system freeze as Youtube web page loads


Gary S. Terhune

All I know is that if I came here with a problem, I'd expect someone(s) to
assist in diagnosing the problems and then developing a solution, not
throwing the entire manual at me. As I said, his posts can be useful, and
that is in part due to myself and others ragging on him as he perfected his

But seriously, when you drop by the shop with your Mustang's engine making a
terrible row and not able to go a step further, would you want the guy to
toss you the Chilton's manual for all cars made by Ford and then leave you
on your own? Because that's what PCR used to do, without fail, way back
when. Besides, much of what he wrote in those master posts was pure
plagiarism. How would you like to see someone else, day in and day out,
writing advice in your name and getting it WRONG all the time? Not including
context and conditionalities, the nuances of the originals, etc.?

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"pebble" <> wrote in message
> > PCR was just as bad with his ludicrous master posts, but after several
>> months of my abusing him, while he refused to go away, his posting style
>> did get better somewhat. I figure if several months of abuse worked for
>> PCR, maybe it will work on this Philo character. Not to confuse PCR and
>> Philo, since what PCR does (sometimes, still) is generally harmless if
>> irritating, and actually has some redeeming value for those who want to
>> read through reams of possible fixes,

> No, no, no Gary. I find PCR to be of enormous help to all. Why do you
> find his master posts ludicrous? I find them very helpful, PCR has often
> pulled my trusty '98 from the brink. He always follows through his
> answers offering many alternatives to try, he never stops trying although
> you seem to find him trying hahahahahahaha
> But seriously, I reckon he should be an MS MVP He'd gets my goat er vote
> everytime.
> pebbleinboulder

Gary S. Terhune

BTDT... No fun.

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"legg" <> wrote in message
> Whah cain't we aul jus'... ged uhlawng..?
> RL


"legg" <> wrote in message
> Whah cain't we aul jus'... ged uhlawng..?
> RL


I never saw definitively whether or not you actually got the problem
originally posted...
solved...and if so...what finally fixed it?



On Sat, 3 May 2008 11:09:30 -0500, "philo" <> wrote:

>"legg" <> wrote in message
>> Whah cain't we aul jus'... ged uhlawng..?
>> RL

>I never saw definitively whether or not you actually got the problem
>originally posted...
>solved...and if so...what finally fixed it?

The 'cure' to the repeatable system freeze occured mysteriously, as
described in the first post. The question was really 'what was the
nature of this repeatable fault behavior and why did the recorded
actions seem to cure it'?

The money is currently on Flash funny business.



"legg" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 3 May 2008 11:09:30 -0500, "philo" <> wrote:
> >
> >"legg" <> wrote in message
> >
> >>
> >>
> >> Whah cain't we aul jus'... ged uhlawng..?
> >>
> >> RL

> >
> >
> >Hello:
> >
> >I never saw definitively whether or not you actually got the problem
> >originally posted...
> >solved...and if so...what finally fixed it?

> The 'cure' to the repeatable system freeze occured mysteriously, as
> described in the first post. The question was really 'what was the
> nature of this repeatable fault behavior and why did the recorded
> actions seem to cure it'?
> The money is currently on Flash funny business.
> RL

I googled for : flash funny business and got this:

seems appropriate !


Gary S. Terhune wrote:
| Don't think for one minute that I've "made up" with Philo. You need to
| finish reading that other thread about YouTube.
| Seriously, Philo can go to Hell as far as I'm concerned. They have a
| special corner for lying weasels.

Alright. I see philo has become somewhat disrespectful toward Richards
now as well, in his obfuscation of his original advice concerning lost
sectors. Also, he went ahead & mentioned RAM & hard drive checks a
second time, when it seems not to have been warranted the first.

