill file Mr.
> I may have judged him wrong.
> First off. Gary, you called me an idiot. Now that I have decided to
> unblock your posts and respond to you...I am afraid that I have proven for
> sure that I am one.
> As far as you not noticing any of my jests...then you have missed a lot.
> I don't think I have a serious bone in my body and virtually everything I
> say is in jest.
> Backing up to the day that this whole thing started:
> Some woman had posted that her machine had "crashed" and that she could
> not send data to her cd. (Yes I did realize that she was trying to use
> packet burning.) I told her that she could not send data to her cd...and
> that she would have to use her cd burning software. The reply I was
> anticipating was simply, " But I have cd burning software installed."
> My answer would simply have been, "You *had* cd burning software...but the
> "crash" took it out." The end result would have been the same.
> Perhaps that was an idiot's way of solving problems but that's the way I
> saw it at the time.
> Now, moving forward to the guy with the bad cluster on his HD. I stated
> rather clearly that if the drive is loosing clusters on a regular basis..
> it needs to be replaced. If it was simply one bad cluster with no more
> development of bad could be ignored. (Though it should be
> watched.) I did not mean to imply that logical errors on a file system due
> to a bad shut down constituted a drive problem.
> I don't have time right now to search through my past posts to
> look at my exact right now suffice it to might not
> have been clear...but from the OP's response...he did not seem to be
> confused with the reply I had given.
> Mr. Terhune, when it comes to Windows 98 you are certainly "king of the
> hill" and I lay no claim to royalty for any hills, valleys or mountains.
> However the "hill" of Windows 98 is a small one. The benefits of running
> an operating system with no hardware extraction layer in the 21st century
> are very few.
> Since you do not know my background I shall state it here briefly.
> I have several jobs and come from a very strong hardware background. Your
> strength appears to be software.
> What I have seen all too often is someone attempting to fix an
> operating system problem by software trouble-shooting techniques alone...
> when the underlying problem was *hardware*.
> The reason why I often suggest a RAM test and to run the mfg's hard drive
> diagnostic is to at least determine whether or not the problem is
> hardware related. Running a hardware diagnostic is a safe enough operation
> and not terribly likely to to any harm other than taking a little bit of
> time. Attempting software solutions prior to checking the hardware *can*
> cause damage.
> All too often I've seen a win98 user restore the registry and end up
> with even bigger problems than the user had started with. In many
> instances the problem was due to bad RAM...and had the RAM been replaced
> prior to the registry restoration..the problem would have been solved.
> In some instances where the registry was restored and only later it was
> found the RAM was at fault..the entire system was rendered non-functional.
> I always prefer to err on the side of caution!
> In addition to my regular job as a Senior Service Engineer for a
> world-wide
> manufacturer of industrial equipment. (33 years) I also do volunteer
> work for a world-wide non-profit organization. Among other things...
> please sit down Mr. Terhune, I am a Microsoft certified refurbisher
> who works primarily with Windows 2000.
> That is why I took issue with your original rude comments. Not that
> I personally care one way or the other for Microsoft as an organization.
> I have no preferences for one operating system vs another. I took issue
> with your lack of professional behavior. I am really sorry that I did not
> handle my comments to you very well. As I look back I see that...
> yep, I whined, shame on me. But now you are just whining and I guess
> that was what set me off a bit.
> I said, I do not say too many things nothing here
> was meant to offend you. I am really sorry that I set you off in the way I
> did. I've got my hand out now and am offering you my "on-line" hand shake.
> If you insult me again I'll have to sic that Porvoon imposter
> upon you . ('s a joke!)
> BTW: Now that I have seen your side of the story, if I continue to post
> here and say something that's really can now feel free
> to point out my idiocy and I will no longer be upset.
> Shalom!


thanatoid <waiting@the.exit.invalid> wrote in

> porvoon raganan <porvoon@raganan.non> wrote in
> news:uLNv41pqIHA.1872@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl:
> <SNIP>
>> I am reposting this message simply so that Philo who has
>> put Mr. Terhune into his kill file can read the unedited
>> reply. I suggest to Philo to read and head.

