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Windows 11

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  1. I understand from Windows Security --> Device Security --> Core Isolation:Memory IntegrityKernel-mode hardware-enforced stack protectionMemory access protectionThese are all related to Windows NT kernel running as a VM on top of the hypervisorLooking for more information about this, to understand and learn the architecture and design, thanksView the full article
  2. When I start my laptop it says system restart in the left corner and flashes a screen with a lenovo sticker and this happens infinite times. I have to go to bios and exit which properly boots into windows. I had ubuntu dual booted previously which I deleted for some reasons. I also deleted ubuntu directory in efi. How to get rid of boot loop?View the full article
  3. Mouse Without Borders folder appearing on both my connected computer desktops. This only started recently and I keep having to delete them. Can anyone help? ThanksView the full article
  4. My Windows 11 cloudbook has 64GB total internal storage, Windows update could note install W11 24H2 updates, l tryed many way to do free space without success,Then I restated Windows, After that I can not init sesión because I have not admin rightView the full article
  5. Hi, CoolNub here once again. So recently i've fixed my computer with WinRE since it was displaying a gsod at startup I uninstalled the insider update restarted my computer and now.. Windows boots indefinitely.. I waited for 30 minutes annnd still. The loading circle is still there and windows didn't boot all i can see when i turn of the computer is (A: Manufacturers logo (Toshiba) Which disappears slowly after. B: Spinning Circle That Spins Indefinitely) I try WinRE stuff but idk and need suggestions PLs help!!View the full article
  6. On setting up of a new computer with W11 I typed the wrong domain for the yahoo email account. I typed .com instead of .fr. Realising my mistake I cancelled the creation of the Microsoft account and began again using the right domain. On completion I shut the computer down. When I restarted it requests a password for the wrong domain! Why does it do that A Bug comes to mind but what can I do? I'm locked out.View the full article
  7. I have an Apple Ebook from my job that can be purchased by clients. However, many clients work on Windows computers at their offices. I have a client interested in the ebook, but uses a Windows computer and cannot download desktop applications without permission. I've been given the book as an .epub file. I tried the Chrome extension "EPUBReader" to open the file, but it didn't work even when I tried multiple ways to open it.Are there any recommended websites or other extensions that don't require a downloaded desktop application to read .epub files? Or do you recommend a specific desktop applView the full article
  8. My computer has gotten stuck in the mud. Either Windows 11 latest or Copilot is suspected. How do I get performance back? Even keystrokes don't appear realtime. View the full article
  9. I noticed some of my folders (Pictures, Desktop, Documents) were in One Drive and wanted to move them. I tried right click, Properties>Location>Restore Default, which worked for Desktop but for Pictures and Documents I got "Can't move the folder because there is a folder in the same location that can't be redirected. Access is denied." Searching that error message got me to this page, which made me realize my Documents folder was not only in One Drive but was in Pictures (which was in One Drive). I followed the instructions on the page for the Documents folder, but things are weird now. View the full article
  10. So it happened to me that 2 times windows updated to 24H2 and my computer started lagging like hell. When i rolled back everything is fine. Dont know what to do since it is recommending it to me more and more.View the full article
  11. Yaklaşık 1 hafta önce bilgisayarımda yatay çizgiler oluşmaya başladı forumlardan araştırdığım kadarıyla ekran kartı sürücülerimi güncelledim ardından bios ekranında denedim fakat bios ekranında çizgilenmeler olmuyor. Bilgisayarı başlatırken ve özellikle siyah arka fonlarda çok fazla şekilde yatay çizgiler (parazit gibi) oluşuyor. ekranı 120hz den 60a düşürünce sorunum çözülüyor. Bunun sebebi ne olabilir ve ne yapmalıyım. İntel UHD graphics windows 11i desteklemiyor mu acaba yardımcı olur musunuz ?View the full article
  12. Après une réinitialisation de pc, messages d'erreur incessants runtimebroker.exe - erreur d'application... et bien d'autres lors de démarrage, ouverture de photos etc.. Bloqué dans mon travail, j'ai re effectué une réinitialisation, en vain.. Quelqu'un peut-il m'aider svp ??? View the full article
  13. I hear the beep indicating that it knows there is a USB connected to my laptop, but it does not show up in file explorer.View the full article
  14. I have set the focus session and have an red X and a error message that reads "You need to change your notification settings to ensure that your focus timer occur as expected" It then prompts me to Change notifications settings then when I click it and it brings me to my Settings app - Notifications but even when everything is set to ON still no changes. The red X with error message under my focus sessions continues to stay there, it doesn't allow me to do anything but click "change notifications settings". It appears that the focus timer is still working but it also won't stay on top as a visView the full article
  15. how many times can I use my Windows 11 Pro retail key that I bought from Microsoft? Accidentally used it twice now on the same pc just now because I wasn't sure if its properly activated using "change product key". Will I need to buy a new license now if I replace this PC? Does a retail licence key have activation limits? View the full article
  16. On setting up of a new computer with W11 I typed the wrong domain for the yahoo email account. I typed .com instead of .fr. Realising my mistake I cancelled the creation of the Microsoft account and began again using the right domain. On completion I shut the computer down. When I restarted it requests a password for the wrong domain! Why does it do that A Bug comes to mind but what can I do? I'm locked out.View the full article
  17. On setting up of a new computer with W11 I typed the wrong domain for the yahoo email account. I typed .com instead of .fr. Realising my mistake I cancelled the creation of the Microsoft account and began again using the write domain. On completion I shut the computer down. When I restarted it requests a password for the wrong domain! Why does it do that A Bug comes to mind but what can I do? I'm locked out.View the full article
  18. On setting up of a new computer with W11 I typed the wrong domain for the yahoo email account. I typed .com instead of .fr. Realising my mistake I cancelled the creation of the Microsoft account and began again using the write domain. On completion I shut the computer down. When I restarted it requests a password for the wrong domain! Why does it do that A Bug comes to mind but what can I do? I'm locked out.View the full article
  19. It's Makaya again. I am trying to answer in the chat from my pc error but, it keeps reading something went wrongView the full article
  20. I recently restarted and updated my computer. When i first tried to restart my device, it was just stuck on a black screen and my monitors started idling and I waited for about two hours, nothing happened so I decided to try and shutdown the computer and rebooted which worked, resuming the update. This was already worrying me but when the update continued, there was a new piece of text at the bottom saying, "Your device may restart a few times" which I never seen made me worry more and noticed that my device restarted two more times.Gladly my device finished the update but I was dealt with theView the full article
  21. I need to talk to a live rep. I wasted over 2 hours this am with live chat and got no where.View the full article
  22. please see attached image.View the full article
  23. I just did an update when I restarted my computer and for the first time, my computer restarted was stuck on a black screen while restarting, so I had to force a restart. It didn't look like any issues happened then since it just continued updating, but it restarted on it's own 2 more times with the "Your computer may restart a few times" which I have also never seen but both of these things were already worrying me since I really never seen that before.Any then once I opened up the computer, I'm introduced to the ene.sys warning, I restarted and hoped it was a fluke, but then I was reintroducView the full article
  24. The internal HD Camera was previously working, but now no longer does. I have tried to troubleshoot it through Windows options as well an internal computer options, but the screen remains black, I am using Windows 11, Can anyone be of assistance?View the full article
  25. .The camera was previously working but suddenly stopped and I have been unable to bring it back up. When I do a camera search is ignores the internal HD camera and sends a "no cameras found" message. My camera screen on my PC is now completely black. I am utilizing Windows 11.View the full article
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