Usually I don't get involved in these things, & I'm hoping some
catastrophic event at the MS server will wipe my involvement up to this
point. And I have no final pronouncement to make!

| --
| Gary S. Terhune
| MS-MVP Shell/User
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:%23$bUaXCrIHA.3508@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
|> "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
|> news:uh3pkx4qIHA.524@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|> | I don't use Win98 on VPC, though I played with it for a few weeks
|> | last year.
|> That's what I was remembering, then.
|> | I use an old Compaq (yuck!) to play with things 98. I have to
|> | rebuild my old P200 after having to cannibalize it in an
|> | emergency. Slow but easy to work on for my myriad testing purposes.
|> Mine is a Compaq! But I'm glad you go through that effort to stay
|> here & glad to see you have mended with philo.
|> | You do realize that you're talking to a total nutjob, right?
|> I'm not all that disciminatory.
|> | --
|> | Gary S. Terhune
|> | MS-MVP Shell/User
|> |
|> |

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


philo wrote:
| PCR wrote:
|> "philo" <> wrote in message
|> news:%23oA0Zh1qIHA.4912@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
|> | PCR wrote:

|> | Glad you think Philo is OK...
|> | Sometimes I wonder about myself <G>
|> Yea, you are OK, philo, as far as I can see. I'm glad that means
|> something to you.
| Weird...depending on which news server I use...
| the reply I had made earlier may appear or not???

I see it still, I think. But some do disappear at times for various

| I still have mixed feeling toward Carter as president...
| though he screwed up the economy..I ended up benefiting by
| should not complain.

I got through it, myself.

| The company I worked for at the time had quite dramatically
| lost business...and one of my co-workers had to be let go.
| The thing is...we had to become more resourceful and ended up
| manufacturing some new products and in the long run...
| dramatically increased business. The small company I had once worked
| for had become so attractive that we were "bought out" by a very huge
| Japanese manufacturing firm...and finally again by an American-based
| world-wide company. So thanks to Carter we all had to work harder and
| smarter...and survived well.
| Also...the interest rates had sky-rocketed...
| but since I am a veteran...was able to purchase my house
| and pay interest at one-third the rate of my co-workers...
| who wanted to kill me of course.

Very good. But that Jeremiah Wright is a veteran too. Therefore, I'm not
sure what to think about 1/3 interest rates!

| My young daughter, who is a financial genius
| instructed me how she wanted me to invest here few thousand dollars
| worth or birthday and holiday money...So thanks to Carter and his high
| interest kid was locked into a fully insured extremely high
| interest investment. When she turned 18 years old...she had enough
| money to pay for her own college. I only had to help her financially
| a few times when she needed to buy a car etc. So she was able to pay
| cash
| for her own education...& of course values it highly.

Very good.

| BTW: Her education cost more than I had paid for my house

Glad you were able to afford it.

| ..
| So how can I dislike Carter?

You could still dislike him for putting Amy in charge of the nuclear
weaponry. By the way, I believe you now owe an apology to Jeff Richards
(for obfuscation & refusal to accept responsibility) & a second one to
Terhune. I thought you had become deferential to Terhune, but
subsequently you mentioned hardware a second time as a cure-- after it
was agreed it wasn't warranted the first!

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


philo wrote:
| Gary S. Terhune wrote:
|> Forget it! There was never any report of damage to the disk. It was
|> ALL software, file system errors. SpeedDisk reported a problem,
|> nature unknown. NDD discovered one or more problems that at least
|> included the discovery of lost clusters. Problems were fixed and
|> SpeedDisk could then run just fine. There is NO need to run any
|> further disk diagnostics, there is REALLY no need to run any RAM
|> testing utilities. Waste of time and energy.
|> The movie problem was solved before the OP even posted, none of it
|> having anything to do with hardware. The problem may or may not have
|> had anything to do with the problems found in the file system. Could
|> be total coincidence. Stupid, complicated operation involving
|> streaming a movie fouled up, which is to be expected from time to
|> time. Then, perhaps because of some operator function or perhaps
|> not, it quit malfunctioning and the movie played again. Note that
|> the problem was repeated using two different browsers, which
|> immediately eliminates any possibility that hardware was in any way
|> causal.
| Gary, you missed something.
| this is a *verbatim* re quote excripted from the OP's original post
| ----begin quote
| I retried the same link with number crunching background activity
| disabled - with the same result. Repeated disk check and then
| attempted to run defrag - incomplete after hitting a bad sector. This
| was repaired by running a complete disk check, including the surface
| test, after which the defrag would complete.
| ----end quote
| The OP specifically states that defrag "hit a bad sector".