> heed
>> My work here
>> has been commissioned until the end of the month...and
>> according to the calender, that day has now arrived... so
>> I am now officially gone...and hope I have the good sense
>> not to look back and turn into a pillar of salt!

> Well, I hope you catch that spelling correction anyway...
> One of the surefire ways of identifying me is that I tend
> to be VERY picky about spelling :)

Although I missed "calender"... It's calendar, FWIW.

Of course, it is no easy matter to be polite in so far, I mean,
as it requires us to show great respect for everybody, whereas
most people deserve none at all and again in so far as it
demands that we should feign the most lively interest in people,
when we must be very glad that we have nothing to do with them.

- Arthur Schopenhauer


Gary S. Terhune wrote:
> The record is here in its entirety, in this newsgroup, for others to
> judge. The time span is short, the posts relatively few. Not a difficult
> task for anyone who cares. I stand by what I've written and consider
> your own actions deplorable. As for your judgment of me, I care not one
> bit. I think you're a detriment to this particular little niche of
> society, which is dedicated to providing peer-support to Windows 98
> users. When you so regularly drag real "clients", usually poor lost
> souls sent here by MS Support, off into wastelands of irrelevancies and
> generalities, when what they NEED is for their computer to work again,
> you do nothing but disservice.

You have made one very serious error.

Gary S. Terhune

Ooohhhhh, I'm shivering in my sandals.

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"philo" <> wrote in message
> Gary S. Terhune wrote:
>> The record is here in its entirety, in this newsgroup, for others to
>> judge. The time span is short, the posts relatively few. Not a difficult
>> task for anyone who cares. I stand by what I've written and consider your
>> own actions deplorable. As for your judgment of me, I care not one bit. I
>> think you're a detriment to this particular little niche of society,
>> which is dedicated to providing peer-support to Windows 98 users. When
>> you so regularly drag real "clients", usually poor lost souls sent here
>> by MS Support, off into wastelands of irrelevancies and generalities,
>> when what they NEED is for their computer to work again, you do nothing
>> but disservice.

> You have made one very serious error.


Re: system freeze as Youtube web page loads - CORRECTION

thanatoid wrote:
| WAS:
| That is nuts. And just goes to show how limited Usenet is, as it
| is based on words ONLY. You know the VERY old thing about 70-95%
| (depending on what "specialist" you talk to) communication being
| verbal.
| That is nuts. And just goes to show how limited Usenet is, as it
| is based on words ONLY. You know the VERY old thing about 70-95%
| (depending on what "specialist" you talk to) communication being

Sometimes oldies are goodies, thanatoid!

About whether you are him, I see now you never would spell as badly as
porvoon raganan. But I think with a name like his-- you should be more
forgiving! Also, his sting is only a tenth of yours (or even Terhune's!)

| --
| Of course, it is no easy matter to be polite in so far, I mean,
| as it requires us to show great respect for everybody, whereas
| most people deserve none at all and again in so far as it
| demands that we should feign the most lively interest in people,
| when we must be very glad that we have nothing to do with them.
| - Arthur Schopenhauer

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


porvoon raganan wrote:
| PCR wrote:
|> porvoon raganan wrote:
|> | Gary S. Terhune wrote:
|> |> Oh, and GFY. I've already admitted my health problems in this
|> |> group to great length, and yes there's lots of stress, but that
|> |> DOESN'T mean that Philo isn't an idiot or that you aren't a moron
|> |> for defending him. (Hey, how about you take off your mask.
|> |> Ashamed of being such a shameless philaphilopod?)
|> |>
|> |
|> | Mr. Terhune:
|> |
|> | Good day to you sir. I believe the word you may have been looking
|> | for is "philosophaster".
| Phi`los´o`phas`ter
| n. 1. A pretender to philosophy.

