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Everything posted by AWS

  1. Download assistant said ok to download fro my old Vista PC, paid by credit card, it went through all the download and at the end restarted and said cant download windows8, then I got a receipt saying they had taken my money??? View this thread
  2. I keep getting this message everytime i go to any site. how do i make it stop View the thread
  3. Hallo, Ik heb hier een laptop met windows 7 home premium OEM waarop updates zijn mislukt. De laptop is erg traag dus nu wil ik een systeem herstel uitvoeren (Inplace install). Zou iemand hier een Windows 7 Home Premium (x64) - DVD (Dutch) willen uploaden of link willen geven. Alvast bedankt, Dr.Black View the thread
  4. I don't know where i can send my feedbacks, so i write it here. Exuse me if this a wrong place to post. Sometimes when i try to copy/move file overwrite confirmation appears at the background. Thank you P.S. Windows 8 Prof. x64 View the full article
  5. i have fullhd monitor and fullhd TV. both in full hd resolution (i thing that is a reason of the problems) i have ATI 6850 Videocard so sometimes when i try to expand a window - it expending but i can't see it anywhere. So i start pressing win+shift+ left (right) until window is appearing. It seems like windows expands on the some third display! It happens without any system in it's behavior. Sometimes all of my desktop icons dissapears, so i press win+p and select (expand) and then i press win+p again and select &quotonly 2nd display&quot and my desktop icons are coming back.. There are no such problem on windows 7 x64 SP1 Ult. Thats why i think is a windows 8 problem. Thank you P.S. Windows 8 Prof. x64 View the full article
  6. Trying to get to MS's update site to down load XP security updates prior to XP's end of support. IE just crashes. Running lastest XP sp3 and IE. Nothing in the Event Viewer to indicate why IE just goes away.Thanks, View this thread
  7. I have upgraded windows 7 to windows 8, but have not activate OS, so my hyper-v role installs but i cannot connect to localhost server &quotbe sure that role is installed and serice is started&quot - i got error like this, but in a Russian! So will hyper-v work without activation ? View the full article
  8. AWS


    hi there just got new netbook .try to update windows but strange message appear 824402F i did try all tricks i find on web but noting helpnzone can give me soe advise how to fix this and get finaly my PC updated .. tnx helenka View the thread
  9. hi there just got new netbook .try to update windows but strange message appear 824402F i did try all tricks i find on web but noting helpnzone can give me soe advise how to fix this and get finaly my PC updated .. tnx helenka View this thread
  10. Hi there Is there any ability to search in a shop ? Is there any ability to go to the installed application windows to write a review ? Or i should search this application ina shop once more ? View the full article
  11. For several months everytine I shut down my computer, it says installing update 1 of 1... However, it always fail to install it. What should I do? View this thread
  13. Platform: xp3 Update: .NET 4 Auto update continues to recycle the dnld/install routine. Tried at least 6-8 times windows auto update completes cycle but won't take. No error msg. Downloaded x86 kb2742575. Completed the cycle but still no success. No err. msg. Tried windows update, the results were same as having downloaded the file. The site indicated successful install but it still isn't there. No err. msg. "Fix It". In short, "Fix It" didn't. Did however complete the cycle. Something about file area. View this thread
  14. Windows update dowwn get 8007003 errors even if I run your fixit .When I shut down no updates are sent to my computer. How can I get updates working please. View this thread
  15. I HAVE THIS ERROR CODE 80070570 HOW DO I FIX THIS View this thread
  16. From the perspective of serious/business/desktop use of Windows 8... In my opinion Microsoft has actively degraded the user experience (UX) in various parts of Windows 8, presumably to encourage we users to use other parts they'd like to see become more popular. The obvious ones, discussed many times, include removal of clickable elements and visual styles in the desktop UI, including the Start button, Show Desktop button, etc., and reducing discoverability by hiding functionality in edges and corners. We really don't need to talk about the Start button again here. But beyond the above, there are subtle UX degradations I'm not sure everyone has noticed, which must have been done on purpose (unless you subscribe to the theory that development at Microsoft has gone out of control, which has some merit in its own right). We saw some of these things rolled out in subtle stages in the various preview versions, as though to &quotwean&quot us from the better UX. They have even come up with catchy terms such as &quotdigitally authentic&quot and &quotmodern UI&quot in order to sway opinion. These things simply serve to make using Windows 8 on a desktop system less pleasant. I'd like to have a discussion here about these things, in the