ScanDisk should be run before Defrag. Defrag doesn't check for bad
sectors-- ScanDisk does. Probably, Defrag found something wrong like a
crosslink, where two files point to the same data. ScanDisk would fix
that (though some say it won't always do it just right). Only if
SCANDISK reports a bad sector is there probable cause to worry...
Understanding ScanDisk

| What part of "bad cluster" do you not understand. For someone who
| claims I have a problems with reading seem to
| be the one who has failed to read carefully.

Very bad, philo-- very, very bad! Terhune has been around a long time &
has not fully abandoned us after switching to XP! He is yet full of
important knowledge & advice! Be deferential & respectful!

| Though you may know quite a bit about windows 98...
| you appear to have an encyclopedic ignorance in all other areas.
| Your behavior is most shameful indeed. (Shakes head.)
| Nevertheless, I forgive you for your errors.I am sure I have done much
| worse.
| Note:
| To anyone reading this thread, please do not misconstrue this active
| dialog. Gary Terhune and I have only met recently...
| but this argument is simply one way we both blow of a little steam...
| after a long an stressful day at work. It's just "good fun" and
| harmless. When I first met Gary...I misjudged him and thought he was
| too serious and was lacking a sense of humor. I was I now
| see he has a great and very dry sense of humor. It (I admit) went
| right over my head at first.
| On the other hand. Mr. Terhune thought that I was just a clown...
| with nothing but jest on my mind....but he later learned that I do
| have a very serious side. He got a little burned I'm afraid...but just
| briefly and now seems to act just a trifle more politely. An excellent
| first step!

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


Gary S. Terhune wrote:

| PCR was just as bad with his ludicrous master posts, but after several
| months of my abusing him, while he refused to go away, his posting
| style did get better somewhat. I figure if several months of abuse
| worked for PCR, maybe it will work on this Philo character. Not to
| confuse PCR and Philo, since what PCR does (sometimes, still) is
| generally harmless if irritating, and actually has some redeeming
| value for those who want to read through reams of possible fixes,

I'll STILL post a master post when the occasion suits it! Those are a
very important innovation! I have 220 of them now! It's just that the
ocassion hasn't come in a while, is all!

| --
| Gary S. Terhune
| MS-MVP Shell/User
| "pebble" <> wrote in message
| news:%23w0oDWErIHA.1872@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
|> Lotsa fun to read is right Ducky D. I drop in for a lurk here
|> frequently, I wonder if legg got his problem solved amidst all this
|> crap? pebbleinboulder
|> "DaffyD®" <> wrote in message
|> news:uyKDnx0qIHA.3548@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
|>> Haven't had the time to read all the posts, but from what I have
|>> read, this
|>> string is really, really good. A lot fun to read too!
|>> --
|>> { : [|]=( DaffyD®
|>> If I knew where I was I'd be there now.
|>> "legg" <> wrote in message
|>>> Over the last three days, I've tried to access two separate youtube
|>>> links on two separate occasions to find the W98 system freezes as
|>>> the page is initially displayed. No keybd/mouse response. Required
|>>> a hardware reboot to recover. I don't normally access youtube, but
|>>> had done so in the previous week without problems.
|>>> First link was:
|>>> The first time the problem occurred, I did a quick disk check -
|>>> lost clusters found (and repaired).
|>>> I retried the same link with number crunching background activity
|>>> disabled - with the same result. Repeated disk check and then
|>>> attempted to run defrag - incomplete after hitting a bad sector.
|>>> This was repaired by running a complete disk check, including the
|>>> surface test, after which the defrag would complete.
|>>> Retried the link a third time with number crunching disabled - with
|>>> the same result. Disk checked again without errors.
|>>> The failed attempt to reach a differing Youtube link today (same
|>>> system freeze), suggests that the problem wasn't going away by
|>>> itself.
|>>> The browser used is still the older Mozilla 1.7.11 - no changes
|>>> here in over a year, and none expected in the future (without
|>>> migrating to firefox or seamonkey).
|>>> Trying for the same link using IE6 (rarely used but as up to date
|>>> as MS permits) I got a blue screen that would not recover but that
|>>> allowed a keybd ctrl/alt/del to reboot.
|>>> Repeating this (if only to note down the OE exception number)
|>>> produced normal performance.....?
|>>> Repeating the attempt using default Mozilla then also produced
|>>> normal performance.
|>>> What could be responsible for this strange behavior in this W98
|>>> 2ed OS (-8th year without reinstall)?
|>>> Of course the youtube link was a waste of time, as usual.
|>>> RL

