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Everything posted by Windows 11
Hola a todosÚltimamente me han estado ocurriendo muchos pantallazos azules hasta incluso 2 en un mismo día El código de error es algo así como video_sheduler_internal_error y me preocupa mucho queria saber cuál es la causa de este problema un detalle importante es que no uso pc de torre uso un laptop. Tengo archivos importantes dentro de mi laptop asique me gustaría tener varias opciones de cosas que hacer. Como dato extra tengo instalado 2 antivirus y siempre les pongo para analizar la laptop y me dicen que no tiene virus. Me gustaría una repuesta.Gracias por su tiempo.View the full article
Olá! Após um instalação de um update (não a certeza que foi esse o problema) o meu Win11 Pro ficou com marca d agua e o estado de ativação aparece como "Não Ativo" com o erro de 0xC004F074 e além disso com esse problema a atualização 2025-01 Pré-visualização da Atualização Cumulativa do Windows 11 Version 24H2 para Sistemas baseados em x64 (KB5050094) Erro de instalação - 0x800f0991 não atualiza após várias tentativas. Agradecia uma ajuda imediata para estes dois problemas... Obrigado!Tópicos:Licenciamento e ativação (Marca d água após update?)Windows Update (erro 0xC004F074)View the full article
Olá! Após um instalação de um update (não a certeza que foi esse o problema) o meu Win11 Pro ficou com marca d agua e o estado de ativação aparece como "Não Ativo" com o erro de 0xC004F074 e além disso com esse problema a atualização 2025-1 Win11 Version 24H2 x64 (KB5050009) não atualiza após várias tentativas. Agradecia uma ajuda imediata para estes dois problemas... Obrigado!View the full article
Hi everyone! I am having some issues with my PC that I am hoping someone can help me with.Error description:My PC has been randomly freezing during use. When it freezes, the screen remains frozen with whatever was last displayed on the screen. Using the keys or mouse creates no responses. It remains like this until I manually shut down the PC with the power button.Although I mainly use the PC for gaming, the crash has very rarely happened while gaming. Most times, it has happened while sitting idle at the desktop for a short period of time or while using chrome/file explorer/ other lightweightView the full article
Bonjour, j'ai récemment eu cette erreur BSOD sur mon pc portable équipé d'une 3060 laptot. J'ai alors changer mes pilotes de version (plus ancienne et plus récentes), mis a jour direct X, windows. Puis j'ai fais un SFC Scan,un DISM mais toujours aucun résultat. Dès le lancement d'un jeu mon pc crash. J'aimerai éviter de reset mon pc alors avez vous une solutions ?Merci d'avance !Voici le minidump: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VCkUALWQDMI5vxjDaGJ9LiYyHuSdCrnO/view?usp=sharingView the full article
I setup a new machine almost a year ago, and installed Windows 11, but everytime I restart Windows, the system sound of removing a device from device manager plays. How do I find out what device it keeps removing? Are there logs that I can view that will tell me what the system is doing and what it keeps removing from device manager? I'm thinking that I might not have something installed on my system properly which WIndows or BIOS detects is installed, but Windows 11 cannot load the drivers for, and removes it from device manager?Also, every time I power on my machine from power off stateView the full article
I am unable to use Windows 11 because I need to frequently select items from the Taskbar on the left of the screen that have their full addresses displayed. Will vertical taskbar be reintroduced to Windows 11?This one loss of functionality affects my work greatly. View the full article
I am hoping that some one here can you assist me in getting the phone link app to work with my computer and phone like it use to. Years ago when I first discovered the phone link app it worked perfectly with my Google Pixel 4. For me is what is a life changer. I am disabled and with limited use my hands it allowed me to use my computer to make phone calls and texts. I've always been able to send texts but the quality of the phone calls over time became an issue. The person I call says it sounds like I am the end of the tunnel and they can barely hear me. When this first started happening, if IView the full article
I have a problem with BIOS (v. 1.12) it's not correct power distribution, too big on Cpu, I found a solution to my overheating problem (Acer forum) by rolling back to BIOS (v. 1.10), but immediately after the next restart Windows 11 automatically updates my bios to the latest one (v. 1.12), how to stop updating BIOS automatically!? Sorry for my translator.View the full article
My laptop has only one m.2 slot and I want to change a new SSD Now I have two SSDs, a old one (in laptop, running windows 11, split to C and D two drives, has all sorts of files) and a new empty one Planning to just replace the old SSD with the new and reinstall the system on the new one, then connect the old hard drive to copy data and format it as a mobile SSD I have so far three questions: 1. Can the old SSD be read directly, including the user folder and all any other folders under the C, D drive. If not, can something be done to make the old SSD readable? 2. Can the old hard drive beView the full article