I've looked again & cannot find it in my Webster's New World Dictionary
of the American Language, College Edition. However, this book is old, &
the copyright page is missing. But I didn't see you were doing any
philosophastering, anyhow-- even if there is such a word!

|> I can't find his word OR yours in my dictionary! But Terhune likely
|> is intentionally making his up & possibly referencing...
|> Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
|> ..., thinking you are thanatoid, maybe!
| I have not made up the word philosophaster...but Mr. Terhune has made
| up his word. Creating new words is a sign of an excellent and clever
| mind.

That might depend upon just what word is invented, at least for the
excellence of it. But Terhune's words often are excellent enough-- even
as you never were thanatoid!

|> | Rather than reply to each one of your excellent individual posts...
|> | I choose to reply simply to this central one.
|> |
|> | As I may have mentioned here...I am a professional group
|> | moderator... but one who has no moderation authority on this
|> | group. I have been asked to read over the messages here by a third
|> | party (which will go unnamed). It was suggested that I review the
|> | posts and comment as necessary in an attempt to smooth over the
|> | "bad vibes" which only would tend to embarrass the host
|> | organization.
|> You think we might believe you are...?...
|> The Inspector General (1949)
|> | I have read the majority of the posts from the last month or so
|> | and can now see why I was called upon to step in and have a look.
|> As Terhune said, that may not be enough. We have been floating here
|> for years!
| True. I have not posted on any Usenet group until recently...
| As I have mentioned somewhere...I am employed as a moderator
| elsewhere and I assure you...I am quite familiar with how Usenet is
| structured.

Very well.

|> | As you know...this is a discussion group for Windows98. With a
|> | quick "Google search" a great majority of the questions asked here
|> | could be answered with no need for this group at all.
|> Maybe. Well, yea, but lots of the stuff at Google pertaining to Win98
|> started here, I'm sure! Also, there are living people here who will
|> discuss it & talk it through!
| You are very astute and have picked up on my point exactly!
| Though people are often chided for asking "such and such" a question
| on a Usenet group...and are rightly told that they could have just
| found the answer on Google. Were it not for the open discussions in
| the first place...there would be no such information on Google!


|> | However...most of the
|> | folks who post...come here in-fact for a discussion. (I would think
|> | that should not surprise you.)
|> Most come here to help in a technical problem or to be helped.
|> Arguments & discussions can sometimes ensue, yea.
|> | Unless some person who answers a question specifically passes
|> | themselves off as an expert...all advice here is to be taken simply
|> | as that...Viz: Advice.
|> It is helpful to have the MVPs & rare MS personnel around to
|> straighten things out! Novices may not know the difference between
|> good & bad advice! (But I haven't seen MEB since that Scott Hammer
|> MS personage got hold of him!)
|> | You have mentioned this "Philo" person a number of times...and I
|> | have read over his replies...and certainly must agree with
|> | you...he does often reply without great insight...but I have found
|> | no intentional deception nor advice that would do much more than
|> | perhaps waste a little time. Some of the advice (possibly just by
|> | random chance) is correct... but as far as I can see...the vast
|> | majority of it is simply humor. (Or should I have said: quite
|> | *simple* humor ?)
|> Philo comes up with his share of good advice. It is good to have
|> Terhune around to keep him & others on their toes, though!
| I have searched a bit further at replies elsewhere and see you are
| correct there. That Philo character actually has given a bit of decent
| enough advice and in a number of very non-related topics. Mr. Terhune,
| though his scope is considerably more narrow, is indeed an expert when
| it comes to Win98. I may go so far as to say, in fact...that he is
| *the* expert.

He & other MVP's often will drop into a thread to correct flagrant
errors. Sometimes they do get rough. So?

| Of course that clarifies his Win98 is now essentially an
| all but dead operating system. With the advent of the "new and
| improved" operating system, appears that all previous
| versions are being killed off as rapidly as possible.