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


> Alright. I see philo has become somewhat disrespectful toward Richards
> now as well, in his obfuscation of his original advice concerning lost
> sectors. Also, he went ahead & mentioned RAM & hard drive checks a
> second time, when it seems not to have been warranted the first.
> Usually I don't get involved in these things, & I'm hoping some
> catastrophic event at the MS server will wipe my involvement up to this
> point. And I have no final pronouncement to make!

Hello PCR:

I must have explained now three times exactly what my intent was...
even though I had *obviously* made a mistake on wording my original post.
The OP clearly stated he had a bad sector and that's why I made the hardrive
diagnostic suggestion.

As to RAM, there is NEVER any harm to testing RAM. One can do at least a
quick RAM test
in just a few minutes. At worst, you've wasted a little time...but you don't
have to sit there and watch it.
I usually run my HD diagnostics and RAM tests it just takes a
moment of my time
to setup the test...then walk away.

Through the years I have worked on countless numbers of machines of the
"Win98" vintage.
When I get them, they generally boot up and seem to least somewhat.
The original owners may not have been aware of any problems in particular...
but upon testing the components...I have found hundreds of defective (though
still functioning harddrives)
and scores of substandard RAM. Had I left those components in the machines
that I have refurbished,
they would have been soon back on the bench. Since I pre-test the components
on the machines I refurbish...
the return rate has been tiny, maybe one a year.

If there is someone here who has never made a dumb mistake...
feel free to continue this discussion...
Other than that , why beat a dead horse?

As to Richards...I respect the guy totally!
It is not disrespectful to refuse an argument.
Probably the first actually sensible thing I've done now
in the last year or so. <G>

That said, I thank you for your concern.


Thanks PCR. I do some lurking every so often, but I have no input for most
issues--I have forgotten more than I know. A mind is a terrible thing to
loose (pun intended). No matter what Terhune writes about you, you've always
been a helpful and well-meaning person. Keep it up.
{ : [|]=( DaffyD®

If I knew where I was I'd be there now.