hopes that Microsoft will see that we HAVE noticed, and we'd really like them to do better. I for one believe the future of desktop computing still has plenty of life, because power and richness is what data producers and business users need, and I don't see a need for Microsoft to exit that market to succeed in another one. Clearly they have kept the &quotlegacy desktop&quot in Windows 8 for a reason. There are those who say Microsoft is de-emphasizing desktop use because they want to go &quotall Metro/Modern&quot, and that may very well be true but in the interim, while the desktop is still supported shouldn't the UX be as smooth as possible? Why should it get worse? I'd love to hear from you here, supported by screen grabs or whatever as examples, about specifically what YOU think has been degraded. First impressions and those borne from sage experience are equally welcome. Everyone uses Windows a little differently, and please don't be shy to illustrate how you deal with the changing UX. -Noel Detailed how-to in my eBooks: View the full article
  17. ok i cant find my post that i did originally post so sorry but i really need some help ok i did a format on my laptop currently running xp lap top around 2005 i have previously formatted my pc and had no issues putting on windows updates befor but now im having major problems, i keep getting error messages someone on here said what sp have i got i didnt know but error messages were originally saying i needed sp 3 so downloaded it then it said i needed sp 2 first so did that have rebooted and still nothing im still unable to get updates from windows website [Error number: 0x80240036] Can someone please help me out here in plain simple terms why and what i need to do because i cant run word 2010 on my pc cos it wants sp 3 which i did download but still nothing as far as im concerned the pc is still running in year 2005 ish????????? View this thread
  18. Can't install Microsoft Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 4 on XP, Server 2003, Vista, Windows 7, Server 2008, Server 2008 R2 for x64 (KB2742595) Download size: 12.9 MB You may need to restart your computer for this update to take effect. Update type: Important A security issue has been identified that could allow an unauthenticated remote attacker to compromise your system and gain control over it. You can help protect your system by installing this update from Microsoft. After you install this update, you may have to restart your system. More information: ( error code 643 )http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=261905 Help and Support: http://support.microsoft.com View this thread
  19. Update KB2756918 was successfully installed and shows in the history files as having been installed several times but still offers the update in the tray after restart. Ive used the microsoft fix it tool with no results. View this thread
  20. It automatically installed the latest updates. Then I could no longer send email in Windows Livemail. I system restored to before the update and everything was fine. View this thread
  21. Seriously, Microsoft??? This same error has been coming up since Windows XP! It is January 2013. Windows 8 64x. Attempting to install Adobe 9, getting this same error. I run mmc services - the services IS started, IS set to manual, and the option to change the startup is grayed out. I am an administrator on my machine. I tried the following in a cmd.exe window &quotRun as Administrator&quot. &gt msiexec /unregister &gt msiexec /regserver &gt net stop msiserver &gt net start msiserver The service reported it successfully stopped and started. Still won't install, and anything else that uses the Microsoft Windows Installer won't install. I find nothing about this happening on a Windows 8 install. I am dual-booting Windows 7 and Windows 8, and it is happening only on Windows 8. Can't you get out an authoritative fix on this????? Seriously? Jacqueline Tregre View the full article
  22. I can use Windows Explorer to move files and folders, send them to the Redycle Bin, and so on. I can drag them, or use the Alt/Edit/Copy/Paste drill, without a problem. However, if I try using the Organize tab with its drop-down menu, the top line of the screen says"(not responding") after file name, the screen freezes (but for the pointer), then usually goes feint, and nothing happens for a couple of minutes, Then up comes a small Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library screen and stays there for another few minutes. What am I doing wrong? Or is there a fault somewhere? Michael View this thread
  23. Hello, I recently bought a new laptop that came with win 8 installed. It seems my copy of win 8 is mostly english but some menus and other elements are in arabic and french! So far what I've come across is: 1.When I right-click on the desktop, the graphics options menu is in arabic 2. My entire bluetooth program is in french How can I fix this? *Laptop: &quotHP Pavillion G6 eia&quot View the full article
  24. does windows 7 need to run java? Original title: windows 7 View the thread
  25. does windows 7 need to run java? View the thread
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