Hi everyone! I'm having some issues with my PC that I am hoping someone could help me with.Error description:My computer has been randomly freezing during use, with no crash dump or BSOD. When it crashes, the screen remains stuck on whatever was last on screen. No matter how long I leave it, it remains stuck on the same screen until I do a manual shutdown. It usually did this relatively infrequently (maybe once a week), but has happened more recently. Today, it happened twice within the span of 4-5 hours. The computer works fine once restarted. I mainly use the PC for gaming, but I found it aView the full article
Atualizei o windows 11 para uma versão recente e simplesmente meu wi-fi e bluetooth sumiram, já fui no gerenciador de dispositivos e nada View the full article
I use ExamSoft to take my grad school exams. Recently, I purchased a Microsoft laptop 7 and downloaded Examsoft; however, I can't use it because my device uses an ARM processor, which is unsupported or compatible with Examplify. However, the app supports Macbooks with ARM processors; when will Microsoft also be compatible? Do I need to purchase a new computer now??View the full article
Hello,I've been having intermittent BSODs for a few months now almost always with the following bugcheck:SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED (7e) Arguments: Arg1: ffffffffc0000005, The exception code that was not handled Arg2: fffff80058f4f055, The address that the exception occurred at Arg3: ffffc8827f684508, Exception Record Address Arg4: ffffc8827f683d20, Context Record Address I get that that it seems to be a memory issue but I'm not knowledgeable enough to make sense of the minidump.Windows 11 and all drivers are updated and I can't think of how to move forward with resolving this iView the full article
I have a folder named "desktop" on my actual desktop. The same identical desktop folder as in file explorer. When I save a document to desktop it is being saved to the weird desktop folder on my desktop and in file explorer's desktop but is not showing on the desktop proper. I can drug that document to the desktop proper but cannot save directly to desktop. Erasing the weird "desktop" folder from the desktop proper erases desktop folder from file explorer. I moved location of my desktop, documents and download folders to d:\ from their original location on c:\. Any suggestions?Thank you.View the full article
I can’t open my laptop after update window 11!!! Even I try all buttons and checked the power plugs.My laptop model is surface laptop 3, I just update the latest version of window 11 last night and the shut down the pc. Today I can’t open the my pc View the full article
Has anybody tried to work with Excel Copilot? I find it to be very underwhelming and not useful at all. But I am thinking maybe I don't know how to use it. Is there any training about how to engage with Copilot in Excel to do more complex tasks? View the full article
https://1drv.ms/f/s!AsYdJ56W1386esoAIPPW0a2rZX4?e=tQWa5OPC Keeps restarting without BSOD. I have already tried disabling all OC and XMP in my system. Still keeps restarting.View the full article
Hello there!I normally have my bluetooth speaker (we will call it BT1) connected to my laptop at all times and have it chosen as my default device. However, it started crackling yesterday, so I connected an alternate bluetooth speaker (we will call this one BT2). I noticed that this second one always defaults to muted when connecting and I have to manually go in and change it in settings every single time. It's not changing the system volume, just the speaker volume.Any idea of how to fix this issue please? It never did it with my other speaker. All drivers are up to date.View the full article
This video is for reference. After I launched a game from steam my refresh rate changes. Is there any possible way to fix this? The following video shows the problem that still persists. The following link has the video. https://streamable.com/awcpm0 Is there any way to fix this? View the full article
Buonasera, da qualche tempo sto riscontrando un problema con l'accesso al mio PC Windows. Quando avvio il computer e mi viene richiesto di immettere il PIN, se non lo inserisco immediatamente e aspetto qualche secondo, il sistema non mi permette più di digitare il PIN. A quel punto, l'unico modo per poter accedere è riavviare il PC, dopodiché la schermata di accesso funziona normalmente e posso inserire il PIN senza problemi.Questo problema non si era mai verificato prima. Potreste aiutarmi a capire cosa sta causando questo comportamento e come risolverlo?Grazie.View the full article
every 30 minutes it disconnects and then when i go to troubleshoothing it says that it cant connect to the DPHC server or something like that.only the pc disconnects from the wifi and then i need everytime to turn of the wifi and then reconnectView the full article