"PCR" <> wrote in message
> DaffyD® wrote:
> | Haven't had the time to read all the posts, but from what I have
> | read, this string is really, really good. A lot fun to read too!
> It's been eventful. Good to see you back.
> | --
> | { : [|]=( DaffyD®
> |
> | If I knew where I was I'd be there now.
> |
> | "legg" <> wrote in message
> |
> |>
> |> Over the last three days, I've tried to access two separate youtube
> |> links on two separate occasions to find the W98 system freezes as the
> |> page is initially displayed. No keybd/mouse response. Required a
> |> hardware reboot to recover. I don't normally access youtube, but had
> |> done so in the previous week without problems.
> |>
> |> First link was:
> |>
> |>
> |>
> |> The first time the problem occurred, I did a quick disk check - lost
> |> clusters found (and repaired).
> |>
> |> I retried the same link with number crunching background activity
> |> disabled - with the same result. Repeated disk check and then
> |> attempted to run defrag - incomplete after hitting a bad sector. This
> |> was repaired by running a complete disk check, including the surface
> |> test, after which the defrag would complete.
> |>
> |> Retried the link a third time with number crunching disabled - with
> |> the same result. Disk checked again without errors.
> |>
> |> The failed attempt to reach a differing Youtube link today (same
> |> system freeze), suggests that the problem wasn't going away by
> |> itself.
> |>
> |> The browser used is still the older Mozilla 1.7.11 - no changes here
> |> in over a year, and none expected in the future (without migrating to
> |> firefox or seamonkey).
> |>
> |> Trying for the same link using IE6 (rarely used but as up to date as
> |> MS permits) I got a blue screen that would not recover but that
> |> allowed a keybd ctrl/alt/del to reboot.
> |>
> |> Repeating this (if only to note down the OE exception number)
> |> produced normal performance.....?
> |>
> |> Repeating the attempt using default Mozilla then also produced normal
> |> performance.
> |>
> |> What could be responsible for this strange behavior in this W98 2ed
> |> OS (-8th year without reinstall)?
> |>
> |> Of course the youtube link was a waste of time, as usual.
> |>
> |> RL
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,


pebble wrote:
| > PCR was just as bad with his ludicrous master posts, but after
| several
|> months of my abusing him, while he refused to go away, his posting
|> style did get better somewhat. I figure if several months of abuse
|> worked for PCR, maybe it will work on this Philo character. Not to
|> confuse PCR and Philo, since what PCR does (sometimes, still) is
|> generally harmless if irritating, and actually has some redeeming
|> value for those who want to read through reams of possible fixes,
| No, no, no Gary. I find PCR to be of enormous help to all. Why do
| you find his master posts ludicrous? I find them very helpful, PCR
| has often pulled my trusty '98 from the brink. He always follows
| through his answers offering many alternatives to try, he never stops
| trying although you seem to find him trying hahahahahahaha
| But seriously, I reckon he should be an MS MVP He'd gets my goat er
| vote everytime.

Thanks, Pebble! You've made it all worthwhile-- even with an extraneous
typo or two in your praise! It's not like the thousand typos in
Terhune's dissertation on me, anyhow! I am glad the radiation out of
his XP-eyes has had so little effect!

| pebbleinboulder

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


philo wrote:
| <snip>.
|> Alright. I see philo has become somewhat disrespectful toward
|> Richards now as well, in his obfuscation of his original advice
|> concerning lost sectors. Also, he went ahead & mentioned RAM & hard
|> drive checks a second time, when it seems not to have been warranted
|> the first.
|> Usually I don't get involved in these things, & I'm hoping some
|> catastrophic event at the MS server will wipe my involvement up to
|> this point. And I have no final pronouncement to make!
| Hello PCR:
| I must have explained now three times exactly what my intent was...
| even though I had *obviously* made a mistake on wording my original
| post. The OP clearly stated he had a bad sector and that's why I made
| the hardrive diagnostic suggestion.

Defrag isn't the authority on bad sectors. But I'm out of the argument
as of now & only hope to escape with my own skin.

| As to RAM, there is NEVER any harm to testing RAM. One can do at
| least a quick RAM test
| in just a few minutes. At worst, you've wasted a little time...but
| you don't have to sit there and watch it.
| I usually run my HD diagnostics and RAM tests it just
| takes a moment of my time
| to setup the test...then walk away.

You should stay & watch it! Otherwise, fine-- none of that is especially
dangerous whether/not warranted. However, it could sound scary to a
novice to think it is the hardware. Software should be dealt with first.
But I'm done discussing it!

| Through the years I have worked on countless numbers of machines of
| the "Win98" vintage.
| When I get them, they generally boot up and seem to least
| somewhat. The original owners may not have been aware of any problems
| in particular... but upon testing the components...I have found
| hundreds of defective (though still functioning harddrives)
| and scores of substandard RAM. Had I left those components in the
| machines that I have refurbished,
| they would have been soon back on the bench. Since I pre-test the
| components on the machines I refurbish...
| the return rate has been tiny, maybe one a year.