I believe that view to be a symptom of 3 months exposure to XP/Vista
irradiation. Is the middle toe of your left foot turning blue? Or did
you just read that on the UseNet?

| I certainly can
| understand Mr. Terhune having quite a degree of frustration over that.

No. He made the switch & only uses a Win98 simulator now-- on an XP
machine! Everyone here is filled with tears-- even philo! It may be he
still occasionally will get his hands on an actual Win98 machine,
though. Also, his orneriness predates the advent of XP, I know.

|> | What you seem to have not noticed that by discussion...
|> | a problem is eventually solved. Even wrong answers are generally
|> | part of a learning process and will eventually be sorted out. The
|> | only thing I can find this "Philo" character
|> | guilty of is "talking" just a bit too much.
|> I must agree (not having credentials of my own & occasionally making
|> a rare mistake), although I wouldn't say philo is the worst of
|> talkers. And I'm not, either!
|> | On the other hand, Mr. do pass yourself off as
|> | someone with knowledge...A Microsoft Valuable Professional. You of
|> | all people should conduct yourself in a professional manner. A
|> | true professional should of course comment when he sees incorrect
|> | information being posted...but you alone among all MVP's have
|> | stooped to name calling, foul language and argumentative behavior.
|> | None of that is suitable for a professional!
|> It's a rite of passage to suffer through Terhune's orneriness! I had
|> to do it myself! But we all love him here! Don't chase off one of
|> few MVP's we've got left! He's always been full of valuable
|> information!
|> | Also...You have asked me to take off my mask. I am not wearing
|> | one... but if you expect me to post my actual email address
|> | here...then you have a more serious problem than I thought!
|> He may think you are that rouge thanatiod. You do have an equivalent
|> command of the American language-- & a bit of the sting as well!
|> | In conclusion, I suspect that you are both a sensitive person
|> | and a deep thinker...and I respect those qualities in you.
|> I agree, but more thinker than sensitive.
|> | My suggestion is that both you and "Philo" pretend that neither
|> | one of you have ever posted here before...and to start over with a
|> | clean slate. As a totally isolated third party who can look at the
|> | situation with perhaps only minimal bias...The funny thing about
|> | both you , Mr. Terhune and "Philo" is how very similar to each
|> | other are. If I didn't know better, I'd almost think you two were
|> | brothers who got into a fight over something quite inconsequential.
|> Terhune has more technical knowledge than philo (or me).
|> | I mean this: Best wishes to the both of you...
|> | why not shake hands and move on? If you two fellows can resolve
|> | your differences...then I see that there is still hope left in
|> | this world.
|> I don't see that you are any more authorized to mediate this thing
|> than Jimmy Carter was in Palestine. Terhune starts off rough. It's
|> up to philo to mellow him by sticking only to tried/true
|> advice/suggestions.
| You are correct again. I have no more authority here than Jimmy Carter
| does in Palestine. Though I respect Carter for bring at least some
| type of peace to Israel and Egypt...Carter has no business going to
| Palestine.

His legitimate peacemaking ended with his Presidency. Now, neither you
nor he are or can produce a letter from Napoleon out of your shoe!

| to that Philo far as I can see...he only
| sometimes sticks to "tried/true" advice.(He has thousands of postings
| on dozens of I only read a small portion of them. Many of
| his replies are
| considerably "off the wall" and often wrong. The odd thing is...
| that once in a while he has picked up something all the other experts
| have missed. It may simply be due to his ignorance. There are many
| fools out there who do something impossible simply because they
| didn't know better.

I think philo is OK. He might be a bit more deferential, perhaps. That
might be an improvement.

|> | If you two cannot resolve your differences...then I see the entire
|> | world following this terrible path.
|> |
|> | I remain your obedient servant,
|> |
|> | P. R.

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,

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