Well, yea, one must check the hardware & should do it on a regular
basis. But I doubt it should be the first suspect in most crises.
Usually, it is mentioned when there is an inability to boot. Problems
accessing NET sites normally have to do with software or settings.

| If there is someone here who has never made a dumb mistake...
| feel free to continue this discussion...
| Other than that , why beat a dead horse?

Absolutely-- I am done & just want to get out alive!

| As to Richards...I respect the guy totally!
| It is not disrespectful to refuse an argument.
| Probably the first actually sensible thing I've done now
| in the last year or so. <G>

I think you may have puposely been spelling badly at him! At least I
couldn't a word/two you used in my dictionary!

| That said, I thank you for your concern.

You are welcome.

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


> |>
> | Weird...depending on which news server I use...
> | the reply I had made earlier may appear or not???
> I see it still, I think. But some do disappear at times for various
> reasons.

I just saw it happen once or twice.
It seems to be only on the MS server where the problem is..
my own news server has been working ok now

> | I still have mixed feeling toward Carter as president...
> | though he screwed up the economy..I ended up benefiting by
> | should not complain.
> I got through it, myself.

> Very good. But that Jeremiah Wright is a veteran too. Therefore, I'm not
> sure what to think about 1/3 interest rates!

No comment on that guy.

> | BTW: Her education cost more than I had paid for my house
> Glad you were able to afford it.

Afford it???
my house cost less than what cars cost today!@!!
> | ..
> |
> | So how can I dislike Carter?
> You could still dislike him for putting Amy in charge of the nuclear
> weaponry. By the way, I believe you now owe an apology to Jeff Richards
> (for obfuscation & refusal to accept responsibility) & a second one to
> Terhune. I thought you had become deferential to Terhune, but
> subsequently you mentioned hardware a second time as a cure-- after it
> was agreed it wasn't warranted the first!

The only person in this world I am deferential to is my ex-wife!!!

I am pretty sure Mr. Terhune and Mr. Richards are quite capable of fending
for themselves. If either one of them has a problem with anything I say...
I do not doubt for one instant...they would let me know....pronto!


DaffyD® wrote:
| Thanks PCR. I do some lurking every so often, but I have no input
| for most issues--I have forgotten more than I know. A mind is a
| terrible thing to loose (pun intended). No matter what Terhune writes
| about you, you've always been a helpful and well-meaning person.
| Keep it up. --

Thanks, DaffyD®. I feel good again. I fully admit lots of what I know
about Win98 I learned right here-- & at least I started out giving
credit to those I got it from too! Terhune may have reached the upper
limit to the XP-irradiation he can endure!

| { : [|]=( DaffyD®
| If I knew where I was I'd be there now.
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:uMi8feCrIHA.3420@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
|> DaffyD® wrote:
|> | Haven't had the time to read all the posts, but from what I have
|> | read, this string is really, really good. A lot fun to read too!
|> It's been eventful. Good to see you back.
|> | --
|> | { : [|]=( DaffyD®
|> |
|> | If I knew where I was I'd be there now.
|> |
|> | "legg" <> wrote in message
|> |
|> |>
|> |> Over the last three days, I've tried to access two separate
|> |> youtube links on two separate occasions to find the W98 system
|> |> freezes as the page is initially displayed. No keybd/mouse
|> |> response. Required a hardware reboot to recover. I don't normally
|> |> access youtube, but had done so in the previous week without
|> |> problems.
|> |>
|> |> First link was:
|> |>
|> |>
|> |>
|> |> The first time the problem occurred, I did a quick disk check -
|> |> lost clusters found (and repaired).
|> |>
|> |> I retried the same link with number crunching background activity
|> |> disabled - with the same result. Repeated disk check and then
|> |> attempted to run defrag - incomplete after hitting a bad sector.
|> |> This was repaired by running a complete disk check, including the
|> |> surface test, after which the defrag would complete.
|> |>
|> |> Retried the link a third time with number crunching disabled -
|> |> with the same result. Disk checked again without errors.
|> |>
|> |> The failed attempt to reach a differing Youtube link today (same
|> |> system freeze), suggests that the problem wasn't going away by
|> |> itself.
|> |>
|> |> The browser used is still the older Mozilla 1.7.11 - no changes
|> |> here in over a year, and none expected in the future (without
|> |> migrating to firefox or seamonkey).
|> |>
|> |> Trying for the same link using IE6 (rarely used but as up to date
|> |> as MS permits) I got a blue screen that would not recover but that
|> |> allowed a keybd ctrl/alt/del to reboot.
|> |>
|> |> Repeating this (if only to note down the OE exception number)
|> |> produced normal performance.....?
|> |>
|> |> Repeating the attempt using default Mozilla then also produced
|> |> normal performance.
|> |>
|> |> What could be responsible for this strange behavior in this W98
|> |> 2ed OS (-8th year without reinstall)?
|> |>
|> |> Of course the youtube link was a waste of time, as usual.
|> |>
|> |> RL
|> --
|> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> Should things get worse after this,
|> PCR

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,



> Very bad, philo-- very, very bad! Terhune has been around a long time &
> has not fully abandoned us after switching to XP! He is yet full of
> important knowledge & advice! Be deferential & respectful!


As I said on the other thread...but repeat here so you don't miss it:
The only person I am deferential to is my ex-wife!


I've always understood PCR's master posts were not his own, he doesn't claim
they are does he? I learnt a hell of alot picking through them.
If my mustang was stuffed, I'd be dropping it off at the fix-it shop, not
trying to do it myself.
Well he never got it wrong for me, can always follow his advice, and if he
doesn't know the answer, he says so, he doesn't try to baffle with bulls**t
like some in this newsgroup.
PCR for MS MVP I say!! B-)

ps 2nd posting of this message, 1st one had s**t in and didn't show? Didn't
know we were censored!

"Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> All I know is that if I came here with a problem, I'd expect someone(s) to
> assist in diagnosing the problems and then developing a solution, not
> throwing the entire manual at me. As I said, his posts can be useful, and
> that is in part due to myself and others ragging on him as he perfected
> his collection.
> But seriously, when you drop by the shop with your Mustang's engine making
> a terrible row and not able to go a step further, would you want the guy
> to toss you the Chilton's manual for all cars made by Ford and then leave
> you on your own? Because that's what PCR used to do, without fail, way
> back when. Besides, much of what he wrote in those master posts was pure
> plagiarism. How would you like to see someone else, day in and day out,
> writing advice in your name and getting it WRONG all the time? Not
> including context and conditionalities, the nuances of the originals,
> etc.?
> --
> Gary S. Terhune
> MS-MVP Shell/User
> "pebble" <> wrote in message
> news:%23RCV8QLrIHA.3616@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>> > PCR was just as bad with his ludicrous master posts, but after several
>>> months of my abusing him, while he refused to go away, his posting style
>>> did get better somewhat. I figure if several months of abuse worked for
>>> PCR, maybe it will work on this Philo character. Not to confuse PCR and
>>> Philo, since what PCR does (sometimes, still) is generally harmless if
>>> irritating, and actually has some redeeming value for those who want to
>>> read through reams of possible fixes,

>> No, no, no Gary. I find PCR to be of enormous help to all. Why do you
>> find his master posts ludicrous? I find them very helpful, PCR has often
>> pulled my trusty '98 from the brink. He always follows through his
>> answers offering many alternatives to try, he never stops trying although
>> you seem to find him trying hahahahahahaha
>> But seriously, I reckon he should be an MS MVP He'd gets my goat er vote
>> everytime.
>> pebbleinboulder



philo wrote:
| <snip>
|> |>
|> | Weird...depending on which news server I use...
|> | the reply I had made earlier may appear or not???
|> I see it still, I think. But some do disappear at times for various
|> reasons.
| I just saw it happen once or twice.
| It seems to be only on the MS server where the problem is..
| my own news server has been working ok now

Right, it isn't that often, that I've seen. And just as infrequently one
cannot post to a thread. The post goes to oblivion! I don't know whether
it is just the MS server involved. But I still see...

"philo" <> wrote in message
news:%23oA0Zh1qIHA.4912@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl this NG, which I think is the reply you said went missing. It's
dated... 5/1/08 2:57 AM.

|> | I still have mixed feeling toward Carter as president...
|> | though he screwed up the economy..I ended up benefiting by
|> | should not complain.
|> I got through it, myself.
| <snip>
|> Very good. But that Jeremiah Wright is a veteran too. Therefore, I'm
|> not sure what to think about 1/3 interest rates!
| No comment on that guy.

Alright. But I hope Hillary catches up!

| <snip>
|> | BTW: Her education cost more than I had paid for my house
|> Glad you were able to afford it.
| Afford it???
| my house cost less than what cars cost today!@!!

I did better than that-- I inherited mine! It fell on my head when my
mother died!

|> | ..
|> |
|> | So how can I dislike Carter?
|> You could still dislike him for putting Amy in charge of the nuclear
|> weaponry. By the way, I believe you now owe an apology to Jeff
|> Richards (for obfuscation & refusal to accept responsibility) & a
|> second one to Terhune. I thought you had become deferential to
|> Terhune, but subsequently you mentioned hardware a second time as a
|> cure-- after it was agreed it wasn't warranted the first!
| The only person in this world I am deferential to is my ex-wife!!!
| I am pretty sure Mr. Terhune and Mr. Richards are quite capable of
| fending for themselves. If either one of them has a problem with
| anything I say... I do not doubt for one instant...they would let me
| know....pronto!

They did-- they did!

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


> You should stay & watch it! Otherwise, fine-- none of that is especially
> dangerous whether/not warranted. However, it could sound scary to a
> novice to think it is the hardware. Software should be dealt with first.
> But I'm done discussing it!


Nope. There is no need to stay and watch a RAM test or a harddrive
Once it's started it will just run by itself with no need for user input.
Of course the first few times you run may find it interesting to
After you have run a few, it gets boring pretty fast.
I just put the machines being tested on the bench
and check them then next morning. I usually get up a 4 am but it varies.

> Well, yea, one must check the hardware & should do it on a regular
> basis. But I doubt it should be the first suspect in most crises.
> Usually, it is mentioned when there is an inability to boot. Problems
> accessing NET sites normally have to do with software or settings.
> | If there is someone here who has never made a dumb mistake...
> | feel free to continue this discussion...
> | Other than that , why beat a dead horse?
> Absolutely-- I am done & just want to get out alive!

When I make a big blunder...I find the best policy is to just admit
it...then move on. Of course all too often it takes me a while to realize
I've made a big blunder...then go on ranting like a fool...
but I think I once saw another human being doing that...
so maybe I am not alone.

> |
> | As to Richards...I respect the guy totally!
> | It is not disrespectful to refuse an argument.
> | Probably the first actually sensible thing I've done now
> | in the last year or so. <G>
> I think you may have puposely been spelling badly at him! At least I
> couldn't a word/two you used in my dictionary!

First off I am a horrible speller and am even worse at typing...
so I often make spelling errors...and typos. I try to remember
to use a spell checker, but sometimes I don't bother as I am a multi-tasker
and in addition to posting here...
am typically posting on several other groups
plus working on a few machines and other projects...
taking phone calls...and do not have time (though I should take it)
to meticulously edit my posts.

All too often I will quicky write a reply and send it...
then do the thinking a few moments later.

(A right and proper place for you to hurl criticism upon me.)

In addition, I do tend to use a few words that are not within all people's
If you noticed in my other reply, I at least put in a link to the word I had
so as to avoid confusion...but figure most folks are capable of looking up

I assure you I am not as vocabulous as most of my colleagues.

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